The script of the musical game program has funny notes. Musical competition "funny notes" class hour on music on the topic

Characters : tiger cub Timka, monkey Lariska, leopard Leonid, cat Lyuska, bull Cyril.

Before the start of the show program, a selection of children's songs from cartoons and fairy tales is played. The venue can be decorated with bright cartoon pictures and balloons, and there is a large stave at the back of the stage. On it are smiling multi-colored notes: DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI. At the forefront - a music stand with music notebook and conductor's baton. Spectators take their seats. “Song of Pan Trulyalyansky” sounds (music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by Y. Tuvim, translation by B. Zakhoder). With a cheerful dance, the leading programs appear on the site: Tiger Cub, Monkey, Leopard, Cat and Bull.

tiger cub(after the dance). Hello, r-r-guys! I am a tiger - r-renok Timka!

Monkey. Hey! I am monkey Lariska!

Leopard. Let me introduce myself, I'm Leonid the leopard!

Cat(takes out the bull by the hand). And this is us - the cat Lyuska and the bull Cyril!

Goby. Moo! It's very nice to meet you!

Monkey. Today we invite you guys to take a walk through the music, game and dance tracks in the country...

Heroes(together). Happy notes!

tiger cub. Let's start with a musical and singing warm-up! Leonid, please conduct for us and the guys!

Leopard. Friends, together with us let's greet cheerful notes! Let's sing the scale "Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si" 3 times! Get ready! Started!

The heroes line up and sing the scale with the children 3 times. Leonid conducts.

Monkey. Fine! You are just great!

goby. Real singers!

Tiger cub. Now let's warm up a bit and dance with us! Indeed, in the country of cheerful notes, all the inhabitants love to dance very much!

The heroes take the children to the playground and dance with them to any songs that are popular with children of this age. musical compositions. After 2-3 dances, they invite the children to take their places in the hall.

goby. You are great guys! You dance well! I saw that you were repeating the movements after us! And it is right! Repeat the dance moves with us, and you can not only learn how to dance, but also win wonderful prizes in the competition "The best dancer in the land of cheerful notes"!

monkey. And now I'm asking for your attention! (Points to the stave.) Surely you guys have seen this wonderful stave? (Children answer.) That's good! Funny notes live on it, and behind each of them hides interesting game! And now I'll take music staff note "Do". And behind it is the game "Here is such a parsley!".

Cat. The rules of the game are very simple! We will now read poetry to you, and you will show the actions of people, animals or objects in the right places.

Heroes(together). Do you understand, friends?

(Children answer.)

Heroes(together). You can start!

monkey. The rattle played...

Heroes(clap hands with children). Clap! Clap! Clap!

Cat. Suddenly Marfushka stomped...

Heroes(stomp with children). Top! Top! Top!

goby. And the frog croaked...

Heroes(with children depict a frog). Qua! Qua! Qua!

Leopard. The chatterbox answered her ...

Heroes(with children nodding their heads). Yes! Yes! Yes!

tiger cub. The mallet sounded...

Heroes(with children depict hammers). Here! Here! Here!

monkey. The cuckoo echoes back to us ...

Heroes(with children make hands a mouthpiece). Ku! Ku! Ku!

Cat. The gun fired loudly...

Heroes(with children hit themselves lightly on the chest). Bach! Bach! Bach!

Goby. And the old lady gasped...

Heroes(with children they grab their heads). Oh! Oh! Oh!

Leopard. A heifer moaned here ...

Heroes(horns are made with children). My! My! My!

tiger cub. A pig squealed with her ...

Heroes(with children they depict patches with their hand). Oink! Oink! Oink!

monkey. The buzzer rang...

Heroes(with children they hit themselves on the knees). Bryak! Bryak! Bryak!

Cat. The jumper jumped...

Heroes(jumping with children). Jump! Jump! Jump!

Leopard and tiger cub. Here's some parsley...

Everything(clap over head). Everything! Everything! Everything!

Heroes(children). Mo-lod-tsy!

Leopard(monkey). Listen, Lariska, don't you want to teach the guys how to dance the African dance "Chunga-changa"?

monkey. Of course I do! Only let the cat Lyuska and Tiger cub Timka help me!

