Itchy hands what to do. Itching and redness on the hands - what these symptoms indicate, and how to quickly get rid of discomfort

Skin itching- this is a very unpleasant sensation that occurs on the surface of the skin and causes a strong desire to scratch. Itching on the hands can be caused by a number of reasons and factors. Let's look at them in more detail.

Causes of skin itching on the hands

Skin itching of the hands can be caused by:

  • various skin diseases - these include: pediculosis (lice), neurodermatitis, etc. In this case, itching may accompany other skin manifestations;
  • chemical, mechanical and temperature irritants - if you have dry and highly sensitive skin, the appearance of itching on the hands may be associated with cold, heat, strong sunlight, sweat, wearing fur, "spiky" woolen or synthetic clothing, using some cosmetics. In these cases, itching disappears some time after the contact with the irritant with which it was caused has ceased;
  • some extracutaneous diseases - these include: diabetes mellitus (and it can be not only pronounced, but also hidden); ; liver disease without jaundice, but with the presence of violations of some of its functions. Skin itching in this case can act as the first sign of liver cirrhosis, including alcoholic; kidney disease, in which there is a violation of their function; diseases of the lymphatic system; tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and the presence of thyroid dysfunction;
  • severe psychological stress;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • taking certain medications.

Hand itching treatment

Treatment of itching of the skin of the hands is prescribed depending on what is the cause that caused it. But there are some general recommendations that help relieve or reduce a disturbing symptom.

Foods that can cause irritation and give an allergic reaction should be excluded from the diet. These foods include spicy, salty and spicy foods. It is also advisable to exclude coffee, alcohol and strong tea for a while.

After the examination and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a more specific treatment, depending on the skin disease that caused itchy hands. As a rule, it is local and systemic.

In the absence of contraindications, you can make soothing baths for hands, adding decoctions of oak bark, succession, oregano to them. The water temperature should be 37 degrees.

The skin should be wiped using an alcohol solution of calendula, lubricated with ointments and creams that contain antihistamines, menthol. If the itching of the skin of the hands is very strong, it is recommended to use ointments containing corticosteroid hormones.

Folk recipes for the treatment of itching

The following recipes can be used as folk remedies:

  • infusion of Veronica officinalis: for the preparation of which you need to pour 1 tbsp. herbs 2 tbsp. boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain and take throughout the day in equal portions. In the form of heat, the remains after filtering can be applied to sore spots. For the purpose of topical application, it is necessary to prepare a slurry from a fresh plant, applied to diseased areas;
  • dill infusion: for its preparation, pour 2 tsp. crushed fruits 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take within 2 days in equal portions;
  • nettle infusion: to prepare a product for external use, you need to pour 4 tsp. crushed dry leaves 1 tbsp. boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour and take during the day;
  • peppermint infusion: to prepare it, you need to pour 2 tsp. leaves 1 tbsp. boiling water. Let it brew for an hour and strain. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. Can be used as rubs, baths and douches;
  • burdock decoction: to prepare this decoction, you need to grind the roots and pour 1 tbsp. 500 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Take 4 times a day for ½ cup;
  • infusion of violet tricolor: to prepare an infusion, you need to mix 25 g of violet herb, lily of the valley flowers and chopped burdock roots. Pour 2 tsp. collection 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist. Strain and drink throughout the day.

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When your hands itch, it causes a lot of discomfort. Most often, itching on the hands does not spread to other areas of the skin. Unfortunately, many people do not attach importance to this unpleasant phenomenon and do not think about why the skin on their hands itches, and this can be a symptom of many diseases.

Unpleasant sensations can be accompanied by inflammation of the skin, a change in its color, the appearance of blisters. Sometimes this itching is so pronounced that even scratching the hands hard does not provide any relief, and scratching the hands only exacerbates the problem.

  • The most common cause is contact dermatitis (irritation from a harsh chemical) or eczema. Such irritation can be caused not only by detergents or cosmetics, but also by fabric dyes, medicines, and food.
  • Itchy palms can be caused by a fungus or bacteria. Such infections are treated with antifungal agents and antibiotics.
  • Insect bites can cause burning and itching. If you find that stings cause you such a reaction, try to use repellents.
  • Another reason why the skin on the hands itches can be ultraviolet radiation, that is, a burn. Often this problem occurs after visiting the solarium.
  • Itching on the hands can accompany diseases of the kidneys, liver, endocrine system, in particular hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. If you are seeing a doctor about this kind of disease, let him know that your hands itch. It may be necessary to adjust the treatment.
  • In order to find out why the skin on the hands itches, you first need to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will take a scraping of the skin to determine if it has fungus or bacteria. Allergy medications may be prescribed to reduce itching.

