The message of a person's moral choice is good and evil. Why do people have to choose between good and evil

Detailed solution paragraph § 9 on social studies School 2100 for students of grade 6, authors Danilov D.D., Sizova E.V., Davydova S.M., Nikolaeva A.A., Korpacheva L.N. 2015


What keeps animals of the same species from destroying each other in battles for territory, a place in a group?

The instinct to preserve the family.

Do people have a restraining mechanism that makes them do the right thing, preserving the life and health of their own kind?

Moral standards and law.

What is the contradiction?

Man, unlike animals, does not follow natural instincts, preserving the life and health of his own kind. He is guided by the norms of morality and the law.

Formulate a question that can be asked based on this contradiction. Compare your wording with the author's (p. 201).

What makes a person do the right thing, preserving the life and health of their own kind?


Explain the meaning of the words: biosocial nature of a person, consciousness, personality, character, spiritual life of a person, worldview. (Dictionary)

The biosocial nature of a person is an inseparable unity in a person of biological (anatomy, physiology, the course of various processes in the body) and social (collective work, thinking, speech, creativity) nature.

Consciousness - the human ability to "reflect" the observed world in his inner world in the form of sensory and mental images; process these images with the help of thinking and feelings; on the basis of this processing by the efforts of the will to direct and control their activities in the world.

Personality - a person with consciousness, i.e. who, as a result of development in society, have the ability to:

- to comprehend oneself and the world;

- to feel and experience their attitude to the world;

- an effort of will to direct and control their activities, based on a system of personal and social values.

Character - an individual combination of qualities (features) of a personality, which determines the characteristics of behavior, a person's attitude to society, work, himself, the level of development of volitional qualities.

The spiritual life of society is a sphere of activity of man and society, which covers the wealth of human feelings and achievements of the mind, combines both the assimilation of accumulated spiritual values ​​and the creative creation of new ones.

Worldview - a system of views on the world and a person's place in it (worldview), on the meaning and purpose of his life, as well as a system of values, ideals that determines a person's morality, his attitude to the world around him.

Remember the events from the history of different peoples and times, when different people evaluated the same actions as “bad” and as “good”. (Textbook "General History. History of the Ancient World", 5th grade: Primitive World, Assyria, Ancient Rome, etc.)

In the ancient world, the laws for free people and slaves were different. For example, according to the laws of Hammurabi, if a slave insulted a free person, they cut off his ear.

In ancient China, according to the teachings of Confucius, it is better to set a delinquent subject on the right path paternally than to kill. However, the rulers of China took a different path and kept the population in fear through cruel punishments for minor infractions.

Which of the literary heroes you know and in what cases experienced pangs of conscience, difficulties in choosing between good and evil?

"The Tale of Tsar Soltan" by A. S. Pushkin. The choice is to get rid of the wife and child, or first find out everything, and then make a decision.

"Mu-Mu" Turgenev. The episode when Gerasim went to drown the dog.


1. The lessons of the sages.

Answer the questions using the text.

What is the origin and meaning of the following concepts: ethics, morality, morality? (Check yourself in the dictionary)

Ethics (from ancient Greek - temper, custom) - the doctrine of morality and morality, which determines the correct and worthy behavior, spiritual qualities necessary for a person in society, self-control.

Morality (from the Russian "nature" - character, temperament) - 1. The implementation of moral standards in life, everyday behavior of people and a particular person. 2. Internal, spiritual qualities, values ​​of a person that determine the rules of his behavior.

Morality (from Latin moralis - moral) is a set of norms, rules of behavior for people in society, based on ideas of goodness, duty and conscience.

Does morality arise spontaneously in man, or does it have to be formed consciously?

Morality must be formed consciously. A person acquires simple moral virtues in the process of socialization. For example, what is good and what is evil.

What is the personal value system?

From ideals, images and conscience.

How are conscience, morality, morality related and how do they differ from each other?

Conscience is a personal system of values. Morality is the realization of moral norms in life in the behavior of a particular person. Morality regulates the behavior of society. Together they are manifested through human activity in society and attitude towards other people.

2. Troubled conscience.

Read the text and answer the questions.

Is a person born conscientious or does he become? How is conscience formed?

The person becomes conscientious. Conscience is formed in the process of education, through constant instructions to the child about “what is good and what is bad”, etc. At first, conscience is formed as a moral ability to critically evaluate oneself.

