Maternity capital definition. All about maternity capital

Since 2007, Federal Law No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children” has been in force. According to this normative act the right to receive maternity (family) capital arises at the birth (adoption) from January 1, 2007 of the second and subsequent children. The document confirming the right to receive maternity (family) capital is a state certificate for maternity (family) capital. The amount of maternity (family) capital in 2016 is 453,026 rubles. The funds of the maternity (family) capital can only be used for the directions specified in the law, while the funds are not issued on hand, but are realized by non-cash transfer by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with the chosen direction. Obtaining a certificate and disposing of its funds is not limited by time.

Who is given a certificate for maternity capital?

The certificate can be obtained:

  • A woman who gave birth or adopted a second child within a specified period. The right to receive a certificate for the third and subsequent children remains if the certificate was not received at the birth of the second child.
  • Children who have passed the right to receive a certificate as a result of: death of parents, deprivation of parental rights, intentionally committing a crime against a person by parents. Children can get a certificate if they are under 18 years old, or if they are studying full-time (up to 23 years old, or until graduation).

In the event of the death of a child during childbirth, the right to receive maternity (family) capital does not arise. However, if the death of a child occurred in the first week of life and the parents (one of the parents) received a birth certificate for the specified child, then family capital must be provided.

Can a father receive maternity capital?

Let us consider in more detail the receipt of maternity (family) capital by the father. In 2007, when the state support program for families with children was just beginning to operate, the practice was such that fathers could not use the right to receive maternity (family) capital. At present, the situation has changed.

A father can receive maternity (family) capital only if the mother of the child:

  • Died or declared dead;
  • Deprived of parental rights;
  • Committed an intentional crime against a person.

A man can also receive a certificate if he adopted a child alone. At the same time, the decision of the court on adoption should come into force after January 1, 2007.

Maternity capital for twins

In families that have two children at once (twins, twins), it becomes necessary to purchase housing to increase living space. If the family knows about the right to maternity (family) capital, then the question arises: “Do they give maternity capital for twins?” A certificate for family capital is given for twins under a number of conditions:

  • Twins have been born or adopted since early 2007;
  • There are no more children in the family, or the right to maternity (family) capital for previously born children has not been used, i.e. the certificate can only be obtained once;
  • Maternal (family) capital will be used to educate children, increase the mother's labor pension, build, reconstruct or purchase housing.
  • In order for you to be given maternity (family) capital for the birth of twins, you need to apply to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) with a statement. Lawyers note that there are two types of applications: for obtaining a certificate and for its disposal.

In the application for a certificate for the birth of twins, the following information is indicated:

  • About the applicant (who is the child, passport details, address of residence, citizenship);
  • About children (name, birth data, residential address, gender);
  • SNILS;
  • order of birth of children;
  • The date;
  • Signature.

The application form and sample will be issued to you by the FIU. In the event that you or your child do not have a certificate of pension insurance (SNILS), then it can be issued to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the time of submission of documents for obtaining a maternal (family) certificate for the birth of twins.

Lawyers also pay attention to one more important point- a certificate for maternity (family) capital can be used only after the children (twins, twins) are three years old. The exception is cases of payment of interest or principal debt under a loan agreement, mortgage, loan against maternity (family) capital. AT this case maternity (family) capital funds can be used immediately after the birth of twins.

Many families think that for the birth of twins, maternal (family) capital is doubled. This is not true. By law, a certificate for maternity (family) capital can be obtained only once.

What to spend maternal (family) capital (goals)?

Maternal (family) capital can be used for the following purposes:

  • Improvement of living conditions;
  • Repayment of a mortgage loan;
  • Reconstruction and repair of a residential building with an increase in living space;
  • Compensation for building a house;
  • Repair and construction of the house on their own;
  • Share building;
  • Participation in housing cooperatives;
  • Getting an education;
  • Student accommodation in a hostel of an educational institution;
  • Payment for the services of an educational institution (for example, a kindergarten);
  • From 2015 to 20 thousand rubles. can be spent on small needs.

