Ancient Russia: culture and its features. Achievements of Russia in the field of culture Ancient Russia: culture and its incarnations

The culture of which was a bright phenomenon in the development of the country, was famous for its beautiful architectural monuments and literary creations. What influenced its development? How has the worldview changed? All this needs to be sorted out.

Ancient Russia: culture and its features before and after

As is known, ancient state was subordinated to the pagan religion, as a result of which we can talk about several characteristic features of that society. First, oral folk art. It was then that epics, songs and fairy tales began to emerge. People passed on from generation to generation the most important information that has come down to our days. Secondly, it has been developed wooden architecture. Then in Russia there were no stone buildings, but after that there were strong wooden temples and huts known to the whole world. Thirdly, there were no written sources. Yes, before the adoption of the new faith, there were no such monuments of art on the territory of our country. Fourthly, there were a lot of features after the adoption of Christianity have changed a lot:

Ancient Russia: culture and its incarnations

The entire culture of that time can be divided into three areas: writing, architecture and fine arts. So let's start with literature. The first kind of messages to each other (and this can be called the origin was found in Novgorod, where they were nicknamed After the adoption of Christianity, Illarionov’s “Sermon on Law and Grace” appeared, as well as the “Ostromir Gospel” (authorship is attributed to the scribe Gregory). In addition, it is impossible do not remember the fact that the alphabet was created by the great brothers, Cyril and Methodius, also at that time.The history of the culture of Ancient Russia, in particular, stone architecture, is the richest heritage of the whole country.What are the examples of the cross-domed style: both Kyiv and Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. One cannot help but recall the one-domed creations of Andrei Bogolyubsky: the Assumption and Dmitrovsky Cathedrals, the Golden Gates, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. All this is the property of our Motherland. visual arts, then it is worth mentioning such creations as the mosaic "Our Lady of Oranta", the icon "Annunciation of Ustyug", as well as the fresco "Prophet Zachary".

Thus, Ancient Russia, whose culture laid the foundation for the development of the Russian soul, became an example for subsequent creators. We study her works and rejoice at the achievements of that time until now, and this is one of the main reasons to be proud of our history.

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Culture of Kievan Rus in the X-XII century Completed by: teacher of history and social studies MBOU "Secondary School No. 10" in Kaluga Gusarova O.N.

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CULTURE is all the transformative activity of a person, expressed in material and spiritual monuments and values.

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FEATURES OF CULTURE: The monuments that have come down to us are mainly associated with the church and Christian ideology The presence of anonymity in the work (the artist should not leave his name on the creation, because this is selfish in relation to God) Influencing the ancient Russian culture of Byzantium and the adoption of Christianity But at the same time, a weak connection with the culture of Western Europe. Not the appearance of one thing, but many directions in the culture of Dr. Russia (oral folk art, literature, architecture, painting, etc.)

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The form for filling out the table of directions of culture of Ancient Russia: (on the example of folklore) Direction of culture The name of the type of direction and its features Example Oral folk art or folklore Bylinas are poetic memories of the people about various eras of their history. Main character BOGATYR and the main theme is the liberation of the Russian land and its protection. Ilya Muromets is a mighty warrior, Dobrynya Nikitich is a reasonable warrior, Mikula Selyaninovich is a plowman-farmer

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WRITING: The alphabet is a great step for every nation. He needs his writing, books and literature. Birth Slavic writing this is the merit of the Greek missionaries Cyril and Methodius, who came up with the “Cyrillic alphabet” (A- “az”, B- “beeches”, C- “lead”, D- “good”, etc.)

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Cyril and Methodius. Cyril (in the world Konstantin, nicknamed the Philosopher), and Michael (after being tonsured a monk - Methodius), brothers from Thessalonica, enlighteners of the Slavs, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity. They are canonized and revered as saints both in the East and in the West. In Orthodoxy, they are revered as saints equal to the apostles.

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The first ancient Russian books were, as in Europe, handwritten and expensive. The books were decorated with MINIATURES - small, elegant pictures. They wrote on PARCHMENT (dressed calfskin) They usually wrote books with a quill pen and ink. The king had the privilege of writing with a swan and even a peacock feather. Large-format manuscripts were written in two columns. Translations of Byzantine church books began to appear, biographies of Christian saints. Schools were opened at monasteries and churches. Example 1 books 1056-1057. "Ostromir Gospel", 1115 "Mstislav Gospel", 1073 "Izbornik" - a collection of sayings.

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In the Ostromir Gospel there are three large illustrations depicting the apostles Mark, John and Luke (the compilers of the Gospel). Evangelist John Evangelist Luke Evangelist Mark

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LITERATURE is represented by the Life, the Chronicles, the Word of the Life- literary description people canonized as saints (the life of Boris and Gleb, author Nestor) Chronicle-tradition with annual records of current events (“The Code of Abbot Nikon” 70s of the XI century, “Initial Code” 1093-95, “ The Tale of Bygone Years "1113, the author is Nestor, a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra," Instruction for Children, author V. Monomakh) The word is one of the earliest (written between 1037-1050) and outstanding works of ancient Russian literature, solemn or instructive. The author of the Word is Hilarion, the first Russian metropolitan, appointed to the Kyiv metropolis from priests in 1051 (“The Word of Law and Grace”.

