Presentations for parents in kindergarten. Presentation for the parent meeting "healthy lifestyle - from childhood"

Parent meeting

Pogorelova N.V.

Physical education instructor

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 146"

Parent meeting "Healthy lifestyle - from childhood!"

  • Reveal parents' knowledge of meaning regime moments(sleep, walk, food, physical activity);
  • To encourage thinking about health and about methods of maintaining and strengthening the health of the child;
  • arouse the desire to activate their skills to improve the child.

“I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of health is the most important work of a parent.

I would be interested to know if you know parents who also use this step plan and thus have success. Because children are not only smart but also very adaptable, they can quickly adapt to their parents' educational methods. That is, the "brave" play their roles and, at least temporarily, behave as they expected.

But the "mini-rebels" are protected from the always same "game" with always the same distribution of roles and cannot break funny conflicts from the fence. It means that phased plan quickly uses the fact that the child is practically blunted and immediately puts his ears in the course when you need to go through the old well-known "exhortation, mecker and insulting aria". The most important thing, however, is that no secure relationship between parents and children can develop because the child no longer believes that his parents really belong to him.

Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, the strength of knowledge, faith in one's strength."

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

child in kindergarten

Kindergarten is an important stage in the life of a child, and parents, giving the baby to preschool are definitely worried about his health.

And perhaps you have also asked yourself the silent questions that I have often been asked: what is the meaning of "education from a child"? How do you achieve the educational goals you have set? Why do children often respond so differently to their parents' good intentions and what they consider desirable for their life experiences?

At least in certain time, a person obedient and shrewd, while others are too often rebellious and stubborn. Part of my article. And to this misunderstanding, this is because they do not adhere to certain principles of training. They may have the best of intentions but fail to parent them because their child feels unaffected and is protected from certain educational measures, such as defiance or lying, aggression or internal denunciation.

After all, so often they hear from more experienced moms and dads that before kindergarten their children never got sick, but they went to the garden and that’s it - constant sores, cough, runny nose, medicines ...

1. What is a walk?

Arise next questions. What educational goals do I have? What are the principles to be observed with respect to measures? For anyone who has already thought about this connection, education is easier because they make fewer mistakes. And everyone who makes fewer mistakes has less problems with your child, and all the better. Let's take a closer look at the relationship between goals, measures and principles!

If you think about the subject of education without thinking about the subject of education, and look back at different areas work, you will find that it has great importance for every profession. In every profession or job, certain principles must be observed.

a) having fun

b) outdoor games;

c) part of the day;

d) an obligatory moment of the daily routine ...

Correct answer:

A walk is an obligatory element of the regime, enabling children in outdoor games, labor processes, various physical exercises to satisfy their needs for movement.

In both sports and games, there are rules that must be followed, and we all know that those responsible for not following the principles or rules will be held accountable. And what does this mean for education? In general, it is easy to agree on some educational goals. Goals are never a problem.

It is even more difficult with measures, that is, with what must be done in specific terms in order to achieve goals. It's so hard to get it right in terms of measures because there are no general recipes, Three or six year olds to order, diligence and obedience. And what is the role of ore principles? When parents respect certain principles because they know that they cannot do everything they can, much has already been achieved.

On a walk, children realize 50% daily requirement in active movements.

2. How important is walking for health?

a) is harmful to health: the child catches a cold;

b) helps to strengthen the body of the child;

c) appetite improves after a walk.

This means that some basic principles of education prevent them from doing anything, perhaps never again. '. Principles are almost a compass, parents give the right orientation. So when parents ask, "What's the most important thing about learning?", this compass needs to be looked at first because it shows them what's important. Now you ask: what should always be observed?

The following nine principles are mainly the result of extensive scientific research. So not the opinion of some people who came up with something, but verifiable insights that go a long way towards understanding education. Therefore, we are talking about conducting a quasi-cleansing within the framework of an “educational partnership with parents”. This is because the "educational competence" of parents, which is also mentioned in this "Bavarian educational and educational plan' should be strengthened.

Correct answer:

Clean air helps to strengthen the child's body, increases its resistance to infections and colds, improves metabolic processes.

