What do you need to apply for maternity capital? Registration and use of maternity capital.

For several years now, Russia has been implementing Government program financial support for families raising children. Families with a second (third or subsequent) child are entitled to a one-time maternity allowance. family capital(MSK). About how to apply maternal capital, where and what documents need to be taken, we will try to tell.

Where to get maternity capital?

A certificate for receiving maternity capital can be obtained at the nearest, to your place of residence, division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You can bring the necessary documents there yourself, transfer them with authorized persons or send them by mail. You can fill out the application in advance by printing it out on a computer and filling out the form, or write it at the reception at the Pension Fund.

Documents for registration

In addition to the application, in order to issue maternity capital, you will need:

  1. Mother's passport and its copy (the first page, with a residence permit, and the page with the children).
  2. Mother's birth certificate + copy.
  3. Birth certificates of children + copies.
  4. Marriage certificate + copy.
  5. SNILS for mothers and children. If the child does not yet have SNILS, then it will be given to you at the Pension Fund before you issue maternity capital.
  6. Certificate of divorce + copy (if there was a divorce).
  7. Certificate in the form F-28 from the registry office (on the conclusion of the first marriage, who had it).

There are times when the father of the children has to draw up maternity capital. For example, if the mother was deprived of parental rights, or she died. Then, instead of the mother’s documents, they bring, respectively, the father’s documents and add to the above list:

  • Documents confirming the deprivation of the mother of parental rights + copy.
  • Mother's death certificate or court decision recognizing the mother as deceased + copy.

If the MSC certificate is received by the children themselves, then the death certificates of the parents or guardians will still be needed.

In addition, when issuing a MSC certificate, it should be taken into account that:

  1. When changing the amount of maternity capital (in case of indexation of the amount, or partial use of funds), it is not required to replace the certificate.
  2. The application and documents for issuing a certificate can be taken to the Pension Fund at any time after the birth of the child (the submission period is not limited).
  3. The Pension Fund specialists must notify you of the date of receipt of the certificate (by phone call or letter), as a rule, within a month from the date of application.

A woman who gave birth (adopted) a second or subsequent child from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018 can issue a certificate for maternity capital immediately after birth baby or later at any convenient time, since the term for applying for it not limited.

After submitting an application with a complete set, FIU specialists consider the information provided by the applicant in within 1 calendar month and make a decision to issue a certificate or to refuse the applicant to receive it. Within 5 days, the applicant is sent a notification of the decision.

You can send the funds provided for by this program of state support for families with children (in 2017) after 3 years after becoming eligible for a certificate. You can do this in the following areas:

  • to the territorial administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR);
  • to the Multifunctional Center;
  • through the public services portal;

Employees of the Pension Fund during one month:

  • check the accuracy of the information submitted by the applicant;
  • the correctness of filling out the application;
  • request the necessary Additional information about the recipient in the relevant state organizations;
  • make a decision to issue a certificate or to refuse (with justification of the reasons).

During 5 days after the relevant decision is made, a notification is sent to the applicant. If at the same time the decision contains a refusal to issue a certificate, then the relevant legal grounds are indicated there.

How long can a certificate be used?

After receiving a certificate, many families have a question about whether when can maternity capital be used. It should be noted that the allowable period for applying for the sale of maternity capital, as well as for obtaining a certificate, not limited

Deadline for the transfer of maternity capital

After the execution of a transaction corresponding to one of the directions permitted by paragraph 3 of Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, in order to use the funds provided by mother capital, you must contact the Pension Fund or the MFC with a full set of required documents. PFR employees are required to consider this information in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of the above law within 1 month and make a decision on the transfer of funds or on the refusal to transfer money.

Based on the Government Decree

Family capital (MK) - material support intended for families with two or more children. Funding for the "reward" is made at the expense of federal funds. This program has been running since 2007.

Family capital will go only to the holder of a special nominal certificate, the term of which is not limited. Thus, the use of a maternity capital certificate does not imply any time frame.

