The relationship between Pisces and Virgo. What friends and partners

The horoscope says that representatives of the signs Pisces and Virgo can form a strong union, despite their difference in character and worldview. Virgo is more rational, Pisces is emotional, sensual, dreamy. However, they complement each other perfectly.

The compatibility of Virgo and Pisces depends on the age and experience of the partners. To overcome difficulties in a relationship, you need to understand, respect and listen to your loved one, accept his values ​​and hobbies. Having done work on themselves, having learned to interact with the chosen one / chosen one, Pisces and Virgo will be happy in marriage and gain material stability.

The horoscope advises to be mentors for each other. Then Pisces will become more mundane, Virgo more sensitive. Don't expect it to just be a deep emotional connection. Make an effort, often remember how much your beloved / beloved is dear to you, and you will be able to avoid many conflicts in marriage.

Pisces man and Virgo woman

This combination is more common than the reverse. The emotional, sometimes unrestrained and quick-tempered Pisces man will become much calmer and more balanced in alliance with the Virgo woman. At the first stages of acquaintance, he will show himself from the creative side, will be very active in relationships. And this is the right strategy, because the calm, traditional Virgo will not be the first to take steps towards. She will like unusual deeds chosen one, and the Pisces man will increase his self-esteem.

The union of these zodiac signs will be strong. The Virgo woman will become a great housewife who will ensure cleanliness and comfort in the house. The Pisces man needs care and a place where he can rest.

The love horoscope advises to be attentive to each other's personal space and interests. There is no need to worry about the financial side of the relationship. Over time, the Virgo woman will teach her husband not to spend too much, and he will teach his wife to be less worried about shopping.

Beware of jealousy that will arise in both partners. Creative Pisces and modest pretty Virgos attract numerous admirers. Subdue feelings, otherwise you risk destroying the union. Accept that your significant other will always attract the attention of the opposite sex. Remember: she only needs you.

Pisces woman and Virgo man

Unusual union of two signs of the zodiac. Creative and dreamy Pisces are interested in charismatic and bright people. A pragmatic and unremarkable at first glance, the Virgo man does not attract Pisces at first. However, attentive representatives of the water sign of the zodiac will be able to discern the confidence and sensuality of a guy. He will be able to give a sense of security both materially and emotionally. The Virgo man will be attracted by the eccentricity of the Pisces girl. She will become his Muse, his inspiration and support.

The marriage union of the Virgo man and the Pisces woman will be strong and long. The stars have prepared for them a lot of trials, but nothing threatens a strong relationship. The representative of the water sign will find reliable material and psychological support in the face of her Virgo husband. A man will receive a wonderful keeper of the hearth, who will adore him and devote herself with pleasure to the family and raising children.

The love horoscope advises you to pay attention to your difference in characters. Do not rush to push your partner away if you do not agree. Remember, it will be difficult for you to forge a deep spiritual connection. But it's worth it: with the effort, you will become the closest people to each other.

At work

In the business sphere, Virgo and Pisces will be successful. Representatives of the earth and water signs of the zodiac should combine the rationality of Virgo and the intuition of Pisces in order to easily carry out various projects. It is worth remembering that in such an alliance someone third is needed, ready to take on the “command”. Therefore, you should not create a joint business, where one of the partners will have to be the leader.

As a rule, the business alliances of Pisces and Virgo are quite strong and have little conflict. They know how to negotiate and seek a compromise, perfectly complementing each other. If you are the boss of such people, feel free to unite them.

In bed

The sexual compatibility of Virgo and Pisces is quite high. The difference in characters and preferences will add spice to intimate relationships. Virgo will leave her pragmatism and completely surrender to the power of feelings. Both representatives of these zodiac signs are not afraid to fantasize about sexual topics and discuss them with a partner. Feel free to implement what you have planned.

Intimacy for Pisces and Virgo is a way to feel the relationship with the chosen one / chosen one, to feel protection and support. The love horoscope advises to get rid of modesty in love relationships. The harmony of the union depends on this. The stars promise passion and strong desire that will last for a very long time.

Your sexual compatibility allows you to experiment. What is condemned by many is just prejudice. Don't hold back your essence. Be sure to say if you don't like something in a love relationship. This is especially true for Pisces women.

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Natalya Erofeevskaya

Mutual attraction of opposites indeed possible, and a vivid example of this is the relationship between Virgo and Pisces. Whether this relationship will be strong and long depends on the experience of the partners, their wisdom, spiritual and intellectual development.

The combination of human qualities and values, the ability to listen, respect and get to know each other contributes to a very favorable relationship between Virgo and Pisces in any area. Indispensable conditions for the success of this union is compromise, diplomacy and cooperation: This couple certainly needs balance in a relationship. If such painstaking and almost constant work on oneself turns out to be beyond the strength of one of the partners, the union will cease to exist.

Compatibility Chart Virgo and Pisces

Compatibility Virgo Men and Pisces Women: Pros and Cons of Relationships

Positive sides this alliance is to set realistic goals. This is just the case when together they can "move mountains." If the couple did not find a common life peak that needs to be mastered, their life will either become passive and monotonous, or go downhill, driven by laziness. This very laziness plus unjustified stubbornness, perfectionism, pragmatism to the point of pedantry - negative qualities characteristic of both characters.

Comparison of signs would be incomplete without taking into account creative talents and the analytical mindset of Virgo, magnificent intuition and stormy emotions of Pisces.

Together, the Virgo man and the Pisces woman will never be bored: the versatile compatibility of the couple is formed due to the many facets of their characters

Are they compatible in love?

If he is a Virgo, and she is Pisces, then their love is an extremely intimate and calm sphere of existence, which both hide from human eyes. Calmness and caution, restraint and prudence will reign in these relations. This romance, mixed up on one’s own feelings and organized only for two, will become stronger over the years, and feelings will be stronger.

stability in love this pair is provided by the reliability and practicality of Dev, as well as their ability to solve financial issues. The Pisces woman will make her contribution to the love life with emotions, a creative approach to spending time together and natural female weakness: next to her, the courageous Virgo will feel even stronger. Mutual comfort in this love union is guaranteed.

