The name of the homework of the school kvn. Homework script for the KVN school team

Scenario of the holiday "Initiation into dancers"

Hello dear guests! We are glad to see you at our holiday “Initiation to Karuselevtsy”! Many of you have been studying in our studio for several years, have proved yourself at concerts, and have remained devoted to our team. Among you there are also new guys who came recently, but we hope that they will also become devoted members of our friendly family. Today we want to initiate you into our ranks and give you the title of "Young Dancer of the Carousel Ensemble". We invite our children to come to us. (Children come out beautifully to the music with a dance step, after them Dyudyuka hobbles clubfoot).
And who is this? As far as I know, we don't have such dancers! What is your name? Dyudyuka: My name is Dyudyuk. I heard that some kind of holiday is planned for you here, gifts will be distributed. I want gifts too!
What a holiday! Yes, we have the most important holiday! "Initiation into dancers"! And gifts will be only for those who cope with all the trials. For example, can you dance?
I? Yes, I'm the best dancer in the world, by the way! (Starts to dance, slips and falls a little.)
Oh-oh-oh... Be careful. Can you even stand in the first position? Or maybe you will play port de bras for us?
What-what? .. Why are you aunty swearing here with all sorts of words?
Well, since you don’t know anything, sit down and see where you got to, what kind of holiday we have. And the guys from junior group you will be shown what you need to know to become a young dancer. Dance performed: "Estonian Polka"
Well, can you do that? But don't worry, Dudyuk. The kids will teach you. They just won't give you gifts. We bring gifts for the holiday Dance Fairy - Terpsichore. And only those who were able to overcome themselves were not afraid of difficulties ...

Be patient... who? Oh, again you are talking about some kind of Pepsi-Cola ... Let's introduce me to these teachers of yours, and I myself will figure out how to ask them for gifts. Name all the teachers who work for you. (Children call teachers)
: So, wait, I'm completely confused ... And who teaches music? I’ll ask everyone to line up, I’ll take pictures of you now! (Photo for memory)
: Guys, what qualities, in your opinion, should a dancer have? The children answer. Music sounds. Against her background:
: Here we come to the most important thing! You just said what you should be, because you are going to devote yourself to one of the most beautiful arts on earth - choreography! To bear this proud title, you must pass the test! Dudyuk, you can also take part in our tests. - The first test of fortitude. Music game
Task: from a squat position, spreading your arms to the sides, you need to slowly rise and inhale air through your nose. This happens throughout the entire musical phrase. At the word "Clap!" it is necessary to clap your hands in time and release air through your mouth, while sitting down. This is repeated 3 times. And parents and guests can also test their fortitude with us. Music game

: Everyone coped with the task. Well done! The next test is for resistance to difficulties. A game
everyone stands on one leg for a certain amount of time. At the same time, the second leg is bent at the knee and raised high, the toe is stretched, the arms are spread apart in different sides. Let's see how long you last on one leg. Parents can give a helping hand to those who will stand unsteadily, because all our young dancers will always need your support!

Q: Can you improvise?
: Again, some words are incomprehensible, but in Russian - is it possible?
To improvise means to invent, compose right there.
: Oh, yes, easily! True guys!
I will ask the participants to divide into 4 groups and come up with 1-2 dance moves. You have 2 minutes to prepare. I invite group number 1 to the stage. Are you ready to dance what you have come up with?
Music! Let's dance! Well done!  And now I ask you to perform the same movements as if a light breeze is blowing. Amazing! I invite group number 2 to the stage - are you ready?  And now I will ask you to dance as if you were big old pans. Applause!  I invite group No. 3 to the stage - music sounds, you dance.  And now we dance like aliens. Perfectly! Group 4 is ready?
Yes! 1: Music! And now - like Baba Yaga! Well done guys - you did it
: Tell me, what kind of adults are sitting here? Are they also waiting for gifts? So I won't get anything at all!
Calm down, Dyudyuka, these adults are the parents of our pupils. They came to cheer for them. But we will check them too. Are they ready to become real helpers for the guys? I will ask
questions and offer you multiple answers. And you must choose the only correct answer. You are ready? (There is a comic competition for parents). Questions and answers: 1. What is the name of our holiday today?  Day of Music.  African Independence Day.  Birthday of Roman Borisovich.  Initiation into dancers. 2. Name the fourth note of the stave.  Ha.  Fa.  Si.  Zee. 3. What is the name of the object that the dancer holds on to during classical lessons?  Branch.  Stick.  Device.  Machine. 4. What is the name of the Dance Fairy?  Verka Serduchka.  Terpsichore.  Maya Plisetskaya.  Olga Vladimirovna. 5. What is the name of the ballerina's shoes?  High boots.  Fur coats.  Slippers.  Pointe shoes.