The objectives of the implementation of the project "Maternity capital":

  • stimulation of demographic growth;
  • significant facilitation of the education of the younger generation;
  • improving the material well-being of families with the possibility of paying for purchased housing.

When does the right to receive a security arise?

Before you receive a certificate for maternity capital, or rather, apply for it, you should make sure that you are eligible for this. The right to receive this financial support comes into force after the family has acquired at least a second child.

Maternity capital: how to get a certificate?

As you already understood, in order to receive federal financial support, first of all, you need a certificate. The procedure for issuing it is more than transparent. After the birth of the baby, parents must register the baby with the registry office within 30 days in order to obtain a birth certificate, draw up a package of documents in the passport office at the place of actual residence or registration.

The issuance of a certificate for maternity capital is carried out on the basis of the submission of the above documents and an application of a special form, as well as a passport to the territorial department of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), which can be contacted at any time after the birth of a child.

Documents for the certificate (maternity capital) are subject to careful verification by the employees of the Pension Fund (maximum 30 days after they are submitted by the applicant). And only after this verification is issued a certified document.

Methods for registering a security

  • in the department of the Pension Fund;
  • using postal services (in this case, the application and all Required documents must have

Required package of documents

Registration of a certificate for maternity capital occurs by contacting the Pension Fund in the presence of the following documents:

1. Application for a certificate for maternity capital. The application form is set by the state. The form can be obtained from the Pension Fund directly when issuing the certificate and fill it out on the spot, or download the application via the Internet and draw it up yourself at home.

2. A document identifying the applicant (as a rule, the passport of a newly-made mother) and proving the presence of a residence permit in Russia.

3. A document certifying the availability of compulsory pension insurance.

4. Documents that are confirmation Russian citizenship.

5. The birth certificate of the baby or the decision of the judicial authorities on the adoption of children.

Before you receive a certificate for maternity capital, you must decide what you will spend non-cash funds on, since this information will need to be indicated in the application submitted to the FIU. Moreover, if this is done thoughtlessly, indicate incorrect numbers, then the declarative request for the disposal of maternity capital funds will not be approved.

Who can apply for MC?

A Russian citizen and a foreigner living in Russia has the right to maternity capital. We have already considered how to obtain a certificate, now let's decide who and in what specific cases can act as subjects of the Maternity Capital program.

  • a female person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation who gave birth or became an adoptive mother of the second, third, fourth, fifth, etc. child after 01/01/2007;
  • a male person with Russian citizenship who acts as the sole adopter of the second and subsequent children, if the relevant court decision entered into force on 01.01.2007;
  • the father of the child (natural or adoptive), both with Russian citizenship and without it, in the event of termination of the right to state financial support of a woman who has given birth (adopted) a child, as a result of, say, death, deprivation of rights to a child, after the birth of which such a right it arose, the commission of criminal acts, the object of which was the child;
  • a child under the age of majority or a full-time student under the age of 23, in the event of cancellation of the additional federal financial assistance of the father (adoptive parent) or mother (female adoptive parent) who was the only parent.

Issuance conditions

Obtaining a certificate for maternity capital is possible only if a number of requirements are met:

  • the number of children in the family - two or more;
  • there are no facts of using the rights to fringe benefits and actions to improve living conditions, receive educational services, increase the retirement age;
  • mother's presence and born child Russian citizenship - mandatory;
  • the child's parents do not have a criminal record for crimes against children;
  • the presence of parental rights to their children is mandatory;
  • the age of the child at the time of applying to the territorial branch of the PFR is at least a week after birth.

Currently in the territory Russian Federation a certificate for maternity capital is issued, a sample of which is presented below.

Reasons for refusing to issue a certified document

  • Inconsistency of the information given in the application with reality.
  • There is a fact of restriction in parental rights by the applicant for the first child.
  • An attempt to obtain maternity capital for the second time.
  • Termination of the rights of the applicant for family capital (or their complete absence) as an additional measure of material support from the state.

