The child does not want to study the work of a psychologist. Difficulties with a particular subject. Possible reasons for not wanting to study.

All parents want their child to study perfectly, but what if he is not only excellent, but does not want to study at all?

A kind of little lazy person who picks up a book - it's like digging up a garden. This is where parents begin to think - what to do?

Forcibly try to make a child, in childhood everyone is prone to protest, so this way is unlikely to save the situation. Let's figure it out together.

From this point of view, language is fundamental, because to interact with someone you need to communicate something, and communication involves at least a transmitter and receiver, as well as a tool that mediates the process of communication. In the case of humans, language is the medium of mediation par excellence, whether in oral, written, gestural, and even artistic forms.

Through the assimilation of the studied knowledge, a person develops. This means that when we acquire the language of our sociocultural environment, we humanize ourselves, because, according to Aguiar, when we communicate with the people around us, we enter a universe of values, beliefs, ways of thinking and feeling. By using language as a mediating tool for relationships between ourselves and others, we allow the development of thoughts and other higher psychological functions that distinguish us from animals.

The child does not want to study: the reasons and everything connected with them

There is an option that your child from childhood does not like to unpack his backpack and look into the ill-fated diary, but the situation is completely different if the zeal for learning, even if not very strong, suddenly stops. So, for no reason at all, your child begins to declare that he does not want to go to school, there is no desire to learn something, and there are no good grades even more so.

It is a complex, fluid and dynamic whole with several unequal zones of stability. Meaning is only one of the areas of meaning, the most stable and precise. The word acquires its meaning in the context in which it occurs; Its meaning changes in different contexts.

The meaning remains stable through all changes in meaning. Meaning is an integral part of the word as such and therefore belongs to both the realm of language and thought. “A word without meaning is an empty sound that is no longer part of human speech,” Vygotsky said. Since the meaning of the word is both mental and verbal, the author determined that this is a unit of verbal thinking. Group analysis has demonstrated the existence dynamic system meanings in which the emotional and the intellectual are united and show that each idea contains an affective relation, transformed in relation to the fragment of reality to which it refers.

.The child's abilities do not correspond to the level of the school curriculum

Do not rush to be indignant and say that your baby is the best. Nobody denies this, but have you seen his school textbooks yourself? Tried to solve a couple of tasks? Try it! Sometimes the information written there can lead a candidate of sciences to a dead end, not like a child. We’ll talk about what to do in such a situation a little later, but for now let’s see what else the child may lose the desire to learn because of.

Vygotsky, the meaning of words is a phenomenon of thought, since thought acquires a body through speech, and "this is only a phenomenon of speech, inasmuch as it is associated with the thought illuminated by it." Word meanings are dynamic and non-stationary formations. They change as the child develops, as well as different ways thinking. Meaning is defined as an intermediary between a thought and a word with meaning. For the author, this is something more than meaning, which is only one of the zones of meaning, the most stable and fixed.

By providing a voice to students who are referred to counseling services for complaints of learning difficulties, we try to understand the feelings they create as a psychological phenomenon that may or may not be present in consciousness.

. He needs motivation

How often do you praise your child for their progress? Do you encourage him? And we are talking not only about fives. Say "Vasya, you're done!" this is not only insufficient, it does not give any effect at all. Hearing the standard phrases of praise from parents, the child does not feel special pride in his achievements, especially when his mother half-heartedly listens to his story about the victory in school olympiad or competitions, and between “Bring onions for borscht” and “I have to go to the dentist tomorrow,” he says an indistinct “Well, well done son.”

Vygotsky warns us that in order to understand the inner process, as in the case of feeling, beyond the simple appearance, it is necessary to exteriorize it and connect it with some external activity. Thus, the author points to a word with meaning as a unit of analysis, since it encompasses the properties of thought and represents its mediation. Through the word, we can understand the cognitive, affective and volitional aspects that make up subjectivity.

Aguiar, building on Vygotsky's developments, argues that meaning refers to "the expression of the subject, the new one that he can place in the social, referring to the subjective feelings that he has built out of dialectical relations with the social and history."

