Group disco accident nikolay timofeev biography. Nikolai Timofeev spoke about the breakup with his wife, betrayal of friends and new love

Nikolai Timofeev (singer)

Nikolai Stagoranovich Timofeev. Born September 26, 1971 in Ivanovo. Russian singer, composer, songwriter. Former soloist group "Disco Crash". Aliases - "Niko light", "Stagoranovich".

Father - a process engineer, worked at a factory.

Mother is a lawyer.

FROM early years studied music, studied piano at a music school, but never finished it. He was a member of the local dance group "Smile".

He attended the athletics section, ran well at various distances, jumped in length and height.

Also in school years met with whom they became not only friends, but also colleagues - they led discos as disc jockeys.

After school, Timofeev and Ryzhov entered the Ivanovo Energy University together, where they played in KVN, and also continued to run discos.

In 1988, they created a group that changed names - Interview, Fire Extinguisher. Finally, in 1990, a group appeared "Diskoteka Avaria". The duet on the waves of the regional radio Ivanovo led the radio program "Disco Crash". Later, Nikolai and Alexei hosted a program on the Europa Plus Ivanovo radio station called Europe + Accident.

In 1992, he joined the Disco Crash group. By 1997, the team became famous throughout the country and released its own debut album"Dance with Me". The group included a fourth member -.

Nikolai Timofeev tried to write songs for the Disco Crash group, but they did not get into the group's repertoire.

As part of the Disco Crash group, Timofeev released seven albums.

Several songs of the group were released with solo vocals by Timofeev, among which is one of the most popular songs of the Nebo group from the album Maniacs. In addition, he performed the songs "Serenade", " The Disco Of 10th", "Star", "Words", "Planet Love", "Tomorrow", etc.

In 2004, according to the results of the II annual national television award "Muz-TV" in the field of popular music, the song "Sky" performed by Nikolai Timofeev as part of the Disco Crash group won in two categories - "Best Song" and " Best video". The song "Sky" becomes one of the group's popular songs. Based on the song and the video clip, a commercial for Pepsi was shot.

Disco Crash - Sky

Nikolai Timofeev, in addition to vocal parts, can play keyboards and guitar.

In July 2012, it was announced that Timofeev was leaving the Disco Crash group and began solo career. Nikolai himself issued a special statement on this subject: “I appeal to all fans of the Disco Crash group and I want you to know that I didn’t come to the decision to leave the group on my own, I was forced to do it. Our personal and creative relationships with colleagues went into dead end. Being the founder of the group, I always wanted our friendship and joint work to continue for many years. I did not think about a solo career, but things turned out differently. "

In November 2012, Nikolai Timofeev presented the solo program “Start Again” and the video for the song “Happy New Year!” (music and lyrics - N. Timofeev and S. Kravchenko), in which he also acted as a screenwriter and director.

January 3, 2013 at holiday concert, dedicated to the Day of the Rescuer of Russia, the premiere of the song “Everything is ahead!” was held on the TV channel “Russia 1”. On June 11, 2013, in the Moscow club "Eva Rivas", a presentation of the song and video by Nikolai Timofeev for the song "You Excite Me" took place.

Soon the singer took a pseudonym "Nico light".

In early December 2013, the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Ivanovo received a claim by Alexei Ryzhov against Nikolai Timofeev for compensation for copyright infringement in the amount of 2.7 million rubles. On December 20, the district court dismissed the case, because Ryzhov and Timofeev were registered as entrepreneurs, and disputes, respectively, should be resolved in an arbitration court. On December 24, 2013, Timofeev, an individual entrepreneur, filed a lawsuit with the Ivanovo Arbitration Court against Disco Crash LLC to recover 5 million rubles in compensation for violating the related rights of the performer (he accused the group of using phonograms with his voice at their concerts). In March 2014, Aleksey Ryzhov tried to challenge the decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Ivanovo, filing a complaint with the Ivanovo Regional Court, motivating his claim by the fact that he had suffered moral suffering, demanding from Nikolai Timofeev compensation for moral damage in double the amount for using his musical works. However, the judicial board of the Ivanovo Regional Court left Ryzhov's private complaint unsatisfied.

