The concept of worldview. Types of worldview and its significance in public life

Worldview - it is a system of views and principles of a person, his understanding of the world around him and his place in this world. Worldview substantiates the life position of the individual, his behavior and actions. Worldview is directly related to human activity: without it, activity would not have a purposeful and meaningful character.

Kant was the first philosopher to pay attention to the worldview. He named him as outlook.

We will consider examples of worldview when analyzing its classification.

Classification of worldviews.

In the classification of worldviews, three main type of outlook in terms of its socio-historical features:

  1. mythological type worldview was formed in the days of primitive people. Then people did not realize themselves as individuals, did not distinguish themselves from the surrounding world, and saw the will of the gods in everything. Paganism is the main element of the mythological type of worldview.
  2. religious type worldview, as well as mythological, is based on belief in supernatural forces. But, if the mythological type is more flexible and allows the manifestation various kinds behavior (if only not to anger the gods), then the religious has a whole moral system. A huge number of moral norms (commandments) and examples of correct behavior (otherwise, the hellish flame does not sleep) keeps society in a tight rein, but it unites people of the same faith. Cons: misunderstanding of people of a different faith, hence the division along religious lines, religious conflicts and wars.
  3. philosophical type worldview has a social and intellectual character. Reason (intelligence, wisdom) and society (society) are important here. The main element is the desire for knowledge. Emotions and feelings (as in the mythological type) fade into the background and are considered in the context of the same intellect.

There is also a more detailed classification of the types of worldview, based on the attitudes of views on the world.

  1. Cosmocentrism(the ancient type of worldview consists in looking at the world as an ordered system, where a person does not affect anything).
  2. Theocentrism(medieval type of worldview: God is in the center, and he influences all phenomena, processes and objects; the same fatalistic type as cosmocentrism).
  3. anthropocentrism(after the Renaissance, a person becomes the center of the worldview in philosophy).
  4. Egocentrism(a more developed type of anthropocentrism: the focus is no longer just a person as a biological being, but each individual person; the influence of psychology, which began to actively develop in the New Age, is noticeable here).
  5. eccentricity(not to be confused with eccentrism in psychology; a modern kind of worldview based on materialism, as well as individual ideas of all previous types; at the same time, the rational principle is already outside the person, rather, in society, which becomes the center of the worldview.

When studying such a concept as a worldview, it is impossible not to touch on such a term as mentality.

mentality Literally translated from Latin as "the soul of others." This is a separate element of the worldview, which means the totality of the way of thinking, ideas and mores of an individual or social group. In fact, it is a kind of worldview, its particular manifestation.

Nowadays, the mentality is most often considered as a characteristic of the worldviews of a separate social group, ethnic group, nation or people. Jokes about Russians, Americans, Chukchi, British are based precisely on the idea of ​​mentality. main feature mentality in this sense is the transmission of worldview ideas from generation to generation, both at the social level and at the genetic level.

When studying the worldview as a type of perception of the world, in the future it is necessary to investigate such manifestations as

A person's worldview is a set of views, assessments, figurative ideas and principles that together reflect a person's vision of this world and determine his place in it. Life positions are also an important component of the worldview, by which it is often easiest to determine what type it belongs to.

A formed and conscious attitude to the world gives life a purposeful and meaningful character, so the worldview is important for every person. Philosophers and culturologists are engaged in the study of this phenomenon, and they gave a classification to the worldview. In this article we will consider the most common, but you need to consider that there are other classifications.

The main types of worldview

First of all, we note that the term was first voiced by Kant, but he did not distinguish this concept from worldview. The value that is accepted today was introduced by Schelling.

The classification of the worldview depends on several factors: firstly, great importance plays the origin of the value system that a person adheres to (for example, for highlighting a religious worldview, this is an important determining factor). Secondly, the individual plays a big role in the definition. Thirdly, importance is how aware a person is of the processes around him.

Based on this, different scientists distinguish two classifications:

  1. Mythological, philosophical, socio-political, natural science and religious outlook.
  2. Worldview of everyday experience, mythological and aesthetic.

Thus, the prevalence of different types of worldview is related to the level of development of society.

The most important thing in a person's life is how he perceives this world. Depending on how we treat it, a lot is formed in our behavior both in relation to and in individual awareness of life. The topic of this article will be the problem of defining a worldview. What does this concept mean, and what are its types?

Characteristics of the worldview

This is the most fundamental problem that philosophy deals with. This science explores, analyzes, studies the attitude of a person to what surrounds him. Not just a bunch of "world", not just a person in isolation from it, from culture, from civilization. Philosophy explores the relationship, relationship, interpenetration of the environment and man.

