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In the finale of the 5th season of the show "The Bachelor", actor Ilya Glinnikov chose 22-year-old Ekaterina Nikulina.

The next, 5th season of the show "The Bachelor" has ended. Its winner was Ekaterina Nikulina, who won the sympathy of the main character - the actor. It was Nikulina who eventually called Glinnikov his bride.

Many viewers are surprised, others are outraged, others are shocked - they say, they chose the wrong one. Again: unexpectedly - Ilya seemed to make it clear that he likes Madina ...

In fact, there is not much difference - who Glinnikov chose - no. Even if he announced Lesya Ryabtseva as his bride, little would change: it's just a show. The same melodrama (or, as they are also called, a soap opera), which are broadcast daily on TV. Feelings are played out, emotions are played out - love, jealousy, resentment, likes and dislikes...

The very fact that in the finale of the 5th “Bachelor” an unexpected (as for the audience) denouement came out testifies precisely to the staged nature of the whole action. The viewer was kept in suspense - as in that lottery, the viewer had to be in doubt until the last moment - who will win the prize. And, most importantly, the denouement - as in the movies - was supposed to be unexpected. And so it happened. The show succeeded. But, of course, there is no talk of the upcoming wedding of the main characters. The 5th "Bachelor" ends like the previous four: nothing. There is a groom, there is a bride, but the wedding will not come again.

And then the 6th "Bachelor", with a new main character and new contenders...

So, in the final, two girls fought for the choice of Ilya - Madina Tamova and Ekaterina Nikulina.

Even before the finalists went to the platform of the tower strewn with rose petals, where Ilya Glinnikov was waiting for them, it was clear that main character the project has made its choice. And this choice, as noted above, was quite unexpected for the fans of the show.

It turns out that the one and only that Ilya met on the reality show was Katya Nikulina.

According to Glinnikov, if on the project he had to choose not from 25, but from a thousand girls, he would still choose her. At the same time, the actor ... no, in love (according to the script, so! ..) called his choice a jump into the unknown, but this is what attracts him. According to Ilya, he is drawn to Katya, she is a real witch, with whom he will burn, with whom he is interested.

“In every act of my chosen one, her values, character, nobility and dignity speak. She filled my heart completely, and I can no longer imagine life without her. Our feeling has just begun, but if we manage to get to the last station together, I will be the most happy man in the world!”, - said Ilya.

And his eyes were so loving. Actor! However, how many times did he have to pronounce such texts in television series.

The choice of Ilya was a shock for another finalist. At least that's how she acted.

Madina Tamova, according to her, was sure that he understood: Katya was not at all the person he needed, namely with her, Madina, he would get what he dreamed of - a family, a wise woman next to him, who would never will not betray and will always support. But Madina herself advised the Bachelor to make a decision with his heart, not his head.

“It may sound arrogant, but Katya is absolutely no competitor to me, absolutely no match. Showy sexuality is something that any woman can do. It's primitive and devalues ​​a lot when put on public display. You need to show your seductiveness alone with your man. Katya and I are completely different, and thank God ... ”, - said Madina Tamova before putting on White dress bride and go on a last date with the Bachelor.

But, justifying his choice in favor of Nikulina, Glinnikov reminded Tamova of the words about choosing with the heart. Madina was offended to the core: leaving, she categorically refused to comment on what had happened. Ilya, however, could not restrain his emotions and shed a tear, however, what time for the project. This time, he explained his tears by the fact that it was difficult for him to part with a person, leaving behind pain and resentment.

“You are a princess from start to finish... You have no idea how many times I imagined what kind of family I would have next to you... You are the diamond of this project. But you told me to choose with my heart, and I managed to hear my heart: another person settled in my heart. I cannot deceive you. Forgive me...,” Glinnikov said.

To this seemingly sincere speech, Madina only replied: “Thank you for the experience. The lesson is over." And already sitting in the car and leaving the project, she could not hold back her tears: “Did Ilya lose something - the question is. And what he lost, I know. Me. That's it, I won't say anything more."

