Still life from plasticine on cardboard. Plasticine still life

Grade 2 Lesson #6 Date_______

School: Gymnasium "Self-knowledge" Number of students: 16

teacher: Melnik G.M.


Target: Acquaintance with the genre of "still life", the implementation of a relief composition.



- to teach how to perform a relief composition;

- learn to work with various forms;

- define: still life, relief.


- to develop in students a sense of regularity and peace through individual creative activity.

Bring up:

- calmness, peace, attention through HUV inner peace

Creative task for students: create a relief composition using existing knowledge.

Value: inner peace

Qualities: Tranquility, tranquility.

Materials: Sheets of cardboard, plasticine, stacks, oilcloth - a substrate or a special board for working with plasticine.

Materials for the lesson: visual material - reproductions depicting still lifes, a sample of a relief still life, staging a simple still life of two objects.

Work form: Individual.

Method: Verbal, visual, problem-search, practical.


1. Organizing time.

2. Motivation learning activities

3. Learning new material.

4. Multilingualism.

5. Order of performance of work.

6. Independent work.

7. Summing up and evaluation of work.


    Organizing time.

Hello guys. Today in the lesson, we will get acquainted with one of the genres of fine art - still life, we will also get acquainted with the "relief" - in sculpture, and we will perform a relief composition.

    Motivation for learning activities

Before you hangs several works of Kazakh folk artists, let's look at paintings in the genre of still life together.

Teacher: What is in the picture?

Children: flowers in a vase and fruits.

Teacher: Where were the objects depicted in the pictures taken?

Children: Flowers grew in the yard or in the field, the vase was in the cafe, the fruit was in the refrigerator.

Teacher: A still life can be made up of any household items, not just flowers and fruits. Still life is like a slice of life. If we look at our desks, we will also see a small still life.

    Learning new material.

Children, let's take a look at what a still life is.

Teacher: What do you think is still life in fine arts?

Children's answers: Still life are objects that create a single composition.

Teacher: The word still life is translated as frozen, frozen nature.

What objects can be depicted in a still life?

Children's answers: Teapot, mug, cucumber, flower, etc.

Teacher: That's right, vegetables, fruits, flowers, household items - all this is depicted in a still life. But not only artists can perform still lifes, but also sculptors. Tell guys who is a sculptor?

Children: A sculptor is an artist who makes sculptures.

Teacher: What do you think we call sculpture?

Children: Sculpture is the art of creating three-dimensional works of art by carving, molding or casting. A relief still life is a semi-volumetric image.

Teacher: What qualities should a sculptor have to make a work of art?

Children: patience, perseverance, diligence.

Teacher: The works of artists and sculptors are made for a long time, in order for the sculptor to get a sculpture, he must be restrained, peaceful, patient. If the artist on the canvas did not succeed in some element of the still life, then he can easily draw new item and even change it, but if the sculptor does not have patience and calmness, then he will have to start creating a sculpture for a new one.


Teacher: let's read how the word still life will be in three languages.

Still life - still life

    The order of the work.

Let's prepare the background of our relief.

Mark a block of plasticine and roll it out on the surface of a sheet of cardboard.

We knead and roll into layers (thickness 3-5 mm) plasticine bars on a substrate or plank for still life objects.

With the sharp end of the stack on plasticines, we outline the pattern of objects and cut them out according to the intended pattern.

We transfer and attach, firmly pressing on the still life objects, on the background-base and decorate them with ornaments.

6. Stages of practical activity.

    Correctly work with plasticine.

    Use material sparingly.

    Properly place still life objects on the base.

7. Independent work

During practical work, make targeted walks.

1. Control of the correct execution of the relief composition.

2. Helping students with difficulty.

3. Control of the volume and quality of work.

8. Summing up and evaluation of work

Hold an exhibition of work.

Criteria for evaluating works.

1. Proportional arrangement in the sheet.

2. Correct forms (proportions, structure)

3. Accuracy of execution.

4. Completeness.

Express - exhibition. Ask questions to the children.