You see, Dyudyuka, what wonderful parents we have.
: Oh, can I check how parents are ready for their duties? (Conducts competitions) - First task: Your child has a concert today. In this bag, put everything he needs to go on stage. Folded? Checking! Well done! - Task two: What days does your child go to classes? Absolutely right! - Task three: What is the full name of the ensemble in which your child is engaged?
: Well, they know everything, they can do everything!
Do you see Dudyuk, how do the guys and parents cope with all the trials? It remains only to give them helpful tips, about how to learn to dance and succeed.
Well, I do not! I'll give them some advice myself. And let the guys decide for themselves whether to agree with me or not. (Dyudyuka jumps, grimaces and sings or recites poetry by heart).
"Bad advice" Dyudyuki:
Do not rehearse anything, and do not learn dances, And if you are called to work on a day off, Silently step aside, stand modestly in a corner, And stand quietly, not moving until your old age. I guarantee you that you will never again be invited to perform on stage here. If they didn’t put you in the dance, And didn’t call you to the rehearsal, You need to be offended by the teacher
And leave the lesson on a cold night. But it's not just to wander the streets, And go to the dense, dark forest. There you will immediately meet a hungry wolf And, of course, he quickly eats you. That's when the teachers will understand They will scream, cry and run in And they will immediately put you in the best dance - To perform on the stage of the Philharmonic. When your teacher begins to stretch you, Do not expect mercy from him Do not shed tears in vain. You just pinch him, Or better yet, bite him, so that he never approaches you again.
Guys, do you want to follow Duduka's advice? Do you want to be the same? You know, Dyudyuka, I was a little worried. Our holiday is drawing to a close, but Terpsichore is still gone.
Hello guys. I have been watching you and I know that you coped well with all the tests. I want to say that you are worthy of the title of "Young Dancers of the Carousel Ensemble". In my hands is a document of special importance! Pay attention to it. On this scroll we will write Your names clearly,
We wrap it up, put a seal - Look, here it is. (Names are read.) Years later, your graduation exam will take place, That's when we'll open this secret list for everyone. Try to stay in it, And not drop out halfway, And in the same line-up Everyone will reach graduation! This scroll will be kept until the very graduation class.
And now, dear guys, we will pronounce the oath of the "Young Dancers". You need to repeat the word together - “I swear!” I solemnly swear! I will achieve success in dancing! I swear! I'll pass any test! And I'll do my best! I swear! I swear to become a strong dancer! Learn the art of dance! I swear! Respect all teachers, And do not offend anyone! I swear!
I swear to protect the honor of the team, to perform at all concerts! I swear! I swear and after many years Leave a trace in the heart of the dance! I swear!
(crying): And the gifts-and-and ...? You promised gifts!
You, Dyudyuka, still have a lot to learn, come to study with us, and the guys coped with all the tasks, so I prepared gifts for them. And now my assistants will hand them over. (Presenting gifts).
It's not fair. Let the parents swear! And I will help them: The oath of the parents of "Karuselevtsy" - I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father) Always say “Well done” to the child! I swear! Bring the children to class on time, I swear not to be late for the lesson. I swear! I swear at concerts and competitions of all I am "Bravo!" scream the loudest of all! I swear! And if I break my oath, then I give my last tooth,
Then I promise my child Feed daily boiled condensed milk! I swear! Then I'll be the perfect parent. And I will never forget my vow! I swear!
How cool you guys are here! But it's time for me to return to the beautiful world of dance, I've been staying with you. I congratulate all the guys. Now you have not only received the title of dancers, but have also become full members of the Carousel Exemplary Choreographic Ensemble. And with you, Dyudyuka, we will meet next year, when you will learn a lot. Goodbye, guys.
I wish you all the best, perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goals. Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Only together, only together We can save our world! We do not need so much - To live in this world! To have someone to laugh with, to say a good word! To live and wonder, And plant seeds of joy! Goodbye, see you again!

