Documents for obtaining maternity capital c. Documents for obtaining maternity capital. List of documents for maternity capital

June 8, 2016 law on the payment of 25 thousand from maternity capital was adopted by the deputies of the State Duma. Having passed the approval of the Federation Council, the document was submitted for signing on June 15 Vladimir Putin. June 23, 2016 Law No. 181-FZ "On a one-time payment at the expense of maternity (family) capital in 2016" was signed by the President and published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

In addition, on June 17, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection published on the official government portal a draft of new Rules for submitting an application and documents to receive a lump sum payment, as well as the procedure for transferring 25,000 territorial bodies of the Pension Fund to applicants. According to, as in previous years, it will be possible to submit an application and documents by one of the following ways:

  • by contacting the local authority directly. Pension Fund (PFR) at the place of residence, place of actual residence or stay;
  • through Multifunctional centers (MFC) providing state and municipal services;
  • by mail in any way to confirm the fact and date of dispatch;
  • in electronic form using:
    • services "Personal account of the insured person" on the FIU website;
    • Federal portal of public services at

When can I get 25 thousand from maternity capital in 2016

This year, the law provides reduced terms applying for a payment of 25 thousand: no later than November 30, 2016, which is only 5 full months from the beginning of the second half of the year, when the acceptance of documents to the FIU will begin.

It is expected that during this period the total number of applicants, as in the previous year, could reach 2 million people(which is the average load up to 20 thousand hits for each working day of Pension Fund branches throughout the country).

In this regard, this year the role of:

  • multifunctional centers "My documents"(MFC);
  • methods of remote application submission (by mail or via the Internet on the website of the Pension Fund or on the Public Services Portal).

When can I apply for 25000?

In accordance with the amendments adopted by the State Duma when considering the law on the payment of 25 thousand from the mother's capital second reading, the document comes into force from the moment of its official publication after signing by the President - that is, already entered into force on June 23, 2016.

However, with approving the rules for applying to the Pension Fund, the situation is more complicated: the by-law is first signed by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin, then the document is registered with the Ministry of Justice and officially published.

Also, directly to fill out the application itself, you will need the information contained in additional documents:

  • - to indicate its series, number, date of issue and information about the branch of the FIU that issued it,
  • SNILS(if any) - to indicate insurance number in the compulsory pension insurance system.

If the application is filled out correctly and a complete set of documents is issued to the applicant in person (or, depending on the method of submission, sent by mail or via the Internet) receipt-notification, which indicates registration date(acceptance) of the application:

  • directly in the territorial body of the PFR - in all major cases;
  • date of registration of the application by the employees of the MFC - in case of application through the MFC.

When does the Pension Fund transfer 25 thousand?

  • The submitted application is subject to consideration by the employees of the relevant body of the Pension Fund within one month starting from the date of registration. Within the specified time period, a decision is made:
    • on the satisfaction of the application;
    • about denial of it.

    That is, for example, if a family applied for a payment on the last day of receiving applications November 30th, then the decision must be made until December 31, 2016 - last day the effect of the new law.

  • If a decision is made satisfy the application, then for one more month 25,000 rubles are transferred to the account details specified in the application and confirmed by the documents of the credit institution.
  • If accepted refusal decision, then the corresponding notification is sent by the FIU employees to the postal address of the applicant within 5 working days from the moment of issuance, indicating the reason for the refusal (if the documents were submitted via the Internet, then in the format of an electronic notification).
  • Thus, as in previous years, the transfer of money should be expected within 2 months after the application and documents have been submitted and registered with the FIU or the MFC.

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation On June 17, 2016, she developed a draft order “On approval of the Rules for filing an application for a lump-sum payment at the expense of maternity (family) capital and the procedure for its implementation in 2016”.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, without waiting for the entry into force of the draft order of the Ministry of Labor, began to accept applications for a lump sum payment at the expense of maternity capital in the amount of 25 thousand rubles from June 24, 2016. The corresponding letter was sent by the FIU to all multifunctional centers (MFCs). And from July 1, 2016, an application for a lump-sum payment from maternity capital can be submitted to in electronic format through Personal Area citizen on the PFR website.

How much money can be withdrawn from maternity capital

A one-time payment at the expense of maternity capital is carried out in the amount of 25 000 rubles. If the actual balance of maternity capital on the date of application less than 25 thousand, then this payment is transferred in the amount actual balance maternity capital funds on the date of application.