Mutual comfort in this love union is guaranteed!

Virgo guy and Pisces girl in sex

Only outwardly Virgo is cold and squeezed: the sensuality of the Pisces girl will help melt this ice. Together in bed they are capable of much, these two ardent natures will be able to maximize: even the conservatism of the Virgo cannot resist the attention and caresses of the partner. The change that has taken place in the Virgo man is truly striking: where does his coldness and prudence go? Passionate macho in love, he will even dare to bright experiments that can deliver an abyss of pleasure to his beautiful lover. The Pisces girl will bring all her emotionality, tenderness and desire into sexual relations.

Marriage between a Virgo man and a Pisces woman cannot be called 100% successful. Despite the fact that each of them perfectly understands what the other half expects from the union, negative nuances in marriage are more than possible.

A charming Pisces woman in the family brings ease of communication, pleasant surprises, fantasy - this will attract a somewhat ponderous Virgo, in which he will awaken best qualities. The charm and tenderness of this woman is difficult to resist. But over time, they enter the stage of long cohabitation negative qualities of both signs: too zealous, sometimes to frank avarice, the husband will never understand the wife's inclination to mindlessly spend the family budget, and the flirtatious and cheerful wife is not always able to understand her husband's desire to be alone.

For both, the family will become a place of harmony and tranquility.

What do they like so much about each other that they are ready to live side by side for as many years as fate has given them? Amazing mutual understanding, the all-consuming attention of the Virgin to family problems, mutual fantasies and a rich sex life: for both, the family will become a place of harmony and tranquility.

Is there friendship if he is Virgo and she is Pisces?

Friendship among representatives of these signs unlikely: unexpected friendships are not supported by physical attraction between a man and a woman, and therefore they will not develop into a long and sincere friendship. Pedantic, old-fashioned and very reserved, Virgo will be annoyed by Pisces' charm and too simple attitude towards money. The Pisces woman for herself, in turn, will make an equally unflattering review of her friend: stingy and cold - a real cracker!

For a while, relatively calm friendships can only exist if the couple has a common business or hobby.

How to win a Virgo man?

What a Pisces woman can give to her Virgo, and what he carefully hides from others, is sensuality and love. That is, the chosen one of the Virgo man can be either an emotional person who can give him attention and affection, or the same as him: prudent and practical, maintaining the stability of his life. The Pisces woman, being the first option, will be able to give the Virgo man only feelings and a desire to love: next to such a chosen one, he will be able to open up spiritually and break away from everyday duties. Pisces Woman for such a man will become a quiet beautiful haven in which he can simply relax and unwind.

How to get the attention of a Pisces woman?

Here is everything a Virgo man needs to know if he wants to attract the attention of a charming and emotional woman born under the sign of Pisces:

  • she can be interested in an interesting conversation: It is important for a Virgo not only to speak herself, but also to learn to listen to her interlocutor;
  • it would be nice if there are mutual friends in the environment: they both like to gossip about acquaintances, and therefore this can be an unexpected start for an affair or a long romance;
  • for the seduction of Pisces, the Virgo man will have to temporarily switch his attention to external world : this woman appreciates emotionality and openness, there is no place for silent and quiet people next to her; she will quickly figure them out and frankly get bored;
  • as an erudite and very well-read person, the Pisces woman will look for the same level in the satellite: Virgo needs to follow the self-development and be aware of literary and cinematic novelties.

Pisces girl can be interested in an interesting conversation

Compatibility Horoscope for Virgo Woman and Pisces Man

This couple understand a lot about each other: they see the pros and cons of characters, possible difficulties in relationships, and therefore they will not build castles in the air. Instead, they will take up constructive problem solving and spiritual development.

Whether it is a love union, business or friendship: the success of this relationship depends only on the constant compromises of these men and women

The romantic Pisces man is often shy, and therefore the stability offered by Virgo will have a beneficial effect on him, giving him the necessary self-confidence. There is little left: for the Virgin to agree to the role of a kind of nanny for her chosen one.

Compatibility between people of these signs is possible subject to the setting of common goals and the search for ways to solve them, attentive conversations on topics of interest to both, maintaining each other's personal space, calm and adequate conflict resolution.

From this combination of astrological signs can get out harmonious union in which the partners complement each other. The same mystical attraction that both will feel literally from the first minutes of meeting can lead to the emergence of vivid feelings. But even love is not able to smooth out some of the roughness of the characters of Virgo and Pisces. The workaholism of the Virgo woman and the outright laziness of the Pisces man will lead to constant criticism from the first and resistance from the second.

Different attitudes towards money will also play a role: the domestic and very prudent Virgo, who wants to direct the love relationships that have arisen into the family channel, will be shocked by the squandering of money by the chosen one left and right.

Will they be able to survive such significant moments of crisis together - for the most part depends on the understanding and patience of the Virgo woman.

couple sexual attraction

Beautiful and harmonious intimate relationships the combination of the Virgo woman and the Pisces man is guaranteed: his sensuality and tact, tenderness and insight will melt the inner ice of this sometimes very impregnable woman. Virgo does not tolerate pressure and impudence at all, and therefore she will be glad of the sensitivity of her partner, who will not force things and will allow her to listen to her own feelings. The restraint and chastity of the chosen one, in turn, captivates and even delights Pisces: the process of conquest, as well as the bright finale, will bring real pleasure to both participants: the bed for them will become a place of harmony and pleasure.