Later, the Supreme Court of Russia approved the judicial acts of lower instances, which, at the suit of the songwriter of the Disco Crash group, Alexei Ryzhov, banned the ex-soloist Nikolai Timofeev from performing three songs written by Ryzhov.

On June 12, 2014, on the Day of Russia, the premiere of the video clip “Forward, Russia!” took place, where Nikolai acted as a director and one of the authors of the song. In the same year, the song "Summer, Summer" entered the rotation of Radio Metro and the Police Wave.

In 2015 he presented the song "Motor ship".

Nikolay Timofeev - For you

The growth of Nikolai Timofeev: 183 centimeters.

Personal life of Nikolai Timofeev:

He married for the first time at the age of 18. A year later, the couple had a daughter, Elizabeth. The marriage quickly broke up, and the daughter remained to live with Nikolai.

The second wife - Zinaida Kandaurina, television manager, served as director of the MTV channel.

Two daughters were born in the marriage - Anna and Ekaterina.

In 2011 they divorced.

Filmography of Nikolai Timofeev:

2003 - The Snow Queen- robber
2009 - Like the Cossacks ... - the third border guard
2010 - Last chord - cameo
2011 - The New Adventures of Aladdin
2011 - All inclusive! - episode

Discography of Nikolai Timofeev as part of the Disco Crash group:

1997 - "Dance with me"
1999 - "Song about you and me"
1999 - "Marathon"
2000 - "Accident vs!"
2001 - "Maniacs"
2006 - "Four Guys"
2011 - "Unchildish time"

Video clips of Nikolai Timofeev:

As part of the Disco Crash group:

1999 - "Threw"
1999 - "Nowhere to go"
1999 - "Come on, Crash!"
1999 - "New Year's"
2000 - "Drink beer!"
2000 - "Attraction"
2001 - “You hesitated!”
2001 - "Song about eggs"
2001 - "On the edge of the attack"
2001 - "Disco Superstar"
2002 - “X.X.X. And R.N.R.”
2003 - "Sky"
2003 - "Sky"
2003 - "Song of the Robbers (Gang)"
2004 - "Severe rap"
2005 - "If you want to stay"
2006 - "Opa!"
2006 - "Malinki" (feat. Zhanna Friske)
2007 - "Evil"
2007 - "Serenade"
2008 - "Pasha Face Control" (feat. DJ Smash)
2008 - "Fathers" (not released)
2009 - "Planet Love"
2009 - "Fashionable dance aram-zam-zam"
2010 - "New Year's 2010" (feat. DJ Ryzhov)
2010 - "Summer is always!" (feat. V. Brezhneva, N. Zadorozhnaya, S. Khodchenkova)
2010 - "Star"
2011 - "Unchildish time"
2011 - "Nano-techno"
2011 - "Weather Forecast" (feat. Kristina Orbakaite)
2012 - "Carnival" (feat. Dzhigan & Vika Krutaya)
2012 - "Labyrinth" (feat. Batista)


2012 - "Happy New Year!"
2013 - "You excite me"
2013 - "My autumn"
2013 - "My autumn remix"
2013 - “Happy New Year! herringbone remix"
2014 - "Forward Russia!"
2014 - "100 Friends"
2018 - "For you"

Nikolai Timofeev - composer and musician, one of the founders popular group"Diskoteka Avaria". As part of this musical group, he performed for twenty-two years, after which he began a solo career.

Childhood and family of Nikolai Timofeev

Nikolai was born in the city of Ivanovo. The parents of the future musician and composer were not people creative professions. My father worked at a factory, was a process engineer, and my mother worked as a lawyer.

The singer recalls that early childhood the concert of Alla Pugacheva, which he attended with his parents, made the greatest impression on him. The boy remembered the event as joyful and festive, and this despite the fact that he was only four years old.

Everything that was connected with music captivated little Kolya. His parents enrolled him in the city dance group "Smile". Soon he began to attend circles and various sections. At the age of six, the boy went to the first grade of a comprehensive school and the first grade of a music school, where he studied piano. The most painful thing for him was the subject of solfeggio. This was the reason that a year later Nikolai persuaded his parents to allow him to leave the music school.

