A story on the topic of my patriotic deed. Unusual approach

From Russian media reports: “The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) opened a disciplinary case against the Moscow “Locomotive” due to the fact that the midfielder of the club Dmitry Tarasov after the Europa League match with the Turkish “Fenerbahce” showed a T-shirt with the image of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the inscription "the most polite president." On the evening after the game, Tarasov said he wore a Putin jersey to show support for the Russian president. “This is my president. I respect him and decided to show that I am with him everywhere and ready to support him. On this T-shirt everything is written that I wanted to say. Lokomotiv, for its part, called the footballer's behavior unacceptable and published a corresponding statement on the official website, and also issued a fine to Tarasov in accordance with a personal contract.

In this story, it is noteworthy, first of all, that UEFA has just begun an investigation into this ridiculous "violation", and the Russian (!) Football club has already made a fuss and punished the "guilty"! No one in this organization seems to have even remembered the existence of such a phenomenon as patriotism and unconditional respect for the President of their own country. Even if necessary, to the detriment of their own interests. No one even thought of the entire team of the club to publicly support the patriotic footballer, regardless of any possible consequences.

Where there! In the first place was an elementary fear for their personal well-being, which directly depends on the will of the UEFA bosses. An illustrative case that gives grounds for great doubts about the quality of the current "Russian patriotism." And this despite the fact that even sports experts do not see anything reprehensible in the act of the Lokomotiv football player. In particular, football referee Igor Yegorov expressed the opinion that Tarasov did not violate the UEFA regulations:

“If he did it during the game, it is forbidden. And he had to get yellow card. And then, if he provoked something, he could get a red card. And here he did nothing illegal, he did it after the game, he had the right to do it. No one forbids this after the game, he did not show any offensive gestures.

Meanwhile, this case is somewhat reminiscent of the story of the popular Russian film actor Mikhail Porechenkov. He had only to go to the Donbass and support the local militias, while shooting into the clear sky with a machine gun (well, just the same - a terrible crime!), As he was immediately turned by the Moscow "cultural elite" into a uniform outcast, hounded by local liberal propaganda and almost completely devoid of professional engagement.

Any well-known person in the country, no matter - a football player, artist or writer, who dared to transgress the liberal dogma and allowed himself to speak positively about Russian President and his political course, they immediately cease to be included in many high offices, they are subjected to informational and psychological isolation, to the point that they practically disappear from the field of view of society. This is not difficult to do, despite the fact that in Moscow there is an almost hopeless dominance of pro-Western, anti-Russian and anti-Putin media, which are free to make any nonentity person number one and mix anyone with a bunch of crap. decent person. Film director Nikita Mikhalkov with his politically incorrect "Besogon", the great animator Yuri Norshtein, who dared to support Putin in his attitude to the Crimea, the no less great musician Valery Gergiev, who took a principled position in protecting South Ossetia from Georgian aggression. All of them immediately become "persona non grata" in the Moscow "high society" and the media community controlled by it.

And this “community”, trained in all methods of manipulating the mass consciousness, staffed with excellently stimulated personnel, work quite efficiently and carefully, not allowing any accidents to influence the desired result.

Take, for example, the technology of covering the scandal with the Lokomotiv player sucked from the finger. Just one significant detail. On one of the liberal portals, a photograph was published "exposing" D. Tarasov, where he is depicted in a "hazing" T-shirt with Putin. But here's a piquant feature. It is this photo from the site that cannot be copied! Because in this case the options menu is artificially limited and lacks the usual "save image as" or "copy image" functions. That is why we are forced to post here only a screenshot of this page. The fact that in this case this was done intentionally is indicated at least by the fact that literally nearby - on the page without the policy of the same portal, these functions are again present. What you can see for yourself.

Why this is done is also clear. This photo is very successful from a propaganda point of view, positively characterizing D. Tarasov from the point of view of a normal patriotic citizen. And many Russians who sympathize with this football player would certainly have copied this image and distributed it in millions of copies throughout the network. So, in order to prevent this unwanted outburst of mass sympathy, user functions in relation to this photo were limited. Of course, football fans will find other ways to download it. But not here!