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A WORD ABOUT THE PILK IGOREV, IGOR'S SON OF SVYATSLAVL, THE GRANDSON OF OLGOV Start your songs according to the epics of this time, and not according to Boyan's plan! Boyan is more prophetic, if anyone wants to create a song, then he will spread his thoughts along the tree, gray volk on the ground, shizim eagle under the clouds. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - the most famous monument of ancient Russian literature - describes the unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsy of the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavich in alliance with Vsevolod, Vladimir and Svyatoslav Olgovich (1185). According to the time of writing, the "Word" is attributed to 1187-1188.

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An excerpt from the Tale of Bygone Years, XII century. On the resettlement of the Slavs, the Slavs came and sat down along the Dnieper and called themselves glades, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests, while others sat down between Pripyat and Dvina and called themselves Dregovichi, others sat down along the Dvina and called themselves Polochans, along the river flowing into the Dvina, called Polota, from which the Polotsk people were named. The same Slavs who sat down near Lake Ilmen were called by their own name - Slavs, and built a city, and called it Novgorod. And others sat down along the Desna, and along the Seim, and along the Sula, and called themselves northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed. Glades lived separately in those days. And there were three brothers: one named Kyi, the other Shchek, and the third Khoriv, ​​and their sister Lybid. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and called it Kyiv.

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A WORD ABOUT THE LAW AND GRACE BY METROPOLITAN HILARION And having seen all this, rejoice and rejoice, and praise the Good God, the entire organizer. You have already seen, if not in body, then in spirit: the Lord shows you all this. Rejoice and rejoice in the fact that the seeds of your faith are not dried up by the heat of unbelief, but with the rain of God's haste they brought forth abundant fruit. Rejoice, apostle in the lords, who did not resurrect the dead with bodies, but us, the soul of the dead who died from the disease of idolatry, resurrected. For by your (will) they came to life and they knew the life of Christ. They were crouched by demonic lies, but by your (will) they straightened up and entered the path of life. They were blind from demonic lies, but by your (will) they stretched out their heart eyes; blinded (were) by ignorance, but by your (will) they received their sight for the light of the Tri-solar Deity. They were mute, but by your (will) they spoke. And now, small and great, we glorify the Consubstantial Trinity. Rejoice, our teacher and mentor of piety! You were clothed with truth, girded with strength, shod with truth, crowned with intelligence and grace, like a hryvnia and golden utensils, you flaunt.

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From the "Instructions" of Vladimir Monomakh I, thin, my grandfather Yaroslav, named in baptism Vasily, a beloved father and a blessed mother, my own from the Monomakh family ... and for the Christian sake of people, for how many of them I have kept by my grace and by paternal prayer from all trouble! Sitting on the sleigh (i.e. before death - V.G.), I thought in my soul and gave praise to God, who saved me until these days, a sinner. My children or anyone else, listening to this letter, do not laugh, but which of my children will love it, let it be accepted in your heart and will not be lazy, but will work. First of all, for the sake of God and your soul, have the fear of God in your heart and give alms in abundance, this is the beginning of all goodness…….. …..And then I collected these beloved words and arranged them in order and wrote. If you don't like the latter, at least take the initial ones. For as Basil taught, having gathered young men: to have a pure and immaculate soul, a bad body, a meek conversation and keep the word of the Lord: “Eat and drink without great noise, be silent in the presence of the old, listen to the wise, obey the elders, have love with equals and younger ones, without talking cunning, but more understanding; do not rage with a word, do not blaspheme in conversation, do not laugh a lot, be ashamed of elders, do not talk with ridiculous women, keep your eyes down, and your soul up, avoid fuss; do not shy away from teaching those who are carried away by power, put nothing universal honor. If any of you can benefit others, let him hope for reward from God and enjoy eternal blessings. "O mistress of the Mother of God! Take away pride and insolence from my poor heart, so that I would not be magnified by the vanity of this world" in this insignificant life.