Who can get 25 thousand from maternity capital

According to the Rules, the right to receive 25 thousand from maternity capital funds are individuals who have been certified maternal capital living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Certificate holders will be able to receive a lump sum payment, regardless of the period that has elapsed from the date of birth (adoption) of the second, third child or subsequent children:

  • no later than November 30, 2016 - in the event that the right to additional measures of state support arose (emerges) before September 30, 2016 inclusive.

To receive a lump sum payment in the amount of 25 thousand rubles, you will need to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in person or through a representative with a statement not only at the place of residence, but also at the place of residence or actual residence. And also through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC).

The application can be sent by mail or in the form of an electronic document using the federal state information system "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)" and the information system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation "Personal Account of the Insured Person".

An application for a lump-sum payment at the expense of maternity capital can be submitted to the territorial body of the PFR simultaneously with the application for the issuance of a state certificate for maternity (family) capital.

How to write an application for receiving 25 thousand from maternity capital

You can apply for a lump sum payment of 25 thousand rubles:

  • personally, having come to the PFR or MFC department;
  • through a proxy;
  • through a single portal of state and municipal services (through the State Services website);
  • submit an application with all documents by mail. In this case, copies of documents are sent, the accuracy of which is certified in the manner prescribed by law (that is, notarized), original documents are NOT sent. The application and documents are sent by mail in a way that allows you to confirm the fact and date of departure (that is, by a valuable letter with a list of attachments and a return receipt). If not all documents are attached to the application, or not all documents are attached, the FIU returns the application and the documents attached to it within 5 days, indicating the reason for the return.
  • send an application through the PFR website "Personal account of the insured person", using an account in unified system identification and authentication (ESIA).

What documents need to be submitted to receive 25 thousand from maternity capital

The application is submitted to the PFR, MFC, by mail, through the website of the PFR or public services with the presentation of the following documents (or copies thereof, the accuracy of which is certified in the manner prescribed by law):

  • certificate for maternity capital (needed to fill out an application);
  • identity document, place of residence of the person who received the certificate (passport);
  • SNILS - insurance certificate state pension insurance (needed to fill out an application);
  • a document certifying the identity, place of residence and powers of the authorized representative, - if the person who received the certificate submits the application through the authorized representative;
  • a document confirming the details of an account opened for a person entitled to additional measures of state support (the legal representative of a minor child) in a credit institution (a bank deposit (account) agreement, a certificate from a credit institution on the details of an account opened by a person who received a certificate, and others documents containing information about account details). In the application, it will be necessary to write the BIC, TIN, KPP of the bank and the account number opened by the person who received the certificate;

The date of receipt of the application is the date of its registration in the territorial body of the PFR, except for the case of submitting an application through the MFC.

The date of receipt of an application submitted through a multifunctional center is the date of its registration at the MFC.

Upon receipt of the application, the FIU or the MFC issues a receipt-notification of the acceptance (registration) of the application. When sending an application by mail, a receipt-notification of the registration of the application is sent to the applicant at the address indicated in the application by mail.

When submitting an application in the form of an electronic document, an electronic notification of the registration of his application is sent to the applicant.

When the FIU transfers 25 thousand

The application is subject to consideration by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within a month from the date of registration of the application with everyone necessary documents, based on the results of which a decision is made to satisfy or refuse to satisfy the application.

The transfer of a lump sum payment in the amount of 25 thousand rubles at the expense of maternity capital is carried out by the PFR not later month term from the date of the decision taken by this body to satisfy the application.

Thus, 25 thousand rubles will go to the account after two months from the date of submission of documents : a month is given by the PFR to make a decision and a month to transfer funds to a bank account.

