Which organization issues maternity capital. Who is entitled to maternity capital. Institutions involved in the registration of maternity capital.

The idea that there is absolutely no time to deal with paperwork after the appearance of a baby in the family is spinning in the head of every mother. However, get maternal capital you can at any time - the program does not require a "quick response" from the family. The terms for applying for a state certificate are not limited, and the disposal of state-provided funds will be possible both throughout 2016 and for a long time even after the official end of the program, which was extended by Vladimir Putin until January 31, 2018

Terms of receipt

To receive maternity capital, you must meet certain conditions:

  1. Financial assistance from the state can be received by women who have a second or subsequent children born or adopted. At the birth of the third and subsequent babies, maternity capital is issued if the family did not receive a state certificate at the birth of the second child.
  2. Fathers can also receive capital - the only adoptive parents of the second and subsequent children.
  3. Money under the program can be received by a child left without parents. He has this right until he reaches the age of majority. An adult who is a full-time student under the age of 23 can also receive state support under the Maternity Capital program.

It is important to remember that maternity capital can be obtained once.

You can learn more about the requirements for the recipient of the MK on the about page.


Every year family capital grows in value. If in 2007 mothers received 250 thousand rubles for the birth of their second child, then in 2015 it is already 453 thousand 026 rubles.

You can find out more about the amount of maternity capital and its indexation by year on the page.

How to apply?

Who to ask questions about maternity capital and where to take the application” - questions that arise from happy parents who are puzzled by receiving financial support from the state.

The answer is simple. The application must be submitted to the Pension Fund at the place of residence. There are two ways to apply for maternity capital:

  • bring in person
  • send by mail.

The territorial body of the pension fund will specify the reception days and time for registration.

You can learn more about how to properly draw up a document for maternity capital at.

Terms of receipt and registration

An application for receiving funds under the program will be considered for one month. The family will then be notified within five days of decision. If the answer is positive, parents will be informed when it will be possible to receive a state certificate.

Within a month, the specialists of the Pension Fund will consider the application and make a decision, which they must send to you within five days from the date of approval. A positive decision of specialists will allow you to manage the funds of maternity capital after three years from the date of the birth of the child.

  • birth certificate of a modern sample for a child indicating data on the citizenship of his parents or a stamp of the Federal migration service about citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • if the birth certificate was issued for a child before February 7, 2007 - an appropriate insert with the necessary data;
  • identity card of the legal representative or authorized representative of the applicant with documents confirming his place of registration and powers.
  • In some more particular cases, including those related to the father of the child and minor children, may be required.

    On this page you will find information about who is eligible to receive maternity capital, the size of the mat. capital in 2017, is it possible to spend maternity capital on a car, maternity capital and a mortgage, Required documents. Is always latest news and changes in maternity capital.

    What is the maternity capital in 2017

    The amount of maternity capital from January 1, 2015 is 453 026 rubles. The amount of maternity capital in 2017, in accordance with the provisions of the draft law No. 15455-7 "On the federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019", will not be indexed..

    Until the end of 2016, it was possible to receive a lump sum payment from maternity capital in the amount of 25,000 rubles by submitting an application before December 01, 2016. (cm. the federal law No. 181-FZ "On a one-time payment at the expense of maternity (family) capital in 2016" dated June 23, 2016)

    Who is entitled to maternity capital:

    • women who gave birth (adopted) a third child or subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007, if they did not earlier use the right to additional measures of state support;
    • men who are the sole adopters of a second, third child or subsequent children who have not previously exercised the right to additional measures of state support, if the court decision on adoption entered into force starting from January 1, 2007.

    General requirements: parents and children must have citizenship Russian Federation regardless of current place of residence. Also taken into account double citizenship, so if you live abroad, but still have Russian citizenship, you can apply for maternity capital. In addition, the second child must be born no earlier than 00:00 hours on January 1, 2007. Those who have adopted second children (except for stepsons and stepdaughters), in which a third, fourth, and so on child has appeared since the entry into force of the law.