In addition, fresh air plays an important role in the life of the body, since oxygen, which comes from the air, is also a source of energy.

They see only their child and think more about what is desirable than what is possible. Consequently, they often have unrealizable expectations and don't even realize that it is basically a feat to advance about 25 children according to their individual abilities. Now that the kindergarten team is explaining the basic relationship between pedagogical activities with parents, they will have more understanding of the really difficult work of educators. What should be said about the individual principles of teaching and whether their parents learn?

This means that each person has his own temperament, his own spiritual, social and spiritual needs, his own abilities, interests, qualities. his way of learning, the time of learning, his character and his own will. In short: features make a person's individuality.

3. What is the total duration of a walk for a preschool child?

a) 30 minutes;

c) 3-4 hours;

d) whole day with lunch breaks.

Correct answer:

The duration of being outdoors in different seasons of the year varies significantly, but even in cold weather and inclement weather, it should not be less than 3-4 hours.

This means that every child is different. Even siblings are different! Thus, a child's education, which is perfectly correct for a particular child, may be completely wrong in another. Martin Buber: "It's a miracle - it's an endless variety of similar ones." We are all human. And since this is so, there is no greater injustice than the same "treatment" always unequal.

Pestalozzi: Never compare a child with another, but always with yourself! Kindergarten is also dedicated to the individualized education that every child requires. This also applies to the individualization of the learning and learning process - along with the extremely important social education! As a result, the children of the group may not always be beaten. This "poise" always carries with it the risk that some children, who for some reason cannot meet the requirements, remain practically on the line.

Children 3-7 years old should not be deprived of walking even at t air -20; - 25 s, you can simply shorten its duration.

With a drizzle, you can wander with your child under multi-colored cheerful umbrellas. in strong winds - find shelter.

On days when it is impossible to go outside with children, you can open a window in one of the rooms at home, put a warm hat, blouse and pants on the child and play outdoor games with him.

Genetic researchers speak of potentials in relation to the genotype in which all human development is "pre-programmed". But no one knows this potential in every child or person. In particular, this is not only the sex of the child, his body size, his physique and eye color, but also certain predispositions, temperament and even the need for sleep. And incentives and conditions environment depend on how the genetic material can develop.

There is a fundamental and still unresolved problem with regard to these potentials: parents, educators and teachers are specifically designed to promote the child's specific abilities, but are not aware of these child's abilities at first. However, in order to gradually learn what the child has, what special abilities, interests, needs, and also the shortcomings that a particular child has, parents and educators must observe intensively and continuously.

4. Why do you need daytime sleep?

a) as a punishment;

b) to restore strength;

c) for the parents to rest from the child;

d) the opportunity to sleep interrupted night sleep.

Correct answer:

In this case, parents are asked to understand themselves as "treasure hunters". In view of these extremely complex relationships the goal is to provide understanding to the individual child. It's about of carefully studying his individual possibilities in order to know and help him develop in his individuality in accordance with his personality.

This means that everyone who educates a child should be understood as development aid, but not in the way that it has been for centuries in German-speaking countries, T. is still today, as merchants, gardeners, policemen or even dictators. In other words, no one, not parents, nurses in kindergartens, not teachers, can understand themselves as builders or "sculptors" and try to shape the child according to his or pre-figurative ideal. Everyone should know that every child entrusted to them, even if they never ask, would like to know one thing first of all: what do you want to do with me?

A preschooler is very impressionable, emotional, energetic.

During sleep, the functional state of the nervous system is restored.

During sleep, the process of processing the information received during the day, its analysis and selection for storage and long-term memory is carried out. Thus, during sleep, the brain continues to work, its blood supply and oxygen consumption increase, and the muscles rest.

Conclusion: it is wrong to raise a child in accordance with the motto "Mine will be!" Parents should know that through education they cannot "make" the people they like. Children feel, think, see, act differently than adults = unconscious intelligence that naively accepts everything = they are inexperienced because everything is new, so they also try everything and make “mistakes”, expose themselves to danger, abound and courage, because that they still do not know many dangers. They want to be respected first and foremost.

