Certificate of employment for the visa center of Austria. D visa documents. Additional documents that the consulate may request.

Are you interested in what documents you need to prepare in 2016 to get a visa to Austria? Those wishing to travel to a country that is attractive for tourism and business purposes need to prepare a package of documents that is not much different from the list of documentary copies, certificates and extracts required to obtain a visa to any other Schengen country. Meanwhile, each of the 26 countries of the agreement has its own requirements that must be taken into account.

If you intend to apply for a visa specifically to Austria, be aware that your first entry into Schengen must be through this country. She should be yours main goal. In the future, you will be able to freely move around 26 countries - Europe will become open and accessible. A minimum of effort, and your personal map of the world will soon lose many white spots.

There are two submission options:

  • personal presence;
  • your authorized representative contacts the Austrian representation.

The first case is the default. In the second case, only a relative can act as your authorized representative. He needs to present not a power of attorney, as one would expect, but a document confirming kinship with you.

If you are heading to Schengen for the first time, you will have to postpone all business and personally appear at the visa application center or consulate. Participation in the process of third parties is only allowed if the applicant for an Austrian visa has previously visited one or more Schengen countries.

It is important that your fingerprints be in the database of the countries of the agreement. Now the delivery of biometric data is mandatory for everyone who is going to visit Schengen for any reason. You need to sign up in advance. Before submitting documents, you need to give written consent to the processing of personal data.

The Austrians are especially scrupulous in some matters. So, they will accept original documents from you only after you hand over copies of them to the employee of the visa center or consulate. If some paper is difficult to read, problems may arise.

Everything submitted in Russian must be accompanied by a translation. Choose from two languages: either German or English. The Austrian side requires that each translated paper be provided with data on who carried out the transfer, date, contacts and confirmation that the transfer was made correctly.

If you speak one of the two languages, you can provide your own translation with information about yourself. Be careful, mistakes, inaccuracies, unreadable phrases can slow down the process of obtaining a visa for you and even cause a refusal.

What documents to provide

As in previous years, in 2016 many Russians decide to shift the paperwork process onto the shoulders of travel companies. This is somewhat more expensive, however, it allows you to save time and gain confidence that each paper will be formatted correctly.

In this case, the package of documents will consist of the following papers:

  • Passport + its copy + others not yet out of date foreign passports. Please note that your passport should not expire in the coming months. It is required that the deadline for its completion exceeds three months after your completion. In addition, the document must have at least two blank pages. You only need to copy the pages with visas and your photo.

  • Two color photos 3.5x4.5 cm. Standard requirements: close-up of the face (at least 70% of the area). Not allowed dark background.
  • . The questionnaire must be completed either German or in English. Do this very carefully without blots, mistakes and inaccuracies. The form can be downloaded.
  • Certificate from the place of employment. This is a very important document that must be drawn up on the letterhead of the enterprise, indicating information about the enterprise (telephone, address, name) and the applicant employee (position and salary). It is important for the Austrian side that the amount of the monthly wages was not less than 30 thousand rubles. A sample certificate from work in Russian can be downloaded, in English.

The way to self-documentation

If you planned a trip to Austria in 2016, in order to obtain a visa to the country, in addition to what is described above, you need to provide additional documents, the list of which depends on the purpose of your trip.

So, if the goal is a private visit, you need to provide an invitation from those who agree to be responsible for you abroad.

Actually, it is not the invitation itself that should be presented, but its code, consisting of eight characters. The document is issued by the Austrian police. The inviting party assumes obligations for the financial support of the guest.

If there is no electronic invitation, it can be replaced by a notarized analogue that meets the requirements of the Austrian representative office. Documentary evidence must also be provided that the inviter owns the property and has sufficient funds to receive guests.

In the event that you are going on a business trip, you must provide an invitation from the enterprise.

Tourists must present a voucher from the tour operator, hotel reservations are also suitable.

If you collect the package of documents yourself, it must contain air tickets in both directions. You can provide similar travel documents. Also be sure to include insurance. For you need to pay insurance for at least 30 thousand euros.

Many Russians and citizens of other CIS countries go to Austria to work. In 2016, in order to obtain an Austrian visa, in addition to health insurance, you must submit a health certificate. It should be normal.