Roman Dmitry Malikov with a famous singer. “But what about the family?”: Dmitry Malikov has an affair with a famous singer

Natalya Igorevna Vetlitskaya was born in 1964 in Moscow into the family of a nuclear physicist. From the age of ten, the girl actively attended dance lessons, and then entered music school in piano, which she graduated with a gold medal in 1979. From the age of 17, Natalia led the school on her own ballroom dancing, and repeatedly participated in various ballroom competitions.

My musical career Vetlitskaya started at popular group"Rondo", where she shone not only as a backing vocalist, but also as a choreographer and dancer.

In 1988, the singer, who had already declared herself, became the soloist of the Mirage group. Having traveled all the cities of the USSR as part of this team, Vetlitskaya decides to start solo career. In 1996, she released the album "Slave of Love". Then her songs began to enter the top lists of many radio stations. At the same time, Natalia played one of the main roles in the musical film " The Snow Queen» Maxim Papernik.

Vetlitskaya not only sings, but also writes music, composes poetry and paints. However, despite her versatile talents, Natalya's personal life is of much more interest to her fans and the media than the artist's work. Vetlitskaya has always been in the center of men's attention.

On the birthday of one of the most beautiful pop singers, we made a selection of the most high-profile novels by Natalia Vetlitskaya, the development of which was followed by the whole country.

1. Pavel Smeyan

When Pavel met Natalya, he was already famous musician: was one of the founders of the Rock Studio group, participated in legendary performances"Lenkoma" - "Til", "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta", "Juno and Avos", and performed songs for cult films of that time. Pavel fell madly in love with a beautiful and young dancer and offered her his hand and heart. Then Vetlitskaya was only 17 years old, and Smeyan was 24. He became more than a husband for her, she learned everything from him, consulted and loved madly: Pavel was her indisputable authority in everything. It was Smeyan who advised her to take up music, inviting Natalya to sing along to him in the film “Mary Poppins, goodbye!”.

However, life with Smeyan soon became unbearable. He drank heavily and often raised his hand to Vetlitskaya. In an interview, Natalya told how she miraculously escaped from the hands of an angry husband: “This man repented of this a long time ago, then asked for forgiveness. And he still, in my opinion, pays for it with his life. He beat me, he had such a nature - angry and cruel. And alcohol was also a factor. We broke up with him after he almost killed me once. I then miraculously escaped, ran out of the apartment. She called the police for the last time. He didn't have any excuse. I was a child, I was only 18 years old. Why could I be beaten half to death? But I forgave him, I didn’t even put him in jail, although the police guaranteed him five years.”

2. Dmitry Malikov

After a difficult parting with her first husband, the beautiful Natalya did not remain alone for long. Singer Dmitry Malikov became her second high-profile novel. The young and talented singer was 18 when he fell madly in love with the long-legged 24-year-old blonde Vetlitskaya. It was Malikov who advised Natalya to start a solo career. After three years living together Dmitry broke up with Vetlitskaya without quarrels and scandals. As Malikov explained, Vetlitskaya had an affair on the side during their civil marriage. For Dmitry it was swipe, he could not move away from a stormy relationship for a long time. The young singer even dedicated the song "Farewell, my blonde" to Vetlitskaya.

3. Evgeny Belousov

Belousov was the man who caused the separation of Malikov and Vetlitskaya. Natalya was already a soloist of the super popular Mirage group when she met Yevgeny at a secular party at the Cosmos Hotel. Then they passed in an embrace the whole evening. Their high-profile romance lasted only three months. According to Natalia, she did not love Zhenya. But Belousov was so much in love with the fatal blonde that he forgot about his common-law wife Elena with a three-month-old child. Once he came to Lena and said that he was marrying Vetlitskaya. Then his common-law wife called Natasha to wish her happiness, to which she said that Zhenya allegedly complained about a girl who wants to marry him. That is why Natalia agreed to marry Eugene so that the annoying girl would get behind him. After a silent wedding, Belousov leaves for Saratov with Integral on tour. Upon his return, he finds a note on his desk, “Farewell. Your Natasha.

4. Pavel Vashchekin

From Evgeny Belousov, Natalya flew off to another admirer - producer Vashchekin. The couple very carefully concealed their long-term love relationship. As he told them mutual friend Roma Zhukov, it was a very passionate affair, but it soon ended in a quarrel. Parting with Vashchekin led Vetlitskaya to a creative stagnation. She moved away from this break for a very long time, but nevertheless, she was able to free her heart from the shackles of love for Paul.