When the FIU can refuse to pay

The grounds for refusal to satisfy the application are:

  • lack of the right to additional measures of state support;
  • termination of the right to additional measures of state support on the grounds established by parts 3 and 4 of article 3 federal law dated December 29, 2006, No. 256-FZ “On additional measures to support families with children” (in cases of the death of a woman, declaring her dead, deprivation of parental rights, in case of cancellation of the adoption of a child, as well as in the case when the right to maternal the capital was transferred to the father (adoptive parent), and if the father (adoptive parent) of the child died, was declared dead, was deprived of parental rights);
  • restriction of a person in parental rights in relation to a child, in connection with the birth of which the right to additional measures of state support arose, on the date of the decision on the application filed by the specified person (until the restriction in parental rights is canceled in the prescribed manner);
  • removal of a child, in connection with the birth of which the right to additional measures of state support arose (for the period of removal of the child);
  • realization of the right to additional measures of state support in full;
  • realization of the right to receive a lump sum payment (if the PFR has previously paid 25 thousand rubles);
  • discrepancy between the amount of the lump-sum payment indicated in the application (if the application indicates an amount not equal to 25 thousand or not equal to the actual balance, if the amount of maternity capital is less than 25,000 rubles).

If a decision is made to refuse to satisfy the application, the territorial body of the PFR sends within 5 working days from the date of the decision to the person who submitted the application, a corresponding notification indicating the reason for the refusal in a way that allows confirming the fact and date of receipt of the notification.

If the applicant applies through the MFC, the specified notification is sent to the MFC for further forwarding to the applicant.

When sending an application by mail, a notice of refusal to satisfy the application is sent to the applicant at the address indicated in the application by mail.

When submitting an application in the form of an electronic document, an appropriate electronic notification is sent to the applicant.

If desired, an application for receiving 25 thousand can be canceled by writing an application for the cancellation of a previously submitted application.

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When going to government agencies to initiate any administrative procedure (getting help, benefits or just a certificate), it is always important to know in advance what documentation and in what form will need to be attached to the application, what information to provide. Let us consider in detail the procedure for obtaining a certificate for mother capital, since this type of state support is in high demand among Russian families. For a comprehensive coverage of the process, we will describe the methods by which the data displayed in the application are submitted, mandatory annexes to it.

Organizations authorized to consider applications and submission forms

The authority to consider citizens' applications for registration and make a positive or negative decision on the provision of material support is vested in the regional divisions of the Pension Fund. Introduce documents for maternity capital 2016 year is possible through a visit to the subdivision of the fund serving the territory of the administrative unit where the applicant is registered or lives.

Alternative ways to submit a documentation package are also currently available:

  1. Through the "one window" - by submitting documents to the multifunctional center for the provision of public services. The employees of the center will transfer the accepted package of documents for registration and consideration to the authorized body;
  2. Send papers by mail. Copies of applications must be previously certified by a notary. It is recommended to send important documentation by registered mail in order to avoid loss and to confirm the date and fact of application (in disputed cases);
  3. Send an electronic version of the application for a certificate through the public services portal;
  4. Entrust the submission of documents to another person by issuing a general or special power of attorney (All powers of attorney must be certified by a notary).

Next, we will consider in more detail the content of the application for issuing a certificate, which documents for registration of maternity capital should be attached to it by persons with different social status in relation to a child, the appearance of which gave the family the right to the type of state support in question.

Documents for maternity capital 2016: application

The main document reflecting the will of a citizen to receive maternity capital, and containing fundamental information for the type of state support in question, is a statement.

The standard form of this document was developed by the Ministry of Labor in 2012 and contains the following details:

  • The name of the regional subdivision of the fund where the document is submitted;
  • Data of the potential recipient of capital: full name, date and place of birth, gender, age;
  • The social status of the future recipient of the certificate (mother, father, child);
  • Passport details;
  • Information about the nationality of the applicant;
  • Information about where the potential recipient of the certificate is registered and lives;
  • Telephone number;
  • SNILS;
  • Information about the person acting on behalf of the applicant by proxy (the same as listed above for the applicant);
  • Data on each child from the applicant's family in order of birth (full name, gender, date and place of birth, date of adoption, nationality, birth certificate number);
  • Information about the child, the appearance of which served as the basis for the emergence of the right to state support (the same as mentioned in the previous paragraph for other children);
  • Data on past offenses committed against children, on deprivation of parental rights;
  • In cases of applying for a duplicate or making changes to an already issued certificate due to a change in the name of the recipient - the number of the original document;
  • Method of issuing the certificate - in person or by mail;
  • List of documents attached to the application;
  • Signature of the applicant or his representative, date of compilation.

About what documents are needed for maternity capital, whether it is necessary to prepare copies in advance, how they should be certified, we will discuss further.

