Topic: Organization of rational nutrition of students in secondary schools and ways to improve it. Regulations on catering for students



by order of MBOU "Maryanovsk school"

Krasnogvardeisky district

Republic of Crimea

dated January 30, 2015 No. 28 "A"


on catering for students in

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Maryanovskaya School"

Krasnogvardeisky district of the Republic of Crimea


1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation", Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2008 No. 45 "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in educational institutions, institutions

primary and secondary vocational education”, Action plan for catering in preschool and general educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea in 2015, approved by the order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea dated November 25, 2014 No. 1242-r.

1.2. The purpose of regulating this Regulation is to establish a unified procedure for organizing and providing hot meals to students in municipal budgetary educational institutions of the Krasnogvardeisky district of the Republic of Crimea (hereinafter referred to as educational institutions).

1.3. The subject of regulation of this Regulation is the activity of educational institutions in organizing and providing students with hot meals:

Hot meals - physiologically complete, balanced, rational nutrition as a form of providing building material and energy for the entire process of growth and development of the child, in the form of breakfast (2nd and 3rd courses) and lunch (1st, 2nd and 3rd meals). e dishes), which is the most important part of healthy lifestyle life, contributing to the preservation of health, resistance to harmful environmental factors, high physical and mental performance;

Additional preventive nutrition - the systematic use of products of natural origin that have a regulatory effect on the body of schoolchildren as a whole or on its individual systems and organs; informed food choices to meet student nutritional and energy needs, including macronutrients and micronutrients;

Supplementary (intermediate) meals - the use of food products as buffet products sold on free sale at catering units (catering units operating on raw materials, semi-finished products (pre-cooked), in buffets-distributing on trays of food distribution points, trading tables, from separate counters in the dining room hall), in buffets.


2.1. Meals for students in general education institutions can be organized at the expense of the federal, regional, municipal budgets, the funds of the parents (legal representatives) of students and other means not prohibited by law.

2.2. General educational institutions in their activities for catering for students interact with the education department of the Administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district, the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor.

2.3. Personal responsibility for the organization and completeness of the coverage of students with hot meals in educational institutions rests with the heads of educational institutions.

2.4. Educational institutions are responsible for the quality of the products they receive, their storage conditions, and the quality of the prepared meals.


3.1. Target:

Improving the organization of hot meals for students during the educational process;

Creation of conditions aimed at providing students with a rational and balanced diet, corresponding to age-related physiological needs for nutrients and energy;

Guaranteed quality and safety of food and food used in nutrition.

3.2. Tasks:

Prevention (prevention) among students of educational institutions of infectious and non-infectious diseases associated with the nutrition factor.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of students (including their intolerance to certain types of food products or dishes);

Compliance with the diet;

Increasing the coverage of students with hot meals. Promotion of hot meals among students, parents, formation of skills and principles of healthy and nutritious nutrition in children.

4.1. Monitoring the nutrition coverage of students.

4.2. Catering for students of educational institutions.

4.3. Accounting for the individual characteristics of students in catering.

4.4. Constant sanitary and hygienic control over a full-fledged diet and cooking technology.

4.5. Vitaminization of 3 meals to increase defensive forces organism.



5.1. The cost of meals for students preferential categories in educational institutions is established annually according to the approved budget of the Administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district of the Republic of Crimea.

5.2. Orphans, children deprived of parental care, and disabled children attending general education institutions, children from low-income families and children from large families are provided with free hot meals at the expense of the municipal budget.

5.3. Financing from the municipal budget of educational institutions for the provision of hot meals for children, as defined in clause 5.2, is targeted and cannot be used for other purposes.


6.1. Educational institutions have the right:

Make proposals on the organization of hot meals for students when considering these issues in the education department of the Administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district.

6.2. Responsibilities of educational institutions:

To carry out, together with the parent community, control over the work of the canteen for catering for students;

Create conditions for providing food for students;

Ensure compliance with the food facilities for students that meet sanitary and hygienic standards;

Provide meals to students on the basis of an approximate 2-week menu, which is approved by the head of the educational institution and agreed with the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor;

When developing an exemplary menu, take into account the length of stay of students in a general education institution, the age category, the state of health of students;

The daily menu should be approved by the head of the educational institution, signed by a representative of the organization providing catering services. The daily menu should contain information on the quantitative output of dishes (for complex dishes, broken down by the components of the dish), energy and nutritional value, the cost of the dish;

Regulate the organization of hot meals in the canteen, establish a meal schedule in accordance with the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2008 No. 45 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering students in

educational institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

To control the quality of raw materials, food preparation technology, the quality of ready meals;

Take measures to increase the coverage of students with hot meals;

Monitor the coverage of students with hot meals;

The list of nutrition for orphans, children deprived of parental care, and disabled children attending general educational institutions, children from low-income families, children in inclusive education, children studying in correctional classes annually approve by order of the head;

Create a marriage commission to control the organization of food and the quality of prepared dishes.


7.1. Parents (legal representatives) have the right to:

Contact the head of the educational institution on problems related to catering;

Get acquainted with the approximate and daily menu, prices for finished products in the dining room of the educational institution.

7.2. Parents (legal representatives) of students are obliged to:

Timely submit to educational institutions documents confirming the status of a student (an orphan child, a child deprived of parental care, a child from a poor family), in accordance with clause 5.2 of this Regulation;

Timely inform the class teacher about the child's illness or his temporary absence in a general educational institution;

Timely warn the class teacher, medical worker about the child's diseases and allergic reactions to food.


8.1. General educational institutions organize ongoing outreach work to improve the level of nutrition culture of students within the framework of learning activities(in subject matter training courses) and extracurricular activities.

8.2. Class teachers provide in the plans of educational work activities aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students, the need for a balanced and rational diet.

8.3. General educational institutions organize systematic work with parents (conversations, lectures, etc.) on the role of nutrition in shaping human health.

8.4. The regulation is valid from the moment of its approval by the decision of the Administration of the Krasnogvardeisky district.

to provide healthy nutrition to students of educational institutions of the Baksansky municipal district.

· Law of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001 No. 000-1 “On Education” (as amended on 16.03.2006);

· Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover of food products of food raw materials in them (as amended on 01.01.2001)”;

· Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 No. 45 "On the organization of nutrition for children in educational institutions";

· San. PiN 2.4 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering for students in general education institutions, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education."

When organizing meals for students, an optimal diet should be observed. Rational nutrition provides for the implementation of a diet. Daily calorie content is distributed: breakfast -25% calories, lunch -35%, afternoon tea -10%, dinner - 25%, second dinner (before bedtime) -5% in the form of a fermented milk drink with bread, cookies.

Breakfast for students studying in the 1st shift is best organized during the second or third break (after the second and third lesson).

The duration of the breaks intended for meals should be at least 20 minutes, and when organizing meals for students in two queues - at least 30 minutes.

When catering during two breaks - during the second break, meals are organized for students in grades 1-4, during the third break for students in grades 5-11.

Lunch for students in grades 1-4 is best organized from 13 to 14 hours, and for students in grades 5-11 - from 14 to 15 hours (after the end of compulsory classes).

For students studying in the 2nd shift, an afternoon snack is organized after the second (for students in grades 1-4) or third (for students in grades 5-11) lesson.

If necessary, at the request of parents and students, meals can be organized depending on the organization of meals for children at home. Students who do not receive breakfast at home in the morning should receive breakfast at school after the 2nd lesson, the rest - after the 3rd lesson.

The school catering manager must draw up a schedule for each class to visit the dining room, taking into account the mode of study.

The teacher on duty or persons from among the teachers or staff of the canteen should monitor compliance with the schedule and order in the canteen during meals.

When forming the diet of children and adolescents and cooking, the basic principles of organizing a rational, balanced, sparing diet are observed, which includes:

Compliance of the energy value (calorie content) of the diet with the age-related physiological needs of children and adolescents;

Providing in the diet a certain ratio (balance) of the main nutrients;

Kashi, vegetable dishes

First meal

Portion meat, fish dishes

30 g (wheat), 20 g (rye)

Assortment of staple foods recommended for use in the nutrition of children and adolescents in organized groups

Meat and meat products:


Poultry meat (chicken, turkey);

Rabbit meat;

Sausages and sausages (beef), no more than 1-2 times a week;

Offal (beef liver, tongue).

Fish and fish products: cod, hake, pollock, ice fish, pike perch, herring (salted).

chicken eggs- in the form of omelettes or boiled.

Milk and dairy products:

Milk (2.5%, 3.2%, 3.5% fat) pasteurized, sterilized, dry;

Condensed milk (whole and with sugar), boiled condensed milk;

Cottage cheese (9% and 18% fat; 0.5% fat - in the absence of cottage cheese of a higher fat content) after heat treatment;

Cheese of mild varieties (hard, soft, processed, sausage without spices);

Sour cream (10%, 15%, 30% fat) after heat treatment;

Yoghurts (preferably not subjected to heat treatment - "live", dairy and cream);

Ryazhenka, varenets, bifidok and other fermented milk products of industrial production;

Cream (10%, 20% and 30% fat). Dietary fats:

Butter (including peasant butter);

- vegetable oil(sunflower, corn, soy - only refined; rapeseed, olive) in salads, vinaigrettes, herring, main courses; limited to frying mixed with margarine.


sweets (preferably marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade), caramel, chocolate - no more than once a week;

Biscuits, cookies, crackers, waffles, muffins (preferably with a minimum amount of food flavors);

Cakes, cakes (sand and biscuit, without cream);

Jams, preserves, marmalade, honey - industrial production.


Potatoes, white cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, onions, garlic (for children before school age- taking into account individual tolerance), parsley, dill, celery, tomato paste, tomato puree.


Apples, pears, bananas, berries (excluding strawberries); citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons), taking into account individual tolerance;

Dried fruits.

Legumes: peas, beans, soybeans.

Juices and drinks:

Natural domestic and imported juices and nectars of industrial production (clarified and with pulp), preferably in small-piece packaging;

Industrial drinks based on natural fruits;

industrial fortified drinks without preservatives and artificial food additives;

Coffee (surrogate), cocoa, tea.

Canned food:

Stewed beef (as an exception (in the absence of meat) for cooking first courses);

Salmon, saury (for soups);

Compotes, fruit slices, eggplant and squash caviar;

Green pea;

Sterilized tomatoes and cucumbers.

Bread, cereals, pasta- all kinds without limitation.

In the nutrition of children and adolescents in educational institutions, it is not allowed to use products that contribute to deterioration health of children and adolescents, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases.

The use of food additives is limited in the composition of food products from which the diets of children and adolescents are formed.

As dyes as part of food products in the nutrition of children and adolescents, only fruit and vegetable juices or powders, cocoa, as well as natural dyes obtained from vegetables, fruits, berries (beets, grapes, paprika and other types of plant materials) can be used.

As a spice as part of food products, fresh and dried herbs, white roots (parsley, celery, parsnip), bay leaf, dill, cinnamon can be used: in small quantities - allspice, nutmeg or cardamom.