Cat and Tiger. With great pleasure!

goby(removes a note and shows it to the children). This will be the note "D"!

monkey. Let's all dance right there! Repeat after us the dance moves!

The recording features the song "Chunga-changa" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Y. Entin).

Children dance in places, repeating the dance moves of the characters. The best dancers are rewarded with prizes.

Leopard. Guys, we are returning to the musical staff again and shooting another note!

Cat(removes a note from the stave). It's an "Mi" note! And behind it is a medley of funny children's songs!

Tiger cub. We invite you guys to sing along with us a verse and a chorus from famous songs for children!

Goby. We even made pictures of them. And they have the text of each of the songs written on them!

monkey. Wow! The real competition "Ka-ra-o-ke" turns out!

Leopard. Of course! And those who will try hardest of all, we will reward with prizes!

goby(to children). Well, friends, let's sing together?

(Children answer.)

Leopard. That's good! Come on, Cyril and Timka, quickly bring the picture songs!

Tiger Cub and Goby bring out bright karaoke pictures with lyrics on them. Heroes with children sing along the verse and chorus of the following songs:

1. “Song about a giraffe” (music by Yu. Chichkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

2. “We divide everything in half” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Tslyatskovsky).

3. "Where are wizards found?" (music by M. Minkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).

4. "Bu-ra-ti-no!" (music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

5. “There is nothing better in the world” (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

At the end of the competition, the distinguished children are awarded with prizes!

Heroes(after potpourri). Fabulous!

Tiger cub.

We invite you to dance!

The fun will be top notch!

Cat. Don't spare your palms...

Monkey. Warm up your feet while dancing!

Heroes(together). Everybody is dancing! Guys, we invite you!

Children dance with the characters of the show program, repeat their movements. Any pop popular music for guys in this category can also be used here. At the end of 2-3 dances, children are rewarded with prizes.

Cat. Attention! Attention! Magic hat!

The steer brings in a bright cylinder with stars.

Cat. Here in this hat are forfeits with the names of the following notes! (Points to a boy and a girl.) Come out and pull out the forfeits!

The heroes choose children who take out forfeits with the names of the next two notes.

Tiger cub. It's the note "F"!

monkey. And the note "Salt"! B ych about k. What note do we start with?

Cat. Let's do it like this! I put this phantom in the right foot, but this one in the left! Now I hide them behind my back and quickly change them! Come on, guys, choose forfeits!

Children choose fantas. Depending on the chosen fanta, the heroes play games.

Note "F" - relay race "Multi-pulti".

Note "Salt" - riddles.

Relay "Multi-remote"

1. Run from start to finish with a soft toy cartoon on your shoulder.

2. Move as quickly as possible from start to finish a lot of small cartoon characters.

3. Putting on the masks of the heroes of the fairy tale about Pinocchio (Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Artemon, Harlequin, talking Cricket), dance the “Letka-enka” dance as a team from start to finish.

4. From start to finish, who will walk the giant's steps faster.

5. From start to finish, who will walk the steps of the Dwarf Nose faster.


1. He loves everyone invariably,

Who would come to him.

Guessed? This is Gena

This is Gena ... (Crocodile).

2. He is both cheerful and not malicious,

This cute weirdo.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin -

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, walking is a holiday.

And on honey - a special scent.

This plush prankster

Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh).

3. Long unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend!

All according to an interesting fairy tale

Onion boy sign

Very simple, albeit long,

He is called ... (Cipollino).

4. He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals.

And once a hippopotamus

He pulled it out of the swamp.

He is famous, famous -

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit).

The heroes carry out a relay race with the children, then they make riddles in turn. Children are awarded prizes for show jumping. After that, Cyril takes out a magic bag.

Tiger cub. Oh, Cyril, what do you have?

goby. Don't you know, Timka, that behind the note "La" the game "Magic Bag" was hidden?

tiger cub. Very interesting! Let me see!

He goes to the stave and removes the note. Then he shows it to the guys.

tiger cub. Indeed, friends, it says here: "Play with me in a magic bag." Great!

Leopard. And what is this game?

monkey. I know this game. Can you explain to me?

