Presentation for the lesson of fine arts "Warm and cold colors. Autumn still life"

Lesson topic:"Colorology. Warm and cold colors.

Lesson form:"Journey to the Land of Colors".

Class participants: students 7-10 years old.

Target: familiarization of students with the basics of artistic reflection of reality - the most important means of conveying thoughts, feelings of the artist.



Familiarization of students with the concept of color science - as a science of color,

Introduce students to warm and cool colors.


To form drawing skills from nature, from memory, representation,

Develop visual abilities, creative spatial imagination, thinking,


Cultivate interest in fine arts

Expand your understanding of the world around you.



Lesson topic: "Colorology. Warm and cold colors.

Lesson form: "Journey to the Land of Colors".

Class participants:students 7-10 years old.

Target : familiarization of students with the basics of artistic reflection of reality - the most important means of conveying thoughts, feelings of the artist.



Familiarization of students with the concept of color science - as a science of color,

Introduce students to warm and cool colors.


To form drawing skills from nature, from memory, representation,

Develop visual abilities, creative spatial imagination, thinking,


Cultivate interest in fine arts

Expand your understanding of the world around you.

Required training equipment:


watercolor paints,

Brushes №3,4,5,



water jar,


Blanks - strips,

Presentation "Warm and cold colors".

Stages of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

3. Communication of new material.

4. Practical task.

5. Reflection.

Course progress.

1. Greeting. Preparation of jobs for students.

2. Teacher:

Say, say artist

What color is the rain

What color is the wind

Tell me, what color is the evening?

Tell me what color

Winter, spring and summer?

Make the chamomile white

Make the carnation red

Lily - orange,

Yellow dandelion.

And we will also see:

What color is the rain

What color is the wind

What color is the evening

Understand what color

Huge planet!

After listening to this poem, think and say what we will talk about today in class?(children's answers: about color)

Indeed, we will talk about the secret of color. What role does color play in our life, how does it affect our mood, the perception of the world around us, and how to convey feelings with the help of color. The topic of our lesson is “Colour science. Warm and cold colors. Today we will find out which colors are warm and which are cold.

3. Teacher:

The history of the origin of color has existed since time immemorial. Recall the old Mexican fairy tale, which says that once upon a time the world was black and white. Only at sunset and dawn did shades of gray appear so that "black does not turn into white too sharply." In the absence of color, human emotions, dreams, dreams also become colorless. Therefore, the gods decided to create colors to make the world more joyful for people. And then they climbed to the top of a huge tree and generously scattered colors everywhere. All these colors were different from each other. People with gratitude and admiration accepted the gift of true happiness, without which life would be monotonous, and the world would be boring and uninteresting.

Color greatly affects the feelings, state, mood of people, for example:

Green color - causes peace, kindness, peace, pleasant mood;

Yellow color - warm, cheerful, invigorating, attractive;

Orange color - joyful, kind;

Red color - the color of fire, life, warms and at the same time frightens, causes anxiety;

Blue - causes a feeling of cold, melancholy, seriousness, sadness;

Violet - connects the feelings of blue and red, full of life at the same time longing;

White - symbolizes freshness, purity, youth;

Black - the absence of color and light, unkind, hostile.

(Master Pencil enters).

Master Pencil:

Oh oh oh! (holding his head)

Hello guys! It's great that I got here! Here you have paints, brushes, you will definitely help me! I forgot, guys - what color I am! I just can’t remember (circling), I’ll look here - red, I’ll look here -

yellow or blue or green ... Something I'm completely confused ...


Wait, Master Pencil, don't be upset! We will try to help you. Today we are just studying colors - warm and cold. For now, sit down, rest and listen carefully, maybe with our help you will figure it out!

Guys, let's imagine the summer sun. It warms us and keeps us warm.

What color do we draw the sun?(yellow, slide 1) So yellow is warm!

Now imagine a bonfire or fire. He warms up too. And what color do we depict a fire or fire? (orange, red, slide 2)so red and orange are also warm colors!

But if we imagine that we got wet in the rain, we are cold.

What color are raindrops or clouds?(blue, purple, slide 3)So blue, purple are cold colors.

Let's imagine a river, it is cold, plants grow in it - algae, they will also be cold. And what color do we draw algae

(green, slide 4)So the green color will be cold.

So, warm colors (yellow, red, orange) are associated with warmth, and cold colors (blue, green, purple) are associated with cold!