Albert Camus noticed that the world itself is completely unreasonable and meaningless; he also considered absurd the desire of a person to endow everything around with anthropomorphic features, to call it human. Without a developed integrated approach to life, it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged personality, so the role of worldview in a person's life cannot be overestimated. Understanding this fact will favorably affect the development of the individual.

The role of worldview in human life

In the collection of the once famous Soviet philosopher Georgy Petrovich Shchedrovitsky, it is said that today, sadly, thinking as such is not necessary for a person, we do not use it in modern world. At first glance, this phrase may seem paradoxical and incomprehensible, not fitting into our habitual way of life, into our idea of ​​ourselves and thinking. But if you think about Shchedrovitsky's statement, you can find a healthy grain in it. Modern man lives in a very stable world without mentioning, of course, those border points when we are faced with the death of loved ones, diseases, natural disasters, cataclysms. The sun shines overhead with enviable constancy, there is no nuclear war, and every day resembles Groundhog Day, and this is a very familiar situation. Moreover, very well-known key analysts of our time have already thought a lot for us when they decided what to eat, what to buy from clothes, what constitutes an ideal person, relationships between people, love, friendship. It was they who gave us the idea of american dream". This is how people learn to sink into a state of constancy.

Modern interpretations

What is the role of worldview in human life? Today's philosophers and psychologists define thinking as a person's ability to solve alone logical tasks, to create others, to raise questions that have not yet been raised before them, the ability to find a way out of complex intricate contradictory situations, based on the "ration", that is, the rational component of one's life.

If we analyze our daily existence, then we, unfortunately, in the overwhelming majority will say that it is difficult to participate in such processes, that is, it is not easy for us to solve logical problems. It is much more convenient for many of us to close our eyes to the problem that has arisen, to assure ourselves that everything will go away by itself, you just need to wait or shift the responsibility to others. And all this follows from human perception. What role does mindset play in a person's life?

Are thoughts material?

We remember that thoughts can be brought to life by putting some kind of mystical overtones. Yes, they actually have properties to materialize, but everything does not work at the click of a finger.

Depending on how we think, what kind of things we imagine, what exactly we project, in the end, our real life. So what role does worldview play in a person's life? There are countless answers to this question. However, one of the most popular and well-known definitions today is in the following way: "Worldview is a set of the most general ideas of a person about the world, about his place in it, about the possibilities and ways of turning possibilities into reality."

This interpretation involves an approach to each individual situation individually, depending on the specific situation that creates this or that background for actions. All people have different attitudes towards their capabilities and turn them into reality, have different overall ideas about what is good and what is bad. received the name "On the Existing and the Due": what is and what should be in reality.

Right to an opinion

According to philosophy, worldview plays and should play a huge role in a person's life in the modern world, because all this as a whole helps a person form an opinion. Real, one's own, genuine, original, not subject to any standard stereotyped behavior, saturated with prepared labels, prejudices, standard settings. The phenomenon itself and its structure will be presented below in the article.

Concept, types, levels

What is it really, and what role does the worldview play in a person's life? The concept used in the usual way for us was first used by the representative of classical German philosophy, Friedrich Schelling. He suggested that there is interesting thing called "view of the world" and that every person has this view.

Today we are talking about the fact that the definition of "worldview" includes several components: firstly, it is a worldview, worldview, this is actually the level of worldview, and worldview. Let's consider in more detail.


This is the primary stay of a person in this world, the level of comfortable or uncomfortable being in environment. The features of the worldview lie in the fact that even in infants, who are not yet in the full sense of the individual, who are not yet socialized, they already have the beginnings of a worldview level.

If you watch young children, you can see unusual things. For example, the posture of a child when he sleeps, spreading his arms and legs to the sides. This is a position of complete acceptance of the world, when the child feels safe and comfortable, he feels good and comfortable.

And there is another type of children who live in baby houses, abandoned by their parents. These children, who are still far from becoming a person, rarely scream. For one simple reason: because they understand that it is useless for them to shout, because everything in such places happens at strictly defined hours. Thus, already this unformed person takes care that resources are not wasted in vain. He retains his strength and energy.

And such a moment of finding comfort is the level of our emotional sensual state, our moods, experiences, fluid, plastic, changeable emotional states. For the same reason, waking up and seeing on the street snow fairy tale, beauty, we feel that something has stirred up inside, joy has appeared. And if it’s raining, slushy outside, the condition is very unpleasant, we turn on sad music and fall into melancholy.

