May 24 was the day of Slavic writing. "May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture" class hour on the topic

Solemn line on September 1- a festive and significant event for schoolchildren and teachers. For some, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, it is important to hold a solemn line in an interesting, bright, positive way.

We offer a scenario for holding a solemn line on September 1 at your school for grades 1-11

The venue is a playground near the school.

Line "September 1 - Knowledge Day" 2019

(Fanfare sounds)

Presenter 1

School, equalize, quietly!

Comrade school director!

Students and teachers high school built for the solemn ritual of the first bell!

Head teacher

I declare the line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge open!

Lead 2

September has come, summer is over,
The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.
Children, parents, teachers!
Congratulations on your holiday, friends!
Presenter 1

It seems like yesterday we stood
We met a fun vacation time,
Which after the academic year
How long ago did it start? But queen nature
Relentless, and the months of summer
In the past. And the school uniform is on.
Lead 2

A couple of minutes - and the first call
You will be called back to class.
School doors open again
Tomorrow the school days will start.
Well, today is the day of celebration!

Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!

Presenter 1

An unusual day today in the world
Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -
The school opened its doors to everyone.
And do not be sad girls, boys,
On games, undertakings and fairy-tale books
AT school life the magic never ends
The story continues here as well.
Lead 2

Where are the lesser of you?
Let it come out now
The very first, first class!

Presenter 1

Attention school!
We invite you to the line of first graders.

(music plays)

Lead 2

1 A class, ______- (name of the teacher) ___ and her pupils.

Grade 1 B, _____ (name of teacher) ____ and her pupils.

Presenter 1

School! Attention!

Under state flag Russian Federation and the flag … the area is quiet! The right to raise the state flag and the flag of ... the region is granted

Lead 2

Our guests today are:

Presenter 1

Today is a fun day
We introduce everyone to our school!

We start dating
From one a simple word.
Everyone knows this word
And it sounds “director”!

The floor is given to the principal of the school …………..

Lead 2

By tradition, on September 1, we always honor excellent students. They are the pride of our school.

The floor is given to the Deputy Director of the school for educational - educational work Kulikov Ivan Grigorievich

(The song is performed by the eleventh graders)

Presenter 1

From a bright fairy tale you came to school,
Everyone wishes you a happy journey,
And your desks are like ships,
Today they sail on a magical flight

Lead 2

The word is given:

(Congratulations from the guests)

Presenter 1

Friends, can you imagine, we have a miracle today,
After all, we gathered for a school holiday.
Surprises await you everywhere
The magic lights are on!

Lead 2

Magic land will open the doors
It's time for us to start friends
Perhaps someone will be surprised, will not believe -
The queen of the school will congratulate you.

school queen

Dear our first-graders, I congratulate you on the first day of school life! Know that our school is the best in the world, it is a bright and joyful island of childhood, and teachers have a permanent residence permit on this island, and therefore, for all 11 years, respected, revered, good wizards and sorceresses who will carefully guide you along the difficult steps of the school kingdom - the kingdom of goodness, beauty, the search for truth. And now I will give you the magic key to the land of Knowledge.

Presenter 1

To know how big the earth is
To discover sciences, like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Experienced captains.

Lead 2

The word is given to the first teacher…………………

First teacher: Dear first graders!

I will open before you
Knowledge of the bright path.
And you won't go by yourself
Together we will go
On unknown paths
Into the world of unknown wonders.
It will be difficult for us a little,
But we have the Key of Knowledge.
He will open any door
Invite to the world of knowledge.
Presenter 1

The word is given to our birthdays - first-graders
We were preschoolers
And went to Kindergarten.
We made clay
Both horses and rabbits.
And now, and now
Open the door for us, school!
We went to kindergarten
We had little trouble.
And now we've grown up
Everything has become the opposite.
Look at me:
That's how happy I am!
I'm already in first grade
I wear a new uniform
In our classroom, the floor is painted,
clean walls,
It's our dads in the summer
Everything was skillfully done.
Mom washed all the windows,
Curtains hung here
To be bright and clean
For learning to be fun
Bought new books
Pens and notebooks.
We tried to have in the portfolio
It was all right.
I will study with my heart
Do all tasks
To get fives
I'll make an effort.
And girls for pigtails
I won't hold back!
And I promise -
I will stop crying.
I will help adults
Do everything carefully.
I will draw letters
I am very diligent.
On this wonderful, bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school
We say: “Cozy class,
Welcome us.
We promise not to be lazy
We will study well.”
Lead 2

The word is given 11th graders:

1. Autumn turns golden leaves,
And in the beautiful golden rain
Chrysanthemums white, large
Stars sparkled everywhere.

2. It's the first graders blooming
In the time of golden wonderful days,
This is the glow of new stars
And the flights of white doves

3. The first time the boys rush to school.
The first class calls and beckons everyone.
This is the first holiday, the newest,
Bring victory and success

4. This is a new path in life
A long and sometimes difficult journey.
Will be bright holidays so much,
Don't forget this holiday.