5. Vlad Stashevsky

The young aspiring singer Stashevsky met Natalia back in 1993 and called her by her first name and patronymic. It was he who became a kind of consolation after parting with Vashchekin. Vlad came to one of Vetlitskaya's concerts with a bunch of burgundy roses and, in front of everyone on stage, defiantly gave it to her. Their relationship lasted only a few months, and they parted amicably. The age difference of 10 years prevented Vlad from fully revealing himself. As he himself later told, he and Natalya had different outlook and a completely different outlook on life. Before leaving for the cruise, he informed Vetlitskaya about the breakup and left. Perhaps his departure eased the gap. However, Vetlitskaya, as always, did not worry for a long time and flew off to the next admirer

6. Suleiman Kerimov

Natalya was returned to her former active pop life by the oligarch Suleiman Kerimov. The affair with a millionaire was one of the most sensational in Vetlitskaya's life. On the 38th anniversary of the actress Suleiman rented in the suburbs noble estate XIX century. The entire Russian elite was invited to the celebration. And especially for Natalia Kerimov invited the Modern Talking group and the Italian singer Toto Cutugno to perform. Thanks to Suleiman's money and great connections, Natalya's clips were constantly played on all radio stations and TV channels. However, a fairy tale cannot last forever. This dizzying romance soon ended. In parting, the oligarch gave Natalya a plane and went to win the heart of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

7. Mikhail Topalov

Despite the fact that Natalya lost her ideal man, she did not grieve for a long time. The femme fatale remains strong even after serious blows of fate. She met at least important person- Mikhail Topalov, who at that time was the producer of the Smash group and was the father of its soloist - Vlad Topalov. During this novel, Natalia was pregnant. It is no wonder that the child was attributed to Mikhail, but later it turned out that the singer gave birth to a daughter from a yoga trainer named Alexei. This situation caused the separation of Mikhail and Natalia.

After the birth of her daughter, Natalya Vetlitskaya became much less likely to perform and release new songs. She stopped running from man to man, and according to the latest information, she left for Europe to give her daughter better life than hers.

To become a popular musician Dmitry Malikov was destined: his father is the founder of the popular VIA "Gems", his mother is the soloist of this ensemble. But, like any normal boy, Dima boycotted music lessons: when a piano teacher came to the house, he ran out the window of their apartment on the first floor, leaving his grandmother to explain to the teacher.

Early glory

Malikov became interested in playing the piano only at the age of 14: largely due to the fact that he was allowed to give real concerts at school. Noticing that the son finally got into music and even began to compose, the parents did everything to support this hobby. When Dima was 15, Larisa Dolina already sang his songs, and he himself played keyboards in the same "Gems". But real fame came to Malikov when he was invited to television. After participating in the “Morning Post” by Yuri Nikolaev, the 17-year-old performer began to receive letters in bags. Written mainly by girls - his age, who will soon fill the main page twice. concert venue country - SC "Olympic".

Solo concerts, to which many performers go for years, Malikov gave at the age of 20. By that time, his repertoire already had many hits: “Moon Dream”, “You will never be mine”, “Until tomorrow”. The fans knew them by heart, rushed to the stage, not paying attention to the security, and continued to fill up their idol with declarations of love.

Faced with such adoration at the age of 20, it is easy to become a star. But Malikov was saved from the "star disease" by a serious education. In parallel with the performance of pop songs, he studied at the conservatory, where all the tinsel of the stage was not considered something serious. Soon the singer was not at all up to the fans: he fell in love. In a woman who in the early 90s was herself the object of desire for many men.

Songs for your beloved

Natalia Vetlitskaya Leggy blonde Natalya Vetlitskaya was 6 years older than him. But both did not see this as an obstacle to a passionate romance. “I was very young - 17-18 years old. At this age, they usually become victims of fatal women, ”Malikov recalled many years after their relationship.

Vetlitskaya by that time had already left her first husband Pavel Smeyan, and she and Malikov quickly began to live together, in a civil marriage.

For her, this union also turned out to be professionally profitable: it was Dmitry who wrote one of Natalia's most famous hits - the song "Soul". “My soul will sing to me at the end of the day that love has passed” - these words turned out to be prophetic for their relationship.