Several ways to reduce itching

  • applying ice or a cold compress temporarily relieves itching and gives an analgesic effect;
  • a bath with the addition of oatmeal soothes irritated skin, moisturizes it, relieves inflammation;
  • until you figure out why the skin on your hands itches, avoid scented and antibacterial soaps, as well as hot water;
  • try to wet your hands as little as possible, especially if the water in your house is highly chlorinated;
  • if there are no visible changes in the skin, and lately you have been nervous a lot, try taking a sedative that usually works for you and is not allergic to;
  • if there is a suspicion of a fungal and bacterial infection, try not to touch your face, eyes, mucous membranes with your hands and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Itching on the hands can occur for various reasons. Very often, almost always, the origin of itching is of mixed origin. Itching can occur and be maintained against the background of some kind of skin infection, irritation or allergy on the skin of the hands, stress, general diseases, and so on.

Stress and neurosis as the main cause of itching

Itching on the hands can occur during stress and against the background of neurosis. They can be either the underlying cause of itching or an accompanying one that can exacerbate itching caused by another cause, such as a fungal infection. Itching caused by stress, neurosis and organic mental illness called psychogenic. Psychogenic itching has a conditioned reflex character, fixed in the cerebral cortex with the help of some event or a carelessly spoken word.

The state of the vegetative state also matters. nervous system, which, on the one hand, innervates the internal organs and blood vessels, and on the other hand, obeys the cerebral cortex. So, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, accompanied by persistent hypotension (decrease blood pressure) itching on the hands may begin with insufficient blood supply to peripheral tissues. But such an itch is also supported by psychogenic factors.

In order to break the connection between the brain and the skin, psychotherapy sessions are carried out, patients are advised to avoid stress, high loads, eat right regularly, healthy lifestyle life. They also prescribe sedatives and antihistamines.

Itching on the hands as a result of skin irritation

Hands are the most important instrument of a person, which is involved in almost any kind of activity. At the same time, the skin of the hands is constantly exposed to various kinds of influences: temperature differences, ultraviolet rays, mechanical irritation, exposure to various household chemicals, chemicals used in industries.

Long-term repeated irritation of the skin of the hands leads to its dryness, inflammation, the appearance of microcracks and abrasions, through which dust, dirt and various microorganisms penetrate the skin. Together, this causes itching on the hands.

You can get rid of such an itch only by properly caring for your hands and protecting them as much as possible from any harmful effects. Hands with irritated skin should be washed thoroughly with baby soap, gently blotted with a soft towel and a hand cream to relieve irritation should be applied.

Itching as a result of skin diseases

Itching on the hands may be the result of some kind of skin disease, which manifests itself both on the skin of the hands and on the skin of the whole body. Only on the skin of the hands can a fungal, bacterial, fungal-bacterial or viral infection, simple and allergic contact dermatitis be localized.

Common skin diseases that cause itching and affect, including the skin of the hands, include psoriasis, scabies , some fungal infections , skin allergic diseases (atopic dermatitis).

All these diseases are sometimes quite difficult to distinguish from each other. Only a dermatologist can do this after a thorough examination and additional examination.

It is possible to treat skin diseases only after a final diagnosis has been established, otherwise the treatment will not only not be beneficial, but may even contribute to the deterioration of the patient's condition. For the treatment of various skin diseases, specially designed treatment regimens are used.

Itching as a result of common diseases

Hands can itch with some common diseases. Moreover, quite often such diseases are asymptomatic, and itching on the hands is one of the first signals of trouble.

Conditions that can cause itching on the skin of the hands include severe illness liver and kidneys with impaired function (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, nephritis, hydronephrosis), increased or decreased thyroid function , malignant tumors, some blood diseases (iron deficiency anemia, leukemia, polycythemia).

All these are very serious diseases that require timely detection. They can cause both mild and very severe, hard-tolerated itching by patients. Due to scratching of the skin, a bacterial or fungal infection can join the main process. To get rid of itching, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease with the simultaneous appointment of antipruritic drugs.

If a spot suddenly appears on your skin, even a small one, this should be a signal for action. First, try to find out the reason for its appearance yourself. Are the spots on your hands itchy? It may be caused by an allergy to a product, drug, or cosmetic. In this case, it is enough to stop contact with the allergen, after which the itching will pass.

Possible reasons

If we talk more about food allergies, it should be noted that most often the body reacts negatively to all citrus fruits, chocolate, caffeine, honey, nuts. If your hands itch, think about whether you are abusing starchy foods, as well as overly fatty and spicy foods. Are you a condiment fanatic? All of these can cause a reaction. Try adjusting your diet and see the results.

Nervous tension

Another likely cause may be severe stress or nervous strain. When you start to worry, you have hands, but at the same time the skin is absolutely clean, and everything goes away as soon as you calm down. Be sure to see a neurologist. If for some reason you do not want or cannot visit a doctor, use folk remedies: drink valerian root tincture.