And the one who does not respect and does not even offend them is rejected from him. To be different from that, you have to go out. Children are children, not "adults in a small format." And education is not a process in which the most important thing is to raise a child as an adult. As in kindergarten, children must be children in school, and adults must learn to understand childhood. This understanding is most important because a lack of understanding inevitably leads to misunderstandings that can lead to conflicts.

5. How many hours a day should a child sleep?

a) 12 hours;

b) the more the better

at 8:00;

d) as needed.

Correct answer:

The daily regime consists of night (from 21 to 7 hours) and daytime sleep(from 13 to 15 hours). Lack of sleep can be one of the causes of neurosis in children.

By the way, especially the elderly are dangerous for children who instruct, demand, threaten and punish in accordance with the motto “I didn’t suffer either!” Can anything even more stupid be said? In short, children living in their own world, which is not the world of adults, look with their own eyes into the adult world and have their own ideas about what is interesting, beautiful and important. But, unfortunately, no one can make the "experience of the other side". The Indians described this dilemma as: We adults can no longer walk under the shoes of children and adolescents, and they are not yet within our power.

On this basis, the child becomes whiny, irritable, feels uncomfortable, hardly joins the proposed activity, quickly gets tired.

Therefore, it is very important to keep a sleep schedule.

6. What makes you fall asleep better?

a) watching a cartoon before going to bed;

Whether parents want it or not, especially in the first years of life, this is the model that their child is oriented towards. And since children literally absorb everything in themselves and learn through imitation, it is extremely important, as parents, for example, to him and other people; how they rejoice and what they do when they are sad; how they make a birthday for the holiday and comfort their child when he is frustrated or sick.

If a child has good examples in his parents, a process called identification can begin. Identification is one of the most important prerequisites for successful learning. This includes the conscious and unconscious acceptance of behaviors, attitudes, norms and values. However, children and adolescents only identify with people with whom they relate positively. And these are people who, for some reason, not only respect, but respect, admire or love. This is confirmed and scientific research.

b) outdoor games;

c) calm music, comfortable bed;

d) playing on the computer.

Correct answer:

The process of falling asleep is complicated and lengthened if children are overexcited.

Therefore, shortly before sleep, it is necessary to eliminate all the causes that create a focus of increased excitability in the cerebral cortex, the process of falling asleep is disturbed.

Twilight, muffled music, a comfortable clean bed, a well-ventilated room, an affectionate attitude and at the same time soft perseverance contribute to normal falling asleep.

7. What is important condition rational nutrition preschoolers?

a) the menu should contain as many sweets as possible;

b) dishes should be beautifully decorated;

c) it is necessary to observe the diet;

d) Eat as often as possible.

Correct answer:

Proper selection of products is a necessary condition, but not yet sufficient for the rational nutrition of preschoolers. yes, you need to strive to ensure that the finished dishes are beautiful, tasty, fragrant and prepared taking into account the individual tastes of children.

But it is very important to have a strict diet, which includes at least four meals; breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and three of them must include hot dishes.

If the interval between meals is too long (more than 4 hours), the child's performance and memory decrease.

Excessively frequent eating reduces appetite and thereby impairs the absorption of nutrients.

8. Is it advisable to punish a child with restriction in movement?

why not?

b) no, it is better to use other types of punishment;

c) make it move until it falls;

d) it is better to switch to another type of activity.

Correct answer:

A child is a person with a constant need to move. "... And at my feet - a perpetual motion machine, a jumper and a perpetual runner." If children are limited in the ability to run, jump, jump, spin, then they accumulate a feeling of fatigue, anxiety, self-doubt. Therefore, to begin with, remember: do not punish the child with a restriction in movement ("Sit down!", "Calm down!", "Stand in the corner!"). And not for nothing in Greece, on the wall of the forum, words were carved that could become a motto for all of us: "If you want to be strong - run, if you want to be beautiful - run, if you want to be smart - run."

But the child must be able to regulate his own motor activity in public places, during various events, realizing that with their active movements they can cause inconvenience to others.

9. What are the main components required in a child's daily routine?

a) exercise, walk, sleep, nutrition, physical activity;

b) games, meals, walks;

c) night sleep, food, walk;

d) games and entertainment during the day, meals.

