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This is not a joke, this is an official study! Natural vegetable oil is a common worldwide killer...

Two well-known British medical experts recently published articles in the Daily Mail about the dangers of using vegetable oils in cooking. This is a well-known cardiologist and author of many scientific papers, as well as one of the leaders of the healthy eating movement, Dr. Asim Malhotra, and popular science journalist Michael Moseley, author of the sensational 5: 2 diet.

We have translated the main points from their publication, so that you also know the truth about the dangers of vegetable oil.

Asim Malhotra begins his article by saying that when he arrives at his favorite Indian restaurant, he has to ask the waiter for a curry made with ghee instead of vegetable oil.

He's writing:

As a cardiologist with a keen interest in obesity and heart health, I would never put my health at risk by eating the poisonous compounds that form when vegetable oils are heated to high temperatures.

But unfortunately, curry drinkers in both the UK and the Indian subcontinent itself are doing just that, ditching traditional ghee in favor of "healthy" vegetable oils.

The consequences of this trend are catastrophic.:

  • increase in obesity%
  • heart diseases;
  • type 2 diabetes;

Studies show that sunflower, corn, and other vegetable oils readily break down into toxic aldehydes when heated, which has been associated with an increased risk of cancer, among other things.

A recent study showed that

After 20 minutes of frying in vegetable oil, the level of aldehydes is 20 times!!! exceeds the maximum allowable according to WHO recommendations.

The sight of a person trying to lead a healthy lifestyle while frying healthy foods in vegetable oil makes Asim Malhotra feel desperate about how much harm sometimes good intentions can do to us.

We have been taught for years that vegetable oils, incl. sunflower and corn, much better than butter and animal fats. But now the opinion of scientists is changing, because. modern scientific research shows that dairy products actually protect us from heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately for the millions of people who have given up butter and full-fat milk because they thought they were bad, the news came too late.

Extra virgin olive oil can actually be good for the heart and contains antioxidants that fight free radicals in the blood. But most vegetable oils will not help you, despite claims that they lower cholesterol.

He showed that lowering cholesterol on a diet rich in vegetable oil and margarine offered no benefit to heart health and, more worryingly, contributed to an increase in overall mortality.

Dr. Asim Malhotra always advises his patients to avoid all industrial vegetable oils and recommends butter and ghee for cooking.

Michael Moseley describes change research chemical composition heated oil. It is generally accepted that the main changes occur when the oil temperature reaches the so-called. smoke points. That is why most experts advise not to fry in extra virgin olive oil (smoke point 160-190 C°) and advise using, for example, refined sunflower (225 C°) or corn (230 C°).

Verification of this claim

The volunteers collected the remains of the oil used in cooking and analyzed them in the laboratory. The samples were examined by Martin Grootveld, Professor of Bio-Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Pathology at De Montfort University in Leicester. The scientists also conducted a parallel experiment, heating various oils to frying temperatures. The study used sunflower and corn oils, cold-pressed rapeseed oil, olive oil (refined and cold-pressed), butter, goose fat and lard.

The results of the analysis were quite surprising and for many of those who followed the traditional recommendations, they will mean:

Everything we knew before turned out to be wrong.

Of all the vegetable oils, olive proved to be the best option.

Considered healthier sunflower was much worse. Even lard (melted pork fat), so demonized that the word itself has become a curse, turned out to be preferable to sunflower oil and its close relative, corn oil.

To understand why, we need to take a closer look at what happens to fats and oils when heated to high temperatures. They go through a process of oxidation, reacting with oxygen to form various substances such as aldehydes and lipid peroxides ( that can participate in free radical reactions). The same processes occur at room temperature, but much more slowly. When fat goes rancid, it also oxidizes, and the same by-products are the result. The problem is the aldehydes that form. Eating or inhaling them leads to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease and dementia.

Martin Grootveld says:

We have found that oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as sunflower and corn, generate particularly high levels of aldehydes.

Scientists even managed to detect two new, previously unknown, aldehydes in oil samples. It turned out that cooking with these oils forms even more harmful substances than was commonly believed. But rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, cold-pressed olive and rapeseed oils produced significantly less aldehydes, as did saturated fats like butter and goose fat. They proved to be much more stable when heated.

Professor Grootveld explains:

Much more low levels toxic substances have been generated by these oils and these substances are not so harmful to the human body.

But even if you use vegetable oils in a cold form, then their improper storage can cause the appearance of all the same harmful substances - sunlight can cause the same reactions as heating, only much more slowly.