. No interest in certain subjects

Even the most capable child cannot know everything. Some are quite adept at navigating through school subjects and learning a little bit of everything, but what if your child isn't one of them? There is absolutely nothing wrong with this if he pays more attention to the study of some lessons even at the expense of others, no matter how much the teachers say about it. Of course, for every teacher, his subject is the best, but why would you harass your child with quarrels about another triple in biology? Remember yourself in school years Have you been successful in everything? You know the joke: "When a child has done something, remember yourself at his age, stroke the baby on the head and go drink your valerian."

For Gonzalez Rey, the semantic units of subjectivity are understood; in them - life experience, attitudes, feelings and emotions that motivate human behavior. It looks like "an emotional record of the meanings and needs that develop over the course of its history." This construction, according to the author, is inherent in a person who is a social subject and must build for himself what exists, that is, its meaning.

It is a procedural, multi-window, contradictory and constantly evolving system. The new processes of subjectification implied in these cultural processes are integrated as constitutive moments in the development of culture. Thus, we seek to understand the student-constructed meaning regarding psychological attention for complaining about learning difficulties, given that subjectivity, according to Rey, consists of two points: individual and social, which overlap mutual throughout personality development.

. Relationships with classmates do not add up

How much do parents know about personal relationships child with classmates To be honest, almost nothing. This news certainly upset those who believe they have full control over the life of a child in all areas, but this is by no means the case. All we know about this is information received from the words of the kid himself, who can embellish everything so that parents do not worry, or school teachers, who often only know about relationships in the classroom that Masha and Olya should draw a wall newspaper, because that Olya is not friends with Anya.

Individual subjectivity is formed in the individual who acts as a subject due to his subjective state. The theme is historical because his current subjective constitution is a subjective synthesis of his personal history and is social because his life develops in society, and new meanings and meanings arise in it, which, being subjective, become In the constituent parts of the new moments of their subjective development. . In turn, their actions public life constitute one of the essential elements of the transformation of social subjectivity.

. Unfavorable atmosphere within the family

When we look for the reason for a child’s unwillingness to do homework, for some reason, the last thing we remember is that it might be uncomfortable for him to be at home?! Frequent quarrels in the family or parents who are constantly in a bad mood because of problems at work are far from the best motivation for a baby. Every child wants to return to a house where comfort, joy and peace reign, even if he does not realize it.

A learning difficulty is a momentary situation in a student's life that cannot walk in school processes within the curriculum expected by the school, resulting in a compromise in terms of achievement and evaluation. Carvalho also characterizes learning difficulty as "an instantaneous situation in the student's life due to his lack of understanding of what is offered, due to the wrong strategies used by the teacher in the classroom".

In the specific case of difficulties in acquiring a written language, we highlight the contribution of Ferreiro and Teberoschi, expressed in the psychogenetic theory of written language, in which the authors study the hypotheses built by children to fit this object of knowledge. Failure and success in literacy, according to Ferreiro and Teberoschi, depend.

.Increased activity

Today, it is increasingly possible to meet a hyperactive child at school. Many perceive them as ordinary fidgets and vermin, but in fact, a hyperactive child needs a special approach and attention. Problems in the study of such a baby are not new!

. Distracted by gadgets

This is one of the most popular reasons for not wanting to study today. It is much more interesting to play in tanks, look at pictures in in social networks and exchange messages with friends. Tablets, phones, computers and others like them - in no case should be in the constant access of a lazy person. While there is an opportunity to choose: study or toys - the lazy person will choose toys!

Those who are in very advanced moments of conceptualization are the only ones who can benefit from traditional teaching, and they are the ones who teach what the teacher offers to teach. The rest are those that fail, which the school blames for the impossibility of learning or the difficulty of learning, according to the already classical terminology.

Resende proposes a change in the attitudes of teachers and emphasizes respect for cultural and linguistic standards, as well as the way of thinking of children from popular backgrounds. The concept we are defending here because we think it has changed the way learning difficulties have been understood so far is the socio-historical model. In this context, we highlight the work of Vygotsky. The author focused on skills already developed by children and cared less about their shortcomings. He showed that under the guidance of an adult such as a teacher, children's ability to learn at the same levels of development varied greatly.