Everything. Explain, Larissa!

monkey. Guys, now you will try to identify by touch one or another item in the bag, if you manage to give the correct answer, you will receive a prize!

tiger cub. Oh, terribly interesting, let's play faster with the guys!

Everything. Let's!

The game "Magic bag" is being played. The heroes approach the children, they try to identify the items in the bag by touch. The winners are awarded prizes.

Cat. Guys, you did an excellent job with the task, and we have one note left on the stave!

tiger cub(removes a note from the camp). It's a "C" note!

Leopard. And behind it is the game "Put the tail on the donkey Na"!

monkey. Oh-oh-oh! What, he lost it?

Cat. Here's a failure!

tiger cub. Once Na was walking through the forest and his charming tail caught on a bush, the donkey went on, and the tail remained hanging on the bush. When Eeyore found out about the loss, he was very upset.

Leopard. We found the tail and decided to help the donkey.

tiger cub(to children). Guys, we suggest you put the tail of Eeyore in its original place.

The Cat and the Monkey take out the image of Eeyore and his tail.

goby. We need six guys. (To the children.) Who wants to help the donkey Eeyore? Raise your hands!

Children raise their hands. Heroes choose players. They ask what their names are. They line up in one lily, facing the viewer.

goby. Now you will be blindfolded and you will turn around yourself 3 times, then, holding the tail in your hand, try to attach the tail to Eeyore. Remember: you must take exactly five steps to the donkey!

The heroes play the game "Put a tail on Eeyore" with the children. The winners are awarded with prizes!

Leopard. Guys, you did an excellent job with the task, and now we again want to invite you to a fun and incendiary dance!

The heroes take the children to the playground and dance with them to any popular cheerful music. The best dancers again receive prizes. Children after dancing take their places in the auditorium.

tiger cub. Hello!

Cat. You dance beautifully!

Goby. And you are great at playing and guessing riddles!

Monkey. And you can sing songs very well!

Heroes(friendly). Mo-lod-tsy!

Leopard. But before we say goodbye to the country of cheerful notes, we will all sing the scale together: “Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si”!

The heroes line up and sing the scale together with the children. Leonid conducts. Further in the recording there is a song about the cat Leopold “If you are kind ...” (music by B. Saveliev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

Heroes perform the final number. After that, they wave their hands to the children, saying goodbye, and disappear backstage.

Competition "Funny notes"

Target: The development of children's cognitive abilities, mental activity.

Raise the desire to participate in team competitions.


Leading: We all love listening to music. Music has become such an integral part of our lives that without it we can no longer imagine our existence. TV, radio, music center - music flows from everywhere. With the sounds of our favorite melody, our mood improves, we want to sing and dance. And today our competition is dedicated to her - Her Majesty Music. Let's split into two teams and start playing.

1 COMPETITION "Musical riddles"

You all know that we hear music thanks to musical instruments.

I'll tell you guys

Very difficult riddles.

Guess, don't yawn

Answer in unison!

Guessing the names of musical instruments. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.


1. She sometimes cries, then sings, 1. The box is dancing on her knees -

When along the strings on her That sings, then weeps bitterly.

The bow floats. (VIOLIN) (HARMONICA)

2. Leather on top, leather on the bottom. 2. Youth from different countries

3. I stand on three legs, 3. We will go in a round dance,

Legs in black boots, Let's sing the song louder.

Black teeth, pedal. Guess it will rattle us

I am called ... (PIAN) Veselushka ... (BALALAYKA)

4. I put a pipe to my lips - 4. Six and seven-stringed.

A trill poured through the forest, Light and good.

The tool is very fragile. Always necessary,

It is called (SVIREL) Irreplaceable

Camping by the fire. (GUITAR)

5. He knows how to play both "forte" and "piano". 5. From accordion he was born,

That's why they called him... (PIANO) I became friends with the piano.

He looks like a button accordion

What will you call him? (ACCORDION)

(summarizing the results of 1 competition)

2 COMPETITION "Come up with a word"

Leading: Guys, let's repeat the notes with you. How many are there? (7). I will say a note to each team, and you must come up with words whose first syllable is the name of the note. 1 point for each correct word.