If the PFR authorities decided not to satisfy the application for the issuance of an MK, you should not give up - you need to fight. History knows cases when the right to have a state certificate for maternity capital was proved through the prosecutor's office. Each case is individual, each application is considered privately, so when you were denied for the first time, find out the reason and resubmit the application and all related documents, and if you are denied again, contact the highest authorities and justice.

Payouts: dynamics over time

From year to year, the amount of family capital is subject to change.

It is indexed depending on the economic situation in the country and the level of inflation.

Consider the level of indexation and the amount of family capital by year, starting from the year the program was introduced.

Dynamics of change in the size of MC by years
Period Indexing level MK size
2007- 250.0 thousand rubles
200810,5% RUB 276,250 thousand
year 200913,0% RUB 312,162 thousand
201010,0% RUB 343,378 thousand
20116,5% RUB 365,698 thousand
year 20126,0% RUB 387,640 thousand
year 20135,5% RUB 408,960 thousand
year 20145,0% RUB 429,408 thousand
20155,0% RUB 450,878 thousand

How to use

Maternity capital as state support is protected by law, in accordance with which the mechanism for using financial assistance is implemented. The goal that drives this mechanism is to exclude the possibility of money fraud, fraud and exploitation of children for mercenary motives, as well as to increase the efficiency of using MC funds. Based on the legislative act, if a certificate for maternity (family) capital is received, it should be used after a period of three years. However, in 2009, given the crisis situation in the country's economic sphere, the state made it possible to use the MC to pay off mortgage loan obligations immediately after the certificate was issued.

The law provides for several areas where non-cash funds of the certificate can be spent.

1. Improvement of living conditions. It is understood that family capital can be spent on the purchase of housing or its construction.

This includes making contributions to pay off credit obligations under a mortgage program or a cash loan for the purchase of housing, and participation in housing cooperatives. In this case, the following conditions must be met without fail:

Acquired housing, or housing under construction, must be located within the Russian state;

A mortgage loan must be issued not for one of the spouses, but for both.

Non-cash state aid is allowed to be made as an initial payment for a mortgage loan, to pay off loan obligations, or used as additional funds when purchasing a home. Where exactly the money will go is up to you. If you have already purchased housing, and it is an object of mortgage lending, the possibility of making an MK as a contribution is subject to consideration by a banking institution on a purely individual basis. It is possible that some problems will arise.

2. Payment for educational services for one or more children. Maternal capital can act as a guarantor of education.

At the same time, both one and all children in the family have the opportunity to become a certified specialist.

Requirements to be met:

The educational institution must be located within the country;

The educational institution must have an appropriate level of accreditation;

The certificate for educational purposes can be used at any time when such a need arises.

As for the educational institution, the choice is quite wide:

  • technical College;
  • gymnasium;
  • school institution;
  • college;
  • children's preschool institution.

Documents for a certificate (maternity capital), if the intended use of financial assistance is to receive educational services, the following are required:

  • application for the disposal of financial assistance in writing;
  • certificate for MK;
  • a document certifying that the person holding the certificate has compulsory pension insurance;
  • a certified photocopy of the contract for the provision of educational services by one or another educational institution on a paid basis;
  • a contract for renting living space in a hostel with the identification of monthly payments and the total cost of living for the entire period of study and the timing of payment;
  • a document certifying the actual residence of the student in the dormitory of the educational institution (certificate);
  • contract for the maintenance of the baby in preschool(when paying for the maintenance of crumbs in kindergarten).

3. Increase in the funded part of pension payments for mothers. MK funds can be used as a funded component of a pension for females. In this case, the funds are subject to placement in a pension fund.