How to understand what itchy hands because of How to diagnose a disease? Look at the skin: if your guess is correct, it will be covered with patches that are very itchy and flaky. By the way, this disease is quite dangerous. In the vast majority of cases, the sick person begins to use all kinds of medicinal creams and ointments, make lotions, try to find “magic” recipes and thereby delay treatment, which is unacceptable with lichen.

What measures should be taken?

So, what to do when your hands itch? The best option is to contact a specialist. Do not be lazy to visit a dermatologist and describe in detail to him all the symptoms. If you are lucky and the spots covering the skin do not have a lichen nature, most likely, your body reacts so “nervously” to food or cosmetics. In any case, the doctor will prescribe the right course of treatment for you. In parallel with this, it makes sense to use special ointments, which include vitamins of groups A, E and D. Do not forget also that with psoriasis, hands often itch too. Use preparations based on herbal ingredients - this will help relieve discomfort. If the itching is so strong that you can't stand it until a visit to the doctor, lubricate the affected areas of the skin (by the way, this will save you from flaking as well).


In order to ensure that such a nuisance never happens again, learn a few simple recommendations: carefully observe try not to contact with remember that the risk of catching some kind of skin disease is especially high in public transport. Be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap and do not allow anyone to touch your personal items (towels, tissues, etc.).

What makes hands itch

A constant feeling of itching on the hands is not always about money or unexpected meetings. Why hands itch is a medical issue that requires careful analysis. Most likely, some disease contributes to the manifestation of such an unpleasant symptom. At the same time, the range of ailments that can be accompanied by severe scratching of the palms, wrists, and the area between the fingers is quite large. All of them have a different etiology, and hence the treatment will be different from each other.

It is not worth waiting for a miracle when the skin cracks and that the disease will go away on its own. On the contrary, over time, the manifestations will increase, and additional infections may also occur, because it is impossible to completely protect the surface of the hands from the influence of the environment. One way or another, a person several hundred times a day comes into contact with various substances, surfaces, which are often not sterile. It is simply impossible to constantly carry out disinfectant manipulations. Before choosing methods for treating itchy skin on the hands, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance.

Reasons why there is itching on the skin of the hands

In fact, there can be a great many reasons why the hands itch or the skin on the hands cracks. And the origin of such a symptom is the most unexpected. It is reasonable to stop on each of them separately. There are some of the most common causes of itchy skin on the hands:

  1. Allergic reactions (dermatitis), exposure to chemicals.
  2. Fungal diseases.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the skin.
  4. Psoriasis.
  5. Manifestations of diabetes.
  6. Physiological features of the skin.
  7. Some diseases of the internal organs.
  8. Allergic dermatitis

Itching as a manifestation of allergies is one of the most common causes of hand scratching. Skin dermatitis on the hands is different, but it is reasonable to divide them into two types:

  1. The reaction of the skin directly to contact with the allergen. It is manifested mainly by redness, swelling, there may be the formation of small blisters with a clear liquid inside. There can be a great many options for which the skin on the arm reacted with itching. The most common: detergents and cleaners, various metal alloys (rings, bracelets, watches, children's bicycle handles, fountain pens, etc.), cold and others. Usually, to get rid of, it is enough to simply limit contact with the substance from which the reaction occurs as much as possible. With significant manifestations of skin irritation on the hands, it may be necessary to use antihistamines orally in the form of tablets or capsules, applying ointments. If there is an attachment of a bacterial infection - additional antibiotic therapy. There may be an aggravation after the cold pain. In the cold, the itching symptom often seems to go away.
  2. Itching on the skin of the hands due to food allergies. In fact, there are a lot of allergens, and it is impossible to predict in advance what the body can react to with redness and itching. The most common include: chemical food additives, citrus fruits, dairy products and eggs, baked goods, chocolate, red vegetables and fruits, alcohol, seafood, vegetables, fruits and nuts, which are exotic. Children are more prone to such reactions of the body. The child's hands may swell, blisters may appear. The treatment of such dermatitis should be complex, the use of antiallergic ointments in tandem with antihistamines orally. Often dermatitis occurs after surgery or as a result of taking pharmaceuticals.

Infectious diseases

One of the most common inflammatory diseases of the skin of the hands, which is manifested by itching, is eczema. The disease is quite unpleasant, but it is quite possible to cure it. First you need to familiarize yourself with the symptoms:

  • The formation of small bubbles with a clear liquid inside, after opening, the skin cracks and flakes off.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Swelling of the skin.

The field of how the bubbles burst, exfoliation of the skin occurs.

With untreated eczema, regular repeated relapses in the same place are observed. New bubbles appear in place of burst bubbles, the process becomes cyclical. The more you scratch, the more you want to scratch, but everything only gets worse from the mechanical impact. This condition can last from a few days to several years. Over time, the process only gets worse, an additional infection may join, which will only worsen the clinical manifestations. To determine the diagnosis, you must consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

The process can be lengthy, often includes several preparations of different pharmacological actions: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, hormonal ointments, antibiotics, complexes of vitamins and microelements can be additionally prescribed.