1. BEFORE - house, rain, daughter, board, road .. etc. one. Re - radish, mode, repair, rebus, etc.

2. MI - peace, mirage, mimosa, mixer, etc. 2. F - minced meat, headlight, beans, apron, etc.

3. LA - strap, frog, blunders, lyas, etc. 3. SI - lilac, strength, syrup, etc.

4. SALT (for both teams) - salt, beans, solfeggio

(summarizing the results of 2 contests)

3 COMPETITION "Musical Chamomile"

Leading: To participate in the next competition, each team needs three people. Participants take it in turns to tear off the petals from the chamomile and complete tasks related to music. For each correct answer - 1 point.


  1. What note is put in the soup? (SALT)
  2. What key does not come out of the ground and does not open anything? (VIOLIN)
  3. Seven guys on the ladder played a song? (NOTES)
  4. author piece of music? (COMPOSER)
  5. He lives without a language, does not eat or drink, but speaks and sings. (RADIO)
  6. What notes can measure space? (MI-LA-MI)

(summarizing the results of the 3rd competition)

4 COMPETITION "Guess the song"

(Both teams are given seven pictures depicting various objects. Participants must remember the songs in which these words-objects are mentioned. For each correct answer -1 point).



1 Potato "Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes"

2 snail "From a smile it will become brighter for everyone"

3 sun "Let there always be sky"

4 goose “Two funny geese lived with a grandmother”

5 wagon “The blue wagon is running and swinging” 6 Santa Claus “Santa Claus brought a Christmas tree to the children”

7 spruce "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"



1 loaf "Loaf whom you want to choose"

2 grasshopper "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass"

3 harmonica "And I play the harmonica"

4 dog "Lost dog named Druzhok"

5 birch "There was a birch in the field"

6 umbrella "The most important thing is the weather in the house"

7 bear "Somewhere in the world"

(summarizing the results of 4 competitions)

5 COMPETITION "Forest singers"

Leading: Speaking of music, we usually mean that it is performed by a person. But let's remember whose choir we hear in the summer in the forest? Certainly a bird. And now try to guess riddles about birds. For each correct answer - 1 point.


  1. There is a trunk, a stake on the trunk.

On the stake of the palace, in the palace of the singer. (STARLING)

2. He builds his nest in the field,

Where plants grow.

His songs and flight

Went into poetry. (LARK)

3.Flew to us, finally

Our best singer.

He sings day and night. (NIGHTINGALE)

4. A colorful bird, she herself is small,

5. She is long-tailed,

From the back black - black,

The belly is white and the shoulders.

Chattering instead of speech.

At least he sees someone - in an instant

Raises a chirp - a cry. (MAGPIE)

6. Who is in a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (WOODPECKER)


  1. Coloration - greyish,

Habit - thieving,

hoarse screamer -

A famous person is (CROW)

  1. little boy

In a gray coat

Sneaking around the yards

Collects crumbs. (SPARROW)

  1. Guess what kind of bird:

Afraid of the bright light

Crocheted beak, patchy eyes.

Eared head. This is (OWL)

4. In winter, there are apples on the branches!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly - apples fluttered.

After all, this is (SNEGIRI)

  1. Having eaten fish to satiety,

She was on vacation by the sea. (GULL)

  1. Standing on one leg

He gazes into the water.

He pokes at random with his beak - he is looking for frogs in the river. (HERON)

(summarizing the results of the 5th competition)

6 COMPETITION "Yes" and "No"

Leading: Guys, now I will give you cards on which the words "yes" and "no" are written. And then I will take turns asking questions to each team. All team members must correctly answer five questions by holding up the appropriate card.


  1. Beethoven, Tchaikovsky are composers (YES cards)
  2. L. Agutin, D. Bilan are famous football players (“NO” cards)
  3. "Wooden Table" is the name of the song ("NO" cards)
  4. K. Orbakaite. N. Koroleva are pop singers (“YES” cards)
  5. K. Meladze, I. Nikolaev - write the words of the songs ("YES" cards)


  1. A. Pugacheva, S. Rotaru -these are famous figure skaters (“NO” cards)
  2. “Birthday is a holiday of childhood” - this is a line from a song (cards “YES”)
  3. M. Boyarsky - famous artist singing in the cinema (YES cards)
  4. F. Kirkorov, V. Leontiev - sing romances (cards "NO")
  5. "A Million Scarlet Roses" is the title of the song ("YES")

(summarizing the results of the 6th competition). Summarizing.