Participate: presenter and high school students.

Equipment, design, visibility: the hall is decorated with balls, costumes of heroes, cards with words, a music center, certificates, certificates of a young choreographer for each student.


Our school is chaotic and noisy.

Will start soon!

Where is my suit?

Olya and Vanya, give flags!...

Whispering, moving, arguing, laughing.

What kind of holiday is being prepared here?

It looks like guests of honor will come?

Maybe the generals will come?

Maybe the admirals will come?

Maybe a hero who has circled the whole world?

Not! Not! Not!

Quit guessing in vain - look, here they are - guests!

Follow me with a brisk step
Get going, friends
To you on the holiday of dedication,
You can't be late
We are very glad to all guests!
The holiday knocked on our house!
First graders, come in!
We look forward to seeing you!

First-graders enter to the solemn music. ( Children are seated in the hall.)


Hello dear children and dear parents. Today we have the first holiday in the first class of the choreographic department of the Children's School of Art - Dedication to students, dedication to young choreographers ...

Just two months ago you came to school without knowing its rules and laws. And today, when you have been visiting it for so many days, when you learned the school rules, plunged into the sea of ​​knowledge, experienced the first difficulties and did not flinch, did not ask to go home, you can be called real students.

We hope that the school will become for you the place where you will learn a lot of interesting things and learn a lot of new things, find good and true friends. And now I want you to say hello to all the guests of our holiday - teachers, parents. But they greeted not simply, as people always and everywhere greet, but in the way that real students of the choreographic department are supposed to greet.

Students get up from their seats and bow.


So that everyone sitting in this hall understands that we have a new cool team at our school, the guys and I will sing a song of friendship called “Kind Bug”.

Music. First graders stand in a circle and sing a song.


Dear Guys! You have studied for a whole quarter at school, you have already learned a lot and learned a lot .. Today we dedicate you to young dancers.
And we all have high hopes for you, dear first-graders.

I have in my hands - a document of special importance! Pay attention to it.

In this scroll we will write
Clearly your names
We'll wrap it up, we'll put a seal -
Look, here she is. ( Names of first graders are read out.)
In years to come
Your graduation exam
Then we'll open it for everyone
This list is secret.
Try to stay in it
And not drop out halfway,
And in the same composition
Everyone get to graduation!

I give this scroll to your teacher - Alena Anatolyevna. It will be kept by her until the very graduation class.

Leading(to parents):

Dance is one of the means of aesthetic education and upbringing creativity in a person. Like any art, dance can bring deep aesthetic satisfaction. A person who dances well experiences a unique feeling of freedom and ease of his movements. In the art of dance, the beauty and perfection of form are inseparable from the beauty of the inner content of the dance. Dance performance carries elements of artistic creativity.

Now the children will perform for you the choreographic sketches that they learned in the lessons. So far, this is only an etude, and not large dance compositions, but this is already the first result of their work. Let's get a look.

Music. First-graders perform choreographic sketches.


In 2010-2011 academic year 19 first-graders entered the choreographic department. This is not enough, all the places are occupied, someone was asked to try again next year. Such an influx suggests that young talents want to dance, because it is the dancer who seeks to express his mood, emotions in a beautiful form of dance, shows his inner qualities, expresses his worldview.

The guys from the senior classes came to congratulate our first-graders.

French dance "Gavotte".


For you, fifth-grade students performed the old French dance Gavotte.

Really nice dance guys? And you know, it takes a lot of effort, work and patience to be able to climb pointe shoes, to have such grace and plasticity! We hope that you will do your best to learn how to dance beautifully.

High school students:

All of you managed to dance
Make friends forever
It means your heart
It can't be ice.

You will feel fun
In the singing of birds in the morning
And the story is sad in ringing
Tears-rain on the glass.

Soon you will be able to
These sounds to pick up
And the possibilities of the body
Picture the whole world.

We are happy to welcome you
To join our friendly team,
But try first
Solve all riddles.

High school students make riddles.