The child does not want to study. Where to run? What to do?

Let's remember the old good words"Prevention is better than cure." When the child is still very young, parents can make big mistakes, because of which in the future they will clutch their heads in panic.

. Let's start from childhood

First and most main mistake- to teach and force the child to read, write, teach, instead of instilling in him a love for the learning process itself. Quite often, parents need results, specific indicators. The child learns all of the above skills in an accelerated mode, attends a bunch of tutors, sprinkles on lessons for several hours since elementary school. And what do we get as a result? We get a little man who is already sitting in his throat and who at some point can simply break loose, looking at how classmates go to play ball after class, and he has an additional lesson in English.

Vygotsky relativized the role represented by maturation, establishing that knowledge is also built through social interaction, as already defined. This research seeks to understand the process of knowledge construction through exploratory research, which focuses on the exploration of feelings created by the student, "performing content analysis with a constructive-interpretive connotation." We build specifically on González Rey, for whom knowledge is not viewed as a product of the facts found in research, but as something constructed from the attribution of meaning, in which "the researcher integrates, reconstructs, and presents in constructions the Indicators obtained in the course of research."

Therefore, from childhood, try to make the learning process enjoyable for the child. Get involved with him. This does not mean that you should give him a bunch of tasks, even with detailed instructions for execution, and go and cook soup yourself. Sit with him, explain everything incomprehensible, praise. Be sure to encourage! Did you write a dictation? Let's go for ice cream! Did you solve a couple of math problems? Let's go to the water park! In this case, learning will bring real pleasure to the child.

We used semi-structured interviews as a research tool in order, as suggested by Souza, to understand the complexity of learning from the student's point of view: how he perceives himself in the learning process and how he feels perceived by his families and the professionals with whom they interact.

We never ceased evaluating psychological counseling and set as the initial selection criterion for our interlocutors only a request to attend psychology due to learning difficulties. We understand and use the term "carrier" to characterize the one that carries, carries, leads, and which, in our opinion, is what happens to a student who receives a teacher's complaints to a psychologist. Therefore, the complaints are not on the students.

. Departing from the cause

If the school curriculum is not suitable for the child

This situation is not at all hopeless.

First, why did you decide that your child must be a genius? Of course, everyone around strongly suggests that if your child is not a child prodigy, then the parent of you is so-so. But please look at your child and understand that he is not guilty of the high questions of society. He wants to enjoy life, and sit over textbooks from morning to night.

Regarding the interviews with children used in this study, Carvalho argues that this is a technique that has been little explored in the literature, due to the fact that the child is considered unable to talk about their preferences, concepts, and assessments. However, a recent question about these assumptions has led to an increasing use of this type of interview to obtain data on phenomena that are unlikely to be directly observed. So the choice included a challenge. Using it, we organized a series of questions on the subject and allowed and even encouraged the freedom of speech of the interviewees on the questions that would arise as a development of the main theme.

If we have not convinced you, you can hire a tutor. Notice one! Sometimes parents realize at one moment that the child is not studying well. One fine evening, you look at your child's diary and realize - that's it, he is a lifelong loser, what to do, what to do ?! So, at the same time, it is not necessary to immediately hire tutors in almost all subjects and load the child down the throat.

We decided to use the same interview with the same topics, which favored interaction between peers and allowed playful play in the search for meaning in school difficulties. The responses were recorded, transcribed and organized for further analysis.

Fifty-three percent of the total population is concentrated in an area of ​​irregular urbanization. In general, households are female providers. According to Camarote, the region is made up of homogeneous groups of high and extremely high socio-economic deprivation.

No motivation

Everything is easier here. To begin with, you can come up with some kind of encouragement for the child for good grades and high achievements. Going to the cinema on the weekend for a five in Russian or buying a puppy for a certain number of fives per semester. At the very least, praise your child. The “carrot and stick” method is very useful here, because parents often forget about that very carrot. Scolding a kid for a deuce and restricting his access to a computer is much easier than setting aside a couple of hours in your busy schedule for the whole family to take a walk in the park and eat cotton candy.