In the production of culinary products for children and adolescents, no flavorings (with the exception of vanillin), flavor enhancers are used (glutamate sodium, etc.). Use only baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) as baking powder.

No cooking oil allowed, lamb fat, margarine. Margarine is allowed only in the production of flour culinary products. Fats of vegetable origin should be in the diet of at least 30% of the total the amount of fat. Along with sunflower oil in children's nutrition, you can use other vegetable oils, including corn, rapeseed, olive, soybean. It is not recommended to use non-alcoholic carbonated drinks in the diet of children, chewing gum and etc.

Restricted food use children and adolescents fatty meats (poultry). In the diet of children and adolescents, it is recommended to use less fatty meat: beef of category II, poultry meat of category II, etc. Of the offal, only the heart, tongue, and liver are allowed.

Margarines(creamy with a minimum content of trans-fatty acids) can only be used in the nutrition of children and adolescents to a limited extent, mainly as part of bakery and flour confectionery products.

Mayonnaise should not be used in the diet of children and adolescents(spicy sauces based on fat emulsion). Instead of mayonnaise in the preparation of salads and cold appetizers, vegetable oil is used, as well as sterilized and pasteurized (termized) sauces on a milk (sour-milk) or cheese basis.

In exceptional cases, it is allowed to use instead of dairy products canned milk (highest grade). So, condensed milk can be used as a sauce with cottage cheese and flour dishes (no more than once every 3-4 weeks).

Powdered milk can be used in the production of bakery products, flour confectionery and some culinary products. It is not advisable to use powdered or condensed milk when preparing hot drinks with milk (cocoa, tea, coffee drink).

For cooking and culinary products intended for use in the nutrition of children and adolescents should be used an egg with a quality not lower than dietary.

In order to prevent food poisoning in the nutrition of children in educational institutions, the following is not used:

    flask, barrel, not pasteurized milk without heat treatment (boiling); cottage cheese and sour cream in its natural form without heat treatment (cottage cheese is used in the form casseroles, cheesecakes, cheesecakes, sour cream is used in the form of sauces and in first courses 5-10 minutes before readiness); milk and yogurt "samokvas" in its natural form, as well as for the preparation of cottage cheese; green peas without heat treatment; pasta with minced meat (navy style), pancakes with meat, jelly, okroshka, pate, mincemeat from herring, jellied dishes (meat and fish); drinks, fruit drinks without heat treatment, kvass; pasta with chopped egg, fried eggs; cream pastries and cakes; deep-fried pies, donuts, potatoes, as well as pies, kulebyaki, pasties, dumplings and other flour culinary products, in the preparation of which it is used as a filling raw minced meat; raw smoked meat gastronomic products and sausages; powders of unknown composition as dough leavening agents; natural coffee.

Allowed use white roots (parsley, celery, parsnip), bay leaf.

Only iodized table salt should be used for cooking and culinary products., which has a hygienic certificate. In the Russian Federation, the standard for the content of iodine in salt is set at the level of 40±15 mg per 1 kg of salt. With an average intake of 7-10 g of salt per day and a loss of about 50% of iodine, this level of salt iodization provides the human body with about 150 micrograms of iodine per day.

Salt needed store in a dry place, out of direct sunlight. During heat treatment, some of the iodine is lost. In this regard, it is recommended to add salt to food at the end of heat treatment.

The shelf life of iodized salt must comply with GOST R “Edible table salt. Specifications".

When choosing cold dishes and snacks, it is preferable to use dishes from raw vegetables and fruits. In salads, it is advisable to combine various vegetables and fruits: carrots with apples, carrots with dried apricots, pumpkin with tomatoes, white cabbage with tomatoes, carrots. Cucumbers (considering their poor vitamin composition) is best combined with tomatoes, green onions, sweet peppers, cabbage. Vinaigrettes can be supplemented with herring, non-fish seafood, meat.

In winter and spring, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to use fresh frozen vegetables, fruits, canned fruits and vegetables, juices subject to the terms of their implementation.

When preparing cereal side dishes, you should use a variety of cereals, in including oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, barley, rice, which are an important source of nutrients. The diet should contain milk and cereal dishes (cereals).

Cereal and cottage cheese casseroles and puddings, having high nutritional value, but poor in vitamins, should be provided with fruit juices and jelly. These same supplements are recommended when on vacation viscous cereals from semolina, oatmeal, rice groats. Viscous cereals go well with jam, condensed milk, sweet sauces.

Along with cereal side dishes, vegetables should be used in the diet, including complex vegetable side dishes. Meat it is preferable to serve a vegetable side dish, to fish - potatoes.

Dishes from vegetables harvested last year (cabbage, onions, root crops), which have not undergone heat treatment, can be included in the diet of students only in the period until March 1.

In the absence of any product, in order to preserve the nutritional value of the dish and the diet as a whole, it is allowed to replace products that are equivalent or similar in nutritional value: meat, cottage cheese, eggs, fish are interchangeable in protein composition.

Wheat bread, included in the menu of students, must be prepared using vitamin and mineral fortifiers, if there are flour and confectionery products in the menu, bread may be excluded.

Organization of hot meals implies the obligatory use of hot dishes and culinary products, including first courses and hot drinks, at every meal.

Breakfast should contain a hot dish - cottage cheese, egg, meat, cereals (milk and cereals), as a third course, preferably hot milk or a hot drink (compote, rosehip drink, fortified jelly, tea, cocoa, coffee drink with milk). For breakfast, milk porridges are widely used, including those with vegetables and fruits, a variety of puddings and casseroles. It is advisable to give fresh fruits and vegetables for breakfast.

Sweet dishes or sugary confectionery are included in the diet of breakfasts and lunches only as a dessert, no more than 3-4 times a week.

Dinner consists of an appetizer, first, second and third course (drink). Lunch necessarily includes a hot first course, the second - a meat or fish dish with a side dish (cereal, vegetable, combined). For the third, a drink is provided (juices, jelly, compotes from fresh or dried fruits, fortified industrial drinks), it is advisable to give children fresh fruits for lunch.

When compiling the menu, one should be guided by the recommended sample set of products for catering for school-age children. The range and quantity of products used in the nutrition of children and adolescents, on average per week, should approximately correspond to the recommended set of products shown in Table No. 2.

Name of raw materials and products

Raw materials and products per day per feeder



Age group

Age group

6-10 years old

11-17 years old

6-10 years old

11-17 years old

Meat and poultry

Sausages and smoked products

Fish and fish products

Butter animal

Vegetable oil

Other edible fats

Milk and dairy products

Canned vegetables

Canned fruits and berries

Eggs (pcs.)

Jam, jam, jam, honey

Bread and bakery products

Cereals and legumes



Fruits, fruits, berries

For culinary products and ready-made meals sold in educational institutions for free sale it is advisable to use disposable individual consumer packaging (made of polymeric materials, foil, laminated paper, etc.).

The range of products for free sale should include:

Fresh washed fruits (apples, pears, tangerines, oranges, bananas, kiwi, etc.) and vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers), in an assortment of at least 2 items.

There must be various juices (fruit and vegetable) and drinks - primarily fortified - both industrial, ready-to-drink, in individual consumer packaging (0.2-0.5 l capacity), and dry instant (instant) drinks, for example "Golden Ball", which are prepared immediately before the sale or in advance, but not earlier than 2-3 hours before the sale. The sale of carbonated drinks is not allowed.

Must be on sale hot drink- hot milk, tea, tea with milk, coffee drink with milk or cocoa with milk.

Always on sale dairy in individual consumer packaging, the volume of which is designed for one serving, including sterilized milk, fermented milk products (drinks), such as kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, etc., as well as various yogurts in an assortment of at least 1-2 items.

Implemented curd products industrial production in sealed portion packaging from polymeric materials with a capacity of up to 100 g,

Bulk and groceries can be delivered to canteens (catering units) of educational institutions once every 7-14 days, subject to the availability of special facilities for storing these types of products.

In order to prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and mass infectious diseases (poisoning), it is not allowed to take in public catering organizations:

    food raw materials and food products without documents confirming their quality and safety; meat and offal of all types of farm animals without stamps and veterinary certificates; fish, poultry without a veterinary certificate: non-gutted poultry; eggs with contaminated shells, with a notch, "tek", "boy", as well as eggs from farms that are unfavorable for salmonellosis; duck and goose eggs; canned food with a breach in the tightness of cans, bombed "crackers" cans with rust, deformed, without labels; cereals, flour, fruits and other products infected with granary pests; vegetables and fruits with mold and signs of rot; food products with expired shelf life and signs of poor quality; home-made products (canned meat, dairy, fish and other ready-to-eat products); raw smoked meat gastronomic products and sausages; products fried in fat (oil), products (patties, donuts, chips, potatoes, etc.): cooking oils; vinegar, mustard, horseradish, hot peppers (red, black) and other hot seasonings; spicy sauces (like ketchup), canned snacks and pickled vegetables and fruits: (canned with vinegar, spicy cheeses, bone and mushroom broths, including food concentrates based on them, food concentrates based on artificial flavors); mayonnaise; natural coffee, as well as products containing caffeine; other stimulants , alcohol; carbonated drinks; ice cream; biologically active food supplements (BAA): with a tonic effect (containing eleutherococcus, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea or other similar components), affecting the growth of body tissues, as well as products produced using the listed additives; products containing hormones, hormone-like substances and antibiotics.

Taking into account the increased epidemiological danger of children and adolescents in the OS, it is not allowed to use:

    cream confectionery (pastries and cakes); pancakes with meat, jellied dishes (meat and fish), fish and meat salads, jellies, home-made pates. forshmak from herring; products from meat trimmings, pork tanks, diaphragms, blood, rolls from the pulp of heads; canned green peas without heat treatment (boiling); flask (barrel) milk without heat treatment (boiling); samokvass milk, curdled milk and other fermented milk products of own (non-industrial) preparation, including for the preparation of cottage cheese; cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk; cottage cheese of own (non-industrial) preparation; cottage cheese or sour cream in its natural form, without heat treatment, with the exception of ready-to-eat fermented milk products ( curds , yoghurts, etc.) industrial production in individual industrial packaging, designed for one serving of the product; cold drinks, self-made fruit drinks (without heat treatment). kvass; okroshka (cold soups): navy-style pasta (with minced meat), pasta with chopped egg; eggs and meat of waterfowl; fried eggs; mushrooms and products (culinary products) prepared from them.

Upon receipt of all types of products, enterprises organizing meals for students of educational institutions (except for buffets-handouts) quality products are accepted. Upon receipt, an entry is made in a special journal in a timely manner.

All food products, when delivered to enterprises organizing meals for children and adolescents, must be accompanied by a document from the manufacturer confirming the quality and safety of the products, indicating the date of production of products, terms and conditions of storage.

Product quality and safety subject to mandatory certification must be confirmed by certificates of conformity. Veterinary certificates are provided for livestock raw materials.

Copies of accompanying documents (certified by the seal of the organization that issued the document, or the seal of the organization holding the original document) must accompany each batch of incoming products and be stored until the end of its sale at the base enterprise or canteen (food unit) functioning independently.