Maternity capital 2016 - documents attached to the application

The list of attachments to the application for applicants with different status in relation to the child, upon the appearance of which the right to maternity capital arose in the family, differs slightly in composition. This is mainly due to the need to confirm the status of the applicant and the special conditions provided for by law (for example, the citizenship of the recipient of the certificate, if he is the mother or father of the child).

We list the documents common to all recipients, as well as additional documents for each individual status.

The list of mandatory attachments for all applicants to the application:

  1. Passport;
  2. Documents confirming the place of residence of the applicant (if it differs from the place of registration);
  3. Documentation confirming that the child, upon the fact of the appearance of which the right to state support has appeared, belongs to the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  4. Documentation of events in the family (marriage, divorce, birth of a child) that led to the change of surname, when it is necessary to establish family ties;
  5. Confirmation of the identity and place of residence of the authorized person;
  6. Birth certificate for each child in the family;
  7. Birth certificate of a child, decision to adopt a child whose appearance in the family led to the emergence of the right to state support.

Additional documents for the applicant's mother:

  1. Confirmation of belonging to the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Additional documents for the applicant father, when the mother died or her right to maternity capital was terminated for other reasons:

  1. Proof of Russian citizenship;
  2. Confirmation:
  • Death of the child's mother;
  • Deprivation of the mother of parental rights in relation to the child;
  • A mother committing an intentional criminal offense against a child.

Additional documents for the applicant-custodian of a minor child:

  1. Confirmation of guardianship;
  2. Confirmation:
  • Death of parents;
  • Commitment by parents of an intentional criminal offense against a child.

Documents that must be additionally submitted to the applicant - an adult child (under 23 years old):

  1. Documents confirming the fact:
  • Death of parents;
  • Deprivation of parents of their rights in relation to the child;
  • Commitment by parents of an intentional criminal offense against a child;
  1. Documents on training in the daytime department.

Procedure for submitting documentation

All applications are in the case in the form of a certified photocopy. The method of certifying copies varies depending on the submission method:

  1. When personally submitting to the bodies of the pension fund, originals are provided, which are certified by the employees of the institution;
  2. If documents are sent through the multifunction center or by mail, the applicant should prepare notarized copies in advance.

The bodies of the pension fund are not entitled to refuse to accept documents due to their insufficiency - they can request the necessary information from other organizations.

On the acceptance of the application, the fund employee issues a receipt-notification to the future recipient of the capital (when submitting documents through a multifunctional center or by mail, the receipt is sent by postal service). The receipt contains the date of filing and registration number of the application, the signature of the employee who accepted the documents.

Amount of state aid

In monetary terms, the amount of financial assistance for 2016 will be RUB 453,026. From initial size 250 00 rub. — in 2007, the amount of payments was repeatedly indexed. However, this year another indexation is not expected.

As a conclusion, we recall that when receiving a certificate of the right to mother capital, one should remember a significant number of legislative norms governing the terms of its use, intended purpose and many other nuances. You can find out whether it is possible to use it, how to direct it from the articles on our portal, as well as by contacting our lawyer for a free online consultation.

One of the best gifts for moms New Year holidays became until 2018. In 2016, in order to receive this social guarantee, it is necessary to prepare a mandatory package of documents and submit it to the department Pension Fund Russian Federation. The list of documents was compiled by the legislator without much fanaticism in order to speed up the process of obtaining state aid and going through all the procedures without paperwork. But in order to get the coveted certificate, you need to make a little effort.

What documents to apply to the PF?

As a rule, the very procedure for processing documents for obtaining an MK is not difficult, since all these documents are at your disposal.

The first thing to do is to write an application for the issuance of a state certificate for maternity capital.

Advice! The officially approved application form is best taken directly from the PF department or downloaded from official Internet sources.

Then you need to collect the following documents, after making notarized copies:

If you are not married for the first time, then you must also add to the list:

  1. Divorce certificate.
  2. Certificate of previous marriages. Such a certificate can be obtained from the relevant registry offices.

Attention! Documents for obtaining this social guarantee can be submitted not only by the mother of the child, but also by her representative, while providing a notarized power of attorney to carry out such actions.

If maternity capital is issued by the father or adoptive parent

Not only the mother of the child has the right to receive a certificate. The father can also become the owner of the document. For example, when a mother was deprived of parental rights in relation to her child. In addition, the right to MK may also pass to the adoptive parents if both parents have died or other circumstances have arisen when the child is left without parental care.

