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Why men don't wear wedding rings

“Igor, please explain. We are a young family and love each other. But after the wedding, Valera took off his wedding ring and flatly refuses to put it on. He says that he is bothered. This is true?" Polina, Krasnogorsk

Of course it's true. If Valera did not interfere with the ring, what would be the point of him refusing? More ring, less ring. Moreover, since it is so important to you, he would certainly wear it. And if he refuses, then the reasons are serious. I'll name a few, some will probably work:

1. Men, in principle, are not accustomed to wearing jewelry. These girls have been wearing rings since childhood - first plastic, and then from something more precious. Yes, there is a separate category of gopniks who are very fond of "randolki" - massive signet rings made of a variety of bronze, reminiscent of gold in color and luster. In my childhood, all the punks wore these. Then they changed them to even more massive ones made of real gold - in certain circles, this is due to the status. But still, the main majority of the male population did not wear any rings, which is why wedding rings are sometimes rejected.

2. Not all people are able to get used to a foreign body and not think about it. For example, if a piece of meat gets stuck in a tooth, you involuntarily, but constantly try to push it out with your tongue. Of course, I am amazed at the ability of women to wear earrings the size of a cigarette pack in their ears and not be distracted by them, but I myself would never be able to do that. So it happened with the ring: the first week I constantly felt that there was something superfluous on my finger. And when I took it off - the feeling was gone, can you imagine? Since then, the desire to wear it arose a couple of times out of curiosity, five or ten years later. And here reason 3 has already interfered.

3. People tend to get fat or lose weight, but rings do not tend to change their size along with the owner. You can take it to the workshop, but it's troublesome. And then - you need to take it off first! Once I saw how my father tried to tear off the ring that he wore for many years, and what hellish torments it cost him. Are children supposed to learn from their fathers? Well, I decided that it was safer not to wear it, so as not to suffer later. And if the fingers grow thin, then the ring will fall off, be lost and it will be a pity. And so it has been in one place for twenty years. Remind me of this place.

4. People who work not with their tongues, but with their hands, or go in for sports, or play different musical instruments, the ring can also cause inconvenience. Of course, you can leave it in the locker room, and then put it on, but this process is superfluous. And there is also the possibility that it will be lost or stolen.

In general, in their attitude to wedding rings, couples can be divided into three main categories:

ORTHODOX - couples who do everything "as expected". A wedding means necessarily with a toastmaster and other idiocy. Rings - by all means wear, always and everywhere. It is such orthodox wives who are able to throw a tantrum to their husband and sob to all their girlfriends that my today - such a beast - did not put on the ring. So he definitely went to his mistress, and not for bread. And the fact that he returned after 10 minutes and brought bread does not mean anything. Once without a ring came out, that's all. Well, or he wanted the bakery not to find out that he was married.

What can be objected to such wives? And what can you say to fools in general? Nothing. They still won't understand.

PROTESTANTS - those who do not wear rings on principle. They are generally against any conventions. Even if the conventions are harmless, these people will still be against just out of protest. Everyone does this, but we don't, because we are special. Well, indeed, yes, special. There are no others.

NORMAL - surprisingly, there are a lot of married couples who do not GENERALLY monitor which of them wears what on their fingers. Somehow they don't have a problem with the vigilant control of the ring. Can you imagine? And the wife there does not resemble the hobbit Sam, who goes crazy around the clock, if the hobbit Frodo lost the treasured ring. And the hobbit Frodo is also not exclusively occupied with this thought, because he is not a hobbit at all, but a normal man. And he has more important things to do in life than take the ring to the abyss and throw it there. Wants - wears. Does not want - does not wear. And most importantly, he does not have to report to anyone. I don’t know about you, but I like these couples the most.

Their feelings do not depend on the presence or absence of a ring on their finger and are explained by some other, incomprehensible to the narrow-minded reasons.

And by the way, if a man wears a ring, this does not always mean that he is a devoted husband and wants to show it to everyone. Maybe he's just a super-macho who doesn't like easy ways. And he is interested in women who will peck at him, even without looking at the ring. Didn't think about it? And you think. The world is not always what it seems - so living in it is still interesting.

An engagement ring has long been associated with strength and fidelity in marriage. However, recently you can notice a considerable number of married people who prefer not to wear this element, which symbolizes the strength of marriage ties. At the same time, one should not draw hasty conclusions, attributing unproven characteristics to such men.

It is important to understand why this or that person does not consider it necessary to put a wedding ring on his finger.

Why do people wear wedding rings?

In order to draw a definite conclusion regarding married people who do not wear wedding rings, it is advisable to reflect on the question: “Why exactly do they put a ring on the ring finger?” As you know, despite ancient tradition, there is no need to put wedding rings on the fingers of the spouses at present, with the modern marriage procedure, this action is not required. There are no laws obliging you to have a wedding ring with you for marriage at the registry office. Young people can marry without having such an element of decoration with them. At the same time, an unmarried person may well afford to wear a wedding ring, if he considers it necessary, without entering into marriage. A young man conditionally engaged to his girlfriend, if desired, can put on a ring as a sign of devotion and love in a fit of youthful maximalism.