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THE LIFE AND WALKING OF DANIEL, THE ABOB OF THE RUSSIAN LAND "The Life and Walking of Daniil, the Abbot of the Russian Lands" is not only the most ancient description of the pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but also one of the first remarkable creations of ancient Russian literature. Researchers suggest that Daniel was tonsured in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, later became abbot of one of the monasteries of the Chernihiv land and led Russian pilgrims who made a "journey" to the Holy Land in 1104-1107. I, the unworthy abbot Daniel, the worst of all monks, humble, obsessed with many sins, dissatisfied with every good deed, forced by my thoughts and impatience, wanted to see the holy city of Jerusalem and the promised land. And with God's help he visited Jerusalem and saw the Holy places, went around the whole land of Galilee and the Holy places near the city of Jerusalem, where Christ walked with his feet and showed great miracles in those places of the Saints. And I saw everything with my sinful eyes that the wicked God allowed me to see and that I longed to see for a long time Brothers and fathers, my lords, forgive me a sinner and do not blaspheme my stupidity and rudeness that I wrote about the holy city of Jerusalem and about that good land and about your journey to holy places. Those who have traveled with the fear of God and humility will never sin against the mercy of God. But I walked around the holy places in an unnatural manner, in all laziness and weakness, in drunkenness, and did all sorts of inappropriate deeds. However, hoping for the mercy of God and for your prayer, I believe that Christ will forgive my countless sins. And so I described my path and the holy places, and I am not proud and do not boast of my journey, that I seem to have done a good deed: I did not do anything good on the journey, but only for the love of holy places I wrote about everything that I saw with my own eyes, so as not to forget what the unworthy me had to see.

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ARCHITECTURE Can be divided into two types: A) wooden ( peasant huts, boyar towers, characterized by multi-tiered buildings, the presence of outbuildings, thin. woodcarving) B) stone (temples, churches, cathedrals. A type of construction borrowed from Byzantium is often used - a cross-domed structure). Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, but simpler in construction, only 5 chapters, has survived to this day, in Chernigov the Spassky Cathedral, etc.

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Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir 1158-1160 Church of the Intercession on the Nerl 1165 Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir 1194-1197 Golden Gate in Vladimir 1158-1164 stone buildings

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Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 1037 is the first significant monument of ancient Russian architecture, the temple was built on the site of the battle of Kiev with the Pechenegs, which ended in the complete defeat of the nomads. The original Sophia of Kyiv was wooden, and only a few years later Yaroslav the Wise began to build a monumental stone temple in its place.

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Saint Sophie Cathedral. Novgorod The Cathedral of St. Sophia is the main Orthodox church of Veliky Novgorod, built in 1045-1050. It is the oldest surviving temple in Russia, built by the Slavs.

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St. Cyril's Church (mid-XII century) on the outskirts of ancient Kyiv - Dorohozhichy.

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PAINTING Presented in the form of: A) frescoes - painting with water-based paints on wet plaster. B) mosaics - a pattern or pattern of multi-colored pebbles, pieces of glass. A) icons - a picturesque - less often embossed - image of gods and saints, which is the subject of religious worship.

Achievements and values ​​of the culture of Kievan Rus

The most important achievement culture of Kievan Rus is the development of the vast expanse of the north-east of Europe, the establishment of agriculture here, the transformation of the natural landscape, giving it a cultural, civilized appearance: the construction of new cities - centers of culture, laying roads, building bridges, paths connecting the most remote corners of the once dense, "untrodden "forests with centers of culture.

Another, no less important, historical value is the adoption of Orthodoxy and the transformation of pagan culture. Orthodoxy played a dual role in the development of Russian culture. On the one hand, it largely eradicates the heritage of pagan Russia, impoverishes the historical memory of the people, complex world her mythological images. But its progressive function is also undoubted, especially on early stages its development. During the period of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, it was Orthodoxy that was the spiritual center, which made it possible to preserve the cultural identity of Russia, organize a moral rebuff to the conquerors, put forward goals national renaissance. But as the culture of the New Age develops, the role of Orthodoxy falls, it is replaced by new forms of cultural creativity, centers of innovative changes.

With Orthodoxy, stone temple construction came to Russia. One of the first Christian churches was built in Pskov by Princess Olga around 965, that is, even before the baptism of Russia, and was dedicated to the Divine Trinity. Therefore, Pskov was sometimes called the "House of the Holy Trinity", and Novgorod - the "House of St. Sophia". As early as 952, wooden Sophia appeared in Kyiv, erected by Olga, it burned down in 1016 and in its place, already under Yaroslav the Wise, stone Sophia was built. She was "about 13 versions" - about 13 chapters, domes, as a symbol of "Christ and Apostolic Church"(1 + 12 apostles). Many churches of the Kievan Rus period burned down, were destroyed during the Mongol invasion. Among the surviving ones can be named the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (Fig. 14.8), Demetrius Cathedral (1194-1197). Covered with complex stone carvings, Dmitrievsky Cathedral of 566 images has only 46 directly related to Christian themes.This indicates that in Russia for a long time "dual faith" remained. Official "Orthodoxy" and real "paganism" coexisted in the same cultural monuments. The cultural development of civilization is impossible without the emergence of writing, the spread of literacy, book art. The Slavs had their own system of fixing information long before Orthodoxy. This finds its expression in the vocabulary of the language. We still say: "Tie a knot in memory", forgetting that this is a "winged" expression once reflected a real cultural achievement - a method of "nodular" fixation of information, known to other peoples. The Incas, using such a system, called "kipu", transmitted complex historical and artistic texts. Another expression that reflects the way information is transmitted is the proverb "Kill it on your nose." The "nose" in this case is not a part of the face, but a plaque that was carried with them in order to make notches in memory of certain facts.

