School preparation lesson plans. Calendar-thematic plan of circle work to prepare the child for the school "Smart fingers

Often, preparing children for school comes down to teaching them to count, read, and write. Meanwhile, practice shows that the greatest difficulties in primary school not those children who do not have a sufficiently large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but those who show intellectual passivity, who lack the desire and habit of thinking, the desire to learn something new.

The purpose of this program:

Comprehensive development of the child, which will ensure the formation of readiness for education in primary school in the future student, the development of those intellectual qualities, creativity and personality traits that ensure the success of the adaptation of the first grader, academic achievements and a positive attitude towards school

The main objectives of the program:

  • organization of the process of education, upbringing and development of children at the stage of pre-school education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;
  • strengthening and development of the child's emotionally positive attitude to school, the desire to learn;
  • the formation of social personality traits of the future first-grader, necessary for successful adaptation to school.

The program is designed for children of 6 years of age. It involves the development of the child, taking into account his individual characteristics. During the implementation of the program in children, through creativity, the ability to invent, create something new, the personality of the child is best formed, his independence and the cognitive world develop. Thus, during the work of the school of the future first grader, not only the teacher and the student get to know each other, but also the main task of the program is solved: reducing the adaptation period when the child enters school.

The concept of the training program for future first graders is based on the following idea: preschoolers are only getting ready for systematic education and this determines the choice of content, methods and forms of organization of children's education.

Order of organization the work of the school of future first-graders of the group are formed from children of preschool age;

  • the duration of training is (October - March)
  • occupancy of groups up to 20 people;
  • class schedule: 1 time per week - 3 lessons of 30 minutes

"Entertaining Mathematics".

During the course, future first-graders travel around the country of signs, get acquainted with the "magic cells", study outdoor games with mathematical tasks. Children learn to correlate colors, determine the shape of objects using geometric shapes as a standard, navigate the quantitative characteristics of objects, navigate in space. Preparation for the study of mathematics at school is carried out in three directions:

Formation of basic skills that underlie the mathematical concepts studied in elementary school;

Logical training, which includes the formation of logical skills that form the basis for the formation of the concept of number;

Symbolic preparation - preparation for operating with signs.

"Fundamentals of Literacy".

A large role in the lessons of this course is given to games with words, during which children acquire the skills of inflection and word formation, lexical and grammatical compatibility of words, and master the structure of a sentence. The main objective of this course is the development of speaking and listening skills, enriching the active, passive and potential vocabulary of the child.

"Skilled Hands".

The purpose of this course is to develop creative and improve communication skills of preschoolers. Development (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification), the ability to group objects according to several characteristics, combine them, notice similarities and differences in objects, compose compositions using improvised material (glue, scissors, colored paper) The development of the communicative abilities of a preschooler is the instillation of correct (socially adapted) forms of behavior and the ability to work in a group.

The leading method of working with children is play. This type of activity is leading in preschool age.

The main form of organization of activity is a lesson. Are used different kinds lessons - lesson-journey, lesson-game.

Lesson objectives:

  • Development of auditory and visual perception.
  • Development of focused attention and observation.
  • The development of auditory and visual memory.
  • Development of thinking and speech.
  • Development of general and fine motor skills.
  • Improving communication skills.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards others.
  • Improving the skills of monologue speech.
  • Improving the skills of dialogical speech.
  • The development of facial expressions and pantomime.
  • The development of fantasy and imagination.
  • Development of abilities for deep figurative thinking.
  • Development of abilities to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Development of creative abilities.
  • Formation of the emotional-volitional sphere.
  • Formation of ethical ideas.
  • Increasing self-confidence.
  • Learn to make decisions.

The curriculum of the course "Preschool child"

classes "Entertaining mathematics"


Planned date

Actual date

Item properties. Comparison.

Concepts: equal, the same. Concepts: long - short. On, above, below, right, left.

Concepts: How much? Many, few. So much, the same.

One. A lot of.

Point, line, straight line and curved line.

Broken line. Polygon. Corner.

Closed and open lines. Numeric line.

Signs +, -, =, ≠. Sheet orientation.

Signs<, >, =, ≠.

Mathematical riddles.

Before, later. Math games.

Longer, shorter. Length measurement.

Harder, lighter. Weight comparison. Mass measurement.

Volume. Comparison by volume. Volume measurement.

The ratio of the number of objects with a number.

Tasks, jokes. Orientation in time.

Work in a notebook in a cage.

Geometric shapes.

Circle, square, rectangle, triangle, ball, cube.

Compiling figures from parts and dividing figures into parts.

The ratio of the number of objects with a number.

Solving arithmetic problems.

Work in a notebook in a cage.

Logic tasks.

Mathematical symbols. Logic tasks.

Calendar - thematic planning lessons "Skillful hands"


Planned date

Actual date

Autumn gifts. Modeling vegetables and fruits.

Aircraft modeling.

Modeling according to the fairy tale kolobok.

Modeling. Funny animals "Duck with ducklings".

Decorative work. Application from geometric shapes.

Application "Peacock"

Application template "Fungus"

Origami "Swan"

Construction "House by the road"

Workshop of Santa Claus. Making Christmas decorations

Christmas tree toy "Santa Claus" (using cotton wool)

Workshop of Santa Claus. Making Christmas decorations.

