Literature Reading Open Lesson Bianca Musician. Open lesson on literary reading "V.V. Bianchi "Musician""


Exists whole system laughter therapy, which helps people learn how to laugh correctly and, thereby, get rid of many ailments. For example, in yoga there is a direction called Haasya Yoga. Its essence lies in the breathing exercises that you perform by pronouncing the well-known "ho-ho", "ha-ha" and "hee-hee". Thus, laughter is stimulated.

If you do not have the opportunity to practice with a yoga trainer, then try to pronounce these magical sounds on your own. The secret is that “ho-ho” must be pronounced from the abdomen, “ha-ha” - from the chest and from the heart, and “hee-hee” - from the place where the third eye is not yet open in the east, that is, from the middle of the forehead.

In order to mourn, there is always a reason, and it is he who pushes out all the reasons for laughter. And it should be the other way around. If you feel like a negative load settles inside, stop and stretch your lips into a smile.
Yes, it may look silly from the outside at first, but then you will feel how the dark cloud inside dissipates, and you are calm again. The more positive you are, the easier it will be to make you laugh, as it won't run into many obstacles.

Develop your sense of humor and try to apply it to any situation. It often happens that after bitter tears they laugh, it would not be possible to start laughing right away. Laughter is sobering and helps to find a better solution. Therefore, sharpen your sharp mind properly and learn to take the world not so seriously.

Get rid of all the fears that are hidden deep inside. They not only prevent laughter from penetrating, but also aggravate any insignificant situation. For example, if you are afraid of doctors, then any illness will cause you panic horror. But people who are deprived of this feeling and perceive everything that happens with humor can laugh at the temporary situation in which they find themselves. Even if your leg is broken, you can be sure that by laughing you will only speed up its recovery.

Take advantage of the comedies humorous shows with your favorite artists, go to the circus or rides. You will learn to laugh instantly, because professional actors make even inveterate gloomy pessimists hold on to their tummies.

Sport raises the general tone, evens out breathing and heals human emotions. Remember what a good mood you get after two hours of skating, when even numerous falls make you sincerely laugh.

Practice your laughter daily, whether there is a reason or not. Just stand in front of a mirror or remember something funny, and at that moment a smile will appear by itself. And then just start laughing, laughing even if you have to make an effort at first. Later, you will feel a pleasant tickle in the chest area, this is a sign that everything is working out for you. Every day for 15 minutes of such exercises, and soon your infectious laughter will be envied.

Treating life with humor will save you a lot of nerves. It would seem that there is nothing easier than to laugh or joke about yourself, but no, human pride and ego will not let you relax for a second. In order to develop a good sense of humor in yourself, you need to remember a number of rules that must be observed.


Remember to reframe. If something does not suit you, you can find in this and positive sides, slightly expanding the analyzed area or simply turning everything upside down. And if everything is really so tragic that it is impossible to find any pluses, understand that this is precisely the invaluable experience that many lack.

Recognize your shortcomings. Understand that everything that you have is a minus in the here and now and cannot be corrected, is actually a plus in another! Once you actually understand this, you will feel much better about yourself, which is one step closer to your goal of learning to laugh at yourself.

Know how to rebuild for each of the three - yourself, the second actor and an outside observer who is watching all this. Imagine that each of these parties has its own point of view and its own prism of view, and then the comedy of the situation can appear before you in all its glory.

Be simple. People are not interested in abstruse, in-depth reflections with irrefutable argumentation and confirmation on all points, people need simple and easy communication. So give it to them. Smooth corners, joke more often and smile without taking anything seriously. Imagine that this is all just a game.

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Useful advice

The key method for learning to laugh at yourself is to forget about your social status and imagine that you are in the company of friends.

A sense of humor is sometimes called the sixth sense, implying that, like sight, hearing, sharpness of mind is given to a person at the moment of his birth. And if nature has not endowed a single person with this ability, it is almost impossible to learn to joke and make people laugh. However, it is not. A sense of humor can and should be trained.


Read the classics. For example, "12 Chairs" and "The Golden Calf", written by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov. Judging by the fact that these jokes have made generations of readers laugh, quality jokes last a long time.

Use templates. proverbs, sayings, set expressions- the perfect raw material for a joke. Having heard the familiar , listeners will expect the familiar . And as you know, the secret of a joke is in originality and surprise. Two methods can be used: joining and breaking.
When attached to a template, it does not change itself, only one of its parts changes. For example, the well-known expression “One is good, but two is better” acquires new meaning: "One head is good, but two more will eat."
When the pattern breaks, the structure of the familiar phrase also changes. For example, from the same expression you get a joke: “One head is good. And Siamese twins know it better than anyone else."

Play with words. The essence of the technique is the use of several meanings of the same word. In the first part of the joke, this word has a certain meaning, and in the second part, a different meaning is used. A classic example: “Stirlitz fired blindly. The blind fell."
Another way of playing with words is the use of metaphor, transferring the properties of one object to another, based on their similarity. The word "organs" in the expression "authorities" has acquired a completely different meaning. Try to return it to its original meaning: "It takes a donor of government organs to save the life of the country."