Near the Timofeevs' house there was a sports school with an athletics section. Working close to home was extremely convenient. Nikolai ran long and short distances, jumped long and high. He probably stayed there the longest. The coach was demanding, often young athletes went to competitions.

Nikolai was an active child. He participated in reading contests, was often a participant in social events, played hockey, football, karting, studied to be a projectionist.

The favorite school subjects of the future artist were: singing, works, physical education, drawing, history, geography, English language and literature. Timofeev did not like exact objects.

The first discos of Nikolai Timofeev

For the first time, Timofeev became the host and organizer of the disco in his sports school. He did it very well, which is why they began to invite him to hold discos and general education school.

Timofeev was a regular visitor to the record library. He needed them for holding discos, in addition, he made recordings from the records on his tape recorder. Favorite music programs the teenager were "Morning Mail", "Melodies and Rhythms of Foreign Variety", "Peter`s pop-show".

Nikolai not only went in for sports, he also attended classes in the musical group "A + B". Going to summer camp, Timofeev met Lesha Ryzhov there. They had a lot in common, including a passion for modern music. Together, the teenagers held many discos in the camp, thanks to which Lyosha and Nikolai became extremely popular among their peers. It was in the camp, performing other people's songs on stage, that the guys realized that music was their vocation, at the same time they felt the taste of glory, albeit in a separate children's camp.

Nikolai Timofeev and Disco Crash

After school, Nikolai became a student at the Energy University. Ryzhov also studied there. Together, they organized their first musical group, which they called "Fire Extinguisher". Soon the guys won the city competition of ensembles.

Two years later musical group Timofeev was renamed. The reason was an incident that happened during one of the discos. When the lights suddenly went out and panic began, the young people, not at a loss, announced that no one should worry, since the Disco Crash was with them. The young musicians liked this spontaneous name so much that they decided to continue calling themselves by this name.

In 1992, Oleg Zhukov joined the duet of Timofeev and Ryzhov. Four years later, after the band released their debut album "Dance with me", Alexey Serov also came to them. Zhukov and Serov were the main vocalists. In the seven numbered albums released, Timofeev's singing is heard only in a few songs.

Soon Nikolai began to write songs, but none of his works was included in the repertoire of the musical group.

The split in the Disco Crash group, Nikolai Timofeev today

The team "Disco" Crash ", having existed for twenty-two years, split. Timofeev left him. Next began litigation, during which the mutual claims of the musicians, copyrights and the rights of the founders were discussed.

Nikolai continued to perform, but already solo. During performances, he performed songs of his own composition. The musician and singer during his interviews repeatedly reported that he did not leave the group of his own free will, he was simply forced to do so.

In the fall of 2012, Nikolai presented his solo program, the name of which is “Start over”. In addition, at about the same time, his new video “Happy New Year!” Was released. In 2013, Timofeev's fans appreciated his tracks "My Autumn" and "You Excite Me".

"Go Russia!" - the name of the video clip, which was released in 2014 on the eve of the Day of Russia. The co-author of the song and the director of the video is Nikolai Timofeev.

Personal life of Nikolai Timofeev

Nikolai Timofeev married for the first time at the age of eighteen, and at nineteen he became a father. The young couple named their daughter Lisa. A year later, the family broke up, the daughter stayed with Nikolai.

The second wife of the singer was Zinaida Kandaurina, who at that time served as director of the MTV channel. The family had two daughters - Anna and Ekaterina. In 2009, Zinaida and Nikolai divorced. Now Timofeev is in civil marriage with Kristina Yakunina, backing vocalist.

The musician, expelled from the Disco Crash group, admitted that he was thinking of turning to the bandits

The musician, expelled from the Disco Crash group, admitted that he was thinking of turning to the bandits

The news that the brightest soloist, Nikolai Timofeev, no longer sings at the Disco Crash, shocked all the fans of the band. The press service announced: they say, TIMOFEEV voluntarily left the group, as he decided to embark on a solo voyage. And now there are only two soloists in it - Alexei SEROV and Alexei RYZHOV. This was followed by a loud statement by Nikolai himself: “I was forced to do it!” However, Timofeev did not provide details of the conflict. He made an exception only for Express Gazeta.