Host: I also want to make a riddle:

What is the cutest thing?
In bread - humpback
In cabbage - stalk
In milk - foam
And at school ....... (break!)

And I suggest everyone to take a break, I propose to arrange a small school break. At recess, you always want to fool around a little, run around and even make some noise.

Game - relay "Magic galoshes". (high school students help)

The boys take their places. (Funny music sounds, a girl appears - Katya Pyaterkina she dances)


Good afternoon! Here I am.
You recognize me.
I am Katya Pyaterkina.
That's what my friends call me.
I see children here
pretty girls
funny boys
Is it here on holiday
Are the first graders here today? - (Yes)

Katia: My high school classmates have prepared some tasks for you. But, I'm afraid that the guys will not cope!

Leading: Today their parents came to the celebration with the children. And I know that they will help their children out. What should be done?

Katia: I will give out syllables, and you need to find a pair and insert them side by side so that you get a word

Leading: The child will have one syllable, and one of the parents will have the second! Be careful when the child gets up with his syllable, the parent should raise the continuation of the word. The child takes from the adult and sticks the whole word on our screen. Katya will help us. (hands out cards with syllables to children and parents)

  1. DANCE;
  3. SKIRT;
  4. CONE;
  5. BOUNCE;
  6. SCENE;
  7. BOW;
  8. ETUDE;
  11. SHORTS;
  12. STICK;
  14. DIARY;
  15. SUIT;
  16. SHOES;
  17. SOCKS;
  18. LESSON;
  19. RUG.

(Assignment: find a pair and insert next to it to make a word)

Leading: What good fellows and children, and parents! All words are related to dance classes, choreography lessons!!!

Katya: And I also suggest playing the game " MONKEYS»
(children repeat after Katya everything that is said in the poem)

We are funny monkeys
We play too loud.
We all stomp our feet
We all clap our hands
We puff out cheeks
We jump on toes.
Together we jump to the ceiling,
Bring the finger to the temple
And even to each other
Let's show the tongues!
Let's open our mouth wide
We'll make all the grimaces.
When I say word three
All freeze with grimaces.
One two Three!

Katia: just great, you completed all our tasks!

Then I will read the order. It was prepared for you by all high school students. When I ask you "You are ready?" answer amicably "Ready" let's try (rehearsal)

- The desired hour has come, You are enrolled in the first class
You friend, listen to us. We give you orders!
You are ready?
Wake up early in the morning, wash your face well
In order not to yawn at school, do not peck at the machine with your nose
You are ready?
Accustom yourself to order Do not play hide and seek with things
Cherish your school uniform Keep your suit clean!
You are ready?
Dress neatly to be pleasant to look at
Don't giggle in class And don't kick your feet!
You are ready?
Do not tease, do not be arrogant At school, try to help everyone
In vain do not frown, be bold And you will find friends for yourself!
You are ready?
Tell everyone about the school Treasure the honor of the school
Learn to dance beautifully To get a mark "5"

Leading: Yes, guys, I see that you are really ready for school, and if so, then you can be called real students. And now the solemn hour has come - Delivery of documents. ( The floor is given to the head teacher of the school.)

Leading: With today you are the real first graders! I congratulate you! I ask you to take the oath of the first grader. Repeat in chorus: "I swear!"

First grader's oath

I swear in front of everyone to try to be healthy, to go to art school regularly!
I swear!
I swear to do all the tasks decently and get "good" and "excellent" in the diary. I swear!
I swear that I will try very hard with my friends not to fight anymore!
I swear!
I swear to be a well-bred child, not to run around the school, but to walk at a pace.
I swear!
And if I break my oath, then I give my milk tooth, Then I promise to wash the dishes forever, and I will not play on the computer!
I swear!
I will always be an ideal student and I will never forget my vows!
I swear!
Moderator (addressing parents):

It is difficult to raise your children, you need to know a lot for this.
I want to wish parents: always help children in everything,
Gather the child to school in the morning, give good parting words in time,
Have time to read a smart book, and don’t forget to take a walk on the weekend,
In order to avoid all diseases, it is necessary to temper children,
Everyone also attends meetings, helps the school as much as possible.
And most importantly - without a doubt - I wish you patience!

Dear parents! It's your turn to take the oath of parents of first graders!

