Conclusions of the story Lion and Tolstoy's dog. Abstract: Lesson topic: L


Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy - the author of a large number of stories, novels, novels - also wrote works for children. Many of his stories, simple and truthful, were included in the "ABC" - a book written specifically for the education of peasant children.

"The Lion and the Dog" is an unusually touching and sad story about the friendship of two animals. Evil and cruel people threw a small defenseless dog into a lion's cage to be eaten. However, the lion, always wild, strong, cruel, did not touch her. With the dog, he was caring and attentive: "The lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, and sometimes played with her." The dog died a year later. Strikingly, the grief of the lion, which "fought, rushed about in the cage and roared, then lay down beside the dead dog and calmed down."

The attachment of the lion to the dog turned out to be so strong that he tore another dog, and a few days later, he died. Tolstoy is very brief in telling this story. He does not describe the feelings of the characters, his impressions and attitude to what is happening. But this story cannot leave anyone indifferent. We seem to feel the suffering of a lonely lion. The veracity of the author, who does not embellish or soften the current events, only enhances the impression. This is a story about devotion and loyalty. After reading it, you feel sadness, sadness and admiration.

And the dog" with the subtitle "story-truth" was written by him for the "ABC" presumably around 1875. This book was a collection that included the original texts for children to study various subjects - from zoology and geography to the Russian language.

Tolstoy himself made many demands on the works included in the book. He said:

Children are strict judges in literature. It is necessary that the stories be written for them both clearly, and entertainingly, and morally.

What a story?

Recording a summary of "The Lion and the Dog" for reader's diary could be this: little story tells about the friendship of a big lion and a small dog. She, thrown to him to be devoured, was not only pitied by a large and, by all accounts, vicious predator, but also became a friend to her more devoted than the people who abandoned her.

And when the lion's little neighbor died, he himself soon fell ill and died, without letting anyone into his cage.

Main events

Here we will focus on a brief summary of Tolstoy's The Lion and the Dog.

In one London zoo, stray cats and dogs were taken as a fee for visiting, which were thrown into the cages of predators as food.

Once such a small dog was given to be eaten by a lion. But for some reason he did not eat it, but took pity on it and even began to play with it and share food.

Once a gentleman who came to the zoo recognized his dog in his dog and wanted to take it away, but the lion roared and did not allow it.

So they lived together for a year. And then the dog got sick and died. But the lion did not believe it - at first he kept sniffing it and touching it with his paw, and then he began to jump around the cage, gnawing the bolts in despair.

They gave him another dog, expecting that he would forget the old one, but the lion tore it to pieces.

Ends summary"The Lion and the Dogs" just like the story itself:

Then he hugged the dead dog with his paws and lay like that for five days.

On the sixth day the lion died.

Sense education

As always, after reading the works of Tolstoy, the reader may have many questions, and for sure there will be a strange aftertaste from the stories he told, in general, simple stories.

After a brief summary of The Lion and the Dog, we present some of the reader's conclusions.

Why did the lion take pity on the dog? For her defenselessness? Hardly. If it was customary in that zoo to feed stray dogs and cats to large predators, then the animals are used to eating what they give. How many on the account of the lion were these balls and snow leopards, which he did not regret? Tolstoy says nothing about this.

And at the end of the story, did he tear apart the other dogs thrown into his cage, expressing his disagreement with the decision of cruel fate to deprive him of his little comrade?

Why did the friendly feelings of the lion arise so suddenly, why did his warmth manifest itself so selectively? Maybe the dog was something special?

Probably, the point is in her behavior: when she was thrown into a cage to a lion, she fell on her back - that is, in the most defenseless position for animals - and began to wag her tail, thereby showing complete humility and, at the same time, a friendly disposition towards the owner of the cage. Then she completely stood in front of him on her hind legs.