We believe that after the first year school life the student can talk about how he feels at school. We have set the age limit of the respondents as twelve years old because we perceive a significant number of students in this age group who do not yet understand the writing system, presenting difficulties similar to those described by beginners.

After explaining to parents and children about the study and the collection of consent form signatures, those responsible, semi-structured individual interviews were conducted for about one hour for each of the participants in October-December We realized, then, a group interview. We connected with the "corpus" of the individual interview with important data from the group interview, added to our observations and information obtained in the "reception" with the parents.

Good grades in certain subjects

In fact, this minus is rather a plus. If a child focuses his attention only on specific objects, this is very good, because it indicates that he has found himself. Isn't it great? Isn't that what you would like? Now a huge number of children leave school with no idea where to go next, who to become, in what area they can prove themselves. Therefore, if your child can solve the most difficult problem in mathematics in no time, but essays in Russian are difficult for him, this is not a reason to press on the child with indignation, but a reason:

a) give him additional motivation;

b) hire a tutor.

Quarrels with classmates

When a child does not develop relationships in the classroom, the desire to go to school disappears very quickly. In this case, absenteeism, a sharp decline in academic performance, and often a distressed child are quite possible.

If you understand that this is the case, try talking to him. This can be incredibly difficult, especially if you almost never open up, but this is especially necessary right now. One small nuance: do not rely on the fact that you can earn the trust of a child in one hour by sharing some of your story with him from childhood or by saying the words “You must trust me, because I am your mother, I only wish you the best.” Do you really think that after that, the child somehow miraculously should see you as a great relationship guru and cling to your shoulder asking for advice? This does not happen, and if it does, it is only when the child himself thought about whether it was worth telling his parents about everything.

Family problems

Imagine a situation. The child, beside himself with happiness, returns home - he won the most difficult Olympiad in world literature! There is no limit to his happiness, and the smile is stretched to the ears, he already imagines how you will strangle him in your arms and will pour words of praise. But it was not there! It turns out that dad had an emergency at work, he returned home nervous, as a result of which he quarreled with his mother and yelled at other children. Now in the house no one talks to anyone and everyone is offended by each other. What conclusion do you think this child, who just a minute ago was beaming with joy, will make? Of course, he will decide that everyone cares about his successes, that no one is interested in his achievements and it was not worth trying so hard.

Remember, the child is not to blame, that today you have today Bad mood, it's raining outside, and the salary is delayed for two weeks. He spent the whole day sitting at a school desk, dreaming of returning home, where he was welcome and where he was expected. Provide this joy by all means!


You need to be able to see the difference between just a fidget and a hyperactive child. A psychologist can help determine this. If you know that you have a hyperactive child, then to improve his performance, send the baby to the wrestling / dancing / aerobics section, and anywhere, if only he would spend his excess energy there.

Raising a child is an art. In this rather lengthy process, many surprises and difficulties await you, but all of them can be overcome. Here are a few universal rules that will help you raise your child without unnecessary worries.

1. Always be a friend to your child. Tell him about what interesting things happened to you during the day, share news, jokes. In this case, he will always trust you, and it will not be your secret friend who will be the first to know about any problems on some forum on the Web, to which your child turned for help, namely you.

2. In any, even the most critical situations related to study, find out the reason first and then figure it out. Reverse action leads to very negative consequences.

3. Don't compare your child to others either in person or publicly. Your child is unique, do not try to drive him into the generally accepted framework of success.

4. Don't take it out on your child - never! Even if at the most inopportune moment he came up to you with some kind of request or news, do not reject the baby for anything. It's not his fault you're not in the mood!

5. Solve problems with the child, not with others. Everything must be presented to him as if he were solving his own problems. If there are troubles with friends, explain how he should behave so that relations with peers improve, and not call their mothers. The child should see you as a wise adviser, and not a person who is trying to fit into his own space.

We hope that these tips will help you become a real authority for your baby.

By directing the immense love for the child in the right direction, you can get very good results!