Train constantly. To make people laugh, it is not necessary to give out a new tricky joke every time. It is enough to avoid stamped phrases when answering everyday questions. Try to find new, original solutions.

Smile! In most cases, a friendly smile evokes the interlocutor's disposition, helps him relax in your company, and therefore be more receptive to humor.

4 chose

With a joke, a smile and sincere laughter, life is generally easier. And if a person knows how to laugh not only at others, but also at himself, this seriously helps him to survive troubles, hardships and his own mistakes. Let's see if it is really useful to be able to laugh at yourself and whether it can be learned.

Who are you laughing at?

Some readers may object - why laugh at ourselves when there are enough "well-wishers" who will do it for us? In fact, self-irony is a wonderful defense mechanism. He protects us...

Can this be learned?

There is this saying: "To laugh at yourself, you have to outgrow yourself." Let's think about what it means and how to learn to laugh at yourself.

The pathological fear of looking ridiculous is a consequence of complexes and problems with self-esteem. It seems to us that jokes and laughter humiliate us in the eyes of others. Actually, it is not. If you demonstrate the ability to laugh at yourself, it will show you mature and harmonious developed person. And those who are afraid of any word addressed to them, only expose their own complexes.

I have always been interested in watching girls for whom laughing at themselves is a form of coquetry. "This could only happen to me!"- they say smugly, telling some curious situation from their lives. They are so confident in themselves that even their shortcomings and mistakes are considered charming traits, and they talk about them with pride.

So in order to learn to laugh at yourself, it's a good idea to start with self-esteem.

I offer a few more tips:

  • Try to see the situation from the outside. There is such a psychological technique: imagine that you are looking at this situation from the window of a neighboring house.
  • You don't have to laugh at yourself right away. Start cultivating self-irony in your own thoughts. Having made some kind of mistake, do not rush to scold yourself, but laugh at your own mistake. Over time, you will get used to this way of thinking.
  • Watch the children, take an example from them. They are not afraid to look stupid or funny, they play the fool with pleasure, portray something and are not at all shy about it. Maybe a little childish spontaneity will not hurt you?
  • Develop your imagination. Many annoying situations start to look funny if you use fantasy. For example, the flea market in the subway before entering the escalator reminds me of a flock of penguins that walk slowly, practically marking time in one place, but certainly swaying from side to side.
  • Smile at your reflection in the mirror every morning. Build your own faces. And with such a frivolous mood, leave the house.
  • Recognize your shortcomings, accept them. Perfect people do not exist, and

Almost everyone knows that laughter can prolong life. In addition to the fact that this "medicine" has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, it also has another, no less valuable quality It's completely free, which means it's available to everyone. If you want to prolong your life, we advise you to think about how to learn to laugh, right now. To do this, we suggest using the tips that we have prepared for you.

In order to start laughing correctly, and laughter has a beneficial effect on the body, there are whole complexes of laughter therapy. For example, one of the directions ancient art yoga, which is called Haasya Yoga, teaches its adherents how to breathe correctly, while saying "ha-ha", "hee-hee" and "ho-ho". These exercises stimulate laughter.

For those who cannot afford a personal trainer, this science can be mastered on their own. To do this, you need to know a few secrets, which lie in the fact that when pronouncing "ho-ho" it is necessary to ensure that the sound comes from the abdomen, "ha-ha" from the region of the heart and chest, and the sound "hee-hee" should go from the place where, according to the teachings of yogis, the third eye is located. This refers to the area of ​​the middle of the forehead.

In order to be sad, you can always find a reason, and it is very easy to fall into a state of sadness. This is what makes people forget about what can cause laughter. In fact, in order for your life to become better, it is necessary that everything happens the other way around. As soon as you begin to feel that sadness takes hold of you, stretch your lips into a wide smile. Perhaps from the outside it will look at least strange, but you yourself will be able to make sure that the cloud of negativity in your chest will begin to dissipate, and peace and balance will return to your soul. The more positive you have in your life, the easier it will be for you to get yourself into a state of laughter.

Another secret about how to learn to laugh lies in the fact that a person must develop a sense of humor in himself so much as to be able to find funny in any situation, even if at first glance it seems hopeless. Remember that laughter is sobering and makes you look at the problem from a different angle, thereby allowing you to find a solution. Therefore, develop wit in yourself and learn to look at the world easier!
Another point that can interfere with laughter is your inner feelings and fears. Not only do they make you constantly experience depression and stress, but they can also make you exaggerate any danger.

If you don’t know how to laugh on your own yet, various comedies, performances by your favorite comedians, trips to the circus or amusement park can help you with this. This will help you learn to laugh almost immediately, because real laughter professionals know how to make even the most hardened pessimists laugh.

A good help to create a positive mood can be sports that help develop proper breathing, as well as improve your overall tone.