Leading: Our competition has come to an end. I wish you to keep the love of music. She will give you a lot wonderful moments. When we listen to it, we remember good people smile at her like good friend. Goodbye, see you again!

"Funny notes"

Music and entertainment game program

Target: contribute to the development of cognitive interest in musical art.


1) the formation of skills and knowledge through gaming activities;

2) the development of mental activity, ingenuity, ingenuity;

3) fostering interest and love for the art of music, artistic taste;

4) the formation of a sense of collectivism and healthy competition.

Event progress:

Leading: Hello guys!!! Congratulations on the start of spring break. I invite everyone to rise from their seats.


The alarm clock rang at seven, And we have holidays!

Everyone needs to work, And we have holidays!

After all, we can’t run to school, Since we have holidays!

You can jump and squeal, After all, we have holidays!

You can sing and somersault, After all, we have a vacation!

We will clap our hands 5 times (1,2,3,4,5)
We stomp our feet 5 times (......)
Let's jump 5 times (.....)
5 kicks with our feet (.....)
Let's turn 5 times together (.....)
And of course we will smile .... :) Well done! I welcome you to our entertainment event "Funny notes"

Leading: Music lives everywhere. We are surrounded by sounds everywhere - noisy, singing, playing, musical. Tell me, guys, with what we can record music? ( notes) Right!

Seven silver bells

Friendly, fun living

They sing cheerfully.

Leading: Children, we use LETTERS to write words, and NOTES to write music. What notes do you know? ( answer) How many are there? ( answer)

Yes, seven is a very mysterious, important number. How many days in a week? How many colors does the rainbow have? How many miracles in the world? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? There is a fairy tale wolf and how many kids? Right!

All notes live in the house. It is called a stave or a house for music. And each note lives only in its own apartment, only in its own specific place. Let's call the notes in chorus. I will start and you will continue.


We know the scale for a long time,

Ahead of all note "before"

And behind her on the mountain

Waving a note "re"

Third note of seven

Unconditional, note "mi"

Drawn graph

And under it is a note "F"

There are beans in the garden

Here, in notes only "salt"

Quickly moving a finger

Let's play a note "la"

Ask all the guys

After "la" because the note "si"


Before you is a musical staff, seven notes, seven tasks in it. You will complete each task, for a correctly completed task you will receive notes-tokens.

    Task "I'll start, and you continue"

Leading: I will call the beginning of the line from the song, and you continue.

1) You and me, you and me, ... ..

2) A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, ......

3) Let them run awkwardly, ....

4) This jam is being cooked, ... ..

5) There are friends, and for them,……..

6) If there was no winter, ....

7) A Christmas tree was born in the forest, ....

8) There is nothing better in the world, ....

2. Task "Who is more ?!"

Leading: List as many musical instruments as possible in 1 minute.

3. Task "Find an extra word"

Leading: I will list the tools, your task is to find the extra one.

1. Violin, pipe, cello, double bass.

2. Piano, grand piano, guitar, piano.

3.Accordion, bow, horn, conductor's stick.

4. Accordion, drum, button accordion, accordion.

5. Trombone, trumpet, tuba, balalaika.

4. Task "Musical words"

Leading: For this task, it is enough for you to know the names of the notes that make up the well-known scale: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si. I will show you pictures, 2 you need to highlight the notes in these pictures: tomato, time, sausage, house, stroller, thank you, beans, lilac, sundress, frog.

5. Task "Who came to visit us"

During the task, a phonogram is turned on with a recording of the playing of various musical instruments, the guys guess which instrument sounds and name it.

6. The task “The bird on the tail brought”

Leading: You will be offered idioms related to music. Their meaning must be explained.

- Play first violin.

- The bear stepped on the ear.

- Sings like a nightingale.

7. Task "Do you know?"


1) What notes grow in the garden? (beans)

2) How many notes do you need to compose a song? (7 notes)

3) Without this note, porridge will not be tasty? (salt)

4) What key does not open the door? (music)

5) What note do you express your good mood, do children also call the doll that way? (la-la)

6) What note likes to be first? (note C)

7) What wind musical instrument do many animals wear on their heads? (Horn.)