Family capital can be used not only in its entirety, but also in parts. The amount of money that is not spent will be indexed annually. If you do not have enough money to buy an apartment, you can draw up a loan or loan agreement. The certificate can be used to pay the down payment, interest, part of the principal debt. KPK Sodeistvie, part of the Ordin and K group of companies, issues loans for improving housing conditions using maternity (family) capital (repayment of the principal amount and interest for using the maternity capital loan) at 4% of the loan amount (16 % in year). The law does not provide for the expenditure of maternity (family) capital funds for the purchase of building materials for repairs, as well as for the purchase of land plot, household appliances, car, apartment renovation, loan repayment.

Where can you get maternity (family) capital today?

If the child, in connection with the birth (adoption) of which the right to maternity (family) capital was obtained, is under three years old, then the funds of maternity (family) capital can be used for the construction and acquisition of real estate. This procedure can be carried out through credit and non-profit organizations.

Credit consumer cooperative "Assistance" issues loans to improve housing conditions using maternity capital at 4% of the amount of maternity capital (16% per year). Checkout all Required documents LLC "Ordin and K" will help. Lawyers of Ordin and K LLC have been working for 6 years in the field of paperwork for obtaining maternity capital in the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and also regularly provide legal advice on these issues, collect and draw up documents, represent the interests of clients in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, courts, etc. For information: and

In this case, to buy real estate, you must:

  • compliance of the property with market value;
  • the approved decision of the CPC "Sodeistvie" to provide a loan;
  • preparation and signing of the loan agreement;
  • drawing up by lawyers of Ordin and K LLC a contract for the sale of real estate.

If the second child has reached three years of age, then in order to issue maternity capital, you need to contact the pension fund (PFR) at your place of residence with an application for a certificate and the appropriate package of documents. The FIU must submit:

  • Applicant's passport;
  • Application for maternity capital;
  • Birth certificates of children;
  • Marriage registration certificate;
  • Insurance number of an individual personal account. If the pension insurance certificate for children is not received, it is issued together with the application.

In cases where the father receives the certificate, documents confirming the father’s right to receive the certificate must be submitted to the FIU, for example: in the event of the death of the mother, it is necessary to provide a death certificate or a court decision declaring the mother dead, etc.). There are cases when children receive maternal (family) capital. In this case, it is necessary to provide documents containing confirmation of the death of the parents (or guardians).

The term for consideration of the application to the FIU is not more than a month. Within two months, the PFR transfers funds either to the seller when buying real estate, or to the owner of maternity capital during construction. If a loan is issued through a credit or non-profit organization, then the funds are transferred to the account of such an organization to pay off the debt under the loan agreement.

Payment for kindergarten with maternity capital

Not many people know that maternity (family) capital funds can be spent on paying kindergarten. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 926 dated December 24, 2007 (as amended in 2012), the funds allocated under the Maternity (Family) Capital program can be spent not only on paying for education, but also on paying expenses, associated with education. The list of expenses is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Thus, the costs associated with obtaining education include:

  • Payment for accommodation in a hostel;
  • Payment for the maintenance of children in preschool and school educational institutions.

Since kindergarten belongs to preschool educational institutions, then payment for the maintenance of a child in a kindergarten is possible through a certificate for maternity (family) capital.

In order to pay for kindergarten with maternity (family) capital, you must contact Pension Fund RF. If the certificate has already been received, then you need to write an application for the disposal of maternity (family) capital, indicating that the money will be used to pay for kindergarten. If there is no certificate, then it is necessary to write an application for its issuance to the FIU.

Validity of maternity capital

Currently, the law establishes that the validity of the certificate is limited to 12/31/2018.

In the summer of 2014, two bills were submitted to the State Duma. Their developers proposed extending maternity capital until 2025, that is, until the expiration date of the current Demographic Development Concept. The Ministry of Labor has developed a strategy for the demographic development of Russia until 2050, according to which the period of payments for maternity (family) capital will be extended for decades.

The amount of maternity capital

The amount of maternity (family) capital is reviewed annually taking into account inflation growth rates and is set federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and for the planning period.

Sell ​​an apartment bought with maternity capital

It is possible to sell an apartment bought with maternity capital, but this will not be easy, especially if the apartment is inhabited by minor children who have their own share, or if the housing was bought on credit, mortgage, etc.