As an erudite and well-read person, the Pisces woman will look for the same level in the satellite


Despite the seemingly attractive prospect of living together, it is better for this couple to stay on friendly terms and not to marry. Yes, they can learn a lot from each other, support in difficult life situations, help with advice, but living under the same roof will bring out many very critical inconsistencies in their characters. The demanding and tireless Virgo wife, who does not sit still, will demand the same from her life partner, but the husband under the sign of Pisces is completely unpractical and frankly lazy. In addition, most often Pisces turn out to be vulnerable and over-emotional, and therefore nitpicking and reproaches of the spouse for negligence will be perceived by them as a personal insult.

Such a marriage is able to withstand life's trials only due to the constant work of partners on themselves.

How are Virgo girl and Pisces guy friends?

They succeed in friendship much better than a business or love union: this couple is happy to share their experience and communicate on various topics. A common cause can unite these essentially different people for a long time. In such a friendship, a woman “gets” emotions and an easy attitude to the world around her, and it will be useful for a man to learn a bit of seriousness and prudence from a friend. Friendship in this couple can be very long-lasting., without going into love relationships or insignificant friendships.

How to win a Pisces man and build a relationship with him?

Emotional and passionate Pisces for life stability obviously lacking balance. Therefore, a sensible and calm Virgo woman is very curious to him. She, in turn, will not have a very sweet time in such a relationship: only the constant readiness for tricks of this man will not knock her out of her own well-worn rut.

One still needs to get used to the throwing of one born under the sign of Pisces: just like a fish in a pond, he is here today and there tomorrow, his judgments about people and circumstances change with the same speed and randomness. The sensitivity and responsiveness of his nature will somewhat compensate for such a vital inconstancy of the man of the Pisces sign. Virgo will be happy with the attention and caress of her chosen one, but will she be able to put up with the fact that the breadth of his soul extends not only to her, but to everyone around?

Completely in the style of a Pisces man, lending the money set aside for a new refrigerator to a newly baked acquaintance.

Virgo Woman worth weighing the pros and cons: perhaps it is worth stopping at almost perfect friendships and not plunging headlong into love, which promises a lot of trials? But you can’t command your heart - in turn, the Pisces man will be infinitely grateful for the trust and support and, quite likely, will sincerely consider such a woman ideal.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Virgo woman?

Difficult, but possible. The exceptional accuracy and pedantry of the Virgo woman cannot be ignored even at the stage of acquaintance: it is important for her appearance potential partner: perfect hairstyle, order in clothes, polished shoes, clean-shaven cheeks. This woman will demand the same ideal order in cohabitation.

Virgo will be grateful to Pisces for accuracy and punctuality

Virgo will be grateful to Pisces for accuracy and punctuality, for moderately diversifying her rather calm, sometimes even boring life. If only the excessively enterprising Pisces man didn’t think of turning the Virgo’s internal routine upside down: a sensible and strict woman will immediately delete a too active gentleman from her list of acquaintances.

November 28, 2017

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of the zodiac signs Pisces and Virgo - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Zodiac Compatibility Virgo - Pisces

The compatibility of the signs of Pisces and Virgo is not unambiguous and depends on how strongly representatives of both constellations strive for this. On the one hand, we can talk about mutual respect, but on the other hand, there are many fundamental contradictions between them. Pisces for Virgo is too emotional, dreamy and passive in a business sense, while Virgo in the eyes of Pisces is too pedantic and cold. Such partners, interacting closely, are able to become good mentors for each other. Virgos can become more sensitive, liberated, idealistic, and Pisces, returning from the fantasy world, will receive a more tangible support under their feet. But for this it is necessary that both have a desire for this and an ardent desire to be together. A stumbling block for them may be a money issue, but, as with everything else, this obstacle is not insurmountable. If they really want to, they can get along financially. But this union will not be simple unambiguously.

Virgo and Pisces - compatibility in love and marriage


Virgo man - Pisces woman

In such a pair, no one initially harbors illusions in relation to each other. Differences in characters do not escape the attention of both, but the advantages of these relationships become obvious. The Virgo man and the Pisces woman, if desired, will be able to turn the difference in the characters and habits of the other to their advantage, developing spiritually and solving problems with constructive methods.

Virgos, regardless of gender, dream of a stable life, of a safe home where they can build a cozy nest for themselves. In contrast, a woman born under the sign of Pisces avoids stability, seeing it as a threat to her independence and individuality. Her version of a cozy nest is beyond the tangible, in the world of dreams, from where she is periodically returned by a more practical Virgo spouse. Under his influence, she becomes more objective and adequate, makes decisions with greater ease, and is not so afraid of responsibility.

Virgo men in such families usually change a lot, becoming more determined and courageous, because they are forced to do so by their spouse who needs constant care. It is possible that she will miss her husband's passionate speeches, his emotional outbursts, but she can forgive him for his kindness, reverent care and devotion. Ultimately, she, too, will enjoy living in a stable and comfortable world created for her. And Pisces herself will contribute to these relationships, making them more romantic and flexible.

In such a pair, there is no need for clear leaders who require the unconditional submission of a partner. A Pisces woman with a Virgo man should not deprive her other half of the opportunity to at least sometimes retire from everyone in order to be in her personal inner world. It is best for spouses to agree on this at the very beginning. life together. They should give up too obvious attempts to remake each other, since both sides are able to change in the right direction without violence to the individual. The horoscope tells such partners that important role honesty and lack of fear of a showdown play in their relationship. This couple should not be afraid of frank conversations, because they always benefit both, therefore, veiled speeches and ambiguous hints should be avoided in communication.


Pisces man - Virgo woman

Such a marriage can be found infrequently, because as soon as they met, the Pisces man and the Virgo woman already see how different they are. But if their love overcomes these circumstances and both are not afraid of the prospect of following the path of constant compromises, then over time they will also find some points of intersection. This is a couple whose happiness will always be their personal merit, and not the result of happy zodiac compatibility.