Application "Snowman"

Volumetric modeling "Herringbone"

Sculpting "Dishes from rings"

Mosaic "Ship"

Origami "Fox and Gingerbread Man"

Origami "Fox and Gingerbread Man"

Swim, swim boat (origami paper)

Application "Rocket in space"

Application "Spring composition"

Collective work "Panel from our palms"

Calendar - thematic planning
lessons "Fundamentals of Literacy"


Planned date

Actual date

Distinguishing sounds by ear. Tracing large familiar objects according to the template, coloring them.

Text. Division by offer. Familiarity with the lined notebook.

Text. Division by offer. Tracing large familiar objects according to the template, coloring them.

Drawing up sentences for the seasons of the year. Narrow line. The letter is straight - short lines. Rhymes

Making suggestions from pictures. The letter is straight - short lines.

Extracting words from sentences. Syllables. The letter is short lines with a rounded bottom. Sound games

Striking syllable. The letter is short lines with a rounded top. In the world of sounds and letters.

Striking syllable. Repetition. Letter of a straight long line with a loop at the bottom.

Sentence, words, syllables, stress. Introduction to lined paper

Sentence, words, syllables, stress. Letter of short lines with a slope.

Russian blades, byvalnitsy and fairy tales.

Russian folk rhymes, proverbs and sayings, jokes, fairy tales, epics.

Game "Find the letter"

Sentence. Syllable. stress. Consolidation. hatching-copying

Speech (oral and written) - general presentation. hatching-copying

sentence and word. The game "Words are different"

Orientation on lined paper. The game "The way to the house"

Word. Syllable. Sounds and letters.

Sounds and letters. Short, long sloping sticks.

Text. Sentence. Word. Syllable. Consolidation of knowledge, skills, abilities. hatching-copying

Consolidation of what has been learned. Speech development

Word. A family.


  1. Volina V.V. Lettering holiday. - M., 1999.
  2. Volina V. V. Learning by playing. - M., 1994.
  3. Volina V.V. Entertaining ABC Studies - M., 1998.
  4. Gerasimova A.S., Zhukova O.S., Kuznetsova V.G. Encyclopedia of development and learning of preschoolers. - Ed. Olma Media Group. - M., 2007.
  5. Ilyin M.A. Getting the child ready for school. - Publishing House"Litera", 2004.
  6. Illarionova Yu.G. Teach children to solve riddles. - M.: 1985.
  7. Bezhenova M. A. Cheerful mathematics. D. Stalker -
  8. Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech. N. Novgorod, 1995.
  9. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. Finger gymnastics. - M.: 2001.
  10. Kazintseva E.A., Pomerantseva I.V. Formation mathematical representations. -V.: Teacher, 2009
  11. Pleshakov A.A. Green path. Tutorial to prepare children for school. - M.: Education, 2013.
  12. Fedosova N.A. From word to letter. Textbook for preparing children for school in 2 parts. - M.: Education, 2013.
  13. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. The development of speech in pictures. M.: Astrel AST, 2002.
  14. Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina NL, Toporkova I.G., Shcherbinina S.V. Learning to read. Series "School for preschoolers". - Publishing house "Rosmen-Press", 2002.
  15. Yu. A. Sokolova. Games and tasks for intellectual development child. Series "Academy preschool development, - M.: Eksmo, 2010.
  16. Yu. A. Sokolova. Games and tasks for readiness for school. - M.: Eksmo, 2010.
  17. R. Oren. Plasticine Secrets. Series "Academy of preschool children" - Makhaon Publishing House, 2015.