Minor children do not need to give more than 1/100 of a share if the value of the property is almost not equal to the maternity capital. In order to sell real estate purchased using maternity (family) capital, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authority. There are two options:

  • provide equal shares to minors in the acquired real estate;
  • on accounts opened in the name of minors, place an amount equivalent to the value of the shares.

In order to obtain consent for the first option, it is necessary to provide guardianship with a preliminary agreement for the purchase of an apartment in which shares of minor children will be provided. At the same time, shares in a new apartment should not worsen the situation of minor children. In the absence of funds for the purchase of this apartment, it is necessary to make two transactions: the sale of an apartment owned and the purchase new apartment. To do this, you need to provide a preliminary contract for the sale of your apartment to guardianship. When concluding contracts, a problem may arise related to the refusal of the guardian's consent to the sale of the apartment. In this case, you will incur losses in the form of penalties and fulfillment of obligations under preliminary agreements. The help of experienced lawyers of Ordin and K LLC will help to avoid mistakes in the preparation of preliminary and main contracts.

As for the second option, here it is necessary to open settlement accounts for minor children and provide obligations to the guardianship and guardianship authorities to place funds on these accounts after receiving payment under the sales contract from the seller.

Exemption of maternity capital from taxes

To the tax code Russian Federation amendments were made to exempt regional maternity capital from taxes. It's no secret that there are two types of maternity capital - regional and federal. The amount of the first depends on the financial potential of the region and averages 100 thousand rubles. These funds can be disposed of by parents in different ways - to pay for education, medical therapy for the child, postpone for retirement or improve living conditions. There is no particular difference between the capitals.

Until recently, a significant difference was the taxation of regional funds, or rather, with an average payment of 100 thousand, it was necessary to pay 20 thousand rubles to the tax authorities, since this income was subject to personal income tax. According to the amendments made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, maternity capital is exempt from taxes. The changes also affected other categories of social assistance. They exempted from paying taxes a lump-sum payment to doctors working in rural areas after completing their studies at a university, income in the form of real estate received from the state. Courts may exempt taxpayers from paying the state duty, whose financial situation does not allow them to pay the required amount when applying to the court.

A responsibility

The legislation does not provide for a specific measure of responsibility in case of failure to fulfill obligations on maternity (family) capital, but any scams conducted with maternity (family) capital are criminally punishable (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Maternal capital: rumors

Rumor one: Family capital is provided for the first child.

Answer: Currently, maternity capital is not given for the first child, but such a bill exists, it is under preliminary consideration in the State Duma.

Rumor two: Maternal capital will be canceled soon.

Answer: Bills on this issue have already been submitted to the State Duma and it is proposed to extend the MC until 2025.

Rumor three:

Each year, a lump-sum payment from maternity capital is issued.

Answer: Not true. In 2011 they didn't. In 2012, a payment of 15,000 rubles was offered, but they did not give it either. In 2015, it was proposed to issue up to 20 thousand rubles. for small needs.

Rumor four: Maternity capital can pay for the education of parents.

No, you can't, but the deputies are already thinking about it.

Advantages and disadvantages of applying to the CPC "Assistance"

There are only two grounds for using maternity capital funds before the second child is 3 years old: under a mortgage loan agreement or under a loan agreement using maternity (family) capital funds.

  1. Credit consumer cooperative "Assistance" is one of the largest credit cooperatives in the Vologda region. We have offices in 10 cities of the Vologda region: Vologda, Veliky Ustyug, Kichmensky Gorodok, Krasavino, Nikolsk, Nyuksenitsa, Tarnogsky Gorodok, Totma, Babaevo and Chagoda;
  2. CPC "Assistance" is a member of the non-profit partnership SRO "People's Cashiers-Soyuzsberzaym", second-level CPC "Central People's Cashier";
  3. The activities of the CPC "Assistance" are accompanied by experienced lawyers from the company "Ordin and K", which guarantees the correct drafting of all contracts. Lawyer Ordin Andrey Egorovich is the chairman of the Union of Lawyers of the SRO "People's Cashiers - Soyuzsberzaym";
  4. CPC "Assistance" has been operating since March 09, 2011;
  5. In the PDA "Assistance" the lowest interest rates on a loan using maternity (family) capital - only 4% of the loan amount (16% per year), which distinguishes it from other credit and non-profit organizations, where the rate is more than 15% of the amount of maternity capital.
  6. The CCP "Assistance" does not use illegal schemes for conducting funds. Everything is completely legal and legal.