Timid, often indecisive and shy, the Pisces man seeks empathy, emotional unity and stability (and often sympathy) in marriage. He dreams of romance, loves to feel sorry for himself and, in general, is very sentimental and melancholy. The company of a balanced and wise Virgo companion affects him beneficially, turning him into a more confident and active person. But it is difficult to assume that Virgo herself will like it.

This woman, having entered into marriage and being an extremely responsible person, will do everything to preserve family ties. She will be ready to take on maximum obligations, leaving her husband-Pisces the opportunity to remain indifferent to family affairs. Even if it becomes obvious that the union has no prospects, the Virgo woman is unlikely to initiate a divorce. However, this does not mean that she will completely accept the situation. Every mistake of a partner, even the smallest one, will become an occasion for criticism and caustic remarks. A humiliated and offended Pisces man will see this as a good reason to plunge into inactivity and melancholy, and will feel quite comfortable at the same time.

The compatibility horoscope recommends that partners of such zodiac signs try to talk more with each other on any abstract topics, set common goals, and do things that both will like. Subject to the inviolability of the inner space, this will significantly strengthen personal relationships, and the family can last long enough, although family horizons are unlikely to be cloudless.

Pisces and Virgo Sexual Compatibility

At first, their mutual sexual attraction can be very palpable. Seeing each other as an interesting puzzle, they can try to solve it in bed, while knowing full well that they are unlikely to have a joint future. In addition, the approach to love and to sex, as one of its aspects, varies significantly among partners. For Virgo, not only physiological, but also intellectual compatibility is important, she needs an element of stability in the relationship, therefore, seeing the difference in character, she, despite her interest, can be careful. All this is not necessary for Pisces, it is more important for them that the sensations coincide at the level of emotions. As for further family relations, then they largely depend on the Virgin, more precisely, the degree of her emancipation: the higher it is, the longer this connection will last.

Pisces and Virgo compatibility horoscope in work and business

The forecast for the joint work of Pisces with Virgo is uncertain. Each is cautious, accurate, both are considered unimportant strategists, but at the same time they think differently: Virgo relies on reason, Pisces - on intuition. They can be a good duo of performers, which should be led by a more active and stern leader. The relationship between these colleagues outside the official interests also often leaves much to be desired, they often sneer at each other, and sometimes gossip. This addiction to criticism and mutual washing of bones can make the atmosphere in the team not very comfortable for others. Virgo and Pisces rarely become partners in business: none of them wants to take responsibility for what is happening and for the future of a joint project.

Pair of Pisces - Virgo: compatibility in friendship

Under certain conditions, representatives of such signs can be pretty good together: they will have long conversations, washing bones with acquaintances, discussing what they saw or heard. However, for all this true friendship not enough. Virgo cannot be as emotional as Pisces, thereby depriving this friendship of that intensity of passion that is important to people of this sign. And Pisces, in turn, consider the Virgo's pedantry burdensome, and reading morals plunges them into despondency. In addition, there is no complete trust between them. They willingly discuss and condemn others, knowing full well that there are no guarantees that they themselves will not become the object of slander of today's interlocutor - but in a different circle.

See Virgo compatibility with other zodiac signs:

Virgo and Pisces Compatibility

In fact, Pisces is one of the most sensual signs, but how can Virgo understand this if she sees only a cold mask of indifference? Virgo is also not the most open type of people. She will be fascinated to look into the eyes of a partner, but is unlikely to openly declare her feelings. This is why these lovers suffer because there is not enough closeness between them.

Compatibility Chart for Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces Compatibility in Love and Marriage

Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs that can complement each other perfectly. Virgos are well versed in the male tricks of Mercury and the female tricks of Vulcan. But slippery Pisces have a very large margin of cunning. Virgo and Pisces stand opposite each other on the astrological wheel, they do not howl with each other, they just have certain qualities that the partner does not have.

Virgo is the standard of neatness and method. The business mind of Virgo sorts all emotions and impressions and puts them on the shelves. Virgos are not late for work, pay bills on time, do not sit up in front of the TV until late at night. Virgo loves her house, car, appearance and clothes to be in perfect order. They do not like to waste productive energy on dreams.

Pisces personal belongings are reminiscent of Picasso's abstract paintings. Pisces is amused by the pedantry of Virgos, but they really understand that it’s worth dreaming and messing around less, putting their own things and thoughts in order. Therefore, Pisces are fascinated by Virgos of the opposite sex, but do not like Virgos of their own sex, whose perfections Pisces perceive as a challenge. And Pisces can not irritate anything more than the need for competition.

But, despite all the deep differences, Virgo and Pisces manage to get along successfully. Perhaps this is influenced by their treatment of strangers, with unfamiliar personalities they are reserved and secretive. Virgo also has a lot to learn from Pisces: learn to wish, dream and grab capricious luck by the tail. Pisces manages to turn their dreams into reality with the help of faith in wisdom and goodness. Virgos are a model of patience, but their patience cannot be called meek.

Solar Pisces is a dual sign. After all, it is not without reason that the symbol of the zodiac sign Pisces is two fish that swim in opposite directions. Pisces are very generous in sharing sympathy with others. That is why it is worth showing sympathy to them themselves and, for sure, they are worthy of sympathy. Pisces are very perceptive and receptive individuals.

Sober-minded Virgos can be very useful for Pisces. And Virgos are very fond of understanding that they can benefit someone. They will gladly politely explain to Pisces that their dreams cannot be turned into reality. The compatibility of Virgo and Pisces is ambiguous, but their potential union is quite possible. They can perfectly complement each other, but misunderstanding of a partner can be a serious obstacle.

It is difficult for a practical Virgo to understand the laziness and fantasies of Pisces. But the sensuality of Pisces will fill their union with romance. And Virgo will ensure the stability of their life together. Pisces will be able to learn from Virgo to live not in the illusory, but in the real world. And the Virgo's measured life, thanks to the fantasies of Pisces, will become a little more interesting. But in order to realize all this, both partners must acquire patience. And their patience will surely be rewarded.