Chemistry professor Martin Grootveld's advice on choosing vegetable oil for cooking:

  • Fry less, especially at high temperatures, above the smoke point. Use the minimum amount of oil required.
  • To reduce aldehyde formation, choose oils rich in monounsaturated or saturated oils (more than 60%) and poor in polyunsaturated oils (less than 20%).
  • The ideal compromise is olive oil: 76% monounsaturated, 14% saturated and 10% polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • If you're buying extra virgin olive oil for cooking, there's no point in paying extra for the first pressing—it won't provide any additional health benefits.
  • Given its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is also recommended.
  • Always keep oils in a cupboard or other dark place and do not reuse them as they will harmful substances can accumulate.

P.S. Formation of toxic aldehydes when vegetable oils are heated confirmed and earlier research.

One of the chapters in Nina Teicholz's book "The Big Fat Secret" is devoted to the problems associated with cooking with vegetable oil. As Teicholz writes, their use in cafes and fast food restaurants has grown tremendously in last years when the fight against trans fats began. But the use of non-hydrogenated vegetable oils for deep frying can even lead to big problems healthier than frying with more stable frying mixes containing trans fats. Interestingly, before the fight against saturated fats, McDonald's restaurants used melted beef tallow to deep-fry potatoes, the so-called. tallow.

Before Russian science and media news about the health risks associated with heating vegetable oils does not seem to have gotten through yet. At least, the director of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician Viktor Tutelyan and Channel One recommend using sunflower oil for frying, this is due to the commercial interests of the food industry.

In the structure of consumption of vegetable oils by Russians, sunflower oil dominates and occupies 69.1% of the market, and its share in the structure of production is even higher - 82.9%.

Choice in favor healthy lifestyle life implies proper nutrition. A diet consisting of the optimal combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will provide you with long years good health and excellent mood. One hundred grams of sunflower seeds contains about 23 grams of protein, 43 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates and 6 grams of fiber. Unrefined sunflower oil acts as an excellent source of fatty acids and some vitamins (in fact, there are quite a few of them!). Thanks to this composition, the oil can not only improve the body, but also cope with some diseases (subject to its moderate consumption). So let's talk about what unrefined sunflower oil is valued for, what are the benefits for the human body and when its consumption can harm.

Purposes and uses:

1. As ingredients for cosmetic products.
2. For food purposes for dressing salads and frying.
3. Some pharmaceutical companies use sunflower oil to manufacture medicines.

The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil for the human body

Produced from sunflower seeds, the oil is used as a cure for constipation and to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, and for cosmetic purposes it is applied to the skin for massage, treatment of psoriasis, peeling.
One tablespoon of the product contains 8.9 g of linoleic acid, which belongs to the class of omega-6 acids and is an integral part of the cells of the body. The daily human need for these acids is 11-14 g.
Unrefined sunflower oil, due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and strengthen the immune system.
It contains an increased amount of vitamin E, which is responsible for the youthfulness of cells.
Sunflower oil successfully fights the manifestations of asthma and reduces the severity of arthritis.
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it protects the skin from viruses and bacteria.
It has an antifungal effect, therefore it is indispensable as an aid in the treatment of childhood infectious diseases.
Prevents the development of rheumatoid arthritis.
Due to the content of vitamin A, it helps to avoid the formation of cataracts.
Crude vegetable oil undergoes minimal heat treatment and therefore all beneficial features are kept unchanged.
Prolongs the youthfulness of the body.
Contains proteins that the body needs to repair damaged cells and reproduce enzymes.
Strengthens the nervous system.

The harm of unrefined sunflower oil for the human body

This is a high-calorie food product: 900 kcal per 100 grams. A tablespoon contains approximately 17 grams of oil, respectively, the calorie content of a spoonful of oil is approximately 153 kilocalories. It is rich in vitamins, but almost completely devoid of minerals, so you should not use it in excess due to the risk of obesity.

Sunflower oil should not be used by women who experience PMS or have breast disease.

A diet high in sunflower oil raises blood insulin levels and may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis in people with type 2 diabetes.

Oil fat is bad for the pancreas.

Precautions and when not to use:

Pregnancy and lactation
allergy to plants from the cruciferous family: chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, sunflowers
pancreatic disease

Not all vegetable oils are healthy, some, like partially hydrogenated sunflower oil, contain trans fats, which increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

The method of cleansing from toxins and healing the body with the help of unrefined sunflower oil

Not everyone likes the taste of natural sunflower seed oil, so its popularity is not so high. However, refined and deodorized vegetable oil, devoid of natural flavor, loses a large amount of useful substances during processing. For this reason, only unrefined oil is used for medicinal purposes.

The procedure must be carried out every morning, on an empty stomach. To do this, put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, but do not swallow it. Roll the butter in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. Since the salivary glands will be involved in the process, toxins from the circulatory system will be removed from the body with the help of them. After spitting out the oil, rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth and toothbrush after use.