Thus, applying to the consumer credit cooperative "Assistance" is quite profitable compared to applying to banks and other non-profit organizations. The loan is issued for a period of up to 3 months. Funds are issued within a few days. For information: and

| "Cashing out" maternity capital

Marina Yuryeva, a practicing lawyer at Yuriev Legal Bureau and part-time mother of three children, helped us clarify some of the issues, and also compiled a small algorithm of actions for those who wish to exercise their right to receive this type of support from the state. Basically, our conversation touched upon the issue of using maternity capital to improve housing conditions.

- What is maternity capital?

This is a measure of state support by the state for families with children. This is not cash, but a monetary obligation, which can only be used for certain needs, the range of which is limited by law (). The official definition of the concept of maternity capital is “these are federal budget funds transferred to the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional state support measures provided for by law.”

Who and under what conditions can receive maternity capital?

Only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to maternity capital, regardless of their place of residence. Obviously, it initially occurs in a woman who has given birth or adopted a second child, starting from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016. If a woman has a third (fourth, fifth, and so on) child during the above period, and documents for maternity capital have not been submitted earlier, then she also has the right to it. The same applies to adoptive parents.

Can a man or a child claim capital?

For them, this right arises only in the event of termination of such a woman, that is, in the event of her death or deprivation of parental rights. And, by the way, if the father of the child, in connection with the birth of which the right to state support measures arose, is a foreigner, and the mother, a Russian citizen, has died or is deprived of parental rights (you can see a more detailed wording in the law), then the child has the right to maternal capital. In the same situation, if the father has Russian citizenship, and the mother no, the right to maternity capital does not arise for either a man or a child. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in its ruling of October 13, 2009, clarified that a man's right to maternity capital is not derived from a woman's right only when he is the sole adopter of a child.

Can you tell us in more detail who appealed to the Constitutional Court and why?

As follows from the definition, a father of two children applied to the Court: the mother of the eldest of them died in 2003, the second child was born on January 4, 2007 in a remarriage. He was denied the issuance of a state certificate for maternity capital, in connection with which an appeal to the Constitutional Court followed. The latter, in turn, refused to accept the complaint for consideration, since resolving the issue of expanding the circle of persons entitled to additional measures of state support in connection with the birth (adoption) of children is the prerogative of the legislator. Thus, if a man is the father of several children from different mothers, then this is not a basis for receiving maternity capital for a child, since a woman who has a second or subsequent child has the right to maternity capital.

Are there any other subtleties?

It should be borne in mind that the right to matkapital arises only once. The basis for obtaining a certificate is not the presence of a birth certificate of the first child, but the very fact of the birth of children. In this case, the age of the first child at the time of the birth of the second does not matter. Maternity capital is assigned to only one child, therefore, for example, the amount does not double at the birth of twins. If there are several children, then it is simply divided in equal shares. When the second child was born to the mother, and the first one died, then the refusal to issue a certificate for maternity capital may be declared illegal in court.

In some subjects, the right to regional maternity capital may arise. For example, in St. Petersburg, the starting capital for the birth of a third or subsequent children before December 31, 2016 is 100,000 rubles.

Remember that maternity capital is not subject to personal income tax. However, the use of maternity capital for the purpose of education or the acquisition of housing excludes the possibility of using the social tax deduction and property tax deduction for the acquisition of housing.

So how can you still get maternity capital?

As I said, this is not cash, so you can’t get anything on hand. Although the law previously allowed to allocate 12,000 rubles from maternity capital and spend them at your discretion. But such a possibility existed from August 2010 to April 2011 inclusive. Now maternity capital funds can only be used to improve housing conditions (by the way, the most common way to use it), to get an education for a child (children), to form a funded part of a labor pension for a woman (the rarest case). And do not forget that the right to this measure of state support, although it arises from the date of birth (adoption) of the second and subsequent children, can be realized no earlier than three years after the birth of the specified child. But there is one exception to this rule.