For us ordinary people, this level of meticulousness seems simply unthinkable and ridiculous. But do not forget that for specialists in psychological warfare against Russia, who are trained in the best Western special schools, these are by no means trifles. They are well aware that it will not work to "compost" the brains of a multi-million people in the "anyhow" mode and through the sleeves. Here we need the highest aerobatics of indoctrination and technology. Completely eliminating any unwanted effects. And it is with them, it must be admitted, while it turns out.

Yuri Selivanov, especially fornewsFront

This material is dedicated to the heroes of our time. Real, not fictional citizens of our country. Those people who do not shoot incidents on their smartphones, but are the first to rush to help the victims. Not by vocation or duty of the profession, but from a personal sense of patriotism, responsibility, conscience and understanding that this is right.

In the great past of Russia - Russia, Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, there were many heroes who glorified the state throughout the world, and did not disgrace the name and honor of its citizen. And we honor their great contribution. Every day, "brick by brick", building a new, strong country, returning to ourselves the lost patriotism, pride and not so long ago forgotten heroes.

We all need to remember that in modern history of our country, in the 21st century, many worthy deeds and heroic deeds have already been accomplished! Actions that deserve your attention.

Read the stories of the exploits of "ordinary" residents of our Motherland, take an example and be proud!

Russia is back.

In May 2012, for saving a nine-year-old child, in Tatarstan he was awarded the Order courage twelve-year-old boy, Danil Sadykov. Unfortunately, his father, also a hero of Russia, received the Order of Courage for him.

At the beginning of May 2012, Small child fell into a fountain, the water in which suddenly turned out to be under high voltage. There were a lot of people around, everyone was shouting, calling for help, but they did nothing. Only one Daniel decided. It is obvious that his father, who received the title of hero after a worthy service in the Chechen Republic, raised his son correctly. Courage is in the Sadykovs' blood. As investigators later found out, the water was energized at 380 volts. Danil Sadykov managed to pull the victim onto the side of the fountain, but by that time he himself had received a severe electric shock. For his heroism and selflessness in saving a person in extreme conditions, 12-year-old Danil, a resident of Naberezhnye Chelny, was awarded the Order of Courage, unfortunately posthumously.

The commander of the communications battalion, Sergei Solnechnikov, died on March 28, 2012 during an exercise near Belogorsk in the Amur Region.

During the exercise of throwing grenades, an emergency situation occurred - a grenade, after being thrown by a conscripted soldier, hit the parapet. Solnechnikov jumped up to the private, pushed him aside and covered the grenade with his body, saving not only him, but also many people around. Awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

In the winter of 2012, in the village of Komsomolsky, Pavlovsky district Altai Territory children were playing in the street near the store. One of them - a 9-year-old boy - fell into a sewer well with ice water, which was not visible due to large snowdrifts. If it were not for the help of 17-year-old Alexander Grebe, who accidentally saw what happened and did not jump into the icy water after the victim, the boy could become another victim of adult negligence.

On a Sunday in March 2013, two-year-old Vasya was walking near his house under the supervision of his ten-year-old sister. At this time, foreman Denis Stepanov stopped by his friend on business and, waiting for him behind the fence, watched the child's pranks with a smile. Hearing the sound of snow sliding off the slate, the fireman instantly rushed to the baby and, jerking him aside, took the blow of the snowball and ice.

Twenty-two-year-old Alexander Skvortsov from Bryansk two years ago unexpectedly became a hero of his city: he pulled seven children and their mother out of a burning house.

In 2013, Alexander was visiting the eldest daughter of a neighboring family, 15-year-old Katya. The head of the family went to work early in the morning, everyone was sleeping at home, and he locked the door with a key. In the next room, a mother of many children was busy with the kids, the youngest of which is only three years old, when Sasha smelled smoke.

First of all, everyone logically rushed to the door, but it turned out to be locked, and the second key lay in the parents' bedroom, which the fire had already cut off.

“I was confused, first of all I started counting the children,” says Natalya, mother. “I couldn’t call the fire brigade or anything, even though I had the phone in my hands.
However, the guy was not taken aback: he tried to open the window, but it was tightly sealed for the winter. With a few blows from the stool, Sasha knocked out the frame, helped Katya to get out and handed over to her the rest of the children, whatever they were wearing. Mom planted the last.