Friendly and gentle Pisces will acquire a caring protector in Virgo. Virgo will become a symbol of constancy and stability in their relationship. And Pisces will fill the relationship with tenderness. The financial issue can become a stumbling block, since financially insolvent Pisces and practical Virgo will not be able to find a common language in this regard. But finance won't play leading role in their union.

Virgo Man with other Zodiac Signs

Virgo and Pisces - signs compatibility

Virgo and Pisces compatibility is complex and interesting at the same time. These partners can complement each other very well, but the trouble is that it is difficult for them to reach an understanding. After all, each of the signs lives in its element: for Virgo it is Earth, for Pisces it is Water. The representative of the Pisces sign is always surrounded by a veil of mystery. His nature intrigues Virgo, forcing him to look for ways to solve the fish mystery.

In fact, Pisces is one of the most sensual signs, but how can Virgo understand this if she sees only a cold mask of indifference? Virgo is also not the most open type of people. She will be fascinated to look into the eyes of a partner, but is unlikely to openly declare her feelings. This is why these lovers suffer because there is not enough closeness between them.

The compatibility of the signs Virgo and Pisces rests on the boundless patience of the first. She tries with all her might to maintain a relationship, while Pisces occupies herself with unrealistic fantasies and meaningless reflection. The Virgo does not like the fact that clusters of people are constantly forming around her chosen one, crying for help, because it is difficult for Pisces to refuse someone. In addition, Virgo's activity does not find an explanation for the laziness inherent in a partner. All this entails constant reproaches from the Virgo, and caustic criticism deeply hurts the heart of Pisces. The only way out for partners is to teach each other to live in different elements. Virgo will sometimes have to plunge into sentimental illusions, and Pisces will be forced to adapt to real life. Otherwise, the partners will never meet in the spiritual sense.

These two are hard to be around. The compatibility of Virgo and Pisces requires great patience for both and constant work on relationships. The obvious flaws of Virgo and Pisces outweigh the hidden virtues too much, and they should try their best to show these virtues to their partner. However, once they overcome such a barrier, they will remain together forever. Virgo wants to receive from Pisces, if not an ocean, then a huge sea of ​​feelings, and Pisces are capable of such a gift. Virgo, in return, will become the thread that will connect Pisces with reality, and also provide them with financial protection.

Virgo and Pisces Sexual Compatibility

To achieve perfect compatibility of the signs of Virgo and Pisces in intimate relationships, Virgo will have to get rid of excessive restraint. Her conservatism and rational thinking in the bedroom will not do any good. Having entrusted her soul and body to the representative of the water element, Virgo will be at the pinnacle of bliss, because for Pisces, making love is the quintessence of sensuality and unity with a partner.

Compatibility: Virgo man - Pisces woman

For a man born under the sign of Virgo, it will be a real surprise that his chosen one can be so different. She is wise and submissive, but at times traits of other signs appear in her character, because she closes the Zodiac circle. Virgo does not like spontaneity, but here he will be surprised when Lady Pisces shows the assertiveness of Aries or the stubbornness of Taurus. Sometimes she demands worship, like a real Lioness, and it happens that her ambitions exceed all permissible limits - this is a cold breath from Capricorn.

The Virgin will have to come to terms with this state of affairs, especially since very soon his Rybka will return in his guise, giving him warmth and sweet bliss. Virgo will receive new impressions in this union, boundless sensuality and will know true love, and their compatibility will find harmony. Pisces will have to feel the support and care of their man, who, in addition, will improve their common home and ensure financial stability.

These are exactly the qualities that they have been looking for in the opposite sex for so long.

Compatibility: Virgo woman - Pisces man

Virgo is unable to resist the charm that is inherent in the representatives of water signs. Pisces will be fascinated to listen to any stories of the chosen one, while imperceptibly moving closer and closer. Thus, this seducer easily wins the lady of the heart, instilling in her the desire for spiritual and physical intimacy. These two will bathe in love, and even the restrained coldness of the Virgin is not a hindrance here. Virgo for Pisces is a source of inspiration for the poet, surrounded by enveloping tenderness. Their relationship is beautiful and romantic, few people are capable of such emotions.

However, the compatibility of the signs of Virgo and Pisces, when she is Virgo, and he is Pisces, subjects their union to serious tests when it comes to the purely material sphere of being. Virgo is not happy with the generosity of Pisces. Such a man cannot refuse anyone who asks for financial support. But Virgo, who knows the value of every penny earned, will not let Pisces waste their fortune in the wind. Perhaps for a representative of the water element, this will even be beneficial, but will invariably become a cause of conflict.

Another problem in relationships is Virgo's pickiness and criticism, especially when she is in a bad mood. However, all this is surmountable, and will not diminish the main advantage of their union - endless tenderness for each other.

Business Compatibility Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces Sign Compatibility in business can produce amazing results. Where else can you find such an amazing combination of the rationalization talent that Virgo possesses and the excellent intuition of Pisces! Such a union can solve any problem, because they competently combine their approaches to work, never entering into meaningless disputes. Each of the partners is an absolute complement to the other.

Pisces - Virgo Zodiac Compatibility

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Zodiac sign:

Pisces - Virgo:

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pairs of signs Pisces and Virgo,

including horoscope analysis,

chakras and square of Pythagoras

Love Compatibility Pisces and Virgo

The well-known theory about the mutual attraction of two opposites on the example of a pair of Pisces and Virgo finds its practical confirmation. The compatibility of these signs is like the compatibility of different poles of magnets: as soon as they get too close, attraction cannot be avoided. However, as in the case of magnets, the property works here: the larger and more massive the contact surfaces, the stronger the bond. For people, this is manifested in the fact that the more experience, wisdom, the more mature they are spiritually, the more likely they are to form a strong union.