Why didn't the hero of the second dialogue Lyosha take the cheat sheet?

Because he is a conscientious person.


We carry out educational tasks.

Positive qualities:

accuracy, activity, altruism, artistry, disinterestedness, nobility, fearlessness, politeness, generosity, fidelity, attentiveness, will, endurance, gallantry, hospitality, humanity, foresight, goodwill, conscientiousness, kindness, friendliness, naturalness, love of life, caring, cheerfulness, intelligence, sincerity, sociability, diligence, courtesy, wisdom, courage, observation, reliability, perseverance, commitment, neatness, courage, responsiveness, openness, understanding, constancy, punctuality, decisiveness, independence, restraint, cordiality, seriousness, composure, compassion, sympathy, calmness, tact, creativity, tolerance, poise, compliance, purposefulness, honesty, sensuality, sensitivity, sense of duty, self-esteem, generosity.

Negative qualities:

apathy, lack of will, irresponsibility, indifference, lack of initiative, grouchiness, harmfulness, irascibility, rudeness, greed, envy, malice, bloodthirstiness, laziness, deceit, hypocrisy, pettiness, impudence, negligence, impoliteness, inattention, lack of restraint, hostility, hatred, indecision, intolerance, uncertainty, resentment, narrow-mindedness, anger, passivity, indifference, extravagance, stinginess, weakness, fear, cowardice, vanity, stubbornness, selfishness, egocentrism

2. Read the statements and match them with examples from your own life or from the life of society.

A. “I see the good, I praise it, but I am attracted to the bad.” (Roman poet Ovid (43 BC - c. 18 AD) I praise others for their hard work and consider this an excellent quality, but I myself am lazy.

B. "Looking at people with a broken conscience is even worse than looking at beaten ones." (Czechoslovak journalist Julius Fucik (1903-1943) She skipped school and did not do her homework. As a result, her conscience tormented her. She fixed everything, but the unpleasant feeling remained. Guided by the dictates of conscience, a person takes responsibility for his understanding of good and evil, duty, justice , humanity, he himself sets the criteria for moral evaluation from the inside and evaluates his own behavior.

B. "The dignity of a person is determined only by his actions." (French proverb) Two classmates applied for the post of class president. One told how responsive he would be, how much good he would do for classmates. The other one was already doing this. The headman chose the second boy.

G. “I don’t believe in your pace of speed,

And I trust my conscience more

Don't run away from her

And, summing up in old age,

Still return to the original,

In the beginning of his eternal. (LI Boleslavsky) A conscientious person will remember for a long time that he did something bad (for example, he greatly offended his parents).

We solve life problems.

New in the yard

Situation. There is a new boy in the yard who stutters badly. The guys you know started teasing him, calling him names.

Role. Boy or girl from the same yard.

Result. Your actions that will help the newcomer to find new friends.

1. Invite the new boy to play with you.

2. Find out from him about his interests and what he is interested in.

Communication with you will gradually help the new boy to make friends with the rest of the children.

We carry out projects.

1. Do research on one of the topics.

Ethical teaching of Confucius: "Ritual is the basis of life." The ethical teaching of Socrates: "Virtue is knowledge." The ethical teaching of Christ: "And as you want people to do to you, so do you to them."

The ethical teaching of Cofucius: "Ritual is the basis of life."

Confucianism is the spiritual basis of Chinese society, since it formulates the foundations of the social order, substantiates the ideal of a perfect person.

Its founder is the Chinese thinker Confucius (Kung Tzu, Kong Fu Tzu, Kong Qiu, Kong Zhongni), who lived during 551-479 BC. According to Confucius, the behavior, social status of people, their moral standards depend on the sky, the highest spiritual force that acts consciously, is the creator and at the same time part of nature. The heavenly decree is a destiny to which both people and states obey: "There is a destiny for life and death; wealth and nobility depend on heaven, and Heaven gave birth to moral qualities in me." A person should unquestioningly fulfill the will of heaven, since it punishes for misconduct and punishes for offenses.

The main idea of ​​Confucianism is the inviolability of the orders established by heaven in the Middle Kingdom (China). The ethics of Confucianism proclaims the supremacy of good over evil, the basic concepts, a kind of moral law of which is "zhen" - humanity, philanthropy, humanity. According to Confucian ethics, a person who sincerely adheres to the principle of humanity will not commit evil, it is able to reveal respect, politeness, truthfulness, intelligence, kindness. People must be treated as dear guests, one must restrain oneself in order to lead according to the ritual, and what does not meet its requirements should not be looked at, it can be listened to.

