How to check the authenticity of the registration of a foreign citizen. Last name and phone number. FMS creates a single database of Russians and foreigners

The provision of legal services to foreign nationals is one of the most common areas in the activities of travel agencies and organizations like them. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, it will not be superfluous to know how to check the registration of a foreign citizen with the FMS.

Supply and demand

What is the punishment for "fake"

Part 3 of Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Forgery, production or sale of forged documents ..”, states that those who used a simple way to extend their stay will be punished:

  • - 20,000 - 80,000 rubles;
  • appointment labor activity up to two years;
  • imprisonment for six months.

Persons involved in documents and their sale (including forms of migration cards) are punished with arrest for a period of 4 months. up to 6, restriction of liberty for a period of up to three years or two years' imprisonment.

Information verification methods

It is unrealistic to verify the authenticity of the registration of a foreign citizen when examining a migration card. But on a genuine permit there is a series and a number.

When a foreigner crosses a border, this information enters the FMS database. They help to very simply identify the legality of the stay of a foreign citizen. To do this, you can use one of the options for contacting the migration department:

  • by sending a written request;
  • by phone;
  • when visiting in person.

By phone, you can quickly determine the legality of a foreigner's stay in the Russian Federation, but this information has no legal force. Also, an employee of the migration department may refuse to provide any information from an anonymous person. How to check officially?

For this purpose, it is necessary to personally come to the department of the migration department and, having verified your identity, draw up an application about the desire to receive the appropriate certificate. An employee of the Federal Migration Service, using the named details of the migration card, check it for authenticity. In any case, the applicant is issued a certificate with a seal and an “autograph” of the employee.

Although the FMS website has the opportunity to use fourteen different services, it is impossible to verify the authenticity of the migration card online. Instead, a foreign citizen is checked for entry into the Russian Federation. Need to enter given passport and also to see if the migration department has grounds to refuse a foreign citizen or a stateless person to cross the border of the Russian Federation.


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How can I check the authenticity of a migration card

Extension of registration of foreign citizens at the place of residence in Russia

Real estate issues are of concern to many, since buying or renting a home raises some doubts and fears. For the majority of future owners and tenants, checking the registration of all those legally registered on the living space is a necessary step for the proper exercise of their rights and interests. Getting information about the registration of residents, finding out who is registered at the address is also important for a newly-made homeowner who has just bought a property.

How to check the authenticity of the temporary registration for the tenant

Often, a citizen who has moved to another city to live at the place of future work or study is faced with a need. For this purpose, he may, with the consent of the owner, apply to government agencies. However, many bypass this option and prefer to trust intermediaries who promise to quickly and for a fee temporarily register them legally at their place of residence. Therefore, tenants, asking themselves the question: “Am I registered?”, They are interested in how to check the registration in the database, whether it is real with information about the tenant entered in the relevant documents, or fictitious.

There are several ways to verify the authenticity of a temporary registration:

  • apply to the territorial office of the FMS;
  • in the housing department, the passport office (HOA, UK);
  • at the MFC at the place of temporary residence.

Third parties can also check the temporary registration of another person by personally contacting the relevant authorities with a request, substantiating the purpose of the application. The authenticity of the registration of a foreign citizen can be verified by his written or personal appeal to the territorial body of the FMS, or by calling there.

How to find out the owner who is registered and registered in the apartment

In a number of situations, it may be necessary to obtain information about the property and who is legally registered at the address. Such cases may include the purchase by a citizen of real estate in the secondary market. Because most documents can only be requested by the owner, buyers typically only request a property upon purchase.

How to check registration? Possible options

  1. Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights. Only the owner of the property and the object itself will appear in this document, therefore, for a future buyer, such an extract may be useful if it is necessary to find out if there are encumbrances on the property.
  2. Appeal to the passport office with a passport and an application for an extract from the house book. It is advisable to request an archival extract indicating the reasons for deregistration of all previously registered and then discharged people. This extract can only be obtained by the owner of the property, registered persons, or a person who, on the basis of a power of attorney, has such a right.
  3. Appeal to the territorial office of the FMS with a passport and an application. The FMS employee must send a request to the address of the owner of the housing, in response to which both the owner and all citizens registered there, except for the applicant, must give their consent or refusal to the requested information, which will indicate their names.
  4. Contacting the management company. Only the landlord can apply by submitting a written application.
  5. Contacting the MFC.
  6. Through the Internet.