“When he began to climb out himself, the gas suddenly exploded,” says Sasha. - Singed hair, face. But he is alive, the children are safe, and this is the main thing. I don't need thanks."

Evgeny Tabakov is the youngest citizen of Russia who has become a holder of the Order of Courage in our country.

Tabakov's wife was only seven years old when the bell rang in the Tabakovs' apartment. Only Zhenya and his twelve-year-old sister Yana were at home.

The girl opened the door, not at all alert - the caller introduced himself as a postman, and since someone else rarely appeared in the closed city (the military town of Norilsk - 9), Yana let the man in.

The stranger grabbed her, put a knife to her throat and began to demand money. The girl struggled and cried, the robber ordered her younger brother to look for money, and at that time he began to undress Yana. But the boy could not leave his sister so easily. He went to the kitchen, took a knife and ran it into the criminal's lower back. From pain, the rapist fell and released Yana. But it was impossible to cope with a recidivist with children's hands. The offender got up, attacked Zhenya and stabbed him several times. Later, experts counted eight stab wounds incompatible with life on the boy's body. At this time, the sister knocked on the neighbors, asked to call the police. Hearing the noise, the rapist tried to hide.

However, the bleeding wound of the little defender left a mark and the loss of blood took its toll. The recidivist was immediately captured, and the sister, thanks to the feat of the heroic boy, remained safe and sound. The feat of a seven-year-old boy is an act of a person with a well-formed life position. The act of a real Russian soldier who will do everything to protect his family and his home.

It is not uncommon to hear how conditional liberals blinded by the West or voluntarily blindfolded, dogmatic Advisers declare that all the best is in the West and this does not exist in Russia, and all the heroes lived in the past, therefore our Russia is not their homeland ...

Let us leave the ignorant in their ignorance, and pay attention to modern heroes. Small and adults, ordinary passers-by and professionals. Let's pay attention - and we will take an example from them, we will stop remaining indifferent to our own country and our citizens.

The hero does something. Such an act, which not everyone dares, perhaps even a few. Sometimes such valiant people are awarded with medals, orders, and if they do without any signs, then with human memory and inescapable gratitude.

Your attention, and knowledge of your heroes, understanding that you should be no worse - and there is the best tribute to the memory of such people and their valiant and worthy deeds.

Once upon a time there lived a Boy. He was a perfectly ordinary child, no different from others. Just like everyone was walking, playing with other guys, getting good and bad marks. Although no, one small difference still existed. He did not like the place where he was born. He did not like his hometown and the vast country where he lived. Neither adults nor children paid much attention to this oddity.
Meanwhile, the Boy grew up, but his point of view did not change. On the contrary, he was more and more affirmed in it, cognizing the world. IN high school he, along with his classmates, got acquainted with the meaning of the word patriotism. However, the Boy did not like this word, he considered it ridiculous. And I did not consider myself a patriot in any way.
The Boy's native country bordered on another, completely different country. Long ago, his uncle went there with his family and lived there for many years. All the newspapers, magazines, books, films brought from there by relatives said how good life is for those people. They always smile and greet everyone. That life seemed to him beautiful and fabulous extraordinary. It was so different from those boring everyday life that he lived here. It seemed to him that where he lives, there is nothing interesting and cannot be. He always wanted to go to that country and often imagined how he would live there. extraordinary life. After all, when he wakes up, the window will not see a dirty old street with a broken lantern, but a clean and well-groomed one with brand new lanterns along the edges of the road. And everything will be different.
Time passed without being distracted by strange boys. The boy grew up, graduated from school, college, got a job. The dream of leaving here did not disappear, and he began to gradually save up for the move. The hostility from the homeland increased so much that it seemed that a little more, and he would begin to hate the place where he was born.
It happened on one of those gray monotonous Mondays. The morning began as usual. The same pale sun lit up the shabby street and peeped in passing into his bedroom. He was sleepily getting ready for work. No signs of trouble. But suddenly a siren blared throughout the street, penetrating the houses and the astonished ears of the residents. Everyone started leaning out. Someone whispered "war" and the word passed from house to house as if by chain. Soon the whole area, and then the city was in a panic. The civilians did not know what to do. The military tried to quickly evacuate them all. However, as soon as the people moved towards the bomb shelters, planes appeared in the air like kites. They began to bomb everything that came to hand. Before the eyes of the Boy, houses collapsed, people fell dead and most of them did not get up. After a couple of minutes, the horror stopped, but the same black people took the place of the black planes. And they all had a red emblem on their chests. The emblem of the very country where people smiled and lived without knowing the hassle. His mind was confused. He woke up only a couple of hours later with a gun at the ready. With a wild animal roar, he ran along with other similar daredevils to the black mass.
It took a long time before the war ended. Both countries lost a lot of people. And yet the homeland of the Boy emerged victorious from the war. Countries have concluded a peace treaty for many decades.
The boy found a family and never left for a foreign country. Subsequently, he often told his grandchildren about the war and each time, smiling bitterly, added:
- I would never have thought that patriotic feelings could wake up in me.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