Curtain... Titles... The melodrama has come to an end...

Recall that three months ago, actor Ilya Glinnikov met 25 girls who passed the casting and got into the show. In the very first issue, the Interns star chose 15 beauties who went with him to Sri Lanka. By the end, as in previous seasons, the Bachelor had to leave only two participants on the project.

Studied at the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov.

Before joining the Bachelor project, she worked as an art director in a cafe. I wanted to become an actress and act in films. Enrolled in theater universities, but unsuccessfully.

Engaged in equestrian sports. In food, he prefers Italian and French cuisine.

During the casting of the show "The Bachelor" she spoke about the ideal man: he must be kind and patient.

She came to a popular TV project because she wants to find a husband and “start a family as soon as possible in order to become a young mother.”

For the first time, Katya went on a date with Ilya Glinnikov in the third issue (March 25, 2017) along with three more girls: Anna Petrova, Olga Vetchinkina and Alexandra Prokhorenko. Nikulina was able to subdue the Bachelor by overcoming the fear of water and diving with him. As a result, she received a rose.

On the project, Katya developed complicated relationship with competitors. So, she was in conflict with Veronika Murashkina. The two blondes categorically refused to go to a truce, which the Bachelor clearly did not like: he decided to arrange a date, after which one of the participants had to go home. Veronica left the project, and Nikulina again received a rose.

At the next date, which Glinnikov now arranged for Sasha Prokhorenko, Ekaterina Nikulina and Chan Thi Ha-Mi, Katya again tried to capture the attention of the Bachelor. During the train journey, she did everything to be as close as possible to Ilya. Alexandra and Hamina did not hide that they were annoyed, since Katya allowed herself to openly flirt with Glinnikov and, as the girls put it, "hung herself" on the Bachelor.

In the 8th issue (April 29, 2017), Ilya Glinnikov arranged a fabulous rendezvous with Ekaterina Nikulina in snowy Moscow, and the date ended with a kiss between the Bachelor and the blonde.

Katya Nikulina's acquaintance with Glinnikov's relatives - Ilya's stage speech teacher Vera Solomonovna and his family - was not successful for the girl. So, Catherine found herself in an uncomfortable position in front of Vera Solomonovna. The girl admitted that she dreams of acting in films and becoming an actress, but at the request of the teacher to name her favorite directors, she could not remember a single name. And Ilya's aunt, after talking with Nikulina, came to the conclusion that the girl was playing and overplaying, because she just really wants to win the project. Ilya Glinnikov listened to the opinion of loved ones, but this did not affect his choice.

At the end of the project, which took place on June 3, 2017, Ilya Glinnikov presented the ring to Ekaterina Nikulina.

Fans of the show "The Bachelor" have long been worried about rumors about whether Ilya Glinnikov and the winner of the show, Katya Nikulina, broke up. In the spring of 2017, the TNT channel introduced us to a new bachelor - Ilya Glinnikov. Who is known for his roles in cinema, but the real popularity came to the actor after filming in the TV series "Interns", where he played the role of an intern and the son of the head of the hospital, reports Wordyou. Of the twenty-five girls, the hero chose 22-year-old Catherine.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina did the bachelor stay together after the season 5 finale: what did the couple do after the show

When the shooting was completed, the couple had to hide for a long time so that no one knew who the hero of the television screens had chosen. Ilya said that his chosen one is ideal for him in character, and they get along well together, so they came together very quickly and began to live together.

Judging by the photo from the joint vacation, everyone thought that the couple was strong and they had true love, they said that the couple was preparing for the wedding. Immediately after filming, the couple went to meet the bride's parents. Glinnikov in an interview always noted the culinary abilities of his bride.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina after the season 5 finale did the bachelor stay together: a wedding in Georgia and another ring

The couple had a great time together. Ilya planned a wedding in Georgia, so the lovers visited this country and visited the artist's grandmother. The actor decided that he would make an offer to Catherine and give another ring so that it was only their event, and not for the whole country. The girl seriously thought about the family and children.