How to find out who is registered in the apartment at the address online via the Internet

You can find out at the address who is registered in the apartment to the owner of the property or to those persons who are registered, or to an authorized person on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary for the right to perform such actions on behalf of the owner of the housing.

For those who are wondering how to find out who is registered in the apartment at the address online, there are several ways.

  1. On the website of Rosreestr, the Cadastral Chamber, request an extract from the USRR. AT this case information will also be provided only on those who are the owners of the residential facility. To obtain such an extract, you need to pay a state duty: 400 rubles for obtaining information in paper form and 250 rubles in electronic form.
  2. Get an extract from the house book through the State Services. The extract indicates how many people are registered in the apartment.

An online service offering a passport registration check service is not a reliable way. Often, Internet verification sites about those who live in an apartment are actually fraudulent, the information in them will be unreliable. In any case, requesting information through private databases is illegal. This also includes suggestions on the Internet on how to find out the residence permit by passport data.

It is sad that the Federal Migration Service does not recognize non-existent passports: Upon your request about the validity of the Russian Federation passport No. — i.e. passport is valid. I wonder how it will be used this check through your financial service. organizations. For example, when checking, the Central Bank may request documents to open bank card and ask how the validity of the passport was checked.

Hoteliers Club

At least 2 hours lived - write the form and register. Yes, they refuse in view of the large amount of work, and you stand your ground. Do not forget to hand over the tear-off coupon, for this there is also a fine. 2. It is high time to leave nonsense with covers and assistance in a past life: get yourself electronic reporting on the FMS and the way they even play football, even hockey, even hang themselves on the horizontal bar. Your fifth point will be in complete peace.

Registration: permanent and temporary

The term of the service is 3 working days. Upon its completion, a permanent registration mark is put in the citizen's passport, for its affixing it will be necessary to come to the FMS or the MFC. In the case of a permanent stay outside the place of "main" registration, a citizen must obtain a temporary registration. That is, after 90 days from the moment of appearance in a particular locality, he must apply to the authorities that carry out temporary registration.

Answer: Today, intermediary services in the field of temporary registration in Moscow are provided by many firms and firms.

Such fakes are often detected by representatives of law enforcement agencies in the capital (for a policeman to ask for documents and forget to check temporary registration - this simply does not happen). Violators, as usual, are fined. And if earlier it was possible to get by with only a hundred rubles, now the figure has “crawled” to two thousand.

The only way if you are in doubt if you have a genuine temporary registration. - FMS check. The official issuance of the certificate must be recorded there.

Verification of temporary registration is carried out within 1-3 days (with a written request - 2-8 weeks).

If you want to be sure that the money paid was not wasted, and registration at your place of residence is legal, contact INREMO.

Allegedly, we fulfilled 96% of the “standard” for collecting signatures flawlessly, but “just a little bit” was not enough for us. Well, they say, they worked, well done, but a little unlucky, well, it's okay, come another time. These claims of the working group are legally and logically incomprehensible. Nevertheless, according to the law, if we do nothing about this, the commission will decide to refuse registration to our list, and then the only way will be to go to court and to a higher election commission. On Monday, July 27, at 17:00, a meeting of the election commission of the Novosibirsk Region will be held, at which, based on the recommendation of the working group, a final, legally significant decision will be made to refuse registration.

On the official website of the Federal migration service(FMS) you can check the validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It will be useful to get information about the document on the basis of which this or that legal, financial, notarial operation or transaction is performed - in order to avoid fraud.

In order to verify the authenticity of the passport, in the section "Checking documents" you need to select the service "Checking the validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation".

The response to the request is for reference only. The screen will display the phrase: “At your request about the validity of the Russian Federation passport. Received a response that this passport is valid.

If there is no information about the requested document, the following phrase will be displayed on the screen: "Currently not listed in the electronic records of the FMS of Russia."

The service data is updated daily.

Checking the passport of a citizen of the CIS for the presence in the black list of the FMS

In order to check the passport of a citizen of the CIS for a ban on entry into Russia, you need to follow the link below. Please note that when you click on the link, you will stay on this site and the link will open in a new tab. 1) After you have clicked on the link, you will see a page with a notification that the entry ban check is for reference purposes and where there are fields where you need to enter information about yourself. 3) Next, fill in the fields marked with arrows in the figure.