There is evidence that another recording system was also used, known as "features and cuts", or Slavic runes. The texts of treaties concluded with the Greeks were also written in Russian. The merit of Orthodoxy, undoubtedly, was the help that Byzantium provided in giving Russian writing - "Glagolitic", perfect forms, creating a "Cyrillic" alphabet that meets the needs of the language of that time, and the sound composition of the Slavic language, and even modern language standards. Konstantin the Philosopher (Cyril) and Methodius, even before the creation of their own alphabet, which was called "Cyrillic", saw in Korsun at some "Rusyn" a book written in "Russian" letters, which, however, were understandable to Cyril.

Creation modern writing contributed to the formation of a single Russian language. Russian as a national language began to take shape very early. It originates from the "Slovenian", "Slavic" language. Kievan Rus, being a heterogeneous formation, had one state language - "Russian", also known as "Slovenian".

"... and the Slovene language and the Russian language are one ... and she and the glade are called, but the Slovene speech was not," testifies "The Tale of Bygone Years." Thus, this language existed among the Polyans, in Polian Kyiv, and Russian Kyiv continues to develop and improve it. The term "Russian" in relation to the language was recorded in the annals in the 11th century. When comparing ethnic groups and languages, we must remember that they were identified at that time. Therefore, when the annals said that "Slovens" and "Rus" are one language, this meant that they were one people. Recall that A. S. Pushkin also wrote: "and he will name ... every language that exists in it, and the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn ..." The Russian language was a single, common, official language Kievan Rus. And today we can read texts written over 1000 years ago.

The Russian language has developed over a vast territory from the Carpathians to the Volga; vocabulary, spelling, grammar were common. Even in the XIII century. the French language was understandable to the population of Ile-de-France, and the vast outskirts of France spoke Catalan, Basque, Breton, Flemish, and Provençal. Northern and southern Germans did not understand each other even in the 19th century. Bismarck created an army where the soldiers spoke different languages.

For writing, the Russians used a specific material - birch bark. Birch bark "letters" were found in Novgorod (many), Smolensk (10), Vitebsk (1), Pskov (3), Staraya Russa(13), Mstislavl, on the Castle Hill in the Mogilev region. It should be noted that birch bark was originally used by the Indo-Europeans for writing and drawing. So, among the Aryans, the "veda of witchcraft", "Atharvaveda", was written on birch bark.

In Kievan Rus, Russian was the only language - colloquial and liturgical, written and oral, church and state, while in Western Europe the church planted Latin, which hindered the development of language and culture and led to protests everywhere. So, the "Ostromir Gospel" was written down in 1050-1057, and was created even earlier and in Russian. But the first literary work, moreover, translated into Polish from Latin - "Queen Jadwiga's Psalter", appeared in Poland only around 1400. Only in the 16th century. national literature began to emerge in Poland. And the blame for this falls on Catholicism: the Catholic Church claimed that "only three languages ​​are known in which it is worthy to praise God in books: Hebrew, Greek and Latin ..." Cyril - Konstantin The philosopher answered this: "Does God send rain the same for all? And also, does not the sun shine for all? And do we not all arise in the same way? And how are you not ashamed, recognizing only three languages ​​and commanding that all other peoples and tribes be blind and deaf? Explain to me, do you think Are you God's powerless, unable to give all this, or dependent and therefore not wanting (to give all this)?"

The early formation of a single language gave rise to an extensive Russian literature. It was preceded by rich folk art, the creation of epics. In the IX-X centuries. epics were created about Mikhail Potok, about Ilya Muromets, about Stavr Godinovich, about Danil Lovchanin, about the Danube, about Ivan Godinovich, about Volga and Mikul, about Dobryn, about the marriage of Vladimir, etc. No nation knows such a variety of epics in this time, their abundance. On the one hand, they preserve the memory of more ancient times in the history of the Slavs; on the other hand, this is creativity, in which real, actual history is reflected. Russian epics are characterized by a number of features.

In epics, church, Orthodox influence is minimal. They are full of pagan symbols, heroes, images. They are dominated by secular, worldly content, and not church, sacred.

Epics have been preserved in oral tradition for almost 1000 years.

The epic is characterized not only by the glorification of physical strength, strength, "valiant prowess." The main thing in them is morality, the ethical value of a person's act, his kindness, compassion, sympathy.

In contrast to this, for example, "The Tale of the Nibelungs", "Elder Edda" are indifferent to morality, they are - up to moral, up to moral. Epics, describing the same historical time, as sagas, and sometimes even more ancient - for example, "Svyatogor", radically differ from the German epic in their moral content, ethical assessments and judgments. Being created at the same historical time, they differ culturally - they are moral. Moral from the people's point of view. Although they are full of military clashes, but all the battles that are fought epic heroes- defensive. This is not surprising, given that, according to the calculations of V. O. Klyuchevsky, from 1228 to 1462. Russia withstood 160 external wars and raids.