Specifying the relationship of people in society and the family, the moral principle of jen is in organic connection with the principle of xiao - honoring relatives and elders: "Young people should show respect for their parents at home, and respect for their elders outside the home", "During the life of parents - serve them , following the ritual. When they die, bury them according to the ritual and make sacrifices to them, guided by the ritual." Ceremonies are external manifestations of respect, filial love, devotion.

The principle of whether (rule, norm, ritual, ceremonial, etiquette) is based on the recognition of the importance of ceremonies, contrary to which one cannot look, listen, speak, or act. Without whether, the state of rust cannot exist. It should be the basis of education, which is based on personal example, the requirement for strict observance of ceremonies, etiquette. This requirement was often criticized because, as its opponents argued, a person who adheres to the precepts of Confucianism will never be virtuous and do good, because he is busy with continuous ceremonies.

A noble husband is a representative of the aristocracy and a perfect man. However, belonging to the aristocracy does not guarantee human perfection, since this requires hard work on oneself. It is extremely difficult to become a noble husband (I didn’t even consider myself one), because this is an ideal, a guideline for those who care about self-improvement.

The main qualities of a noble husband are zhen (philanthropy, mercy, humanity), and (justice), zhi (knowledge), li (ritual, rite, etiquette, ceremony), wen (education)

To establish justice, the ruler must act as a ruler, and the subject as a subject, the father as a father, the son as a son. To implement the principle of fair ti, one needs knowledge of what and how to do, as well as compliance with the rules of decency, which results in the measure and orderliness of behavior and activities.

The orderliness of relations between citizens, correct behavior provide for constant control and self-restraint, submission to the cultural norm, without which stability in society is impossible. The principle of justice is also aimed at self-restraint, limiting the influence of egoism on human behavior and activities. A noble husband must also adhere to the standards and traditions created by the wise rulers, in which the experience of millennia has been accumulated.

Choosing your friends, you should be guided by the fact that some of them are useful, others are harmful.

A noble husband, according to Confucius, always appreciates justice. Even with ordinary people, he behaves fairly.

Confucius attached great importance to the justice of the ruler: "When the ruler loves the ritual, no one in the people will dare to be disrespectful; when the ruler loves justice, no one in the people will dare to be disobedient; when the ruler loves the truth, no one in the people will dare to be dishonest."

According to him, throughout life it is necessary to be guided by one word - “reciprocity”, and use the attitude: “Do not do to people what you do not want for yourself, and then in the state and family you will not be treated with hostility.

2. Hold a festival-competition at the school “Temper does not have a temper”, dedicated to the study of the character, customs, traditions of different peoples.

>>moral choice is responsibility

§ 7. Moral choice is responsibility

Remember: What is a moral standard? What is moral duty?

Think: What behavior causes moral approval and moral condemnation? Can man create himself?

You have heard more than once that man, unlike animals, is a free being. Animal behavior, as you know from biology lessons, is subject to strict natural laws. Animals act according to the program laid down by nature. And it would be foolish to call immoral, say, a cat because it behaves disrespectfully towards a mouse, and artiodactyls because they trample grass or pick fruits from trees. They have no other choice: such is their life program. And they do not know anything about good or evil, nor about morality and responsibility.

With a human, things are much more complicated. His activities can hardly be considered programmed. As a natural being, a person, of course, depends on many natural circumstances - heat, cold, atmospheric pressure, hunger, metabolism, etc. But as a social (social) and rational being, a person still chooses his individual behavior.

The second problem: to be or to seem.

Do you really want to be something in this world, go just to appear? The latter is easier. It is easier, for example, to seem honest than to be honest. But by choosing this path, you run the risk of falling into the position of Nero. The only difference is that people hid their dissatisfaction with him, because they were afraid of the emperor’s revenge, and they will express dissatisfaction with you openly, in concrete actions and hostility. In addition, and this is the most important thing; for a normal person, it is simply humiliating to only seem to be what you really are not. After all, the essence of morality is not so much in relation to those around you, but in high demands on yourself. A moral person will not allow himself a misconduct or some kind of falsehood, hypocrisy, even if no one knows for sure about it. The court of his own conscience for him is always above the human court of others.

