The story of Maisie Mackenzie and Madeline. Siamese twins separated as children

In December 2002, three sisters were born, whose birth can be called a real miracle. The bodies of two girls are tightly fused with each other, and their sister was born separately - this can only happen in one of 200 thousand cases. And he fell on the triplets Macy, Mackenzie and Madeline.

Each of them weighed just over 900 grams at birth.

The sisters were immediately abandoned by their parents. The couple had drug problems, and they certainly would not have been able to care for unusual girls. Fortunately for the little ones, the Harrison family took care of them. Simple farmers from the US state of Iowa have already raised three sons, but dreamed of daughters. They were not even scared away by the difficulties that are inevitable in the state of health of the triplets.

“We had no idea what to expect. They just needed someone to love them. We picked up Madeline when she was four days old, and Maisie and Mackenzie were four weeks old,” says Darla Garrison.

9 months after birth, on September 10, 2003, Macy and Mackenzie underwent separation surgery. Doctors called her a success, but both girls lost one leg and were subsequently forced to use prostheses.

Two years later, Darla and her husband Jeff officially adopted the triplets. Now they are 14 years old - and they live a normal life, like thousands of their peers.

“The girls have succeeded thanks to the hard work and care of their families. Their achievements are impressive and inspiring,” says pediatric surgeon James Stein, who performed the operation to separate the sisters back in 2003.

“When you raise children with disabilities around people who treat them like normal children, they begin to perceive themselves as such,” adds Linda Kontis, co-founder of the foster care agency.

“This is a merit not only of Darla and Jeff, but of their entire family. That's why they're such amazing kids."

“We all fell in love with them. Our boys were happy to have three sisters,” says Darla Garrison.

Of course, they are constantly asked about the secret family happiness. To this question, parents usually answer that there is no special secret, only love.

For doctors, the case of sisters Macy, Mackenzie and Madeleine remains unique even now, 14 years after their birth. The doctors who took the girls saw such triplets for the first time. Madeleine was born completely healthy, but Macy and Mackenzie were Siamese twins.

The babies grew together in the pelvic area, but this did not pose an immediate threat to their health. Parents did not hesitate to leave the girls in the hospital, fate an unusual trinity hung by a thread. Fortunately, wonderful people came to the aid of the little ones!

Jeff, 52 And 42-year-old Darla Garrison long dreamed of a daughter. Fate, however, played a trick on them: three sons grew up in the family of the spouses.

Seeing Maisie, Mackenzie and Madeleine, the husband and wife realized that they would definitely adopt the girls. Even the news that the parents of the crumbs were drug addicts did not affect the decision of the Harrison couple.

After consulting with doctors, Jeff and Darla decided that Macy and Mackenzie should be separated. The operation was performed in September 2003, when the girls were nine months old.

The multi-stage operation was extremely difficult, specialists worked on the crumbs for 24 hours in a row. Fortunately, everything ended well!

Macy and Mackenzie were left with one leg. Moreover, both sisters were now forced to live with ostomy bags. The doctors, however, were absolutely sure: without surgery, everything would have been much worse.

The parents took the girls with them to the farm where the whole family lived. Today, psychologists say: Jeff and Darla made the absolutely right decision.

The foster father and mother did not take care of them all their lives, as often happens in families where disabled people grow up, but they perceived them as normal children. As a result, the girls grew up independent, energetic and satisfied with life.

By the age of ten, it turned out: the twins, whom fate itself seemed to have tied to each other, grow up completely different in character and temperament. Maisie turned out to be a quiet home girl who preferred to stay at home and draw. Mackenzie, on the contrary, loved to walk, play in the street and run around with her brothers and friends, and the prosthesis did not interfere with her at all!

The little ones have mastered all the things that parents-farmers usually load their children with. They are not inferior to boys and a healthy sister in anything, and the trinity of half-brothers is used to protecting and protecting girls in every possible way.

From time to time, the Harrison sisters appear on television. When they and their parents are invited to the next talk show, the audience, along with the experts, unanimously admire the cheerful and energetic babies. Jeff and Darla definitely have nothing to reproach!

Now the unique twins are 14 years old, and the girls have no doubt: a wonderful future awaits them. If you'd like to learn more about the history of the Harrison sisters, check out the video below.

It's scary to even imagine what fate would have awaited the little ones if their wife Harrison had not noticed. Only thanks to Jeff and Darla, the girls became not just a medical phenomenon, but also happy, contented children!


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Sisters, fused (Siamese) twins. In 2003, the girls were successfully separated, and now they live quite a normal life - they go to school, go in for sports and love to draw very much.

Macy and Mackenzie Garrison were born in 2002, along with their third sister, Madeline. There were no problems with the latter, but little Macy and Mackenzie grew together. They had a third, common leg, and they also partially shared the intestines and liver. The biological parents of the girls had problems with drugs, and therefore the little ones were immediately placed in custody.

The new parents of the girls were Jeff and Darla Garrison (Darla and Jeff Garrison) from Riverside, California (Riverside, California). In their big family before there were already three sons, but triplets, and even such unusual ones, they had never seen. The native son of Darla and Jeff, Luke (Luke), was just overjoyed - he had three sisters at once!

Now the Harrison family has six children - three sons and three daughters.

The weight of Macy and Mackenzie at birth was just over 900 grams, but the opinion of the doctors was unequivocal: the girls can be divided. So, giving them a little time to grow up, it was decided to carry out the separation operation closer to the age of one. In addition, all this time the girls were cooked - they stretched the skin.