The reader's conclusion may be as follows: the dog was cunning, she guessed that behaving unbanally in a banal situation is the only chance to survive next to a predator. The lion was surprised. Never before had he come across such strange victims.

And then the dog had to get used to such a dangerous neighborhood, and the lion got used to taking care and made friends with her.

Here is another conclusion of the reader: friendship is selective. You have to be special to deserve it. But is a dog, if it is as stupid as it is weak, unworthy of sympathy and friendly participation?

And here is another conclusion: friendship was necessary not so much for a dog as for a lion. Even in conditions of captivity, he wants to be needed by someone.

But soon the owner came to the zoo for the dog - he wanted to pick it up. Perhaps she was attached to him, and then just got lost? But the lion wouldn't let her in. The little girlfriend became his property.

So. The poor thing had to adapt in order to survive. And the lion started a living toy and came up with the meaning of life. And both of them are, of course, victims in the hands cruel people. Here's the story about it. And for some reason it is believed that this story is about love and devotion. Were they here?

Tolstoy turned out such a not at all childish plot. Although, as in traditional Russian folk tale, Where actors are animals, their actions are projected onto people here too.

We have given a summary of the story "The Lion and the Dog" and a few from the entire spectrum of reader's conclusions. You can find yours.

Sleptsova Maria
Lesson literary reading on the topic: "L. N. Tolstoy. Lion and dog"

Literary reading lesson on the topic: "L.N. Tolstoy. lion and dog"

Program "Planet of Knowledge" Grade 3

Type lesson: combined

Target: To introduce students to the work of L.N. Tolstoy"Lion and dog»


- educational: practice expressive skills reading, the ability to determine main idea works, the ability to raise questions about the content of the work, to teach to understand someone else's pain, to expand ideas about the life of animals;

- developing: develop cognitive interest, awareness of perception educational material, speech and logical thinking, memory, imagination of students, the ability to work in a group, in pairs;

- educators: to cultivate a good attitude towards animals, responsibility, interest in reading, curiosity.

Equipment: presentation to lesson, scientific texts about the lion and dog, cut parts of the story, A4 sheets, pencils.

Technology: research, communicative, by the type of management of cognitive activity.

Methods: problem-search, work in groups, use of ICT.

Forms of study: collective, group, individual.

Expected results:

Arouse in students sympathy, compassion, empathy for the heroes of the story, the desire to help the weak, to do a good deed;

An increase in interest in works about animals, a desire to get acquainted with other works of the same author;

Development of fantasy, creative imagination;

Doing a good deed towards animals;

Plan lesson

1. Create a situation of success.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Work on poems dogs;

3. Derivation of the theme and purpose lesson.

4. Reading artwork teacher.

5. Physical education.

6. Analysis of the work.

A) reading

c) Creation of a baby book.

d) work in a group

5. Reflection.

6. Information about homework.

During the classes

1. Create a situation of success.

Teacher: Good afternoon guys! How are you? Smile to each other, give me your smiles. Thank you! I wish you Have a good mood and pleasant communication lesson. Begin literary reading lesson.

2. Updating knowledge:

On slide 1 are the titles of works by L.N. Tolstoy("The King and the Shirt", "Father and Sons", "Liar", "Mosquito and Lion", "Bounce")

Read the titles of the works.

What genre do they belong to? What is a story, a fable?

Who wrote these works?

With the work of which writer we will continue our acquaintance?

slide 2 (a portrait of L.N. Tolstoy) .

slide 3: Work on poem:

Poor dog - abandoned her.

Old dog - where is your home?

Evil owner, harmful, kicked out of the door!

Before her, poor, there are no more roads.

Reading a poem"About myself". With what intonation should this poem be read? Why? Who has pets at home? How do you feel about them?

There are a lot of homeless people roaming the streets lately dogs. Homeless dog - abandoned friend. A friend who was betrayed was brought to bitterness. But dog more than 7000 years living next to a man. This is the first animal he tamed.

