What musical instrument is crossed out on the road sign. Quiz questions about musical instruments

Origin, history

Ascends to the horn of butchers (herdsmen), who, blowing the horn, announced their arrival in any locality to purchase livestock. Messengers carrying mail began to use the horn for signaling.

In the 16th century, the Thurn und Taxis were given the privilege of using a post horn for their messengers carrying mail. The use of post horns by others was prohibited by the postal regulations of Prussia (1712) and in several other countries. AT XVIII-XIX centuries in some places postmen used a post pipe.

Over time, postal horns fell into disuse, although, for example, in Germany, even before the Second World War, postal horns were part of the equipment of postmen on horseback passenger mail.

At present, the postal horn retains its significance as a common international symbol of postal communication, being an attribute of many emblems, coats of arms, logos of organizations and departments associated with the delivery of mail. Images of single and crossed post horns can be seen on many postage stamps and other collectibles. different countries peace.

Mozart, Mahler and other composers included mail horn in some of his works for orchestra. In such cases, the horn player of the orchestra usually plays the instrument. An example of the use of the post horn in contemporary classical music is the well-known backstage solo part in Gustav Mahler's Third Symphony. However, due to the rarity of this instrument, music written for it is usually played on or on.

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(Quiz about musical instruments for music lessons and more)

This weapon, according to historians, served our distant ancestors as a simple musical instrument. What is a hand weapon?

Playing on what golden instrument did golden-haired Apollo delight the ears of the Olympian gods?
(Golden cithara.)

What plucked instrument did the storytellers of epics accompany their singing with?
(On the harp.)

During the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, in order to eradicate paganism, a decree “On the fight against Slavism” was issued. What musical instrument was confiscated and burned according to this decree?

What musical instrument is named after the legendary ancient Russian singer-storyteller?
(Bayan is one of the most perfect and widespread types of chromatic accordion. Named after Bayan, or Boyan.)

The name of the epic singer Bayan, after whom the musical instrument is named, is sometimes written through "O" - Boyan. What is the name of the instrument?
(Always only through "A" - button accordion.)

What ancient Russian stringed plucked musical instrument in the 16-17 centuries. used by buffoons?

The oldest musical instrument in the world was found in Russia. What is the name of this instrument and how old is it?
(The pipe, which is about 34 thousand years old.)

Which of the musical instruments was longitudinal until the 18th century, and later became transverse?

Name the owner high voice in a symphony orchestra.
(Transverse flute.)

The name of which musical instrument, sung by Mozart, comes from the Latin word, translated into Russian, meaning "breath"?

Which Prussian king was a virtuoso in playing the flute and composing music?
(Frederick the Great. He wrote 121 sonatas, 4 flute concertos, several symphonies and arias for operas. Not a single concert in his time was complete without the performance of his works, and not a single ball without his performance.)

With what musical instrument is Pan (the god of forests and fields) depicted in the painting of the same name by M.A. Vrubel?
(With a multi-barreled flute, which is called the “pan flute”.)

Name the national poet of Belarus, the author of the collections "Zhaleyka" and "Guslyar".
(Yanka Kupala.)

To what group of musical instruments does the zhaleyka belong?

Thanks to whom or what did the Russian turtle accordion get its name?
(To the city of Cherepovets, where they make it, and not to the turtle at all!)

What "lonely" musical instrument "wanders on the street somewhere" in the song of the same name from the movie "It was in Penkovo"?

Name a musical instrument whose name comes from the word "chord"?
(Accordion. Other instruments suffer until the sounds of the chord are collected, and he has ready-made chords at his side - whatever you want. He pressed the button - a chord, another - another chord.)

Who made the accordion?
(Skilled craftsman Demian in 1828 in Prague.)

What in Russia in the old days was called "pit accordion"?
(“Yamskaya accordion” was called in the old days a trio of horses. Nowhere in the world, except Russia, there was such a wonderful team - swift transport and a “musical instrument” at the same time. Every driver “played” on it in his own way. Each strap, each element of the harness decorated with a set of different bells, rattles and bells.The chime warned the stationmaster of the approach of the troika.Under the arc there could be from one to five Valdai bells, the sonorous voice of which was heard for several kilometers.The most expensive harnesses were embroidered with silver-plated bells.Therefore, each troika had its own inherent only to her, sounding.)

Is the harmonium a keyboard or string instrument?

Violino, violon, Geige are the Italian, French and German names for the same musical instrument. Write its name in Russian.

What is the name of the wooden rod used to tension the strings of a violin?

Does the viola or cello produce a lower sound?

Which bowed string instruments are named after beautiful flowers?
(Cello, viola. In Italians, viola is violet, pansies.)

Are cymbals a keyboard or stringed musical instrument?

Which stringed bowed instrument is approximately two meters high?
(Double bass.)

What part of the body of a stringed instrument serves to reflect and amplify the sound?

How many strings does the viola have?

What musical instrument can be concert, salon and cabinet?

What is a piano with horizontal strings called?

What did F. Liszt call the king of instruments?
(Piano. But not only him, because "piano" in French means "royal".)

What keys does the piano have more: black or white?

What musical instrument, according to the title of the film directed by Grammatikov, did the dog follow?
(On the piano. “The dog was walking on the piano.”)

What is the name of the foot lever in the car and musical instruments?

How many pedals do most concert grand pianos have?

The name of which musical instrument in Italian means "loud-quiet"?

When and by whom was the piano designed?
(In 1709 by the Italian Bortolomeo Cristofori. Initially, this instrument was called "harpsichord with a soft and loud sound.")

What instrument is it written for? Moonlight Sonata Beethoven?

Name the forerunner of the piano.

What kind of instrument is virginal?

Does the piano or harpsichord have hammer action?

Is the piano's right or left pedal used to reduce the volume of the sound?

Does a grand piano or piano have a vertical frame on which the strings are stretched?
(A piano has a horizontal frame.)

For what instrument did Claude Debussy write the suite "Children's Corner"?

What musical instrument did Chopin, Liszt and Rachmaninoff play with virtuosity?

Pans have been known for a very long time, and now aluminum, steel, enameled and others are used. And in the 18th century, the so-called bourgeois pans appeared, which still exist, although no one calls them that anymore. So what were these pans and what could be cooked in them?
(This is how the piano was called in the 18th century. These instruments were distributed mainly among the bourgeoisie, and compared to their ancestor - the harpsichord - they made a loud and sharp sound, hence the name - “bourgeois saucepan.” And cook with the help of such a “pan” maybe music.)

Cembalo is the Italian name for... What?

Which Russian poet, who dreamed of becoming a composer, wrote in the poem "Improvisation": "I fed the flock with the key from my hand"?
(Boris Pasternak. He gave his outstanding talent to poetry. But his lines are melodious, like a cello, and harmonious, like an orchestra.)

What percussion instrument is used to signal the start and end of a boxing round?

How many natural sounds can a bugle produce?
(Only five. Used for signal fanfare.)

Which instrument's name comes from the Italian word for "celestial"?
(Celesta is a percussion-keyboard musical instrument. It looks like a piano. And its sound is surprisingly clear and gentle, as if crystal bells are ringing. magical music The Nutcracker owes a lot to the celesta.)

The celesta has the same keys as a piano, but instead of strings inside it ... So what?
(Metal plates. And sometimes these plates are glass. Hammers hit them, and the plates ring transparently and thinly.)

In the 17th and 18th centuries, many pieces of music were intended for the clavier. What kind of tool is this?
(The harpsichord, clavichord, claviciterum - all of them in the 17-18 centuries were called the same: clavier. Moreover, transcriptions of the opera score for singing under the piano were also abbreviated as clavier. Although in fact it is clavier.)

Are Martenot waves a musical instrument or a physical device?
(A musical instrument - an electrophone - with a piano-type keyboard. It reproduces only monophonic melodies. Designed in the 1920s by M. Martenot. Used in a number of works by French composers.)

This Belgian master created more than one wind instrument named after him. Name it.
(In 1846, Adolf Sax invented and patented the saxophone. But he did not want to stop there, but created a whole family of “Sax horns” - saxohorns. He probably foresaw that the saxophone would reign “only” on the stage, and saxohorns would enter the venerable wind orchestra.)

What simple musical instrument has become the emblem of the post office?

What instrument is played with fingers, palms, elbows, sticks and even beaters?
(On the drum.)

What is the most popular instrument on the Black Continent?

What musical instrument has recently replaced the Nigerian radio, telephone and telegraph?
(Drum. Until recently, Nigeria did not know writing. With the help of drums, Nigerians transmitted their messages over long distances. From the sea to the capital, the message reached in just a few hours.)

In Guinea boys with early years learn to play different musical instruments and especially its language. What is this language?
(Drum language.)

In traditional boating competitions in China, each boat has 40 rowers, a helmsman and this huge musical instrument. Which?
(Drum, he sets the rhythm for the rowers.)

Which percussion musical instrument is shaped like a cauldron: tambourine or timpani?

What small wooden percussion instruments do Spanish dancers put on the fingers of both hands?

Which percussion instrument is Spanish for "little chestnuts"?

What natural material are the sounding sticks of the xylophone made of?
(From wood.)

Which instrument is usually played standing up: the cello or the double bass?
(On double bass.)

What musical instrument in "Woe from Wit" Griboedov awarded not very flattering synonyms - "hoarse" and "strangled"?
(Bassoon. But this is perhaps too strong a word. It’s just that the bassoon has a peculiar colorful timbre “with a hoarseness”, which perfectly complements the other sound colors of the orchestra.)

What group of folk instruments do spoons belong to?

What is the lowest sounding brass instrument?