Wearing a wedding ring (for all its paramount importance) is not an accurate determinant or proof that a man is legally married. Girls, due to their emotionality and inclination towards romanticism, sometimes wear a wedding ring on their ring finger as a sign of devotion to their fiancé long before the wedding day. Thus, the meaning of the ring should be defined as a kind of symbolism that does not oblige to enter into marriage bonds for life. For some people, wearing a wedding ring in marriage still has importance. The reason is usually an appropriate upbringing, a model for example on the part of parents who considered it necessary to always have a ring with them.

Reasons why married people don't wear a ring.

Since the tradition of wearing a ring is passed down from generation to generation, some people find it important to keep it. At the same time, the new course of time has changed the perception of man and his views on various outdated traditions. Today, it is quite common to see married people who are skeptical about engagement rings. If a person considers feelings more important than conventions and mutual understanding, love reigns between spouses in marriage, and there is also confidence in a partner, there is no need to confirm one's feelings and fidelity with the help of such symbolic jewelry. This case refers to people who do not adhere to generally accepted ancient rituals, but at the same time there is no reason to doubt their sincerity and reliability.

If the husband stopped wearing the wedding ring.

Some married men put on a wedding ring at the request or insistence of their spouse. At the same time, it is impossible to be sure of a person who is capable of negative actions, even if he wears an engagement ring, never taking it off. Among the reasons why a married person may refuse a ring are inconvenience, discomfort on the finger during the performance of a certain work. In this case, the sphere of activity of a man is not important, since the presence of the ring can cause some discomfort in any case. If the husband suddenly refuses the ring, this does not at all indicate his infidelity or desire to leave the family.

Unlike women, men are more indifferent to this kind of jewelry (as well as to rituals) and most often do not want to wear things that cause even the slightest inconvenience. It is possible that after for long years marriage, the spouse considers the marriage bond strong enough, which does not require confirmation in the form of a wedding ring.

I am 28, and my environment is mostly married ladies and married gentlemen, which, of course, pleases me. Despite the divorce, I am still FOR the institution of marriage. Only one fact upsets me - the periodic disappearance of the wedding ring from some ringed husbands. Yesterday he was with the ring, today without it. Tomorrow, this complicated decoration again adorns his ring finger, and the day after tomorrow - the pocket of his favorite jeans. Why is this happening? I decided to find out directly from men and this is what turned out:

1) The first and most common reason among women is that he goes "for women." And it doesn't matter if he cheats with her, if he spends free time or just likes to meet girls. Most importantly, he does not want them to know that he is married. Although, in fairness, I note that married men mostly do not lie and immediately give out their Family status and wait for the girl's reaction. If she agrees to continue spending time with him, then the ring can not be removed. But no matter how ironic it may sound, the man prefers to remove the ring so that his conscience does not torment him so much. No ring - no obligation. The placebo effect at its most primitive.

2) Reason number two - playing sports. Girls can wash dishes, cross-stitch or shovel the floor of the garden with a ring on their finger and, believe me, they won’t even feel it. But men are not like that. Being originally a women's accessory, men feel the ring and usually take it off if they have, say, classes in gym. It really bothers and crushes them.

3) Men often take off their wedding band when they go to the bathhouse, pool, beach and other bodies of water. The reason is simple - the fear of losing the ring. In addition, in the bath it can get very hot, burning the skin.

4) There is another good reason - this is the profession of a man. Especially if it involves a risk to the family. These are police officers, KNB officers, and other law enforcement officers who sometimes have to infiltrate various dangerous groups or participate in no less dangerous tasks. There is no need for a dangerous criminal to see that the policeman who caught him has a family. Many people love revenge.

5) Allergy to metal. It would seem that everything was fine when buying, but with prolonged wear, the finger begins to itch, blush, and there is nothing left but to remove the ring. So when choosing a ring, you need to take this moment into account.

6) There is another reason - religious. Muslims believe that gold takes away the strength of men, and recently many couples have begun to order silver rings. And for those who did not know, it remains only to take it off and put it in your pocket.

7) It's no secret that many men put on weight after marriage. Still would! He won the girl, he killed the dragon, now you can safely rest. And the conquered girl at this time will tasty feed. Weight gain can cause swelling, etc. and the ring won't fit. Another reason not to wear a wedding band.

8) The simplest banal reason that many wives simply do not want to understand and accept is that a man simply does not like to wear a ring: convenience, design, width, stone on the ring - whatever. I don't like the statement necklace, you don't like ear cuffs, and he doesn't like the ring. Why not?

