Where is Slobodyan and Katya Tokareva. Tokareva and Slobodian about their life together

Yura Slobodyan and Katya Tokareva
Photo: Instagram

Exactly five years ago, on the same October day, Yuri Slobodyan and Katya Tokareva became husband and wife. During this time, their union, also fixed in the temple, became stronger. Katya turned from a brawler into a quiet, domestic woman, ready to please her husband in everything, and Yura became the real head of the family. At least, this is what Tokareva broadcasts with might and main in his microblog. True, those who know the ex-participant a little better than her fans say that all this is a bluff, and in fact, the relationship in a couple is not so ideal, and this family is very far from material well-being.

Dom2Life.ru I talked with colleagues Tokareva and Slobodyan in the TV set, and they dispelled the myths that the spouses are trying to create about themselves. But first, let's remember how it all began ...


Fate turned its back on Catherine the day she was born. Katya's mother died during childbirth. And this sad event colored the whole childhood of Tokareva. She grew up without maternal love and caresses.

Katya Tokareva with her first husband on their wedding day
Photo: Social networks

The first time Katya got married at the age of nineteen. According to her friends, in order to quickly escape from the custody of her father and stepmother, and not from great love for a young man. Despite protests and attempts by relatives to dissuade her from marriage, Katya nevertheless left for the capital to her lover. Her first husband was an artist who himself barely made ends meet in Moscow.

Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky became the second husband of Tokareva, though not for long
Photo: Social networks

This marriage lasted several months. After the divorce, Ekaterina Tokareva returned to her native Rostov, which categorically did not suit her. The girl, who dreamed of a better life, set herself the goal of getting to DOM-2. She contacted Venceslav Vengrzhanovsky on social networks, who helped her become a participant in a reality show. Katya knew perfectly well that at that time the main freak of the TV project had a girlfriend, but this did not stop her. She has always been eccentric and wayward and beat off the guy from her rival in just a few fights. In 2012, Katya and Wentz became husband and wife. True, this marriage lasted only six months.


Katya was still in the status of the wife of Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky when Yuri Slobodyan came to the TV set. He immediately expressed sympathy for Katya and offered to become her protector and friend. Wentz tried to interfere with the development of relations, he still wanted to return Katya, but realizing that all his attempts were in vain, he gave up.

Photo: Instagram

However, even without his intrigues, life for Katya and Yuri on the project was not easy - the lovers were often provoked and brought to emotions by other participants. The personal life of Yuri Slobodyan was not as eventful as his wife. But still. On the project, he sent frank SMS messages to girls, which made Katya very angry. In addition, to put it mildly, he was lying about his wealth. He presented himself as a successful lawyer with expensive hobbies, such as motorsport. The guy was exposed by Irina Agibalova, who did not hide her dislike for Katya and Yura. In one of the broadcasts, a woman said that he was not a lawyer at all, but a regular guy from Ukraine, who craves fame and recognition.

In July 2013, Katya and Yura decided that they no longer wanted to be under cameras and left the TV set. In October of the same year, they registered a marriage, and two years later they decided to take an even more important step - they got married. The sacrament happened in one of the temples of Rostov, it is in this city that the couple now lives.


What else do their former project colleagues think about the couple.

Katya Tokareva is trying to prove to her fans that she has turned into the exact opposite of the outrageous and hysterical girl she was on the project. A daring brunette, who could not live a day without scandals and provocations, became a domestic cat. Katya often writes microblog posts on the topic family life, confessing how good she is next to her husband, how she despises those who prefer going to the club to the evening in the kitchen. This is how a loved one influenced the girl.

Yuri and Katya demonstrate an idyllic relationship
Photo: Instagram

“I like doing housework, feeding my man. I think if I don't do it, someone else will. A man should feel comfortable next to a woman, ”said Katya Tokareva on the second anniversary of her marriage.

And if the fans of the couple unquestioningly believe everything that Tokareva and Slobodyan say and write about themselves, then their former TV colleagues do not really trust the spouses. The stars of "HOUSE-2" believe that Tokareva is still a wolf in sheepskin and not the sheep itself.

Katya Kolisnichenko believes that there will never be prosperity in the family of Tokareva and Slobodyan
Photo: Instagram

“Yura Slobodyan is an opportunist, he needed a mother, and Katya Tokareva managed to become one,” ex-participant Ekaterina Kolisnichenko said in an interview with Dom2Life.ru. “There will never be prosperity in such a family. I do not want to seem vindictive, but not everyone will agree to live and sleep with Wentz! And the fact that Yura took her from under the Crown says a lot about him.