    What can maternity capital be spent on (maternity capital use)

    The funds that you are entitled to under the maternity capital certificate are not issued in the form of cash. According to the law, having received a certificate for maternity capital, the right holder can use it after three years. This measure was introduced to ensure the safety of children. However, due to the crisis situation in the economy, in 2009 it became possible to use maternity capital immediately after receiving a certificate to repay a mortgage loan.

    Required documents for submission to the pension fund:

    1. Application for obtaining a certificate for maternity capital, state. sample, the application form will be issued at the Pension Fund Office, or you can download the application form and fill it out at home;
    2. Identity card (passport) and registration of the applicant himself;
    3. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
    4. Documentation confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
    5. Birth certificate or court decision on the adoption of children.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    You can define a personal list of benefits and payments in the free service

    The law on the acquisition of monetary capital for material support was introduced back in 2007. You can buy it after the birth of a second baby in the family. However, the certificate is issued only once, so if it was already issued to you after the birth of the second baby, it simply will not be issued for the next one. It is possible to obtain a certificate if the following points are met:

    1. Mothers who have given birth to a second baby or adopted him can receive material support. If the state certificate was not issued at the birth of the second baby, it may be issued after the birth of the next child.

    2. Fathers are entitled to receive a certificate if they are the only guardians of children.

    3. The child himself, upon reaching the age of majority, left without parental support, can receive the sum of money. An adult under the age of twenty-three has the right to purchase a sum of money under the "Family Capital" system, provided that he is studying full-time.

    From year to year, the amount of cash is growing, due to rising prices for products and goods. Money capital is issued in the form of a state certificate. This document cannot be transferred to other persons. Since the certificate is nominal, after the death of its owner, it loses its legal force. Where can I get maternity (cash) capital? The Pension Fund of Russia is responsible for issuing this document. They also accept the application for his extradition.

    There are no time limits for receiving money capital. At the birth of a second baby after January 1, 2007, it is possible to purchase financial support from the state until he reaches twenty three years of age. Where to issue maternity (cash) capital? To apply for maternity capital, you need to apply with the appropriate set of documents to the branch of the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund). A special commission reviews the application and submitted documents for one month. It is served personally by the mother of the baby. How to properly arrange maternity cash) capital?

    Here is the main list of documents to submit to the Pension Fund:

    1. passport of the mother of the second newborn baby.

    2. birth certificates of each of the children or documents on their adoption, if the kids were adopted.

    3. birth certificate of the mother of the newborn, if the recipient of the certificate is the mother of the child.

    4. marriage certificate.

    5. SNILS mother and baby. To purchase it, it is enough to arrive at the Pension Fund of Russia.

    The certificate is issued to the mother when the second baby already has a birth certificate, so it is not necessary to register it at the place of residence to receive it. When entering into a second marriage, in addition to the above documents, you must provide a certificate from the civil registry office (ZAGS) on the conclusion of the first marriage and a certificate of its dissolution.

    The specified list of documents is submitted by the mother of a newborn child. However, the father of the babies in special situations is also entitled to receive the MSC certificate. This is possible with the death of the mother or deprivation of her rights to children by the court. In such situations, the following documents are submitted to the above list of documents:

    1. mother's death certificate.

    2. a court decision declaring her dead.

    3. documents depriving the mother of parental rights.

    Is it possible to issue maternity capital to a child who is left without a guardian? For the acquisition of funds by the child himself after the death of the mother or guardians, it is required to provide a document confirming their death.

    There are cases of refusal to issue a certificate. This is possible if the mother or the newborn does not have Russian citizenship; upon deprivation of her parental rights; when providing false information. In case of rejection of the application in its issuance, it is possible to appeal in court.

    Many are wondering if it is possible to get a loan for maternity capital. It can be applied in several cases:

    1. to improve living conditions.