8) What song did the squirrel sing in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"? ("In the garden or in the garden")

9) What is the name of a large group of singers? (Chorus)

10) What about musicians playing musical instruments? (Orchestra)

11) This musical instrument is called the "Queen of Music". (Violin) 12) What is the name of the musical performance in which the characters dance? (Ballet)

13) And the performance in which the characters sing? (Opera)

14) What is the name of the head of the choir or orchestra? (Conductor)

Leading: Since we are talking about the conductor, I offer you the last musical assignment, which is called "Merry conductor"

The host selects willing participants from the audience, in front of them on the chairs lie noise instruments, on a signal, the participants run to the chair, take the instrument, sit on the chair, the one who did not get the instrument becomes the conductor. Then, to cheerful music, the participants play instruments.

Leading: Our event has come to an end. All participants performed their tasks with dignity. All well done! Many thanks to everyone who took part in the tournament and cheered for the teams! Today we have no winners and no losers, because everyone has won. Laughter, humor, ingenuity and resourcefulness won.

Goodbye! See you soon!

Victoria Gertner
Scenario of the holiday "Musical marathon" Funny notes "

Before the beginning musical soundtracks sound in the hall, songs for children.


Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we invite you to take part in our program « funny notes» as part of the All-Russian campaign "I'm talented"

The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,

Us now fun in the morning.

We have a sonorous today celebration

AND chief guest play on it!

As you, I hope, guessed by the name of the program, we will talk about music. Music is songs and dances. This world is amazingly kind and friendly. I want you to be friends with music, and we will try to help you with this, and I invite you to look at us at musical clearing, and this meadow is wonderful, there will be a lot of interesting things on it!

I'm in a hurry to the meadow

Children, if you want

Hurry up after me.

Let's go along the path

We'll find the notes.

Children find colorful notes who found - he becomes a member of the team for music games . Participants sit down at tables and chairs, spectators and fans take their places.

I suggest you split into 2 teams, "Treble clef" And "Octave", (team members sit at tables).

But I did not come alone, but with my assistants.

(Treble Clef exits)

Treble clef:

Hello guys! I hope you all love music and you know a lot of songs, and, for sure, you have no idea fun without funny songs. I am the Treble Clef, the most important in musical literacy . I could not sit at home, having learned that today you have musical holiday.

(Princess Octave exits)

Princess Octave:

And I, Princess Octava, greet all lovers of song and music. Tell me guys, do you like cartoons? (children's answers)

Can you imagine them without children's songs? (children's answers)

We offer an auction of cartoon songs.

Rules of conduct during the competition programs: do not prompt, perform tasks together, do not shout.

Treble clef:

Whoever names the cartoon correctly, according to the song he heard, he receives a token- note. Well, at the end of our event, we will determine the winning team by the number of notes.

(guessed for 5 songs to one and the other team)

Tasks for the team "Octave":

Antoshka (from m / f « fun carousel» );

Song of a mammoth (from m / f "Mammoth");

Song of the Waterman (from m / f "Flying ship");

Song of the Crocodile Gena (from m/f "Cheburashka");

Blue wagon (from m/f "Old Woman Shapoklyak").

Tasks for the team "Treble clef":

Clouds (from m/f "Tryam - hello!");

If you are kind (from m/f "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat");

Chunga-Changa (from film "Katerok");

Smile (from m / f Little Raccoon ");

Lullaby of the she-bear (from m/f "Umka").

Dance is a game for everyone

And now, guys, we'll have a little rest. We do like me.

Clap your hands, stomp your feet!

Head to and fro!

And now stronger elbows

Let's work, friends!

Now stop

And all turn into cats!

(And turn into dogs, and into bears, and into bunnies.))

Oh, how nice it turned out

The whole clearing revived!

Dance is a game "If having fun, do it"


And I will hold a relay race for you - « funny notes» !

Somewhere in a fairy-tale land, girlfriends lived - were,

They had musical names:

Dolly, relly, milli, fally, solly, lyalli, silli.

Lived very well loved music.