For example, if you want to spend MK on education and mortgage payments in the same ratio, then the total amount of state assistance is divided by two and transferred pension fund in accordance with the details specified in the application. When the state aid funds have already been spent in full, the FIU undertakes to notify the certificate holder of the termination of the right to state support.

In the event that the creation of a funded part of maternal labor pension payments acts as a way to use family capital, the package of papers should contain:

  • statement-order, which will contain information on the main areas of spending MC funds;
  • a document confirming the right to state financial assistance - a certificate;
  • documents identifying the person and confirming the place of residence of the owner of the certified document.

In order for the funds to be used and determined in the selected areas, you should again contact the FIU and submit an application for the disposal of the MK.

How to cash out a maternity capital certificate or sell it?

It is impossible to cash out and sell maternity capital. This is prohibited at the legislative level, in fact, in the same way as the issuance of MK in cash. Despite this, more and more often you can find an announcement about the acquisition of family capital. What does this mean? This means that a fictitious transaction is supposed to be carried out with the purchase of real estate, in which one of the parties to the agreement is a relative or acquaintance of the family.

Such acts are classified as fraud and provide for the involvement of the parties to the contract of sale to liability.

Recently, there have been cases when family capital is used to repay mortgage loans with the help of intermediaries. Beware if they offer suspiciously small interest rate and minimum return periods.

In 2009, the option of cashing out capital money nevertheless appeared. But before cashing out the certificate (maternity capital), it was necessary to wait for the entry into force of the amendment, which was introduced into the law due to the crisis situation in the country. In accordance with the innovation, all certificate holders could count on a one-time payment from federal assistance in the amount of 12,000 rubles in cash. But this is an exceptional case.

The principle of cashless payments combines two types of state assistance, which is intended for mothers - one of the types of such assistance is maternity capital. Birth certificate is considered the second type federal support, it is also non-cashable and resellable.

Time limit for the support program for large families

The Family Capital program has been operating in Russia since 2007. Throughout its existence, amendments, adjustments and additions were systematically introduced into the project. Initially it was assumed that the program would operate until 31.12. 2016. The government bodies of the Russian Federation have repeatedly announced their intention to extend it until 2025 due to the effectiveness of its functioning. But at the moment, the program expires on 12/31/2016, that is, obtaining a certificate for maternity capital is possible for those families whose replenishment took place before 01/01/2017.

What changes befell the program in 2015?

In 2015, some amendments and additions were made to the program for the use of family capital, according to which:

  • a certain part of targeted assistance to families with 3 or more children is available for cashing out;
  • during a period of economic instability, mothers eligible for MK can receive 20,000 rubles in cash;
  • participation of an applicant for obtaining an MC in microfinance organizations is prohibited;
  • the conditions under which a member of a credit cooperative can count on receiving targeted financial assistance have been tightened.

Frequently asked Questions

  • How to get a certificate for maternity capital if there is one child in the family?

Only families with two or more children have the right to receive a security. Therefore, if there is one child in the family, state financial assistance is not required.

  • How to get a certificate for maternity capital for a foreigner?

In order for the right to receive an MC to be exercised by a foreigner, a passport must be submitted to the Pension Fund foreign citizen and a residence permit, a child's birth certificate or another document confirming the child's Russian citizenship.

  • Are there any ways to issue a certificate (maternity capital) if the conditions under which the right to receive an MC arise are not met?

No. If the basic requirements for issuing a certificate for an MK are not met, then obtaining it is out of the question. The FIU authorities will refuse to satisfy the application.

  • Where can an applicant for maternity capital living in a rural area get a certificate?

The Pension Fund is responsible for issuing and issuing MC certificates. You should contact the nearest regional branch of the FIU.

  • What to do if the certificate is lost?

The loss of a certificate for MK does not mean the termination of the right to receive state assistance. You must contact the Department of the Pension Fund at the place of residence and obtain a duplicate of the document.

  • Is the validity period of family capital and the "shelf life" of a certificate for obtaining an MK - is it the same thing or not?