    2. for the education of children in paid institutions.

    3. for the formation of pension savings.

    4. for a one-time receipt of twelve thousand rubles for the needs of the family.

    With the help of money capital it is impossible to repay ordinary debts on a loan. The law does not allow this. Money capital can be used to purchase new residential real estate, as well as residential real estate that is at a certain stage of construction. In addition, you can use the money for equity participation in construction. You can make a payment immediately in case of purchase on a mortgage, on credit or by participating in a housing construction cooperative. This property should not be outside the territory of Russia. This is the main requirement of the law. A contract for the sale of property can be concluded by one of the spouses. However, these funds can be used only three years after receiving the certificate. But there is an exception - a mortgage loan. This loan can be repaid at any time.

    You can make a down payment on a mortgage loan with cash. This is possible only when concluding a loan for the purchase of residential premises. In addition, by the time the loan is taken, the child must be 3 years old. But to close a loan that was taken before the child was three years old, it can be repaid earlier. To qualify for a mortgage loan, the following requirements must be met:

    1. purchase a MSC certificate to receive funds.

    2. have a stable income.

    3. the property is not allowed to have other residential property.

    4. After applying for a loan, housing should be registered as common shared property.

    To apply for a mortgage loan, you must purchase a certificate for money capital and a 2-NDFL certificate and copies of tax return documents.

    The funds can be used in the future for children to receive paid education in various institutions. To do this, this institution must be licensed. To send money for the education of children, in addition to an application and a certificate, it is required to provide a set of documents: an agreement on the provision of paid services; license educational institution; certificate confirming the state accreditation status of the institution. You can pay Kindergarten, paid school education, additional classes and circles, as well as sports, music and art educational schools.

    Maternity (family) capital program is a form of government support Russian families having children. This type state social assistance is provided Russian citizens from January 1, 2007 upon the birth or adoption of a second, third or subsequent child with Russian citizenship, provided that the parents have not previously used the right to additional measures of state social support. The amount of mother capital for 2016 and 2017 does not change, the size of the certificate is now is 453026 rubles.

    Who is eligible for payments

    In accordance with current legislation, the following have the right to receive maternity capital:

    • female, having the citizenship of the Russian Federation, starting from January 1, 2007, who gave birth (adopted) a second child or subsequent children;
    • Man who has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, is the sole adopter of the second or subsequent children, if the court decision on adoption entered into force on January 1, 2007;
    • father (adoptive) a child, regardless of the citizenship of the Russian Federation, in the event of termination of the right to additional measures of state support for a woman who has given birth or adopted children - due to her death, deprivation of parental rights in relation to the child, or the commission of an intentional crime against her children;
    • minor child(children in equal shares) or a full-time student until he reaches the age of 23 - upon termination of the right to additional measures of state support for the father (adoptive parent) or the woman who is the only parent.

    In confirmation of the right of the family to receive maternity capital funds, the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) is issued.

    The amount of maternity capital

    Exact amount payments under the certificate for maternity capital, established for each year, is given in the table below.

    Year Amount according to the certificate, rub. A source Note
    2007 250000 paragraph 1 of Art. 6 256-FZ of December 29, 2006base size
    2008 276250 paragraph 1 of Art. 11 198-FZ of July 24, 2007+10.5% - inflation for 2007 11.9%
    2009 312162 paragraph 1 of Art. 11 204-FZ dated November 24, 2008+13% - inflation for 2008 13.3%
    2010 343379 paragraph 1 of Art. 10 308-FZ dated 02.12.2009+10% - inflation for 2009 8.8%
    2011 365698 paragraph 1 of Art. 10 357-FZ of December 13, 2010+6.5% - inflation for 2010 8.8%
    2012 387640 paragraph 1 of Art. 10 371-FZ dated November 30, 2011+6% - inflation for 2011 6.1%
    2013 408961 paragraph 1 of Art. 10 216-FZ dated 03.12.2012+5.5% - inflation for 2012 6.6%
    2014 429409 paragraph 1 of Art. 9 349-FZ dated 02.12.2013+5% - inflation for 2013 6.5%
    2015, 2016, 2017 453026 paragraph 1 of Art. 8 of the law on the federal budget for 2015, 2016 and 2017
    • +5.5% for 2015 - inflation for 2014 11.4%
    • +0% for 2016 - inflation for 2015 12.9%
    • +0% for 2017 - inflation for 2016 5.4%