The way of life that people lead is not amenable to such a rigid comprehension, the development of a worldview.


A component of our worldview is how we look at the world, relationships, it is the level of reason, common sense, the level of formation of elementary connections between ourselves, other people, the individual and those around us. The level of worldview, as already mentioned, is a set of more general ideas about oneself and one's place in this world.

world outlook

This is already a set (system) of concepts that are abstract abstract definitions, that is, the relationship between ideas that exist in the psyche of each person. The peculiarities of the worldview include the fact that it can exist without language means, we have an inner feeling, and we can not express it out loud.

But world understanding is impossible without a linguistic analogue, that is, it is impossible to understand and understand some things without pronouncing them.

Elements of the worldview

In the component of the modern worldview, four elements are usually distinguished in the literature. Firstly, this is the cognitive and cognitive aspect, all those practical, elementary ones that each of us acquires throughout our lives. As a rule, it is greatly influenced by such moments as the geographical component (the place of birth of a person), the historical moment (epoch), the emotional background present in the life of absolutely any person, temperament, features nervous system, distinctive features the environment in which we grow up, character (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic), character accentuation (pedantry, absolute freedom).

This also includes such a phenomenon as norms and values. It is important to take into account religious, social, value, historical norms.

Worldview and life values ​​depend not only on the country, era, geography, but also on gender. All this is laid in us almost from the moment we are born. For example, until now, girls and boys are brought up differently, that is, they are taught differently to relate to pain, to another person.

Another component of the formation of a worldview is practice. Without its implementation, this factor does not exist. As Karl Marx once said, "practice is the criterion of truth." That is, we can have different views and ideas about the world, but it is impossible to achieve success without putting them into reality. A worldview that gives us any dividends is considered successful.

Types of worldview

In philosophical literature, two types are distinguished: ordinary and scientific. Today we are talking about the fact that the ordinary worldview has a spontaneous character. This means that we do not make any conscious effort to form a worldview, that is, it is due to the present moment, a momentary fluid situation. It is characterized by methodological omnivorousness, that is, the absorption of different views, susceptibility to the opinions of others without much criticism. Thus, the ordinary view of the world is purely subjective, based on judgments, which in turn tend to be replaced, sometimes even by the opposite.

The scientific view is characterized by the following features: logical consistency (the presence of a system in a person that allows him to explain, based on his system, all the events that happen to him, build his life, perform some actions), systemic consciousness, its structure , independence of thought. It is difficult for such a person to impose someone else's opinion.

Worldview types

The concept of a worldview and its structure can be presented in different ways, but historically the foundations of a worldview have developed from three types. The first type is the most basic, the most global, which occurs first. This worldview is mythological. It originates in the realm of legends and traditions.

A person who is in the power of a mythological worldview is a non-free person. Like an archaic man, bound in chains of bondage, who was dependent on all natural phenomena and his own tribesmen, because he had no right to his personal opinion. In case of disobedience, he could be subjected to death or ostracism (exile).

mythological type

Mythology is essentially a fantastic reflection of reality, which at the same time claims the status of reality. These are not just fairy tales, legends, parables. This is a person's ability to describe this world.

But why explain the space that surrounds us? To stop being afraid of him. Therefore, mythology has an anthropomorphic character, because all the deities representing the elements are endowed with a human appearance. Until now, as before, mythology plays a leading role in the modern world. It is preserved thanks to the same semantic load and charge that were born in primitive society.

The fact is that people are accustomed to building a complete picture of the world in their imagination, otherwise they feel uncomfortable in limbo. The crumbs of existing knowledge evoke horror in front of a comprehensive ignorance, so a person has learned to independently transform the space around him.

religious type

The second type is the type of religious outlook. Scientists associate the emergence of religion with the development of a class society, the emergence of inequality, both social and material.

So there was an iron need to get rid of possible social tension, upheavals, revolutions. Religion easily and conveniently intercepted the relay flag from mythology in order to avoid confusion. Even the term "relegae" itself means "to bind". The religious worldview, the meaning of which lies in greater progressiveness for society, in this sense bypasses the mythological one. In religion, a person has the right to a certain freedom. This is especially clearly expressed in Christianity through free will: God controls the universe, and we ourselves are responsible for our own destiny.