Rich artistic oral creativity contributed to the formation of Russian literature. It was distinguished by a number of features, first of all, it was based on the common Russian language. This allowed her to as soon as possible create the greatest literary works: "Word about the law, grace and truth" by Illarion, "The Tale of Bygone Years" and "The Life of Theodosius" by Nestor, "Instruction to Children" by Vladimir Monomakh, "Word" by Daniil Zatochnik, "Word of Igor's Campaign" by Igor, son of Svyatoslav, grandson of Olgov, "The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu", "The Word of the Destruction of the Russian Land" and many others.

During the late Middle Ages, Russian literature was enriched by new wonderful works: "Zadonshchina" Safony, "Journey beyond three seas" Athanasius Nikitin, "The Legend of Mamaev massacre", the works of Ivan the Terrible ("Correspondence with Kurbsky"), Ivan Peresvet and Avvakum Petrov, "The Tale of Woe-Misfortune".

Comparison, juxtaposition of these works shows that these are the fruits of a single literary process, which has not been interrupted for almost a millennium, but only slowed down during the Mongol yoke.

Russian literature very early realized the commonality of the Russian land, the Russian people. In "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" there are no more tribal references, but "Russian Land" is mentioned 20 times! it feature Russian literature, the main thing in it is the fate of the country, land, homeland and people. "Light bright and beautifully decorated Russian land!" We will not find this in any European literature! "Patriotism" is the original theme, a feature of Russian culture. Only in 1353 did Petrarch have a hymn addressed to Italy as the Motherland.

In the XII century. Kirill Turovsky writes:

"The heavenly height is not measured,

The underworld depth has not been tested..."

In the XVIII century. Kirill Danilov will continue the same idea and repeat and modify the same theme:

"Is the height, the height under heaven,

Depth, depth of the akian-sea,

Wide expanse throughout the earth,

Deep whirlpools of the Dnieper ... "

No nation knew such a developed system of annals. The first chronicle records appeared around 872 in Kyiv. They are characterized by an anti-Varangian tendency and the absence of a Christian element. The first Chronicles are based on oral traditions, Slavic myths, epic stories. They are dominated by the pagan principle. In particular, the Chronicle contains a story about Prophetic Oleg and his death, which is predicted not by a sorcerer, but by a "magician", that is, a shaman.

Chronicle of the tenth century. divided into two forms: secular and ecclesiastical. In secular chronicles stand out:

"Tales", tales about princes: Igor, Svyatoslav, Yaropolk and others, that is, this is a retinue-knight cycle (these tales are a continuation of the Slavic "glories");

chronicles - chronicles of affairs: campaigns, invasions, princely meetings, etc .;

texts of agreements.

Chronicle appears where there is a state, civilization. What is the difference between the Russian chronicle? In universality, the chronicle is a collection of diverse knowledge; they included information from myths, history, fiction, oral folk art. In Russia, chronicles were kept on a large scale, there were both princely and church chronicles, and chronicles were kept not only in princely cities, but also in destinies. Thus, the chronicle was a comprehensive, unified, ubiquitous phenomenon in Russia.

Many annals burned down, perished during the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Others died during fires, frequent in Russia. So, in the estate of V.N. Tatishchev, 5 chronicles burned down, including Raskolnichya and Galitsynskaya. In 1812, the unique Trinity Chronicle perished in the fire of Moscow, while the manuscripts of Musin-Pushkin, including the manuscript of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, perished at the same time.

There are few cultural objects of Ancient Russia that have come down to us. Russian swords XI-XIII centuries. only 183 survived, and even fewer helmets, although they were very cherished. The fate of books and icons is even more difficult: they died most often in the fires that arose both by accident and as a result of hostilities. In 1382, during the invasion of Tokhtamysh on Moscow, the Kremlin churches were full "to the slings", that is, to the top, to the roof, with books and icons - everything burned down. In 1547, almost all of Moscow burned out, in 1612 the Poles burned Moscow, in 1812 - the French. But in the XVIII - mid-XIX centuries. monks burned manuscripts like useless rubbish, drowned them in Volkhov, rotted in damp basements.

At the same time, what has been preserved, found, studied is admirable. In the State Historical Museum in Moscow, a frame with a cross-shaped slot is kept, which experts consider to be the height of the perfection of medieval Russian jewelry technology. Here is how B. A. Rybakov describes it: “Between twelve stones set in gold, the master arranged a whole flower garden of miniature golden flowers planted on spiral springs in 4-5 turns, soldered with only one end to the plate. Spiral stems were made of ribbed gold wire. Flowers have five carefully made petals, figuratively carved and soldered to the pistil. In a space of 0.25 cm2, the Ryazan master managed to plant from 7 to 10 golden flowers, which swayed on their spiral stems at the level of purple gems. "

By the time of the adoption of Christianity, Russia was already a country with original culture. She grew up on the fertile soil of the cultures of the local East Slavic tribes and constantly developed contacts with the cultures of other countries, primarily Byzantium, Bulgaria, the countries of Central Europe, Scandinavia, the Khazar Khaganate and the Arab East.