5. The first in life is the best holiday.
The heart beats in a small chest.
You are no longer a naughty and not a prankster,
All your fun is over.

(Music, eleventh graders present gifts)

Presenter 1

The floor is given to the parent of the first grader

My dear baby, my dear son,
Today you will return home as a grown-up.
You dreamed a lot that you would become big,
And dad and I will be proud of you.
And now it has come, this joyful moment,
Before blinking, he overtook us.
Do you hear the birds singing outside the windows,
The surf rustles and the trees bloom?
All this is for you, my dear, everything around,
The whole world and smiles of friends and girlfriends!

Lead 2

School, attention! The oath of first graders sounds :

  • I swear to respect the teachers, listen to them carefully and not count the crows during the lessons
  • I swear not to upset my parents with deuces and ones, broken chairs and scribbled desks
  • I swear to study honestly, do not cheat, get good grades
  • I swear to be friends with the guys, not to offend the kids
  • I swear to be friends with the book
  • I swear to do morning exercises, temper and not get sick
  • We swear with dignity to carry the title of a student ... of the school

Presenter 1

New Year opening

Let our school bell ring
Bell ringing meeting,

Everyone who came to the first lesson!

(Bell comes in)

I called for the last time on May 25
And then I said, seeing off the spring:
"Relax, sunbathe,
Have fun, don't fight.
Read different books
Don't forget about me!"
Now I'm calling again
To invite you to school!
School year to start
Collect knowledge again!
Everyone learn together
Grieve and have fun!
Thank you all for coming
And smiles brought
A sea of ​​scents
Hello guys!
Lead 2

Let the very first bell ring now
And the long-awaited lesson will begin.
You will keep these moments in your hearts
And carry the joy from them through the years!

Presenter 1

Now it's time to give the first call in this academic year. And this right is granted to students of grade 11:

Lead 2

Ring, call! Ring, call!
Cheerful, sad, cheeky!
Presenter 1

Another lesson awaits you in life
Quietly childhood is leaving! ..
Lead 2

Ring, call! Ring, call
Opening Lessons!
Presenter 1

We are moving towards knowledge
Fatigue without knowing!

Lead 2

Our holiday is coming to an end, but let the joy of meeting be endless!

Presenter 1

Well, good luck and good luck,
Smile, schoolboy, do not forget!
The school invites us to the Land of Knowledge,
And the school account begins its year!

According to Orthodox tradition, the world was created in September. On the first day of this month, Jesus Christ came to Nazareth, entered the prayer meeting, and stood "among the teachers." The day of knowledge on September 1 has become quite recently. And not everywhere - in 1984 it was officially established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In grandfather Russia, September 1 was considered the day of the New Year. This date was celebrated for the last time by Peter the Great in 1699. The tsar-father celebrated the beginning of the new summer according to the ancient custom of his ancestors, and on the large Ivanovskaya Square, sitting on the throne, he received a blessing from the patriarch, and a greeting from the people, and he himself congratulated him on the new year, which in 1700 he celebrated already the first January.

In pre-Petrine times, September 1, the day of St. Simeon, began with a roar of a shot from a messenger cannon in the Kremlin, which fired exactly at midnight. Following her, large, medium and small bells of all churches rang, the Kremlin gates swung open. The life of Simeon the Stylite, popularly known under the name of Simeon the Pilot, was well known in Russia, they learned from him to endure the many difficulties of human existence in the name of a holy cause. According to ancient tradition, it was believed that on this holy day it is necessary to perform charitable deeds. Not a single beggar was left without alms, even prisoners in dungeons were given gifts.

The first day of autumn was called "autumn". It was supposed to “wipe” the “new” fire with the help of two planks and start gatherings with this clean fire.