On the eve of February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, it's time to talk about patriotic education youth. What do the concepts of "patriot" and "patriotism" mean today, for example, for modern schoolchildren? The article contains the opinions of the guys themselves.

If for you such concepts as “patriot”, “patriotism”, “feeling of patriotism” are an empty phrase or cause irony, irritation, etc., try to think about such an unusual question: Is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?
This question is especially appropriate to ask schoolchildren, among whom there are many cynics, in order to set them up to think about a difficult topic. And you can do it on the eve of the event. class hour or any other event dedicated to fostering a sense of patriotism.

Such questions can attract the guys to a serious and constructive discussion. At first glance, the question seems rather strange, but it is precisely as a result of such an approach (as practice shows) that even a cynic can be forced to think and express his "considered" opinion on this matter.
It would be nice to arrange a competition for the best answer from the point of view of the guys to this strange question. Let everyone share their opinion.

Questions "What is the manifestation of patriotism?" And “Is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?” The students gave very interesting answers. After generalization and systematization, they look like this.

  • Patriotism manifests itself in respect for one's country, to her past, to the memory of her ancestors; in the interest in the history of their country, studying the experience of previous generations. And this leads to the clarification of the causes of many events, which in turn gives knowledge. Those who are armed with knowledge are protected from many failures and mistakes, do not waste time correcting them, go further and overtake in their development those who “step on the same rake”.
    Knowing your history, the experience of previous generations helps you navigate the world, calculate the consequences of your own actions, and feel confident. At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. Without a historical past, neither the present nor the future is possible. According to many classics, "Oblivion of the past, historical oblivion is fraught with spiritual desolation both for an individual and for all people." It is the comprehension of the failures and mistakes of the historical past that leads to the achievements and merits of the present, helps to survive in difficult times. That's why it pays to be a patriot.

  • Patriotism is manifested in the ability value and protect your homeland, the desire to change it for the better, make it cleaner, kinder, more beautiful. Clean, repaired roads, for example, are nicer and more comfortable to walk on. Shoes last longer, less likely to fall. It is also much more pleasant to deal with decent people, and not with boors and scoundrels. It is nice to enjoy the beauty of nature and human creations, which are not at all difficult to preserve.
    If a person learns to ennoble himself and the territory surrounding him, life will become happier, psychological comfort will appear, which will allow him to spend his mental strength more efficiently, enjoy life and achieve a lot. That's why it pays to be a patriot.
    True patriotism is manifested in the ability to be a moral person, creating beauty and goodness around him.

  • to be loyal and devoted to his country, his cause, his family, his views and ideas, his dream. A patriot does not shout at every corner about his passionate love for the motherland, he silently does his job well, remains true to his principles, ideals and universal values. Thus, he really helps not only his country, but also himself. A person who studied hard, gaining knowledge, and as a result of this received Good work, became socially active, built his future, created a full-fledged family, honestly works - he did much more for his country than the one who walks around with slogans, chants for patriotism and verbally defends the prestige of his country.
    People who do not have a sense of patriotism have no future. They will destroy themselves, because they do not develop and do not have a strong “core”. This is the law of life. Patriotism is needed for personal development, for survival. That's why it pays to be a patriot.