When comparing deities Ancient Greece and Christian, one can see that Greek gods possessed a distinct essence and did not always surpass man, while the gods in modern religions are supernatural. Despite the seeming secularization, beliefs in higher beings are leaving their leading positions, but in the coming years they will definitely cling firmly to the throne of world power.

philosophical type

The third type of worldview is philosophical. It is characterized by the presence of a free critical assessment of oneself, another person, the world, society, one's place in this life.

It is one of the most progressive worldviews on the planet. this moment. After all, it is expressed in the ability to defend one's position, relying solely on the rational aspect, regardless of the sensual awareness of oneself in this world. This is the ability to use "ration", intelligence. The most important thing in the philosophical worldview is the development of one's own opinion, outlook on life. It can be inherent in absolutely any person, not necessarily a philosopher.

Is it possible to change the worldview?

It is no secret that throughout life an adult grows psychologically over himself, acquiring new knowledge and experience. Sometimes completely sharp turns capable of changing a person beyond recognition. It happened that ardent church fanatics became avid atheists, and vice versa. Successful people can leave a multi-million dollar business and go travel or live in some village. Worldview is like plasticine, it can be crushed, changed and built through improvement, striving for moral ideals, traveling the world. To know yourself, you need to read a lot of philosophical and psychological literature.

Worldview in the 19th century

After the collapse of the USSR, many people experienced an ideological crisis, which appeared due to the collapse of the hopes and ideals embedded in the communist society. Now everything is based on consumption, everyone deserves everything, the concepts of honor, respect, love have faded into the background. The era of consumers laid the idea in society: "Life is pleasure." This is pure hedonism in all its manifestations. On the other hand, it's not such a bad way to distract people from negative thoughts.

We hope that this article has illuminated the concept of worldview and its structure as clearly as possible, because simplicity of presentation is the key to understanding information.

Introduction: what is philosophy


Origins of philosophy

Philosophical worldview

The problem of the scientific nature of the philosophical worldview

The Purpose of Philosophy

Philosophy is one of ancient regions knowledge, spiritual culture. Originating in the 7th-6th centuries BC. in India, China, Ancient Greece, it became a stable form of consciousness that interested people in all subsequent centuries. The vocation of philosophers became the search for answers to questions, and the very formulation of questions related to the worldview.

Representatives of different professions may be interested in philosophy from at least two points of view. It is needed for better orientation in one's specialty, but most importantly, it is necessary for understanding life in all its fullness and complexity. In the first case, philosophical questions of physics, mathematics, biology, history, medical, engineering, pedagogical and other activities, artistic creativity and many others fall into the field of attention. But there are philosophical issues that concern us not only as specialists, but as citizens and people in general. And this is no less important than the first. In addition to erudition, which helps to solve professional problems, each of us needs something more - a broad outlook, the ability to understand the essence of what is happening in the world, to see the trends in its development. It is also important to realize the meaning and goals of one's own life: why do we do this or that, what are we striving for, what will it give people, will it not lead us ourselves to collapse and bitter disappointment. General ideas about the world and man, on the basis of which people live and act, are called worldview..

To answer the question of what philosophy is, it is necessary, at least in a general way, to clarify what a worldview is.

The concept of worldview

Worldview - a set of views, assessments, principles that determine the most general vision, understanding of the world, a person's place in it, as well as - life positions, programs of behavior, actions of people. Worldview is a necessary component of human consciousness. This is not just one of its elements among many others, but their complex interaction. Diverse "blocks" of knowledge, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, moods, aspirations, hopes, united in a worldview, form a more or less holistic understanding of the world and themselves by people. In the worldview, the cognitive, value, behavioral spheres in their interrelation are generally represented.

The life of people in society has a historical character. Either slowly or rapidly, all its components change intensively over time: technical means and the nature of labor, people's relations and the people themselves, their feelings, thoughts, interests. People's views of the world are also changing, capturing and refracting the changes in their social existence. In the worldview of a particular time, its general intellectual, psychological mood, the "spirit" of the era, country, and certain social forces find expression. This allows (on the scale of history) sometimes conditionally speaking about the worldview in a summary, impersonal form. However, in reality, beliefs, norms of life, ideals are formed in the experience, consciousness of specific people. And this means that in addition to the typical views that determine the life of the whole society, the worldview of each era lives, acts in a variety of group and individual variants. And yet, in the diversity of worldviews, a fairly stable set of their main "components" can be traced. Understandably, we are talking not about their mechanical connection. The worldview is integral: the connection of components, their "alloy" is fundamentally important in it. And, as in an alloy, different combinations of elements, their proportions give different results, so something similar happens with the worldview. What are the components, "components" of the worldview?