Explanatory note
The work program for preparing children 6-7 years old for school was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal state standard elementary general education second generation. The program prepares children who have not attended kindergarten for schooling. Purpose of the program– successful adaptation of preschool children to new educational conditions.
Preparing children for school occupies a special place in the education system. This is due to the difficult adaptation of the child to school. The school makes quite high demands on the first-grader. A preschool child should be ready not only for new forms of communication. He should have a developed motivational sphere, where curiosity acts as the basis of cognitive activity, emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres are formed mental functions. Future first grader must possess elementary skills of universal learning activities (UUD), communicative and speech competencies.
Development of the child's potential through the mastery of UUD, proposed federal standards primary general education, is the basis of primary education. In this regard, creating the preconditions for schooling is another equally important goal of the program.
The program solves the problems of the general development of the future first-grader, his physical, social and psychological functions necessary for systematic education at school.
Main tasks: preservation and promotion of health; development of personal qualities; formation of value attitudes and orientations; development of creative activity; formation and development of mental functions of the cognitive sphere; development of the emotional-volitional sphere; development of communication skills; development of skills to act according to the rules.
general characteristics programs
The main provisions of the program: preparation for school is developing; helps to master the specifics of social relations (in the family, with peers, with adults); ensures the formation of value attitudes; focuses not on the level of knowledge, but on the development of the child's potential, on the zone of his proximal development; provides a gradual transition from immediacy to arbitrariness; organizes and combines productive activities in a single semantic sequence; prepares the transition from playful to creative, learning activities, including in collaboration with peers and adults; is invariant and prepares for any system of school education.
The basic principles of building the program: general development, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities; development of creative activity; development of personal competencies; support and preservation of health; the formation of spiritual and moral attitudes and orientations; development of sustainable psychological adaptation to the new conditions of education; co-creation of teachers, students and parents.
The content of preparation for training is based on such principles as: taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child; systematic and consistent; variability and variability; availability and sufficiency; visibility; authenticity; complexity; relationship with the outside world; the use of works of art, the integration of all types of art, works children's creativity; a variety of gaming and creative tasks; variety of types of artistic and creative activity (game, musical, artistic and speech, theatrical).
Leading activity: game; productive, creative activity; design and modeling. Types of actions in the design process: object analysis; comparison and comparison; identification of common and different; implementation of the classification; establishing an analogy.
Place of employment in curriculum.
The program offers a system of adaptation classes and consists of the following courses: “Social science knowledge”, “Knowledge about living and inanimate nature”, “Counting and development of mathematical representations”, “Development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy”, “Knowledge and skills in artistic activity”, “Knowledge about the culture of behavior, skills in this area”. Adaptation classes are organized on the basis of the school and have the following temporary structure: 2 classes per day, 1 time per week. Lessons are 30 minutes long with a 20-minute break. The program is designed for 34 weeks. The total number of classes is 68.
value orientations.
Based on the requirements for the child set out in the main documents of preschool and primary general education (federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program preschool education and the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education), a portrait of a preschooler entering the first grade was prepared.
A child entering the first grade has the following qualities:
physically developed, possesses basic cultural and hygienic skills: independently dresses, undresses; takes care of clothes and shoes; observes elementary rules healthy lifestyle life; takes care of plants, animals, toys, books; knows primary information about himself, family, society, state, world and nature; owns the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers; uses verbal and non-verbal ways of communication; owns dialogic speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults; consciously and voluntarily builds a speech statement in oral form.
The results of the development of the program
In the course of mastering the content of the program, conditions are provided for students to achieve the following personal, meta-subject and subject results.
Personal UUD: motivational and communicative, the formation of I - the concept and self-esteem in preparation for schooling, a positive attitude towards schooling.
metasubject results.
Cognitive UUD: sign-symbolic modeling and transformation of objects; analysis of objects in order to highlight features (essential, non-essential); synthesis as a compilation of a whole from parts, including with independent completion, the implementation of missing elements; comparison and comparison; identification of common and different; implementation of the classification; establishing an analogy; independent choice of methods of tasks depending on specific conditions; conscious and voluntary construction speech utterance in oral form.
Regulatory UUD: implementation of an action according to a model and a given rule; maintaining a given goal; the ability to see the specified error and correct it at the direction of an adult; monitoring their activities based on the result; the ability to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and a peer.
Communicative UUD: mastering certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication; emotionally positive attitude to the process of cooperation with adults and peers; orientation to a communication partner; ability to listen to the interlocutor; to ask questions.
Subject results.
The child will learn:
recognize the first sound in words;
listen attentively literary works;
name characters, main events;
answer the teacher's questions on the content, draw elementary conclusions;
retell the work close to the text, by roles, in parts;
compose an elementary story based on a series of pictures;
discuss the moral aspects of people's actions;
participate in group conversations;
use the accepted norms of polite speech communication;
to distinguish geometric shapes by shape (triangle, circle, square), by color, by size;
count from 0 to 9 and vice versa;
determine the number of items within 10, correlate the number with numbers;
navigate in space;
navigate in a notebook in a cage;
perform elementary drawings on checkered paper;
correctly use the brush when drawing;
perform an elementary ornament in the strip;
use elementary modeling techniques (pulling, pinching, bending, rolling, flattening, etc.).
The child will have the opportunity to learn:
establish verbal contacts with adults and children (address by name, first name and patronymic, politely express a request, apologize, thank for the service, speak in a calm, friendly tone);
distinguish between vowels and consonants and correlate them with letters;
to distinguish between small folklore genres (riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, lullabies, nursery rhymes);
install quantitative relations in the natural series of numbers in the forward and backward directions;
count and count one by one, two by two;
use the basic rules for constructing a linear ornament;

Program Sections

Number of hours

Social science knowledge

Introduction to the school.

My friends.

My family.

Days of the week.

The concept of labor. Professions.

Folk holidays.

Transport. SDA.

Tour of the village.

Knowledge about animate and inanimate nature.

Plant world.

Wild and domestic animals.

Migratory birds.

Day (time, day, night).

Beauty of nature.

Excursion to the forest (April).

Excursion to the forest. What changed? (May)

Counting and the development of mathematical concepts.

Count up and down to 10.

The ratio of the number of objects and the number.

Incrementing and decrementing a number by 1.

The previous and next number.

Signs +, -, =. The simplest tasks.

Measuring the length of objects using a conditional measure.

Compilation of several figures of a larger figure.

Orientation on a sheet of checkered paper.

Speech development and preparation for literacy.

Making simple sentences.

Divide sentences into words, words into syllables.

Isolation of individual sounds in words.

Drawing story. Description of the item.

Listening to works of literature in the recording, reading the teacher.

Retelling what was heard.

Inventing fairy tales, riddles.

Learning poems.

Knowledge and skills in artistic activity.

Expressive poetry reading.

Theatre. Dramatization small works.

Pattern drawing.

Create your own composition.


Colors of rainbow.

Modeling from plasticine.

Listening musical works.

Learning songs.

Knowledge about the culture of behavior, skills in this area.

Personal hygiene.

Care of clothing, room.

Table etiquette. We're celebrating.

behavior in public places.

My home responsibilities.

My house. Home security.

Rules of conduct in the classroom, at recess.

Approximate thematic planning of classes in preparation for schooling for children of six years of age who do not attend kindergarten.


