Customs and traditions of Luxembourg, features of the national character, characteristic rites. Traditions and customs of Luxembourg Traditions of Luxembourg

Rendered by two major powers that took an active part in historical process. The territory of the Principality of Luxembourg is home to seventy percent of the indigenous population and thirty percent of foreigners. This state of affairs is not typical of other European countries. The culture of Luxembourg has been shaped by the powerful powers that surround it. This has become its unique feature.

The amazing culture of Luxembourg

Until now, the flow of not only those who have been seduced into the country has not stopped Luxembourg tourism, but also those who want to earn money, since it is here that the level of salaries is much higher than that established in other states. In the principality the most low level Unemployment and incomes of the population are steadily growing, despite its small size. Unique culture of Luxembourg the fact that it developed under the influence of two states, which for a long time passed the country from hand to hand. This also had an impact on the language of the principality. French is taught in schools and politics is conducted. The street language is Luxembourgish. The TV shows are in German. English is the predominant language in tourist centers.

Religion in Luxembourg

Main religion of Luxembourg- Catholicism. Catholics are almost seventy percent of the country's population. Other religions are also practiced in Luxembourg. Five thousand people are Orthodox. Three percent of the total population profess Protestantism. Among the Muslim and Jewish communities, the corresponding religion is supported.

Economy of Luxembourg

The country is industrialized and stable, therefore economy of Luxembourg not subject to critical changes. With the introduction to the EU new currency- euro, Luxembourg began to use this currency.

Science Luxembourg

For a long time the country did not have its own higher educational institutions. Young people received academic education in the countries of their closest neighbors. Science Luxembourg is in a state of development. In 2002, a university appeared in the country, within the walls of which they study language disciplines, law, economics and chemistry. The country spends eleven percent of the country's total income on education.

Art of Luxembourg

On the territory of a small state there are many ancient castles and bridges. Art of Luxembourg has its own peculiarity. The old town of the capital is listed cultural heritage UNESCO. by the most famous artists countries are Marcel Lansam and Jean Jacobi. Their paintings are exhibited in the country's museum. Very developed musical art Luxembourg. The country has its own composers, bands and performers. The literature of Luxembourg originates from the Codex Marientale, which is a monument of the Middle Ages. Despite the abundance of languages, it was Luxembourgish that became the language of literature and influenced its development. Cinema in the country is very poorly developed.

Cuisine of Luxembourg

Unusual cuisine of Luxembourg influenced by Belgium and Germany. culture food also took a lot from these countries. The abundance of fish, game and wild berries brings together the culinary art of the Principality with the traditions of Wallonia. The traditional drink is considered to be beer, which is found both in Belgium and in Germany.

Customs and traditions of Luxembourg

Each community has its own orchestra. Customs and traditions of Luxembourg akin to European, and reminiscent of the worldview of Germany and France. There is practically no night industry in the country, it is aimed at visitors and tourists.

Sports of Luxembourg

Primarily sports in Luxembourg represented by game types . Volleyball, football, hockey, tennis, rugby and chess develop in the Principality and reach a certain level. There are also athletics, cycling and figure skating competitions.

One of the smallest countries on the planet in terms of area, Luxembourg gives the impression of a closed and reserved younger brother in a large and motley European family. The local residents are calm and thorough, good-natured and correct, they easily come to the aid of guests who have lost their way in the old streets of the duchy. For tourists, the traditions of Luxembourg in many ways seem similar to Belgian or even German ones, which is not at all surprising - the close proximity of these countries has left some imprint on the customs and mores of local residents.

Polyglots and gourmets

Residents of the duchy from childhood get acquainted not only with the history of their country, its literature and exact sciences, but also with several foreign languages. Newspapers are published here in German and French, it is customary to communicate with tourists in English, and the local dialect is used only at the household level. To keep up with modern realities, a local resident must know at least three or four languages, and therefore the desire to get a good education is a Luxembourg tradition that everyone has to follow here.
The national cuisine of the duchy is somewhat reminiscent of French, German, and Belgian, and therefore local chefs and housewives are also polyglots, only culinary ones. Guests are certainly served fish or game, accompanying snacks with excellent white wines. Brewing beer is another culinary tradition in Luxembourg. It is similar to Belgian and has a special bright taste.