Potatoes and vegetables should store in a dry, dark room in chests or on shelves, fresh fruits- in a packaged form on undercarriages. Vegetables should be stored no more than 2-5 days and imported in small batches to avoid spoilage during long-term storage. Peeled sulphated potatoes can be stored up to 48 hours at +4...+6 °C or at room temperature up to 24 hours.

Responsibility for violation of the conditions and terms of storage of products is borne by the warehouse manager (storekeeper) or production manager.

The basis of the nutrition of children and adolescents is the organization of sparing nutrition, which provides for special technological processing of products:

meat and fish boiled or cooked in chopped form, steamed;

cereals and vegetables are boiled until soft, allowed light baking dishes, frying is excluded.

Technology and recipes and culinary products used in the nutrition of students must comply with the approved regulatory technical and technological documentation, collections of recipes. For every dish a technological map is being drawn up . The technological map indicates the name of the dish, the finished product, the layout of the products, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy value, in detail the cooking technology of the dish and organoleptic indicators ( appearance, taste, color, smell, texture). In the production of the canteen Technological cards for all dishes must be available, which are used in the nutrition of students (available on the menu).

Culinary food processing(primary, secondary, thermal) should be carried out only in the relevant production facilities, in compliance with the rules for the separate processing of raw products subject to heat treatment, which have undergone heat treatment and products used for food without heat treatment.

Not allowed for processing raw products (unpeeled vegetables, meat, fish) and semi-finished products, use washing baths designed for washing kitchen or tableware, containers, baths for washing side dishes, sinks for washing hands.

Large-sized semi-finished products, block meat is allowed to be defrosted on production tables in the meat workshop. Do not defrost meat in water or near the stove. Thawed meat and semi-finished products cannot be re-frozen.

Fish thawed in air or cold water. Thawed fish is not subject to storage and is sent for heat treatment.

Egg processing, used for cooking, is carried out in a designated place in special marked containers in the following sequence: with a warm 1-2% solution of soda ash, 0.5% solution of chloramine or other detergents and disinfectants approved for these purposes, after which is rinsed with cold running water. A clean egg is laid out in a clean, labeled dish. Storage of raw eggs in cassettes, boxes in production shops is not allowed. Egg powder after sifting, dilution with water and swelling for 30-40 minutes. immediately subjected to cooking. The use of a table egg (the shelf life of which is more than 7 days, not counting the day of demolition) for the manufacture of fried eggs is not allowed. When preparing an omelet, the mixture of eggs with other components is poured onto a greased baking sheet or portioned pan with a layer of 2.5-3.0 cm and placed in an oven with a temperature of 180-200 ° C for 8-10 minutes. Storage of egg mass is carried out no more than 30 minutes.

Primary processing of vegetables includes sorting, washing, cleaning and cutting. Vegetables and herbs, after pre-rinsing, are carefully sorted and cleaned, white cabbage remove 3-4 outer sheets. Peeled vegetables are washed again in running water. Vegetables that arrived at the catering unit in a washed form are washed again in running water. Peeled raw vegetables can be stored at +2...+6°C for no more than 12 hours. For the prevention of yersineosis and pseudotuberculosis, last year's crop vegetables used for salads are allowed only until March of the next year.

Not allowed storage of peeled vegetables and herbs in water, intended for eating raw, without heat treatment.

The rules for the preservation of vitamins in root crops should be observed. and vegetables: peel the peel with a thin layer, put only in boiling water (the water should cover the vegetables), cook under the lid for the time specified for cooking different vegetables.

Cold appetizers and salads they are prepared only in special cold shops or, in agreement with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities, on a separate production line in the general pre-cooking shop of the school canteen. For the preparation of dishes from raw vegetables and fruits, you need to use only standard good-quality fruit and vegetable products. Refueling of salads, vinaigrettes and cold appetizers is carried out immediately before sale in the amount required for one-time sale, storage of ready-to-eat dishes from raw products is allowed for no more than 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

For dressing cold appetizers, salads is used only vegetable oil or dressing based on vegetable oil. The use of sour cream or mayonnaise is not allowed. Vinaigrettes and salads are seasoned with vegetable oil immediately before they are served.

Pickles and fermentations(barrel) can be used as food only after heat treatment (for cooking first and second courses).

The cooking process should not last longer than the time established by the current technological standards (collections of recipes).

Of the methods of heat treatment, in the nutrition of schoolchildren, it is mainly used cooking, poaching, baking and stewing, microwave, steam and convection heating.

Not used in food production such a technological process as frying, frying in fat or oil (deep-fried) is not allowed. Short frying is used only as the first stage of the heat treatment of a culinary product from minced meat or fish.

For side dishes pasta and rice after cooking, do not rinse with water.

Meat should be cooked pieces weighing no more than 1.5 kg, minced meat and fish products, as well as pieces of fish should be fried on the stove on both sides, in a frying pan heated with fat, and then brought to readiness in the oven.

In the manufacture of second courses from boiled meat, poultry, fish, or when selling boiled meat for the first courses, the products must be re-boiled in the broth.

Omelettes, casseroles, the recipes of which include an egg, prepared by baking in an oven on a greased baking sheet. Cooking omelets and casseroles is allowed only from eggs that have undergone the necessary processing.

Boiled sausages, sausages, sausages are used in food only after heat treatment (cooking for at least 5 minutes from the moment of boiling).

Vegetables to be boiled in a peeled form are cleaned immediately before cooking. It is not allowed to pre-harvest potatoes and other vegetables with a long (more than 3 hours) soaking them in water. For cutting and peeling vegetables and fruits, stainless steel knives or ordinary ones, polished to a shine, are used. Peel from vegetables must be removed in a thin layer, because the subcortical layer is the richest in vitamins. Vegetables boiled for salads are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-6 hours.

When cooking first courses, vegetables and herbs are released into boiling water, maintain a uniform boil until the food is fully cooked, cook food in a bowl filled to the top with a closed lid. Raw cabbage and potatoes are laid in the first dishes no earlier than 25-30 minutes before the end of cooking. When cooking vegetable soups, do not add cold water. To preserve minerals and vitamins, vegetables are boiled in salted water (except for beets).

In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of food poisoning, it is prohibited:

    use the leftovers from the previous meal and food prepared the day before; production of naval pasta, pancakes with meat, pancakes with cottage cheese from unpasteurized milk; the use of raw and pasteurized flask milk, as well as flask cottage cheese and sour cream without prior boiling; transfusion of fermented milk drinks (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk) from consumer packaging into containers; they are portioned directly from bottles, bags into glasses before food is served; the use of yogurt-samokvass as a drink, the preparation of cottage cheese from it. Cottage cheese and sour cream in small industrial packaging can be used in its natural form (without repeated heat treatment) subject to their expiration dates and if this is not prohibited by the territorial centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Responsibility for compliance with the technology of primary processing of raw materials and the technology for preparing culinary products, for the quality of the produced culinary products, compliance with sanitary requirements for the manufacture of culinary products, for the timing of the sale of finished products, is the responsibility of the production manager and the chef.

Responsibility for compliance with technological and sanitary requirements in their area of ​​work lies with each employee of the canteen.

Every day, before the distribution of ready-made dishes, the finished products are necessarily graded. Each batch of finished products is subjected to scraping as it is manufactured.

Marriage is carried out by a marriage commission, the composition of which is approved by order of the head of the enterprise or educational institution. For a one-time marriage, the composition of the commission must consist of at least 2 people.

The composition of the marriage commission necessarily includes the head of production (technologist or chef), a medical worker of a catering unit or an educational institution (or a teacher responsible for catering at a school).

Sample (1-2 spoons) is taken directly from the boiler. When using food in individual packaging, one unit of packaging is taken for the sample. Evaluation is given to each dish separately on a five-point scale, while shortcomings are noted. Corresponding entries are made about the results of the marriage in a special (marriage) journal.

Healthy persons who have undergone a medical examination are allowed to work. Each employee must have a personal medical book, which contains the results of medical examinations, information about infectious diseases, and the passing of the sanitary minimum.

The staff of the catering department is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene. The head of the institution is responsible for creating conditions for employees to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Personnel must comply with the following rules:

    come to work in clean clothes; before starting work and after visiting the toilet, wash hands thoroughly with soap and a brush; cut nails short; when preparing dishes, culinary and confectionery products, it is forbidden to wear jewelry and varnish nails; clothes and personal belongings should be left in the cloakroom; when carrying out any work in the premises of the catering unit, the employee must be dressed in special sanitary clothing, hair must be removed under a cap or scarf;

Every day, before the start of the shift, the health worker conducts an examination of the exposed surfaces of the body for the presence of pustular diseases among all personnel.

Persons with pustular skin diseases and catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract are not allowed to work. The results of the inspection are recorded in a special journal.

Sanitary requirements for the content of the catering unit.

The territory of the catering unit of any type should be kept clean, and in the warm season watered. Cleaning of the territory should be done daily

Containers with garbage from the territory of the catering unit should be taken out at least once a day by specialized


In the industrial premises of the catering unit not allowed storage and documentation.

In all areas of the catering unit daily (before or after work) wet cleaning should be carried out. And once a month - sanitary days for holding general cleaning with subsequent disinfection of all premises, equipment and inventory.

At least once a year, or more often, as necessary, current repairs of the premises are carried out with whitewashing, painting of the premises and equipment, etc.

Any type of catering unit should have daily cleaning schedule premises and holding sanitary days, indicating the time, frequency, method of cleaning and disinfection, as well as persons responsible for cleaning. The floors are cleaned during the day as they get dirty - they are swept with a wet method, and then they are washed with warm water using detergents and wiped dry.

The dining hall is cleaned after each visit by students. Tables in the dining room should be cleaned after each meal using brushes to sweep away food debris and rags specially allocated for this purpose. Tables are cleaned after every meal. hot water with soap or soda.

In the meat, meat and fish, fish and poultry shops, the floors are washed at least 2 times per shift with hot water with the addition of soda ash (1-2%), and at the end of the shift - with a 1% bleach solution. The walls are cleaned daily with detergents.

Ceilings are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp cloth.

Wipe window frames and window sills with a damp cloth. Glasses and lighting fixtures are cleaned of dust and soot at least once a week.

Intershop doors are washed with detergents daily, especially carefully - door handles. Twice a week, the shelves, racks, underwares of warehouses, free from products, are washed with warm water.

Upon completion of work, washbasins, sinks and drains must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and disinfected.

Production equipment, cutting tables and production washing tanks should be washed as they become soiled with

using rags or washcloths specially allocated for this purpose

(separately for each production line). Household premises at least once per shift are thoroughly cleaned with a wet method using detergents and disinfectants.

Cleaning inventory (basins, buckets, brushes, mops) must be marked (indicating the workshop and the purpose of the inventory) and assigned to individual premises. Cleaning equipment is stored in a separate specially designated room or in rooms, for

cleaning which is intended, in special cabinets or wall niches.