The well-being of this union is directly proportional to the ability and desire of each of the signs to learn to respect the values ​​of the other. And due to the different elements, the values ​​also differ significantly. Without effort and consent to compromise, it will not be possible to establish a balance in relations. And fate will repeatedly test the strength of the "magnet" of their relationship. Without diplomacy and cooperation, each of the partners will sooner or later find that companion, relations with which will not require such hard daily work on themselves.

Having learned to gratefully accept any step forward from the partner, the couple will be able to form a stable union and jointly achieve amazing results in the spiritual and material spheres. This will be facilitated by the synergy of the industriousness of both signs. With real goals and striving for them, both Pisces and Virgo can surprise others with their will to win. Alas, if the signs do not have goals and problems, then, as their close circle knows, they can lie down on the bottom or on the stove, as it is more convenient for anyone, without any remorse.

In the question of the compatibility of Pisces and Virgo, it is of interest that the signs have many similar negative qualities (attacks of laziness, obstinacy of positions, unjustified perfectionism, excessive pedantry) and, at the same time, completely different positive sides, but forming very effective combinations with each other. For example, a combination of the excellent intuition of Pisces with the rationalism of Virgo, a creative impulse and practical implementation, violent emotions and an analytical warehouse. In this pair, you can find and apply new combinations forever.

What should be worked on in the relationship between Pisces and Virgo?

A weighty reason for conflicts is often the different attitude of partners to finances and material goods. The executive and economic Virgo is outraged by the careless attitude of Pisces to acquired property and the waste of hard-earned money. To resolve this situation without the prospect of aggravation, Pisces will have to learn financial planning from Virgo, who is more advanced in this matter. Otherwise, Pisces will receive tons of caustic criticism every day, which, as a water sign, is especially painful for them.

It will also not always be easy for Pisces with Virgo in terms of establishing a deep emotional connection. Therefore, we recommend starting the analysis of the Pisces-Virgo relationship with emotional and cordial compatibility. If it is present, the general background will at least be even, even if it remains somewhat subject to fluctuations from the stormy Pisces. Otherwise, the emotional waves of Pisces will break against the walls of the cold stone mind of the Virgin, not reaching the partner's heart. And water signs in a relationship without emotions and feelings are literally like fish without water.

Both signs will have to work on allowing less moments in which, as already mentioned, their negative sides may coincide. Let's say if common goal is set and the tools are defined, then there is no need to sit back, waiting for the partner to be the first to go to the side of the goal and pull along. Rather, general laziness or, as it happens with Virgos, apathy that has rolled in, will find a resonance with the same mood in a partner. Therefore, it doesn’t matter who is which sign, which gender, or whose character is stronger - you must start first.

Pisces woman and Virgo man

Such a pair is much less common than the reverse combination. And it can be called atypical. Usually the Virgo man seems too boring to the creative and mysterious Pisces woman. But, having got to know each other better, Pisces begin to see behind the appearance of a conformist both a sensual nature, and at the same time confidence. The Pisces woman feels the protection and care of her companion so important to her, hidden at first behind his restraint and pragmatism, and the Virgo man respects her extraordinary personality and appreciates the inspiration that she gives him.

In marriage with Virgo, the Pisces woman enlists his financial support, guaranteed help in solving any practical problems and emergency psychotherapeutic help if necessary. Freed from complex global problems, she will gladly become a caring mother for children and a clean housewife in the house.

Pisces man and Virgo woman

For the quick-tempered and sometimes frankly unbalanced Pisces man, an alliance with Virgo is, first of all, the acquisition of emotional stability. But the Virgo woman, who professes traditional morality, herself meets a man, is unlikely to run. And here the Pisces man, who periodically needs to strengthen his self-esteem, under the influence of a creative upsurge, will show all his Don Juan creativity in self-presentation in front of a girl and her disposition towards him. In general, the mating games of Pisces men are another show. The good news is that both the actor and the audience are usually satisfied.

If successful, the Pisces man will finally wish to find that same stability and lead the relationship to living together, and then to marriage. After all, he so wants to bring a little stability to his life. And the Virgo woman invariably strives for cleanliness and comfort around her.

respecting inner space and each other's interests, devoting themselves to common causes and goals, both partners will be proud of the results of joint efforts. To a lesser extent, the union is subjected to serious tests due to disagreements in the material sphere of being: Virgo is crushed by the excessive wastefulness of Pisces and the inability to bring prey to the house, and Pisces sometimes consider Virgo to be boringly meticulous in small matters. To a much greater extent, the issue of jealousy can manifest itself. And on both sides: charismatic Pisces and Virgos, who attract with their modest beauty, often find many admirers outside the home. And the self-doubt inherent in both signs (plus one more common negative quality) causes bouts of jealousy and possessiveness, and everything, as a rule, is addressed to a partner, and not a rival at all.

Much in building a love relationship depends on the desire and efforts of partners. The relationship between Virgo and Pisces goes under the slogan: "All or nothing!".

In the case of a strong desire, partners are able to create a magnificent fruitful union, since these two signs, which are opposite at first glance, perfectly complement each other and are capable of complete mutual return.

It is important to remember that focusing on shortcomings makes it difficult for all the possibilities of the birth of an alliance, as well as the breakdown of the connection. Most Virgo-Pisces couples, if you rely on the statistics of those who have married, diverge in the first years of family life.

Pisces character

Pisces (21.02 - 20.03) are for the most part closed signs of the zodiac. Also, they are the owners of a weak nervous system, often lose their psycho-emotional balance, are prone to seizures bad mood, which is explained by constant changes in emotional mood.

This zodiac sign has excellent inner intuition and generosity. Pisces also has the following characteristics:

  • sensitivity;
  • friendliness;
  • wit;
  • anxiety.