    Indexation of maternity capital for 2017

    In accordance with the data presented in the table above, it is possible to track the change in the size of the certificate for maternity capital by the years of the program, while:

    • over the past 10 years (from 2007 to 2017), the amount of mother's capital has increased from 250 to 453 thousand rubles(growth by 81,2% );
    • general inflation for the same period relative to the level of consumer prices in 2007, only according to official data, amounted to 139,6% (which corresponds to the general rise in the price of goods consumer goods 2.4 times in 10 years).

    On the basis of official data, it can be stated that, relative to the face value of 2007, currently maternity capital depreciated by (139.6 - 81.2) / 139.6 = 41.8%(i.e almost half). Accordingly, the purchasing power of the certificate in 2007 prices now corresponds to the sum of all 145.5 thousand rubles against the base size in 250 thousand.

    How to get maternity capital for a second child?

    Put maternity capital on a deposit or spend, for example, on a car or repayment of current debts on loans and utilities. For guard family capital from unjustified waste by parents, prohibited by law certificate cashing.

    Additional information about the conditions of the program

    Recently, there have been cases of attempts to illegally receive and cash out funds, which is regarded by law enforcement agencies as fraud and is subject to punishment under the corresponding article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

    Regional maternity capital

    Many regions of the Russian Federation supported the president's proposal to introduce regional maternity capital. What it is? In fact, this is an addition to the federal maternity capital. Each region in its own way is trying to help large families and stimulate the birth rate.

    Usually this is a cash benefit in the amount of 25, 50, 100 or more thousand rubles, which can be disposed of in the same way as. However, in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the money of regional maternity capital can be used to buy a car, land, or treat a child. In other regions, municipal authorities give out land at the birth of a second or third child.

    Families with another child between 2007 and 2016 can receive a significant increase in the family budget. This rule applies to the birth and adoption of children in complete families or with one parent, but it can be used once in a lifetime. Each family has the right to choose the time for using the funds independently. You can think about how to get maternity capital immediately after returning from the hospital, but you won’t be able to spend it in the same year.

    The procedure for obtaining family capital

    There is a certain procedure for obtaining maternity capital in 2016. First of all, you will need to prepare some papers and set aside one day for issuing a certificate.

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    Who can use the family certificate

    The rules for obtaining maternity capital in 2016 provide for a list of citizens who may apply for registration:

    • a woman with Russian citizenship who has given birth or adopted a second (subsequent) child since 2007;
    • a man with Russian citizenship acting as the sole adopter;
    • father with any citizenship if the mother of the children has died or is deprived of parental rights;
    • minor children (in equal shares) or a person under 23 years old (student), if the only parent has lost the right to a certificate.

    It is important to know that the death of the first child does not affect participation in the motivation program in any way - such a family has similar rights and opportunities. When applying, you will need to provide a death certificate of the firstborn.

    The child must have Russian citizenship

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    Where to go and what to bring

    To apply for maternity capital in 2016, the applicant must visit the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the address of registration or residence. You can also go to the nearest multifunctional center. A person can apply in several ways:

    • personally;
    • by mail (copies of documents and the signature on the application must be certified by a notary or a consular office);
    • with the help of a trustee.

    You can start decorating immediately after the appearance of your second child or at any other suitable time.