Did you think this would be the end of it? And what happened anyway?

When "Accident" first appeared, we had a producer Petr Volkov. He said: "Boys, you will have different images." I got an image romantic hero. I was a little ahead of the stage. Everyone agreed with this at first, playing their parts. But since 2003 - 2004, this has become irritating for them. At first they were just jokes. For example, after a concert, fans are standing by the dressing room and yelling: “Kolya! Kolya!" And the guys take and mimic - at first I thought they were joking like that. It turned out - no.

If earlier, when they worked in tandem with Alexey Ryzhov, my wishes were taken into account musically, then at some stage Alexei got tired of being told: either I, or Serov, then ... We have one more member in the group - Denis. We grew up in Ivanovo in the same yard, we were like brothers, I fought for him at school. And now he started lying to me. It turned out that friendship is no more.

How were you informed that you were no longer with the band?

There was no conversation. They just sent me an SMS. I tried to talk to Ryzhov, since we have been friends with him since the age of 14. We had extensive SMS-correspondence. And by mail. But at some point I realized that I was put in Spam.

Saved a life

- Tell me honestly, you did not share the money?

When we were still living in Ivanovo, I had the biggest fee. Everyone agreed with this. But one day I realized that the guys were offended by me. And I offered to cut the fees equally. Not counting the copyright of Ryzhov himself - he wrote all the songs. Therefore, the talk that we had a fight over money is not true. Now Ryzhov and Serov united against me. And I, in general, organized everything, and it was I who hired Serov at one time.

And once I saved his life. Once I was driving from a performance - there were a lot of girls in the car, we were going out of town. Outside the window frost 40 degrees. I saw: on the side of the road lies a dude in a snowdrift. They could have passed by, but I still stopped, you never know ... I pick him up by the scruff of the neck, and this is Serov! None at all. Another 20 minutes - and he would really freeze. I pulled Lekha drunk out of a snowdrift, dragged him into the car, and brought him home. After that, Serov said hundreds of times that he owed me everything. And now betrayed. It's a shame. Then I found out that he drew up documents according to which I have no right to anything in the group. I hired lawyers who deal with this. But Serov is also a lawyer by training, he keeps a large law office in Ivanovo. Due to my kindness, stupidity, naivety and ignorance of the laws, I lost time. I was all in creativity, I was not interested in pieces of paper, sometimes I did not know what I was signing. I trusted him very much. It turns out, in vain.

- Have you seen that a new soloist has already appeared in the group?

Yes, this is our backing vocalist - Roma. He was taken to help me, because during the period of a busy schedule, my voice could not stand it, I had two operations on the ligaments - they removed the nodes. He is a strange person. There was a case - we perform in a club. And he suddenly swears from the stage. The dude has no respect for the band at all. On the New Wave, he sang the part for me in a song that we just recently recorded.

We will resolve this issue with lawyers. It is absolutely certain that I can legally sing these songs as well, at least my solo songs. And I can also be called "Disco "Accident".

- And suddenly you reconcile? Ready to return to the group?

Well, we're adults. From the last conversation with Ryzhov, I understood: he believes that the team is “playing out”. Ryzhov himself is not interested in all this. He hasn't created anything for a long time. What to trade if there are no new products?

- Have you ever tried to talk heart to heart?

Tried... We were sitting in a restaurant, Serov said such things, for which I really had a desire to take a chair and beat him. He held back with all his might. I understood that if I took a chair and hit it, I would simply kill him.

I had a case in the past - had an argument with one dude. He told me: “I will kill you!” I got scared and hit it myself - “turned off” it. And he couldn’t stop anymore, he beat, he beat ... until he saw that my hands were covered in blood up to the elbow. Thank God, he came to his senses, the man survived. And now it could happen, once Serov saved his life, and now he took it away.

- What are you going to do?

I'm going to rest. Place not chosen yet.