What work did you enjoy the most and why?

Children name the works they like and evaluate according to the criteria together with the teacher.


Plasticine picture. To work with preschool and toddler children school age Lebedeva Galina Alexandrovna

Plasticine still life

Plasticine still life

A still life made of plasticine differs from the type of work described earlier in complexity and versatility, therefore, when working with kids, only certain, most simple and accessible techniques are used. Older students usually no longer use plasticine in their visual activity However, the proposed method, tested in practice, was of interest not only to older students, but turned out to be attractive to adults as well. The works made in this technique, exhibited at exhibitions, always arouse genuine interest and surprise - about the fact that they are made of plasticine.

Still life - a kind of painting depicting household or natural objects (fruits, flowers, etc.). To depict an object, you need to have a clear and precise idea about it. To do this, you need to get to know him clearly. AT this case we are talking about the image using plasticine flower arrangements, which involves working with fresh flowers.

When we started working with children in this technique, we ourselves began to examine fresh flowers with passion. Everyone loves flowers, but when a person wants to capture their beauty in an image, not just admiring beauty is born inside, but special treatment. There comes an understanding of the perfection of the Creator, who brought to life such an extraordinary miracle, filling our lives with joy, beauty, fragrance and at the same time living its life cycle from birth to death and leaving behind the fruit as a guarantee of immortality. If we talk about this with children in the classroom, it will become an incentive to open the child's soul to the beauty and divine mystery of life, and then it will be filled with a careful attitude to nature and a new understanding of life cycles.

On the initial stage works in this technique, you can use illustrations or high-quality photographs, postcards. As creative growth it is necessary to move on to work with living nature.

We give the sequence stages.

1. Sketch preparation.

2. Drawing a sketch on cardboard.

3. Closing the background with plasticine.

4. Execution of the main image.

5. Frame design. Varnishing.


Development creativity;

education of love and careful attitude to the nature of the native land;

Raising love and respect for traditional culture his people;

Acquaintance of children with plasticine technique as a type of visual activity;

Leisure activity.


Learning how to work with plasticine;

The development of fine motor skills.

The equipment of the workplace and the rules of work are described in the part " plot picture from plasticine. As for materials and tools, they remain the same, only as a visual material we try to use fresh flowers, or their photographs, or images.

“Still lifes of I.I. Mashkov” - It was in the still life that I.I. Mashkov reached the heights of full-blooded pictorial realism. The main genre in which he most fully and vividly showed his talent was still life. Pick up epithets for the words: Strawberries - Cherries - Apples - Lemons - Grapes - Poppies - Cornflowers - Jug - Vase -. What will be the main idea your essay?

"The Art of Still Life" - The goal of the artist is to create a colorful feast from the fruits of his native land. E. Manet. Oil. 1976. Ulyanovsk regional Art Museum. I. I. Kozlovsky (1830 -?) Still life. french school Still Life (Attributes of the Arts). Wood, oil. 1631. Saryan, A. Osmerkin, A. Gerasimov. State Russian Museum.

"ISO Still Life" - Determine the type of still life: realistic, decorative, abstract. I. Grabar. Determine the lighting of the still life (artificial lighting, direct natural, natural diffused). To make the still life look more expressive. S. Sudeikin. Which image has the correct size for the still life?

"Still life lesson" - Y. Pimenov. " Long road". Side lighting. Transfer of the volume of objects. Use: pencil. Still life with bird cherry. Light - Shadow. Presentation example. I. Mashkov. M. Saryan. Still life with ham Claes P. Netherlands. Very often, still lifes were called breakfasts. Ninth shaft. The composition can be rotated horizontally and vertically.

"Dutch Still Life" - A butterfly born from a cocoon means resurrection. Dutch still life. Still life. From the history of still life. Flemish school of painting. Breakfast with ham. Dutch still life of the 17th century. Jan Fate. What is still life? In the second half of the XVII century. dutch still life became more spectacular, complex and multicolored.