One of the smallest and most common wind musical instruments was invented in 1821 by a 16-year-old Berliner Bushman. And what do we call it?
(A harmonica.)

To which group of instruments do mouthpiece instruments belong?

What is the name of a musician who plays the fanfare: fanfaron or fanfarist?
(A fanfarist. And a fanfaron is a braggart.)

The name of what mechanical musical instrument comes from the opening line of the German song "Pretty Katharina" - "Scharmante Katharine ..."?
(Street organ.)

Which musical instrument does not have a keyboard: a hurdy-gurdy or a celesta?
(Street organ.)

How many strings did Stradivari's violins have?

What instruments make up a string trio in chamber music?
(Viola, violin, cello.)

What fable will help you easily remember the composition of a string quartet?
(“Quartet” by I. Krylov. “They got notes, a bass, a viola, two violins ...”. The cello was then called the bass.)

Name the string instrument of a symphony orchestra with the highest sounding range.

What is not needed when performing pizzicato (performed on the violin)?

What is the name of the resin used by violinists?

Is rosin rubbed on the bow or violin strings?

Is the bow stick made of wood or metal?
(From wood.)

Do wind or stringed instruments have a mute that is a kind of comb-clamp?
(For strings, put on a stand.)

What is the largest group of instruments in a symphony orchestra?

Which group of instruments is closest to the conductor?

What instruments did mosquitoes play in Sergei Kozlov's fairy tale "The Hedgehog in the Fog"?
(On violins.)

What group of instruments were traditionally made in Cremona?

A memorial inscription on St. Dominic's Square in this city reads: "Here stood the house of Antonio Stradivari, who raised the violin to the highest level of perfection." Name the city.

Almost all Stradivari violins have received names. What is the name of the violin, which was purchased from the masters of the Stradivari house by order of Elizabeth Petrovna?
("Empress of Russia")

In 1997, a group of sponsors pooled together and presented Vladimir Spivakov with this truly precious gift worth more than one million dollars. What is this gift?
(Stradivarius violin.)

What surname unites the Italian violin makers Andrea, Girolamo and Nicolo?

The smallest violin in the world - pochetta - is only 35 centimeters long. Its name comes from the French pocheter, which means "to carry in your pocket." This violin in ancient times was always taken with him to the lesson by a dance teacher, so it has another name. Which?

Name the first musical instrument that Johann Sebastian Bach learned to play.
(Violin. Then the harpsichord, viola, organ obeyed him.)

What musical instrument, besides the piano, did the physicist Einstein play?
(Violin. Having started studying at the age of six, he continued to play all his life, sometimes in an ensemble with other physicists.)

What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes like to play?
(On a violin.)

What word is used to call both a string instrument similar to a violin, and a wind instrument related to a pipe, and a human voice - a low female or child's voice?

An orchestra of which stringed musical instruments is called Neapolitan?
(From mandolins, sometimes with guitars. The mandolin was invented in Italy, known since the 17th century. And the orchestras are called Neapolitan, since it was the Neapolitan mandolins that surpassed the Florentine, Padua and Genoese ones in their performance capabilities.)

What is the name of the largest wind keyboard musical instrument?

Which keyboard/wind instrument has a keyboard for the feet?

What musical instrument can replace an entire orchestra?

What unique instrument from a church in suburban Manila is made from 959 bamboo pipes?

Where is the largest organ in Russia installed?
(The Tsar Organ was installed in the Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music at the end of 2004. It consists of 84 registers, 4 manual and 1 pedal keyboard. Its height is 14 meters, width - 10 m, depth - 3.6 m. Weight - 30 tons Created by a consortium of German organ builders - the famous firms Klais and Glatter-Getz.)

AT concert hall Which theater has the world's largest mechanical organ?
(In Sydney opera house. It has 10,500 pipes.)

What class of musical instruments does the trembita belong to?

What a multi-string plucked instrument the biggest in a symphony orchestra?

How many strings does a harp have?

What bowed string instrument is played only while sitting?

What musical name did simple spring droshky have in pre-revolutionary Moscow?

What musical instrument in Russia is called the "seven-string girlfriend"?

Name the great-grandmother of the guitar.
(Ancient Greek cithara. It had from 7 to 12 strings.)

How many decks does the body of the guitar have?

What musical instrument do modern bards usually use?

The most outdoor musical instrument is ... What?

What is the lowest-pitched 4-string electric guitar called?

What is the reason why Paul McCartney's bass is never confused with most other basses?
(For left-handed Paul McCartney, the strings had to be re-strung to allow him to play chords with his left hand.)

How Latin word called the "intermediary" between the musician and the instrument?
(Plectrum is a thin plate with a pointed end. And the “Greek” plectrum is a thin plate bent into an open ring.)

How string instrument masterfully owns Victor Zinchuk?

What instrument was given to the floating stage at the Grushinsky Festival on the Volga?
(At this amateur song festival, the floating stage is traditionally shaped like a guitar.)

The name of what Russian musical instrument comes from the Tatar word for "child"?
(This is “the most Russian musical instrument” - the balalaika, from “bala” - “child”. Related words are “pampering”, “balabolka”, “balakat”.)

Which finger of the hand is not used when playing the balalaika?

Thanks to what instruments did the musicians of the Great Russian Orchestra of Vasily Andreev receive the nickname “bellies” from their colleagues?
(Balalaikas. Hand movements when playing the balalaika resemble movements when scratching the stomach.)

What is the name of the instrument of a symphony orchestra in the form of a large gong?

What group of musical instruments does the church bell belong to?

The sound of what non-traditional operatic instruments adorned the music of Rimsky-Korsakov's The Golden Cockerel?

What instrument was invented in 1920 by Russian physicist and musician Lev Sergeevich Termen?
(Theremin is the first domestic electric musical instrument. The pitch in it changes depending on the distance right hand performer to one of the antennas, the volume is from the distance of the left hand to the other antenna.)

What musical instrument is Louis Armstrong famous for playing?

Which group of musical instruments has a mouthpiece?

What musical instrument is crossed out on a road sign prohibiting the sound signal?

What is the difference between an oriental tam-tam from a symphony orchestra and an African tam-tam?
(Eastern tam-tam is not a drum, but a metal gong.)

What percussion instrument with mallet is used in rituals by Siberian shamans?

What is the name of a folk musical instrument, a kind of whistle flute, pipe?
A. Sopel. V. Nozzle.
B. Sopatka. G. Sopka.

How did the epic Sadko drive the sea princess crazy?
A. Harfoy. V. Gusli.
B. Balalaika. G. echo sounder.

What musical instrument does not belong to the attributes of a shepherd's life?
A. Svirel. V. Rozhok.
B. Dudka. G. Gorn.

What is the name of a percussion self-sounding musical instrument: bells, in which the records are replaced by tubes?
A. Tubafon. V. Megafon.
B. Gramophone. G. Saxophone.

Which of these musical instruments is related to the xylophone?
A. Saxophone. V. Vibraphone.
B. Horn. G. Clarinet.
(The vibraphone was invented by the American master Winterhof in 1923.)

What musical instrument appeared as a result of the improvement of the hunting horn?
A. Horn. V. Oboe.
B. Trombone. G. Gorn.

What was the name of the short musician from flower city?
A. Rozhok. V. Guslya.
B. Dudka. G. Altik.

What modern musical instrument has seven pedals?
A. Cello. V. Harpsichord.
B. harp. G. Piano.

Which of these musical instruments is self-sounding?
A. Tambourine. V. Tamtam.
B. Timpani. G. Buben.

The sound of what instrument is imitated in Franz Liszt's piano piece "Campanella"?
A. Castagnet. V. Kolokolchikov.
B. Harps. G. Horn.

What Russian musical instrument can be table-shaped?
A. Buben. V. Gusli.
B. Harmonica. G. Dudka.

What is the name of the squeaker of two reed records in the oboe, clarinet, zurne and other woodwind musical instruments?
A. Staff. B. Cane.
B. Wand. G. Crutch.

Greek name what geometric curve gave the name to the wind musical instrument helikon?
A. Parabola. W. Ellipse.
B. Spiral b. G. Sinusoid.
(Greek helix - spiral.)

What is the most important instrument for a piano tuner?
A. Tonometer. V. Tuning fork.
B. Baritone. G. Krypton.

What musical instrument can be seen in Alyosha Popovich's painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs"
A. Bayan. V. Gusli.
B. Balalaika. G. Guitar.

What musical instrument is missing in the title of Eldar Ryazanov's film "Forgotten Melody for..."?
A. Harp. V. Flute.
B. Harpsichord. G. Clarinet.
("Forgotten Melody for Flute")

What musical instrument is depicted on the coat of arms of Ireland?
A. Bagpipe. V. Flute.
B. Harp. G. Lute.

Which fingers are NOT played on the harp?
A. Large. B. Index.
B. Nameless. G. Little fingers.

What musical instrument is almost exclusively played by women today?
A. Harp. V. Piano.
B. Cello. G. Flute.

Which of these musical instruments has the fewest strings?
A. Kobza. V. Balalaika.
B. Dombra. G. Saz.
(Kazakh 2-string plucked musical instrument.)

What master made the violin, which is called the "widow of Paganini"?
A. Amati. V. Guarneri.
B. Stradivari. G. Bergonzi.
(This violin was presented to Paganini at the age of 17 and he played it for 40 years.)

Which of these stringed instruments has no frets?
A. Guitar. V. Mandolin.
B. Good. G. Violin.
(Finding the place of pressure on the string is a matter of habit and musical ear.)

How many strings are on a bagpipe?
A. 0. IN 1.
B. 3. D. 7.
(This is a wind instrument.)

Which musical instrument is NOT in a string quartet?
A. Alt. V. Double bass.
B. Violin. G. Cello.