- Maybe in India? They say there are places where you rethink your life.

No, I won't go there, I can't come back from there. ( laughing.) I'm used to a normal five-star holiday. I'll take a break and start writing songs.

Laughed at the misfortune of a friend

- What kind of injury did you have last year when you walked on crutches?

I did not calculate the strength in football, I thought that I was 19 years old. Torn ligaments. But, realizing that I would cause problems for the guys, I did not cancel the concerts. I performed on crutches, but what to do? Then there was the first signal that my friends were not interested in me. I was in the hospital after the operation and did not receive a single SMS. For me it's wild. I remember a story when a few years ago Serov had a severe injury: a bandit disguised as a policeman shot him in the head with a traumatic gun. Alexei was on the verge of life and death, lost his memory. I didn't speak for a very long time. They opened his skull. And at that moment we were in a quarrel with him ... And, by the way, monstrously, but one of the suspected "customers" of the crime was me - I went to interrogations, talked with the police ... As soon as I found out what had happened, I came to Serov in cherry hospital.

It got wild. On tour I'm on crutches. And none of the guys even wants to help me drag my suitcase up the stairs. In Yaroslavl, after the concert, leaving the stage, I slipped. He fell on his injured leg, which was being operated on. And what did I hear? “Ha ha ha! Serov says to my girlfriend. - Go, yours fell there!

- There are already legends about your women ... How many families and children do you have there?

Of course, not everyone has their first marriages. And there are eight children for three.

- Do you have two?

I will not answer this question. Nobody knows this information! I’ll be old, wrinkled, useless to anyone, then I’ll hit my memories.

- In the 90s, did you have your own "roof"?

Of course, like all artists, there were strong guys behind them. They are still alive and well. Maybe I'll meet them, tell them that I have problems!

- You walked and drank then, I feel like it should. Did you have any health problems?

Well, everything is written on our faces. ( laughing.) Look at me, Ryzhov, Serov. They say that after 40, all the sores begin to crawl out of the peasants. We are approaching this age - let's see what comes out of someone!

Room for sex pleasures

Much has been written about the legendary sex orgies of Disco Crash. How did you take the girls to your hotels by bus. And that you had some kind of room for sex pleasures with female fans.

It was business. They drove. And there was a room! When we lived in Ivanovo, in the club where we performed, there was a service room, where all our fans were eager. So what? We guys were young and single. To be honest, I did not count the number of my sex partners at that time. A hundred, I think, was exactly.

- Did you bring venereal diseases from the tour, except for flowers and gifts?

Even if it was, I won't admit it. However, we are cunning guys - we protected ourselves, mindful of different stories with illegitimate children.

- Wasn't there a single piquant case?

Anything happened! And our girls were threatened with pouring acid on their faces. And they wrote to us about supposedly born children, and came - even to my mother-in-law. One incident stood out to me in particular. I had a cat at home that was constantly giving birth. And I gave kittens to my fans. And then one girl wrote me a letter that she wants to take a kitten and dreams that I would come to visit her. I'm a good guy, I've arrived. Photographed for memory with her, with her mother, with a kitten. Well, that's it, I left. And then letters began to come from her to the newspapers.

She wrote that she lived with me, presented a photo, called herself my secret wife. I didn't react. Then I was told that the cat, which I gave her, she threw out of the window in a fit of rage.

- Surely gay men, who are a dime a dozen in show business, also showed interest in you?

When I performed in a club for the first time in Moscow, I saw men dressed as women there. It was called a drag show. I, a provincial kid, just went nuts! Here it is, I think, Kolya, as it happens. Then a man came up to me, knelt down and said: “You are beautiful!” I stood like a fool, and did not understand: what does he want? Thank God, the entire gay community has long known that I'm straight. Recently, we performed at a corporate party in front of very cool people - it’s scary to pronounce the names out loud. And now I see how one of them, a very influential bump, looking at Serov on stage, just puts his hand in his pants and under the table begins to masturbate without embarrassment. It’s from such things that I am shocked every time, although over the years in show business I have seen everything.