For cleaning, only equipment assigned to

given premises.

Cleaning equipment at the end of work must be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed with hot water and treated with a disinfectant solution. When using chlorine-containing preparations for this purpose, use a solution with an active chlorine content of at least 500 mg / l (2% solution of bleach or chloramine).

For cleaning refrigerated chambers, refrigerated cabinets, refrigerated counters and showcases, marked inventory specially designed for this should be allocated.

Toilet cleaning equipment (including rags) must have a special signal marking (red or orange) in a visible place and be stored in a special cabinet in

bathroom or close to it.

Use of this equipment for cleaning other premises

To collect waste and garbage in all industrial premises of the catering unit, there must be metal or plastic pedal tanks with lids. As they are filled, but not more than 2/3 of the volume, they should be cleaned, and at the end of work, washed with hot (45-50 degrees C) 2% solution of soda ash or other detergent (in accordance with the instructions for its use ), and then rinse with hot water.

It is not allowed to carry out the export of food waste through the distribution or production premises of the catering unit.

Washing of reusable containers should be carried out only in a special room equipped with a ladder and washing baths.

Washing and rinsing of returnable containers is not allowed, if a separate room is not allocated for this on food blocks.

It is forbidden:

to process returnable containers, use washing kitchen or

tableware, industrial premises or premises for

processing containers intended for food waste.

Containers in which raw materials and semi-finished products are delivered must be stored and handled separately from containers intended for the delivery of finished products, in a specially allocated room equipped with a ladder and washing baths.

Oilcloth and other bags, metal and wooden boxes, tubs, cans, flasks, tanks and buckets with lids, pots, etc. are cleaned after use, washed with a hot 2% solution

soda ash, scalded with boiling water, dried and stored in places inaccessible to pollution. Also handled cisterns and buckets for food waste.

For floor disinfection and wall panels, equipment, utensils, kitchen utensils and returnable containers use disinfectant solutions in accordance with the instructions for their use. . When using chlorine-containing preparations for this purpose, solutions with an active chlorine content of 200-250 mg / l (0.5-1% solution of bleach or chloramine) are used. The most contaminated surfaces are disinfected with preparations containing active chlorine up to 400 mg / l (2% solution of bleach or chloramine) with an exposure time of at least 5-10 minutes.

When using chlorine-containing preparations for the disinfection of equipment, inventory, utensils and returnable containers, solutions are used

Industrial sinks, bathtubs, drains and washbasins after

works are disinfected with a solution containing active chlorine at least

400 mg/l (2% bleach or chloramine solution).

When cleaning bathrooms use specially allocated rags and disinfectants specially designed for this purpose, carefully wipe the valves of water taps, handles and door locks, trigger handles and other surfaces that are touched by hands when visiting the toilet.

When using chlorine-containing preparations for the treatment of sanitary appliances and floors in bathrooms, solutions with an active chlorine concentration of at least 500 mg / l (2-3% solution of bleach or chloramine) are used.

Premises (workshops), equipment and inventory intended for the primary processing of vegetables must be processed daily

detergents, and in the spring-summer period of the seasonal rise

incidence of pseudotuberculosis and yersiniosis (from March to August

inclusive) must also be disinfected daily

equipment and inventory used for the primary processing of vegetables,

1% solution of chloramine.

A pantry intended for storing vegetables used for food without heat treatment is treated at least once a month with a 3% clarified solution of bleach (after the room is emptied of vegetables).

All applicable detergents and disinfectants must be authorized by the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities for use. Them

use must be in accordance with the scope

application, regulated by permits

(certificate or conclusion). For all used detergents and

disinfectants must have instructions for their

application, which must necessarily be brought to the attention of all

employees using this tool (taking into account the specific mode


Preparation of working solutions of chlorine-containing preparations

must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN

"Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises",

application 2.

Detergents and disinfectants should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated area equipped with shelving. It is prohibited to store food in this room. Solutions are stored in

dark glass containers with a well-fitting stopper, avoiding

exposure to light and moisture, no more than 5 days.

In washing canteens and kitchen utensils, as well as near all baths that are used to process inventory in other areas of catering facilities, instructions are posted on the mode of washing dishes and processing inventory, indicating the concentrations of detergents and disinfectants, the rules for preparing working solutions.

Posted instructions on the mode of processing dishes and equipment should contain instructions on the use of a specific detergent (disinfectant) currently used (or all products used).

The administration is obliged to provide soap and electric towels (or disposable individual towels) near all sinks for washing hands.

To fight flies and prevent their appearance in warm

period of the year on windows and transoms used for ventilation,

grids must be installed.

Lids for food waste containers should close tightly. Waste should be removed daily and containers cleaned and

Street garbage bins must be cleared when filling no more than

2/3 of their volume, chlorinated daily with a 10% solution of chlorine

lime. Garbage containers should be installed no closer than 1.5 m

from the edge of the hard surface area.

. Leftover food is rendered harmless boiling for 15 minutes or covered with bleach or heat-resistant bleaching lime

All products must be kept in tightly closed containers or cabinets, have lids or cover with gauze. Bowls for kneading dough should also have special lids or be covered with gauze. To prevent the appearance of cockroaches, it is necessary to seal gaps in partitions, walls, cabinets, etc., to prevent the accumulation of crumbs and food debris on tables, shelves and under them.

To exterminate flies, special electric traps and sticky paper are used.

To destroy rodents, mechanical means of extermination are used (traps, tops, traps, etc.).

During the sanitary day, the premises where disinfestation or deratization was carried out are cleaned especially carefully.

Responsibility for the general sanitary condition of a public catering enterprise (food unit), compliance with the sanitary regime in it

carried by the head of the institution.

Each employee of the institution is responsible for the condition of the workplace, the fulfillment of sanitary requirements in his area of ​​work.

. The mode of washing kitchen utensils and equipment in the catering department:

All kitchen utensils and all catering equipment is marked with indelible paint or in another way that ensures the durability of the marking. The marking provides for an indication of the workshop to which the inventory belongs (for example, "x. ts." - cold shop, "m. ts." meat shop, etc.), and the type of products with which it comes into contact during the operation of the catering unit ( for example, “m.v.” - boiled meat, “m.s.” - raw meat, “o.v.” - boiled vegetables<4>, "o.s." - raw vegetables

Not allowed use of equipment and inventory for other purposes. It is not allowed to use faulty and dilapidated equipment

and equipment.

Absolutely forbidden cooking ahead using leftover food from a previous meal, as well as food prepared the day before, when preparing meals. It is forbidden to mix food with leftovers from meals prepared earlier in the day or the day before with leftovers from a previous batch.

When weighing, do not place food directly on the scale. Wrapping paper or other packaging materials are placed on the scales.

Not allowed using products that have been dropped on the floor or otherwise contaminated. Such products (sanitary defects) must

be collected in a special container with the appropriate marking.

Not allowed involve in the preparation, portioning and distribution of products, washing dishes and other technological processes

auxiliary workers, loaders, drivers and forwarders, as well as other

persons who, by the nature of their activities, should not come into contact with

finished product.

Persons engaged in loading, unloading and carrying products must be provided with special sanitary clothing, which they must use only during the specified work.

It is not allowed to involve students, parents, teaching staff and support staff of an educational institution in the preparation, layout and portioning of culinary products.

Allowed involve the labor of students of senior school age for cleaning dining rooms, loading and unloading. When carrying heavy loads, the norms for the permissible weight of carried loads by children of the appropriate age must be observed.

When using self-service elements when setting tables and cleaning dirty dishes and involving students in cleaning the dining room not allowed the entrance of students to the production and utility rooms of catering units.

The dishes are freed from food residues with wooden spatulas, rubber scrapers, washed in the 1st sink with water (45-50 º) with detergents, rinsed in the 2nd sink with water (not lower than 65º), dried on the lattice shelves in an overturned form .

You can rinse cooking pots, pans with a flexible hose. Burnt food is not scraped off, but soaked in warm water with soda ash.

There are two washing modes:

Quick - for dishes in which soups, broth, compote were cooked; -

Slow - for dishes from mashed potatoes, cereals, pasta. Dried kitchen utensils are stored upside down on racks. metal utensils, except polished, cleaned with cleaning pastes or powders. After cleaning the contaminated surface, the dishes are thoroughly washed and rinsed. Powders are used to remove scale from kitchen utensils.

aluminum utensils wash with soap, as it darkens from alkaline solutions (soda).

Cutting tables with metal surface washed with warm water with detergents and doused with hot water. Sieve, cheesecloth, through which the broth is filtered, sauces are washed in hot water with detergents, rinsed.

Brushes, scrapers, washcloths for washing dishes after work are washed with detergents, boiled for 10-15 minutes; washcloths, brushes, dishcloths after washing are immersed in a container with a 0.5% solution of chlorine-containing preparations for 10 minutes, then dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Tanks for collecting waste and garbage are cleaned after filling - no more than 2/3 of the volume. After operation, the tanks, regardless of the volume of filling, are cleaned, washed with a 2% solution of soda ash, rinsed with hot water, and dried. Containers for food waste of the catering unit are installed at a distance of 25 meters from the building of the catering unit, after removing the waste, they are washed with a 2% soda solution and disinfected with a 10% clarified bleach solution.

Mechanical equipment of the catering department - meat grinder (for boiled and raw meat), vegetable cutter (for raw and boiled vegetables), beater for raw minced meat, a machine for grinding and mashing various products (raw, boiled), the universal drive is marked according to the application. After work, the mechanical equipment is disassembled into its component parts, cleaned of raw material residues, thoroughly washed in hot water (65ºС) using detergents, rinsed, scalded with boiling water and dried on grates.

Means for washing kitchen and tableware.

· The following detergents are used for washing dishes. Powders:

Progress - for manual washing of dishes, containers and equipment (50 g per 10 liters of water),

"Don" - for manual washing of tableware and kitchen utensils (10 g per 10 liters of water),

Trisodium phosphate - for manual washing of inventory (100 g per 10 liters of water), pastes:

"Special" - for washing dishes, equipment and inventory,

Dishwasher, Dishwasher-2 (with disinfectant action), Dishwasher M (with bleaching and antimicrobial action) - for washing dishes by hand (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of warm water), Alma, Shine , "Pearl", "Helper", "Biryusa," Pemolyuks", "Pemoksol-M", "Sanita-M" (with antimicrobial action), "Skyra-M", sodium bicarbonate - for washing dishes by hand.

It is allowed to use detergents (sprays) for washing dishes - “Drop”, “Feri”, “Helper” and others.

It is prohibited to use mustard, laundry soap and soda ash to wash dishes in the catering departments of medical institutions.

Organization of rational nutrition of students in general education schools and ways to improve it

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When writing term paper The following main terms have been used:


The subject of the research is the organization of catering for students in secondary schools.

The object of the study is measures to improve catering.

The purpose of the work is to study catering in school canteens, consider various activities and ways to improve catering and identify the features of such activities in high school No. 53 in Minsk.

Area of ​​possible practical application: the results obtained in the course work can be used in catering in general educational institutions.