But then the press began to notice more and more quarrels and troubles between the couple. Catherine said that her parents did not approve of her relationship, but she acted contrary to them. Recently, Catherine officially confirmed that she and Ilya are no longer a couple. They parted on friendly terms and maintained a good relationship.

The heart of Ilya Glinnikov was conquered by Katya Nikulina from Moscow. Yesterday, the grand finale took place on the bachelor season 5 project. Its apogee was a declaration of love from the lips of the protagonist, as well as a gift to the chosen one - a ring with " best friend Girls" - with a diamond. The final issue took place in a very romantic atmosphere of the Middle Ages on top of the fortress. The finalists sparkled like precious stones, and the bachelor himself showed with his whole appearance how difficult it was for him to decide with whom he wants to connect his life.
In a recent interview, Ilya Glinnikov told why in the final of the show "The Bachelor" he chose Ekaterina Nikulina, and not Madina Tamova. It is known that the actor's family, and many viewers, were sure that Glinnikov would choose Madina, since she is a gentle person who dreams of a strong family.
“Katya is Fire, and everything Melts with me,” Ilya said in latest release TV project.
But on the show, Catherine was not easy, she could not find a common language with other girls.
Until the very end, the audience was sure that Madina Tamova would win. The 25-year-old oriental beauty immediately charmed the whole family of Ilya Glinnikov, and the actor’s grandmother even joked, saying that it no longer makes sense to show other girls, they say, the family has already made a choice. But the bachelor's heart chose Ekaterina Nikulina, a young talented blonde with blue eyes. It was she who was able to charm the star of the series "Interns" and make her believe in love again.
As Glinnikov admitted to Ekaterina, if on the project he had to choose not from 25, but from a thousand girls, he would still choose her. The bachelor also called his choice a leap into the unknown, but this is what attracts him. According to Ilya, he is drawn to Katya, she is a real witch, with whom he will burn, with whom he is interested.
"In every act of my chosen one, her values, character, nobility and dignity speak. She filled my heart completely, and I can no longer imagine life without her. Our feeling has just begun, but if we manage to get to the last station together, I will the happiest person in the world!" - says Ilya Glinnikov about Katya Nikulina.
Ilya Glinnikov and Katya Nikulina after the photo project.
On the eve of the final, Ekaterina gave an interview, talking about the beginning of filming in "The Bachelor" and her relationship with Ilya. Katya admitted: as soon as she came to the project, she was haunted by thoughts of leaving the show after the first release. However, everything changed when she first saw the main character - Ilya Glinnikov.
Prior to The Bachelor, Nikulin was only superficially familiar with his work. But when she managed to communicate with him live, face to face, she realized that he was a very sensitive, emotional, deep person.
The audience highly appreciated the beautiful act of Madina. She prepared a surprise for her lover - a paragliding flight. The second participant, according to many, acted in an unfair way and lured Ilya Glinnikov into the bedroom.
Madina Tamova stated that it was very primitive on the part of Nikulina. "Things like this are very worthless when they are put on public display," added the "bachelor" finalist. Ekaterina Nikolina herself did not see anything prejudicial in her actions. The girl said that she absolutely does not regret what happened between the couple.
As a result, after Ilya announced his decision, Madina did not hide her disappointment. And Glinnikov justified himself before her in her own words, recalling that he made a choice with his heart, as Tamova advised.
According to the rules of the project, Ilya presented the winner with a luxurious diamond ring, which symbolizes their strong union.
Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina together what details.
What do we know about the winner? Kate is 22 years old. She is crazy about horseback riding and equestrian sports, loves to go to restaurants and enjoy delicious food. Prefers haute French cuisine.
The girl tries her hand at the modeling business and part-time works as an art director of one of the Moscow cafes. Who are her parents, who is the father, is unknown. However, Katya's mother appeared in the frame of the bachelor season 5 during one of the family dinners.
Like most modern girls, Katya Nikulina loves social networks. In particular, Instagram. There are hundreds of photos on her page. It is noteworthy that the girl appears in the pictures in completely different images, so everyone can form their own opinion about her beauty. In some photos, Katya is completely without makeup, which makes her especially touching and delightful.
Later, the actor explained how Catherine was able to amaze him. “This is a woman from another planet. Thanks to her parents,” the man shared his feelings. In his opinion, Nikulina is an honest person with whom one can build a trusting relationship. The actor also liked that Catherine never condemned other girls and did not participate in intrigues. Katya is a girl of old traditions, I have not seen such a long time ago," the actor admitted.
“I’m standing, listening to Ilya and I understand that, most likely, he didn’t choose me. I raised my head to hold back my tears. Although I already cried so much on the project, but at that moment I tried to hold on. And then he says that he would like more I asked if it was necessary? Ilya replied that he might not speak if I didn’t want to. Well, I said, I’m listening to you. And Ilya begins to quote pages from the same notebook that he kept throughout the filming. He says: if you had to choose from 50 million, you would still choose me, only it would take more time. And then he took out a box with a ring. "
Recall that three months ago, actor Ilya Glinnikov met 25 girls who passed the casting and got into the show. In the very first issue, the star of "Interns" chose 15 beauties who went with him to Sri Lanka. By the end, as in previous seasons, the bachelor had to leave only two participants on the project.