Generalized knowledge - life-practical, professional, scientific - enters into the worldview and plays an important role in it. The degree of cognitive saturation, validity, thoughtfulness, internal consistency of worldviews is different. The more solid the stock of knowledge of this or that people or person in this or that era, the more serious support - in this respect - the worldview can receive. A naive, unenlightened consciousness does not have sufficient intellectual means to clearly substantiate its views, often turning to fantastic fictions, beliefs, and customs.

The need for world orientation makes its demands on knowledge. What is important here is not just a set of all kinds of information from different areas or "many learning", which, as the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus explained, "does not teach the mind." The English philosopher F. Bacon expressed the conviction that the painstaking extraction of ever new facts (reminiscent of the work of an ant) ​​without summing them up, comprehension does not promise success in science. Even less effective is raw, fragmented material for the formation or justification of a worldview. This requires generalized ideas about the world, attempts to recreate its holistic picture, understanding the relationship of various areas, identifying common trends and patterns.

Knowledge - for all its importance - does not fill the entire field of worldview. In addition to a special kind of knowledge about the world (including the human world), the worldview also clarifies the semantic basis of human life. In other words, value systems are formed here (ideas about good, evil, beauty, and others), finally, "images" of the past and "projects" of the future are formed, certain ways of life, behavior are approved (condemned), programs of action are built. All three components of the worldview - knowledge, values, programs of action - are interconnected.

At the same time, knowledge and values ​​are in many respects "polar": they are opposite in their essence. Cognition is driven by the desire for truth - an objective comprehension of the real world. Values ​​characterize special treatment people to everything that happens, in which their goals, needs, interests, ideas about the meaning of life are connected. Value consciousness is responsible for moral, aesthetic and other norms and ideals. The most important concepts with which the value consciousness has long been associated were the concepts of good and evil, beautiful and ugly. Through correlation with norms, ideals, the assessment of what is happening is carried out. The system of values ​​plays a very important role both in the individual and in the group, public outlook. For all their heterogeneity, the cognitive and value methods of mastering the world in human consciousness, action are somehow balanced, brought into harmony. The worldview also combines such opposites as intellect and emotions.


In the context of growing social contradictions and crisis phenomena in life modern society a special role is played by philosophical knowledge, which determines the nature of the worldview and value orientations of people. Despite the well-known inertia of thinking associated with a negative attitude towards philosophy as a science that does not give practical results, it should be noted that such ideas do not correspond to modern realities.

This circumstance was pointed out by Aristotle, who noted that of all the arts, philosophy is the most beautiful, for all its practical uselessness, because it studies the eternal, the preserved, the imperishable. Today we can say with confidence that the preservation of people's lives in conditions of crisis phenomena in the ecological, economic, social, political and spiritual spheres of modern society is so eternal.

Philosophy has always been focused on the formation of new values ​​in relation to the world as a whole. This circumstance acquires special significance in critical epochs, which is also inherent in the modern stage of the development of civilization. In such eras there is always an intense search for ways further development humanity, and the task of philosophy itself is not only to clarify the worldview structures that determine the image of the world and people's lives, but also to identify the life-meaning attitudes of new values.

Such a task, connected with the definition of a strategy for the survival of mankind, directly depends on philosophical developments, the assimilation by students of new worldview orientations in the context of globalization.

It is the philosophy that has accumulated the centuries-old experience of human culture that should help people comprehend the new challenges of the time and outline strategic directions for achieving a stable future. Reflecting self-awareness modern era, philosophy occupies a central place among the disciplines of the humanities, contributing to the formation of new views on the place and role of man in nature.

The proposed course of lectures, prepared by teachers of the Department of Philosophy and Law, is aimed at the formation and development of this type of worldview, which is characterized by a critical understanding of the picture of the world, natural and social reality, orientation to humanistic values, respect for national traditions, deep understanding of the achievements of modern science and social practice.



1.1. The concept of worldview, its structure, functions and historical types

AT Everyday life each person in one way or another encounters the phenomena of good and evil, life and death, justice and injustice, thinks about the questions about the meaning of his presence in the world, about the structure of the universe, about the problems of transient existence on Earth and the possibility of eternal existence, makes his life choice, determines the guidelines of his attitude towards other people, society and the world as a whole. All these and other questions are solved by each new generation of people in concrete historical conditions. The result of such a decision is the establishment of vital factors (moral norms, interests, knowledge, material and spiritual values, etc.), which are the basis of human behavior and activities, his attitude to people, the world, himself. A person understands himself, people, the world, his place in life based on his choice. The system of views, knowledge of a person about himself, about the world, about his attitude towards it and his place in it forms the basis worldview.

outlook includes in its structure knowledge, beliefs, values, ideals and other components.