The author of the work confirms that the material presented in it correctly and objectively reflects the state of the process under study, and all theoretical, methodological and methodological provisions and concepts borrowed from literary and other sources are accompanied by references to their authors.


Nutrition as a form of providing building material and energy for the entire process of growth and development of the child has a very great importance for his health. Today, nutritionists highlight the slogan: “A person “feels” what he eats,” and this is the relevance of the work. Nutrition is one of the most important factors determining the health of the child population. Proper nutrition ensures the normal growth and development of children, contributes to the prevention of diseases, prolongs the life of people, increases efficiency and creates conditions for adequate adaptation to the environment. Food is the basis of human life. The quality of his educational activity depends on how correctly and efficiently the schoolchildren's nutrition is organized. In the event that the child’s body does not receive the necessary set of nutrients, a mechanism is activated that increases the activity level of a number of hormones, in particular, cortisol, which brings the nervous system into a state of excitement that prevents normal absorption educational material. In children (especially in early school age) the mechanisms of self-regulation and compensation are not fully developed; as a result, the child feels tired or, conversely, tense and nervous, which leads to problems with academic performance and behavior, depletion of adaptive reserves.

Currently, there are the following problems associated with the organization of nutrition, both for children and adults:

· the prevailing dietary stereotypes, including those based on fast-food and semi-finished products, have changed the structure of nutrition in the direction of a significant reduction in the consumption of the most valuable food products. The daily diet of the majority of Belarusians today is carbohydrate-fat, with an insufficient amount of animal protein, a deficiency of vitamins, microelements and dietary fiber food.

· there is an acute problem of the quality of food products, food raw materials and biologically active food additives used in the nutrition of schoolchildren educational institutions. The level of education and culture of the population in matters of healthy, rational nutrition is very low.

It has been established that during their stay at school, the daily energy consumption of primary school students averages 2092-2510 J (500-600 kcal), middle and older 2510-2929 J (600-700 kcal), which is approximately equal to 25% daily requirement in energy and essential nutrients. These costs must be replenished with hot school breakfasts. Providing hot meals during the school day has an active impact on improving the educational process and improving academic performance.

A school catering enterprise is a school canteen designed to provide mass-market products (breakfasts, lunches) to students of this school.

The purpose of the course work is to study the rules of catering for students in secondary schools, to consider the actual organization of the work of a catering enterprise using the example of a dining room at school No. 53 in Minsk and to suggest ways to improve its work.

In accordance with the goal, the objectives of the course work are:

to study the basics of rational nutrition of schoolchildren, the range of school canteen dishes;

consider the technical equipment of the school canteen, the organization of jobs and the organization of services for schoolchildren;

consider compliance with sanitary requirements for catering in the school cafeteria.


Modern science attaches extremely great importance to rational nutrition, considering it the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Data on the body's need for nutrients and the relationship between them are summarized in the works of many scientists on rational nutrition.

Rational nutrition (lat. Rationalis - smart) - a varied and balanced nutrition of healthy people in all components. Rational nutrition is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle - one of the factors in prolonging the active period of a person's life.

The main laws of rational nutrition are:

The first law: it is necessary to maintain a balance between the energy supplied with food (caloric content of food) and the energy costs of the body.

The second law: it is necessary to maintain a balance between proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and ballast substances entering the body.

The third law: it is necessary to observe the diet - regular and optimal distribution of food throughout the day.

Fourth law: following the age-related needs of the body in nutrition and motor activity, it is necessary to take into account the obligatory preventive orientation of the diet.

When compiling a diet, first of all, they pay attention to the first law - ensuring energy balance: the intake of calories in the body must be strictly balanced with their consumption.

The body of the child, even at rest, consumes energy. With muscular and mental work, the metabolism increases. Compared to the energy consumption when lying still, it increases even when sitting quietly by 12%, while standing - by 20%, while walking - by 80-100, while running - by 400%.

Energy consumption fluctuates depending on the age of the children. The body of schoolchildren 7-10 years old consumes an average of 2300 kcal per day, boys 11-13 years old - 2700, girls of the same age - 2450, boys 14-17 years old - 3200, girls - 2600 kcal.

Table 1 - Chemical composition daily set of food products depending on the age of children (g / 100 g)

ComponentAge of children, years7-1011-1314-17Proteins80.995.6106.14Fats82.696.6106.1Carbohydrates342495455Energy value, kcal/100 g.250929473291

This energy can only be replenished through nutrition. In order for food to bring maximum benefit, it must contain all the substances that make up our body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and water.

For the school period of a child's life, covering the age from 6-7 to 17 years, are characteristic the following features development of the body: intensive growth and the associated mass of bone (skeleton) and muscle tissue, complex changes in metabolism due to the final formation of the functions of the endocrine glands, a significant load on the central nervous system, in particular on the brain. In connection with increased growth, it is especially important to include protein-rich foods in the diet, and animal proteins should make up at least 50% of their total amount. Just as necessary for the child's body during this period are fats, both animal (butter) and easily digestible vegetable, the share of which should be at least 20% of the total amount of fat.

During this period of life, children's need for carbohydrates is especially great, which is explained both by the increased energy costs of the body and by the intensive work of the brain, for the normal functioning of which carbohydrates, namely the glucose formed from them, are the main energy material.

Providing the body of schoolchildren with a sufficient amount of complete nutrients is possible only when a variety of foods are included in the diet.

1 Features of nutrition of schoolchildren

Children do not need to stimulate appetite, special irritants containing substances with a sharp taste - mustard, pepper, vinegar. Vinegar has a hemolytic effect, and therefore, when preparing dishes for children, it should be replaced with citric acid or lemon juice. So, when stewing beets for borscht and dressing salads and sauces (tomato, marinades), solutions of citric acid should be used. Instead of hot seasonings and spices, flavoring seasonings and flavors such as white roots (parsley, celery, parsnip), their greens, dill, cinnamon, vanillin.

Hot dishes and drinks should have a temperature of 50-60 ° C, and cold - not lower than 15 ° C. Therefore, after cooking and before serving, hot dishes are cooled to the specified temperature, and kefir, acidophilus and other products delivered from refrigerators are kept at room temperature for 1-2 hours.

The fish is used without small bones in the muscle tissue, it is cut into fillets with skin without rib bones or into fillets without skin and rib bones (except for flounder and halibut, which can not be plastified).

Meals at school should be built taking into account the everyday skills and tastes inherent in school-age children. However, it is necessary to instill in them a taste for dishes from the most nutritionally valuable products and to develop the skills of a rational diet.

Diet is the distribution of food throughout the day by time, calorie content and volume, i.e. the duration of meals and the intervals between them.) So, school breakfasts and lunches should not include sweets, chocolate and other products that are mainly of taste value. Children do not like carrots and onions in soups and often leave them on their plates. Meanwhile, carrots in the nutrition of children is of great importance. Therefore, carrots and onions should be added to soups and sauces in pure form or very finely chopped. Carrot puree, boiled and stewed carrots as a side dish and main dish are usually not popular with most children, but schoolchildren eat pink puree (from potatoes and carrots).

Oatmeal and "Hercules" are the most valuable cereals for baby food. To cultivate a taste for these products, one should diversify the ways of their culinary use: cook cereals, oatmeal jelly and cookies, cutlets and meatballs, casseroles and puddings from them.

When preparing dishes for younger students, a number of features are taken into account:

· dishes from minced meat, fish and poultry are widely used (meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, rolls, casseroles);

· prepare small-sized meat products that do not require a knife when consuming (beef stroganoff in sour cream sauce, goulash, etc.);

· do not cook dishes with bones (poultry fried in pieces, bony fish boiled and fried, stew);

· do not use fatty meat (pork, geese, ducks);

· spicy dishes (hodgepodge, kharcho) are excluded from the diet;

· they use the most valuable cereals (oatmeal, Hercules, buckwheat), expand the range of dishes from them (cereals, meatballs, cereals, puddings, casseroles, oatmeal cookies);

· the range of vegetable dishes should be wide and varied in terms of cooking methods - boiled and stewed vegetables, stewed in milk sauce, mashed potatoes, casseroles, raw vegetable dishes (grated carrots with sour cream, salads from radishes, tomatoes, white and red cabbage etc.);

· daily dairy dishes should be on the menu: grated cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, kefir, cheesecakes, dumplings with cottage cheese, cottage cheese puddings, milk soups, cheesecakes, milk jelly, etc .;

· when selling soups with meat, it is cut into 2-3 pieces per serving;

· for the youngest students, special techniques for decorating dishes with elements of entertainment should be used.

Depending on age, the amount of servings is also set. So, for example, for younger students, the volume of a serving of soup should be 250 g, for older students - 400 g.

1.2 Menu planning

Children should eat four times a day, i.e. every 3-4 hours. Therefore, schoolchildren who spend 4 to 6 hours at school should receive the following types of food: for the first shift - a second breakfast; for the second shift, an afternoon snack; schoolchildren who are on an extended day should, in addition to breakfast, receive lunch. Each meal is built in accordance with nutritional standards. Breakfast and afternoon snack should account for 15-20% of the daily caloric intake, and 35-40% for lunch.

Table 2- Sample Mode nutrition of schoolchildren

Ration name Students 1st shift (beginning at 8.30) 2nd shift (beginning at 13.00) Grades 1-56 - 11th grades1-5th grades6-11th grades Homemade breakfast 7.30-8.007.30-8.008. 008.002nd breakfast10.1511.00--Lunch 13.30-14.3015.0012.00-13.0012.00-13.00 Snack 16.3017.0014.3015.30 Dinner19.00-19.3020.00-20.3019.00-19.3020.00

The diet includes daily products that provide the body's need primarily for proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, mineral salts (especially calcium) and vitamins. At the same time, the need for proteins (mainly in animals) is compensated by the daily inclusion of meat, fish, egg, cottage cheese and dairy dishes in the breakfast and lunch menu. Legumes, buckwheat, oatmeal and pasta can serve as a source of vegetable proteins.

In connection with special significance milk and dairy products in schoolchildren's food, they should be included in the menu daily in their natural form or used in cooking. The need for polyunsaturated acids should be covered by vegetable oil and fish. Milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, as well as cabbage and other vegetables serve as a source of calcium in the schoolchildren's diet.

When compiling a menu, it is important to diversify it in terms of a set of products, methods of their culinary processing, and the taste of dishes. Seasonal dishes from greens, vegetables, fruits, berries and fruits should be widely used, and during hot periods of the year, cold dishes should be included in breakfasts and lunches (fruit soups, cold mannas, salads, etc.).

The menu should reflect the features of service in the school cafeteria:

breakfast during a break should consist of no more than two dishes - from the main hot (meat, fish, vegetable, cottage cheese) and a sweet dish or drink (jelly, compote, milk, coffee, berries, fruits);

lunch after class should include 3-4 courses (first, second, sweet or cold dish);

boiled, stewed and fried meat in breakfast dishes should be pre-sliced ​​(beef stroganoff, goulash) or the menu includes chopped dishes; for lunch, meat dishes can be prepared from portioned semi-finished products;

in schools where there are no dining halls and children have breakfast in the classroom, the menu should include simple dishes that do not require utensils and do not impede vacation (milk, dairy products, cereals, cottage cheese, cheesecakes, sausages);

all dairy products, as well as pie, pies must be prepared and portioned in advance; it is convenient to use dairy products in small packaging.