From September 1, they celebrated autumn holidays in Russia, moved to new homes, performed the rite of “monsowing” seven-year-old boys into youths, marking their new role in the community. To holiday an amusing rite of burial of flies and cockroaches, annoying inhabitants of the house, was dated. The custom of "caroling" is also the first of September. On the night of the New Year, adults and children, dressed in masks and animal skins, sang, danced, sprinkled the floor with grain, wishing the owners a rich harvest.

And still the first of September in the people was considered the beginning of the Indian summer. Old people, according to the Indian summer weather, predicted: rain - for a snowy winter, cold - for an early thaw. The craft people on this day began "arrests" - work on fire. Teenage girls prepared a torch, shoemakers cut leather, sheepskins prepared tools. And alien people - ofeni, went around the huts and courtyards, auctions and markets, offering pictures, numbers, ribbons and lace for rubles.

Today, Russians associate the first of September with white bows, bouquets of asters and new knapsacks. “Knowledge is power,” Francis Bacon once said, but for some reason he didn’t appoint celebrations on this occasion ... Peter the Great, who canceled the New Year, on this day gave his subjects a holiday of knowledge - September 1, 1714 in St. Petersburg, by order of the tsar, was created the first in Russia state library, which grew over time into the library of the Academy of Sciences. Knowledge Day is celebrated not only in Russia, but in almost every country "autumn" - after all, a holiday. Often with tears in their eyes. Because it is also the World Day of Peace, established in memory of those who died during the Second World War, which claimed about 60 million lives.

We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the new academic year!

The first of September is our common holiday, bright and joyful.

We all remember our first call, our beloved teachers and classmates with special warmth. The school opens the way to knowledge and the way to a great life for us. Here we grow up, gain experience, make our most important discoveries, learn to be sincere and honest friends.

Our special and warm congratulations to the first graders!

Dear guys, you are starting a long and difficult journey for knowledge. In teaching, try to be diligent, attentive to the advice of teachers, and you will definitely learn a lot of new, useful, interesting things for yourself.

And for this special thanks to our dear teachers, whose kindness, knowledge and wise advice remain with us for many years.

On this wonderful day, we wish all students diligence and hard work, perseverance and success, and teachers and parents - love for children, understanding and patience.

Good health, optimism and well-being to all!

Surname, name, patronymic of the author: Shergina Svetlana Alekseevna
Place of work: MBOU "OOSH No. 12", the city of Mariinsk
Job title: teacher of fine arts, computer science
Solemn line on September 1- a festive and significant event for schoolchildren and teachers. For some, Knowledge Day will be the first day at school, which will be remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, it is important to hold a solemn line in an interesting, bright, positive way.
I propose a scenario for holding a solemn line on September 1 at your school for grades 1-9
Venue - gym or playground near the school.

The song is "Back to School"
/Dasha Yakovleva _________________________________/

Presenter 1:
Good morning, dear students, dear parents and beloved teachers!

Host 2:
This morning can be called good not only because of the clear sky and the bright sun, but above all because of the good that it brings to us, students.

Presenter 1:
After all, today - September 1 - the beginning of a new academic year, new meetings with wonderful world knowledge that our teachers will open before us.

Host 2:
Let this year be kind for everyone - for those who cross the threshold of our school for the first time, and for those who come here not for the first time.
Good luck to all participants of our holiday and our guests!

Presenter 1
September has come, summer is over,
The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.
Children, parents, teachers!
Congratulations on your holiday, friends!

Lead 2
It seems like yesterday we stood
We met a fun vacation time,
Which after the academic year
How long ago did it start? But queen nature
Relentless, and the months of summer
In the past. And the school uniform is on.

Presenter 1
A couple of minutes - and the first call
You will be called back to class.
School doors open again
Tomorrow the school days will start.
Well, today is a holiday!

Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!

Lead 2
An unusual day today in the world
Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -
The school opened its doors to everyone.
And do not be sad girls, boys,
On games, undertakings and fairy-tale books
In school life, the magic does not end,
The story continues here as well.

Presenter 1
Where are the lesser of you?
Let it come out now
The very first, first class!

Lead 2
School, meet your youngest students, your first graders!

Presenter 1
To loud applause, we invite first graders led by their first teacher - Elena Ivanovna Abdulkhakova, and ninth graders led by a cool mother - Morozova Vasilisa Aleksandrovna

(Music No. ___ sounds, accompanied by 9th graders, first graders enter)

Lead 2
The heart beats more joyfully
If in the morning soaring to the zenith,
The flag of Russia proudly curls,
The anthem of my country sounds!