No, these concepts are different. The validity period of maternity capital is the period of operation federal project"maternity capital", which this moment corresponds to 2007-2016. The validity period of the certificate for MK is unlimited - everyone can receive state assistance, regardless of how many days, months or years have passed since the birth of the baby. Only the time period is predetermined when the second and subsequent child should be born or the adoption procedure should be carried out.

  • How to apply for the right to maternity capital (where to get a certificate and how to do it) if I am temporarily abroad?

You can also receive a certificate for MK after arriving home, the main thing is that the child be born or adopted during the period of the Maternity Capital program. But you can issue and receive it only on the territory of the Russian Federation at the PFR department at the place of residence or registration.

  • When do I need to apply for the disposal of additional funds provided for by the Maternity Capital project?

An application indicating the directions for spending maternity capital is submitted to the bodies of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund after the baby turns 3 years old (or a three-year period has passed from the date of adoption).

  • Is it possible to spend maternity capital on the implementation of several goals at the same time?

Yes, you can. The rules for using family capital imply spending it both on one of them (housing, education or pension) in full, and partially on each of them. Where exactly the funds will be spent and in what proportion depends solely on the certificate holder.

  • If maternity capital funds are used to purchase housing, when will the seller receive the money?

Money as payment is transferred to the seller by the Pension Fund within two months after the submission of the relevant application, which indicates the direction of the waste of capital funds.

The state program of maternal and family capital (conditional abbreviation MSK) is quite a significant help for Russian families. However, in conditions of economic instability, the state was forced to freeze the amount of maternity capital. This amount will not be indexed until 2020. Among certain circles, rumors have recently been stubbornly circulating that the state will pay about one and a half million rubles for the birth of a third child from 2017. We want to say right away that this information is not reliable. At the official level, no decisions have been made on this issue. However, it should be noted that in some regions that have problems with fertility, with the appearance of a third child, one hundred thousand rubles are allocated from the local budget to families. But these payments are made only if there are funds in the regional budget aimed at a decent existence for large families.

As of January 1, 2017, the nationwide program guarantees at the birth of the 2nd child to pay the MSC in the amount of 453,026 rubles. There is talk in society that at the end of the program, and it is calculated until the end of 2018, it will be canceled altogether. However, this information not officially confirmed.

Who can get MSC in 2017: conditions for obtaining a certificate

Today, families that have given birth or adopted the 2nd and subsequent children can receive maternity capital. Of course, subject to the presence of Russian citizenship.

The right to MSC is confirmed by the issuance of a state document. sample certificate. You can get this document from the FIU.

How to apply for maternity capital: a list of documents, a sample application

What you need to know about MSC?

  1. Families can receive state support once .
  2. Funds received within the framework of the nationwide program can be spent only for the purposes determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. MSC funds cannot be cashed out and spent on needs not provided for by the state program.
  4. The certificate is issued and issued by the FIU . As a rule, this document is issued to the mother. If necessary, state subsidies can be issued to the father (if he is the only parent or adoptive parent).
  5. A certificate document for receiving state support can (if necessary) be issued remotely.
  6. MSC recipients should be aware that in case of loss of the certificate, it is possible to issue a duplicate.
  7. Note to parents - the certificate is valid upon presentation of the passport.
  8. MSC is exempt from taxes.
  9. There is no time limit for this document.

Documents for issuing a certificate for obtaining MSC:

  • Parent's passport.
  • Birth certificate of the second child or document on his adoption. (the document is issued by the registry office).
  • Testimony of all children in the family.
  • A document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Statement.
  • It is necessary to submit a document on the place of registration, if for some reason there is no registration in the passport.
  • Pensioner's ID.

The application and documents are given to the FIU. The documents must be registered by the FIU employees. The decision is made within 30 days. Documents can be personally brought to the FIU, sent by mail or use the Internet. It is possible to issue all necessary documents by a trusted person. However, you must personally receive a certificate and sign for its receipt.