Nikolay Timofeev

Zodiac sign:

Place of Birth:

singer, musician

78 kg

183 cm

Biography of Nikolai Timofeev

Nikolai Timofeev is a composer and musician, one of the founders of the popular group Disco Crash. As part of this musical group, he performed for twenty-two years, after which he began a solo career.

Childhood and family of Nikolai Timofeev

Nikolai was born in the city of Ivanovo. The parents of the future musician and composer were not people of creative professions. My father worked at a factory, was a process engineer, and my mother worked as a lawyer.
The singer recalls that in early childhood, Alla Pugacheva's concert, which he attended with his parents, made the biggest impression on him. The boy remembered the event as joyful and festive, and this despite the fact that he was only four years old.

Nikolai Timofeev created the Disco Crash group
Everything that was connected with music captivated little Kolya. His parents enrolled him in the city dance group "Smile". Soon he began to attend circles and various sections. At the age of six, the boy went to the first grade of a comprehensive school and the first grade of a music school, where he studied piano. The most painful thing for him was the subject of solfeggio. This was the reason that a year later Nikolai persuaded his parents to allow him to leave the music school.
Near the Timofeevs' house there was a sports school with an athletics section. Working close to home was extremely convenient. Nikolai ran long and short distances, jumped long and high. He probably stayed there the longest. The coach was demanding, often young athletes went to competitions.
Nikolai was an active child. He participated in reading contests, was often a participant in social events, played hockey, football, karting, studied to be a projectionist.
The favorite school subjects of the future artist were: singing, works, physical education, drawing, history, geography, English and literature. Timofeev did not like exact objects.

The first discos of Nikolai Timofeev

For the first time, Timofeev became the host and organizer of the disco in his sports school. He did it very well, which is why they began to invite him to hold discos and in a comprehensive school.
Timofeev was a regular visitor to the record library. He needed them for holding discos, in addition, he made recordings from the records on his tape recorder. The teenager's favorite musical programs were "Morning Mail", "Melodies and Rhythms of Foreign Variety", "Peter`s pop-show".

Nikolai Timofeev became interested in music as a child
Nikolai not only went in for sports, he also attended classes in the musical group "A + B". Having gone to a summer camp, Timofeev met Lyosha Ryzhov there. They had a lot in common, including a passion for modern music. Together, the teenagers held many discos in the camp, thanks to which Lyosha and Nikolai became extremely popular among their peers. It was in the camp, performing other people's songs on stage, that the guys realized that music was their vocation, at the same time they felt the taste of glory, albeit in a separate children's camp.

Nikolai Timofeev and Disco Crash

After school, Nikolai became a student at the Energy University. Ryzhov also studied there. Together, they organized their first musical group, which they called "Fire Extinguisher". Soon the guys won the city competition of ensembles.
Two years later, Timofeev's musical group was renamed. The reason was an incident that happened during one of the discos. When the lights suddenly went out and panic began, the young people, not at a loss, announced that no one should worry, since the Disco Crash was with them. The young musicians liked this spontaneous name so much that they decided to continue calling themselves by this name.
In 1992, Oleg Zhukov joined the duet of Timofeev and Ryzhov. Four years later, after the band released their debut album "Dance with me", Alexey Serov also came to them. Zhukov and Serov were the main vocalists. In the seven numbered albums released, Timofeev's singing is heard only in a few songs.
Soon Nikolai began to write songs, but none of his works was included in the repertoire of the musical group.

The split in the Disco Crash group, Nikolai Timofeev today

The team "Disco" Crash ", having existed for twenty-two years, split. Timofeev left him. Then litigation began, during which the mutual claims of the musicians, copyrights and the rights of the founders were discussed.
Nikolai continued to perform, but already solo. During performances, he performed songs of his own composition. The musician and singer during his interviews repeatedly reported that he did not leave the group of his own free will, he was simply forced to do so.
In the fall of 2012, Nikolai presented his solo program, the name of which is “Start over”. In addition, at about the same time, his new video “Happy New Year!” Was released. In 2013, Timofeev's fans appreciated his tracks "My Autumn" and "You Excite Me".
"Go Russia!" - the name of the video clip, which was released in 2014 on the eve of Russia Day. The co-author of the song and the director of the video is Nikolai Timofeev.