The primary effect of such treatment is to cleanse the body of toxins, the secondary effect is to strengthen tooth enamel and eliminate gum problems. Such treatment is carried out for several days, until you see a positive effect: lack of fatigue in the morning, a surge of strength and cheerfulness during the day, and improved memory.

While the fatty acids in this oil are essential in the diet to maintain nutrient balance, it should not be overused. An excess of omega-6 leads to an imbalance in the body. Remember that as long as you control your diet and listen to your body's reactions, sunflower oil can be a very beneficial addition to your diet.

The velvet smoothed along the pile glistens beautifully. In the same way, the surface of a healthy cell under the microscope looks like a "velvet" that is smoothed over the pile. This means that the “correct” fats are evenly lined up in the membrane. But let's leave the image of the "velvet" cage for a while and move on to the story of one close-knit family.

Two young people, by a lucky chance, turned out to be married to their own sisters. William Procter (candle factory owner) and James Gamble (soap maker) became famous thanks to their father-in-law, who encouraged them to join forces in the business. Thus was born the now well-known personal care company Procter & Gamble.

In search of cheap fat for production, entrepreneurs discovered cottonseed oil. With the help of a German chemist, Kaiser found a way to turn the liquid form of oil into a solid. With cheap fat, making candles and soap became extremely profitable. Here the breeders realized that they could make a profit by replacing pork fat and butter in the kitchen with cottonseed oil. A subsidiary of Crisco was immediately organized.
At the same time, a massive advertising campaign began with the distribution of free cookbooks with recipes for cooking based on new fat. Not only the cheapness of the product was advertised, but also its supposedly extraordinary usefulness. So, with the help of manipulations, grease for soap and candles reigned in the kitchen. No one even thought to first test the usefulness or harmfulness of the product on animals.

History repeated itself in the middle of the 20th century. At this time, in a hasty attempt to find at least some remotely probable cause of the catastrophic increase in cases of heart attack, without any previous animal experiments, it was suddenly announced that vegetable oils good for the heart. In defiance, which were suddenly declared harmful.

By a strange coincidence, no one paid attention to the unpleasant results of animal experiments. After regular feeding of rats with corn oil, the incidence of malignant tumors and cirrhosis of the liver increased. Of course, rats are not people, but still, they are also mammals.

A few years later, an avalanche of scientific articles began to grow about an increase in the incidence of cancer in people who consumed vegetable oils to prevent a heart attack. What did health officials do? Sweep the trash under the rug. Half a century has passed since then. Crisco's earnings are much healthier than health those who use its products - corn, soybean, sunflower and rapeseed oil.

In the middle of the 20th century, technologies for squeezing vegetable oil using powerful presses with steel millstones appeared. A very important fact is that in the process of pressure, the temperature of the raw material rises incredibly, which leads to its rancidity. Making vegetable oils is a complex chemical process that involves bleaching, dyeing, deodorizing, and steam cleaning (kind of like the process that happens when removing stains from clothes in dry cleaning). The final product looks very attractive and does not spoil for a long time. And no one guesses that the most valuable nutritional components have been removed to extend the shelf life. Not only that, after such a deep industrial processing, vegetable oils become toxic.

deceit toxicity of vegetable oils is that you don't feel it right away. The "wrong" fats of vegetable oils are built into the composition of the cell membrane for years. Now, instead of the shiny surface of the cage, scuffs and disheveled pile appear on its “velvet”. Toxins and free radicals easily penetrate the cell, which damage its internal structures.

But that's not all. Since crippled molecules are embedded in the membrane, this leads to a loss of elasticity of the "velvet". A well-dressed skin bends easily, but a badly dressed skin is hard and inelastic. The elasticity of the cell wall is a sign of cell health. By what signs can we assume that "inelastic" cell membranes have appeared in the body? Dryness and cracks of the skin appear, as well as thinning and fragility of hair and nails. But these are only external signs. We don't know what's going on inside. At first, cancer, atherosclerosis and other serious health problems go unnoticed.

If oils are made the old-fashioned way, without heat or chemicals, they retain natural ingredients that protect them from oxidation (rancidity). Healthy oils include cold pressed vegetable oils: olive, sesame and flax seed oil.

“Is margarine healthy?” - you ask. To produce margarine, toxic vegetable oils are taken and bombarded with hydrogen molecules. The result is an even more unnatural product, which is scientifically called trans fat. Eating these trans fats, which are cynically advertised as food for a healthy heart, exacerbates the inflexibility of cell membranes, with all the health consequences that come with it.

Summing up the above, we can say that hot-pressed vegetable oils are toxic substances that damage all molecules of the body without exception. It is they, and not animal fats, that are part of atherosclerotic plaques. Cooking with vegetable fats increases the risk of cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases. It is they who are to blame for premature decrepitude and the formation of wrinkles.