Approximate lesson content



Acquaintance of the teacher with the children, children with each other. Me and my friends. School tour.

Outdoor games.

School talk. Learning the poem by S.Ya. Marshak "September". Fizminutka. Work on literacy and expressiveness of speech.


Outdoor games.

artistic reading poems are scenes.


Plant talk. Trees, shrubs, herbs. Fizminutka. Flower drawing.

Outdoor games.

Daily routine and rules of personal hygiene. Complex of morning exercises.


Making a two-word sentence based on a picture. Answers to teacher's questions. Attention game. Fizminutka. Work on the diction of children, teaching them the correct intonation.

Outdoor games.

I draw my family. Fizminutka. Family talk.


Fixing the account to 10. "How much?" Introduction to scoring. The game "Where is the red circle?" Check various groups items, quantitative comparison of groups of items (which group has more). Fizminutka.

Outdoor games.

Excursion to the forest. (April)


A conversation about his native village, Primorsky Krai, about the flora and fauna of Primorye. Fizminutka.

Outdoor games.

Description of the animal according to the representation and the picture. Hatching of animal figurines (stencil). Fizminutka.


Game exercises counting items up to 10 and back. Determining the position of an object in space (up, down, left, right). Introduction to triangular shapes. Fizminutka.

Outdoor games.

Learning songs about animals. Talk about pets. Our favorite songs. Fizminutka.


Change of seasons. Changes in nature.

Outdoor games.

Care of clothing, room. Fizminutka.


How many words are in this sentence? What is the first word? Say the second word. Identification of difficult sounds in the pronunciation of children, training in their pronunciation. Tongue Twisters. Fizminutka.

Outdoor games.

Modeling from plasticine. Fruits vegetables. What grows in the garden? What grows in the garden? Fizminutka.


Games “Count further”, counters, etc. to consolidate the ability to count within 10. The game “Under which tree is the fungus?” Quantitative comparison of groups of objects (more, less, the same). Comparison of the length of objects (longer - shorter). Fizminutka.

Outdoor games.

We have a holiday today. Behavior at the table


My family. Role-playing game "Daughters - mothers". Fizminutka.

Outdoor games.

Making 3-word sentences based on the picture. Make up sentences with the words given by the teacher. Dividing sentences into words, determining the sequence of words. Game "Finish the sentence." Fizminutka.


Games to consolidate the skill of forward and backward counting, ordinal counting, comparing groups of objects. Introduction to round objects. Practical exercise in dividing the object (paper strip, circle into 2 parts), comparing ½ with the whole object (more, less).

Outdoor games.

What is theater. Dramatization of the poem.


Animals wild and domestic. Conversation about animals. Stories about animals. Fizminutka.

Outdoor games.

Behavior in a public place (library, theater, etc.)


Reading A. Kononov's story "The Big Tree". Answers to questions on the content (improvement of children's answers). Game for the development of attention "Guess who left."

Outdoor games.

Application. Flowers.


Counting up and down within 10. Exercises in comparing a whole number and a half. Game exercises for the development of ideas about the position of an object in space (before, behind, after, between). The presence in the classroom of objects of a quadrangular and triangular shape. The game "Guess what has changed."

Outdoor games.

Migratory birds. big Adventure birds.


The concept of labor. Professions. Role play "Who will you be?"

Outdoor games.

Telling the teacher of the fairy tale "Zayinka's hut". Dramatization of a fairy tale. Improving the speech of children.


Games to fix the score within 10 (account in a chain, “Who knows, he counts further”). Consolidation of the idea of ​​"longer - shorter" by comparing objects of the surrounding reality.

Outdoor games.

Listening to a piece of music. Singing.


Day (time, day, night). "Where does the sun sleep?"

Outdoor games.

My home responsibilities.


Riddles about objects and phenomena familiar to children. Drafting short stories on the subject of riddles. Work to improve the speech of children.

Outdoor games.

Drawing a pattern in a strip with alternating elements 4 - angular, 3 - coal and round (according to the model).


Exercises to consolidate ideas about the location of an object in space (right, left, up, down).

Outdoor games.

Tour of the village.


Transport. Rules traffic.

Outdoor games.

Reading by the teacher of a work with a description of nature. Collective work on drawing up proposals about nature. Distribution of sentences, selection of words that answer the question what? how?, replacing one word with another. Didactic game on the development of memory and attention "Look and remember."


Outdoor games.

Theatre. We are artists. Staging a fairy tale or a short play.


Enviroment protection. What can we do to save nature?

Outdoor games.

My house. Home security. Role-playing games.


Reading by students of the fairy tale "Three Bears". Telling a fairy tale by children with observance of the necessary intonation.

Outdoor games.

Modeling from plasticine. Pets.


Fixing forward and backward counting within 10. Exercises with didactic material to consolidate ideas about the location of objects in space.

Outdoor games.

Beauty of nature. Drawing, poems about nature.


Folk holidays. Role-playing games.

Outdoor games.

Compilation of an oral story (2-3 sentences) about your favorite game using words denoting movement, action.


Counting specific items (counting sticks), the game "Name the one who left." Comparison of two groups of objects. Didactic game to consolidate the counting skill "Guess what has changed?"

Outdoor games.

Listening to musical works. Singing.


Excursion to the forest (May). What changed?

Outdoor games.

Behavior in the classroom, at recess.


Compilation of an oral story about the school. "We will go to school." Work on the correct speech of children.