Soon Malikov found out that his beloved was cheating on him - with the singer Zhenya Belousov. Not once did he allow himself to accuse her of it directly. “At some point, Natasha realized that she needed another man - not so fixated on herself. She made me understand this and eventually forced me to put an end to our relationship, ”Malikov diplomatically explains their gap. Having broken with Vetlitskaya, he realized that the white streak in his life was interrupted: the first wave of fame had already come to naught, in his personal life - only letters from fans, but even those had become significantly smaller. We had to move on.

serious music

Elena Malikova and Dmitry Malikov In the mid-90s, Malikov was no longer interested in just singing on stage. He begins to experiment: he gives piano concertos, releases debut album instrumental music, composes melodies for films.

Yes, this work is no longer for the masses, but for a more sophisticated audience - but Dmitry really likes to put into practice what he learned at the conservatory.

Quite by accident, fate brought him to a woman who would support his ideas in everything. She was the designer Elena Isakson.

She was also older and also divorced, raising a daughter from her first marriage. They lived together for several years, and when Elena became pregnant, they officially registered their relationship.

Daughter Stefania was born in 2000, becoming the main gift for the singer's 30th birthday. And recently, the Malikov family really surprised not only their fans, but also their loved ones. Secretly from everyone, Dmitry and Elena again became parents: a surrogate mother carried the boy to the spouses.


Now Dmitry Malikov is 49 - and in interviews he sometimes admits that he is in a creative crisis. keep up with current trends it is not easy for his peers, but Dmitry seems to have succeeded.

In 2015 Malikov became an active user social network Twitter. In October, one of his tweets became a real hit. “How are you doing in general? Is it hard to? Or nothing?”, — wrote the singer. Bloggers instantly turned #heavy into a popular hashtag and began to accompany Malikov's answers with it. Teenagers suddenly remembered the existence of such a singer, and soon Dmitry became a welcome guest at popular rap battles and other youth parties.

Malikov himself refers to this with his usual irony, but he takes advantage of the moment: he released a video together with video blogger Yuri Khovansky “Ask your mom”, and then he himself rapped in the song “Emperor of Twitter”. At the same time, Dmitry Malikov remains in demand among his main audience: he is still invited to all holiday concerts and music awards that are broadcast on television. Unless the singer no longer receives letters in bags. Now fans (to which fans have added) write to him directly on social networks.

Dmitry Malikov looks eternally young, his voice does not change over the years, his image too: one gets the impression that the singer is a soft and positive person. Meanwhile, soon popular artist and the musician will celebrate the 25th anniversary of his creative activity. “I am a really soft, rather compromise person. I'm not a fighter, I'm made of a different dough. Apparently, all this is the influence of my parents, the result of upbringing, ”Malikov confirmed.
Over the years of creativity and recognition, Dmitry has not changed his image. However, this is not a matter of conservatism. “The fact is that short hair does not really suit me. As they say, good is not sought from good. Now, if shooting in some good movie turned up and I had to reincarnate, then I would try, ”said the artist. He noted that his wife Elena, with whom they have been together for 21 years, would not mind.

Even before meeting his wife, Malikov met with singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

"We were both selfish people from creative environment It's very hard to get along like this. At some point, Natasha realized that she needed another man - not so fixated on herself. She made me understand this and eventually forced me to put an end to our relationship. Natasha was a bright, talented girl. After our breakup, her creativity went up. After parting with Vetlitskaya, the artist met his future wife Elena. “All these years, Lena for me is not only a beloved woman, but also the most close person and faithful assistant. I can not say that everything in our life was smooth. The main thing is to maintain a strategic line in relations: so that there is love and respect, indulgence and forgiveness towards each other. If next to a man is the woman that he really needs, then his life develops correctly, ”said Malikov.

August 17 marks the 49th anniversary of the popular singer Natalia Vetlitskaya in the nineties. On this birthday beautiful woman we recall the loudest novels in her life.

Marriage with Pavel Smeyan. For the first time the singer got married when she was 17 years old. At that time, Natasha worked as a dancer, and she was noticed by the musician Smeyan, who at that time worked at the Rock Studio. Paul was pretty famous person, participated in the performances of Lenkom, and also performed many songs in famous Soviet films. The age difference between the spouses was seven years, and while this marriage lasted, Vetlitskaya did what Pavel said, because he was an authority for the girl. It was Smeyan who advised his wife to start a solo career as a singer. Perhaps Natalia would still live with Pavel if he had not started drinking. During another drinking bout, he beat Vetlitskaya. She wrote a statement to the police, and a criminal case was opened against Smeyan, but soon Natasha forgave her husband, but did not return to him.