Crafts and wood construction techniques reached a high level. In the era of transition from a pre-class society to a feudal one, like other European peoples, epic. His plots were preserved mainly in epics recorded many centuries later. By the IX-X centuries. includes the appearance of plots of such epics as "Mikhailo Potok", "Danube", "Volga and Mikula". The end of the 10th century was especially fruitful for the formation of the epic epic. - the era of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. His reign became the "epic time" of Russian epics, and the prince himself became a generalized image of the ruler of Russia. By the end of the X century. refers to the appearance of epics, the heroes of which were Dobrynya Nikitich (its prototype was Vladimir Svyatoslavich's maternal uncle, Dobrynya, former mentor and adviser to the prince in his youth) and Ilya Muromets.

Not later than the end of the IX beginning of the X century. Slavic languages ​​are spreading in Russia alphabet - Cyrillic and Glagolitic. Created in the second half of the 9th century by the brothers Cyril and Methodius and initially distributed in the West Slavic state - great Moravia, they soon penetrate into Bulgaria and Russia. The first Russian monument of Slavic writing is the Russian-Byzantine treaty of 911.

The synthesis of the Slavic pre-Christian culture with the cultural layer that entered Russia with the adoption of Christianity from Byzantium and Bulgaria and introduced the country to the Byzantine and Slavic Christian cultures, and through them to the cultures of ancient and Middle Eastern, created the phenomenon of Russian medieval culture. Its originality and high level were largely due to its existence as a language of church service and, as a result, becoming a literary Slavic language understandable to the entire population (unlike Western Europe and Slavic countries that adopted Catholicism, where the language of church service was Latin, the language unfamiliar to the majority of the population and, as a result, early medieval literature was predominantly in Latin).

The development of culture in the XI century. caused by the rapid growth of various crafts and trade, revival of foreign trade and interstate relations. It became the starting point and the primary basis of the culture of Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, and influenced the culture of neighboring peoples.

AT literature Kievan Rus with some conventionality can be divided into several areas: socio-political; artistic and secular; world (translated) literature. But the boundaries of genres were often elusive and blurred. Chronicles played the most significant role in social and political literature. Not later than the beginning of the 11th century. in Kyiv and Novgorod, the first annals began to be compiled. Gradually growing, they by the end of the XI - the beginning of the XII centuries. compiled a systematic code, finally edited and literary processed by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor. The code is known as the Tale of Bygone Years (PVL). PVL is called an encyclopedia of ancient Russian life of the 9th - 11th centuries, giving an idea not only about the history of Russia, but also about its language, religion, worldview, scientific knowledge, art, etc. Later chronicles began to be compiled in other large cities. In addition to the chronicles, such works of a socio-political direction as the "Sermon on Law and Grace" by Metropolitan Hilarion (XI century) are especially famous; the lives of the first Russian "saints" Boris and Gleb (XI century); the famous "Instruction for Children" by Vladimir Monomakh (XII century).

The most famous works of fiction of Kievan Rus are the works of Cyril of Turov and Kliment Smolyatych, "Prayer" by Daniil Zatochnik and "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

was popular in Russia world literature- translated theological works, natural science treatises, Greek novels, Byzantine chronicles. The latter, in particular, include the translation of the Byzantine Chronicle of George Amartol.

In the XI - the beginning of the XII century. continued development epic genre. With the courtship of the Norwegian king Harald to the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Elizabeth, the plot of the epic "Nightingale Budimirovich" is connected. A number of epic songs arose in connection with the fight against the Polovtsian raids of the late 11th - early 12th centuries. The image of Prince Vladimir Monomakh, the initiator of the struggle against the nomads, merged with the image of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. The appearance of a cycle of epics about Alyosha Popovich, the epic "Stavr Godinovich" belongs to the era of Monomakh.

reached a high level in Russia education, which was received mainly at monasteries. The picture of literacy even among ordinary citizens is drawn by the frequent finds of birch bark letters at archaeological excavations in Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk and other cities.

The development has reached an outstanding scale stone architecture, whose monuments are preserved in Kyiv, Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal, Chernigov, Polotsk and many other cities. With the introduction of Christianity, Russian architecture was influenced by Byzantium, but gradually developed its own architectural traditions. From the end of the X century. the remnants of the Decimal Church in Kyiv have come down to us. In Vladimir in 1158 - 1161. the majestic and austere Assumption Cathedral was erected; Not far from Bogolyubov, a small, extremely elegant Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was erected. To the best works Russian architecture belongs to the Cathedral of the Savior in Chernigov, the temples of Sophia in Novgorod, the Golden Gate in Vladimir.