What musical instrument A.S. Did Pushkin awaken good feelings among the people?
A. Leeroy. V. Harp.
B. Gong. G. Fanfare
(“... I awakened good feelings with the lyre.”)

What musical instrument owes its name to a kind of literary works, mostly poetic, expressing feelings and experiences?
A. Harp. V. Violin.
B. Lira. G. Gorn.
(Lyrics, from the Greek lyrikos - pronounced to the sounds of the lyre.)

What musical instrument is the namesake of the Greek mountain where the Muses lived?
A. Helikon. W. Saxophone.
B. Gorn. G. Harp.

What musical instrument can be seen in the buttonholes of military band servicemen?
A. Trumpet. V. Drum.
B. Gorn. G. Lira.

Name the lowest sounding brass instrument.
A. Tuba. B. Trumpet.
B. Trombone. G. Horn.

The name of which musical instrument is translated as "bunch of brushwood"?
A. Fagot. B. Organ.
B. Flute. G. Harp.
(The trunk of the bassoon is so long that it had to be bent in half and tied.)

What group of musical instruments of the orchestra does the bassoon belong to?
A. Copper wind. B. Keyboard-percussion.
B. Woodwind. G. String-bowed.

The name of which musical instrument is translated from French as "high tree"?
A. Oboe. V. Fagot.
B. Trembita. G. Cello.

What is the alto oboe called?
A. Oboe d'amour. V. Oboe d'enisey.
B. Oboe d'lena. G. Oboe d'ob.
(From oboe and French amour - love. Literally - oboe of love.)

How many deaths is the trunk of a contrabassoon?
A. At two. B. At three.
B. At four. G. At five.

A. Gusar. V. Cornet.
B. Cadet. G. Midshipman.

Which of these wind musical instruments is wood?
A. Horn. B. Cornet-a-piston.
B. Oboe. G. Ocarina.

Which of these wind musical instruments is NOT wooden?
A. Fagot. V. Oboe.
B. Clarinet. G. cornet-a-piston.
(Wind brass mouthpiece musical instrument related to the pipe.)

What "chemical" musical instrument exists?
A. Zink. B. Lead.
B. Calcium. G. Lithium.
(Zinc is a wind musical instrument. Its other name is cornet.)

What musical instrument did Bayan play at the wedding of Ruslan and Lyudmila?
A. On the balalaika. B. On the harp.
B. On the button accordion. G. On the flute.

What instrument was created by the accordion master Pyotr Sterligov from Tula, commissioned by the artist Orlandsky-Titarenko?
A. Accordion. V. Bayan.
B. Harmonium. G. Harmonica.
(In 1907.)

What musical instrument in the orchestra depicts the Snow Maiden, the fairy-tale heroine of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera?
A. Fagot. V. Flute.
B. Cello. G. Guitar.
(The high, chilly timbre of the flute is very suitable for the fragile, tender daughter of Frost and Spring.)

What folk instrument did Sharikov play from " dog heart»?
A. On the harp. V. On the balalaika.
B. On the harmonica. G. On the pipe.

What instrument is played with sticks?
A. On the harp. B. On the fanfare.
B. On cymbals. G. On the mandolin.

Which of the following instruments does NOT have pedals?
A. Harmonium. V. Timpani.
B. Harp. G. Mandolin.

What is the name of the rod of a sports bar?
A. Grif. V. Deca.
B. String. G. Bow.

What musical instruments did the poet Lermontov play?
A. Violin and piano. B. Guitar and piano.
G. Accordion and mandolin. G. Clarinet and saxophone.
(Lermontov's poetry is musical, which was noted by many composers. About 800 composers wrote music to his poems.)

How many strings does the balalaika have?
A. Five. At four.
B. Three. G. Two.

Which of these bowed instruments is the smallest?
A. Violin. V. Alt.
B. Cello. G. Double bass.

In which European country was the accordion invented?
A. In Germany. V. In Belarus.
B. In England. G. In Moldova.

What is the name of the Ukrainian folk musical instrument?
A. Bandura. V. Banderas.
B. Bender. G. Fander.

Which of the following is a musical instrument?
A. Gramophone. V. Megafon.
B. Xylophone. G. Gramophone.

Which of these is NOT a musical instrument?
A. Saxophone. V. Xylophone.
B. Metallophone. G. Gramophone.

What musical instrument is the modern harmonium similar to?
A. On the button accordion. B. On the balalaika.
B. On the piano. G. On the violin.
(This is a brass keyboard instrument, which has a piano-like keyboard and an organ-like sound. Another name is Harmonium.)

What is the name of the musical instrument?
A. Triangle. B. Square.
B. Oval. G. Rhombus.

What is a small portable organ called?
A. Organics. B. Portal.
B. Portable. G. Purse.

What was the name of the first Russian revolutionary newspaper published in London and Geneva by A.I. Herzen and N.I. Ogaryov?
A. "Gong". V. "Bell".
B. "Fanfare". G. "Lyra".

What musical instrument exists?
A. Tamtam. V. Tuttut.
B. Here, here. G. Wonwon.
(This is the name of the African drum.)

Which of these instruments is stringed?
A. Gorn. V. Castanets.
B. Horn. G. Cymbals.

What is the name of a stringed plucked musical instrument common in the countries of the Near and Middle East, Armenia?
A. Rondo. V. Fugue.
B. Canon. G. Scherzo.
(Or eve.)

What Russian musical instrument is related to the Finnish kantele?
A. Rozhok. V. Gudok.
B. Domra. G. Gusli.

What accordion is called "talyanka"?
A. Saratovskaya. V. Vienna.
B. Italian. G. Vyatskaya.

Name the Italian city where the great Stradivari worked and where the production of musical instruments is still developed?
A. Verona. W. Bologna.
B. Cremona. G. Padua.

What is the name of the first string of a bowed musical instrument?
A. Prima. V. Soloist.
B. Debutante. G. Premiere.

Which of these musical instruments is NOT a wind instrument?
A. Flute. V. Clarinet.
B. Oboe. G. Alt.

What group of musical instruments can NOT be part of a symphony orchestra?
A. Drums. B. Bowed.
B. Keyboards. G. Brass.

What musical instrument glorified Vera Dulova?
A. Violin. V. Cello.
B. harp. G. Alt.

What instrument did Elvis Presley accompany himself on?
A. Harp. V. Gusli.
B. Guitar. G. Balalaika.

What instrument does Elton John accompany himself during a performance?
A. Royal. V. Guitar.
B. Accordion. G. Tamtam.

Which of these jazz musicians played predominantly the clarinet?
A. Duke Ellington. W. Louis Armstrong.
B. Count Basie. G. Benny Goodman.

What musical instrument is used primarily to produce sound signals?
A. Trombone. B. Trumpet.
B. Gorn. G. Flute.

What island is in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, whose cape of the same name is the southernmost point of South America?
A. Gorn. W. Gong.
B. Royal. G. Buben.

What musical instrument do shamans use among the peoples of the North and the Far East?
A. Buben. V. Royal.
B. Violin. G. Castanets.

Which of these keyboard musical instruments sounded the earliest?
A. Harpsichord. B. Clavichords.
B. Organ. G. Piano.

What instruments are NOT supposed to be in a string orchestra?
A. Violins. V. Cellos.
B. Double basses. G. Harps.
(A string orchestra consists of bowed string instruments.)

What musical instrument is NOT present in a classical jazz orchestra?
A. Banjo. W. Saxophone.
B. Double bass. G. Synthesizer.

Which of these instruments does NOT have bellows for blowing air?
A. Bagpipe. V. Horn.
B. Organ. G. Sharmanka.

What is the name of a device in musical instruments to reduce the strength of the sound and change the timbre?
A. Surdinka. B. Mediator.
B. Plectrum. G. Bekar.

(Yanka Kupala.)

♫ What group of musical instruments does the pity belong to?


♫ Thanks to whom or what did the Russian turtle accordion get its name?

(To the city of Cherepovets, where they make it, and not to the turtle at all!)

♫ What "lonely" musical instrument "wanders on the street somewhere" in the song of the same name from the movie "It was in Penkovo"?


♫ What is the musical instrument whose name comes from the word "chord"?

(Accordion. Other instruments suffer until the sounds of the chord are collected, and he has ready-made chords at his side - whatever you want. He pressed the button - a chord, another - another chord.)

♫ Who created the accordion?

(Skilled craftsman Demian in 1828 in Prague.)

♫ What in Russia in the old days was called "pit accordion"?

(“Yamskaya accordion” was called in the old days a trio of horses. Nowhere in the world, except Russia, there was such a wonderful team - swift transport and a “musical instrument” at the same time. Every driver “played” on it in his own way. Each strap, each element of the harness decorated with a set of different bells, rattles and bells.The chime warned the stationmaster of the approach of the troika.Under the arc there could be from one to five Valdai bells, the sonorous voice of which was heard for several kilometers.The most expensive harnesses were embroidered with silver-plated bells.Therefore, each troika had its own inherent only to her, sounding.)

♫ Is the harmonium a keyboard or string instrument?


♫ Violino, violon, Geige is the Italian, French and German name for the same musical instrument. Write its name in Russian.


♫ What is the name of the wooden rod that serves to tension the strings of a violin?


♫ Does the viola or cello make a lower sound?


♫ Which bowed string instruments are named after beautiful flowers?

(Cello, viola. In Italians, viola is violet, pansies.)

♫ Is cymbals a keyboard or stringed musical instrument?


♫ Which stringed bowed instrument is approximately two meters high?

(Double bass.)

♫ What part of the body of a stringed instrument serves to reflect and amplify the sound?