The attitude of those around us, therefore, depends entirely on our actions, and the better we understand this for ourselves, the easier it will be for us to avoid irreparable mistakes.

The process of moral perfection is endless and depends entirely on us. It is determined by the amount of good that we bring to the world. Both the good we gave to people and the evil done to them will return to us. Or, as the Bible says: "Everyone will be rewarded according to his deeds."

check yourself

1. How is freedom of choice expressed?

2. What is a moral choice?

3. How are freedom and responsibility interrelated?

4. What does it mean to be a responsible person?

5. What is the danger of irresponsible behavior.

6. What can guarantee the fulfillment of moral standards.

7. Why is it easier to seem than to be? Why is it easier to be than to seem?

In class and at home

1. The French writer and philosopher A. Camus argued: "Freedom is not primarily a privilege, but a duty." How do you understand these words? Why is it a duty? Explain with reference to textbook.

2. Moral choice, as you understand, is a difficult and responsible matter. And there's no getting away from it. All our life we ​​have been in the position of a fabulous hero - we must constantly choose our path, options for actions, actions. But there are situations when a person refuses to choose, eliminates himself - let others decide.

Assess the situation of choice avoidance, its consequences, the moral side. And in general, is there any reason for a conversation in this case: after all, a person refused an act, what to evaluate? What is the moral here? Explain.

“Morality begins where conversations end” A. (Schneitzer). Explain how you understand this statement.

4. The word "careerism" is given a negative connotation. Can the desire to make a career be combined with morality? Yes or no? Bring arguments.

5. Expand the meaning of the words of the French philosopher J.P. Sartre: "Even if I do not choose anything, I still choose."

The wise say

“Real responsibility is only personal. The man blushes alone.

F. Iskander (b. 192B), Russian writer

Social science . Grade 8: textbook. for general education institutions / [L. N. Bogolyubov, N. I. Gorodetskaya. L. F. Ivanova and others]; ed. L. N. Bogolyubov, N. I. Gorodetskaya; Ros. acad. Sciences, Ros. acad. education, nzd-in "Enlightenment" .- M .: Education, 2010.- 223 p.- (Academic school textbook)

Social science for grade 8, textbooks and books on social science

Good and evil are the basic concepts of ethics

moral choice

Answer plan:

Ethics is the theory of morality.

The concept of good and evil.

The moral choice of man.

Ethics is a philosophical science, the object of study of which is morality, morality as one of the most important aspects of human life, a specific phenomenon of socio-historical life.

Ethics explains:

the place of morality in the system of other social relations;

analyzes its nature and internal structure;

studies the origin and historical development of morality;

theoretically substantiates one or another of its systems;

analyzes its basic principles and norms of human activity from the point of view of the concepts of good and evil.

Good and evil:

positive, i.e. good;

negative, reprehensible;

in the actions and motives of people, in the phenomena of social life.

2 points of view on the causes of good and evil:

these concepts were associated with human needs and interests, desires, with pleasure and suffering, happiness and unhappiness of a person ------ good - everything that brought the pleasure of happiness, satisfied desires;

evil - that which gave rise to misfortune and suffering.

the second interpretation derived the concepts of good and evil from divine command or reason and deviations from them:

good is the command of God;

evil is the devil.

Good is something that can serve as the subject of satisfaction of human needs, the aspirations of his sensuality or spirit.

By good we understand everything that contributes to the improvement of life, the elevation of the individual, the improvement of society.

This is a relationship of trust, justice, mercy, love for one's neighbor; it is also a movement for a democratic society, a rule of law state, for the rights and freedoms of every citizen, for the moral rebirth of man himself, for his true happiness.

Evil is everything that arouses displeasure or disgust in us, or is generally evaluated negatively by us and is opposed to good.

This is immoral, inhumane, unkind.

Evil is found where a person is humiliated, insulted, where he is treated as a thing with which you can benefit.

The concept of evil covers all negative phenomena: violence, deceit, meanness, theft, cruelty, betrayal, denunciation ...

Types of evil:

physical evil is everything that causes suffering (illness) to a person;

moral evil is a violation of the dictates of the moral law, causing our condemnation;

social evil - inconsistency of public and state organization with the idea of ​​justice (unequal distribution of benefits between social groups);

metaphysical evil is an imperfection that necessarily follows from the nature of being in general and the nature of man in particular.