4. Teacher:

Now we have to complete a practical task and, of course, help Master Pencil. I have prepared white stripes for you, each of you will have 3 stripes. Let's divide into two groups, one group will paint over their stripes only with cold colors, and the other with only warm colors. Before starting work, I want to remind everyone about safety(do not take brushes in your mouth, do not spin while working with brushes, you can injure yourself and injure your comrades, remember how to sit at your desk correctly).

Well, now you can open the paints and start completing the task, and Master Pencil and I will help you.

(during the practical task, the Master Pencil with the children makes a dynamic pause)

Dynamic pause:

Rain, rain, lei da lei.

(show raindrops on the palm of your hand)

Wet drops do not regret.

We clap our hands

(clap hands)

We stomp our feet.

The sun came out again

the children go to draw.

(stomp feet)

Students continue to complete the practical task.


Well done! Everyone did their job. How many stripes you got, both warm and cold. Master Pencil, let's sum up the results together and choose the most colorful stripes from each and put them together on the board!

Guys, look what we got?(pencil) And what color is it?(multicolored) Let's see if our guest looks like this pencil?

Master Pencil:

Exactly! It is me! I remembered - I'm colorful! Thanks guys, I wouldn't have figured it out without you. Well here you have fun! But it's time for me to say goodbye! There's a box of pencils waiting for me! Goodbye!

5. Teacher:

- So, guys, let's consolidate knowledge about warm and cold colors. I suggest you play a game called "Heat - Cold". I will name the words for you, and you must answer in chorus what feeling it causes in you - warm or cold.

(bonfire, snowman, snowflake, sun, sky, rain, scarlet flower, water, goldfish, autumn leaf)

Well done boys. And now you can clean jobs and be free.


Lesson: Warm and cold colors. The struggle between warm and cold.

Program section : Program B.M. Nemensky, 2nd grade,IVquarter.Lesson type : learning new material

Target: to introduce students to warm and cold colors, different ways of mixing colors, and their application in practice.

Tasks: (educational, developing, educational)

    To give an idea of ​​the warm and cold colors that artists use to express feelings and moods. Contrast of warm and cold colors.

    Expand your experience with color combinations.

    Formation of understanding of the colorful expressiveness of native nature, the ability to enjoy its beauty.

Lesson type: Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Conduct form: Creativity lesson.


    Verbal (explanation, story).

    Visual (visual aids, illustrations, reproductions, methodical tables, pedagogical drawing, use of computer technology).

    Practical (information - receptive method (explanatory - illustrative).

Lesson duration: 40 minutes.

Teacher equipment: media projector, computer, a set of colored circles and a tablet with pockets.

For students: gouache, large and small brushes, palette.

Visual range: computer presentation, methodical tables on color science.

Literary series: The Firebird, an excerpt from the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"

Music line: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Fragment from the opera "The Snow Maiden".

The main activity of the student: image of the feather of the Firebird (brightness and richness of the warm colors of the magic feather against the background of the cold sky)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Checking jobs

II. The topic of the lesson.

1 slide. Story .

There are two girlfriends in the world - the girl Snegurochka and the girl Spring. Every year they meet when the cold winter is replaced by a gentle and warm spring. In memory of people about their friendship, the girls make a multi-colored carpet. Among the many colors that girls work with, each of them has its own most beloved, most magical.

Spring has a yellow, warm sunbeam, and the Snow Maiden has blue or blue ice. With the help of these paints, they can turn each color either into a cold one, to freeze it, or into a warm one, to warm it up.

The girl Snegurochka drops a small blue piece of ice into each color, and the color freezes, takes on a cold hue. And the girl Spring warms the colors with a warm yellow beam, turning them into warm ones. Warm colors are always compared with the sun and are called sunny, and cold colors are always compared with ice and are called cold.

2 slide. (color circle)

But there is a dispute between them. Girlfriends can’t decide how to call the green color - warm or cold.

Why do you think? How can you get green? (children answer)

That's right, because it consists of warm - yellow and cold blue colors. If there is more blue ice of the Snow Maiden in green, it will become colder, but if Spring tries and lowers a yellow beam into blue, green will become warmer.

All colors can be divided into warm and cold.

I propose to determine to which group the circle lying on the table belongs.

(Children go to the board and put their circle in a pocket, to a warm or cold group)

3 slide. (Warm and cold colors )

In warm and cold colorsdifferent mood. - Joyful and cheerful mood, what colors convey?(Warm) What about fantastic, mysterious?(Cold)

4 slide. Nature is richly decorated with combinations of warm and cold colors.