In honor of the flowers and the duke

Luxembourg boasts one of the highest living standards in the European Union, and therefore its residents deserve a huge number of holidays:

  • Emeschen, held on the first Easter Monday, is accompanied by numerous fairs and exhibitions. The main arena, where the sale of souvenirs of traditional crafts of Luxembourg takes place, is located in the Fish Market of the capital of the Duchy.
  • The Feast of the First Flowers in the town of Wiltz in the Ardennes gathers fans of costumed processions, and the March of the Sheep brings together young lambs and their owners painted and dressed up on the occasion of the celebration.
  • Torchlight processions and fireworks adorn the cities of Luxembourg on the occasion of the Grand Duke's birthday, while dance processions and pantomimes can be seen here during the Cors de Capuchin festival in the height of summer.

Luxembourg is a small European county characteristic features which are a high standard of living, civilization of the local population. Visitors often pay attention to the restraint and aloofness of the Luxembourgers, who are accustomed to quiet life in a narrow circle of relatives and a few friends. But at the same time, the inhabitants of Luxembourg remain friendly and polite towards both visitors and just strangers.

On the streets of the city, you are unlikely to witness a verbal skirmish, as a feature of the character of the Luxembourgers is imperturbability. It is paradoxical, but with external coldness, the inhabitants of the city easily respond to other people's problems and misfortunes.

Traditions and customs of Luxembourg

Tourists who are going to visit Luxembourg should remember the invariable rule of the duchy - courtesy and respect for the indigenous population. Fans of noisy and cheeky behavior who are late for scheduled events will be condemned and criticized.

One of the features of Luxembourg is also the preservation and enhancement of national traditions. For this, a cultural union has been created, in charge of the centuries-old history of the state and everything connected with it. interesting cultural life cities. Luxembourgers have an extraordinary love for music, so there are a lot of different orchestras in the city. And the government has established awards in the field of art and literature, which annually helps to find talented people and discover their potential.

Surprisingly, but indigenous people practically does not participate in nightlife cities. Entertainment facilities and events are designed for visitors, and entertainment prices are much higher than in any other corner of the state.

Residents of the duchy are distinguished by pedantry, excellent ability to work, punctuality, accuracy in everything. The Luxembourgers adopted these character traits from their German and French neighbors. The inhabitants of Luxembourg are wary and distrustful of innovations in various sectors of life, which is probably why many of the benefits of civilization have long found a place in the well-functioning life of citizens.

It can be said that crime is extremely rare here. Residents of the city literally know each other by sight, and it is impossible to commit, let alone hide, an offense. But despite this, the information life of the city is very developed, radio and television are functioning, various newspapers are being published.

Religion and all about it

As for religion, most of the population of Luxembourg professes Catholic Christianity. Along with this, representatives of Protestantism and Judaism can also be found in the country.

In addition, Orthodox Christians also live in Luxembourg. Mostly they are immigrants from Russia and Greece. Orthodoxy is a recognized religion in the country, so you can visit Orthodox churches.

The piety of the Luxembourgers is so great that one can often see people praying and baptizing bread before eating.

Traditions and holidays in Luxembourg

There are many in Luxembourg that all the townspeople celebrate with pleasure, but Emeshen is considered the most colorful and noisy. It is held on the Monday following Easter and is always accompanied by bazaars and sales where you can buy souvenirs made by artisans in best traditions counties.

February in Luxembourg is annually the month of celebration of the Burgsonndeg festival. This amazing carnival reminds the townspeople of the approaching Great Lent.

Popular in these places is the Fuesent holiday, which continues the Carnival season and is celebrated for three days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. At this time, the city is everywhere decorated with many masquerade balls.

Local children celebrate the children's carnival Kannerfuesbals. Holiday attributes can be found in any of the shops in the city. Luxembourg tradition is to treat everyone with special cookies on each of the carnival days.

Spring has cooked special holidays: Feast of the First Flowers, St. Willibrord's Day and the Catholic Octave Festival.

The birthday of the Grand Duke is celebrated very solemnly and pompously. Festivities and festivities are accompanied by a torchlight procession, salute in honor of the monarch.

It is worth noting the holiday of charity Schobermess, celebrated by the Luxembourgers in August-September of each year. The capital of the duchy celebrates the Beer Festival in September.