A person constantly encounters them in everyday life, constantly making a moral choice, which is determined by many reasons, both objective and subjective.

It is important from childhood to form firm moral principles, ideas about good and bad, good and evil. These principles will help a person to save himself and not cause harm, both to individuals and to society as a whole.

A moral person organizes his activity in such a way as to increase good and reduce evil.

Evaluating any phenomenon, action, deed, we express our moral assessment in different ways:

praise, agree, approve;

condemn, criticize, disapprove.

Assessing the world around us, we change something in it, and, above all, ourselves, our position, behavior, worldview - this is the moral choice.

Ethics is one of the oldest theoretical disciplines, the object of study of which is morality. Ethics studies the history of the development of human morality, explores morality as a form of social relations and consciousness, its role in society. Ethics reflects on what is good and what is evil, what is the purpose and meaning of human life, what kind of people we should be and how to live our only and rather short life correctly. A thinking person cannot do without thinking about these questions, and ethics - the theory of morality - will help him in this.

Good and evil are the most important concepts of ethics. Good is understood as what society in a given historical period considers moral, worthy of respect, imitation. We, people, invest in this concept everything that contributes to the improvement of life, the moral elevation of a person, the improvement of society. We consider the relationship of trust, justice, mercy, love for one's neighbor to be good. When we say “kind” about a person, we mean that he is ready to help another person not for the sake of profit, but disinterestedly, out of conviction, out of moral duty. The creation of good is the meaning of life for every person. In all cases when a person has to make a responsible decision, he is guided by the main practical guideline - the value of good.

Everything that is opposite to good is evil. This is a violation of morality, it is immoral, reprehensible, inhumane. This concept generally expresses everything that deserves contempt and must be overcome by people, society, and an individual. Evil is where a person is humiliated, insulted. The concept of evil covers all negative phenomena: violence, deceit, rudeness, meanness, theft, betrayal, etc. Every day a person can face evil that has become commonplace, has become a habit - rudeness, rudeness, selfishness, indifference to suffering, someone else's pain, drunkenness, cunning, etc. Unfortunately, evil is very common and many-sided, and often insidious. It does not declare itself: “I am evil! I am immorality!” On the contrary, evil knows how to hide behind the mask of good.

So, good and evil are the basic concepts of ethics. They serve as our guide in the vast moral world. A moral person strives to build his activity in such a way as to suppress evil and create good. Man is a moral being, he is called to live according to the laws of morality, which are comprehended in ethics, and not according to the laws of the jungle, where the strong is always right.

Morality evaluates all our actions, actions from the point of view of humanism, determines whether it is good or bad, good or evil. If our actions are useful to people, contribute to the improvement of their lives - this is good, this is good. They do not contribute, they interfere - this is evil. The English philosopher I. Bentham formulated such a criterion of goodness: "The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people." If you disagree with Bentham, give your own interpretation of goodness. Analyze your actions, your activities, using the concept of ethical values, and you will be able to discover the secret of good and evil. They become good only when they lead an intensive moral life (do good). And the road to good will be mastered by the walking one.

Social studies lesson in grade 9

Topic : Moral choice: good and evil

Goals: Reveal the meaning of the basic moral principlesnyaty - good and evil; explain the concept of moralchoice; explain the need for understanding the answerresponsibility for your choice, your actions; understandthe need to overcome evil in oneself. Proceedwork comparing the norms of morality and law (betweenpeople's humanitarian law), for the study of normsIHL on the treatment of the wounded and sick; explainthread the need for tolerant, humane behaviorof people in situations of armed conflict;improving the skills of comparative analysisanalysis of scientific and artistic text; callstrong emotional response to moralproblem (problem of choice).


1. Text of an extract from the Geneva Convention of August 12, 1949 (on the wounded and sick).

2. The text of a work of art (V. Zakrutkin "The Mother of Man" // UM K "Around you - the world." 6th grade, p. 63).

3. Sheet with prepared epigraphs for the lesson.

4. Prepared sheet with the definition of the concept of "evil".

5. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov.

Preparing children (leading task for the lesson)

1. Prepare digital and factual material that tells about the manifestations of good and evil.

2. Make a syncwine "Good".

Lesson Plan

    Introductory stage

    Immersion in the topic through the use of the “teletype” technique (students take turns reading facts prepared at home from the media).