♫ How many strings does the viola musical instrument have?


♫ What musical instrument can be used for concert, salon and cabinet?


♫ What is the name of a piano with horizontal strings?


♫ What did F. Liszt call the king of instruments?

(Piano. But not only him, because "piano" in French means "royal".)

♫ What keys does the piano have more: black or white?


♫ According to the title of the film directed by Grammatikov, what musical instrument did the dog follow?

(On the piano. “The dog was walking on the piano.”)

♫ What is the name of the foot lever in the car and musical instruments?


♫ How many pedals do most concert grand pianos have?


♫ The name of which musical instrument in Italian means "loud-quiet"?


♫ When and by whom was the piano designed?

(In 1709 by the Italian Bortolomeo Cristofori. Initially, this instrument was called "harpsichord with a soft and loud sound.")

♫ What instrument was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata written for?


♫ Name the forerunner of the piano.


♫ What kind of instrument is virginal?


♫ Does the piano or harpsichord have hammer action?


♫ Is the piano's right or left pedal used to reduce the intensity of the sound?


♫ Is the frame on which the strings are strung vertical on a grand piano or upright piano?

(A piano has a horizontal frame.)

♫ For what instrument did Claude Debussy write the suite "Children's Corner"?


♫ What musical instrument did Chopin, Liszt and Rachmaninoff play virtuoso?


♫ Pans have been known for a very long time, and now aluminum, steel, enameled and others are used. And in the 18th century, the so-called bourgeois pans appeared, which still exist, although no one calls them that anymore. So what were these pans and what could be cooked in them?

(This is how the piano was called in the 18th century. These instruments were distributed mainly among the bourgeoisie, and compared to their ancestor - the harpsichord - they made a loud and sharp sound, hence the name - “bourgeois saucepan.” And cook with the help of such a “pan” maybe music.)

♫ Cembalo is the Italian name for... What?


♫ What Russian poet, who dreamed of becoming a composer, wrote in the poem "Improvisation": "I fed the flock with the keyboard from my hand"?

(Boris Pasternak. He gave his outstanding talent to poetry. But his lines are melodious, like a cello, and harmonious, like an orchestra.)

♫ What percussion instrument is used to signal the start and end of a boxing round?


♫ How many natural sounds can a bugle produce?

(Only five. Used for signal fanfare.)

♫ Which instrument's name comes from the Italian word for "celestial"?

(The celesta is a percussion-keyboard musical instrument. It looks like a piano. And its sound is surprisingly clear and gentle, as if crystal bells are ringing. The magic music of the Nutcracker owes a lot to the celesta.)

♫ The celesta has the same keys as a piano, but instead of strings inside it... What?

(Metal plates. And sometimes these plates are glass. Hammers hit them, and the plates ring transparently and thinly.)

♫ In the 17th and 18th centuries, many pieces of music were intended for the clavier. What kind of tool is this?

(The harpsichord, clavichord, claviciterum - all of them in the 17-18 centuries were called the same: clavier. Moreover, transcriptions of the opera score for singing under the piano were also abbreviated as clavier. Although in fact it is clavier.)

♫ Martenot waves - is it a musical instrument or a physical device?

(A musical instrument - an electrophone - with a piano-type keyboard. It reproduces only monophonic melodies. Designed in the 1920s by M. Martenot. Used in a number of works by French composers.)

♫ This Belgian master created more than one wind instrument named after him. Name it.

(In 1846, Adolf Sax invented and patented the saxophone. But he did not want to stop there, but created a whole family of “Sax horns” - saxohorns. He probably foresaw that the saxophone would reign “only” on the stage, and saxohorns would enter the venerable wind orchestra.)

♫ What simple musical instrument has become the emblem of the post office?


♫ What instrument is played with fingers, palms, elbows, sticks and even beaters?

(On the drum.)

♫ What is the most popular instrument on the Black Continent?


♫ What musical instrument has recently replaced Nigerians with radio, telephone and telegraph?

(Drum. Until recently, Nigeria did not know writing. With the help of drums, Nigerians transmitted their messages over long distances. From the sea to the capital, the message reached in just a few hours.)

♫ In Guinea, boys are taught from an early age to play various musical instruments and especially its language. What is this language?

(Drum language.)

♫ In traditional boat competitions in China, each boat has 40 rowers, a helmsman and this huge musical instrument. Which?

(Drum, he sets the rhythm for the rowers.)

♫ Which percussion instrument is shaped like a cauldron: tambourine or timpani?


♫ What small wooden percussion instruments do Spanish dancers put on the fingers of both hands?


♫ Which percussion instrument's name means "little chestnuts" in Spanish?


♫ What natural material are the sounding sticks of the xylophone made of?

(From wood.)

♫ Which instrument is usually played standing up: cello or double bass?

(On double bass.)

♫ What musical instrument in "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov awarded not very flattering synonyms - "hoarse" and "strangled"?

(Bassoon. But this is perhaps too strong a word. It’s just that the bassoon has a peculiar colorful timbre “with a hoarseness”, which perfectly complements the other sound colors of the orchestra.)

♫ What group of folk instruments do spoons belong to?


♫ What is the lowest sounding brass instrument?


♫ One of the smallest and most common wind musical instruments was invented in 1821 by a 16-year-old Berliner Bushman. And what do we call it?

(A harmonica.)

♫ What group of instruments do mouthpiece instruments belong to?


♫ What is the name of a musician who plays the fanfare: fanfaron or fanfarist?

(A fanfarist. And a fanfaron is a braggart.)

♫ The name of what mechanical musical instrument comes from the opening line of the German song "Lovely Katharina" - "Scharmante Katharine..."?

(Street organ.)

♫ Which musical instrument does not have a keyboard: a hurdy-gurdy or a celesta?

(Street organ.)

♫ How many strings did Stradivari's violins have?


♫ What instruments make up a string trio in chamber music?

(Viola, violin, cello.)

♫ What fable will help you easily remember the composition of a string quartet?

(“Quartet” by I. Krylov. “They got notes, a bass, a viola, two violins ...”. The cello was then called the bass.)

♫ Name the string instrument of a symphony orchestra with the highest sounding range.


♫ What is not needed when performing pizzicato (performed on the violin)?


♫ What is the name of the resin used by violinists?


♫ Is rosin rubbed on a bow or violin strings?


♫ Is the bow stick made of wood or metal?

(From wood.)

♫ Do wind or string instruments have a mute like a comb-clamp?

(For strings, put on a stand.)

♫ What is the largest group of symphony orchestra instruments?


♫ Which group of instruments is closest to the conductor?


♫ What instruments did mosquitoes play in Sergei Kozlov's fairy tale "The Hedgehog in the Fog"?

(On violins.)

♫ Which group of instruments were traditionally made in Cremona?


♫ A memorial inscription on St. Dominic's Square in this city reads: "Here stood the house of Antonio Stradivari, who raised the violin to the highest level of perfection." Name the city.


♫ Almost all Stradivari violins have received names. What is the name of the violin, which was purchased from the masters of the Stradivari house by order of Elizabeth Petrovna?

("Empress of Russia")

♫ In 1997, a group of sponsors pooled together and presented Vladimir Spivakov with this truly precious gift worth more than one million dollars. What is this gift?

(Stradivarius violin.)

♫ What is the last name of the Italian violin makers Andrea, Girolamo and Nicolo?


♫ The smallest violin on Earth - pochetta - is only 35 centimeters long. Its name comes from the French pocheter, which means "to carry in your pocket." This violin in ancient times was always taken with him to the lesson by a dance teacher, so it has another name. Which?


♫ Name the first musical instrument that Johann Sebastian Bach learned to play.

(Violin. Then the harpsichord, viola, organ obeyed him.)

♫ What musical instrument, besides the piano, did the physicist Einstein play?

(Violin. Having started studying at the age of six, he continued to play all his life, sometimes in an ensemble with other physicists.)

♫ What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes like to play?

(On a violin.)

♫ What word is used to call both a stringed instrument similar to a violin, and a wind instrument related to a trumpet, and a human voice - a low female or child's voice?


♫ An orchestra of which stringed musical instruments is called Neapolitan?

(From mandolins, sometimes with guitars. The mandolin was invented in Italy, known since the 17th century. And the orchestras are called Neapolitan, since it was the Neapolitan mandolins that surpassed the Florentine, Padua and Genoese ones in their performance capabilities.)

♫ What is the name of the largest wind keyboard musical instrument?


♫ Which keyboard/wind instrument has a foot pad?


♫ What musical instrument can replace an entire orchestra?


♫ What unique instrument from a church in suburban Manila is made from 959 bamboo pipes?


♫ Where is the largest organ in Russia installed?

(The Tsar Organ was installed in the Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music at the end of 2004. It consists of 84 registers, 4 manual and 1 pedal keyboard. Its height is 14 meters, width - 10 m, depth - 3.6 m. Weight - 30 tons Created by a consortium of German organ builders - the famous firms Klais and Glatter-Getz.)

♫ Which theater has the largest mechanical organ in the world?

(At the Sydney Opera House. It has 10,500 pipes.)

♫ What class of musical instruments does the trembita belong to?


♫ What is the largest multi-stringed plucked instrument in a symphony orchestra?


♫ How many strings does a harp have?


♫ What bowed string instrument is played only while sitting?


♫ What was the musical name of simple spring droshky in pre-revolutionary Moscow?


♫ What musical instrument is called “seven-string girlfriend” in Russia?


♫ Name the great-grandmother of the guitar.

(Ancient Greek cithara. It had from 7 to 12 strings.)

♫ How many decks does a guitar body have?


♫ What musical instrument do modern bards usually use?


♫ The most outdoor musical instrument is... What?