Oath of parents of first graders

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)
Always say "well done" to your child!
I swear!
I swear to leave in due time,
I swear I won't be late for class.
I swear!
I swear in the study of the child not to "build",
I swear with him classical dance master.
I swear!
For deuces I swear I will not scold him
And do lessons to help him.
I swear!
And if I break my oath,
Then I give my last tooth,
Then my promise baby
Feed daily boiled condensed milk!
I swear!
Then I'll be the perfect parent
And I will never forget my vow!
I swear!
Leading: well, here, all oaths are given, all orders are read out, all wishes are said. To congratulate the children, I give the floor to the parent committee.

on this topic“Our school eats this…”

To the music, a group of participants runs onto the stage.

1st: We wanted to meet with our viewer for a long time

2nd: To tell you, like in a movie, about the school week

3rd: Ah! School week! What is not in it.

4th: In it, storms and snowstorms leave their mark.

5th: You can become a sultan in an instant, and thereby glorify your class

6th: You can pick up deuces, or you can fix them.

1st: Rush, seven days will run, and everything will fall into place.

2nd: We will be seven days older ...

All: And this is interesting!

They sing to the motive of a song from the movie "The Island of Bad Luck" by A. Mironov

There is an unusual school here in Donetsk,

The news spread around the school.

Quite unusual news spread around,

There is something interesting about this school.

Happy and not savages live in it,

There are magic whistles on the floor.

Lying on the floor, he picked it up

And, as in good fairy tale you became a sultan.

Sultan (oriental melody sounds ): Well, why are you smiling? It could happen to anyone. It's not my fault that I found the magic whistle.

Shows a whistle, whistles. The music is cut off.

Ugh! He whistled in the wrong direction.

Turns the whistle over and repeats the whistle. The music is repeated.

Wonders. You whistle in one direction - any desire will come true.

You blow into another - everything disappears. Well, hold on! Classmates! Now I (calls his last name ) - Sultan Gulyai-ibn-Shit-i-Kryt. And then they tortured everyone: I was late, I didn’t learn, I didn’t come, I didn’t do it, I was rude, I don’t live the life of a class! Enough, now I will live my life. All to me!

He whistles and snaps his fingers. All participants come out to oriental music. Make several oriental movements. Line up around the Sultan and bow.

1st: O Almighty of the Almighty! (The Sultan smiles .

2nd: Strongest of the strongest! (Sultan tries his muscles).

3rd: The smartest of the smartest! (The Sultan scratches his head) .

4th: The slimmest of the slimmest! (straightens out).

5th: The kindest of the kindest!(He starts to get bored ).

6th: Diligent of the diligent!

Sultan: Stop calling names! Got it! (All smile)

Why are you smiling? My eyes would not see you!

1st: Close your eyes, my Sultan, and you won't see!

Sultan: Rude! Well, quickly drive away the flies from me!

Everyone drives the flies away from him.

3rd: I obey, my Sultan. (Expands the sheet ). Routine for the wisest of the wisest!

Sultan: Well, that's enough, let's make the routine faster!

3rd: I obey and obey, my lord! Awakening - at 12.00.

Sultan: Early, okay!

3rd: Eye opening - at 14.00.

Sultan: That's good! The lessons are already over.

4th: Charging - at 15.00.

Sultan: Cross it out, I'm already the slimmest of the slimmest!

5th: Washing - at 15.30.

Sultan: Why should I wash if I did not get dirty. Cross out!

6th: Breakfast - at 8.00.

Sultan: What are you talking about? I have an eye opening at 14.00. What about breakfast at eight? Am I going to be hungry all day? Is lunch coming soon?

6th: Soon, my Sultan, after the reception.

Sultan: Then let's have guests! (The teacher enters ).

Sultan: Oh! Love Petrovna! No need to list my titles. YouI was taught to be humble. So get to the point, otherwise it's time for me to have lunch.

Teacher: O Sultan! In your eyes I see that you again did not take up the lessons. Pay attention to the math. In your last test, you got that the driver is heavier than the truck.

Sultan: Maybe it was a light truck and a heavy driver?

Teacher: No, you were not attentive. And in the essay in the word "hello" you made 4 mistakes.

Sultan: You are free, you see, I am busy. (The teacher leaves ). My eyes would not see anyone.