Most of the fish are passive people, they prefer to go with the flow and wait for problems to be solved by themselves. A rather dangerous feature of this sign is anxiety, which can lead to a very real nervous breakdown.

Character Virgo

Virgos (24.08 - 23.09) tend to streamline the world around them. These are quite cold people in their temperament and a little shy. Virgo is very critical of her shortcomings, just as much as the shortcomings of her half. Therefore, on the way to personal happiness, this feature becomes an obstacle. Virgo is also characterized by:

  • discipline;
  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • honesty;
  • truthfulness.

This sign of the zodiac quite often gets hung up on trifles, thereby missing out on the opportunity for additional chances leading to success. Sometimes Virgos forget about their principles and become vindictive egoists.


IN this case does not have special significance what gender the zodiac signs belong to. The friendship of these zodiacs is based on completely different things. As you know, the occurrence of any sexual desires between signs is unlikely, since they have different temperaments.

Virgo and Pisces are closed, rather secretive signs of the zodiac. What is also common is that often these signs are introverts, as a result of which, they have a narrow social circle, they prefer quiet gatherings, and not a noisy gathering of incomprehensible people.

The relationship between Virgo and Pisces goes under the slogan: "All or nothing!".

When these signs notice all their best features in a partner, they create an excellent tandem. Pisces feel more confident being next to Virgo. They learn to structure life and space. Pisces are prone to emotional hesitation, often conflicting desires, and the earth sign - Virgo, grounds her partner a little, making life more stable.

Next to Pisces, Virgos become more relaxed, sensitive. They expand their outlook on life and learn to plan for the distant future. Pisces shares their intuition with an earth sign, so Virgo starts to understand people a little better. When love feelings ignite in partners, they treat each other very carefully, protect from external life hardships, trying not to disturb the delicate mental organization of the partner.

zodiac friendship

Union Virgo - Pisces is quite unstable. Friends like completely different things. Pisces are definitely dreamers and dreamers. They have a creative nature and do not understand the desire of the Virgin to systematize everything around them.

Virgos, on the other hand, cause panic in the clouds of Pisces, as well as things that cannot be structured. They always strive for order and bring it wherever possible: at home, at work, in the head. The tendency to passivity of Pisces and inactive contemplation of everything that happens causes irritation. Such soil is an excellent fuel for the emergence of disagreements between friends. But against the background of strong friendship, these are only minor quarrels.

The moon directly influences the friendship of these signs. It, depending on the phase of growth, enhances attraction, or vice versa, alienates people from each other. But also, the Chinese horoscope also has an impact.

Table - Influence Chinese horoscope to the union of Virgo and Pisces

Successful signs of the Chinese horoscope minimize the friction that occurs between the signs as much as possible, unsuccessful ones, on the contrary. For a successful friendly union, it is necessary that one of the signs of the zodiac correspond to the Chinese horoscope sign from the right column.

Sex and relationships

Sex in these signs is quite boring and unpretentious. Thanks to Venus, the signs are the owners of completely different temperaments. This happens because Virgo even considers sex only from a rational point of view. Between signs, physical intimacy is impossible without intellectual compatibility, since Virgo simply cannot relax and have fun.

Virgo is an earth sign, therefore it is often closed, constrained due to the various number of complexes acquired thanks to a society of prejudices. This sign simply does not allow his feelings to take precedence over reason and rationality.

Pisces, unlike Virgo, are very emotional. For this sign, sex is an emotional, passionate and sensual pleasure. They, as a rule, do not associate sex with everyday relationships with a partner, since Pisces are avid dreamers, which is reflected in their sexual life. They strive to embody all their fantasies.

Compatibility in sex between Pisces and Virgo has the right to be only if they have found mutual understanding in any other areas of life. In this scenario, Virgo will allow the manifestation of her emotions, and will also be able to trust Pisces. Pisces must try to awaken the considerable potential of the Virgins, which they hide behind seven seals.

Physical intimacy is not possible between signs without intellectual compatibility.

The education of signs is of great importance. It is important that it be developed and that Virgo does not follow public prejudices, promoting her hypocrisy. Therefore, Pisces should not rush, be disappointed in their partner right away.

But sex is not able to unite Virgo and Pisces, because for the successful existence of the union, it is necessary to have something more.

Pisces is a woman and Virgo is a man

Partners will not immediately notice each other, since love at first sight is impossible between them. If their acquaintance happens at some social event, then most likely they will notice each other only because they stand apart from the crowd and watch everyone.

A man will be interested in the dreaminess and mystery of a woman, but on the condition that he likes to guess people. He will awaken the desire to take care of his beloved, to protect her from all adversity. A woman in a partner will be interested in his organization, which, alas, she practically does not possess.

Relations between signs, in this case, are possible when there is a chance to conquer each other, that is, in the absence of strong rivals. A man in such a tandem becomes stronger, since he has to lead a weak woman who needs to be constantly taken care of. Pisces will appreciate the actions of the Virgin and will be grateful.

Between Pisces and Virgo, love at first sight is impossible.

This couple will be quite hidden, it is characterized by a solitary lifestyle. Only very close friends can enter their house. A woman - Pisces is not able to organize home life and comfort, as the man - Virgo desires. He should not expect perfect order, so he himself can take on the maintenance of the hearth, along the way throwing reproaches towards his woman.

Because of this, Pisces are able to completely withdraw into themselves, as they have a vulnerable nature. The woman, in turn, will not be satisfied with the coldness of her partner, which will certainly affect their sex life. Therefore, representatives of these signs can claim the happy existence of a couple, only if true love and tender feelings are present.

Virgo woman and Pisces man

In most cases, the acquaintance of these signs does not end with anything. A woman and a man almost immediately understand how different they are. In a successful scenario, they can create an alliance, but it will not last long, after which the partners will disperse in search of more suitable parties.

The only thing that can attract them to each other is the man's interest in a quiet and homely partner who will take care of them. A happy union can only exist through small, as well as painstaking work on relationships.