Outdoor games.



Quantitative and ordinal score within 10 per specific subjects and on cards. A conversation about the location of objects in the classroom, about their size. Finding, recognizing geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Outdoor games.

My route from home to school. Traffic Laws.


Days of the week.

Outdoor games.

Listening to a fairy tale (recording). Answers to questions about the story. Compiling a short summary.


Compiling and solving simple problems.

Outdoor games.

Drawing with paints. Sky and clouds.


Making a three-word sentence. Highlighting words in a sentence. Separation of syllables in a word. Separation of individual sounds.

Outdoor games.

Your pets. Aquarium fish. Hamsters. Birds. Cats and dogs.


Drawing up and solving problems on the topic "What do we have in our portfolio?"

Outdoor games.

Criteria and norms for evaluating the results of mastering the program
The current test of subject knowledge is carried out without their assessment in points. The teacher evaluates the work of the child verbally and only positively.
Rainbow program. On the doorstep of the school. Authors: T.N. Dronova, T.I. Grizik, L.F. Klimanov, E.V. Solovyova, L.E. Tymoshchuk, S.G. Jacobson (Compiled by T.N. Dronova) - 3rd ed. - M .: Education, 2004. "100 riddles from A to Z" N. Sotnikova, M. - Iris press, 2008 Diagnosis of a child's readiness for school: A guide for teachers preschool institutions/ Ed. N. E. Veraksy. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010
Material and technical support of the subject
– demo instance (at least one per class);
- a complete set (for each student in the class);
- a set for frontal work (at least one for two students);
- a set for work in groups (one for 5-6 students).
printed manuals
Kits for teaching literacy (typesetting canvas, a set of letters.
Sets of plot (subject) pictures Dictionaries in the Russian language: dictionary.
Reproductions of paintings in accordance with the subject and types of work (including in digital form).

The problem of preparing children for school, despite all the knowledge, still remains relevant. Every year the requirements of education become more complicated, and in children entering the 1st grade, every year more and more deviations in the state of health, in neuropsychic and functional development are found. Therefore, children are increasingly in need of professional help from a psychologist, psychological and pedagogical support in a preschool educational institution.

This work includes:

diagnosing readiness for schooling;

forecasting school difficulties on its basis;

conducting correctional and developmental classes aimed at teaching, educating and developing in children of senior preschool age a set of functional indicators necessary for successful schooling;

To solve this problem and assist in successful admission to school, it was necessary to create a "Plan-program for preparing children for school", which includes a cycle of special correctional and developmental trainings for children of senior preschool age (5.5 - 7 years old)

Target: preparation for schooling, prevention of school maladaptation.

Main goals:

1. Formation of cognitive activity and learning motivation older preschool children.

2. Correction and development of activity disorders and a set of indicators of functional development that are necessary for successful schooling (organization of attention, analytical thinking and speech, memory, visual and auditory perception, development of fine hand movements and hand-eye integration).

3. Development of emotional regulation of children's behavior, prevention and reduction of anxiety, increased self-confidence.

4. Prevention and correction of visual impairment, teaching self-relaxation techniques, relieving psychomuscular tension.

Form of organization of classes

According to the results of the diagnostics, the teacher-psychologist forms a group of children from 6 to 7 children, preferably of different sexes. Classes are held once a week. Each lesson includes games, exercises, conversations, etc. Classes last 25 minutes, gradually increasing towards the end. school year the duration of classes is up to 30 - 35 minutes, depending on the condition and capabilities of the children.

For classes, each child needs a notebook in a large box and two simple pencil; the teacher-psychologist has a set of aesthetically designed demonstration and handouts.


Each lesson is structured in such a way that one type of activity is replaced by another. There are 8 task blocks in total.

1. Games and exercises for socio-psychological preparation for school. These are greeting games, conversations, exciting tasks, sketches, playing situations, drawing and sand therapy that will help talk about the school, check whether the child is ready for changes in his life: does he know what the daily routine is, lessons, change, rules hygiene, is he able to establish a good relationship with peers and adults.

2. Intellectual-developing games and exercises. Aimed at the development of cognitive mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, imagination, speech, perception). They are aimed at mental development children through the improvement of the senses.

3. Breathing and coordination exercises. Aimed at activating and energizing the work of the brain stem sections, improving the rhythm of the body, developing self-control and arbitrariness.

4. Symmetrical drawings. Aimed at the development of coordination of movements and graphic skills, activation of brain stem structures and interhemispheric interaction.

5. Graphic dictations. They are aimed at developing the ability to act according to the rule and independently on the instructions of an adult, as well as the development of spatial orientation and fine motor skills of the hand.

6. Finger gymnastics. To promote the development of mental functions (attention, memory, thinking and speech), as well as the mobility and flexibility of the hands.

7. Exercises for the prevention of visual impairment and the prevention of visual fatigue. They contribute to the removal of the peripheral vision reflex, the rhythm of the right hemisphere, the activation of the brain and interhemispheric interaction, which significantly improves perception, activates the learning process.

8. Games and exercises to relieve psychomuscular tension. Muscle relaxation, auto-training, etc. are used.

Exemplary classes on the socio-psychological preparation of children for schooling

1 preparatory lesson


- Creation of a trusting environment.

- Finding out the purpose of attending classes.

— Development of visual memory, attention, thinking and speech in children.

- Relieve emotional stress.