The menu of the school canteen should reflect the differences in the nutritional norms of schoolchildren of different age groups. For this purpose, it is convenient to change the output of a portion or introduce additional side dishes: for younger students, it is planned to produce salads and vinaigrettes weighing 100 g (about 90 kcal and 1.7 g of protein), and for older students - weighing 150 g (135 kcal and 2.6 g of protein) ; change the volume of a serving of soup (as mentioned above); provide for the mass of portions of cereals, pasta in 100-150g (160 and 240 kcal); bread norms for breakfasts are 50-75 and 100-125g, and for lunches - 75-100 and 125-150g.

Table 3 - Sample menu for 1 day in the school canteen

BreakfastWeight/quantity Fresh tomatoes 30g. Chopped poultry cutlets baked in milk sauce 75g. Cocoa 200ml. LunchGreen salad with cucumber and vegetable oil 60g. Siberian borscht in meat broth 250g.

1.3 Catering in general educational institutions

Catering in general educational institutions is carried out by the subject of entrepreneurial activity. Meals in general educational institutions are organized on the basis of an agreement between a business entity and the education department (department) of the local executive and administrative body or a general educational institution.

When catering is organized by a general education educational institution or the department (department) of education of the local executive and administrative body, the canteen of a general education educational institution is its structural unit and functions at the expense of local budgets and on a reimbursable basis in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus of February 20, 1991 "On local management and self-government in the Republic of Belarus”.

In general educational institutions, meals for students are organized in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and norms for the arrangement, content and organization of the educational process of general educational institutions, approved in the prescribed manner.

Hot meals are provided in accordance with approximate two-week diets, developed taking into account the physiological needs for basic nutrients and energy, differentiated by age, taking into account seasonality (summer-autumn, winter-spring), the length of stay in general education educational institution, variety and combination of food products, the complexity of cooking.

Approximate two-week food rations, an assortment list of goods and products of own production in canteens of general educational institutions are developed by a business entity, agreed with the territorial institutions of state sanitary supervision and approved by the heads of a general education educational institution and a business entity.

On the basis of approximate two-week food rations, taking into account commodity supply, local and other features, daily food rations are compiled, which are approved by the head of a general educational institution or a business entity, signed by the head of production and the person responsible for setting prices in the canteen.

The preparation of diets is carried out in accordance with the norms recommended by the Ministry of Health for the physiological requirements for nutrients and energy for various groups child population of the Republic of Belarus, as well as regulatory and technological documents.

For individual students, on the basis of the conclusion of local health authorities, sparing (dietary) meals are organized.

In the winter-spring period, C-vitaminization of prepared food is carried out in accordance with the procedure determined by the Ministry of Health in agreement with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance.

In case of an unfavorable epidemic situation in a general educational institution, with the written permission of the bodies or institutions of state sanitary supervision, a medical worker takes daily samples.

Meal times are set in accordance with the daily routine of students in general educational institutions and the intervals between meals recommended by the Ministry of Health. In the mode of the school day for lunch and rest, one break of 30 minutes or two breaks of 20 minutes is provided.

Dispensing meals to students in the canteens of general education educational institutions is carried out at the box office (groups) in accordance with the meal schedule approved by the head of the general education educational institution in agreement with the head of production (head) of the canteen of the general education educational institution.

To organize hot meals for students, various forms of service can be used: pre-ordering dishes on the tomorrow's menu, buffet service, the release of individual dishes in multi-portion dishes, a centralized system for the delivery and preparation of complete food rations, organizing the work of school cafes, buffets and other new cooking technologies (centralized production of semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness in packaged form, finished culinary products, and others).

To provide all students of general education schools with hot meals, an appropriate material and technical base. Catering for students at the place of study is carried out, as a rule, in school canteens, the composition and area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich depend on the number of classes and the number of students in them. Space-planning and design solutions for school canteens, their sanitary and electrical supply, fire safety and other requirements must comply with current building codes and regulations, as well as sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic standards and rules for catering establishments.

Dining halls of school canteens should have a convenient configuration, be artistically and aesthetically decorated, equipped with furniture that matches the height and age characteristics of schoolchildren. They must be provided with effective ventilation and heating; fumes and odors from the kitchen, noise from the industrial premises of the catering unit should not penetrate into them.

When catering for schoolchildren, porcelain-faience and high-quality glassware should be used, as well as metal utensils when served using the “Effect” line. the lines are intended for picking, accumulating and dispensing two or more types of complex meals.) Aluminum and enameled and plastic (plates, mugs, etc.) dishes are not recommended.

To improve the service for schoolchildren, a system of preliminary table setting by students on duty under the guidance of a teacher on duty with complete food rations should be used (especially in small and medium-sized school canteens). In canteens of large capacity, mechanized lines "Effect" in school design are recommended.

An important role in organizing control over the quality of nutrition of schoolchildren is played by the medical worker of the school. He exercises constant (daily) control over the quality of food, as well as incoming raw materials and products, monitors compliance with sanitary requirements for the condition and maintenance of school canteens, participates in fortification of dishes, conducts a survey of students to identify others in need of dietary nutrition; is a member of the marriage commission along with the head of production (cook-foreman) of the school canteen, a representative of the school administration (teacher on duty, members of the parent and student committees.


2.1 general characteristics school №53

This paper considers the organization school meals on the example of secondary school No. 53 in Minsk. School address: Minsk, st. L. Troubles 9. Director - Slepyan Natalya Evgenievna.

Catering in a comprehensive school is carried out by a legal entity specializing in the provision of public catering services, this is confirmed by a certificate of state registration legal entity. In the course of writing my term paper, I also got acquainted with the charter of the organization.

The public catering organization has various documents (orders and regulations) regulating the work of the school canteen.

The canteen is located on the first floor of the school building and serves school students and teachers. Canteen with a full production cycle. The canteen is open 5 days a week with an eight-hour working day. (from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

General brief description:

on the organization of the technological process of preparation and dispensing of culinary products - a universal canteen;

according to the range of products sold - of a general type;

for the serving contingent of consumers - school;

at the location - at the place of study, work;

on the organization of the trade and technological process - self-service;

according to the degree of mobility - stationary;

upon completion of the production process - with a kitchen;

according to the functions performed - mixed type;

by operating time - working in the daytime.

The dining hall is designed for 216 seats. At the entrance there are 15 washbasins for washing hands with hot and cold water and an electric towel. The ratio of seats and wash basins corresponds to the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated October 29, 2012 No. 167 on approval sanitary norms and rules. The walls in the dining room are painted blue, the ceiling is white. The hall is quite light due to the large number of windows with blinds. Rectangular tables with hygienic coating, chairs with high backs. The dining room furniture is arranged conveniently - the tables are shifted and set at an angle. The hall is connected to the sink through a window into which dirty dishes fall.

The canteen is located in the school building. The total area is about 300 square meters. It has inputs and outputs that are not isolated from the training part of the building. Loading is carried out from the ends of the building, from the patio, which does not have windows.

Orientation, placement of production and storage facilities, their layout and equipment ensure compliance with the requirements of sanitary legislation, technological production regulations, the quality and safety of finished products, as well as the working conditions of workers and students.

For the collection of garbage and food waste on the territory, separate containers with lids are provided, installed on hard-surfaced sites, the dimensions of which do not exceed the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the containers by 1 m in all directions. Other special closed structures are used to collect garbage and food waste.

The dining room is equipped with internal water supply and sewerage systems. Water supply is carried out by connecting to a centralized water supply system. Bodies and institutions of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service issued a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for water supply sources. The location, equipment, maintenance of water intake facilities and the territory adjacent to them comply with sanitary standards. The quality of water in the water supply systems of the organization meets the hygienic requirements for the quality of water in centralized drinking water supply systems and non-centralized water supply. The amount of water used by the catering organization provides its needs.

The working conditions of the employees of the organization meet the requirements of the current regulatory documents. Sanitary provision of employees is carried out in accordance with the current sanitary rules, building codes for administrative and amenity buildings.

The organization ensures the air-thermal balance of the premises.

Natural and artificial lighting in all production, storage, sanitary and administrative premises meet the requirements. The organization is provided with sufficient necessary equipment and items of material and technical equipment.

Technological equipment, inventory, utensils, containers are made of materials approved by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.

During the operation of technological equipment, the possibility of contact between raw and ready-to-eat products is excluded. Sanitization of technological equipment is carried out as it becomes contaminated and at the end of work. Production tables at the end of work are thoroughly washed using detergents and disinfectants. In order to prevent infectious diseases, cutting equipment is assigned to each workshop and has a special marking. Clean kitchen utensils are stored in closed cupboards. Clean cutlery is stored in the hall in special boxes - cassettes, handles up.

Trays for visitors after each use are wiped with clean napkins.

The staff of the school canteen includes 10 people: administrative and managerial and working staff.

Table 4 - Quantity and specific gravity canteen workers

Category of employees Number Share Administrative and managerial personnel. Including: 1. Production manager 2. Deputy production manager 2 1 1 0.2 0.1 0.1 Workers. Including: 1. Category IV cooker 2. Dishwashers8 6 20.8 0.6 0.2

The main indicators of the economic activity of the canteen of school No. 53 for the period from January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013 are shown in table 5.

Table 5 - Main economic indicators

Name of indicatorProfitLossProceeds from sales of products390754380Value added tax38220346.24Costs of production and marketing of sold products208212850.21Distribution costs163738212.74Total profit and loss390754380410171409.19Balance sheet profit or loss-19417029.

Thus, after analyzing the main indicators of the economic activity of the school cafeteria, we can conclude that this organization is operating at a loss.

2.2 Catering for schoolchildren of secondary school No. 53

Approximate two-week menus have been developed for the meals of students in the school canteen [Appendix H]. Each menu is coordinated with the head of the education department and approved by the director of the district school catering plant.

The menus are designed to provide the most complete nutrition for schoolchildren. different ages at its minimum cost. The menus shown here are a guide that is valid throughout the school year. Certain product substitutions are permitted.

Every day, the head of the school canteen, based on the availability of food raw materials and focusing on the approved two-week menu, draws up a menu for schoolchildren for the next day. The accountant-calculator of the district school food plant calculates the cost of each prepared meal and breakfast as a whole. Depending on the prices for the purchased KSHP and the products supplied to the school canteen, it will differ in different periods time and cost of the same dishes from the menu.

In this school, two menus are compiled and approved: for schoolchildren in grades 1-4 and for schoolchildren in grades 5-11.

The menu for high school students has two options for dishes for every day. Students and their parents have the right to choose which of the proposed menus for schoolchildren to eat. From time to time, the school conducts a survey, based on the results of which they make changes to the school menu, improve the range of dishes, and the survey also allows you to assess satisfaction with the quality of food [Appendix L].