Presenter 1
School! Attention!
During the performance of the national anthem of Russia, stand still!
Sounds the Anthem of Russia No. ____

Lead 2
The long-awaited September has come,
Especially desirable for schoolchildren,
After all, the school opens its doors again
With love and special trust.

Presenter 1
Holidays are ending
Many rest days
Friends meet again
At the school doorstep.

Lead 2
The one who cares about the school
Caring for night and day
Our school director
We gladly give our word.
The melody No. ___ “Exit of the director” sounds
Speech by the director, 9th grade presents flowers

Presenter 1
We have a lot of guests today
The road is open to all
The guest of honor is in a hurry now
Happy Holidays to all of you!

Lead 2
The word for congratulations is provided by __________________________________________________________________
Guest performance, 9th grade hands flowers
Song "Hello, our school" _________________________

Presenter 1
Autumn turns golden leaves,
And in the beautiful golden rain
Chrysanthemums white, large
Blooming stars everywhere.

Lead 2
It's a first-grader bloom
At the time of golden, wonderful days.
This is the glow of new stars
And flying white doves.

Presenter 1
The word is given to the youngest students who begin their exciting journey to the Land of Knowledge today.

Lead 2
Greet our dear first-graders with friendly applause!
Exit "First Grader" No. _____ Performance of first graders

School doors today
Open for us.
The first time we came to school
Entered first grade.

I won't go to school without my beloved mother,
I can't find my way to school without her.

I will not part with my grandmother,
My grandmother will cry without me.
With my own sister, we are everywhere together,
Without her, school is not fun for me at all.

My mother gave birth to a brother that same year.
If I go to school, who will help them?

I'm not against knowledge at all
Just not now
Another summer beckons like a river,
And does not pull in the class.

At home I have a computer, TV, DVD,
Well, in the school office there are only tables and books ...

Well, those are excuses.
Minor breakdowns.
Just afraid
Schools are afraid...

The school is the same house.
It's a long time for us to study in it.
And mom and dad know:
Best friends at school
And your teacher can't be better!

Yes, how did she appear?
That's when I fell in love with her...
Smart and kind

It's actually good here!
I went to the dining room
Well, there - attention -
Everything is like in a restaurant.

Here are the cabinets
Beauty is like in space!
Here are the toilets
Just like McDonald's!

Well, I would say this:
I liked the gym.
They say it's new
And already ready.
In general, to be honest,
Our school is wonderful!
This will be our second home.
Here we will live happily ever after!

Admire us all
And remember us.
We promise the best
Will be at school...

All: First grade!
Care "First Grader" No. _____

Presenter 1
Well done first graders!

Presenter 1
To know how big the earth is
To discover sciences, like countries,
Teachers will lead you to knowledge -
Experienced captains.

Lead 2
The floor is given to the first teacher Elena Ivanovna

Presenter 1
On behalf of fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, greetings are addressed
Parents' speech
The background sounds “Exit of Baba Yaga” No. _____ Baba Yaga flies to the whistle

Baba Yaga:
But Baba Yaga is against!
Took you away for the holidays!
Who is in charge here? (referring to director)
Are you a prankster?
How much can each year
Gather all the people here?
As if someone wants to go to school!
Yes, quite the opposite!
(refers to any boy on the line)

Yes, you would again
Go to "Archekas" to have a rest,
And they took you to school
Stay on the line!
I speak for all the guys:
They don't want to study here.
And who wants - for God's sake -
Let them sit at the desk.

Presenter 1:
Hey beauty, go away

Host 2:
Calm down, don't get angry!

Presenter 1:
What are you angry about?

Host 2:
Al toadstool chewed on?

Baba Yaga:
You didn't invite me to the party.
You didn't let me speak!
Do you know my soul
How did I hope?
I've been planning for six months
Once in five hundred years combed your hair!
My only tooth
Washed with soap and water.
I don't have in the forest
Neither "Qua - fresh", nor "Blendamet".
You see, everyone has gathered for school,
Did you get any knowledge?
Well, I'm sitting in the forest stupid -
A foolish girl?
Neither read nor write?
I don't want to leave you!
I'm Yaga, not stupid!
Right now without knowledge anywhere!
I want to study a lot
To enter the institute.