Children are not very enthusiastic about going to school, moreover, many of them do not want to study. Such conclusions were made in the course of opinion polls, but even without these studies, teachers and parents understand that the problem has worsened. It is becoming more and more difficult to motivate high school students to study, the number of children who do not gravitate towards acquiring knowledge is increasing. The analysis shows that there is a growing misunderstanding at school and in the family. The recommendations of psychologists and pediatricians will help relieve stress and improve the situation.

Teaching without passion

School programs imply daily “absorption” by the child of a large amount of new material in the lesson, diligent homework. Not everyone is able to withstand such loads, although studying at this age is the leading activity. Children have to get up early, then sit at a desk for 4-6 hours. At home, you have to do homework, and this is another 2-4 hours of work.

Attention! Writing off ready-made answers from the solution books or notebooks of classmates is becoming an increasingly common option for students to “get knowledge”. A plus- homemade or test. Minus- lack of mental activity and memory training.

The real situation is that modern children are not concerned about the quality of performance learning tasks and the completeness of their answers at the blackboard, but only marks. "Five" in the journal and diary is an opportunity to receive the promised gift from the parents. "Deuce" threatens with punishment, deprivation of sweets and walks on the street.

Good grades in school are wonderful, they are positive emotions for the whole family. Training focused only on formal indicators is bad. Indeed, behind the external well-being of the school and family, the most important thing sometimes disappears - the formation of the mind and character, which form the basis of the personality. Remains "overboard" cognitive activity necessary for learning with passion.

Curiosity, craving for everything new, the ability to absorb knowledge, like a sponge, are inherent in every child. However, problems with teaching the sciences have always existed, it is enough to recall the textbook example from Fonvizin's "Undergrowth": "I don't want to study, I want to get married." The trouble is that every year there are more "mitrofanushki".

Why does the desire to learn disappear?

The reason for the negative attitude of the child to learning at school is often neuropsychic overstrain, emotional and physical overload. There are many objective reasons for this. These are extra-curricular and out-of-school activities, conflicts in the family, frequent moving and changing teachers. Weakened and often ill children are more likely than others to go to school with reluctance. The performance of a healthy child, who usually performs well in the classroom, declines sharply during and after illness.

The situation when a child does not want to go to school occurs with frightening frequency. As teachers note, there are fewer children in the classes who are drawn to knowledge. At home, parents also notice negative changes in their children's attitudes towards class and homework.

On a note! Curricula are becoming more complex, the requirements for preparation at school are becoming more stringent. A recent poll by the Levada Center among adult residents of Russia showed that this is where the parents of students see the biggest problem.

results sociological research"Levada Center" (August, 2015):

  • Consider school programs"overloaded" 57% of respondents.
  • “Guys began to be taught worse,” said about 50% of the respondents.
  • Only 25% of Russian citizens called the study load "feasible".
  • Have a positive attitude towards modern system education only 11% of survey participants.

Knowledge that is “in the head” does not seem particularly valuable to children (everything is on the Internet). It remains to study only for the sake of marks and getting a good certificate. They are also stimuli, but they are far from the internal motives of educational activity.

It's important to know! School psychologists say that the main reason for a child's dislike for classes is the loss of motivation. What should I do if my child doesn't want to go to school? Experts suggest paying attention to incentives that increase interest in learning.

"Motive" is a word that comes from the French language. Means a motivating reason, a reason for any action (similar to the term "stimulus"). Motivate - justify, give convincing arguments. Encourage - give impetus, encourage.

Under the onslaught of difficulties, already in the primary grades, an enthusiastic attitude towards school passes, feelings of disappointment and fatigue appear. Many kids start falling behind in their studies, especially in math and mother tongue. When there is no internal need to acquire knowledge or it disappears, one cannot count on successful learning.

On a note! They begin to form a positive attitude towards learning before entering the first grade and in primary school. Parents can explain and by personal example show the child the priority of successful learning for further development.

What to do if the child does not want to go to school, what should be the internal and external motivation, - teacher-psychologist Natalya Barinova told about this on the air of the “Mom's School” program.