9) Many men take off their rings during repair and construction work, as well as when digging into the bowels of their car. This is explained, firstly, by safety rules (when working with electrical appliances in general, you need to remove everything metal from yourself), and secondly, there is a risk of spoiling or staining the ring.

10) The ring interferes. We, women, know how to deftly and accurately pull out everything we need from the bag, while for men, the ring begins to cling to straps, laces and other things.

11) Field training, army, various military exercises, etc. often oblige to remove the ring. As one of my colleagues told me, there was a case in the army when (here I apologize to the readers in advance, but purely female thinking did not remember the correct name of the objects) some kind of string of some projectile caught on the ring, and in the end, it was quite good-natured husband, almost lost a finger. More than a good reason.

As you can see, dear wives and future wives, if you caught your husband without a ring, then there are at least 10 good reasons for this. But the first reason immediately comes to mind for many. It should be noted that many husbands know that their wives do not like to see them without a ring, and, wanting to please their spouses, returning home, put the ring on their finger again, despite reluctance, allergies or a tight size.

I would be glad if the article helps at least one family to avoid quarrels for this worthless reason.

And thanks to my married colleagues, friends and acquaintances who shared their opinions and added some points!

On the day of the wedding, wedding rings become important symbols of the unity of two loving hearts. Many superstitions and signs are associated with these accessories, by which one can judge whether the newlyweds will have happiness and harmonious relationships in the future. Attention is paid appearance, the metal from which the jewelry is made, the size and preservation of these marriage attributes subsequently.

Beliefs and signs about wedding rings exist in order to understand the importance of these accessories and to properly handle them after the wedding. Careless wearing of jewelry can bring trouble to one or both spouses.

Wedding rings - a symbol of marital fidelity and love

Popular signs

There are some of the most common signs about the decorations of the bride and groom:

  • It is believed that you can buy matrimonial symbols in advance, but after an offer has been made.
  • It is very important to buy engagement rings for the bride and groom at the same time.
  • One of the signs refers to cases when the wedding ring is lost for any reason. This event marks the illness of one of the spouses, a long separation of the couple or a close discord, after which the relationship will end.

This notion came about for several reasons. Firstly, the decoration serves as a talisman for the young. Secondly, the jewelry on the ring finger signals to others that a man or woman has a family.

But there are signs with the opposite meaning. Some modern couples believe that if a husband or wife has lost their engagement ring, this means getting rid of old problems, quarrels, starting married life from scratch.

  • If the wedding amulet is gone, it is important to protect the family from unpleasant consequences. To do this, the one of the couple whose jewelry has been preserved takes the jewelry to the temple as a donation.
  • If the ring is lost, the spouses should purchase white rose, consecrate it in the church and put it in a vase with water at home in a conspicuous place. The remaining decoration is placed in the same container. When the flower dries up, keep it in the house as a talisman. If a husband or wife loses the second remaining ring, this will not affect their relationship in any way.
  • If the jewelry has flown off the finger, only the spouse should put it back on, and not the one who dropped it. Then nothing threatens family happiness. According to the sign, the wedding amulet, which suddenly fell from the finger to the floor, means a serious illness of the husband or wife.
  • Wedding pair jewelry symbolizes marital fidelity, therefore, it is impossible to remove, pawn or sell the ring in marriage. In this case, a person deliberately deprives himself of happiness by exchanging it for money, which is a bad omen. It is forbidden to part with jewelry that belonged to the deceased spouse.
  • After a divorce, on the contrary, it is important to immediately get rid of the symbol of a broken marriage by any means. Otherwise, it will prevent the creation of a new family.
  • If the husband does not wear wedding jewelry, nothing bad will happen. Representatives of the stronger sex do not like jewelry, it interferes during work.

If the ring is stolen, a love spell can be cast on it in order to take the husband or wife away from the family. It is recommended to buy a new pair of rings, and give the rest of the old set to charity.

  • According to the sign, if the wedding ring suddenly burst, this may be a sign of treason. It happens that the jewelry is cracked due to low-quality materials, but you should be wary and pay more attention to the behavior of the second spouse.
  • Skeptics believe that in the case when the wedding ring is bent, broken or cracked, one should not come up with mystical reasons. It is necessary to take the jewelry for repair or buy a new one.
  • Over the years, spouses often gain excess weight, so the ring bought for several years becomes small, it's tight. As a result of close contact of the metal with the skin, the finger under the ring gets wet and itches. This is not considered bad luck. Experts advise to simply roll out the decoration.
  • If the wedding ring is large, you should reduce it, which will help the jeweler. Then there will be no need to constantly fear loss. Some spouses wear jewelry on the middle finger of the same hand or hang it around the neck if it suddenly becomes large.