The application contains the following items:

  • Passport details.
  • Applicant's personal data.
  • Number of pension certificate.
  • Contact number.


Certificate is not cash! This is the right granted by the state to dispose of a certain amount. These funds cannot be withdrawn! They also cannot be spent at your own discretion. All financial transactions are monitored by the FIU.

What you can spend maternity capital on in 2017: popular questions and answers in the table

How to spend maternity capital: questions and answers

Question Answer
Can maternity capital be used for an apartment? The law allows the purchase of an apartment with state support funds. However, state support funds can be used after 3 years from the date of birth of the child. But if the family already has housing bought with a mortgage, the MSC can be spent earlier - to repay the loan. The law also allows the acquisition of a share of real estate. However, you cannot buy part of the apartment. That is, after using the certificate, the apartment must fully belong to this family.
Is it possible to repay the loan MSC? MSC can be used to pay off a mortgage. You can not use the funds of family capital to repay any other loans!
Is it possible to use maternity capital to buy things? The law does not provide for such use of mother capital.

Items cannot be purchased for a certificate.

Is it possible to buy a car with maternity capital? The law does not provide for such use of mother capital. However, it should be noted that such proposals from deputies were submitted to the RAMU for consideration, but all of them were rejected.
Can MSC pay off a mortgage? The law allows you to pay off mortgage debts. A mortgage loan can be repaid without waiting for the expiration of 3 years.
Is it possible to buy a share for maternity capital? You can buy a share in an apartment, in a house. However, after acquiring a share, as we already wrote, all housing should be owned by this family.
Can MSK be spent on building a house? You can spend your mother's capital on building a house. However, you must first purchase at your own expense land plot on which it is planned to start building housing in the future.
Can MSK be spent on apartment renovation? The law does not allow spending money on repairs. However, MSK can be spent on the reconstruction of the house. According to the law, third-party organizations cannot be involved in the reconstruction of a house. Funds received under the state program cannot be used to pay workers.
Can I buy land? It is not possible to purchase land with MSC funds.
Is it possible to invest maternity capital? MSK can be invested: in the purchase of new and secondary housing, in square meters of a house under construction.
Is it possible to get MSC if the child has died? The death of a child does not cancel the fact of his birth. Therefore, the parents of a deceased child are entitled to receive state support.

If the child was born dead or died within 7 days after birth, the receipt of maternity capital is considered in court. The possibility of refusing to receive state support is not ruled out.

Can I get a home equity loan? The law allows a family to take a mortgage (housing) loan. No other loans can be taken.
Can I receive cash payments from maternity capital? Payments in the amount of 25,000 rubles in cash in early 2017 will be available to families who applied in November 2016. There is no official information about the possibility of receiving cash payments in 2017.
Can I pay for tuition with maternity capital? Education is one of the main areas of expenditure of MSCs. You can spend money on the education of any child in the family. order of birth in this case doesn't matter. You can spend the entire amount of the mother's capital or part of it on training. Payment is made by bank transfer. At the expense of MSC, children can study only up to 25 years.
Can maternity capital be sold? Any transactions of sale or purchase of MSC are illegal!
Is it possible to transfer mother's capital to the mother's pension? Can. You need to submit an application to the PF and indicate which part of the MSC should go to the mother's personal account.

Refusal to pay maternity capital: in what cases can they not give a certificate?

Reasons for refusing to pay MSC:

  • Absence of Russian citizenship from parents/adoptive parents.
  • Providing false information to the FIU.
  • Previous use of funds.
  • Termination of grounds for receiving state support.

If a request for a certificate is denied for one of the reasons listed above, the applicant will receive a notification explaining in great detail why the decision was made. Parents/guardians may appeal the decision to a higher authority of the FIU or in court.

State social assistance is provided Russian families since 2007. The Russian program for state support of families with children is unique. No other country in the world has such a program.