Let's play together with them, start the relay race!

Each team should take their note, run to the music staff and arrange notes on the lines! Whoever does it neatly and quickly gets a token!

Well done boys! And now I'll take a quiz with you "Did you know musical instruments

I will ask questions to the teams, one question each, and for the correct answers you will receive tokens.

Team questions "Octave":

Guess the riddles:

1. Sound kept uneasy

The holes in the sticks are empty.

Who will press the holes

And blow, he will understand. (Answer: pipe)

2. The piano and button accordion made friends

And united forever.

And you guess the name

Commonwealth of furs and keys? (accordion)

3. He looks like a rattle,

It's just not a toy. (maracas)

4. This stringed instrument

Will ring at any moment -

And on stage in the best room,

And on a camping trip (guitar)

5. As if the girl sang,

And the room seemed to light up.

The melody glides so flexibly.

Everything is quiet: playing (violin)

Team questions "Treble clef":

6. I stand on three legs,

Feet in black boots

White teeth, pedal

What is my name? (piano)

7. At dinner they eat soup,

By the evening "will speak".

wooden girls,

Musical sisters.

Play a little too

On beautiful bright (spoons)

8. The musician takes the bow,

He goes to the instrument.

Let's call it now

Is there bass in the orchestra pit? (double bass)

9. Three strings, but what a sound!

With overflows, alive.

I recognize him at the moment -

The most Russian instrument (balalaika)

10. I pressed the keys Anton,

Sting on the buttons Ivan,

And the accordion sounded

And played... (accordion)

Treble clef:

Well done! You have worked hard! I allow you to rest! And I have prepared an interesting little film for you about musical instruments!

View video about musical instruments.

Princess Octave:

Guys, maybe we will also hold a dance competition? I think no one will refuse, because all children love to dance.

I invite everyone to dance "One, palm"

And now the competition!

Imagine that now the melody of V. Shainsky will sound "Smile". Try to come up with a dance composition for this melody, according to the task received.

Please get the envelopes with the task and complete it.

(teams receive two envelopes with tasks)

"I broke my mother's favorite vase";

"They bought me a soccer ball".

Princess Octave:

Well done! This concludes the competition program. Guys, you all actively participated in the competitions, each of you tried. You know a lot of songs, well done. According to the results of the competitions, 1st place for the team, 2nd place for the team ... Rewarding the teams with diplomas.

Did you like the event? Why does a person need music? (children's answers)

Treble clef:

Believe me, the Earth is more talented than all the planets,

Believe me that there are no mediocrities in the world,

Just take a closer look around you

And you will suddenly see -

One knows how to dance well,

The other one is good at drawing

One knows how to sing, dance,

Another knows how to write poetry for everyone.

Do you want to be an artist -

Must have talent

Do you want to be a journalist?

Must have talent

Do you want to be a hockey player?

Must have talent

It just has to be talent.

Let not everyone become a physicist,

Let not everyone become a lyricist,

But the main thing is given to us - the gift of flying,

We have been given the talent to dream.

We have been given the main thing - the gift of flying,

We have been given the main thing - the gift of dreaming,

The main thing given to us is the gift of love,

AND true friend to be.

Princess Octave:

The time has come for us to say goodbye

But we want to wish you:

Always be healthy

fun to laugh

FROM music and songs, friends,

Never part.


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your attention.

And, saying goodbye, we say to you - goodbye.

Competitive game program for schoolchildren younger age. The program consists of seven competitions: "Musical warm-up", "Auction of "musical" words", "Guess the melody", "Guess the musical instrument", "Solve puzzles", " noise orchestra" and "Blitz-tournament". Musical pauses are provided between the competitions.



Competitive game program "Musical Kaleidoscope"

for younger students

Leading: Good afternoon to all who have gathered today in our cozy hall for

competitive game program"Musical Kaleidoscope".

I can't live a day without music!

She is in me. She is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,

In the silence of grasses and in a rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth ...

But how can she live without us

At least a day, half a day? At least an hour!

Without our thoughts and earthly joys,

Without trifles funny and unfunny? ..