♫ What is the lowest sounding 4-string electric guitar called?


♫ What makes Paul McCartney's bass guitar never be confused with most other basses?

(For left-handed Paul McCartney, the strings had to be re-strung to allow him to play chords with his left hand.)

♫ What is the Latin word for "intermediary" between a musician and an instrument?

(Plectrum is a thin plate with a pointed end. And the “Greek” plectrum is a thin plate bent into an open ring.)

♫ What kind of string instrument does Viktor Zinchuk virtuoso master?


♫ What instrument was given to the floating stage at the Grushinsky Festival on the Volga?

(At this amateur song festival, the floating stage is traditionally shaped like a guitar.)

♫ The name of what Russian musical instrument comes from the Tatar word "child"?

(This is “the most Russian musical instrument” - the balalaika, from “bala” - “child”. Related words are “pampering”, “balabolka”, “balakat”.)

♫ Which finger of the hand is not used when playing the balalaika?


♫ Thanks to what instruments did the musicians of Vasily Andreev's Great Russian Orchestra get the nickname “bellies” from their colleagues?

(Balalaikas. Hand movements when playing the balalaika resemble movements when scratching the stomach.)

♫ What is the name of the instrument of a symphony orchestra in the form of a large gong?


♫ What group of musical instruments does a church bell belong to?


♫ The sound of what non-traditional operatic instruments adorned the music of Rimsky-Korsakov's The Golden Cockerel?


♫ What instrument was invented in 1920 by Russian physicist and musician Lev Sergeevich Termen?

(The theremin is the first domestic electric musical instrument. The pitch in it changes depending on the distance of the performer's right hand to one of the antennas, the volume - from the distance of the left hand to the other antenna.)

♫ What instrument did Louis Armstrong become famous for playing?


♫ Which group of musical instruments has a mouthpiece?


♫ What musical instrument is crossed out on a no-horn sign?


♫ What is the difference between an oriental tam-tam from a symphony orchestra and an African tam-tam?

(Eastern tam-tam is not a drum, but a metal gong.)

♫ What kind of percussion instrument with mallet do Siberian shamans use in their rituals?


♫ What is the name of a folk musical instrument, a kind of whistle flute, pipe?

♫ This weapon, according to historians, served our distant ancestors as a simple musical instrument. What is a hand weapon? (Onion.)

♫ Playing on what golden instrument did golden-haired Apollo delight the ears of the Olympian gods? (Golden cithara.)

♫ What plucked instrument did the storytellers of epics accompany their singing with? (On the harp.)

♫ During the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, in order to eradicate paganism, a decree “On the fight against Slavism” was issued. What musical instrument was confiscated and burned according to this decree? (Gusli.)

♫ What musical instrument is named after the legendary old Russian singer-storyteller? (Bayan is one of the most perfect and widespread types of chromatic accordion. Named after Bayan, or Boyan.)

♫ The name of the epic singer Bayan, after whom the musical instrument is named, is sometimes written through "O" - Boyan. What is the name of the instrument? (Always only through "A" - button accordion.)

♫ What is the ancient Russian stringed plucked musical instrument in the 16-17th centuries. used by buffoons? (Domra.)

♫ The oldest musical instrument in the world was found in Russia. What is the name of this instrument and how old is it? (Svirel, which is about 34 thousand years.)

♫ Which of the musical instruments was longitudinal until the 18th century, and later became transverse? (Flute.)

♫ The name of which musical instrument, sung by Mozart, comes from the Latin word, translated into Russian, meaning "breath"? (Flute.)

♫ Which Prussian king was a virtuoso in playing the flute and composing music? (Frederick the Great. He wrote 121 sonatas, 4 flute concertos, several symphonies and arias for operas. Not a single concert in his time was complete without the performance of his works, and not a single ball without his performance.)

♫ With what musical instrument is Pan (the god of forests and fields) depicted in the painting of the same name by M.A. Vrubel? (With a multi-barreled flute, which is called the “pan flute”.)

♫ What group of musical instruments does the pity belong to? (Winds.)

♫ Thanks to whom or what did the Russian turtle accordion get its name? (To the city of Cherepovets, where they make it, and not to the turtle at all!)

♫ What "lonely" musical instrument "wanders on the street somewhere" in the song of the same name from the movie "It was in Penkovo"? (Harmonic.)

♫ What is the musical instrument whose name comes from the word "chord"? (Accordion. Other instruments suffer until the sounds of the chord are collected, and he has ready-made chords at his side - whatever you want. He pressed the button - a chord, another - another chord.)

♫ Who created the accordion? (Skilled craftsman Demian in 1828 in Prague.)

♫ What in Russia in the old days was called "pit accordion"? (“Yamskaya accordion” was called in the old days a trio of horses. Nowhere in the world, except Russia, there was such a wonderful team - swift transport and a “musical instrument” at the same time. Every driver “played” on it in his own way. Each strap, each element of the harness decorated with a set of different bells, rattles and bells.The chime warned the stationmaster of the approach of the troika.Under the arc there could be from one to five Valdai bells, the sonorous voice of which was heard for several kilometers.The most expensive harnesses were embroidered with silver-plated bells.Therefore, each troika had its own inherent only to her, sounding.)

♫ Is the harmonium a keyboard or string instrument? (Key.)

♫ Violino, violon, Geige is the Italian, French and German name for the same musical instrument. Write its name in Russian. (Violin.)

♫ What is the name of the wooden rod that serves to tension the strings of a violin? (Peg.)

♫ Does the viola or cello make a lower sound? (Cello.)

♫ Which bowed string instruments are named after beautiful flowers? (Cello, viola. In Italians, viola is violet, pansies.)

♫ Is cymbals a keyboard or stringed musical instrument? (String.)

♫ Which stringed bowed instrument is approximately two meters high? (Double bass.)

♫ What part of the body of a stringed instrument serves to reflect and amplify the sound? (Deca.)

♫ How many strings does the viola musical instrument have? (4.)

♫ What musical instrument can be used for concert, salon and cabinet? (Piano.)

♫ What is the name of a piano with horizontal strings? (Piano.)

♫ What did F. Liszt call the king of instruments? (Piano. But not only him, because "piano" in French means "royal".)

♫ What keys does the piano have more: black or white? (White.)

♫ According to the title of the film directed by Grammatikov, what musical instrument did the dog follow? (On the piano. “The dog was walking on the piano.”)

♫ What is the name of the foot lever in the car and musical instruments? (Pedal.)

♫ How many pedals do most concert grand pianos have? (Three.)

♫ The name of which musical instrument in Italian means "loud-quiet"? (Piano.)

♫ When and by whom was the piano designed? (In 1709 by the Italian Bortolomeo Cristofori. Initially, this instrument was called "harpsichord with a soft and loud sound.")

♫ What instrument was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata written for? (Piano.)

♫ Name the forerunner of the piano. (Harpsichord.)

♫ What kind of instrument is virginal? (Harpsichord.)

♫ Does the piano or harpsichord have hammer action? (Piano.)

♫ Is the piano's right or left pedal used to reduce the intensity of the sound? (Left.)

♫ Is the frame on which the strings are strung vertical on a grand piano or upright piano? (A piano has a horizontal frame.)

♫ For what instrument did Claude Debussy write the suite "Children's Corner"? (Piano.)

♫ What musical instrument did Chopin, Liszt and Rachmaninoff play virtuoso? (Piano.)

♫ Pans have been known for a very long time, and now aluminum, steel, enameled and others are used. And in the 18th century, the so-called bourgeois pans appeared, which still exist, although no one calls them that anymore. So what were these pans and what could be cooked in them? (This is how the piano was called in the 18th century. These instruments were distributed mainly among the bourgeoisie, and compared to their ancestor - the harpsichord - they made a loud and sharp sound, hence the name - “bourgeois saucepan.” And cook with the help of such a “pan” maybe music.)

♫ Cembalo is the Italian name for... What? (Harpsichord.)

♫ What Russian poet, who dreamed of becoming a composer, wrote in the poem "Improvisation": "I fed the flock with the keyboard from my hand"? (Boris Pasternak. He gave his outstanding talent to poetry. But his lines are melodious, like a cello, and harmonious, like an orchestra.)

♫ What percussion instrument is used to signal the start and end of a boxing round? (Gong.)

♫ How many natural sounds can a bugle produce? (Only five. Used for signal fanfare.)

♫ Which instrument's name comes from the Italian word for "celestial"? (The celesta is a percussion-keyboard musical instrument. It looks like a piano. And its sound is surprisingly clear and gentle, as if crystal bells are ringing. The magic music of the Nutcracker owes a lot to the celesta.)

♫ The celesta has the same keys as a piano, but instead of strings inside it... What? (Metal plates. And sometimes these plates are glass. Hammers hit them, and the plates ring transparently and thinly.)

♫ In the 17th and 18th centuries, many pieces of music were intended for the clavier. What kind of tool is this? (The harpsichord, clavichord, claviciterum - all of them in the 17-18 centuries were called the same: clavier. Moreover, transcriptions of the opera score for singing under the piano were also abbreviated as clavier. Although in fact it is clavier.)

♫ Martenot waves - is it a musical instrument or a physical device? (A musical instrument - an electrophone - with a piano-type keyboard. It reproduces only monophonic melodies. Designed in the 1920s by M. Martenot. Used in a number of works by French composers.)

♫ This Belgian master created more than one wind instrument named after him. Name it. (In 1846, Adolf Sax invented and patented the saxophone. But he did not want to stop there, but created a whole family of “Sax horns” - saxohorns. He probably foresaw that the saxophone would reign “only” on the stage, and saxohorns would enter the venerable wind orchestra.)