Dispensing of dishes takes place by preliminary laying on the tables. This is done by students on duty under the guidance of a teacher on duty.

The school has a program "Health" and a comprehensive-targeted program for the organization and development of school meals, which includes a number of activities aimed at developing healthy lifestyle skills for children and adolescents, issues of food culture and its organization.

At the start of every new school year work is planned in this area among teachers, students of the school, work is being organized to improve the material and technical base of the school canteen, expanding the forms of services for students and their parents, and organizational and analytical work is being carried out. At the first parent meetings in the school year, the issue of catering is one of the most important. A survey is conducted for parents to find out whether they are satisfied with the organization of food at school, the work of the school Nutrition Council, whether they are satisfied with the sanitary condition of the canteen, the quality of food preparation.

At the beginning of the school year, a Nutrition Council is created, which includes members of the administration, class teachers and one of the members of the children's public organizations. Nutrition Council meetings are held monthly. Members of the Council control the sanitary and hygienic condition of the canteen, carry out educational work to promote a healthy lifestyle and the basics of rational nutrition, control the duty in the canteen, the availability of duty schedules for teachers and school attendants, grading of finished products, the quality of cooked dishes. The school also has a marriage commission [Appendix D]. According to the results of 2010/2011. school year, 100% of students are covered with hot meals.

At the beginning of the academic year, parent meetings at which members of the Nutrition Council, employees of the school cafeteria, members of the school administration speak: purposeful work is being carried out to organize hot meals at the school. Every month, at meetings with the director, questions of the organization and development of school meals are heard.

At the end of each academic quarter, an analysis is made of the coverage of school students with hot meals, and the results of the competition for the most active catering class are summed up.

In the school cafeteria are held, in this moment and is planned to be held in the future, holidays of class teams: Birthday Day, Sweet Tooth Day, contests involving parents and the public.

The issues of the school's work to improve the nutrition of students, the introduction of new forms of service, taking into account the interests of children and their parents, are considered at meetings with the director, meetings of class teachers, classroom hours and parent meetings.

Meat and fish shop

The canteen has two procurement workshops, one of them is a meat and fish workshop. In canteens that work on raw materials with a relatively small amount of processed meat and fish, a meat and fish shop is being designed. The workshop is equipped with places for processing meat and fish. The poultry is processed in the same area as the meat. Equipment and inventory are marked in accordance with the belonging of a particular line of processed raw materials. The meat and fish shop is intended for the primary processing of meat and fish, and for the preparation of semi-finished products from them. The walls and floor are tiled. Lighting artificial and natural:

Through incandescent lamps

Through window openings

2 production tables

meat grinder

refrigerator, freezer

sink, 2 baths

workshop dish rack

marked knives, spatulas, cutting boards, etc.

scales type VNTs-2

cutting chair

vegetable shop

The second harvesting shop, designed for the processing of vegetables (potatoes, root crops, cabbage, seasonal vegetables). Located near the meat and fish shop.

The walls and floor are tiled, as this facilitates wet cleaning in the workshop. Lighting artificial and natural:

Through incandescent lamps

Through window openings

The workshop has equipment and inventory:

potato peeler

washing tub, sink

production table

workshop dish rack

vegetable cutting machine

marked knives, cutting boards, etc.

undergarments for vegetables

scales type VNTs-2

cold shop

The cold shop is pre-preparation. The cold shop is designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and cold soups. Products used for cooking are not subjected to secondary heat treatment before release, therefore strict sanitary requirements: products used for cooking are stored in refrigerated cabinets or chambers at a temperature not exceeding 6 ... 8 ° C; utensils and utensils are marked and used for their intended purpose.

The cold shop is located close to the distribution, washing tableware and hot shop in order to heat treat the products needed for the preparation of cold dishes. The room is bright, the floor and walls are tiled, the lighting is artificial and natural:

Through incandescent lamps

Through window openings

Cold dishes are sold in short term, salads are dressed just before the holidays. Dishes left from the previous day are not allowed to be sold. Salads are prepared in the shop. Cold dishes are released at a temperature of 12-14 ° C.

The workshop has equipment and inventory:


production table

Section-table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3

mobile rack

Washing bathtub VM-2SM for two compartments

Machine for cutting boiled vegetables MROV-160

Marked knives, cutting boards, etc.

Scales type VNTs-2

Confectionary shop

The confectionery shop produces flour confectionery products: cheesecakes, juicers with cottage cheese, homemade buns, buns with various minced meat, etc. The confectionery shop has two rooms:

) for sifting flour and kneading dough;

) for baking products.

Flour is stored in the first room in the chest. Ventilation is also provided in this workshop.

The workshop has equipment and inventory:

Screening machine

dough mixer

Racks for proofing products

Two production tables


Sheets, rolling pins, knives, notches, etc.

Scales type VNTs-2

Hot shop

This workshop is the main workshop in which the technological process of cooking is completed: the heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, the boiling of broths, the preparation of soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses, and the heat treatment of products for cold dishes are also carried out. The hot shop has a convenient connection with the procurement shops, that is, meat and fish and vegetable shops, with storage facilities, a convenient relationship with the cold shop, distribution and dining rooms, and washing kitchen utensils.

Dishes of the hot shop meet the requirements of the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, technological instructions and maps, technical and technological maps.

The temperature of the hot shop does not exceed 23-25°C. Ventilation is installed above the heating equipment. Lighting in the workshop artificial and natural:

Through incandescent lamps

Through window openings

The release of ready-made dishes and products occurs from the distribution line. The hot shop is divided into specialized departments: soup and sauce. In the soup section, broths and first courses are prepared, and in the sauce section, second courses, side dishes, sauces and hot drinks are prepared.

Soup department

The technological process of preparing first courses consists of two stages:

Broth preparation


Digestion kettles

Production tables

Marked knives, ladles, cutting boards, pots, sieve, chef's forks, spatulas, etc.

electric frying pan

Sauce department

This compartment is designed for preparing second courses, side dishes, sauces and hot drinks.

The department has equipment, inventory and utensils:

Digestion kettles

Production tables

Marked knives, ladles, cutting boards, pots, etc.

Electric stoves

electric frying pan

Bath for washing the garnish

Grids - liners


Fried main courses (meatballs) are sold within one hour; main courses boiled, poached, stewed for two hours; crumbly porridge, stewed cabbage for six hours; hot drinks.

Washing kitchen dining area

Designed for washing kitchen utensils. The lighting in the workshop is artificial (by means of fluorescent lamps). The floor is tiled with dark tiles, the walls are half tiled and the other half painted white. The workshop has a rack for drying clean dishes, a bathtub for washing kitchen utensils with hot and cold water supply.

Washing tableware

Designed for washing tableware. The lighting in the workshop is artificial (by means of fluorescent lamps). The floor is tiled with dark tiles, the walls are half tiled and the other half painted white. The workshop has a table for clean dishes, 5 baths, wall-mounted dryers, a KNE-YuOM boiler. Dirty dishes get through the window.


It's no secret that the socio-economic situation in society, unfavorable ecological situation, low level wages- do not improve the health status of the population, especially children. It is clear to everyone that in childhood health begins to take shape. And if you do not provide children with proper, physiologically complete nutrition, then what kind of adult health can we talk about?

Based on my analysis and trends state of the art system of school meals, a number of problems have been identified that can be solved both at the level of the municipality and at the highest level. The main ones are:

) the cost of hot meals - there are families with very low incomes, but they do not fall into the category of low-income families;

) not all schoolchildren like set menus, where a certain set of dishes is imposed, which may not always be to your taste;

- low level of quality of food preparation or presentation;

) absence or shortage diet meals on the menu.

To solve the first problem I have posed, it is necessary to provide full funding for nutrition for schoolchildren of all categories. This issue can only be resolved at the Republican level. It is necessary to develop specific standards and legally introduce a program of financing and investment in the field of school meals. Funds can be allocated both from Republican sources and from local budgets.

An important issue is the cost of food. To do this, it is necessary to give school catering enterprises the status of preferential taxation. Decide on full or partial exemption from local taxes, such as land tax, police taxes, property taxes, etc. Apply a preferential tariff for energy supply and payment for other utilities consumed for the production needs of school catering (for example: water supply, sewerage, heat supply, etc.). It is necessary to apply the practice of issuing targeted interest-free loans for planting vegetables (prices are lower in autumn). All of the above would help reduce the margin on finished products and, accordingly, reduce the cost of school meals.

Significant funds also require the purchase of the missing and the replacement of physically and morally obsolete technological, thermal and refrigeration equipment in the school canteen. Permanent repair does not bring efficiency to its use: it requires considerable time, funds, but does not provide required quality cooking, does not have sufficient productivity and acceptable working conditions for workers. The modernization of the school canteen should be carried out taking into account modern design trends, providing a complex of sufficient services and, thus, not only to implement the functional tasks of nutrition, but also to instill in schoolchildren a taste for modern trends in culinary fashion, to form their food culture.

The school canteen can handle the second problem on its own. In this situation, no special costs are required, you just need to show more imagination, professional skill in order to lure schoolchildren into the canteen so that they find it interesting and useful there:

take into account the opinions of students when compiling the menu;

along with complex breakfasts and lunches, serve schoolchildren on a menu with a free choice;

organize a buffet;

spend more often themed holidays, for example, “Autumn Festival”, “Sweet Tooth Day”, etc .;

organize the study of schoolchildren on issues proper nutrition;

periodically make some updates to the interior of the dining room (for example, flowers, pictures);

The head of the school, teachers should make wider use of promoting healthy eating among school students and their parents, painstakingly explaining the importance of hot meals.

Let's consider the third problem. The quality of manufactured products depends primarily of course on raw materials, but do not forget that it is also greatly influenced by such factors as: qualification and conscientiousness of the working personnel. As inspection materials show, when catering in educational institutions, there are non-compliance with the requirements for quality, safety of food products and food raw materials, cooking technology and culinary products, as well as sanitary norms, rules and hygiene standards. For example, according to the monitoring data, which was carried out by the State Control Committee of the Gomel region in general educational institutions, whose students are provided with free meals, non-compliance by catering enterprises and consumer cooperatives with the established norm for the output of finished products, food preparation technology, food shortages, discrepancy between the actual number of dishes supplied and the number of children who eat, etc. government bodies stop violations and bring those responsible to justice.

As for the qualification of personnel, its improvement provides for:

· development of comprehensive urban programs to improve the professional level of specialists in the field of school meals;

· holding competitions, exhibitions, presentations of school lunches;

· training according to the developed programs for employees of school canteens, medical workers in charge of catering for children.

Also, special attention should be paid to strict observance of sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards, other requirements for creating safe conditions for catering in educational institutions. Ensure strict control over the implementation of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of premises, equipment, inventory, utensils; compliance by personnel with the rules of industrial sanitation, as well as the expiration dates (storage) and storage conditions of food products and food raw materials.