Knowledge - this is a set of reliable information about natural phenomena, the life of society, the person himself, etc. Knowledge is the main component of the worldview. Due to the presence of knowledge in the worldview, it can act as a kind of symbolic model of the world, including ideas about the structure of society, about a person's attitude towards it, as well as programs of one's own behavior.

Beliefs are the needs of a person formed or formed on the basis of knowledge to think and act in accordance with the chosen life guidelines or values. The main element of beliefs are the principles or certain rules of a person's attitude to the world, other people, various phenomena and events, to himself. Beliefs act as an individual means of regulating relations in society and human behavior, but also serve as a specific compass in achieving life goals.

Since beliefs are based on values ​​(beliefs can still be explained as a conscious need to follow one or another value orientation), together they form a normative and regulatory mechanism for human life in society. Values ​​constitute the content of the principles of thought and action.

Value is a concept that characterizes objects and processes, their properties (including ideas, knowledge) that are vital (in positive, negative and neutral values) for a person.

Values ​​determine the rules and lifestyle of a person in society. The active role of values ​​is manifested in the form of legal, political, religious, moral and other beliefs and principles.

During historical development values ​​are constantly updated. In the life of modern society, environmental values ​​are of particular importance, expressing activities to preserve nature and ensure normal natural conditions for human existence.

At all times a fundamental role in the selection life position played material and spiritual landmarks and values. The highest value, integrating and regulating the manifestations of other values, are ideals.

Ideal - mentally constructed, more perfect in comparison with the present, the proper state of reality, to which one should strive.

Values ​​and ideals are always adjusted to the socio-economic, spiritual and, in general, specific historical features of culture. Ideals are connected with the resolution of the contradiction between the existing economic, political, social and other conditions of human development and his constant desire to improve these conditions and himself.

An important feature of the worldview is Comparative characteristics phenomena of the world, interpretation of its origin and variability. All this indicates the presence in the worldview of the elements of worldview, which is based on the ability of logical, rational thinking.

A person's attitude to the world, events, people, himself, understanding his place and role in the connections of reality, understanding the changes that are taking place are always emotionally colored and experienced in a certain way. Therefore, the worldview is always formed, developed and manifested in the life of each person in connection with his worldview and worldview.

The worldview develops in the process of human activity, its adaptation to the social and natural conditions of existence and plays an active role in the practical change by a person of the surrounding reality and himself.

In the structure of the worldview, the following interrelated components can be distinguished: 1) cognitive, based on general knowledge about the world, nature, society, man; 2) value, including values, ideals, beliefs; 3) emotional-sensory, based on the worldview, worldview, that is, a certain experience of one's rational and active attitude to the world, events in it; 4) practical, setting the content and direction of human behavior and activities in relation to nature, society, man himself in order to satisfy material and spiritual needs.

Worldview performs the following features: 1) arranges, systematizes individual knowledge about nature, society, man in order to create a generalized picture of reality; 2) forms value orientations and normative patterns of human behavior and activities; 3) accumulates the achievements of culture and translates them in the form of ideals, meaningful attitudes, individual and public interests into the system of social relations; 4) activates, regulates and directs the cognitive and practical activities of people in accordance with their beliefs, ideals, moral standards; 5) “includes” a person in the natural world and the life of society as their integral part and encourages him to act in accordance with their laws, etc.

outlook , thus, it is not only a generalized system of knowledge about the world, society, the person himself, his role and place in them, but also a set of beliefs, values, ideals, regulatory norms of behavior and human activities in his relations with the world and society.

In modern educational literature According to philosophy, it is customary to distinguish five main types of worldview: mythological, religious, philosophical, everyday and scientific.

Historically, the first type of worldview is mythological .Mythology (from Greek. mifos- legend, log about s- doctrine) is a set of legends, tales that are formed spontaneously in the process (experience) of people's daily lives, in whose view the world and earthly nature are controlled by supernatural forces, with which it is necessary to conform one's behavior.

The characteristic features of the mythological worldview are: ideas about the organic unity and interconvertibility of man and natural phenomena; endowing objects of nature with human qualities (anthropomorphism); views on similarity, the absence of boundaries between living and non-living (hylozoism); indissolubility of sensory-figurative and rational reflection of reality, faith and knowledge (myth syncretism).