Lead 1.
Let it go, finally

Lead 2.
Well, she came - and well done!

Baba Yaga:
I can't, my soul!
I was so offended!
Look how everyone is dressed up here
Washed and powdered!
I've been walking in this for a hundred years
And in the winter in one, and in the summer!
I have no more strength to endure!
So you can get sick!

Presenter 1:
Calm down, there is a way out!
In school pantries do not count
For such a "beauty" of outfits.
Well, go, you'll be glad!
Hurry up dress up
Come back to the guys!
Will you be our student
Become a wise girl.
music "At the school desk" No. _____
Baba Yaga leaves, changes into a school uniform

Host 2:
Graduates are in a hurry to congratulate the first-graders, for whom the Knowledge Day is the last within the walls of our school.
Sounds of music come out graduates No. _____

SPEECH 9th grade

We rested over the summer and grew up a little,
And today we came to the line at our school.
Here we are like in a very friendly, understanding family,
Hello dear school, we missed you!

Today we are very happy to meet all the teachers,
And we want to go to school again - to study as soon as possible!
We know that this will not last long: soon the zeal will pass.
But today is a special day - the school is calling us!

Eight years ago they came here to study for the first time.
The years of study went by quickly - now we are graduation class.
We are saddened by parting more and more every day.
If we are allowed to stay, we will not leave the school!

We are a little sad, looking at first-graders ...
Ah, if only childhood could be returned even for a moment!
But we know that we need to move forward.
And we know that the path will be beautiful!

School, we are excited about you
We write our first poems
Every year comes replenishment -
Your new students.
So let us turn
For those who are just starting to learn.
We congratulate you, first-graders
We wish you great success in your studies!

We wish you fast
The circles of school days
most interesting events,
Good, devoted friends,

So that homework
Completed right on time
To with joy, with desire
Came to class

To understand what is important
Not grades, but skills,
Quick mind and good heart.
You - good luck and patience!
music presentation of gifts to 1st grade No. _____

student 1 / 9 cells /
In our school, the best in the world
What a teacher is a star
And all over Russia is better
You will never find!

student 2 / 9 cells /
Understand our souls
Don't be afraid to love us
They do not suppress their kindness,
You can give a heart!

student 3/ 9 cells/
You are great talents
But clear and simple
Today we will give you
All autumn flowers.
the song No. _____ “Teacher” sounds, on the third verse of 9 cells gives flowers to teachers
Baba Yaga appears, dressed in a school uniform.

Leader 1 .
Guys, look how our guest has changed, now you won’t recognize her.

Baba Yaga.
Now I understand! Brothers, I respect you!
The holiday can go on! I won't interfere with you!
I see that your kids are wonderfully good!
I want to check them out: are they up to the task of studying?
First-graders, do not yawn, answer the questions!
If it's about you, "Yes!" shout at the same time.
If there is no talk about you here, say “No!” in reply.
- Did you get up early today?
- You did not become capricious?
- You came here to study?
- Will you be lazy at school?
Will you always fight?
- Well, then tease, right?
- Will you study for "five"?
- And also get "deuces"?
- Do you want to find friends here?
- Then have a good trip!

Baba Yaga.
As a sign that I love you, I will give a bell.
The bell is not simple - it is sonorous and mischievous!
If you call him, open the door to the world of knowledge!
Hands the bell to first graders, leaves.

Lead 1.
Thank you, this gift is very useful for us, because today the first school bell will sound for all the children this academic year.

Lead 2.
Let the very first bell ring now
And the long-awaited lesson will begin.
You will keep these moments in your hearts
And carry the joy from them through the years!

Lead 1.
Ring, call! Ring, call!
Cheerful, sad, cheeky!
Another lesson awaits you in life
Quietly childhood is leaving! ..

Lead 2.
Ring, call! Ring, call
Opening Lessons!
We are moving towards knowledge
Fatigue without knowing!

Music sounds No. _____ "Calls" The bell rings

Lead 1.
Well, it's a start...
And on time according to the plan from the pier
Let's sail for the whole year!

Lead 2.
Let him bring discoveries!

Presenter 1.
Dictation for five ...

Lead 2.
… solved problems…

Lead 1.
So that everything goes well!

Lead 2.
Our holiday is coming to an end, but let the joy of meeting be endless!

Presenter 1
Well, good luck and good luck,
Smile, schoolboy, do not forget!
The school invites us to the Land of Knowledge,
And the school account begins its year!