4th: Does the master want to say that it is time for him to sleep?

The Sultan resists when they try to put him to sleep.

They sing to the motive "Tired toys are sleeping":

Bye-bye, the sultans must sleep soundly,

Bye-bye, their bed is not worthy.

During the day you are very tired,

Close, Sultan, our eyes,

Plug your ears, bye-bye! (Sultan jumps up )

Sultan: Woe! Not! I don't want that! Not life, but sheer punishment. (Wipes forehead ). Got it! From a decent place where everything you need is available, he got stuck here. Okay! Stop whistling for nothing! Walked, looked, it's time to go home. (Whistle the whistle ).

Everyone sings to the tune of the song "Island of Bad Luck":

There is no ordinary school here in Donetsk,

An unusual message spread around the school,

What kind of fun is there, all the people are dancing?

Self-Government Day is gaining momentum.

Self-Government Day is gaining momentum

If we like it, it will be all year round.

1st: Yes! Our school has this ... Anna Ivanovna (talking to one of the teachers ): Why were you kicked out of class?

She: For pluralism of opinions.

2nd: Please explain what you mean?

She: The students said that I was interfering with their lesson. But I didn't think so, and said it out loud.

3rd: Every citizen in our country has the right to his own opinion. This is even written in the Constitution.

She: Well, when I resort to publicity, they kick me out of class.

4th: And what are you going to do now?

She: To protest against arbitrariness.

5th: How?

Her: I'm going on strike. I will stop going to class.

6th: And how do you think Zinaida Ilyinichna will react to your actions?

Her: I don't think she understands. First grab the belt, and then burst into tears. But I still won't back down from my demands.

1st: And what would you like to say in conclusion?

She: We, the teachers of the period of self-government, resolutely demand to abandon the command-administrative methods of education and move on todemocratic. We strongly demand that our students become imbuedthe responsibility of the moment and opened the windows to new trends.

4th: Thank you, Anna Petrovna, and now - to your parents, they urgently ordered to come. What for? Yes, certainly not for cheesecakes.

5th: Hold on!

All together: Good luck!!!

Everyone sings to the same tune: There is no ordinary school here in Donetsk,

An unusual message spread around the school,

An unusual message spread around the school,

What is interesting about this school?

Children and adults do not get bored in vain,

Mom didn't give birth to them on Monday,

KVN is played from night to morning.

Whatever they do, the class is doing.

1st: There is such a thing in our school ... Attention! Attention! Says the school radio.

2nd: We begin our radio program "Arguments and Facts".

3rd: Not a minute without work - this is the motto (calls the name )

4th: He is the editor of a newspaper that comes out almost every year. He attends 5 sports sections, learns to play the guitar, is recorded in 4 clubs and 3 libraries.

5th: Learn! Speaking of education! Despite the huge workloadname ), he sometimes visits his native school.

6th: Sleep is health! This is well understood by the studentname ). He sleeps for 10 hours at night. 3 hours after lunch. 1 hour in the library, half an hour in the trolley bus. And 8 hours at school. Thus, it turns out that (name ) sleeps 25 hours a day. This is a world record!

1st: Sports arguments and facts: a distance equal to 100 meters from the 2nd floor to the tenth-grader canteen (name ) runs in 2 seconds.

2nd: This is also a world record. And it should be taken into account that along the way he knocked down: five first graders, 3 tenth graders, 2 teachers, he himself fell three times and still such an outstanding result.

3rd: But, unfortunately, he did not get his way. He was placed in a general queue at the buffet.

5th: And at the end of the radio broadcast, we broadcast a concert of radio listeners, teachers (names, surnames ). At the request of the teachers, this song is performed by the tortured, memorized children of the 9th grade:

They sing to the motive of the song "It's not evening yet" by L. Vaikule:

Until we meet again, until we meet again

See you again, our school friends!

Here the whole evening, here the whole evening

The smiles of songs bloomed, and the circle of friends was small.

Let them say that we play KVN,

Let them say that he will not solve all problems,

Let them talk, but we will turn back time,

We'll see you again soon!

Clapping their hands together, they leave the stage

KVN homework

Yard. Two grandmothers are sitting on a bench, listening to the radio. The news is on the radio.
Announcer: Sports ballroom dancing enter as the new kind competition in the Olympic Games.