  • Patriotism is manifested in the ability be proud of your country, defend its values, primarily freedom and independence, honor and preserve centuries-old traditions. Traditions are the backbone of any nation. A person, people, country - one who abandons his traditions, his national values ​​and shrines, risks losing his “roots” in history, his freedom and independence, as sooner or later he will begin to live in the space of traditions, ideals and values ​​of other nations . Where the cultural and historical past of the country is forgotten, the moral decay of the nation invariably begins.
    In order for a country to develop independently, it is necessary to protect and defend traditions, territory, culture, language, and beliefs. This can be done by those who competently builds its relationship with the country in which he lives and for whose benefit he works. Thus, there is a formation of the Citizen of the country. A person is engaged in self-knowledge and the search for his place in the country, life. A person, as a citizen of his country, develops a sense of responsibility for his actions, for loyalty to ideals and the preservation of his own traditions and values. And this educates the personality, makes it more perfect. That's why it pays to be a patriot.

  • Patriotism is manifested in the ability feel elevated feelings to his own country, to its nature, culture. These feelings are manifested in experiences, involvement, emotional responses to ongoing events. Patriotism as a feeling of love for the Motherland, readiness to serve its ideals can be attributed to the highest feelings, ranked as spiritual values. The feeling of patriotism makes a person active, ready to defend the values ​​dear to his heart. The feeling of patriotism, like other bright feelings, is a necessary condition for the development and formation of a person as a person. After all, the formation of feelings goes through the comprehension and development of certain values ​​of society, as well as through the creative discovery of new values ​​by a person. There is a spiritual perfection of the personality. That's why it pays to be a patriot.

And here is the opinion expressed in his author's work by the participant of our contest "I am a writer" Andrey Semin from Nizhny Novgorod, a student of 10 "A" class of secondary school No. 45. Here is an excerpt from the author's essay "Patriotism".

Patriotism! A feeling that any self-respecting person should have. Feeling of pride and empathy for your country, your country, together with your country. And it seems to me that the more a person loves his Motherland, is ready to give his life for it, to kill the enemy for the good of his Motherland in a treacherous attack or a daring foray into its camp, the more a person receives spiritual strength, moral impressions, direct contact with culture, history and heart of their homeland. It also seems to me that today a person not only can, but must, with all his means of soul and body, praise his Motherland. After all, it is she, the Motherland, who gives life. After all, it is she, the Motherland, that makes it possible to express herself.
You always need to be active, inquisitive towards the riches of the holy Russian land. You need to prove yourself as a citizen, as a patriot - this is not just important. It's necessary.
Russia. How much of this word. Rich story and great culture, bloody wars and revolutions and exploits of the Russian people. So many people died with this great word on their lips. We live in great country with rich historical experience. And it is no coincidence that many poets and writers reflected on the fate of their homeland. And if I happened to see Nikolai Vasilyevich now, then I would answer his question “Rus, where are you rushing to?” answered the following: “To that distance, where light and life tremble, and where only the mind speaks with the soul.”

I really want everyone to understand the following: Patriotism as a political, social and moral principle reflects the attitude of a person (citizen) to his country. This attitude is manifested in caring for the interests of one’s fatherland, in readiness for self-sacrifice for it, in loyalty and devotion to one’s country, in pride in its social and cultural achievements, in sympathy for the suffering of one’s people and in condemnation of the social vices of society, in respect for the historical past. his country and the traditions inherited from it, in readiness to subordinate his interests to the interests of the country, in an effort to defend his country, his people. A patriot is one who conscientiously works for the good of his country and encourages others to do so, who helps his fellow citizens to improve. If you don't care about others, you run the risk of being alone."

Let's think and answer the following questions:

  • Why has the “degree” of patriotism been greatly reduced in recent decades? And it certainly affects all aspects of our life, including sports, which is well proven by the “successes” of our team in Vancouver.
  • What are the similarities and differences between the concepts of "patriot" and "citizen"?
  • What is and how should the patriotism of a schoolchild be manifested?
Dear students!
  • Do you agree with the thesis that Is it vital to be a patriot?
  • Please answer in the comments to the question: “Which of the two groups presented in our article

Anna Kuznetsova, director of the Youth Center of the Ilan region.