    Working out the concept of "good" using homework - syncwine - and Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary; the concept of "evil" - according to the dictionary and through a conversation with students.

    Statement of the problematic question: "How to make the world kinder?"

    main stage

    Consolidation of knowledge of the norms of International Humanitarian Law, acquaintance with new articles (talk on the text - handout1).

    Work with the text of an excerpt from the story of V. Zakrutin "The Mother of Man". Explain the essence of a person's moral choice, the causes and consequences of this choice.

    Reception "Crossroads": compare the articles of the Geneva Convention and the actions of the heroine of the story Mary (work with text).

    Work with the epigraph (handout 2), recording key words.

    Individual tasks: compose lesson dictionaries.

    Lesson summary

An answer to a problematic question.


On the desk. Algorithm, filled during the lesson

Moral choice:

good and evil



do good

At the behest of the soul

Don't let

momentary judgment


cool down


The weapon of the strong is kindness.

I. Introductory stage

The lesson begins with several students reading prepared media quotes with facts that illustrate the concepts of good and evil.

Sample texts

1. As a result of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, an average of 105 thousand people die in Russia every year.

2. In the XX century. there were two world wars, human losses in which amounted to 72 million people.

3. Russia in the XX century, participated in 13 armed conflicts, the total losses in which amounted to about 30 million people.

4. On September 27, 2003, a 12-magnitude earthquake occurred in Altai. The material damage amounted to about 1 billion rubles. Help was urgently sent to the Altai Republic from Abakan, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk and a number of other Siberian cities. 50 million rubles were allocated by the government, 30 million rubles were collected for the aid fund.

Teacher. What did you feel when you heard these figures and facts?

What do these facts say?

Every day throughout life, we encounter manifestations of good and evil. And every day we have to choose between good and evil. The theme of this lesson is called: "Moral choice: good and evil." At home, you pondered the concept of "good" and made up a syncwine.

1. Introduce us to your work. ( 4-5 students are heard, completed syncwines on album sheets are posted on board .)

2. Along with this worktwo pairs of students are given a taskfind definitions in Ozhegov's dictionaryconcepts of "good" and "evil".(Under the syncwine, op is written definition of the concept of "good").



Fair, positive.

Save, create, help.

Good must overcome evil.

Soul Light.

Good - everything useful, good, positive.

Teacher. Yes, good is beautiful, but there is also evil in the world.

How does the dictionary explain this concept?

writing on the board

Evil is everything negative, the opposite of good.

Teacher. What can be the source of evil?

Students. Human and nature.

Teacher. What can be evil?

Students. Moral, physical.

Teacher . What evil is more terrible for a person - moral or physical?

Listen to the students' answers. Homework: Sincwine "Evil" (for those who wish).

    1. main stage

Teacher. I will introduce you to an ancient Chinese parable.

“Once a young man turned to the sage with a request to take him as his disciple in order to guide him on the path of truth.

- Can you lie? - asked the sage.

- Of course not! - answered the young man.

What about stealing?


What about killing?


- So go, - exclaimed the teacher, - and know all this. And when you know, don't do it!"

Think about the meaning of the parable and comment on it.

Students. Of course, the teacher did not call on the young man to lie, steal and kill, but to feel that this is present in life.

Good and evil are intertwined in our lives, they do not exist without each other.

Without feeling, without understanding evil, a person cannot feel and appreciate good.

Teacher. What do you think is more important - to fight evil or to do good deeds? How to make the world kinder?

In ordinary life, a person can show himself from a favorable side, be hypocritical, hide a bad attitude towards a person under the guise of kindness. But there are such critical situations when this is impossible and a person must make his choice.

War is such a critical situation. It spares neither those who are at war, nor those who are away from hostilities.

Are there rules of law governing relations between people during armed conflicts?

What is the name of this branch of law?

Students. International humanitarian law.

Teacher. Who does IHL protect?

Students. Those who are not directly involved in hostilities: the wounded, the sick, children, the elderly and women ...

Teacher. Whose interests are covered by these chapters?

Students. Wounded and sick.

Teacher. In what cases are parties obliged to protect the sick and wounded?

Students. Under all circumstances...

Teacher. What treatment of the wounded and sick is prohibited by IHL?

What treatment does IHL prescribe for the dead?