TV presenter Ilya Glinnikov and model Ekaterina Nikulina started new life. The separated couple does not plan to reconcile, but last news the summer of 2018 is full of new photos of Ilya, who started everything from scratch. The unsuccessful marriage of the participants in the show "The Bachelor" caused active discussions in the press throughout the winter and spring of this year. But young people who revealed the reason for the quarrel and parting have already begun life without each other.

The beginning and end of the scandalous story

The latest news of January 2018 seemed incredible to the fans, because it turned out that the actor from the TV series "Interns" was in the hospital. Sklifosovsky because of a fight with the future bride Ekaterina Nikulina. But a few days later, the actor made a shocking statement, saying that there was no quarrel or fight, and he had been vacationing with his beloved abroad all this time.

At first, the star couple denied the breakup. And Catherine even made an announcement that the breakup was a farce. The model admitted that she was tired of the excessive attention of the press and fans. That is why they announced that they no longer exist as a couple.

On the project "Bachelor"

But then in January 2018, Ilya Glinnikov wrote a sincere and sincere post on the Instagram page, saying goodbye to his beloved.

In an appeal to the failed bride, he recalled how they cleaned pomegranates together and walked on Victory Day under the scrutiny of journalists. He promised himself to forgive Nikulin even if he didn’t feel like it and to start life from scratch.

The story never happened. And the information about the upcoming wedding and subsequent separation was confirmed. What the fans dreamed about was not destined to come true. And never became a wife famous actor Nikulina also decided to radically change her life. Already in February, it became known that Catherine did not waste time in vain. The girl recorded her first studio album and decided to become a pop singer, taking the pseudonym MOONCAT.

star lovers now

When it became clear that Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina would no longer get along, and the latest news was not marked by reconciliation, the fans were very upset. But the personal life of the stars is something that can only be observed. Only now it became quite problematic to follow the life of Ilya.

The actor stopped appearing at significant events in the world of show business and even stopped publishing in in social networks. After a long break, when Glinnikov disappeared from the radar of the press, he decided to shock the followers with a new publication.

The man posted a selfie, appearing before the fans in a new way. Ilya grew a beard, stopped cutting his hair and became like a dork who had not visited a beauty salon for a long time.

But some followers suggested that the “non-macho” image appeared for a reason and the actor was just getting ready to shoot in a new film project. Then Glinnikov surprised with new publications by posting a photo showing female and male silhouettes.

And this means that Ilya still managed to survive the scandalous parting with Nikulina and met new love. But some Instagram readers suggest that Glinnikov reconciled with Nikulina again. However, there is no confirmation of the rumors.