Material and stones

There is an old belief that marriage charms should be simple and smooth so that family life is smooth, without problems and quarrels. The bride and groom often cannot decide which metal to choose jewelry from. According to the signs, jewelry for a pair must be the same: silver, gold or platinum.

In the 21st century, young people are increasingly choosing wedding jewelry with carvings, inserts from other metals, engraving and precious stones. At the same time, the future husband and wife do not pay attention to the signs of the past. Diamonds are used as a decorative element. Diamonds have positive energy, bringing peace and material well-being to the family.

These flawless minerals have one drawback - cost. Those couples who cannot afford expensive wedding jewelry, but wish they had crystals, are advised to select stones according to the sign of the horoscope. Such jewelry will bring good luck to each of the spouses.

At the wedding and after

On this responsible joyful day, the newlyweds are nervous. For this reason, the bride or groom may drop the engagement ring on the floor during the ceremony. According to wedding signs, it is impossible to put jewelry on a partner’s finger by simply lifting it. For this, the witnesses prepare a white thread in advance. If the ring has fallen, the thread is simply threaded through it to remove the negative. After such a ritual, the groom puts jewelry on the finger of the bride, or vice versa, the bride to the groom.

It is important to be careful with wedding rings after the wedding. Strangers should not be allowed to touch these symbols of a happy married life, this is considered a bad omen. Newlyweds can entrust jewelry only to close friends with good thoughts. In this case, single acquaintances will also soon find family happiness.

The box of rings or the pillow on which they lay during the wedding is not allowed to be touched by the newlyweds. These items will bring happiness to single men and women at the wedding, playing the same role as the bride's caught bouquet.

There are many signs associated with wedding rings.

Can parents' wedding rings be used?

Sometimes newlyweds prefer not to spend money on new jewelry, having received them as a gift from their parents or other relatives. Wedding custom allows this, but subject to one important condition- jewelry should belong to those who have lived happily in love and fidelity for at least a quarter of a century. In this case, parents' rings can indeed be used to provide young people with a good family life.

If the jewelry belonged to the divorced, it will not bring happiness to the couple. Therefore, it is recommended not to save, but to buy new ones, which no one wore before the bride and groom.


There are certain rules associated with wedding amulets in the following:

  • It is a bad omen to try on spouses' engagement rings by other people. This can pose a threat to the couple. People with bad intentions use other people's wedding amulets to induce damage, gain happiness by stealing it from the newlyweds.
  • Not everyone knows what to do with jewelry for widows and divorcees. In the first case, it is allowed to wear a commemorative product of a beloved spouse on the ring finger of the left hand. But it is important to remember that this item has accumulated information about the previous owner, absorbed his energy. A widow with such a talisman on her hand is at risk. It is considered acceptable to wear the ring of the deceased on a chain, like a pendant.

The jewelry left after the divorce must be urgently parted. They are sold, rented to a pawnshop, donated, given for remelting. According to ancient signs and superstitions, freed from the shackles of the past bad marriage, a woman will quickly find a soul mate, become happy.

Despite the love of girls for wedding gloves, the bride should not wear a wedding ring on them. If the image includes white gloves, before putting on the ring, you need to remove the glove from your right hand.

On your wedding day, every little thing counts.

How to choose

Before the celebration, the main question remains - who should buy jewelry for the wedding. According to tradition, this is the groom's duty. It is better for both newlyweds to choose wedding rings, without relying on the taste of the young man. A joint trip to a jewelry store for symbols of a happy family life is considered a good omen.

Modern brides and grooms themselves decide what wedding rings should be, so they often do not consult with the older generation how to choose these jewelry.

By Orthodox canons, jewelry for those entering into marriage should not have bumps, grooves, inscriptions, precious stones. This guarantees a peaceful family life without problems and trials. Newlyweds often give up this tradition, paying tribute to fashion.

It is difficult to unambiguously answer the question of what should be the ring for a happy marriage. Depending on the level of income, the bride and groom choose products made of gold, silver, less often platinum. It is necessary to buy engagement rings from the same metal. Signs allow inlaid with precious stones - mostly diamonds, which are suitable for all signs of the zodiac.

Buying symbols of marriage is a joyful event, so young people should discuss options in advance, familiarize themselves with the collections of jewelry stores.

Expert opinion

Experts say that the choice of wedding jewelry for the newlyweds is a personal matter of the future spouses. The advice and recommendations of experts only give a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the ideal symbols of love should be.

When buying engagement rings with gems, it is advised to take into account the zodiac signs of the bride and groom, so that the jewelry protects the owners even more. It is correct to store jewelry before the wedding in the house of a young man. They are forbidden to show, give to try on outsiders. If, after the marriage, the spouses do not want to wear rings every day, the jewelry should be put away in a safe place.

There are many signs associated with wedding rings. Superstitions can be listened to in order to protect marriage from negative influences. Family happiness depends not only on the jewelry exchanged between young people, but also on many other factors.