Reading a poem aloud, expressive, choral reading, read with logical emphasis.

After reading this poem, name the main character of the work.

slide 4: (illustration appears dogs) .

3 Derivation of theme and purpose lesson:

Target: to introduce the new work of L.N. Tolstoy, enrich lexicon children, to teach independently, to work with the text, analyzing the work.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Tell me what you know about L. Tolstoy(children's answers).

Well done! Remember a lot.

You have already managed to identify one main character - this is dog. And you will recognize the second hero if you guess the riddle.

Terrible and very brave

He waves his mighty mane.

And growls, as if in a chant -

It is strong, brave...

slide 5 (A lion)

Name the topic in full lesson.

L. N. Tolstoy"Lion and dog" (Slide 6)

The story that L.N. will tell us about Tolstoy, happened a long time ago, in the city of London, far from the coast of Russia. Maybe some sailor who had been there told him about this story. Who knows. But the thing is, it's small. Tolstoy was very sensitive - when he listened to sad stories or saw, for example, a dead bird, a kitten with a broken paw, he cried. This trait of compassion remained in him until the end of his life. (child's message).

How do you understand the word "compassion"? (the ability to feel someone else's pain, experience and sympathize.)

I would like you to experience this feeling today. After all, only a person with sensitive heart can empathize, rejoice, be sad, mourn.

We will see the theme of compassion in the new work of L.N. Tolstoy.

Open the textbook. Read the title. What can the title tell us? Name the main characters.

Let's learn more about these animals. (2 students read scientific texts about dogs and lions)

Dog: our most true friend from pets. Seven thousand years ago, man tamed dog. Dog helps a person hunting, in the household guards the dwelling and livestock. There are over 400 breeds dogs: mastiff, english bulldog, boxer, german shepherd, st. bernard, russian greyhound. Many representatives of these breeds help to save people, warm them with their bodies. The smallest dog in the world? chihuahua. Her height is 15-20cm.

a lion: the king of beasts. Looks somewhere up, as if not noticing you. A lion has a mane, but a lioness does not have a mane. Mane indicates power lion: she is both his scepter and orb. Does the lion not roar? "thunder of heaven". He can crawl like a plastuna, and even in low grass he will hide so that you will not notice him. A lion can reach speeds of up to 50 km / h. Can climb trees. The king of animals gives way to adult rhinos, elephants, hippos, and is wary of them. Is the lion stronger than all? It turns out not. In a fight with a tiger, the lion is inferior in strength to him.

Guys, what do you think. Dog and lion can be friends? (children's answers)

4. Reading artwork

Listen to the story "The Lion and dog".

Teacher reading a story or listening to an audio recording of a story "Lion and dog» .

- Listen to yourself. What did you feel while listening to this story?

What feeling did this story evoke? (Sorrow, sadness, anxiety.)

What episode touched your heart the most?

5. Physical education

6. Analysis of the work

A) reading aloud by well-read children.

b) Work on the content of the story.

Guys, what kind of work can we do with this story? Your suggestions. (children offer different options) Okay, let's think interesting questions by the content of the story. I have 3 minutes to prepare.

Answering each other's questions.

Well done, I enjoyed your questions and answers.

Teacher: How did the love and devotion of the lion express itself after the death of a friend? (children's answers)

Teacher: Do you agree with the opinion that the lion is humanized?

c) Creation of a baby book.

What do you need to know to make a cover? (author, work title, genre and topic)

c) work in a group (arbitrary division into groups)

I give you envelopes. In envelopes part of the story. Your task is to collect them in order.

V. Reflection lesson

Teacher: Our lesson comes to an end. What task would you suggest for homework?

Summarize. Who is satisfied with their work lesson? How did the class work?

What gave you this lesson? What did the author reveal to us in this story? What was the purpose of the writer? (children's answers)

You have hearts on your desks. Write in them what feelings arose in your hearts.

whether kindness, sympathy settled there, whether you wanted to perform some act in relation to animals.