Such work is able to create a harmonious marriage, where each of the partners has a personal space, sometimes they can conduct detached philosophical conversations. Love and friendship do not guarantee mutual understanding, since none of the partners will allow the other to penetrate into the bins of his soul.

Virgo is annoyed by laziness, as well as the passivity of her partner, she loses her temper because of his constant daydreaming. She is not able to remain silent, so constant nit-picking and quarrels will be quite common for such a couple. In most cases, the initiator for the collapse of the union is a man, since he accumulates resentment for a long time because of the remarks of the Virgin and at some point he simply does not have the strength to be patient. To avoid this situation, a woman needs to rebuild her attitude to everyday life, not to find fault with trifles.

In most cases, the acquaintance of these signs does not end with anything.

For a long-term preservation of the union of these signs, partners need to get to know each other better, accept the partner as he is. You need to understand that the couple is not able to fully recognize their lover, since both signs are quite secretive.

An excellent practice on the way to understanding each other will be daily frank conversations. Pisces should pay more attention to everyday life, Virgo - to the feelings and emotions of a partner. These signs will be able to live a long, happy life if they dedicate themselves to raising a common child and traveling together.

Virgo and Pisces compatibility is complex and interesting at the same time. These partners can complement each other very well, but the trouble is that it is difficult for them to reach an understanding. After all, each of the signs lives in its element: for Virgo it is Earth, for Pisces it is Water. The representative of the Pisces sign is always surrounded by a veil of mystery. His nature intrigues Virgo, forcing him to look for ways to solve the fish mystery.

In fact, Pisces is one of the most sensual signs, but how can Virgo understand this if she sees only a cold mask of indifference? Virgo is also not the most open type of people. She will be fascinated to look into the eyes of a partner, but is unlikely to openly declare her feelings. This is why these lovers suffer because there is not enough closeness between them.

The compatibility of the signs Virgo and Pisces rests on the boundless patience of the first. She tries with all her might to maintain a relationship, while Pisces occupies herself with unrealistic fantasies and meaningless reflection. The Virgo does not like the fact that clusters of people are constantly forming around her chosen one, crying for help, because it is difficult for Pisces to refuse someone. In addition, Virgo's activity does not find an explanation for the laziness inherent in a partner. All this entails constant reproaches from the Virgo, and caustic criticism deeply hurts the heart of Pisces. The only way out for partners is to teach each other to live in different elements. Virgo will sometimes have to plunge into sentimental illusions, and Pisces will be forced to adapt to real life. Otherwise, the partners will never meet in the spiritual sense.

These two are hard to be around. The compatibility of Virgo and Pisces requires great patience for both and constant work on relationships. The obvious flaws of Virgo and Pisces outweigh the hidden virtues too much, and they should try their best to show these virtues to their partner. However, once they overcome such a barrier, they will remain together forever. Virgo wants to receive from Pisces, if not an ocean, then a huge sea of ​​feelings, and Pisces are capable of such a gift. Virgo, in return, will become the thread that will connect Pisces with reality, and also provide them with financial protection.

Virgo and Pisces Sexual Compatibility

To achieve perfect compatibility of the signs of Virgo and Pisces in intimate relationships, Virgo will have to get rid of excessive restraint. Her conservatism and rational thinking in the bedroom will not do any good. Having entrusted her soul and body to the representative of the water element, Virgo will be at the pinnacle of bliss, because for Pisces, making love is the quintessence of sensuality and unity with a partner.

Compatibility: Virgo man - Pisces woman

For a man born under the sign of Virgo, it will be a real surprise that his chosen one can be so different. She is wise and submissive, but at times traits of other signs appear in her character, because she closes the Zodiac circle. Virgo does not like spontaneity, but here he will be surprised when Lady Pisces shows the assertiveness of Aries or the stubbornness of Taurus. Sometimes she demands worship, like a real Lioness, and it happens that her ambitions exceed all permissible limits - this is a cold breath from Capricorn.

The Virgin will have to come to terms with this state of affairs, especially since very soon his Rybka will return in his guise, giving him warmth and sweet bliss. Virgo will receive new impressions in this union, boundless sensuality and will know true love, and their compatibility will find harmony. Pisces will have to feel the support and care of their man, who, in addition, will improve their common home and ensure financial stability.

These are exactly the qualities that they have been looking for in the opposite sex for so long.

Compatibility: Virgo woman - Pisces man

Virgo is unable to resist the charm that is inherent in the representatives of water signs. Pisces will be fascinated to listen to any stories of the chosen one, while imperceptibly moving closer and closer. Thus, this seducer easily wins the lady of the heart, instilling in her the desire for spiritual and physical intimacy. These two will bathe in love, and even the restrained coldness of the Virgin is not a hindrance here. Virgo for Pisces is a source of inspiration for the poet, surrounded by enveloping tenderness. Their relationship is beautiful and romantic, few people are capable of such emotions.

However, the compatibility of the signs of Virgo and Pisces, when she is Virgo, and he is Pisces, subjects their union to serious tests when it comes to the purely material sphere of being. Virgo is not happy with the generosity of Pisces. Such a man cannot refuse anyone who asks for financial support. But Virgo, who knows the value of every penny earned, will not let Pisces waste their fortune in the wind. Perhaps for a representative of the water element, this will even be beneficial, but will invariably become a cause of conflict.

Another problem in relationships is Virgo's pickiness and criticism, especially when she is in a bad mood. However, all this is surmountable, and will not diminish the main advantage of their union - endless tenderness for each other.

Business Compatibility Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces Sign Compatibility in business can produce amazing results. Where else can you find such an amazing combination of the rationalization talent that Virgo possesses and the excellent intuition of Pisces! Such a union can solve any problem, because they competently combine their approaches to work, never entering into meaningless disputes. Each of the partners is an absolute complement to the other.