5 slide. Artists in their paintings also use combinations of warm and cold colors.

6 slide. (Remember the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" and imagine the firebird's feather, which was left in Ivan's hands when it escaped.)

7 slide. ( poems "Firebird")

She is a wonderful bird.
All from flame-fire.
Wings gently lift
The tail unfolds like a fan,
Yakhont eyes burn -
Amazing outfit.
Darkness wins.
The black cloud is the first enemy.
And the feather of that wondrous bird
In a moment, the desire will be fulfilled
It will bring happiness to people.

8-9 slide. Imagine a flaming feather glowing with shades of yellow-orange and red-orange. The brightness and richness of the warm colors of the magic feather is enhanced if it is placed against the background of a cold sky, i.e. surrounded by purple, blue, blue.

10 slide. Warm and cold colors side by side help each other.sound brighter, louder.

11,12,13 slides. Depict the firebird's feather, which was left in Ivan's hands when it escaped.

III. Practical work.

Image of the Firebird feather (brightness and richness of the warm colors of the magic feather against the cold sky)

Demonstration of how to start drawing . (Pedagogical drawing.)

Choose the nature of the stroke to work with. For example, for the background - a smear "rain" or "speck". And for the image of the feather of the firebird - a smear "wave".

14 slide.

IV . Fitness minute. (Let's now try to depict firebirds in motion)

Firebirds are flying
Wings make noise.
Bent over the ground
They shake their heads.
Straight and proudly know how to hold on.

And very silent
They sit down in place.

V. Summing up. Reflection. Exhibition of works.

Let's summarize. What did we get? – What are your impressions from the lesson? What made you happy, what made you sad?We reflect the mood on the board. Joy - we place warm colors, sadness - cold.

VI . Homework.
Think about where else in nature there is a struggle between warm and cold colors.

Lesson Development

« Warm and cold colors.

The struggle between warm and cold

Program B.M. Nemensky,

2nd grade IV quarter "As Art Speaks".

Ilyasova Zugra Abdulovna

art teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 28"

Color in painting is a very important and complex concept. This follows from the physical nature of light and from the structure of the human system of vision, from the process of color perception. It has long been known that there are no two people who see the same objects and landscapes in the same way, but with all the richness of colors in the color sensations of artists, there are common principles.

The division of the pictorial palette into warm colors and cold colors is one of such concepts.

Spectrum separation

The great physicist Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was the first to figure out the color composition of sunlight. The beam, passing through a glass prism, decomposed into seven basic shades. Further scientific developments led to the creation of a color wheel of twelve primary colors, from which, by mixing, you can get that color variety that surrounds us, that richness of shades that has long inspired painters. This color wheel is named after the Swiss painter and scientist Johannes Itten (1888-1967).

The color spectrum and the color wheel are usually divided into two parts - from green to red are warm, from blue to purple - cold. Green is considered by some to be a cold color, while others give it a special concept - neutral.

Such a division is clear to everyone, everyone agrees with it, but the objectivity of the reasons for such a division has long been argued, putting forward their own versions.

The main criterion is temperature associations

Of course, the first thing that can be accepted when discussing the origin of the division into warm colors and cold colors is natural associations. Yellow, red, orange are the colors of the sun, fire. No wonder there is a phrase in Russian that explains the heating of the metal: red-hot. Such temperature changes in color can be seen in a fire or in a fireplace, although some gases during combustion can turn into seemingly cold colors: how not to recall the bluish combustion of household gas fuel. And yet, bluish and bluish colors evoke a logical feeling of coolness: this is the color of the sky, water, ice, snow.

Day-night, summer-winter

The “temperature” of color is clearly related to the time of day: the rising sun, warming the world, paints the sky in a blazing range: red, pink, orange shades, and the night coolness is more clearly felt in the bluish moonlight, which gives the natural environment a muted and soft color, although the evening dawn - sunset - can also flare up with a hot range.

It is interesting that before the onset of cold weather, in the pre-winter period, the warm colors of summer flash brightly in the fiery colors of autumn to give way to the bluish and bluish color of snow, ice and cold sky.

Bottom line: the defining meaning of the concept of color "temperature" has an emotional component, which makes it more subjective, although agreement with the generally accepted division into warm colors and cold colors among all objects dealing with color characteristics is global.

close - far

Since the Renaissance, a well-developed theory of aerial perspective has emerged, which is based on another emotional and psychological characteristic of warm and cold colors: an object painted in a cold color seems to be further away than yellow, red, orange or their shades. Not even a landscape, but simply a table containing warm and cold colors can give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis.