(Children hang their hearts on the board and summarize)

Teacher: Yes, kids. Today we read a lot interesting story, but I don’t really like him ... And you didn’t guess why? (different answers of children)

Good girls! Guessed! Today I am very satisfied and proud of you! Thank you very much!

VI. Homework. Think of a happy ending for this story.

Read the aphorism written on the board.


How do you understand these words? (Your heart demands it. If the good is sincere, then you yourself will receive satisfaction from it).

Everything we do always comes back to us like a boomerang. Good deeds are good. Remember this!

Repetition of knowledge gained in the previous lesson.

What do you already know about this writer?

Lev Nikolaevich was a very kind, generous person and knew how to feel other people's troubles and suffering. And he retained these qualities in himself until the end of his life.

With what work L.N. Tolstoy we met at the previous lesson? ("Bounce")

Examination homework

And how carefully we studied the work, now we will check. You have tests on your desks. You have to read the question carefully and circle the correct answers.

Test. Choose the correct answer.

1. Why did the father have a gun in his hands?

a) was going to watch the sea

b) was going to feed the monkey.

c) was going to hunt

2. What did the captain do?

a) jumped overboard

b) fired into the air

c) shot the boy

d) shot the monkey

3. What did the captain shout?

a) "Help!"

b) “Jump into the water now! I'll shoot!"

c) Stay where you are!

d) Back!

4. What did the boy do?

a) grabbed the rope

b) grabbed the edge of the sail

c) jumped into the water

d) hanging on the bar

5. What did the sailors do?

a) climbed the mast

b) stretched a canvas under the mast

c) jump into the water

d) also began to shoot

6. How was the boy saved?

a) pulled out of the water and pumped out

b) caught on a stretched canvas

c) removed from the mast

7. What did the captain do after that?

a) ran to his cabin and cried

b) fell on deck, cried

c) carried the boy to the cabin.

8. Is the theme of the work?

a) overcoming fear

b) the desire to catch a monkey

c) father's courage

Raise your hands if you passed/failed the test.

What is the reason for the errors?

trial action.

Now, I propose to work in pairs. Rules for working in pairs (review).

Consult and draw a CAGE on the sheet.

Discuss in pairs what you drew (discuss);

If you see a similar option, you do not need to raise your hand.

(each pair offers their own answers, exposes non-repeating drawings)

- Drawings appear on the board:

cage for birds or animals.

chess cage.

plaid material.

cell (notebook)

The teacher supplements with his drawings:


rib cage.

cell of a living organism.

What can you say about the word CELL? What is it? (multiple meanings)

- What do you think, when a cell has a positive and when a negative value?

The opinions of the children were divided.

Positive characteristics

An organism could not exist without a cell.

Keep evil animals (predators) so that they do not bite

transport cats

Not to fall on the stairs

Checkered tablecloth is prettier

Couldn't play checkers/chess without a cage

The chest protects the internal organs (teacher's addition), etc.

Negative characteristics

Poachers catch animals in cages

It's cruel to keep animals in cages

The bird learns to fly in a cage

The cell separates from its own home

Animals are better off in the wild than in a cage, etc.

The cage was invented by man. It can become both a decoration and a means of protection, including from wild animals.

Dolganova Olga Pavlovna, primary school teacher.

Lesson topic: L.N. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog". True story.

Lesson objectives: Acquaintance with the work, disclosure of the main meaning.

Formation of reading skills, development of analytical abilities.

Education of love for animals, the ability to empathize and be faithful.

Equipment: Textbooks "Native speech" Grade 3, edited by L.F. Klimanova, exhibition of books by L.N. Tolstoy, presentation.

During the classes:

I.Org. moment.

Let's start the lesson of literary reading. ^ SLIDE #1.

II.Knowledge actualization.

Creativity of which writer we began to study?