Grandmother 1: How good. It was long overdue.
Grandma2: Yes, yes, it’s a pity that in our time this has not been invented.
Grandma1: Do you remember how you and I also burned fire when we were young. Why, and now there is still gunpowder in the powder flasks.
Grandmother 2 agrees.

A cleaner appears on the stage.

Cleaning lady: I ​​don't know what's in your powder flasks, now I see that the whole yard is spat on! And aren't you ashamed to pollute the yard at that age?
Grandmas on interruption are justified.
Businessman Gena Plyushkin (Alimov) comes out.
Sasha: Gena Plyushkin, what are you doing?
Alimov: So… well, sort of, but who are you?
Sasha: What are you, Gena, it's me, Lariska, remember we danced with you, and then you escorted me home ... How do you live?
Alimov: It's fine, you opened a business, how are you?
Sasha: Yes, what about me, you probably have a beautiful wife?
Alimov: I don't have a wife
Sasha: Oh, no wife. (Preens)

Gena leaves, saying "Larisa, I have things to do, bye"
Cleaning Lady: Roar
Grandmother 2: Remember, dear, a simple phrase: everything will be, but not immediately.
A loving couple enters the stage. Grandmothers discuss them.
Grandmother 1: Oh, look, Masha, Masha has gone. Look, look what a short skirt, and even barely covers! Yes, and brought someone!
Grandma2: And don’t say, shame, no culture!
They are seen by the former Masha Magomed. Suitable with two flowers.
Maga: Masha, I love you! Let's start over. (gives flowers)
Masha: Why 2 flowers?
Maga: so 1 is not a bouquet. The light of my soul, what kind of mortal body is next to you?
Masha: This is my boyfriend! (Mom calls Masha home)

Edik extends his hand to Mage.
Edik: Hello, Edik.
Magician: Edik is a seven flower... Who are you in life in general?
Edik: I'm kind of a baller, if you haven't noticed.
Maga wipes her hand on her pant leg.
Magician: Ha ha, balnik. In short, listen, Masha is my star, my sun, my "priorochka". And you understand that you are now risking to part with your life!
Edik: What? Yes, I'll call my friends now, and you will feel bad!
(Magi starts laughing)
Edik: What are you laughing at? Are you under a security agency?
Maga: Yes

Edik: Mmm, what agency?
Maga: Ahmed! (Advertisement: Ahmed and no problem, no accent)
Quick typing.
Maga: listen, well, now I'll also dial the brothers.
Edik: Yeah, come on
(Maga walks away with a serious face, stands and calls)
Maga: Listen, let me call
Edik: By what right should I give you a call?
Maga: By the law of the mountains!
Karen: Oh, anyway, you got me. We'll meet here in an hour.

Dispersed. The grannies are left.

Grandma1: Oh, Verka, what a shame! What a generation that has grown up. No seriousness. It would be better to get down to business. (pause)
Grandmother 2: Oh, listen, do you remember Vanka from the 3rd entrance, and so, grains germinated in kerosene, you add a fish head there, 2 yolks, mmm, mix it all up, add 200 grams of butter, yes, and all this in a pore bath and for half an hour, and then .... (Yulia: oh, wait, you need to "post" (???)) you go to his door, and pour all this on his door, the smell is not destroyed and is not washed off by anything ....

Song (mani), the postman comes out.
Grandmothers: Oh, and here is the pension ... They dance to the money
An hour has passed.

Dance "Rams"

Masha: Boys, boys, wait, I decided, I will connect my life with Gena.
Eddie faints. “signal” noise starts, everyone comes out and swears among themselves.
Grandmas come out: they put everything on pause and say:
- In fact, we want to tell you that KVN is also a sport that has its own medals and awards.
- And it doesn't matter if you win or lose, because the main reward is laughter.

I love KVN very much, but
I still need to learn
And I pass the exam and like to joke,
And of course I want to go to the final.
Well and let, that we only beginners.
From the jury we all get five.
Amazing, amazing
How we played...

(Alimov shouts "Amazing")

Kiryanova Anna Nikolaevna, senior counselor. MOU "Secondary School No. 103", Saratov

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