Photo: Natalia Vetlitskaya and Pavel Smeyan

Relations with Malikov. After the divorce, the singer was left alone for a very short time, since she began a stormy romance with Dima Malikov, who at that time was just starting to sing. He was only eighteen, and Natasha was over twenty. Malikov speaks about these relations with restraint. He was completely young boy, and at this age, guys often fall in love with beautiful and successful women. According to Malikov, Vetlitskaya met not only with him, but also with other men, so their union was short-lived.
Marriage with Zhenya Belousov. Perhaps the affair with the girls' favorite Zhenya Belousov was the brightest in the life of the singer. Zhenya and Natasha met at the Cosmos Hotel when a fashionable party was held there. At that time, they were popular performers: the whole country listened to Zhenya's songs, and Natasha was the soloist of Mirage. There were many rumors about their romance, but it is reliably known that that evening both were too drunk and left the hotel together. The union lasted exactly three months, of which they are said to have been married for ten days! Vetlitskaya herself left Belousov - later she said that she did not take him seriously, but he loved her very much.
Relations with Vlad Stashevsky. In 1993, Vlad was a rising Russian pop star, and everyone already knew Vetlitskaya. When they met, Stashevsky addressed her only by her patronymic. Natasha arranged creative evening at the Metropol, where Vlada also invited. Then Vetlitskaya had a relationship with a wealthy businessman, but Vlad was not embarrassed: he arrived with a large bouquet of roses, which won Vetlitskaya over. Together they were only a few months.

Photo: Natalia Vetlitskaya and Vlad Stashevsky

Romance with Suleiman Kerimov. After a relationship with Vlad, Natasha's life began to "creative stagnation". There were no songs, no money. Everything changed after meeting the millionaire Suleiman Kerimov. On the day of Natalya Kerimov's 38th birthday, he rented an old estate, where he gathered the entire capital's elite for a celebration. Among the invited guests were Toto Cutugno and the duet "Modern Talking". Vetlitskaya began recording songs again and actively filmed videos with Suleiman's money. However, Kerimov did not continue to live with Natalia. As a "compensation" he gave her a plane!
Romance with Topalov. Vetlitskaya was not alone for a long time - Mikhail Topalov, the father of singer Vlad Topalov, replaced Kerimov. Soon Natalya became pregnant, and everyone was sure that this was Mikhail's child. Later it became known that Vetlitskaya gave birth to a certain Alexei, who is several years younger than her. AT this moment, according to rumors, the singer, along with her daughter and husband, whose name is unknown, lives in Spain.

Popular performer Dmitry Malikov will soon celebrate his 25th birthday creative anniversary. On the eve of this significant event, the artist gave candid interview, in which he spoke about an affair with singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, a relationship with his wife Elena, and also admitted why he did not change his hairstyle and that he was made from a different test.


Dmitry Malikov looks eternally young, his voice does not change over the years, his image too: one gets the impression that the singer is a soft and positive person. Meanwhile, the popular performer and musician will soon celebrate the 25th anniversary of his creative activity. "I'm really soft, quite a compromise person. I'm not a fighter, I'm made of a different dough. Apparently, all this is the influence of my parents, the result of upbringing," Malikov confirmed.

Over the years of creativity and recognition, Dmitry has not changed his image. However, this is not a matter of conservatism. "The fact is that short hair doesn't suit me. As they say, good is not sought from good. Now, if shooting in some good movie turned up and I had to reincarnate, then I would try, "said the artist. He noted that his wife Elena, with whom they have been together for 21 years, would not mind.

However, before meeting with his wife, Malikov met with singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. “We were both selfish people from a creative environment, it’s very difficult to get along like that. At some point, Natasha realized that she needed another man - not so fixated on herself. She let me know and eventually forced me to put in our relationship Natasha was a bright, talented girl. After our breakup, her creativity went up. The song "My soul will sing to me at the end of the day that love has passed," which I wrote for Natasha, turned out to be a little autobiographical, "OK!" quotes Dmitry Malikov.

After parting with Vetlitskaya, the artist met his future wife Elena. " All these years, Lena is not only a beloved woman for me, but also the closest person and faithful assistant.. I can not say that everything in our life was smooth. The main thing is to maintain a strategic line in relations: so that there is love and respect, indulgence and forgiveness towards each other. If next to a man is the woman that he really needs, then his life develops correctly, "said Malikov.