1 block of tasks:

What is your name?

You want to go to school!

We draw (preschooler and schoolchild).

2 block of tasks:

1. Name the words (letter c)

2. Animals - insects - school supplies- transport.

3. Extra word

4. Remember and draw

3 block of tasks: Exercise "Singer" (with the sound a - o - y).

4 block of tasks: simultaneously draw an apple in a notebook with both hands.

5 block tasks: dictation pattern.

6 block tasks:"Fist - rib - palm", "Castle"

7 block tasks:“We draw a square with our eyes” (fixing the chin with our hands, we draw a square with our eyes 3 times clockwise, and 3 times counterclockwise).

8 block tasks: exercise "Cake", "Dolls" ("Parsley" - "Pinocchio" - "Parsley"), auto-training.

Sample lesson plan:


— Formation of an adequate idea of school life.

— Development of visual, semantic memory, logical thinking, speech.

– Development of auditory and visual analyzers, spatial orientation, small muscles of the hand, sensorimotor movements.

- Mastering the skills of self-regulation.

1 block of tasks:

Conversation: School and school rules

2 block of tasks:

1. Think of a third word for a couple of words in meaning.

2. Remember the colored signs and name them.

3. Compare and complete.

4. Say the opposite.

3 block of tasks: Rocket exercise.

4 block of tasks: At the same time, draw 2 circles with both hands and shade them with vertical lines.

5 block tasks: dictation pattern.

6 block tasks:"Frog", "Lyazginka", "Ear-nose".

7 block tasks:“We draw a triangle with our eyes” (fixing the chin with our hands, we draw a triangle with our eyes 3 times clockwise, and 3 times counterclockwise).

8 block tasks: exercise "Pull yourself together", relaxation "Magic dream".

Used Books
(exercises, tasks, games):

S.A. Kozlova “Socially - psychological preparation to school" - M.; School Press, 2004.

S.V. Konovalenko "Communicative abilities and socialization of children aged 5 - 7 years" - M .: Publishing house Gnom and D; 2001

A.L. Sirotyuk "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" - M.: TC Sphere, 2003

Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school № 10

urban district - the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region


Director of MBOU secondary school No. 10

T.V. Vasilyeva


Working programm

for school preparation

Compiled by: Moskalenko Olga Dmitrievna


at a meeting of SMO teachers

primary school


Protocol No. _____

Head of ShMO

O.D. Moskalenko


Explanatory note

Each new period in a person's life is accompanied by new difficulties and experiences. Children are particularly affected by these difficulties. For a child who is used to playing kindergarten and at home, the situation of entering school is not easy. You need to put away toys, pick up a pen, notebooks, listen carefully to adults and complete their tasks.

Some guys go through a period of adaptation without much difficulty, for others, the problem of adaptation remains relevant. Together with them, their parents may also experience these problems. These difficulties are of a different nature:

intellectual readiness,

Personal and socio-psychological readiness,

Physical readiness.

Information about security educational process

educational literature or other information resources and material and technical equipment

Classes "Preparation for school"

The name of the disciplines included in the declared educational program

the year of publishing educational literature


M.I. Moro, S.N. Volkova Mathematical steps

M. "Enlightenment", 2012

36 classes for future excellent students: Workbook for grade 0 in 2 parts / L.V. Mishchenkova.- M .: ROST Publishing House, 2013. - (Young smart people and smart girls. Course "RPS" for a mass school).

Preparation for writing.

M. "Enlightenment", 2012 "Country of Knowledge" publisher and founder of LLC "De Agostini" "Russia"

O.A. Kholodova Three months before school.

Speech development

V.G. Goretsky N.A. Fedosova From word to letter Ch-1,2

M. "Enlightenment", 2012

Volina V.V. "Entertaining ABC Studies", Moscow "Enlightenment" 2013

taking into account the formation of components

learning activities (60 hours)

The purpose of the program is to prepare the child for school life, new leading activities, removing the difficulties of adaptation in a new social environment for him, developing and correcting the cognitive and communicative abilities of the child.

Didactic principles are implemented through the content of training and methods of work.

Teaching methods are multifaceted. They are aimed not only at the assimilation of knowledge, but also at the development of children, they are aimed not only at awakening the mind, but also the emotional sphere.

The form of conducting classes is varied: dramatization, role-playing game, competitions, creation of problem situations, use of ICT.

The program for preparing preschoolers for school and the formation of the components of educational activities must be built taking into account the following content lines:

1. Development of cognitive abilities of children.

2. Development of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking.

3. Preparing children for learning to read and write, mathematics.

4. Expansion of knowledge about the world around.

5. Development of the child's communication skills.

During the course, the following tasks are solved:

1. Formation of skills of educational activity, development of cognitive interests and stimulation of the desire to study at school, education of sustained attention, observation, organization.

2. Development in children of the ability to analyze and synthesize, to self-control, self-esteem in the performance of work.

3. Education in children of collectivism, respect for elders, caring attitude towards kids, the desire to help each other.

4. Preparing children for studying subjects at school, developing phonemic hearing and the ability to conduct sound analysis, improving all aspects of speech, deepening children's ideas about the surrounding reality. Improving counting skills within ten, learning to name numbers in forward and reverse order. Formation of skills: in establishing relationships between the numbers of the natural series.

5. The development of a child's visual-figurative and logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual-auditory perception, imagination, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, the ability to navigate in space and time. Since the game is the leading activity of preschool children, it is advisable to build all classes in game form. The high cognitive level of the child contributes to the successful assimilation of the program.