"Genre still life" - Additional motive. I.E. Grabar. Image of the objective world - still life. Dynamics Statics. Still life in fine arts. Holland is the birthplace of the Still Life genre. Dpi. Ancient Rome. Solution schemes for static and dynamic composition. The arrangement of objects in a still life. Educational work.

Sabaktyn bagdarlamasy

lesson plan

The plan of the lesson

son/ Class / class : 2

Pan / Subject / Subject: art

Sabaқtyn takyryby / Theme of the lesson / Theme: execution of a relief composition, still life of two objects (modeling)

Sabaқtyn үlgisi / Type of the lesson/ Type of the lesson: combined.

Sabaқtyn tүri / Kind of the lesson / Kind of the lesson: practical lesson.

Maқsata / Lesson Objectives / Objectives:

bilimdik / educational / educational: to acquaint students with relief composition, to teach competent layout, taking into account the perspective of distortion.

damytushylyk / developing / developing : develop fine motor skills hands, coordination of movement, eye, observation.

tarbielik / educational / bringing-up: cultivate love for fine arts, responsibility, perseverance, love for the work of adults.

Kornekі құrandar/Equipment/Resources:

Addis/Method/Method: explanatory and illustrative, verbal, practical.

Sabaktyn zhospary / Lesson plan / Plan:

I . Organizing time.

II . Psychological and pedagogical attitude.

III . Knowledge update.

IV . Learning new material.

V . Fizkultminutka.

VI . Practical work.

VII . Summary of the lesson. Evaluation of student work.

Sabaқtyn barysy / The lesson's going:

    Organizing time:

Salemetsiz be balalar!

    Hello guys!

    Good afternoon kids!

Otyryndar! Sit down!

II . Psychological and pedagogical attitude:

At the lessons of fine arts, we discover all the diversity of the life around us. I will read you a poem by M. Voloshin. Listen, let these words inspire you to active work.

See everything, understand everything
Know everything, experience everything
All shapes, all colors
Take in with your eyes
Walk all over the earth
burning feet,
Take it all in and make it happen!

III . Knowledge update.

Guys, now I will name the items that we need for work, and you check their presence with your eyes. Whoever is ready, raise your hand (plasticine, colored cardboard, wet wipes)

What is molding? (Modeling is the creation of sculptural works from plastic materials)

What types of molding do you know? (subject, plot and decorative)

Let's repeat the safety rules when working with plasticine.

Rules for safe work with plasticine.

    During modeling, do not touch your face, eyes and clothes with your hands.

    Choose for work desired color plasticine.

2. Cut off the required amount of plasticine with a stack.

3. Warm a piece of plasticine with the warmth of your hands so that it becomes soft.

4. At the end of the work, dry your hands well with a dry soft cloth and only then wash them with soap.

IV . Learning new material

Lesson topic message

In the lesson, we will perform a plasticine application on disks, namely a still life. Look at this composition, tell me what items the still life consists of.

That's right guys. This is a torsyk and an apple.

Tell me how to Kazakh language will there be an apple? (Alma) In English? (Apple)

Which city in Kazakhstan is famous for apples?

And who knows what a torsyk is?

(Torsyk is a classic Kazakh vessel made of leather, designed to store liquids, primarily koumiss. Unfortunately, the art of making waterproof torsyks is dying out of our lives, and after all, koumiss or shubat was preserved in it for a considerable time, without losing its medicinal properties. Now only souvenirs in the form of a torsyk remind of the ancient invention of the Kazakhs.)

Introductory conversation

Relief - a type of sculpture in which the image is convex (or recessed) in relation to the background plane.

The main types are bas-relief, high relief, counter-relief.

When making reliefs, children learn how to handle the tool, various modeling techniques, and most importantly, beautiful decorative filling of space.


This is a relief in which a convex image protrudes above the background plane, as a rule, by no more than half the volume.