    To apply for maternity capital in 2016, you will need the following documents:

    • completed application form;
    • a passport in which the birth marks of all children are pre-marked;
    • birth certificate (adoption) of all children;
    • certificate of Russian citizenship child (can be obtained at the passport office);
    • documents of a trusted person, if necessary (passport, residence permit, grounds for authority).

    The procedure for obtaining maternity capital in 2016 in some cases requires the submission additional documents:

    • death certificate of mother or both parents;
    • a certificate from the court on the recognition of the mother as dead (if there is no death certificate based on this decision);
    • paper on deprivation of parental rights;
    • confirmation that the woman committed a deliberate crime against children.

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    What information should be included in the application

    Applicants must provide the following information on the standard application form:

    • the status of the applicant in the family (mother, father, child);
    • date, place of birth, gender;
    • passport details;
    • citizenship;
    • SNILS;
    • address of registration and actual residence;
    • contacts;
    • information about the authorized person, if it represents the interests of the applicant (full name, date, place of birth, passport details, grounds for authority);
    • data on children (name, gender, details of the child's certificate, date, place of birth, citizenship);
    • basic information (a request to issue a certificate, a description of the features of obtaining);
    • list of attached documents.

    To make a decision Pension fund 36 days are given, after which you can expect a letter that will indicate the date of the second visit to receive the certificate or the reason for the refusal.

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    What can family money be spent on?

    Matkapital is not issued in cash. The intended use of funds is strictly controlled by the state, possible fraud is monitored and prevented.

    In 2016, the amount of the state subsidy is 475 thousand rubles, which is almost 22 thousand more than last year. Citizens can spend money in the following areas:

    • improvement of family living conditions (purchase, reconstruction, construction of housing);
    • use as a down payment for a mortgage;
    • children's education;
    • providing the mother with a pension.

    Buying a home is the most popular choice

    Terms of use of money may change somewhat. The government is considering adding the following areas for the use of funds:

    • purchase of special equipment for disabled children;
    • accumulation of the dad's pension (the only adoptive parent).

    Since 2015, there has been an anti-crisis mechanism for a one-time cash receipt. The owner of the certificate can withdraw up to 20,000 rubles for any needs of the family. The intended use of money is not controlled, there are no restrictions in this sense. This procedure takes place on the basis of the application of the certificate holder, which must be submitted before March 31, 2016.

    In order to exclude fraudulent schemes for cashing out state subsidy funds, the government introduced a restriction on the period of existence of a credit institution on the market.

    Institutions that have been operating for at least 3 years are allowed to work with mother capital. Microfinance organizations are deprived of the right to process transactions with maternity capital.

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    Useful information about matkapital

    Single mothers should act in the same order

    • The amount of financial assistance is indexed annually, and there is no need to replace the certificate.
    • The terms for obtaining maternity capital are not regulated. The family can start registration both immediately after the birth of the second child, and later, as well as after the appearance of the third and subsequent (but only once).
    • Guardianship is not a basis for receiving family capital.
    • Funds are not subject to income tax.
    • If the certificate is lost, it is possible to issue its duplicate.
    • You can use the money three years 3 after the birthday of the second (subsequent) baby. In some cases, it is allowed to spend maternity capital up to three years and even immediately after the birth of a new family member:
    1. when making the first mortgage payment;
    2. when repaying the current debt on a housing loan.
    • The certificate is revoked and cannot be used in the following cases:
    1. the owner abandoned the child or forcibly deprived of parental rights (in this case, the opportunity to spend money passes to the children);
    2. a citizen has committed a crime against children, the intent of which has been proven;
    3. adoption canceled (refusal);
    4. the owner has died;
    5. funds are fully used for their intended purpose.

    You can count on money only once

    A negative response from the PF can only be expected if there are legal grounds. In this case, you can apply to the controlling body of the Pension Fund or to the court in order to appeal such a decision. Do not trust dubious intermediaries offering illegal methods.