Presenter 1:
And the first to leave our line, students of the first grades, to our loud and unceasing applause.

Host 2:
Hold hands tightly
And go to class.

Lead 1&2:
Good luck, friends, go ahead!
The school is looking forward to it!
Sounds song No. _____ "First of September"

2015-2016 academic year

HOST 1: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents! Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good that it brings us. After all, today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with vast world knowledge that teachers are ready to reveal to us. Good mood to you and those who came here for the first time, and those who have lived so many interesting and useful years in our school. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!

HOST 2: It seems like yesterday we were standing,
We met a fun vacation time,
Which after the academic year
How long ago did it start?
But queen nature
Relentless, and the months of summer
In the past. And the school uniform is on.

HOST 1: What is autumn? - This time
We walk to our favorite school.
And meet good friends here
Without which the summer was so missed ...

HOST 2: To school, to school - the morning is calling,
To school, to school - the wind sings.
The lesson will be interesting
Be happy all year long!

HOST 1: Just half an hour - and the first call
We will be called back to the lesson.
The school doors will open again.
Tomorrow the school days will start.
Well, today is the day of celebration!
Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!

HOST 2: The first September morning brings something new with it, leading us along uncharted roads knowledge. This is the beginning of a long school journey for first graders and the start of the last academic year for eleventh graders.

HOST 1: How are you guys!
Both girls and boys!
We are counting you now.
And we all know about you.
Primary grades guys are you here? (Here!)

HOST 2: Fifth graders, are you here? (Here!)
So we'll be friends!
Sixth graders, are you with us? (With you!)
And the seventh, as always,
Happy to meet again, right? (Yes!)

HOST 1: And the eighths and tenths, what quieted down?
Are you out of the habit of studying?
That, brothers, is not a problem!
Do we all want to learn? Yes? (Yes!)

HOST 2: Grade 9 is not easy,
He's almost graduating.
Come on, give us an answer:
Will there be many twos? (Not!)

Deputy Director for VR: And where is our replenishment? Guys! Today we are accepting new students into our ranks - our first-graders. First-graders are invited to their first solemn school line. Let's welcome them.

(A school melody sounds, first-graders with a class teacher pass a circle of honor.)

Deputy Director for VR: School, level up. To the anthem of the Russian Federation stand still.

(The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds)

ceremonial line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge is declared open.

HOST 2: The situation is not new
And quite understandable
If the director took the floor,
All in complete silence.
Looking forward to every time
What will he tell us now?

Deputy Director for VR: The floor for greeting is given to the principal of the school

Klimova E.A.

The word is provided by _____________________________________________

There are guests at our party.

Deputy Director for VR: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

HOST 1: Hello school!
You are not just a building
You are like home to us.
Daily in the morning for a date
We are getting ready for you!

HOST 2: Hello, school! About you with excitement
We write awkward poems. . .
Replenishment comes every year
And graduates are leaving. . .

HOST 1: Dear first graders!
The first time you came to school
The first time in first class,
Everything is new to you today
Everything worries you now!

HOST 2: Dear babies,
We know you are ready!
Tell your poems
You are already set!

Performance of first graders

1. Hello, hello, our School!
We are students now
We have a notebook, pencil cases,
Backpacks, pens, diaries.

On the "five" we learn
We promise everyone.
And do not be lazy at the desk,
And don't cause problems.

2. We welcome you all!
Look at us.
We stood and waited a long time
And thought about the speech...
We've already said half the time.
Phew! The mountain fell off my shoulders.

3. Look at me:
That's how happy I am!
I'm already in first grade.
And I'm friends with the guys.

4. I can do everything, I can do everything.
And I'll solve the problem
Essay - compose
I will surprise everyone with knowledge!

5. We will raise our hands,
Answer without hesitation.
Feel free to gnaw on the granite of science
And get fives.

6. Let's do sports,
In order not to get sick often,
So that our teacher
You didn't have to blush for us!

7. Soon the song will fill up
school joyful bell
And solemnly begin
Our very first lesson.

8. We are with cheerful friends
Far away on a school ship
Let's sail on the sea of ​​knowledge
To an uncharted land.

We want to travel around the world
Pass the whole universe.
Wish us success
And happy journey!


Dear kids! Put your ears on top!

Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Masters of control and essays.

Professors for passing tests and exams.

Inventors newest species cribs.