It is clearly seen how one of the titans of the Renaissance Titian Vecellio (1488-1576) uses this property of color in the painting “Bacchus and Ariadne”.

The master clearly divides the color space diagonally into two parts in full accordance with the Itten color wheel, which will appear four and a half centuries later. Cold and warm shades of colors are used to build a huge picture space. Warm colors dominate in the foreground, the bluish whitened colors of the sky, the sea and the land receding into the distance are in the background, and on the border - the greenery of the trees, which according to all theories is considered neutral, and the cold-colored drapery of the main character and the warm color of the cloak of the central character make the color scheme is refined and harmonious.

Everything is relative

It must be understood that the “warmthness” of colors in painting is not an absolute concept, that is, it cannot be measured, and this property can be correctly assessed only in comparison with another color.

The use of spectral, unequivocally warm or definitely cold colors is an exotic thing in painting, paintings from planes that are significant in area, painted with one color, are more of a conceptual thing, for example, the abstract painting of Mark Rothko.

In more traditional painting, the relationship of colors of different “temperatures” occurs at the level of a combination of small strokes, due to optical mixing, making neighboring colors warmer or colder. It is impossible to understand which colors are warm and which are cold, considering the areas of the pictorial space containing them separately from the environment.

Hue is more valuable than color

One of the most obvious qualities of high pictorial skill is the ability to see and apply to the canvas those millions of shades that are contained in every element of the nature around us. The ability to distinguish warm notes in cold colors and vice versa gives a special expressiveness to the image. Here it is important to mention the principle of color modeling of volume: if light, colored with a warm color, falls on an object, the shadow should be cold and vice versa. Not all painters agree with him, but this law is applied very widely.

Some researchers talk about the incorrectness of the expression "warm and cold colors". The table shows colors that are very rarely used without mixing with other shades, and for a more accurate definition of colors, one should say “warmer” or “colder”. For example, Prussian blue and ultramarine are shades of the blue sector from the cold part of the color wheel, and each of these colors will be clearly colder than any shade of red, but even a novice artist will say that blue is warmer than ultramarine.

The use of complex color combinations and shades obtained by mixing allows you to enrich the palette, even if it contains predominantly neutral colors. So, you can make the desired "temperature" green color - warm or cold - by adding the desired paint from blue or red to it.

Saturation and purity

In the process of creating paintings, artists take into account some more properties of sensations of warmth or coolness in color. So, in order to "raise the temperature" in the desired area of ​​​​the picture space, an experienced painter uses less pure and less saturated shades that will approach achromatic white or gray. Accordingly, the purest and most saturated shades are colder.

Such a definition goes back to questions of psychology: we consider colder everything that looks stricter, more correct, more concise, more symmetrical, more logical, etc. More soulful and warm always contains some kind of irregularity, reticence, incompleteness. This can be used to characterize not only painting, but also architecture, design, printing and other similar branches of art.

Theory is just a help

The historical experience of those masters of the past who used warm and cold colors in painting shows the importance of this aspect of color perception. Knowledge about him, but only in combination with experience and talent, helps modern artists in their work.

The theme of the lesson "Warm and cold colors" of the lesson: Objectives 1) Educational: to introduce the primary ideas about the expressive means of each type of art; improve graphic skills when working with different materials; teach how to use cold and warm colors in working with watercolor (color overlay, color combinations). 2) Developing: to develop in children the perception of the features of the spring landscape through painting, poetry, music; develop the logical thinking of students (the ability to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions); develop the creative imagination of students; development of visual-motor coordination (psychological development); develop various methods of working with a brush, pencil, wax. 3) Educational: education of a sense of beauty in nature through painting, poetry, music; instilling in students the skills of careful handling of fire (fire safety). Equipment: a white sheet of paper (for watercolor), watercolor paints, a vessel for water, a simple pencil, a candle for drawing, a set of brushes, a cloth, a template for a linear drawing of a candle, a candle in a candlestick. Course of the lesson: 1.Organization of the class Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson. Nature is the source of human creativity. Here is what the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote: “Even art cannot give those moments of aesthetic delight that nature gives.” Today, the image master will introduce you to various states of nature and color as a means of expressing mood, feelings, attitude to the world. 2) Riddle Guess the riddle and find out what time of year we will talk about today: If the snow melts everywhere, The day becomes longer, If everything is green And the stream rings in the fields, If the sun shines brighter, If the birds are not up to sleep If the wind has become warmer - So , came to us ... (spring) At all times, artists, poets, writers, composers sang in their works the beauty of this season. In nature, winter fights with spring, does not want to give up its rights; struggle between cold and heat. She comes with affection And with her fairy tale. He will wave a magic stick - In the forest, a snowdrop will bloom. Do you love fairy tales?