Personal life of Nikolai Timofeev

Nikolai Timofeev married for the first time at the age of eighteen, and at nineteen he became a father. The young couple named their daughter Lisa. A year later, the family broke up, the daughter stayed with Nikolai.

Nikolai Timofeev was married several times
The second wife of the singer was Zinaida Kandaurina, who at that time served as director of the MTV channel. The family had two daughters - Anna and Ekaterina. In 2009, Zinaida and Nikolai divorced. Now Timofeev is in a civil marriage with Kristina Yakunina, a backing vocalist.

The charming romantic and frontman of the Disco Crash group has practically ceased to appear on the screens, and only the most devoted fans know about his work. Today you will learn the success story of a popular band, and why Nikolai Timofeev is now trying to build a solo career.


Music entered the life of Nikolai Timofeev at an early age. Together with his parents, he attended the concert of Alla Pugacheva, and the sight he saw made an indelible impression on the four-year-old boy. Father and mother were far from creativity, but even then the son made his choice - his life will certainly be connected with this art. City dance ensemble, circles, School of Music- Since childhood, he immersed himself in music, leaving time for study and sports. Diversified and addicted, he simply had to become a star.

As a teenager, he went to a pioneer camp for the summer, where he made a significant acquaintance with Alexei Ryzhov. The fussy and emotional boy was also fond of music, and the guys quickly became friends. At one point, they become the stars of the camp and hold discos. Nikolai Timofeev and his new friend decide not to lose contact with the end of the holidays. Since that summer, they no longer parted, and even entered together. There they organized the first group called "Fire Extinguisher". In 1988, the guys became interested, and soon they were already running their own show on the radio. Along the way, they led discos in Ivanovo, where they played their covers and remixes for famous songs. Club "Avaria" became their main place of work and gave them a sonorous name for a musical group.


In 1992, a charming actor joins friends and became the link that brought fame to the guys. It was impossible not to notice such a cheerful and big guy. The group becomes popular in Ivanovo and neighboring regions. They release their first album (there is practically no singing by Nikolai Timofeev), and they join the band. With this line-up, they go to Moscow and offer their songs to various record companies. In the first national hit appears - "New Year's". In the wake of the first popularity, the guys record the album "Maniacs" and become the best dance group. Prizes and awards are pouring in from all sides, but already in 2002 the group stops its activities for a while - Oleg Zhukov dies after an illness.


In memory of a friend, the guys do not take a fourth member. Their popularity reaches its peak in 2004. Each song becomes a hit, but the guys are not going to stop. For several years in a row they were recognized as the "Best Dance Group", awarded awards for " best song of the year”, and in 2007, the prize for the “Best duet of the year”. The composition "Malinka", recorded with Zhanna Friske, stayed at the top of all the charts for a long time.


By 2012, the guys were exhausted. Not so many songs were released, and conflicts began in the group. Nikolai Timofeev leaves the group, and endless courts and lawsuits begin. The frontman himself has repeatedly stated that he did not leave of his own free will - he was forced to. The court decided to leave Ryzhov and Serov the right to use the name of the group and the entire repertoire. Although Nikolai wrote songs, they did not fit and did not get into the repertoire. 22 years of fruitful creativity are over. Timofeev went to build a solo career, and the guys took him to the group new soloist. But starting everything from scratch alone was not so easy, and now Nikolai is almost unheard of, and Disco Crash continues to produce good songs and shoot videos.

Personal life of Nikolai Timofeev

At the age of 18, he fell in love and did not put off the marriage proposal indefinitely. Youth and emotions were not the best allies of the young couple, and the marriage broke up a year later. Nikolai was not left alone - his wife managed to give him a daughter, Lisa. The girl lived with him from birth. A few years later, he remarried - to Zinaida Kandaurina. This marriage turned out to be more durable and fruitful - Nikolai became the father of two more girls. In 2009, the couple divorced. IN this moment he lives with his backing vocalist. The couple has decided not to formalize the relationship yet.