Work on the relief is carried out in several stages: first, the base is covered with a thin layer of plasticine, then a drawing is applied to it in a stack, then a stucco ornament is laid out according to the drawing. The edges are firmly attached to the base.

The relief can be done in another way: a pattern is applied to the plate, and the excess plasticine around it is carefully removed with a stack, as if scraped off. As a result, the background is lowered, while the relief remains elevated above the plate plane.

    High relief

This is a relief in which a convex image protrudes above the background plane by more than half the volume. Some elements can be completely separated from the plane.


And this relief, on the contrary, deepens into the surface, it represents, as it were, the “negative” of the bas-relief.

The counter-relief pattern can be scratched or pushed through with a stack, stick, finger, stamp.

Types of plasticine application

plastic and brightperfect for making applications, as it is easy to process, give the desired shape. And the application itself retains its shape for a long time. Forplasticine application you will need multi-colored plasticine, cardboard (colored or white), in addition, the application can be performed on a glass surface, then covering it with the same piece of glass and inserting it into a frame.

The plot for the application can be any drawing from a book or magazine that can be transferred to surfaces using carbon paper.

Plasticine appliqué can be done in different ways.

First you need to transfer the drawing you like to a sheet of cardboard or a marker on glass, fill each section of the picture with plasticine of the corresponding color, which can be done with small balls, flagella or whole parts, giving the edges the desired shape with a stack.

Types of applications from plasticine:

    whole piece appliqué

    application of plasticine flagella.

    application from plasticine balls (plasticine mosaic)

    application on glass

    unusual type of application - application on discs (DVD, CD, etc.)

V . Physical education minute

    One, two, three, four, five,

All so necessary

Strong and friendly.

    Now the guys will massage for their fingers, right hand we massage the fingers of the left hand, and now, on the contrary, with the left hand we massage the fingers of the right hand.

VI . Practical work

And now let's get to work. First, let me show you how to do it, and then you will do it.

Ped. Show (in stages)

Place the disk in front of you. To begin with, we draw a drawing with a marker (pencil) on the disk.

Then we will need plasticine. We choose the color we need. We cut off half of the plasticine. We soften it before work. And we apply small pieces along the contour to our drawing. After we fill in the whole drawing. At the end of the stack, we remove the excess. Here is such a still life we ​​should get.

VI . Summary of the lesson. Evaluation of student work

Guys, what composition did we meet today?

What is relief?

What items does our still life consist of?

How do you say apple in Kazakh? In English?

What is a torsyk?

Well done rippers!

Analysis and evaluation of student work

The children in the first row show their work to the children in the second and third rows. Now the second - the first and third. And the third - the first and second.

Well done boys!

Now we clean our workplace, and I will go through and put an assessment.

Nadezhda Moshkina

Master class on modeling« Plasticine still life» (in second junior group )

Children are always delighted when they make something with their own hands. My task is to develop the creative abilities of my pupils, to teach them the ability to think in images and convey these images by means of fine art.

For our « plasticine still life» us need: plasticine(red, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange, black, white, boards, steak and a little imagination.

1. Rolling out of purple plasticine medium sized balls for making grapes.

2. Rolling out of blue plasticine small balls and combine to create blackberries.

3. Roll up the black plasticine for blueberries.

4. Take one half of the egg from big kinder surprise and wrap it in red plasticine, then smooth plasticine(gets an apple).

5. We take one half of the kinder surprise and wrap it around with green and yellow plasticine, then smooth plasticine, while mixing it (it turns out a pear).

6. From balls of green plasticine we form leaves and roll thin sausages to decorate the grapes.

7. Roll up the orange sausage plasticine, and on top we wrap it with white plasticine.

8. Roll up the sausage from yellow plasticine and white on top plasticine.

9. Cut sausages from yellow and orange plasticine(Each makes 8 pieces). We combine in the form of half an orange and a lemon, add the desired color on top plasticine for fruit and smooth, forming the fruit itself.

10. Putting it All Together plasticine still life. (The background is prepared in advance for plasticine still life).

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