When registering minor children, spouses and elderly parents, no one's consent is requested. The conclusion of a sublease agreement when registering with close relatives is not required. citizens of the Russian Federation - when living in a new place of residence for more than 90 days; foreigners permanently residing in the Russian Federation - after 7 days from the date of change of residence. heads of foreign states, governments, organizations with international status, members of delegations - parliamentarians; sailors on warships; crews of aircraft from other countries; participants in international traffic serving civil aviation, trains, and other vehicles; chapters diplomatic missions, consular departments. passport of the Russian Federation with the current validity period; international passport for Russian citizens living abroad; statement; the basis for providing housing: a contract, a certificate of ownership, a judicial act; departure address sheet; when registering minors temporarily - a birth certificate (up to the age of 14).

At the same time, 250 Russian language courses are available for migrants in Russia, including 64 free ones. In addition, Romodanovsky said that there would be no amnesty for illegal foreign migrants in Russia.

“If we are talking about some kind of migration amnesty, the legalization of those citizens who are at the Komsomolskaya metro station
and at the "Three Stations" you will not understand what they are doing - I am categorically against it. Bye

Checking temporary registration

But you need to be prepared for the fact that if this registration is invalid, the citizen may have difficulties. If the FMS officer reveals that this document is fake, then you will have to prove that you personally have nothing to do with its manufacture. and didn't know it was illegal. Having sent a written request, you must remember that the answer will be provided within thirty days from the date of receipt of this request by the FMS department to which you sent it. But if you are not particularly interested in the question of how to verify the authenticity of a temporary registration, then the police officers, who may require you to present documents evidencing registration, will not take into account your explanations.

FMS creates a single database of Russians and foreigners

The bill cancels the concept state system production, execution and control of passport and visa documents dated March 15, 2005, which is now in force. MID is planned to be financed as part of the program for the transition to e-passports. The project was prepared in pursuance of the order of the Russian government dated October 17, 2012 with the aim of creating and developing infrastructure and technologies that ensure the transition to a new generation of identification and social documents.

How can I check the "black list" of migrants of the FMS of Russia

For the first eight months of 2014, FMS officials closed entry into the country for more than 200,000 immigrants from Moscow Region. The reasons are often similar to those mentioned above, although there have also been cases of delays in utility bills, a bank loan, etc. How to check the “black list” of migrants on your own today is not a secret to anyone - just go to the official website of the FMS of Russia and after filling out the appropriate fields in the verification form submit a request. Previously, it should be noted that there was no such possibility, and many immigrants found out that they were on this list already when checking when leaving or entering the Russian Federation, and this, of course, was accompanied by dissatisfaction of citizens, especially if they were unlawfully “marked”.

Unreasonable documentation is an internal matter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and not a problem of Russian citizens (on the issue of deprivation of acquired citizenship of the Russian Federation)

Why rare? Because abroad, they usually check first, and then issue a passport, and not vice versa. The bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia massively issue a conclusion on
"unreasonable documentation of citizens with a passport of a citizen of Russia"
, which will then be withdrawn. And live the newly created stateless person - a stateless person, as you wish. FMS employees commit this act every day on the basis that, according to the law, they
“determine citizenship Russian Federation for persons residing on the territory of the Russian Federation"
“I looked at you and realized, well, you can’t be a citizen of Russia, - approximately such dialogues take place in the territorial divisions of the Federal Migration Service, - and in our “
base "you are not."

Temporary registration in Moscow for foreign citizens - 1500 rubles

Temporary registration of a foreign citizen at the place of stay in 2017 underwent some changes in the registration procedure, including in Moscow. Initially, please note that in 2017 registering a foreigner is called “migration registration”. If earlier the migration service was called the FMS, then in 2017 this structure was liquidated, and the responsibility for registration was assigned to the new department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - GUVM.

The lack of information about the requested passport (the answer is: “It does not currently appear in the electronic records of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”) does not mean that the passport is invalid.

In search of easy ways, many citizens take risks. So, to obtain a temporary residence permit, some turn to third parties instead of contacting the FMS. The reasons for such a decision can be different: from problems with papers to a simple unwillingness to bother. Today, there are dozens of companies involved in the services of intermediaries in the preparation of documentation, as well as third parties offering to register. But a citizen who has made registration in this way often begins to wonder about the authenticity of seals and papers - how legal is his registration?