For an adoptive parent or father of children, the list of documents for receiving family capital is slightly wider than the basic one. So in addition you will need to provide copies of:

  • death certificate of the child's mother;
  • court decision on the recognition of the deceased mother of the child;
  • decision of the judicial authorities on the deprivation of parental rights (one or two parents);
  • a court decision that testifies to the commission by the parents (or one of them, respectively) of a crime against the personality of the child.

Attention! Unfortunately, it happens that children remain orphans, but at the same time, the children themselves have the right to additional social guarantees from the state. In this case, in addition to all documents, documents confirming the death of parents (or guardians) should be submitted to the FIU.

All documents are submitted to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the parent or the place of his actual stay.

Advice! To simplify the issuance of a certificate, you can send all documents to the competent authority using postal or electronic services.

Algorithm of actions for obtaining a certificate

After all the required documents are fully prepared, you need to contact the appropriate division of the Pension Fund. The analysis and processing of documents will take no more than one month, after which the PF employees will notify you of the date of receipt of the certificate.

In case of a positive response to your documents, for greater convenience, you can send a certificate by mail.

Changes in the law on maternity capital: video

O maternity capital Russians heard relatively recently - in 2007. There were quite a lot of disputes and various rumors about this idea. The social program has both supporters and opponents. Nevertheless, the program is working successfully. And today we’ll talk about what documents are required to receive maternity capital at the moment.

Who qualifies for a certificate?

It is received by citizens in whose family there was the second is born(or next) baby. Parents who have adopted a third or more child also have the right to it. Of course, if they have not previously used the right to receive a certificate. Since 2007, more than 5 million families have become its owners.

According to the law, the child who gives the right to receive a certificate must appear in this world before December 31 (inclusive) of the following year 2016. The use of the certificate itself has no time limit. Family (maternity) capital money can be used to improve living conditions, as well as to pay for the education of children or a pension for the mother. They may be used in whole or in part.

The amount of maternity capital in 2007 was the full 250 thousand rubles, for 2014 it is 408,960.5 rubles. The social program pursued main goal: an increase in the birth rate in Russia, which was achieved.

Maternity capital: what documents are needed

The program has been running for a long time. And yet, the question is often asked: “How is it allowed to use maternity capital, what documents are needed?” Collecting them should not be difficult, since the necessary papers for obtaining are at your home. The required documents for maternity capital in 2014 have not changed since 2007. They must be submitted to a special commission at the place of permanent residence or registration.

The list of documents for obtaining maternity capital includes:

  • the parent's passport and its photocopy - the pages of the document, where personal data, registration, children are indicated;
  • certificates confirming the birth of children, as well as their photocopies;
  • marriage certificate of the applicant, a photocopy of the document;
  • applicant, a photocopy of the document.
  • (SNILS) of the applicant and children.

In case of remarriage, you must additionally add to the package of documents for issuing a certificate:

  • certificate that the previous marriage was annulled and its photocopy;
  • a certificate from the registry office, corresponding to the form F-28 (represents a certificate of a previous marriage).

These documents for obtaining maternity capital are provided by the mother of the children. There are times when the father receives it. For example, if the mother of the baby died or was deprived of her parental rights by the court.

In cases where the mother has died, the documents for obtaining maternity capital are completed with the following certificates:

  • death certificate;
  • decision of the court that issued the decision to declare the death of the mother.

In the same cases when the mother is deprived of the rights in relation to the child by the court, the following shall be attached:

  • documents confirming illegal acts against the child;
  • the court's decision.

In some cases, the child may personally receive this payment. Papers are added to the above list, officially containing data confirming the death of his parents.

Where to send funds?

Funds received under this state program, is still allowed to be used in three ways: to improve living conditions, any education for children and pensions for the mother.

According to statistics, citizens spend money mainly on improving living conditions, and only a small percentage - on the education of children or on the funded part of the mother's pension.

Acquisition of housing

Today, buying a home for a young family is not so easy, given the constant increase in real estate prices. Maternity capital will be of great help in this matter, because one of the directions for its use is precisely the improvement of living conditions.