We thank her for everything! talking

And, believing in its triumph, we create! (O. Gadzhikasisov)

Wherever a person works or rests, music sounds. It helps to cheer up, supports in difficult times. And our today's competition program is very closely connected with music and musical instruments. Each of you will be able to show your Creative skills, ingenuity, musical erudition. In between rounds, in musical breaks, students will perform in front of you creative association"Domisolka". Now let me introduce you to the participants. (Children make up musical names commands).I wish the teams good luck. So here we go!

For all correct answers and completed tasks, you will receive small musical note badges. The team with the most number of notes will be the winner of our game. Are you ready to overcome all obstacles? Now let's check!

The first competition "Musical warm-up"

You need to finish the lines of the poems.

I dream of becoming an artistfamous pianist

To play music I will study notes

I will sit on the sofa draw a musical staff

A beam dances on the wall this is my treble clef

We will study with him without worries from eat cheerful sonorous notes!

To make it easy to rememberwe will call them

The duck sat on the nest it will be a note to

Sleeping dog in the yard it will be a note RE

Cat from the tree with them this will be the note MI

A bustard runs across the steppe it will be FA

And a moth flies in the closet this will be the note SALT

I see a crane in the sky this will be the note la

Carp shine in the sea this will be the SI note

Mom, mom, how happy I amI know the full scale

I will answer you askDO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI. (D. Smiles)

The second competition is "Auction of "musical" words".

Teams need to come up with as many words as possible containing the names of notes.

Do - house, road, chisel ...

The third contest "Guess the melody"

Each team is invited to guess a particular song from a short piece of music. If the song is guessed correctly, sing 1 verse.

1. A small Christmas tree is cold in winter ...

2. New Year's toys.

3. Antoshka.

4. Everyone needs friends.

5. A grasshopper was sitting in the grass ...

6. That's what a Christmas tree.

Musical pause. (Song "Gnomiki").

The fourth contest "Guess the musical instrument."

So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,to make time go faster

Friends, we invite youto riddles soon.

1 .He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, there it is.

I won't suggest

Everyone knows ... (accordion).

2 .Smooth bow movements

The strings tremble

The motive murmurs from afar,

Sings about the lunar wind.

How clear is the overflow of sounds,

They have joy and a smile,

Sounds dreamy...

Its name is ... (violin).

3 .I stand on three legs, legs in black boots.

White teeth, pedal. What is my name?(piano).

4 .I put a pipe to my lips -

A trill poured through the forest, -

The instrument is very fragile.

It is called ... (pipe).

5. You will take it in your hands

You stretch, then you squeeze.

loud, elegant,

Russian, two-row(harmonic).

6. Whipping sticks on the back,

But it doesn't hurt me at all

I crack and rumble

I teach you to walk in step(drum).

And now on the board you will be presented with pictures that depict musical instruments. You will open 1 square. Your task is to guess the music. tool by opening as few squares as possible.

Answer: trumpet, piano, accordion, violin.

Musical pause. (Song "New Year's Disco")

Fifth competition: "Guess the puzzles"

Teams are invited to guess musical puzzles.

Sixth competition: "Noise Orchestra"

There are children's music on the table. instruments - spoons, tambourines, music. hammers, rattles - maracas, rumba, etc. Teams are invited to play the orchestra rhythmically, together, without drowning each other out by 1 piece. Who will be more musical and accurate will receive an additional note.

1.Polka. M.I. Glinka

2. Russian folk song"Like ours at the gate."

Seventh competition "Blitz-tournament"

Two participants from each team are invited. Now a blitz tournament is being announced. Team members take turns answering questions. For each correct answer, a note badge is given.

1 .What do we hear with our ears?(sound).

2 .What are the names of graphic signs for recording musical sounds?(notes).

3 .What is pulled on the guitar(strings).

4. Solemn song - a symbol of the state(hymn).

5 .Sad sad sounding music(minor).

6 .What each person has arises as a result of fluctuations in the ligaments(voice).

7 .Cheerful optimistic sound of music(major).

8 .A play in a clear rhythm to accompany military parades, demonstrations, processions(march)

10 . Numerous team of instrumental musicians(orchestra)

Leading: Time flew by unnoticed. Our competition program has come to an end. Now the jury will announce the final results (counting the notes won). Let's support the teams with a round of applause.