3) Fairy tale (comprehension of the emotional expressiveness of warm and cold colors) “Two girlfriends live in the world - the girl Snegurochka and the girl Spring. Every year they meet when a cold winter is replaced by a warm spring. Girls give people their colors as a keepsake. But among all the colors they have one favorite, the most magical. With the help of these paints, they can turn any color into either cold or warm. What magic paint does the Snow Maiden have? (blue) - cold. At Spring? (yellow) - warm 3) Work on the color chart What colors can we call warm? Cold? What do warm colors represent? (joy, fun, happiness). What about cold ones? (anxiety, mystery, sadness). Today we will draw a kind fire. Guess the riddle: Can melt, but not ice, Not a lantern, but gives light (candle) (Showing a drawing for drawing) What colors are used in the drawing? A candle is lit On what occasion are candles lit? (New Year, birthday, divination, lighting) Sequence of execution of the drawing Sheet location - vertical Pencil sketch (reception of work - a thin line) - a line of a horizontal and vertical surface. Drawing a candle in a candlestick according to a template. Work with paints from light to dark tones. a) candle (drawing with wax, yellow) b) flame (color overlay technique: yellow, red; wick - black) c) background images: vertical - blue; horizontally purple. Work with a wide brush d) image of light from a candle (circle - color overlay) During work, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" The composer devoted his music to the seasons (Spring - winter) By the fireside - January by the fireplace. Maslenitsa - February. Song of the lark - March. Snowdrop - April. White Nights - May. 4. Lesson summary 1) Exhibition of students' work Who was better able to convey the image of a candle using cold and warm colors? 2) Evaluation of students' work and answers 4) Summarizing conversation What can be expressed in color? (feelings, mood, emotions, state of mind) What colors would you use warm or cold to convey your mood in the lesson? Why? Let the light from your candle give warmth, joy, good mood and warm when the soul is sad and cold.

Once upon a time there were two girls-girlfriends in the world - a girl WINTER and a girl SUMMER. Every year they meet when the cold winter is replaced by a gentle and warm spring. In memory of people about their friendship, the girls make a multi-colored carpet. Among the many colors that girls work with, each of them has its own most beloved, most magical.

SUMMER has a yellow, warm sunbeam, and winter has blue or blue ice. With the help of these paints, they can turn each color either into a cold one, to freeze it, or into a warm one, to warm it up.

The girl WINTER lowers a small blue piece of ice into each color, and the color freezes, acquires a cold shade. And the girl LETO warms the colors with a warm yellow beam, turning them into warm ones. Warm colors are always compared with the sun and are called sunny, and cold colors are always compared with ice and are called cold.

Icebreaker Arctic .

Kamerova Valentina Mikhailovna

Main colors

Composite colors

Color circle

LOOK at the color wheel, And determine where are warm and where are cold colors?

warm colors

cold colors

But there is a dispute between the girlfriends. Girlfriends can’t decide how to call the green color - warm or cold.

Why do you think?

How can you get green?

Consider two photographs with landscapes.

Which of these landscapes is "warm" , what is "cold"? Why?

Artists in their paintings also use combinations of warm and cold colors.

Arkhip Kuindzhi "Elbrus in the evening".

Jan van Goyen "Landscape with Dunes".

Remember the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" and imagine the firebird's feather, which was left in Ivan's hands when it escaped

She is a wonderful bird. All from flame-fire. Wings gently lift The tail unfolds like a fan, Yakhont eyes burn - Amazing outfit. Darkness wins. The black cloud is the first enemy. And the feather of that wondrous bird In a moment, the desire will be fulfilled It will bring happiness to people.

Imagine a flaming feather glowing with shades of yellow-orange and red-orange. The brightness and richness of the warm colors of the magic feather is enhanced if it is placed against the background of a cold sky, i.e. surrounded by purple, blue, blue.

Warm and cold colors side by side help each other. sound brighter, louder.

Practical work .

Feather image of the Firebird

Choose the nature of the stroke to work with.

For example, for the background - a smear "rain" or "speck".

And for the image of the feather of the firebird - a smear "wave".