3.1 Dietary nutrition of schoolchildren

The lack of a dietary menu in school canteens is a real problem these days. In Belarus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in schoolchildren take the 2nd place.

Dietary meals for schoolchildren should be organized in the dietary department of the common school canteen, for this it is necessary to allocate about 20% of the total number of places.

The formation of dietary needs is influenced by the conditions of study. However, in all contingents of schoolchildren, the largest share is dietary nutrition, which is recommended for diseases of the digestive system.

A rational organization of dietary nutrition should provide for the organization of meals by subscription, the acceptance of pre-orders for lunch, food delivery, and the purchase of semi-finished products. To expand the volume of dietary nutrition importance has also improved the quality of service and reduced the cost of food.

Diet food in the dining room should be organized at least twice a day. The menu of the dietary department of the school canteen should have several options for diets for various purposes to ensure a rational structure and nutritional value of students.

The dietary department of the school canteen should primarily be provided with milk, lactic acid products, cheese, butter and vegetable oil, lean meats, poultry, fresh fish, vegetables, fruits, etc. The production workshops of this department must be equipped with all types of equipment and necessarily special types for cooking dietary dishes.

The dietary department should be staffed by qualified chefs who have appropriate training in dietary nutrition.

The mode of operation of the diet department must be agreed with the school management, it is also advisable to use the self-service method in it.

The pre-sale of subscriptions for diet food is important.

The most common pathology in schoolchildren is chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, chronic gastritis and biliary dyskinesia. These diseases are an indication for the appointment of diets No. 2 and No. 5, respectively.

Let's take diet #2 as an example. The purpose of the diet is to provide good nutrition, moderately stimulate the secretory function of the digestive organs, and normalize the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract.

The diet is physiologically complete, with moderate mechanical sparing and moderate stimulation of the secretion of the digestive organs. Showing dishes of varying degrees of grinding and heat treatment - boiled, stewed, baked, fried without the formation of a rough crust (do not bread in breadcrumbs or flour); pureed dishes from foods rich in connective tissue or fiber. Excluded from the diet are foods and dishes that linger in the stomach for a long time, are difficult to digest, irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, very cold and hot dishes, and spicy seasonings.

Ø Bread and flour products. Wheat bread from flour of the highest, 1st and 2nd grade, yesterday's baking or dried. Nasty bakery products and cookies, nasty cheesecakes with cottage cheese, pies with boiled meat or fish, eggs, rice, apples, jam.

Excluded from the diet: fresh bread and flour products, from rich and puff pastry.

Ø Soups. On a weak, fat-free meat and fish broth, on decoctions of vegetables and mushrooms with finely chopped or mashed vegetables, potatoes, boiled or mashed cereals, vermicelli, noodles, meatballs. With tolerance - borscht, cabbage soup, from fresh cabbage, beetroot with finely chopped vegetables. Pickle with mashed vegetables and replacing pickles with pickle.

Excluded from the diet: dairy, pea, bean soup, millet soup, okroshka.

Ø Meat and poultry. Low-fat varieties without fascia, tendons, skin; boiled, baked, fried (you can brush with an egg, but do not bread). Products from cutlet mass from beef, veal, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, as well as young low-fat lamb and meat pork. Veal, rabbit, chickens, turkeys can be cooked in a piece (less often - beef). Boiled tongue. Milk sausages. Pancakes with boiled meat baked.

Excluded from the diet: fatty and rich in connective tissue meat and poultry, duck, goose, smoked meats, canned food (except for dietary); limit pork and lamb.

Ø Fish. Low-fat types and varieties of fish. Piece or chopped boiled, baked, stewed, fried without breading.

Excluded from the diet: fatty species, salted, smoked fish, canned fish snacks.

Ø Dairy. Kefir, curdled milk and other fermented milk drinks; fresh cottage cheese in its natural form and in dishes (soufflé, pudding, cheesecakes, lazy dumplings) grated or sliced ​​cheese, sour cream - up to 15 g per dish; milk and cream are added to dishes and drinks.

Ø Eggs. Soft-boiled, steamed, baked and fried (without a rough crust) omelettes; protein omelet with cheese.

Excluded from the diet: hard-boiled eggs.

Ø Cereals. Various porridges on water or with the addition of milk, on meat broth, including well-boiled crumbly porridges, except for millet and pearl barley. Steamed and baked puddings, steamed or fried cutlets without a rough crust, vermicelli, noodles with cottage cheese or boiled meat, pilaf with fruit.

Excluded from the diet: legumes, limit millet, pearl barley, barley, corn grits.

Ø Vegetables. Potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, beets, cauliflower; with tolerance - white cabbage and green peas. Boiled, stewed and baked in pieces, in the form of mashed potatoes, casseroles, puddings. Cutlets baked and fried without a crust. Ripe tomatoes. Finely chopped greens are added to dishes.

Ø Fruits, sweet dishes and sweets. Ripe fruits and berries are pureed (mashed), very soft - not pureed. Compotes, kissels, jelly, mousses. Compote of mashed dried fruits. Baked apples. Oranges, lemons (in tea, jelly). With tolerance to tangerines, oranges, watermelon, grapes without skin 100-200 g per day. Meringues, snowballs, creamy caramel, toffee, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, sugar, honey, jams, marmalade.

Excluded from the diet: rough varieties of fruits and berries in their raw form, berries with coarse grains (raspberries, red currants) or rough skins (gooseberries), dates, figs, chocolate and cream products, ice cream.

Ø Sauces and spices. On meat, fish, mushroom and vegetable broths, sour cream sauce, white sauce with lemon, etc. Vanillin, cinnamon; a little bay leaf; dill, parsley, celery.

Excluded from the diet: fatty and spicy sauces, mustard, pepper, horseradish.

Ø Beverages. Tea with lemon, coffee and cocoa on water and with milk. Vegetable, fruit, berry juices diluted with water, decoctions of wild rose and bran.

Excluded from the diet: grape juice, kvass.

Ø Fats. Creamy, melted, vegetable refined oils.

Excluded from the diet: pork fat, beef, lamb and cooking fats.

Table 6 - sample menu diet number 2

Soft-boiled breakfast, cheese, oatmeal milk porridge, tea. Lunch meat broth with vermicelli, fried meat cutlets without breading with carrot puree, jelly.

3.2 Identification of problems in catering in School No. 53 and their solution

When writing a term paper on the topic: “Organization of rational nutrition of students in secondary schools and ways to improve it”, I decided to conduct an independent survey of students in the 5th and 6th grades of secondary school No. . The questionnaire was completed by 51 students (5 "A" - 23 students, 6 "G" - 28 students).

After conducting the survey and receiving the results, I made the following analysis

The majority of schoolchildren eat breakfast at home only occasionally (52.9%), and a significant proportion do not eat breakfast at all at home (29%), which means that school hot breakfasts are simply necessary to provide students with all the necessary nutrients.

The vast majority of students (83%) visit the school canteen every day, 17% visit it sometimes, and there was not a single student who had never used the services of the school canteen, which indicates the demand for this enterprise. It is necessary to pay attention to students who visit the canteen only occasionally, to find out the reasons for their refusal to eat daily.

Most of the students (41%) do not eat a full breakfast, 32% do it only sometimes, 27% of the students surveyed eat breakfast completely, from this we can conclude that there is an irrational use of raw materials, and hence economic losses. I propose to introduce a system of payment for meals, in which students can order the size of the portion that they can handle, while students will not incur unjustified economic costs.

Most of the schoolchildren surveyed (67%) buy pastries and tea in the buffet, but salads are not popular (10%), this is not surprising, since the buns are sweet and you can have a quick snack, however, this is not a healthy food, and in last years the percentage of children with excess weight therefore, in my opinion, it would be advisable to replace some of the baked goods sold fresh fruit which I am sure will be in demand.

The vast majority of respondents (74%) like school meals, 15% of respondents sometimes like to eat at school and 11% of students are not satisfied with meals.

When asked about the need for dietary meals, 55% of the respondents answered “no”, but a rather large percentage of students (45%) expressed the need for dietary nutrition. The most interesting thing is that out of 23 people, who made up 45%, the majority are completely healthy guys who spoke out in support of classmates who have health problems.

Most of the schoolchildren surveyed (83%) admitted that they were not familiar with the organization of proper nutrition (although, according to the head teacher for educational work the school has a Health program), but we would like to know more about it. It follows from this that at school various programs, promotions, actions and work with children on the topics of rational and healthy nutrition are carried out only on paper for reporting to the authorities, while this is necessary for students in real life.

Often schoolchildren swallow food in pieces without chewing thoroughly, which adversely affects their digestive system, so I read the question of the duration of food intake as quite relevant. And so the majority of the students surveyed (52%) need half an hour to eat, 37% of students will have time to eat normally in a third of an hour, 11% will need only 10 minutes. I am sure that all schoolchildren will have time to eat, since in this educational institution there is a big break (30 minutes).

% of the students surveyed would not buy chips and soda, knowing that it contains poison, but 24% remained indifferent to such a discovery, I believe that the full meaning of these words was not explained to these guys. Therefore, I believe it is necessary to conduct various activities aimed at familiarizing schoolchildren with the skills of healthy eating.


The organization of nutrition for students aged 7-17 has its own characteristics, which consist in taking into account all the changes that occur in the child's body at this age. During this period, special attention should be paid to the following points:

There is an intensive growth of the whole organism, comparable to the rate of human development in the first year of life.

All major systems are developing: musculoskeletal (especially the skeleton), there is an increase in muscle mass (taking into account gender characteristics), cardiovascular and nervous system, and also there is a radical hormonal restructuring of the body associated with the puberty of a teenager.

Against the background of all physical restructuring, the load on the psycho-emotional sphere increases.

Not only school workloads are increasing, but also the tension caused by the social adaptation of a teenager.

In the course of work on the main topic of this course work, the following tasks were performed:

.studied the theoretical foundations of rational nutrition of schoolchildren;

2.considered the technical equipment of the school canteen and the organization of production;

.the forms of organization of serving those who eat in the school cafeteria have been studied;

.studied and analyzed on all issues catering in the canteen of secondary school No. 53;

.ways to improve catering in this school cafeteria are proposed.

Proper nutrition of schoolchildren can help in solving so many problems that arise precisely in adolescence. Now it is especially important to provide the body with all the resources not only for growth and development, but also for the ever-increasing stress at school and puberty.

It is during these years - in fact, starting from the age of 10 - that the child becomes an adult. And that goes for him too. physical development, and psycho-emotional, and intellectual. The child learns new rules for himself adulthood. He learns responsibility and independence, learns to build his relationships with people in a new way.

It is also important that it is during this period of growing up that the child learns to independently observe a diet, eat rationally, regardless of adult supervision. Firstly, to help your body in hard work right now, and secondly, to develop a habit that will come in handy in an independent life.

The nutrition development trend provides for improving the quality of school meals, ensuring its safety, balance, improving student health indicators, and creating favorable conditions for the normal growth and development of children. It will also allow schoolchildren to form a culture of nutrition and a sense of responsibility for their health.

diet rational nutrition student


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