  • Have a heart to heart talk with your child
    Some children are convinced by the story of how mom and dad did well in school in order to get their current high-paying job. Most often, parents choose this method of influence.

Vitamins for children 7–12 years old:

  • Chewable tablets "Centrum Children's Pro".
  • Soluble tablets "Vitrum Plus".
  • Chewable tablets "Vitrum junior".
  • Tablets "Complivit-active".
  • Dragee "Biovital".

Attention! Before using multicomplexes, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician for advice. Some components in children can cause allergic reactions.

Many natural products contain vitamins and minerals. Even with the saturation of the diet of children with such food, hypo- and beriberi may develop in case of malabsorption in the intestine.

  • Create an interest in learning at school
    Intrigue the elementary school student herself learning activities very difficult. Tasks of the same type are boring, monotonous work is tiring. If you introduce elements of the game, competition, then there is a desire to achieve the final result.
    Psychologists say that the child's interest in completing tasks allows him to maintain high performance in the classroom and at home. Enthusiastic children easily overcome difficulties in the learning process. On the contrary, in the absence of a purposeful formation of a child's interest in learning, the desire to go to school decreases by the end of the first half of the year.
  • Rationally approach the organization of the daily routine of children
    For a younger student, the mode of work and rest is especially important, taking into account the peculiarities of age. So, in healthy children in the primary grades, the highest performance is noted in the first days of the week and in the first half of the day, then a decline occurs. A child returning from school should first have lunch and rest. It is better if it is a walk in the fresh air or daytime sleep for weakened children.

Advice! Schedule the time and duration of homework assignments. The optimal period is from 16 before 18 hours. Explain to your child that you should start with easy exercises and move on to more difficult ones. Every half an hour, work must be done 15 minute break.

Determine the time in the child's day for games, watching TV. The duration of the junior student should be 10-11.5 hours (including daytime sleep).

How to overcome a teenager's reluctance to go to school: expert opinion

Many problems transitional age associated with hormonal instability in the body of a teenager. As Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Lyubov Samsonova notes, a student's unwillingness to study is often due to biochemical reasons. First of all, the lack of iodine, an element necessary for the normal synthesis of thyroid hormones, affects. Deficiency leads to a deterioration in visual-figurative thinking and memory.

On a note! The daily requirement of elemental iodine for adolescents is 200 micrograms. The use of iodized salt, taking pharmaceutical preparations cover this need.

The transitional age is called "difficult", "problematic" because of the rebellious spirit of a maturing person. A teenager less than a junior high school student yearns for the approval of his parents. Relationships with peers and the search for one's place in society become more important. Parents find it difficult to understand why or have lost interest in learning at school.
What to do?

  • Take into account the change in the leading activity and motivation at the age of 12-13 years.
  • Discuss problems, calmly listen to the point of view of your son or daughter.
  • Give more autonomy in determining the time for classes and rest.
  • Use positive situations to increase interest in learning.
  • Be patient with antics, continue to love your child.
  • Give yourself the opportunity to try your hand at a variety of things.
  • Show your teenager that you believe in him.
  • Speak heart to heart, without threats and moralizing.

  1. An active child who does not know how to focus attention should be more often involved in various activities.
  2. Switch activities from learning poetry to drawing, alternate modeling and.
  3. Offer overly mobile guys games that relieve excess energy, additional physical activity. For example, ask your child to water the flowers, do exercises.
  4. Do not rush slow children, give additional time to work.
  5. When helping, do not do the task instead of the child.
  6. Create situations that cause surprise, admiration and delight.
  7. Encourage interest in learning by playing "magic", "adventure" and "investigation" with younger students.
  8. Engage teenagers and high school students in research native land, assistance to animals, forests and other socially useful activities.

Increasing motivation for learning - active creative work adult and child. So says the psychologist Konstantin Dovlatov:


The situation in the upper grades often changes radically. Parents and teachers notice that yesterday's truants are beginning to take their lessons seriously, diligently doing their homework. There is a new incentive - admission to a college or university.
As appetite comes with eating, so the desire to gain new knowledge is formed during painstaking and thoughtful study work.