♫ What simple musical instrument has become the emblem of the post office? (Horn.)

♫ What instrument is played with fingers, palms, elbows, sticks and even beaters? (On the drum.)

♫ What is the most popular instrument on the Black Continent? (Drum.)

♫ What musical instrument has recently replaced the Nigerian radio, telephone and telegraph? (Drum. Until recently, Nigeria did not know writing. With the help of drums, Nigerians transmitted their messages over long distances. From the sea to the capital, the message reached in just a few hours.)

♫ In Guinea, boys are taught from an early age to play various musical instruments and especially its language. What is this language? (Drum language.)

♫ In traditional boat competitions in China, each boat has 40 rowers, a helmsman and this huge musical instrument. Which? (Drum, he sets the rhythm for the rowers.)

♫ Which percussion instrument is shaped like a cauldron: tambourine or timpani? (Timpani.)

♫ What small wooden percussion instruments do Spanish dancers put on the fingers of both hands? (Castanets.)

♫ Which percussion instrument's name means "little chestnuts" in Spanish? (Castanets.)

♫ What natural material are the sounding sticks of the xylophone made of? (From wood.)

♫ Which instrument is usually played standing up: cello or double bass? (On double bass.)

♫ What musical instrument in "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov awarded not very flattering synonyms - "hoarse" and "strangled"? (Bassoon. But this is perhaps too strong a word. It’s just that the bassoon has a peculiar colorful timbre “with a hoarseness”, which perfectly complements the other sound colors of the orchestra.)

♫ What group of folk instruments do spoons belong to? (Drums.)

♫ What is the lowest sounding brass instrument? (Tuba.)

♫ One of the smallest and most common wind musical instruments was invented in 1821 by a 16-year-old Berliner Bushman. And what do we call it? (A harmonica.)

♫ What group of instruments do mouthpiece instruments belong to? (Winds.)

♫ What is the name of a musician who plays the fanfare: fanfaron or fanfarist? (A fanfarist. And a fanfaron is a braggart.)

♫ The name of what mechanical musical instrument comes from the opening line of the German song "Lovely Katharina" - "Scharmante Katharine..."? (Street organ.)

♫ Which musical instrument does not have a keyboard: a hurdy-gurdy or a celesta? (Street organ.)

♫ How many strings did Stradivari's violins have? (Four.)

♫ What instruments make up a string trio in chamber music? (Viola, violin, cello.)

♫ What fable will help you easily remember the composition of a string quartet? (“Quartet” by I. Krylov. “They got notes, a bass, a viola, two violins ...”. The cello was then called the bass.)

♫ Name the string instrument of a symphony orchestra with the highest sounding range. (Violin.)

♫ What is not needed when performing pizzicato (performed on the violin)? (Bow.)

♫ What is the name of the resin used by violinists? (Rosin.)

♫ Is rosin rubbed on a bow or violin strings? (Bow.)

♫ Is the bow stick made of wood or metal? (From wood.)

♫ Do wind or string instruments have a mute like a comb-clamp? (For strings, put on a stand.)

♫ What is the largest group of symphony orchestra instruments? (Strings.)

♫ Which group of instruments is closest to the conductor? (Bowed.)

♫ What instruments did mosquitoes play in Sergei Kozlov's fairy tale "The Hedgehog in the Fog"? (On violins.)

♫ Which group of instruments were traditionally made in Cremona? (Strings.)

♫ A memorial inscription on St. Dominic's Square in this city reads: "Here stood the house of Antonio Stradivari, who raised the violin to the highest level of perfection." Name the city. (Cremona.)

♫ Almost all Stradivari violins have received names. What is the name of the violin, which was purchased from the masters of the Stradivari house by order of Elizabeth Petrovna? ("Empress of Russia")

♫ In 1997, a group of sponsors pooled together and presented Vladimir Spivakov with this truly precious gift worth more than one million dollars. What is this gift? (Stradivarius violin.)

♫ What is the last name of the Italian violin makers Andrea, Girolamo and Nicolo? (Amati.)

♫ The smallest violin on Earth - pochetta - is only 35 centimeters long. Its name comes from the French pocheter, which means "to carry in your pocket." This violin in ancient times was always taken with him to the lesson by a dance teacher, so it has another name. Which? ("Dancemaster")

♫ Name the first musical instrument that Johann Sebastian Bach learned to play. (Violin. Then the harpsichord, viola, organ obeyed him.)

♫ What musical instrument, besides the piano, did the physicist Einstein play? (Violin. Starting to study at six years, he continued to play all his life, sometimes in an ensemble with other physicists.)

♫ What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes like to play? (On a violin.)

♫ What word is used to call both a stringed instrument similar to a violin, and a wind instrument related to a trumpet, and a human voice - a low female or child's voice? (Alto.)

♫ An orchestra of which stringed musical instruments is called Neapolitan? (From mandolins, sometimes with guitars. The mandolin was invented in Italy, known since the 17th century. And the orchestras are called Neapolitan, since it was the Neapolitan mandolins that surpassed the Florentine, Padua and Genoese ones in their performance capabilities.)

♫ What is the name of the largest wind keyboard musical instrument? (Organ.)

♫ Which keyboard/wind instrument has a foot pad? (Organ.)

♫ What musical instrument can replace an entire orchestra? (Organ.)

♫ What unique instrument from a church in suburban Manila is made from 959 bamboo pipes? (Organ.)

♫ Where is the largest organ in Russia installed? (The Tsar Organ was installed in the Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music at the end of 2004. It consists of 84 registers, 4 manual and 1 pedal keyboard. Its height is 14 meters, width - 10 m, depth - 3.6 m. Weight - 30 tons Created by a consortium of German organ builders - the famous firms Klais and Glatter-Getz.)

♫ Which theater has the largest mechanical organ in the world? (At the Sydney Opera House. It has 10,500 pipes.)

♫ What class of musical instruments does the trembita belong to? (Aerophones.)

♫ What is the largest multi-stringed plucked instrument in a symphony orchestra? (Harp.)

♫ How many strings does a harp have? (46.)

♫ What bowed string instrument is played only while sitting? (Cello.)

♫ What was the musical name of simple spring droshky in pre-revolutionary Moscow? (Guitar.)

♫ What musical instrument is called “seven-string girlfriend” in Russia? (Guitar.)

♫ Name the great-grandmother of the guitar. (Ancient Greek cithara. It had from 7 to 12 strings.)

♫ How many decks does a guitar body have? (Two.)

♫ What musical instrument do modern bards usually use? (Guitar.)

♫ The most outdoor musical instrument is... What? (Guitar.)

♫ What is the lowest sounding 4-string electric guitar called? (Bas-guitar.)

♫ What makes Paul McCartney's bass guitar never be confused with most other basses? (For left-handed Paul McCartney, the strings had to be re-strung to allow him to play chords with his left hand.)

♫ What is the Latin word for "intermediary" between a musician and an instrument? (Plectrum is a thin plate with a pointed end. And the “Greek” plectrum is a thin plate bent into an open ring.)

♫ What kind of string instrument does Viktor Zinchuk virtuoso master? (Guitar.)

♫ What instrument was given to the floating stage at the Grushinsky Festival on the Volga? (At this amateur song festival, the floating stage is traditionally shaped like a guitar.)

♫ The name of what Russian musical instrument comes from the Tatar word "child"? (This is “the most Russian musical instrument” - the balalaika, from “bala” - “child”. Related words are “pampering”, “balabolka”, “balakat”.)

♫ Which finger of the hand is not used when playing the balalaika? (Big.)

♫ Thanks to what instruments did the musicians of Vasily Andreev's Great Russian Orchestra get the nickname “bellies” from their colleagues? (Balalaikas. Hand movements when playing the balalaika resemble movements when scratching the stomach.)

♫ What is the name of the instrument of a symphony orchestra in the form of a large gong? (Tamtam.)

♫ What group of musical instruments does a church bell belong to? (Drums.)

♫ The sound of what non-traditional operatic instruments adorned the music of Rimsky-Korsakov's The Golden Cockerel? (Bells.)

♫ What instrument was invented in 1920 by Russian physicist and musician Lev Sergeevich Termen? (The theremin is the first domestic electric musical instrument. The pitch in it changes depending on the distance of the performer's right hand to one of the antennas, the volume - from the distance of the left hand to the other antenna.)

♫ What instrument did Louis Armstrong become famous for playing? (Pipe.)

♫ Which group of musical instruments has a mouthpiece? (Winds.)

♫ What musical instrument is crossed out on a no-horn sign? (Horn.)

♫ What is the difference between an oriental tam-tam from a symphony orchestra and an African tam-tam? (Eastern tam-tam is not a drum, but a metal gong.)♫ What kind of percussion instrument with mallet do Siberian shamans use in their rituals? (Tambourine.)