- Could you give an understandable, but complete algorithm for obtaining a certificate for maternity capital. Here, for example, my second child was born (or I adopted) - where to run, what to do ...

  1. You need to confirm this fact with a medical birth certificate (or a statement from the person who was present at the birth, if they took place outside a medical facility). In case of adoption - by a court decision in respect of the adopted child.
  2. Based on these documents, you need to obtain a birth certificate of the child in the registry office.
  3. Next, you or your representative should contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of your residence (stay) and writeapplication for a certificate. You may do so at any time after the birth of your second, third, or subsequent children. By the way, you can apply through the portal Relevant documents are attached to the application ()
  4. The pension fund makes a decision within a month.
  5. Not later than 5 days from the date of the decision, the territorial body of the Pension Fund will send you a notification of satisfaction or refusal to satisfy the application (all the grounds for refusal are listed in the law).
  6. At any time after 3 years from the date of birth (adoption) of the second, third or subsequent children must be submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residencehstatement on the disposal of maternity capital or part of it. However, if you definitely decide to use it (or part of it) to pay off the principal and interest on loans or loans for the purchase (construction) of housing (including mortgage loans), then you can write an application for the disposal of capital without waiting for the child’s three-year-old age, indicating in it currently valid indexed amount. This is exactly the exception that I mentioned earlier. But, according to the law, such contracts had to be concluded before December 30, 2010 inclusive. If later, you will have to wait for the child's 3rd birthday.

— So, what if the child has a right?...

… then the Pension Fund must issue a certificate in his name. At the same time, of course, they will not be handed over to a minor. The certificate is issued to his legal representative, who is obliged to transfer a personal document to the child upon reaching the age of majority or upon acquiring legal capacity.

- The amount of capital for 2014 is already known, because it somehow changes depending on inflation, for example?

You are right, the size of the mother's capital is reviewed annually taking into account the rate of inflation growth and is established by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and for the planning period. By the way, the projected inflation rate for the next two years is already known - 5% each in 2013 and 2014. Therefore, the approximate amount of maternity capital in 2014 will be 429,408.5 rubles, and in 2015 - 450,879 rubles.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular one: improving housing conditions at the expense of maternity capital ... What exactly can these funds be used for?

  • For the purchase of a home.
  • For payment under an agreement on participation in shared housing construction.
  • For the construction and reconstruction of an individual residential building.
  • To pay an entrance fee or a share contribution to a housing, housing construction, housing savings cooperative.
  • For the payment of a down payment when obtaining a loan or loan, including a mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing.
  • To repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans or loans, including mortgages, for the purchase or construction of housing.

- What documents are required for this?

A detailed list of documents that will be required in various situations can be found on the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

- What subtleties, "pitfalls" can you note when talking about the allocation of funds for a down payment on a mortgage?

I have already mentioned some of them above. In addition, always remember that maternity capital can only be transferred by non-cash transfers to organizations and citizens that sell (build) housing, as well as banks and organizations that provide money under loan agreements. There are only two ways to use maternity capital through a bank: send it either to pay the down payment when buying a finished or under construction home, or to pay debts to the bank on an already taken mortgage. At the same time, not every bank accepts matkapital as a down payment. Although some (for example, VTB-24) offer special programs with the participation of maternity capital. In any case, keep the following in mind:

  • the acquired housing must be located on the territory of Russia and be registered in the common shared ownership of parents, children and other family members;
  • from the amount of maternity capital it will not be possible to receive a tax deduction;
  • it is prohibited to direct maternity capital to pay off fines, penalties for late fulfillment of obligations under these loans or loans;
  • it is necessary to provide a sufficiently large number of documents ().

- And if the funds of maternity capital are not enough to repay the previously taken mortgage loan?

You can use this amount to pay off current payments. In doing so, I advise you to do the following:

  1. open a separate bank account for repayment of current payments;
  2. transfer to this account the entire amount that you decide to allocate to pay off the mortgage;
  3. instruct the bank to transfer funds from this account to pay off the debt in the amount of monthly payments.
  4. It should be noted that the Pension Fund cannot always make payments on time, which will entail penalties under an agreement with the bank.

- The law also allows the early use of maternity capital to repay a target loan from a legal entity ...