The oldest students in the school are 11th graders.

And I'm happy to give them the floor.

Performance of eleventh graders

Dear first graders! Today is the happiest day of your life!

Today you came to us just as boys and girls.

And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.

And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!

We are a little older than you,

And burning with desire

Give you orders

And our wishes!

"Gnawing" science for later

You don't leave.

Then there is soup with a cat!

Read more!

So that conversations "on the carpet"

Were very rare

Don't fight in the yard

Do not "pull" the neighbor!

Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to elders

All quickly for a change

Don't rush!

Love physical education

Useful in life

Adjust the shape

Pump up your muscles.

And you all need to remember:

The strength of the mind is more important!

Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!

With them you are stronger.

Smile more often

Laugh out loud.

Respond to misfortune

By my kindness.

Well, bolder on the long journey

School, interesting!

Don't forget on the road

Home, friends and a song!

(song performed by grade 11)

a song is performed to the melody "Light it up" from the repertoire of "Star Factory"

We rested over the summer and grew up a little,
And today we came to the line at our school
Here we are like in a very friendly, understanding family.
Hello dear school, we missed you!
The school calls us all to the lesson today
The doors will open, the bell will ring.

You study to study cool,
You work so that life does not go in vain.
Light the knowledge of the stars in the sky,
You learn to be smart forever.

Today we are very happy to meet all the teachers
And we want to go to school again - to study as soon as possible!
We know that this is not for long: soon the zeal will pass.
But today is a special day - the school is calling us to itself!

It's not fun, it's not a game.

You have the right, and you have to go.


graduates give gifts and balloons to first graders

HOST 1: Friends, it's a holiday in the school yard again!
Let the first bell ring in September!
Friends, it's a holiday again, a day of knowledge with us!
Ring the bell, good luck, good time!
Dear school, meet each class!

Deputy Director for VR: A vociferous bell rings daily for students. And today he is waiting to announce the beginning of the school year, the beginning of classes. The right to give the first call is granted to a student of the eleventh grade ________________ and first grader _____________________________________

The school bell rings
: Ring, call! Ring, call!
Cheerful, sad, cheeky!

HOST 2: Another lesson awaits you in life,
Quietly childhood is leaving! ..

HOST 1: Ring, call! Ring, call
Opening Lessons!

HOST 2: We are moving forward towards knowledge,
Fatigue without knowing!

Deputy Director for VR: According to our tradition, the youngest students enter the school first - the 1st grade. To the beginning of the school path you

carried out by our graduates

First and eleventh grade go to school to the music

On this solemn line, dedicated to the holiday The first call is considered closed.

The first bell of the new school year has rung. We congratulate everyone on the Day of Knowledge! HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR ALL.

And now everyone is going to their first lesson of the new school year.

1 led: Hello adults,

Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world.

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter

The school opened its doors to everyone.

2nd HOST: Summer has blazed with hot heat,
Behind the happiest days.
And again, as before, we are with you
In the morning of early autumn they came.

3 Vedas: Among flowers, balls and bows,

Hundreds of children's eyes shine

And that means today

Knowledge Day gathers us.

4 Vedas: Education, hello! School hello!

Let's go on a journey to learn.

It is a holiday today! school holiday!

We welcome the school year!

Vedas: Dear children, dear teachers, parents, guests! I declare the school line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge open!

School, attention, quietly!

(Anthem of the Russian Federation sounds)

3 Vedas: Attention school!

Attention city!

Attention, all our people!

Exciting holiday

For our entire school

It's on our site!

4 Vedas: We invite you to a joyful holiday

In honor of the first call in life

you little ones

happy and different

Excited, maybe a little!

3 Vedas: The kids go to school
Develop and work
Discover the secrets of the world
Learn, create, seek.

4 Vedas: Well, welcome them together
Don't yawn here and there!
First-graders are coming to us now for the holiday

The melody "What they teach at school" sounds

Vedas: There is a 1st class headed by the first teacher Nadezhda Viktorovna Ershova. This is an experienced teacher, a master of his craft, always in a creative search.

Vedas: Our lineup includes guests:

As well as moms, dads, grandparents.

LEADING: Dear first graders, dear students! Today the new school year starts. How many interesting discoveries and meetings with teachers await you ahead. And now the most important person teacher in our school primary school Ershova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Lead 1. Dear First Graders!

School today for the first time

You will be guided by the road of knowledge.