The results of the classes are summed up at the conference for parents :

Photo presentation "Through the pages of our life"

Organization of an exhibition of children's works

The volume of the program is designed for 60 lessons (1 time per week for 3 lessons from November to April).

School Ready Program

1. Mathematics - 20 hours

The subject of the program under study is based on:

    The study of spatial representation, the relative position of objects: above, below, left, right, below, above, to the left, to the right, in front of, behind, between, next to;

    Temporal representations: first, then, before, after, earlier, later;

    Comparison of groups of objects: more, less, the same, longer, shorter, higher, lower;

    The development of small muscles of the fingers, drawing patterns and shading patterns.

By the end of the math program, children develop the following basic skills:

1. The ability to find many objects and one in the environment, the ability to compare groups of objects containing up to 10 objects and correlate a given number of objects with a number.

2. The ability to identify and express in speech signs of similarity and difference between two objects or figures in color, shape, size and other properties.

3. The ability to compare, based on clarity, adjacent numbers within 10, to determine more and less.

4. The ability to recognize and name geometric shapes: a square, a circle, a triangle, and to find objects in the environment that are similar in shape.

5. The ability to compare objects by length, width, thickness.

6. Determine the missing number by ear, name it, determine the previous and subsequent number to the named one, compare numbers.

Calendar-thematic planning in mathematics


the date

Identification of preparedness for teaching mathematics.

Counting objects based on visibility up to 10 forward and backward.

Getting to know the cell

Paper work. Folding paper with an accordion. Interactive game "Count"

Comparison of objects by color, size. Count items up to 10 and back.

Introduction to geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle, circle. Compilation of geometric shapes: houses, cars.

Interactive game "Amazing figures"

The ratio "more", "less", "the same", "high - low". Compilation of geometric shapes from sticks.

Acquaintance with the numbers 1, 2 and their relationship with the number of objects. Interactive game "Hunt for numbers"

Spatial and temporal relations "to the left", "to the right", "up", "down", "earlier", "later", "between", "beyond".

pattern drawing

Count items from 1 to 10.

Acquaintance with the sign +, -.

Interactive game "Funny Dominoes"

The concept of "how much more", "less", "the same"

Acquaintance with the sign "greater than", "less than", "equal to".

Interactive game "Festive treat".

Counting objects from 1 to 10. Acquaintance with the number 3.

Making a pattern of geometric shapes.

Interactive game "Racing in space".

Strengthening counting skills within 10.

Interactive game "Picture Planets"

Acquaintance with the number 4. Compilation of geometric shapes from sticks. Pattern drawing. Letter of sticks.

The concept of lines: “broken line”, “segment”, “straight line”.

Forward and backward counting of objects.

Composition of numbers 3,4. Interactive game "Rows of numbers"

Numbers 1,2,3,4. Consolidation of the composition of numbers 3.4.

Interactive game "Fun addition"

Comparison of items. Pattern drawing.

Direct and reverse count. Introduction to number 5.

Final lesson: Consolidation of the composition of the number 5.

Interactive game "Counting with a scarecrow."

2. Preparation for writing. Learning to write - 20 hours.

The purpose of teaching writing is to develop and consolidate the skills of working with a pencil and pen. Special preparatory exercises will help preschoolers when entering educational institution Complete written assignments correctly and in a timely manner. The development of correct posture, the inclined position of the notebook on the desk and the ability to hold a pencil and pen when writing and drawing. Preparatory exercises for the development of the eye, hand and small muscles of the fingers, stroking and shading contours, connecting lines and shapes, drawing and coloring patterns and borders with a continuous movement of the hand, helps to preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren.

By the end of writing lessons

Children develop the following skills:

The ability to properly position a notebook, hold a pencil, a pen.

Ability to hatch objects vertically and horizontally.

Developing correct posture

Developing fine motor skills arms

The child's intellectual and speech abilities develop

Enriched vocabulary

Ability to ask and answer questions, engage in dialogue. Children learn the ability to adequately perceive and use speech - they master the communicative function of the language

Calendar-thematic planning for teaching literacy (writing)



the date

What is taught at school? About the call and about the lesson ...

The history of writing. Hygienic rules.

Working line. Drawing outline and shading.

The letter of oblique lines. Drawing outline and shading.

The letter of oblique straight lines with a rounding at the top and bottom. Drawing outline and shading.

Long loop letter top and bottom. Drawing outline and shading.

Letter of right and left semi-ovals. Drawing outline and shading.

Letter of ovals. Drawing outline and shading.

Letter letter "a". Drawing outline and shading.

Letter letter "A". Border coloring. Drawing outline and shading.

Capital and lowercase letters "A, a"

Lowercase "o" letter. Drawing outline and shading.

Letter capital letter "O" Outlining the outline of the picture and its hatching.

Interactive game "Football with letters".

Capital and lowercase letters "Oh, oh"

Lowercase "i". Drawing outline and shading.

Capital letter "I". Drawing outline and shading.

Capital and lowercase letter "I, and"

Lowercase "u". Drawing outline and shading.

Capital letter "U". Drawing outline and shading.

Introduction to letter combinations.