This concept refers to the reconstruction of housing, purchase, construction. Perhaps with the help of a certificate and mortgage repayment. It should be remembered that in order to be able to send money to improve living conditions, the child must be at least 3 years old at this time. You can use the funds immediately if the goal is to repay the loan. Moreover, only the debt or interest is repaid, it is impossible to repay fines or delays.

When buying housing for maternity capital, it should be borne in mind that it must be located on the territory of our country. The owner can be either the mother or the spouse. When applying for a mortgage, it should be remembered: the contract must state that there are no other co-borrowers except for the mother and spouse, and that the registration of property did not involve relatives.

Child's education

Funds can be directed to the education of one of the children, including the use of funds to pay preschool education. Parent capital is allowed to pay preschool state / non-state type, licensed and accredited.

You can also divide the funds to pay for the education of all children. You can split the funds and use only a part in any of the three possible directions.

If parents decide to change the school, university or preschool institution for their child, they should definitely notify the Pension Fund, that is, write a corresponding application. From this moment on, the money allocated for the education of the child will be transferred to the account of another educational institution.

Allocation of funds under the program to the mother's pension

In addition to improving the standard of living, paying for children's education, there is another area of ​​the social program. This is a redirected maternity capital - a "pension" option. If the option was chosen with the transfer of funds for the mother, then later it is always possible to redirect the funds (or part of them) to education or to improve housing. The main thing is that this operation should be carried out before the appointment of a pension. You only need to come to the Pension Fund and write a corresponding application.

The law of the Russian Federation does not allow the issuance of family capital in "live" money. This is illegal and is a scam. The purchase of maternity capital is also prohibited by law. Although a lot of such ads have appeared on the Internet, such actions are considered illegal.

Capital funds can be received in cash only upon reaching retirement age. To transfer funds to the account of the certificate, only an application is required, other additional documents not necessary.

In different regions of the Russian Federation, it is planned to continue to pay maternity capital at the regional level.

Is it possible to refuse a certificate?

Possible if:

  • there is no or terminated the right to additional measures of state support;
  • in case of indication of unreliable or incorrect information in the application;
  • parents are deprived of the right to raise their first child;
  • the child born is not a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the family received maternity capital earlier.

Has maternity capital changed in 2014?

In 2014, it became known that the Ministry of Labor was working on a bill regarding maternity capital. The purpose of this draft law is to develop conditions under which the funds of the certificate can be used as an option for repaying loans (purchasing a home). Also, this bill takes into account measures to prevent fraud. While this bill is under consideration.

If adopted, it will include provisions that will provide a list of organizations with which it is impossible to enter into credit relations. family capital, may only be used by credit cooperatives or large organizations. Their work will be strictly monitored by government agencies.

If the institution fails to comply with the norms established by law, then lending operations where it is planned to use funds from maternity capital will be prohibited. Citizens wishing to repay a loan for construction or purchase with maternity capital will have to apply only to organizations specified by law.

Cooperation with Sberbank

In order to profitably improve housing, build a house at the expense of public funds (maternity capital), Sberbank offers a program for lending to citizens “Mortgage plus maternity capital”. According to the terms of the bank, citizens will be able to repay the loan with the help of MK. Other programs are also available to the public:

  • a loan for the purchase of ready-made housing;
  • loan for housing under construction.

As soon as the maternity capital certificate is in hand, citizens will be able to take advantage of these programs. The main advantage of the mortgage program is that you can get a loan with the help of maternity capital, which ensures the payment of the down payment.

Documents for obtaining a loan (mortgage)

To apply for a mortgage, you need a standard set of documents for concluding an agreement, a certificate, a certificate from the Pension Fund on the balance of funds.

Getting a mortgage doesn't take long. The term for consideration of the application of citizens is five days. It can be issued to any of the spouses. It should be remembered that maternity capital cannot be cashed out (pursued by the Law of the Russian Federation) or transferred for use to another person, and it is also impossible to receive a tax deduction.

Until what year is the maternity capital valid?

Many citizens are worried about what will happen next with maternity capital? After all, everyone knows that the force of the law, which entered into force in 2007, ends by 2016. There is an opinion that maternity capital should be used before this period, otherwise it will cease to operate. This information is false. The certificate does not expire, meaning it will remain valid even after the program's conditional termination date. Citizens will be able to use it at any time convenient for them.

But do not forget that a child should be born (adopted) before December 31, 2016. Many deputies of the State Duma express their opinion in favor of extending the law until 2025.