The new parents of the triplets fell in love with all three at once, surrounding them with care and trying to give them everything that nature and biological parents deprived them of. They were not at all embarrassed that the girls had grown together - Jeff even joked that when Macy and Mackenzie were connected, it was very convenient to hold them in their arms - one fit perfectly on the right, the other on the left.

The operation to separate Macy and Mackenzie took place at Los Children's Hospital

Angeles (ChildrensHospital Los Angeles) in 2003, when the babies were 9 months old, and all three sisters celebrated their first birthday as separate girls. They were prepared for separation and operated on by Dr. James Stein, Professor, a brilliant pediatric surgeon. The operation lasted 24 hours, and in the end, resting after the operation, Macy and Mackenzie slept separately from each other for the first time.

Madeleine was more fortunate at birth than her sisters - she grew up completely healthy and did not cause any fears among the doctors. After the separation, Macy and Mackenzie each had only one leg, and the little ones learned to walk with crutches. By the way, over time, they got so comfortable with their crutches that they did not interfere with their running, jumping and even dancing.

Later, when this unusual

Since the family had already filmed several stories for television, Jeff and Darla recalled that at first they were very depressing by human curiosity - wherever they appeared, people everywhere looked at the fused girls without hesitation. They had to cover them to hide them from prying eyes.

By the age of seven, Macy and Mackenzie had become real tomboys - they could drive horses (the family has a small horse farm), climb trees and run around on their crutches with simply unthinkable speed. Their sister, Madeleine, has outgrown both of them - she is much taller, and therefore people often mistake her for an older sister.

Macy and Mackenzie actively and without hesitation communicate with reporters and share their plans. So, they want and plan to play football, and they easily explained how to play football,

with only one leg and a pair of crutches.

The characters of all three girls are completely different, but sometimes Macy and Mackenzie think that they can read each other's thoughts.

At school, the girls adapted very quickly, the teacher was once almost shocked when she saw Maisie jumping over the rope, which was twisted by two other girls.

Despite the fact that both girls already have prostheses, they prefer to move around with crutches - they are much easier and more familiar to them. By the way, sometimes, especially at home, if the sisters are too lazy to take crutches, they just jump on one leg.

Today, Darla and Jeff can no longer imagine what their lives would be like without Madeline, Macy and Mackenzie. "The Power of Love" - ​​that's what they called the video about this amazing family, shown in the "60 Minutes" program.

Macy and Mackenzie Garrison were born in 2002, along with their third sister, Madeline. There were no problems with the latter, but little Macy and Mackenzie grew together. They had a third, common leg, and they also partially shared the intestines and liver. The biological parents of the girls had problems with drugs, and therefore the little ones were immediately placed in custody.

The new parents of the girls were Jeff and Darla Garrison (Darla and Jeff Garrison) from Riverside, California (Riverside, California). Their large family had already had three sons before, but they had never seen triplets, and even such unusual ones. The native son of Darla and Jeff, Luke (Luke), was just overjoyed - he had three sisters at once! Now the Harrison family has six children - three sons and three daughters.

The weight of Macy and Mackenzie at birth was just over 900 grams, but the opinion of the doctors was unequivocal: the girls can be divided. So, giving them a little time to grow up, it was decided to carry out the separation operation closer to the age of one. In addition, all this time the girls were cooked - they stretched the skin.

The new parents of the triplets fell in love with all three at once, surrounding them with care and trying to give them everything that nature and biological parents deprived them of. They were not at all embarrassed that the girls had grown together - Jeff even joked that when Macy and Mackenzie were connected, it was very convenient to hold them in their arms - one fit perfectly on the right, the other on the left.

The operation to separate Macy and Mackenzie took place at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles (ChildrensHospital Los Angeles) in 2003, when the babies were 9 months old, and all three sisters celebrated their first birthday as separate girls. They were prepared for separation and operated on by Dr. James Stein, Professor, a brilliant pediatric surgeon. The operation lasted 24 hours, and in the end, resting after the operation, Macy and Mackenzie slept separately from each other for the first time.

Madeleine was more fortunate at birth than her sisters - she grew up completely healthy and did not cause any fears among the doctors. After the separation, Macy and Mackenzie each had only one leg, and the little ones learned to walk with crutches. By the way, over time, they got so comfortable with their crutches that they did not interfere with their running, jumping and even dancing.

Later, when several television stories had already been shot about this unusual family, Jeff and Darla recalled that at first they were very depressed by human curiosity - wherever they appeared, people everywhere looked at the fused girls without hesitation. They had to cover them to hide them from prying eyes.

By the age of seven, Macy and Mackenzie had become real tomboys - they could drive horses (the family has a small horse farm), climb trees and run around on their crutches with simply unthinkable speed. Their sister, Madeleine, has outgrown both of them - she is much taller, and therefore people often mistake her for an older sister.

Best of the day

Macy and Mackenzie actively and without hesitation communicate with reporters and share their plans. So, they want and plan to play football, and they easily explained how you can play football with just one leg and a pair of crutches.

The characters of all three girls are completely different, but sometimes Macy and Mackenzie think that they can read each other's thoughts.

At school, the girls adapted very quickly, the teacher was once almost shocked when she saw Maisie jumping over the rope, which was twisted by two other girls.

Despite the fact that both girls already have prostheses, they prefer to move around with crutches - they are much easier and more familiar to them. By the way, sometimes, especially at home, if the sisters are too lazy to take crutches, they just jump on one leg.

Today, Darla and Jeff can no longer imagine what their lives would be like without Madeline, Macy and Mackenzie. "The Power of Love" - ​​that's what they called the video about this amazing family, shown in the "60 Minutes" program.