Interactive game "Jelly Letters"

3. Development of speech. Literacy education - 20 hours.

The main goal of studying the development of speech, teaching literacy is to carry out activities aimed at creating a clear practical orientation in the process of learning the Russian language, further development coherent speech among preschoolers, improving the culture and level of their verbal communication indicated by the need to have these skills for entering school.

Preparing children for studying subjects at school: developing phonemic hearing and the ability to conduct sound analysis: isolate sounds in words, determine their sequence, distinguish between vowels and consonants and letters, determine the number of words in a word, extract sentences from speech.

Work on the sentence and connected speech. Improving speech skills acquired by children at home, in kindergarten. Retelling of familiar fairy tales, without omissions, drawing up a certain number of combined sentences from a picture or a series of pictures common theme, or a short story in compliance with the logic of plot development. Making up stories about simple cases from one's own life by analogy with what was read, according to the plot proposed by the teacher, expanding ideas about the world around, a phenomenon of reality based on life experience child.

Since the game is the leading activity of preschool children, it is advisable to build all classes in a playful way, unite children in pairs, groups, and conduct excursions.

By the end of the literacy program

Children develop the following skills:

Ability to answer questions.

Ability to make small simple sentences, supplement them with missing words.

Ability to compose a story according to a plot picture, according to reference words.

Ability to distinguish sounds from letters, isolate sounds from words, pronounce them correctly.

Ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

The ability to divide words into syllables.

The ability to divide sentences into words, words into syllables.

Introduce vowel sounds and letters: A, O, U, I

Calendar-thematic planning for teaching literacy (speech development)



the date

Spoken and written speech. The history of speech.

The development of speech.

Conversation "Autumn in nature." Drawing up a story about the painting "Forest".

The development of speech. Conversation "Our city".

Conversation "Transport".

Interactive game "Stop, attention, go."

Sentence. Dividing the text into sentences.

The development of speech. Conversation "Mode of the day"

Conversation "Household appliances".

Interactive game "Security Expert".

Word. Dividing sentences into words.

The development of speech.

Conversation "Forest and the world of animals."

Conversation "Pets"

Interactive game "Where is whose house?"

Syllable. Dividing words into syllables. Acquaintance with the sounds "A" "O" "U".

Learning tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.

The development of speech.

Conversation Water in nature.

Interactive game "Inhabitants of the Pond"

Syllable. Dividing words into syllables. Sounds are vowels and consonants.

Interactive game "Wonderful Necklace"

The development of speech.

Conversation "Spring in nature". Holiday of grandmothers and mothers. Learning verses.

Merging a consonant with a vowel.

Interactive game "Colored Letters"

The development of speech.

Conversation My favorite toy Compilation of stories about toys. Learning poems.

By the end of preparation for school, future first graders shouldbe able to:

  • Find and name a pattern in the arrangement of objects, complete the logical series in accordance with a given principle, independently draw up an elementary pattern.

    Find the principle of grouping objects, give a generalized name to these objects.

    Find similarities and differences between objects (by color, shape, size, basic concept, functional purpose, etc.)

    To be able to determine causal relationships, recognize deliberately false phrases, correct similarity, justify one's opinion;

    Highlight the essential features of the subject, explain your choice.

    Name positive and negative character traits.

    Show quick reaction when choosing the correct answer among several proposed ones.

    Memorize at least 8 pairs of words that are related in meaning, and at least 5 pairs that are clearly not related to each other in meaning after a single listening.

    Match the plot and the proverb that expresses its main idea.

    Use theatrical techniques: stage small plays, act outsituations, "reincarnate» into an inanimate object, using gestures, facial expressions and other acting abilities.

    Freely navigate in space, using the concepts: “up obliquely from right to left”, “down obliquely from right to left”, etc.

    Make drawings on your own using these concepts on checkered paper.

    Make drawings on your own using an officer's ruler;

    Compose a story on a given topic, invent a continuation of the situation, compose fairy tales in a new way.

    Be able to highlight the essential features of the subject, explain your choice;

    Name several options for an extra item among a group of homogeneous ones, justifying your choice.

    Express in words the feelings experienced by the hero of the work.

    Express your attitude to what is happening, share your impressions.

Universal learning activities

Communicative UUD: the ability to hear and listen to a partner, respect one’s own and others’ opinions, take into account the positions of all participants in communication and cooperation; the ability to plan and implement joint activities both in the position of a leader and in the position of an ordinary participant the ability to resolve conflicts on the basis of an agreement

Regulatory UUD: skill classify objects, situations, phenomena on various grounds under the guidance of a teacher; establish cause-and-effect relationships, predict, highlight opposite signs of an object, overcome the psychological inertia of thinking.

Cognitive UUD: development of curiosity, initiative in learning and cognitive activity, the ability to ask questions and find answers; planning their actions under the guidance of a teacher; involvement in research and project work. Ability to draw conclusions and generalizations.

Personal UUD: goodwill, trust and attention to people, readiness for cooperation and friendship; the ability for empathy and empathy, emotional and moral responsiveness based on the development of the desire to perceive the feelings of other people and the expression of emotions.

Formation of reflection.

    Evaluation criteria.

    Providing a favorable atmosphere. Goodwill on the part of the teacher, his refusal to express criticism of the child.

    Ungraded learning system

    Enriching the child's environment with a variety of new objects for him in order to develop his curiosity.

    Encourage the expression of original ideas.

    Wide use of questions of open, multivalued type.

    The use of a personal example by the teacher - a creative approach to solving the problem.

    Giving children the opportunity to actively ask questions.