O high development culture of pre-Mongol Rus testifies painting XI - early XIII centuries. If the painting of the Novgorod and Pskov masters expressed the democratic traditions of the Free City and was distinguished by simplicity and strict brevity of writing, then the masters of Vladimir and Suzdal retained Byzantine refinement in their works, softening the asceticism of iconographic images with lyricism. Under Byzantine influence, its main forms developed here: mosaics, miniatures, icon painting, frescoes.

Achieved brilliant growth applied art, especially in the use of such original techniques as niello, cloisonne enamel, granulation, filigree, sometimes used simultaneously. Oral folk art steadily developed - the epic epic sang heroism in battle and enterprise in business.

On the eve of the Mongol-Tatar invasion ancient Russian culture reached a high level comparable to the best examples of European and world culture of that time and actively interacted with it.

The medieval culture of Russia has come a long way from a simple imitation of Greek models to the creation of an original cultural complex, which included vivid literature of various directions (polemical, liturgical, everyday, historical), a kind of wooden and stone architecture and a vibrant tradition of icon painting. The culture of Russia and the Moscow kingdom, based on the traditions of Orthodoxy, also absorbed the ancient Slavic pre-Christian elements, and later was influenced by Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples who lived next to the Slavs. This influence was especially pronounced in folk costume and folklore.

At the dawn of the New Age, the development of Russian culture was determined not only by individual figures, but also by entire institutions. The church, and especially the monasteries, were centers of education and book writing. Talented architects worked in Moscow, and the first printing house in the country also operated. However, the cultural ties of the Moscow kingdom with other countries remained weak.

Old Russian culture (VIII-XIII centuries)

The culture of the emerging Great Russian people (XIV-XVII centuries)

Culture of Russia in the 17th century.

Culture of the Moscow state (XV-XVI centuries)

Creation of the Slavic alphabet (monks-missionaries Cyril and Methodius), monasteries - educational and scientific centers, Kiev-Pechersky Monastery - the center of the origin of chronicle writing, library and school of Yaroslav the Wise

The centers of book learning are the Trinity-Sergius, Kirilpo-Belozersky and Solovetsky monasteries, the replacement of parchment with paper, the appearance of cursive writing

School in Nemetskaya Sloboda, growth of printed materials, creation of state (Ambassadorial Prikaz) and private (Ordina-Nashchokina, Golitsyna) libraries, Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow, accumulation of scientific knowledge

The birth of book printing (Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets), correspondence between Ivan the Terrible and Prince Kurbsky, printing of Psalters, Books of Hours and Primers, schools at monasteries and churches

The Tale of Bygone Years, Metropolitan Hilarion's "The Tale of Law and Grace", "The Tale of Boris and Gleb", Vladimir Monomakh's Teaching, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", The Prayer of Daniil Zatochnik.Creation of the first all-Russian annalistic code (Trinity Chronicle), military stories, the work of the Kulikovo cycle (Zadonshchina), "Journey beyond the Three Seas", hagiographic and secular literature.Nikon Chronicle and the Facial Code, Kazan chronicler, Domostroy, Ivan Peresvetov's journalism.Historical (“The Tale of the Capture of Azov”) and everyday life (“The Tale of Woe-Misfortune”) story, the emergence of autobiographical (“The Life of Archpriest Avakkum”) and satirical (“The Tale of Ersh Ershovich”) works, poetic works of Simeon Polotsky.
The Church of the Tithes and St. Sophia's Cathedral in Kyiv, St. Sophia's Cathedral in Novgorod, St. George's Church in Ladoga, Golden Gates, Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals in Vladimir, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Prince's Castle in Bogolyubovo.Churches of the Savior on Ilyin and Feodor Stratilat on the Creek in Novgorod, the Pskov stone Kremlin and the Moscow white stone, the Assumption Cathedral in Zvenigorod, the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.Ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin: Assumption Cathedral and walls (Aristotle Fioravanti), Palace of Facets (Marco Ruoro and Antonio Solari), Cathedral of the Archangel (Aleviz Novy). Church of the Resurrection in the village of Kolomenskoye and St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.The Assumption Church in Uglich (Divnaya), the Trinity Church in Nikitniki, the Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin, the wooden palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye, the building of the Zemsky order, the Church of the Intercession in Fili (Naryshkin baroque).
Mosaic - Our Lady Mary Oranta in Kyiv Sofia, frescoes - Kyiv Sofia and the Church of the Savior Nereditsa in Novgorod, icon painting - Our Lady of Vladimir, the Savior Not Made by Hands, miniatures in the Acute World Gospel.Frescoes in the churches of the Savior on Ilyin and Feodor Stratilat, icons of the Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow (Theophanes the Greek), frescoes in the Trinity-Sergius and Andronikov monasteries, the icon of the Trinity (Andrey Rublev).Frescoes in the Cathedral of the Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin (Rublev and Dionysius), frescoes in the Ferapontov Monastery (Dionysius), Stroganov school of miniature icon painting.Icons of Simon Ushakov (“The Savior Not Made by Hands”, “Vladimir Mother of God”), painting of the Trinity Church in Nikitniki, Elijah the Prophet in Yaroslavl (Guriy Nikitin), the emergence of the parsuna (portrait) genre.