Between March and May, dance and pantomime festivals are held in Luxembourg. Rock music lovers can enjoy their favorite compositions throughout the summer.

The Schueberführer Festival attracts many guests with its frivolity and spontaneity. Wine festivals take place in the Moselle Valley and last until late autumn.

The procession of peasants and sheep, accompanied by national music, is considered curious and original.

Interesting Facts

About half a million people live in Luxembourg, a third of which are migrants from neighboring countries who came to work. The rest are the indigenous people who call themselves Lötzeburger.

In Luxembourg, as in many European countries, the demographic problem is acutely identified. For many years, the death rate has exceeded the birth rate. The situation is saved by visitors who come to the country every year.

Formally, there are three main languages ​​in Luxembourg, each of which is spoken by the majority of the country's population. At the same time, the official languages ​​listed in the constitution and taught in schools are German and French. In oral speech, everyday communication, residents speak Luxembourgish (or Letzemburgesh). It is based on Low German dialects mixed with French words and expressions.

The writing is based on Latin alphabet. Parliamentary affairs, commercial relations, chancellery and government decrees are conducted in French, which is also studied in the upper grades of the school. German is the language of the media, and elementary school students also study it.

However, one should not forget about the international English language. Part of the population also speaks it, especially English is common in the tourism sector.


predominant religion Luxembourg is Catholic Christianity (97% of the inhabitants), it is not for nothing that this country is considered the stronghold of the Catholic faith in Europe. In addition, representatives of Protestantism and Judaism live in the country.

There are also about 5,000 Orthodox citizens in the country. Mostly they come from Greece, but there are also Russians. Orthodoxy is included in the list of official confessions in Luxembourg. It is possible to visit the Greek, Russian, Serbian and Romanian parishes.

Behavior rules

The most important rule that a visitor must adhere to Luxembourg tourist, is polite and respectful attitude to the locals. There can be no doubt about the same manifestations on their part.

Cheeky and noisy behavior in public places will not cause approval, as well as being late for meetings, Luxembourgers value punctuality.

It must be remembered that the power of religious influence on everyday life country is quite large. So, during a meal, it is often necessary to pray or cross the bread before you start eating it.

National holidays in Luxembourg:

  • 1st of January - New Year;
  • March-April - Easter and Easter Monday;
  • May 1 - Labor Day;
  • May - Ascension of the Lord;
  • May-June - Spirits day;
  • June 23 - National holiday, Birthday of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg;
  • August 15 - Dormition;
  • November 1-2 - All Saints Day;
  • November 2 - Memorial Day;
  • December 25 - Christmas;
  • December 26 - St. Stephen's Day.

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world. Located in Europe, it has Belgium, Germany and France as neighbors, and the culture of Luxembourg was formed under the special influence of these states.

From the early Middle Ages

Since the 7th century, the main cultural and artistic center of the country has been the monastery in Echternach. Its masters made skilful miniatures, in which it was possible to guess at first Irish, and by the end of the 10th century, Germanic traditions. The carvers decorated the gospel with frames made of bone plates. Used for decoration sacred books gold, ivory and silver.
The architects of medieval Luxembourg built castles and fortresses, most of which, unfortunately, have not survived to this day. Temples built in the XIV-XVI centuries were richly decorated with sculptural works.

in honor of the duke

One of the main architectural sights of the capital of the duchy is the Adolf Bridge. It connected Lower and Upper Luxembourg during the reign of Duke Adolf at the beginning of the 20th century. The single-arch bridge is unique in that at the time of construction it became the largest stone structure of its kind in the world. Its length was 153 meters, and the length of the arch exceeds 80 meters.
The visiting card of the city and the work medieval culture Luxembourg is called the Cathedral, built in honor of Our Lady. The temple serves as a model of late Gothic.
The main treasure of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Luxembourg for many decades has been the miraculous image of the Comforter of the Sorrows, found in late XVIII century. The temple houses the tomb of the Grand Dukes and the tomb of the king of Bohemia, John the Blind.

Musical Luxembourg

Being next to Germany, the duchy could not but fall under her musical influence. In the culture of Luxembourg, certain "German" notes are clearly traced, and passing annually music festivals in Echternach are very reminiscent of the same holidays in Germany. Pop performers do not lag behind their counterparts in other countries of the Old World and have even become winners of such a prestigious contest as Eurovision more than once.