♫ What is the name of a folk musical instrument, a kind of whistle flute, pipe? A. Sopel. V. Nozzle. B. Sopatka. G. Sopka. ♫ How did the epic Sadko drive the sea princess crazy? A. Harfoy. V. Gusli. B. Balalaika. G. echo sounder. ♫ What musical instrument does not belong to the attributes of a shepherd's life? A. Svirel. V. Rozhok. B. Dudka. G. Gorn.♫ What is the name of a percussion self-sounding musical instrument: bells in which the records are replaced by tubes? A. Tubafon. V. Megafon. B. Gramophone. G. Saxophone. ♫ Which of these musical instruments is related to the xylophone? A. Saxophone. V. Vibraphone. B. Horn. G. Clarinet. (The vibraphone was invented by the American master Winterhof in 1923.)♫ What musical instrument appeared as a result of the improvement of the hunting horn? A. Horn. V. Oboe. B. Trombone. G. Gorn. ♫ What was the name of the short musician from the Flower City? A. Rozhok. V. Guslya. B. Dudka. G. Altik. ♫ What modern musical instrument has seven pedals? A. Cello. V. Harpsichord. B. harp. G. Piano. ♫ Which of these musical instruments is self-sounding? A. Tambourine. V. Tamtam. B. Timpani. G. Buben. ♫ Which instrument is imitated in Franz Liszt's piano piece "Campanella"? A. Castagnet. V. Kolokolchikov. B. Harps. G. Horn. ♫ What Russian musical instrument can be table-shaped? A. Buben. V. Gusli. B. Harmonica. G. Dudka. ♫ What is the name of the squeaker of two reed records in the oboe, clarinet, zurna and other woodwind musical instruments? A. Staff. B. Cane. B. Wand. G. Crutch. ♫ The Greek name of what geometric curve gave the name to the wind musical instrument helikon? A. Parabola. W. Ellipse. B. Spiral b. G. Sinusoid. (Greek helix - spiral.)♫ What is the main instrument for a piano tuner? A. Tonometer. V. Tuning fork. B. Baritone. G. Krypton. ♫ What musical instrument can be seen in Alyosha Popovich's painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs" A. Bayan. V. Gusli. B. Balalaika. G. Guitar. ♫ What musical instrument is missing in the title of Eldar Ryazanov's film "Forgotten Melody for..."? A. Harp. V. Flute. B. Harpsichord. G. Clarinet. ("Forgotten Melody for Flute")♫ What musical instrument is depicted on the coat of arms of Ireland? A. Bagpipe. V. Flute. B. Harp. G. Lute. ♫ Which fingers do NOT play the harp? A. Large. B. Index. B. Nameless. G. Little fingers.♫ What musical instrument is almost exclusively played by women today? A. Harp. V. Piano. B. Cello. G. Flute. ♫ Which of these musical instruments has the fewest strings? A. Kobza. V. Balalaika. B. Dombra. G. Saz. (Kazakh 2-string plucked musical instrument.)♫ Which master made the violin, which is called the "widow of Paganini"? A. Amati. V. Guarneri. B. Stradivari. G. Bergonzi. (This violin was presented to Paganini at 17 years and 40 he played it for years.♫ Which of these stringed instruments has no frets? A. Guitar. V. Mandolin. B. Good. G. Violin. (Finding the place of pressure on the string is a matter of habit and musical ear.)♫ How many strings are on a bagpipe? A. 0. C. 1. B. 3. D. 7. (This is a wind instrument.)♫ Which musical instrument is NOT included in a string quartet? A. Alt. V. Double bass. B. Violin. G. Cello. ♫ What musical instrument A.S. Did Pushkin awaken good feelings among the people? A. Leeroy. V. Harp. B. Gong. G. Fanfare (“... I awakened good feelings with the lyre.”)♫ What musical instrument owes its name to a kind of literary works, mostly poetic, expressing feelings and experiences? A. Harp. V. Violin. B. Lira. G. Gorn. (Lyrics, from the Greek lyrikos - pronounced to the sounds of the lyre.)♫ What musical instrument is the namesake of the Greek mountain where the Muses lived? A. Helikon. W. Saxophone. B. Gorn. G. Harp. ♫ What musical instrument can be seen in the buttonholes of military band servicemen? A. Trumpet. V. Drum. B. Gorn. G. Lira.♫ Name the lowest sounding brass instrument. A. Tuba. B. Trumpet. B. Trombone. G. Horn. ♫ The name of which musical instrument is translated as "bunch of brushwood"? A. Fagot. B. Organ. B. Flute. G. Harp. (The trunk of the bassoon is so long that it had to be bent in half and tied.)♫ What group of musical instruments of the orchestra does the bassoon belong to? A. Copper wind. B. Keyboard-percussion. B. Woodwind. G. String-bowed. ♫ The name of which musical instrument is translated from French as "high tree"? A. Oboe. V. Fagot. B. Trembita. G. Cello. ♫ What is the name of the alto oboe? A. Oboe d'amour. V. Oboe d'enisey. B. Oboe d'lena. G. Oboe d'ob. (From oboe and French amour - love. Literally - oboe of love.)♫ How many deaths is the trunk of a contrabassoon? A. At two. B. At three. B. At four. G. At five. ♫ What musical instrument exists? A. Gusar. V. Cornet. B. Cadet. G. Midshipman. ♫ Which of these wind musical instruments is wooden? A. Horn. B. Cornet-a-piston. B. Oboe. G. Ocarina. ♫ Which of these wind musical instruments is NOT wooden? A. Fagot. V. Oboe. B. Clarinet. G. cornet-a-piston. (Wind brass mouthpiece musical instrument related to the pipe.)♫ What "chemical" musical instrument exists? A. Zink. B. Lead. B. Calcium. G. Lithium. (Zinc is a wind musical instrument. Its other name is cornet.)♫ What musical instrument did Bayan play at the wedding of Ruslan and Lyudmila? A. On the balalaika. B. On the harp. B. On the button accordion. G. On the flute. ♫ What instrument did accordion master Pyotr Sterligov from Tula create by order of the artist Orlandsky-Titarenko? A. Accordion. V. Bayan. B. Harmonium. G. Harmonica. (In 1907.)♫ Which musical instrument in the orchestra depicts the Snow Maiden, the fairy-tale heroine of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera? A. Fagot. V. Flute. B. Cello. G. Guitar. (The high, chilly timbre of the flute is very suitable for the fragile, tender daughter of Frost and Spring.)♫ What folk instrument did Sharikov play from Heart of a Dog? A. On the harp. V. On the balalaika. B. On the harmonica. G. On the pipe. ♫ What instrument is played with sticks? A. On the harp. B. On the fanfare. B. On cymbals. G. On the mandolin. ♫ Which of the following instruments DOES NOT have pedals? A. Harmonium. V. Timpani. B. Harp. G. Mandolin.♫ What is the name of the rod of a sports bar? A. Grif. V. Deca. B. String. G. Bow. ♫ What musical instruments did the poet Lermontov play? A. Violin and piano. B. Guitar and piano. G. Accordion and mandolin. G. Clarinet and saxophone. (Lermontov's poetry is musical, which was noted by many composers. About 800 composers wrote music to his poems.)♫ How many strings does the balalaika have? A. Five. At four. B. Three. G. Two. ♫ Which of these bowed instruments is the smallest? A. Violin. V. Alt. B. Cello. G. Double bass. ♫ In which European country was the accordion invented? A. In Germany. V. In Belarus. B. In England. G. In Moldova. ♫ What is the name of the Ukrainian folk musical instrument? A. Bandura. V. Banderas. B. Bender. G. Fander. ♫ Which of the following is a musical instrument? A. Gramophone. V. Megafon. B. Xylophone. G. Gramophone. ♫ Which of these is NOT a musical instrument? A. Saxophone. V. Xylophone. B. Metallophone. G. Gramophone.♫ What musical instrument does the modern harmonium look like? A. On the button accordion. B. On the balalaika. B. On the piano. G. On the violin. (This is a wind keyboard instrument with a piano-like keyboard and an organ-like sound. Another name is the harmonium.)♫ What is the name of the musical instrument? A. Triangle. B. Square. B. Oval. G. Rhombus. ♫ What is the name of a small portable organ? A. Organics. B. Portal. B. Portable. G. Purse. ♫ What was the name of the first Russian revolutionary newspaper published in London and Geneva by A.I. Herzen and N.I. Ogaryov? A. "Gong". V. "Bell". B. "Fanfare". G. "Lyra".

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1 "IN THE WORLD OF MUSIC" NOMINATION "MYSTERIES OF MUSIC" COMPETITION FOR STUDENTS OF GRADES 1-4 1 "Musical terms" As you know, Italian has become the predominant language in musical terminology. Here are some of the musical terms. Decipher their meaning by marking the corresponding arrows. 1) solo 2) a due 3) adagio 4) con gracia 5) con moto 6) brillante a) slowly b) movingly c) with grace d) alone e) brilliantly f) together road sign prohibiting the horn? 2. How many Ivanovs are in M. Glinka's opera "Ivan Susanin"? 3. The sound of what non-traditional operatic instruments adorned the music of the opera The Golden Cockerel by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov? 4. Which of the Russian composers was the son of a former Napoleonic soldier? 5. Which composer has composed the most operas? 6. What is the name of the horizontal line that replaces stave in the parties of many percussion instruments? 7. Name the "musical" part of the plant leaf and mushroom cap. 8. Musical instruments, in the name of which there is a note "RE". 3 Determine the nationality of the dance Use the arrow to mark the desired match

2 1) Waltz 2) Hopak 3) Polka 4) Czardash 5) Lezginka 6) Mazurka 7) Saraband 8) Lyavonikha 9) Moldavenyaska 10) Round dance a) Russian b) Polish c) Czech d) Ukrainian e) Austrian f) Caucasian ) Moldavian h) Hungarian i) Spanish j) Belarusian 4 Write the text by solving the puzzles. Color the picture. Answer the question: Why did chanterelle mushrooms get such a name? 5 Solve the puzzles and write the answer

3 6 Guess on what basis the words are grouped and remove the extra word. 1) Symphony, etude, song, musician, sonata. 2) Guitar, conductor, button accordion, piano, violin. 3) Waltz, polka, tango, opera, mazurka.

4 4) Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Chopin, orchestra. 7 Solve the crossword puzzle and write keyword Crossword 8 Find the differences

5 9 The relationship of music and painting Compare the means of expression of music and fine arts. Connect them with arrows. Melody Harmony Intonation Form Mode Timbre coloring line spot mood composition drawing, contour 10 On the theme « Winter mood» Draw your winter landscape, accompanying it with a mini-essay and your own poetic quatrain.