After paying for registration services, receiving documents, check if the citizen has a fake possible through the FMS. How to check the authenticity of a temporary residence permit? There are 3 ways in total, and all of them are connected with the migration service, you won’t be able to bypass it:

  1. Make a call to the migration department, the seal of which is on the registration form.
  2. Come on your own, taking a certificate of registration at the place of residence.
  3. Send a mail request to the same branch.

Find out how authentic the registration is

By calling the right department of the FMS with a request to check the registration at the place of stay, you can come across a refusal. Registration data is personal, employees of the migration department have every right not to provide this information caller. How to check the authenticity of a temporary residence permit? It is advisable to apply to the FMS on your own, arriving at the department with documents. If the check shows that the registration is fake, the applicant citizen may get into trouble.

When making a request by mail, it should be borne in mind that the answer is issued only one month after the letter is delivered to the FMS. To the waiting time, you should also add the period that the mail will need to deliver a response to the request - in total this process can take more than 3 months, so the method is suitable only for those who are not in a hurry.

Consequences of using a false temporary registration

If a fake temporary residence permit is detected, FMS employees have the right to detain a citizen with a fake document. If a citizen issued a certificate of temporary registration through an intermediary, he can only justify himself by proving his non-involvement in the creation of papers. But even so, he will be detained by law enforcement agencies for 2 days.

To protect yourself from liability before the law, you should not make a temporary residence permit in unverified companies and dubious citizens - the consequences can be serious.

For foreign citizens who arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation, registration with the Federal Migration Service (FMS) is mandatory. The task of the Office of the Federal Migration Service (UFMS) is to record the arrivals and departures of non-residents, as well as control over their place of stay and internal movement.

Registration of primary registration takes place upon arrival in Russia, where the arriving person undertakes to indicate in the documents a reliable location for the period of stay in the country. This procedure helps to prevent unauthorized entries into Russia, which often entail a violation of public order. Thus, the FMS provides security.

Since for the lack of registration of a foreign citizen he is threatened with a fine or deportation outside the Russian Federation, it is not advisable to delay registration. Besides, Russian citizens, who act as the host, will also be severely punished with penalties.

No less important is the fact that without registration with the FMS, a foreign citizen has no right to enter into any civil law relations. Therefore, persons who intend to enter into such with a foreigner need to know how to verify the authenticity of a temporary registration in order not to expose themselves to undue risk.

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How to get information?

The need to verify the presence or reliability of registration with the FMS of a foreign citizen usually arises from employers or authorized persons. The procedure is not very complicated. The interested person is sent to the FMS body, where, according to his assumption or the information of the foreigner, the registration was made, and submits a request addressed to the head of this institution.

The request must contain:

  • Information about the requested person, at least his last name, first name and patronymic;
  • On what grounds does the applicant request registration information;
  • For what reason there were doubts about the existence or authenticity of registration.

Commissioner executive, after reviewing the request, approves the document, which allows or prohibits the provision of information of interest to the applicant. If approved, the applicant will receive the necessary information at the same branch of the FMS. If the management refuses, the reasons for the refusal must be motivated in writing. As practice shows, often the reasons for refusal are the lack of weighty grounds for checking this kind.

Reasons for refusal to register

All foreign citizens who have arrived in Russia are allowed to submit a request for a temporary residence permit with the FMS. In fact, this is a residence permit. Consider the submitted application within the registration period not exceeding five months from the date of application. However, even with a conscientious appeal to the FMS for foreign citizens, reasons for refusal to register are provided.

Grounds for rejection:

  • Political opposition to the state system of the Russian Federation and undermining the public and state system;
  • Suspicion of connection with a terrorist group;
  • Carrying out financing of anti-state policy;
  • Providing false documents or intentionally providing false information;
  • Discovery of the fact of deportation within the last five years;
  • Have a criminal record for particularly serious crimes;
  • Accusations under the article of taking psychotropic or narcotic drugs;
  • Lack of income that allows you to support yourself in Russia due to the lack of employment.

All measures taken by the Federal Migration Service are focused on the interests of the indigenous people of the Russian Federation.

The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only.
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