After fracture

As a result of serious injuries, a cast may be applied. Under the cast, the hand itches in almost every patient. In this case, the attending physician should examine the place, find out the reason why the plastered element of the hand may itch. Most often it is an allergy or an attached fungal infection that likes to actively multiply under a cast. Usually enough ointments for the intended purpose.


People suffering from diabetes know that with such an ailment, any damage to the skin heals very poorly, even if it is a small scratch. Rash and sores appear with great speed on different parts of the body, in particular, on the hands. Outwardly, they look like small pimples with a yellow liquid inside, the bubbles can burst, there is redness around them. Clinical tests show high levels of sugar and cholesterol. Such sores on the hands itch, when damaged, a liquid with an unpleasant purulent odor flows out of them. Often, another infection can additionally cling, which only worsens the condition.

You can get rid of such a symptom only in tandem with the treatment of the underlying disease. If you try to get rid of only the rash, then soon it will definitely return. This is at best. More often than not, treatment simply does not work. By controlling sugar and taking the right treatment, the sore will gradually recede, the skin of the hands will return to normal.

Dry skin on hands

With frequent use of soap and antiseptics, the skin of the hands loses its natural protective properties, significantly overdries and loses a lot of moisture, without which the organization of natural barrier functions is impossible. Recognizing dry skin is easy:

  • The skin loses its healthy radiance, small wrinkles begin to appear.
  • Areas with peeling may form, intensifying at the folds.
  • Patients with dry skin feel tightness, cracks may occur, and you want to constantly dip your hands in water.
  • Similar manifestations are also observed during thermal effects, the effects of cold or very high temperatures. A frostbitten person always blushes, sometimes even cracking, peeling off.

You can help dry skin of the hands if you use gloves in the cold season, do not use very hot water in everyday life, do not wash your hands too often with soap and antibacterial agents. Additionally, you can use nourishing creams that will help restore the correct water balance of the skin of the hands.

Fungal infections

Itchy skin and fungal diseases. The fungus can live on the skin and not bring any trouble. But with a significant decrease in immunity, it can begin to actively multiply, while causing severe itching in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, the rash has an unpleasant odor, white bloom. Antifungal drugs will help in the fight. They should be used both internally in the form of tablets and externally in the form of an ointment.

What to do if the skin on the hand itches

Itching can be caused not only by fungi, but also by microorganisms. For example, the scabies mite. It causes scabies. The symptoms of the disease are quite simple. First, this night itching(mostly in the arms and forearms, may be throughout the body). Secondly, the formation of acne, redness and ulcers caused by the vital activity of the tick. Its habitats swell, I want to constantly scratch them.

For treatment, you need to consult a doctor. Treatment should be promptly after symptoms are detected. Depending on the degree of damage, both ointments and oral medications can be prescribed. Sometimes medicated shampoos are additionally recommended.


Usually, patients know about the presence of such a diagnosis in their childhood. But often the disease does not make itself felt early, and the symptoms begin to appear in adulthood. One important fact is that it is difficult to treat an ailment, and it is almost impossible to cure such a disease completely. But you can try to achieve a state of remission, when new plaques do not form.

Psoriasis affects not only the hands and forearms, the formations can be on other parts of the body.

The disease is easy to determine by the initial examination. Due to the rapid division of skin cells do not have time to exfoliate. In this case, plaques form, the hands itch. Sometimes they cover almost the entire body. This condition requires immediate hospitalization. To reduce the manifestation of symptoms, several conditions must be adhered to: diet, alcohol exclusion, stress and neuroses, the use of sedatives, the use of ointments to reduce itching and soothe the skin.

Diseases of the internal organs

Sometimes, ignorance about one's own diseases can play a cruel joke. Trying to cure itching of the hands, a person often simply does not suspect that he has serious diseases of the internal organs. Itching may be a manifestation of:

  • Hormonal diseases: problems of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, overweight.
  • Diseases of the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines.
  • Blood diseases, skin cancer (malignant moles) and others.

What not to do if your hand itches

Even if you just freeze your hands, the skin can itch, the bubbles burst. With advanced infectious diseases, there were cases of deaths. For proper treatment, you need to see a doctor. You can not open ulcers and blisters on your own. Itchy hands are just a symptom, not a diagnosis.

As can be seen from the above, there are many reasons for itching hands. In order not to face this problem, it is enough to observe yourself, do not abuse detergents and cleaning products, monitor blood sugar, and regularly examine them with problematic moles.

If the question arose why the mole itches, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. This may be the first sign of cancer. Anyone who takes care of their health will not face a situation that is reddened, swollen, itchy finger from allergies, fungus or other infections.