Accept congratulations from us

And more good wishes.

Vedas: The word for congratulations is given to guests:

Presenter 1.

It seems like yesterday we stood

We met a fun vacation time,

Which after the academic year

How long ago did it begin? .. But the queen is nature

Relentless, and the months of summer

In the past. And the school uniform is on.

Lead 2

Only half an hour - and the first call

We will be called back to the lesson.

School doors open again

Tomorrow the school days will start.

Well, today is the day of celebration!


Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!

Sounds "Quadrille" Vasilisa the Wise come out

Vasilisa 1:

Hello guys!
We are happy to see you!
We came to this school
To congratulate you here.

Vasilisa 2:

Here comes the desired hour:

You are enrolled in first grade.

You friend listen to us

We will give you an order:

Vasilisa 3:

Tell everyone about school

Treasure the honor of the school!

Keep always in order

Books, copybooks, notebooks!

Vasilisa 1:

Be careful, be polite

Don't forget to say hello!

Vasilisa 2:

You should know perfectly

Fighting at school is indecent!

So that you are always cheerful

Sing more good songs.

Vasilisa 3:

Wake up early in the morning
Wash well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck at the desk with your nose.

Vasilisa 1:

Dress neatly
To be pleasant to watch.
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the table back and forth.

Vasilisa 2:

Don't tease, don't be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school.
Do not frown in vain, be bold -
And you will find friends.

Vasilisa 3:

That's all our advice
They are wiser and easier.
You, my friend, do not forget them!
Goodbye, good luck!

1 Vedas: Well, now, according to tradition, we give the floor to first-graders.

first graders come out

1 first grader:

We will remember forever

This day is wonderful.

There is no better school for us.

Hello school, hello!

2 first grader :

We came to our school

Spacious, bright house

Where there are many happy days

We'll do it together.

3 first grader :

wrapped notebooks

Like snow collars

We know all the rules

Although newbies.

4 first grader :

And in brand new briefcases

rattling pencils

They also have a lot to do:

Draw, draw, write.

5 first grader :

Today is my first time

I go to first class

I will try everything

It's best to be a student.

6 first grader :

Mom and dad told

How to behave at the desk

For example, you can't lie

A desk is not a bed.

7 first grader :

I sit, intend to straight

How my mother taught me

I want to ask, say

You just have to raise your hand.

1 first grader:

Mom braided her hair
Straightened the bows
Gave a brand new satchel -
Sent to first class!

2 first grader:

For some reason mom and dad

So excited

As if instead of me to school

Gathered for the first time!

3 first grader:

I was escorted to school

Grandma sighed.

Says her life

Peace is gone!

4 first grader:

How many joyful, cheerful
Faces everywhere, look!
Personally, the principal of the school
Smiled three times!

5 first grader:

You all rely on us

We will be a very friendly class.

We promise not to be lazy

Learn to read and write together.

6 first grader:

We ask you very much, friends,

Accept a friendly family!

Guarantor for us

Become our first teacher!

7 first grader:

So school, don't worry
We are your students!
Knowledge will be found for us

ALL: Hello school days!

The melody "What they teach at school" sounds,

first graders leave.

Launching balls

Vedas: The word for greetings is given to the parents of our first graders

Lead 1. In our school, the best in the world

What a teacher is a star

And all over Russia is better

You will never find!

Lead 2. Understand our souls

Don't be afraid to love us

They do not suppress their kindness,

You can give a heart!

Lead 1. We appreciate and love you very much

We won't give it to anyone

You bring joy to people

We want to be like that.

Lead 2. You are great talents

But clear and simple

Today we will give you

All autumn flowers.

The melody sounds autumn waltz»,

students give flowers to teachers

1 Vedas: Well, the words of greetings and congratulations sounded. And now comes the most solemn moment!

Lead 2. Friends, it's a holiday in the school yard again!

Let the first bell ring in September!

Friends, it's a holiday again, Knowledge Day with us!

Ring the bell, good luck, good time!

Vedas: the right to make the first call is granted to a student of grade 1 _________________________ and a graduate of grade 4 ___________, first graders enter the school.

Vedas: School, attention, quietly!

The anthem sounds, the removal of the banner.

2 Vedas: We wish all teachers, parents, children success, health, happiness in the new academic year! HOLIDAY!

1 Ved: On this solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge came to an end. We invite all students and parents to the Peace lesson.