-Anna, what is patriotism for you?

This is love for your homeland, for the place where you were born, for your family, yard, city, region. In my opinion, the scale here is not so important, because if each of us treats his small homeland with respect, love and responsibility, then he will have the same attitude towards the country as a whole.

- Most bright manifestation patriotism?

When a person in his yard with his own hands sets up a swing for all the neighbor's children, when he throws garbage into the bin, and not into the street. In other words, a person becomes a true patriot not when he, waving the flag, shouts about patriotism, but when he changes the world for the better.

-Anna, in your opinion, has the attitude towards the content of this concept changed over the past decade?

Unfortunately, in the 1990s, a lot of things collapsed in our country, including the feeling of patriotism that began to level out. Now the state is conducting purposeful work to restore it. Of course, this is a complex, painstaking task that cannot bring momentary results. The feeling of patriotism is manifested in the daily actions of a person, and at the level of conscious action. And then, for example, a young man or girl will put on a St. George ribbon on May 9 not just as a tribute to tradition or fashion, but as a symbol of the continuity of generations and with a sense of pride in the heroes of great wars, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

- The work of the Youth Center is aimed mainly at the education of patriotism?

Yes, within the framework of the state youth policy, we not only hold large-scale military-patriotic, civil-patriotic events, actions, but also in daily communication we try to instill in young people a sense of love for their small homeland, for what surrounds them, we try to revive old traditions, educate respect for family values, because all this is very interconnected.

-Anna, who could you name as an example of patriotism?

I think my father. He loves Russian history, traditions, our city, it is very important for him family values. Father always says that you cannot separate yourself from the society in which you live, you need to work for its good, for me this is very important.

Olga Kulakova, head of the department for the preparation and conscription of citizens for military service.

- Olga Anatolyevna, in your opinion, where does patriotism begin?

With love for a small homeland, for the place where you were born, where you live - this is the beginning.

To love, to defend the country, to abide by its laws, to fulfill one's duties as a citizen of Russia - this is what patriotism is.

-Who can become a patriot?

Not everyone will be able to serve with weapons in their hands, but it is in the power of each of us to do something useful for our small homeland. Although, of course, I believe that young people should undergo the basics of military training in order to be able to defend their country if necessary. To do this, we annually hold field training camps for young men, this year one group of students from PU-6 has already gone to them. In July, fees for schoolchildren are scheduled. Maybe after classes someone will decide to enter a military school. By the way, this year 14 graduates, including 2 girls, enter the military educational institutions. This is a fairly large number compared to previous years.

-Olga Anatolyevna, who is an example of patriotism for you?

There are many such examples. Our veterans are all heroes, patriots. I can also name Vladimir Dolgikh - he started from the bottom, and, having achieved a high position, still does not forget his small homeland, helps fellow countrymen, despite his age, actively participates in politics, public life. I think we all need to look up to such people.

Vitaly Pankova, leading specialist of the Department of Culture, Youth Policy and Sports of the District Administration.

- Vitalia Nikolaevna, for you patriotism is ...

The desire to change something for the better where a person lives is an absolutely active position, and, moreover, it is necessarily positive. The time when a person talked about birch trees without planting a single one, it seems to me, is gone. Reality must be transformed and become better, and if a person has contributed to this in any way, then, in my understanding, he is a real patriot.

You can shout a lot and loudly about the shortcomings in the country, but this has absolutely nothing to do with patriotism. The time when you could only destroy without offering anything useful in return is long gone.

- That is, in your opinion, now the attitude towards patriotism in society has changed?

Yes. When slogans and noisy gatherings left, they were replaced by actions. In my opinion, a person who raises some kind of flag, calling others to follow him, should understand well why he is doing this, for what purpose, and be the first to try to change the situation for the better.

I would like to add that patriotism has no scope. You need to start being a patriot of your yard, your street, in a word, to do something useful within the framework of your real capabilities. This is what patriotism is made of. From the understanding that a patriot is someone who loves the place where he lives, is proud of it, makes positive changes and, most importantly, is not ashamed to tell where he comes from and where he lives. I think for modern man self-respecting is the norm.