How should abuses and violations of IHL be stopped?

Why should parties adhere to IHL?

Listen to the students' answers.

Teacher(Summarizes student responses.) The very situation of an armed conflict contributes to the illegal behavior of its participants, war stimulates violence, it becomes habitual: war devalues ​​moral values. Often a person is driven by fear, hatred, the suffering of loved ones, the desire to avenge fallen comrades. And at this moment, moral norms come to the fore, i.e. rules that tell a person what to do in a particular case. But there are many rules, and a person must constantly think and choose one or another decision.

Who controls our choices?

Students. There is such an invisible, but powerful and strict controller -our conscience.

Teacher. During the Great Patriotic War, punishers burned the farm to the ground, and the inhabitants - some were killed, others were driven into captivity. And now only Mary remains in the ashes, whose husband and son were hanged.

However, a new test awaited Mary, who returned to the burned village...

Students read an excerpt from V. Zakrutkin's story "The Mother of Man".

Questions and task according to the text:

* What historical event is the author describing?

* Find the description of the Germans in the text.

* Why are the descriptions of the German punishers and Werner Bracht different?

* What feelings did Maria experience when she saw a wounded German in the cellar? What decision does she make?

* Why did Maria memorize each of the 9 steps leading to the cellar?

* What choice did Mary face?

* What stopped Mary? Why?

* What does the title of the work tell us?

Teacher. "Nine steps brought Mary closer to a moral decline, but they also elevated her." Confirm with lines from the text.

Draw parallels between the text of the Convention9 handout 1) and the text of V. Zakrutkin's work (work on the text).

Reading a poem by T. Kuzovleva "Do good"

(handout 2).

Teacher. Why can this poem be called an epigraph to this lesson?

Find key words, phrases or sentences that reveal the topic of the lesson.

do good

At the behest of the soul

Don't let

momentary judgment


cool down


The weapon of the strong is kindness.

Teacher. Homework: There are more statements on the epigraph sheet. Choose the one you like best and explain it in a mini-essay.

I II. Lesson summary

Teacher. Once upon a time in ancient times, people came up with this sign

- a sign of harmony and struggle of opposites.

Explain it in terms of our topic.( Correct answer: The more evil in a person, the less good and vice versa).

Teacher. How to make the world kinder?

The students express their opinion.

Teacher. If good and evil are products of the inner, spiritual world of a person, then the fight against evil, the overcoming of evil and the affirmation of good can only take place through internal efforts. He will remain “morally dead” until he internally opposes evil and tries to overcome it in himself.

Reflection students complete the answer sheet

I found out

I understand I'm surprised

Attachment 1

Annex 3

Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field (extract)

Chapter II. Wounded and sick

Article 12 The personnel of the armed forces and other participants in hostilities, in case of injury or illness, must enjoy patronage and protection in all circumstances.

(...) Any infringement on their life and person is strictly prohibited and, in particular, it is forbidden to kill or exterminate them, torture them, conduct biological experiments on them, deliberately leave them without medical care or care, deliberately create conditions for their infection .

Only for medical reasons of an urgent nature priority in the order of medical care is allowed. (...)

Article 15 At all times, and especially after a battle, the parties to the conflict will immediately take all possible measures to seek out and collect the wounded and sick and to protect them from robbery and ill-treatment, to provide them with the necessary care, and also to to find the dead and prevent them from being robbed. (...)

Article 17(...) In addition, the parties to the conflict must see to it that the dead are buried with honor and, if possible, according to the rites of the religion to which they belong, that the graves are respected, concentrated, if possible, according to the nationality of the deceased , were properly maintained and marked in such a way that they could always be found. (...)

Chapter IV. Personnel

Article 24 Medical personnel (...), as well as clergy who are attached to the armed forces, will be respected and protected under all circumstances.

Chapter IX. Prevention of abuses and violations

Article 49 The High Contracting Parties undertake to enact legislation necessary to provide effective criminal penalties for those who commit or order to commit any serious violations of this Convention (...).

Article 50 The serious offenses referred to in the previous article include offenses relating to one of the following acts, if these acts are directed against persons or property protected by this Convention: intentional killing, torture and inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, deliberate infliction of severe suffering or serious injury, injury to health, unlawful, arbitrary and large-scale destruction and appropriation of property not required by military necessity.

Appendix 4

Appendix 2