Yes. But in February 2013, a draft law was submitted to the State Duma, which provides for limiting the range of lenders whose loans can be repaid with the help of maternity capital. This was caused by numerous fictitious loans in order to cash out maternity capital funds.

— And what can you say about the redemption of a share in the right of ownership at the expense of maternity capital?

Indeed, such a practice exists - there is no direct prohibition in the law. But the Pension Fund often refuses such statements, and the court, if applied to it, does not always recognize such actions as illegal.

- Why?

One of the main reasons for such controversial decisions lies in the fact that in judicial practice there is no common understanding of what “improvement of living conditions” means. For example, the court recognized that by acquiring a 1/3 share in the ownership of an apartment, a woman improved the living conditions of her family, since previously neither she nor her family members owned a dwelling or under a lease agreement. They lived in rented apartments, having registration in different places. At the same time, another court came to the conclusion that the acquisition of a 1/10 share in the right of common ownership of a residential building in the name of minor children cannot be regarded as an improvement in living conditions.

By the way, about the house. Is it possible now to use maternity capital funds to build a house?

If you mean independent construction without concluding an agreement with a construction organization or entrepreneur, then only in 2010 were families given the opportunity to use maternity capital funds for the construction (reconstruction) of an individual residential building without a contract. Initially, for these purposes, you can get 50% of the capital funds by providing a package of certain documents (). The remaining part can be used for the same purposes no earlier than six months after the initial transfer of funds. In this case, it will be necessary to submit a document confirming the implementation of the main construction work (installation of the foundation, erection of walls and roofs). Maternity capital can also be issued to compensate for the costs of a built (reconstructed) house, confirming this with documents ().

- I know one scheme for "cashing out" maternity capital - buying out a share in property from relatives. …

Indeed, this is a fairly common phenomenon when, after registering a transaction, the money is transferred to the seller - a relative, who, in turn, returns this amount to the former owner of the certificate. But the existence of such “cashing out” schemes cannot serve as a basis for refusing to provide maternity capital to conscientious mothers who purchase housing from relatives. As for the law, there is only a ban on the acquisition of property from a spouse. You can buy from other relatives. However, at the same time, they are obliged to “check out” from the housing being sold. In addition, real estate must be registered in the common joint ownership of all family members, the shares of each are determined by agreement between them.

- But such transactions can be challenged?

Usually, the question of the pretense of the transaction arises in court cases on the claims of citizens to challenge refusals to satisfy applications for the disposal of maternity capital funds. Of course, the decisions of the court depend on the evidence presented in the case. However, almost always the court concludes that the transaction is valid and points to the absence of legislative prohibitions on the purchase of housing from relatives.

- And in conclusion, tell us, if not a secret, how did you use your maternity capital?

To be honest, I haven't used it yet. We need to find time to deal with this issue. I'll probably use it to educate my children.

Interviewed by: Tatyana Maslova

The amount of maternity capital is what each family pays attention to when determining the possibility of using state support funds. The reason for this is the indexation of maternity capital. It causes an annual increase in the amount family capital by a few percent, which depends on the level of inflation in Russia. The cost of living in our country increases by the same percentage every year.

It is important to know that the amount of payments under the Maternity Capital program is determined not by the year of birth or adoption of a child, but by the year of use of capital funds. For example, if a child was born in 2007 (the amount of family capital then was only 250,000 rubles), and the family decides to use state support funds only in 2017, when the capital is 453,026 rubles, exactly 453,026 rubles will be in the family’s account.

In addition, even if part of the capital funds is spent in a certain year, the balance is in any case subject to indexation (by the same percentage as the entire amount of capital).

Table of maternity capital by years

The amount of maternity capital in 2014 and years is significantly different from its size in 2007, when the program was just launched. The table below shows the increase in the amount of capital.

YearAmount of capital (in rubles)
2007250 000
2008276 250
year 2009312 162
2010343 378
2011365 698
year 2012387 640
year 2013408 960
year 2014429 408
2015, 2016 and 2017 453 026
2018, 2019453,026 (forecast)

As you can see, the amount of maternity capital in 2012 was almost 388,000 rubles. Maternity capital in 2013 is almost 410,000 rubles.