Find a portrait of the writer among others. SLIDE #2

Name others. The works they wrote?

Name the works of Leo Tolstoy known to you.

^ III.Verification of D/Z.

1) - Read the proverbs from the board, correlate them with the stories studied:

The father is proud that he has a brave son. (Shark)

Who cares, but I'm not laughing. (Bounce)

2) - Briefly retell the story "Jump".

Retell the story on behalf of the boy.

Name and briefly retell other stories of the writer.

3) -Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of the writer and now we will hear

Report on the life of Tolstoy. (abstract of Ershova Sveta)

4) - L.N. Tolstoy in his name Yasnaya Polyana near Tula, he opened a school for peasant children, he himself was the author of textbooks and stories for them. ^ SLIDE #3 (school opening)

He wrote short but very instructive stories. They included the so-called "Life Lessons for Children." Let's read them and think about which of the listed life lessons the story is talking about ... SLIDE No. 4, 5,6 Who knows who a gentleman is? (Jump, Fire, Philippok).

And what motto will we choose for our today's lesson? (From "Filippka")


V. Study new topic.

1) - We will begin the study of a new topic by guessing riddles. ^ SLIDE #7 (riddles)

It is no coincidence that these riddles are about a lion and a dog, because the topic of our lesson is True. "Lion and dog" SLIDE number 8

2) -What do you think is true? (This is a narrated event that really happened in life, those are not a fictional story.)

This story took place far away in Russia. Perhaps it was told to Tolstoy by one of the sailors who were in the port of London.

Which one of you has been to the zoo? And what do they feed the predatory animals there?

So, before they were fed homeless animals.

3) - Let's open the textbook on page 160 and find out what happened.

4) - But first, let's read the difficult words from the screen SLIDE No. 9 (See-tre-nye)

^ 5) -Let's repeat, who is BARIN? (a rich man who has servants)

6) Reading to yourself.

7) Reading along the chain. We carefully read the text, and then share our impressions.

8) Primary perception:

Did you like the story?

What is he?

What feelings did he evoke in you?

Who was sorry?

^ vi. Fizminutka for the eyes SLIDE No. 10

VII. Text analysis.

Read how the story begins.

Why does Lev Nikolayevich begin his story in this way? (So ​​that this never happens. He wants to teach us to love animals. In the story, people are ruthless, and the lion and the dog are kind.)

1) Work in pairs:

So the lion and the dog met. Find how the meeting is going on, this is the 3rd red line, 3rd paragraph. With a pencil, underline the words-actions of the dog and the lion. Name the words, i.e. the behavior of both at the meeting ^. SLIDE №11

2) Questions from the slide: SLIDE No. 12

Why didn't the lion immediately eat the dog like the others? (She was playful, affectionate, waving her tail, as if asking not to eat her.)

What connected the two animals? (Friendship, mutual understanding)

What was friendship? (the lion shared meat, slept together)

How did the king of beasts react to the owner's attempt to return the dog? (bristled and growled)

How long did they live together?

What happened to the dog then?

How did the lion react to the dog's death? Read out.

Why didn't the lion accept another dog?

How did the death of a friend affect the lion? (Dies, could not bear the loss of a friend)

^ 8VIII Conclusion on the story:

What did Tolstoy mean by this small work? Let's make a conclusion.

Tolstoy portrayed the lion as a man, showed how he experiences grief and loss. Devotion to the feeling of love for a friend is shown here^. SLIDE #13

What life lesson can we learn from the story? SLIDE #14

IX. Illustration work.

How is the lion drawn?

What can be added to the portrait of the "King of Beasts"? (he can be sensitive, kind, devoted)

X. Words of another great writer about love SLIDE №15.

What will happen to us if goodness, beauty, love - universal values ​​disappear? (We will turn into evil, callous, ruthless)

XI Modeling the cover. SLIDE #16

You are artists, what will be the cover of your book?

Exhibition display.