Try to laugh as often as possible, regardless of whether there is any reason for this or not. Just force yourself to go to the mirror and remember something funny in front of it, and a smile will not be long in coming. Having achieved a smile - continue training. Start laughing and keep doing it, even if it requires you to make an effort on yourself. After some time, you will notice that in the chest area you have a pleasant tickling sensation - this is a sure sign that you are on the right track.

Do these fifteen-minute workouts every day, and very soon the world will begin to seem much better to you, and your laughter will begin to infect those around you.

To learn how to laugh beautifully, you can use the tips from the video. Pretty interesting.

It is well known that Laughter improves mood for yourself and others- but on condition that you know how to laugh beautifully.

Today, on the women's website, we will not be distracted by such well-known facts as the condition of the teeth and bad breath - these are things taken for granted. Let's get to the most important:

How do modern women laugh?

Differently. For some reason, many have decided for themselves that they should laugh like in the Comedy Club, or show how they laugh bad guys. Most of the above sounds rude, masculine.

Yes, and women speak of their own laughter far from romantic words: "I was so SCREAMING!" The saddest thing is that she is not lying - she really laughed 🙁

What kind of female laughter do men like?

Well, certainly not "neighing".

We girls are developing persistent disgust for a man who laughs thinly, like a woman. So, men are also incredibly annoyed by our masculine laughter.

One story comes to mind. The girl in the company really wanted to attract one guy and in his presence she literally laughed at everything that was more or less funny, trying to look like a “humorous” and cheerful girl. The guy really noticed her, but she seemed to him not "humorous", but "tomboy".

Poets of past years loved to recall the tender female laughter, comparing it with a melodious bell. The poets of our days... appreciate the same beautiful female laughter!

How to learn to laugh beautifully? Practical part

1. Realize that it concerns you

Evaluating your own laughter is both easier and more difficult than the voice that we have already made and 😉

  • Easier - because what we hear is not much different from what others hear.
  • More difficult - because as soon as we begin to listen to our own laughter. Sincerity immediately disappears from him. And it’s much easier to talk into a voice recorder than to “make fun” 🙂

The way out could be video camera meeting with friends, which is better to hide and then "forget" about it.

The essence is one: you have to appreciate your own laughter and make a decision: do you need to learn to laugh beautifully, or are you doing just fine.

2. What would be your ideal laugh?

Interesting question, isn't it? Close your eyes and imagine yourself laughing beautifully.

For starters, you can imagine that you laugh as beautifully as your favorite star/actress. Isn't there one? Then focus on the laughter of the unforgettable (just think - she has long been dead, and the whole world is still going crazy over her!)

3. Rehearse a beautiful laugh

How to learn to laugh beautifully? Practice, practice and more practice!

In rehearsals, the usual will help us mirror in which we will examine ourselves. It is difficult to remain natural during rehearsals of beautiful laughter, but it is possible!

Trying to laugh beautifully and presenting yourself as a world-class star - keep in mind that:

  • laugh - not very loud(why hit the interlocutor with decibels? - they won’t appreciate it!).
  • Mouth open The whole width doesn't make sense either. It's best to just smile broadly, and then laugh. I assure you - the sound will be a little different, more delicate than when laughing with a demonstration of all dental fillings.
  • To nothing "male" gestures accompanying laughter: clapping on one's own body and the bodies of those around them, head tossing, ostentatious shaking, and so on.
  • Learn to control everything "funny" sounds accompanying laughter: snorting, grunting, splashing saliva, and so on.
  • Laughter turning into hysteria, is pleasant only to the source of the joke, and even then not always.

4. Run up ... for laughter!

You practiced at home - everything seems to be as it should. Now it's time to work out the acquired skills "in the field." For this, it is not necessary to laugh at any occasion. But, nevertheless, practicing a beautiful laugh is a must!

Houses watch funny shows, movies, read jokes on the Internet and try to laugh beautifully at all this.

Meeting with friends- just an unplowed field for experiments with your laughter. But...

5. It's not just HOW you laugh, it's also WHAT you laugh at.

After all, it can tell so much about you! If you only laugh at flat jokes and below-the-belt humor, you may seem narrow-minded.

With laughter, you can show a person what you like and what you don't.. For example, if you do not laugh at a joke about a lover, then a man will understand that you want an honest, serious relationship. Well, if you favorably accept humor that emphasizes male sexual abilities, they will probably think of you that you are a hot thing 😉

?6. What do you do when you want to laugh but can't?

Suppressed laughter will not make you charming in the eyes of others, just as out of place laughter. Therefore, it would be better to suppress this laughter in yourself.

How? Need to digress. For example, imperceptibly hurt yourself - pinch, bite your tongue ... Or think about pressing problems. Come up with something, in general 🙂

7. Sincerity of laughter

We all know that best laugh- this is sincere laughter, with a gleam in the eyes, emotions and everything else. But if you do not want to crease, then just smile widely - and that's it!

Sincere, cheerful and beautiful laughter to you!

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