Correct answer:

The behavior of the child in kindergarten, his mood, performance are directly dependent on how his activities and sleep are organized in the family on ordinary days, as well as on weekends.

Weekends children spend at home, usually with significant deviations and even violations of the usual regimen.

It is no coincidence that the functional level of preschool children is worse on Monday than on the second or third day of the week.

Therefore, it is necessary to streamline the home regimen and, if possible, bring it closer to the daily regimen established in kindergarten.

It is desirable that the weekends be devoted to a good rest in the air, it is also necessary to regulate watching TV, especially before going to bed.

Do not forget, dear mothers and fathers, that the regime is the most important factor in maintaining the health of the child! Thank you for joining our conversation.

Let each participant be rewarded with the joy of communicating with your healthy baby.

For his health, we will continue to work together with you!

environmental education

preschoolers in the nursery

garden and family

teacher-defectologist Voronina L.Yu. March 2017 MBDOU d / s No. 6

  • 2017 announced in Russian Federation Year of ecology.
  • On January 5, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree declaring 2017 the year of the environment in Russia.
  • The purpose of this decision is to draw attention to the problematic issues that exist in the environmental sphere and improve the state of the country's environmental security.

  • Education of a humane attitude towards nature;
  • Formation of a system of ecological knowledge and ideas (intellectual development);
  • The development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it).
  • The participation of children in activities that are feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.
  • Education of love for the animal and plant world.

A prerequisite for environmental education is to involve children in the practical activities of growing plants in a corner of nature with their own hands and caring for pets, providing them with the opportunity to observe their growth, development, and various manifestations in favorable conditions. In this work the first helpers of the child

should be parents.

The competition mini-laboratory "Garden on the window" on the basis of order No. 27 of March 6, 2017 was held from March 1 to March 20 as part of the Year of Ecology in Russia

Jury: Leading Specialist of the Department of Education of the Danilovsky District Moskalenko G.I.

Head of MBDOU d / s comb. species No. 6 Privezentseva T.P.

Senior educator MBDOU d / s comb. species No. 6 Zhibareva S.A.

Member of the parent teacher council

early class Godovikova S.Yu.

Objective of the project:

  • Acquaintance of children with the role of a cat in human life.
  • Raising a caring attitude towards the animal world.
  • Formation of research behavior in preschoolers.

Project objectives:


  • To expand children's knowledge about the pet;
  • To form ideas about the needs of pets for their normal growth and development;
  • Clarify and expand children's ideas about the importance of pets in human life;
  • To develop the ability of children to draw elementary conclusions and conclusions.


  • Contribute to the education of interest in a pet, the desire to protect and care for it;
  • To cultivate a caring attitude towards our “younger brothers”: do not violate the conditions of their life, do not treat them cruelly, remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Formation design and research skills

Forms of work:

Work with children:

  • 1. Reading and looking fiction, encyclopedias.
  • 2. Conducting didactic, verbal, role-playing games with kids.
  • 3. Dramatization of fairy tales, sketches.
  • 4. productive activity: modeling, drawing, application.
  • 5. Replenishment of the subject-developing environment of the group.

All-Russian creative competition "Mustache-striped", dedicated world day cats, which is celebrated on March 1

Competition website: http://

The cost of participation in the Competition for one work:

The cost of participation for one student - 150 rubles (receiving an award electronic version),

The cost of participation from 5 to 9 students (works) - 100 rubles for each participant (receipt of an award electronic version),

  • participation fee for 10 or more students

(works) - 70 rubles for each participant

  • 1. Fulfillment of creative tasks.
  • 2. Making crafts.
  • 3. Making albums about cats.

Social partners:

Animal Rehabilitation Center

"Faithfulness" Danilov


1. "Loyalty visiting the guys"

2. Action to collect waste paper from the group "Fidelity"

Implementation period: March-May 2017 Project participants:

defectologist Voronina Lyudmila Yuryevna, educators of the "Romashka" group, children of the "Romashka" group and their parents, Animal Rehabilitation Center "VERNOST"