§ 22. Old Russian culture

Conditions for the development of culture

For a long time, paganism was decisive in the spiritual life of the Slavs. After baptism, he was replaced by a different, in many ways opposite worldview. Paganism was based on the cult of nature and its phenomena, love for earthly life. In Christianity, the earthly was called mortal and transient, and real life considered life after death.

As a result of the interaction of paganism and Christianity in Russia, a peculiar culture has developed. It developed within the framework of Christianity, but absorbed many pagan motifs and rituals that have survived to this day, such as the celebration of Shrovetide.

Through Christianity, many achievements of ancient, especially ancient Greek culture were perceived. Great was the influence and culture of the southern Slavs, especially the Bulgarians. Of considerable importance was also the influence of nomadic peoples, both ancient (Scythians, Sarmatians) and modern Russia (Khazars, Polovtsy). Finally, Russia had extensive ties with Western Europe and perceived its culture.

Writing and literature

For Russia was characterized by widespread literacy. For Europe at that time, this was unusual. It is no coincidence that the daughter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Queen Anna of France, expressed her surprise in a letter to her father. low level education of the inhabitants of the kingdom in comparison with Russia. Catholicism considered writing only in Latin, which was inaccessible to the majority of the population, to be important. Orthodoxy allowed the reading of the Bible on national languages. This made literacy much more accessible and widespread.

Writing existed in Russia even before the adoption of Christianity. Evidence of this is the message of the annals about the text of the treaties of Oleg and Igor with Byzantium. Together with Christianity, writing came to Russia, created by the Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius.

The level of education in the Russian lands is evidenced by birch bark letters - letters from people of very different social status, gender and age. The inscriptions on pottery and other products also speak of the literacy of the townspeople.

The most important work of ancient Russian literature is The Tale of Bygone Years. Traditionally, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor is considered its author. However, this opinion, which is well-established in the Russian national consciousness, does not correspond to scientific data. Monk Nestor is the author of two works of ancient Russian literature - "Reading about Boris and Gleb" and "The Life of Theodosius of the Caves." The description of the life and death of Russian saints in the "Reading about Boris and Gleb" is fundamentally at odds with the presentation of the same events in the "Tale of Bygone Years". In fact, The Tale of Bygone Years is a complex work that has incorporated fragments of various chronicles and literary works of many authors.

Among the outstanding Russian writers is Metropolitan Hilarion. In his philosophical and journalistic work "The Word of Law and Grace", he substantiates the rightful place of Russia among other Christian countries, reveals the meaning of the Baptism of Russia.

Literary monuments are the works of Vladimir Monomakh, the author of many letters-messages and "Teachings" to children. The "Instruction" is filled with deep philosophical reflections on the meaning of life, on the duties of a ruler, on the relationship between morality and politics. At the same time, this is the first autobiography in Russian.

Philosophical and religious searches were reflected in such works as "Word" and "Prayer" by Daniil Zatochnik, and others.

All these works were written in line with the Christian tradition, but there were also works where pagan features prevailed over Christian ones. This is, first of all, the most famous monument of ancient Russian literature - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". It tells about the unsuccessful campaign of the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsy in 1185. In poetic form, a wide panorama of the life of Russia of that time is given. The unknown author of the Lay urged the princes to unite to fight the common enemy.

Architecture and fine arts

The first stone Christian churches were built in Russia by masters from Byzantium. But already in them the original features of Russian architecture appeared. The oldest surviving building is St. Sophia Cathedral of the 11th century. in Kyiv, but later it was significantly rebuilt. Quite a bit inferior to him in antiquity

Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, preserved almost in its original form. This is a majestic and severe building, characteristic of Northern Russia.

In the XII century. a special Russian type of single-domed churches is being developed. Most of them are preserved in Vladimir - Suzdal land. The most famous temple is the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, built under Andrei Bogolyubsky. True, now it has also somewhat changed its appearance compared to the original. The temple strikes with beauty and harmony. No less beautiful are the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals of Vladimir, the churches of Suzdal, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, and others. Independent architectural schools have developed in Novgorod and other lands.

Many cathedrals were decorated with stone carvings and reliefs. They manifested the desire of ancient Russian masters for beauty, which did not always coincide with the ascetic ideals of the church. Images of animals, plants, people speak of the preservation of pagan motifs in the visual arts.

The artistic creativity of Ancient Russia is also represented by frescoes, icons, and mosaics.


    What were the features of the development of ancient Russian culture?

    Why did the general level of literacy in Ancient Russia exceed the level of literacy in Western Europe?

    Give brief description famous monuments of ancient Russian literature.

    What kind architectural monuments Do you know ancient Russia? If you have seen any of these monuments, please describe your impressions of them.

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