6 “IN THE WORLD OF MUSIC” NOMINATION “WHERE MUSIC LIVES” COMPETITION FOR STUDENTS OF GRADES 5-7 1 The famous “Flight of the Bumblebee” Who was greatly helped by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, writing musical picture"Flight of the Bumblebee" in the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"? 2 A unique gift This composer's passion was chess. He not only loved to play them, but also enriched this game with his own ideas, offering the so-called "nine" chess board with a 24x24 field, on which nine sets of pieces are played at once. It is known that once great composer played a chess game with ex-world chess champion E. Lasker and was able to bring it to a draw. Who is this composer? What works of this composer do you know? 3 Unusual tool Demonstrating the invented instrument, Lev Theremin played four hands with V. I. Lenin famous work M. I. Glinka. What is the name of this work and what is this instrument? 4 Solve the crossword puzzle

7 Horizontal questions: 1. Title famous play I.S. Bach for flute. 2. Ancestor of Russian classical music. 3. Orchestral introduction to an opera or ballet, sounding just before the start of the performance. 4. An ensemble of four musicians, as well as the name of one famous fable by I.A. Krylov. 5. A work for choir, soloists and orchestra, a funeral mass, is, for example, by Mozart. 6. A percussion musical instrument, with the tremolo of which Haydn's 103rd symphony begins. 7. Name of the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky on new year theme, in which the tin soldier fights the mouse king. 8. The musical and theatrical genre, in which such works as “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by M.I. Glinka, " Queen of Spades» P.I. Tchaikovsky. 9. Low male voice. 10. One of the "whales" in music: dance, march and? 11. Musician who manages symphony orchestra. 12. Belarusian song-dance about potatoes. 13. A musical instrument whose name is composed of Italian words, translated meaning "loud" and "quiet." 14. Opera-epic by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov about the harp and the sea princess Volkhov. Questions along the vertical: 1. A musical interval connecting two adjacent steps. 2. Austrian composer, author of the song "Evening Serenade".

8 3. Sign in musical notation, which indicates lowering the sound by a semitone. 4. An ensemble of three instrumental musicians or singers. 5. Surname of the composer who opened the first conservatory in Russia. 6. Who wrote the "Pictures at an Exhibition" cycle? 7. The dance that underlies Strauss's play "On the Beautiful blue Danube". 8. A piece of music for a solo instrument and an orchestra, in which the orchestra and the soloist seem to compete with each other. 9. musical style, which includes the work of I.S. Bach and G.F. Handel. 10. Austrian composer who wrote "Little Night Serenade" and "Turkish March". 11. Polish national dance, for example, in Oginsky's play "Farewell to the Motherland". 12. The great German composer who wrote many fugues, and he is also the author of the Matthew Passion. 13. Consonance of three or more sounds. 5 About the purpose of music. 1. Match the circles and read the words of the great German composer L. W. Beethoven about the purpose of music.

9 6 Strange eccentricities of great musicians. This great composer went constantly unshaven, believing that shaving hinders creative inspiration. And before sitting down to write music, the composer poured a bucket over his head cold water: this, in his opinion, should have been very stimulating for the brain. Who is this great composer? What is your favorite piece by this composer and why? 7 Bourgeois pans Pans have been known for a very long time, and aluminum, steel, enameled and others are now used. And in the 18th century, the so-called bourgeois pans appeared, which still exist, although no one calls them that anymore. So what were these pans and what could be cooked in them? 8 Define the semantic series and continue it with three more words 1) Castanets, bells, spoons, xylophone 2) Trumpet, saxophone, flute, pipe 3) Liszt, Dvorak, Strauss, Bach 4) Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Sviridov, Rachmaninov 9 Winter motives in music, poetry and painting Guys! Pick up consonant music P.I. Tchaikovsky "December. Christmas time" from the album "Seasons" literary and pictorial illustrations of Russian poets and landscape painters and fill in the table. Musical work by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky “December. Christmas time "Poet and quote from a poem Artist and name of the painting

10 10 Reflections on music Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “How can music help people in difficult times?” MUSIC NOMINATION "ENTERTAINING MUSIC" COMPETITION FOR STUDENTS OF GRADES 8-11 1 Guess the instrument This musical instrument is equipped with a French-type keyboard. Its name includes the letters of the names of the designers and the word tone. What is this tool? What surnames are encrypted in its name. 2 In ancient poetry and music, they were performed at marriage celebrations. What are their names? Give examples of music you know. 3 Solve musical puzzles and charades

11 Philosopher - the first syllable of the charade, It is necessary to add a union to it, The last syllable is a pronoun. Everything is a piece of music. Solve the charades Part one remains on the ground When someone walks on it. The second is given by Mistakes in long labor. And the word hunter is called, That he will find the beast in the taiga. Three letters float like clouds, Two are visible on a man's face, And the whole sometimes turns white "In the fog of the blue sea." 4 Solve the crossword puzzle

12 Horizontally 1. Birthplace of jazz 2. Famous Liverpool Four 4. Music for the hall in translation 6. Music of cowboys 8. Direction, musicians use make-up in their performances 9. Music of the peoples of the world 10. Musical direction, in translation swing and rotate Vertically 1. Musical direction, uses non-standard solutions: mop, washboard 3. Youth subculture based on music. Translated "bad", "cheesy" 5. Rock music, the use of symphonic instruments is typical 7. Famous jazzman 5 Guess the composer In the life of this wonderful composer, the number 13 was fatal. He was born in 1813, his first and last names consist of 13 Latin letters, he died on the 13th and wrote 13 operas. Who is this composer? What works of this composer do you know? 6 Literature and music In the work of I. S. Turgenev there are many elements of musical intertext: famous composers, excerpts from songs, mention musical works for deeper insight inner peace heroes, artistic intent and author's ideas about the events depicted. Give examples of these works of a famous Russian writer.

13 7 Puzzle Task: Start with the number 1 and move clockwise. The last letter of the previous word is the first letter of the next word. The largest keyboard and wind instrument. 2. Graphic sign in music. 3. Plucked string instrument. 4. An instrument that combines piano and accordion. 5. An alarm given by a bell. 6. High male voice. 7. Ukrainian singer. 8. What group of instruments do timpani belong to? 9. On whose verses was written the cantata "Sings, winter, haunts"? 10. Which country is proud of the works of E. Grieg? 11. Which southern city took over from Jurmala the baton of the competition for young performers? 12. Break between actions in the theater. 13. Copperwind instrument. 14. Which of the singers and composers helped Natasha Koroleva become a pop star? 8 What kind of dance? This ballroom dance appeared in the 20s of the 20th century in the USA and is a form of jazz. Some elements of this dance were included in the fast foxtrot. What is this dance? Give an example of the use of dance in the work of Russian composers.

14 9 "Encrypted Phrase" What winged words written on this melee weapon? Read them. What do they mean? Who from contemporary singers pop performs a song with that name? 10 Music of the future (creative task) Write a discourse about the music that will sound in a hundred years. What will it express (depict)? What events will she talk about? What new genres will composers come up with? What instruments will the music be played on?

Tasks for conducting intermediate certification in music in grade 7 Ticket 1 1. What musical instrument is the emblem musical art? 2. What is the name of the song performed by the choir or ensemble

Section "Russia is my Motherland!" 1. Listen to the fragment. What is the name of this work and who is its author: A. A. Vocaliz S. Rachmaninov B. Romance G. Sviridov V. Concerto 3 S. Rachmaninov G. Dead Field S. Prokofiev

Module 1 Folk art 1. What was the name of the first musicians and artists in Russia? 2. What does the word folklore mean? 3. Tag the Russians folk instruments. Balalaika, cello, piano, domra, gusli,

Grade 5 Final music test for Grade 5 1. Name musical genre, not related to literature: A) romance B) opera C) march D) ballet 2. Which composer was a naval officer by profession and made

Intermediate tests in sections of class 2 Surname Name of the student Grade Option I I. “Russia My Motherland” 1. In order for the music to sound, you need a composer, performer

TEST 1 1. What does the word melody mean? A) dance; b) sing a song C) march 2. This instrument can rightfully be called the king of instruments: A) trumpet; B) balalaika; 3. A performance in which the acting

TESTS "Romanticism" Grade 7 1 1. Romanticism artistic direction in European and American culture late A) XII century. B) XVI century C) XVIII century 2. In music, romanticism was formed in A) 1786 B)

Section "In musical theater» 1. Write the author of the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila. A. M. Glinka B. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov V.P.I. Tchaikovsky G. L. Van Beethoven 2. Name literary work formed the basis

Section "Russia is my Motherland!" 1. Listen to the fragment. What piece was played? A. Patriotic song B. Dawn on the Moscow River C. Children's album D. My Russia 2. What is the name of the country's main song?

P / n Sections of the curriculum topics of lessons and Number of hours. By calendar date Fact. Teaching aids Characteristics of the main activities 3 Melody. 2 Hello, my Motherland! My Russia. Russian anthem. 2.09

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Explanatory note to the work program for music grade 4 The work program for grade 4 was compiled on the basis of the "Program of a special (correctional) educational school of the VIII type" edited by Voronkova

Calendar-thematic planning for music for the 2nd grade Date of the lesson p / n Name of sections and topics of the program Section 1. “Russia is my Motherland” 1 Melody. Images of native nature in Russian music

Lesson in grade 4 on the topic "What a charm these fairy tales are.. Three miracles." Problem: What is musical painting. Learn an instrument by its timbre. Determine the register of the instrument's sound. Didactic purpose: For example