I do not believe what Katya writes on Instagram. She is not interesting and no one needs. I can compare it to a gray sweater on a store shelf that no one pays attention to when they go shopping.”

Irina Agibalova does not believe that Katya Tokareva could change either. The ladies constantly quarreled on the project, and Irina Alexandrovna still has an unpleasant aftertaste from those situations.

Irina Agibalova believes that Katya Tokareva was changed not by marriage, but by the lack of the need to play in public
Photo: Instagram

“I have developed strong immunity against Katya, as a person,” said Irina Agibalova in a conversation with Dom2Life.ru. - She often offended my eldest daughter Olya on the project, who at that time was pregnant.

I don't think these people change. And if transformations took place with Katya, then they are associated with leaving the cameras, but not with marriage.

A couple of years ago, Katya and Yura, in an interview, talked about the prospects that they had outlined for themselves in the near future - buying land, building a house, having children. But so far, none of the points of this plan has been implemented. And judging by what ex-participant and compatriot of Katya and Yura Gina Izyumskaya told Dom2Life.ru, the spouses have not taken a single step towards the realization of their dream in five years. According to the ex-participant, Katya and Yura do not work anywhere, and they do not have their own housing.

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 28.02.1989


Family: married to Yuri Slobodyan

Height and weight: 167 cm, 55 kg

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Reading this article:

Ekaterina Tokareva was born on February 28 in Rostov-on-Don. Her mother died during childbirth, her father soon married another woman - Yulia Viktorovna, who raised the girl.

Catherine blamed her father for the death of her mother all her life and did many of her actions to spite him.

After graduating from school, Katya entered the Faculty of Law at the Southern Federal University, in 2013 she received a diploma.

It is known that the girl was married before the project, her parents opposed this marriage, but Katya simply moved in with her husband.

The girl came to the TV show in February 2011, immediately declared her sympathy for.

At this time, Wentz was in a relationship with Christina Belova, but it was not difficult for Katya to destroy the couple and charm the guy.

Wenceslas' girlfriend also did not want to just give up, and Catherine had to prove the seriousness of her intentions in several fights with Christina.

As a result, Katya and Wentz formed a couple and began to live in city apartments; these relationships cannot be called cloudless and calm.

Tokareva now and then made scandals, fought with her chosen one, once, as a test of feelings, she went beyond the perimeter, Wenceslav, in love, dutifully left for her.

Then they returned together and continued to attract the attention of viewers with various antics. Katya was taking a lie detector test when her partner suspected her of treason, then she easily proved that she had no intimate relationship with her.

By the end of the year, Ekaterina Tokareva and Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky seriously decided to cement their relationship in the registry office, the wedding took place on December 31, 2011.

The celebration itself was more like a farce, the young were dressed in golden suits, a crown flaunted on the bride's head. The happy newlyweds invited the guests to one of the capital's nightclubs. With the money donated for the wedding, the young people bought a Chevrolet Spark car.

Ekaterina continued to be weird, joked about her pregnancy, her husband made her go through the lie detector again. Soon, unable to withstand such a heat of passion, the relationship in the couple began to deteriorate, and the newlyweds filed for divorce.

In autumn 2012 Yuri Slobodyan joined the project, he expressed sympathy for Ekaterina Tokareva and easily achieved her location.

During this period, Wentz, in order to return his wife, makes her expensive gifts.

New relationships developed almost according to the same scenario, Katya arranges scandals, tantrums, which leads to the emotions of her new boyfriend.

Even during her stay on the TV show, Tokareva did not trust Yuri and checked his correspondence on social networks.

When the couple left the project, Ekaterina Tokareva and Yuri Slobodyan got married and lived together, in June, rumors appeared on the Internet that they were getting a divorce, due to the appearance of another woman with Yuri.

Young people did not comment on this fact, but told the fans that they had not been living together for some time.

Ekaterina Tokareva took part in the filming of the TV show "Reboot".

Photo by Catherine

Ekaterina Tokareva hides the page on Instagram, but accepts new subscribers.

October 12, 2014 former members scandalous television project "Dom-2" celebrated their wedding anniversary! Katya Tokareva and Yura Slobodyan told how they live together and why they will never return to the project.

Yuri Slobodyan

Many believe that after leaving the TV project, we live in an expensive apartment and drive a luxury car. We usually live like all people: we drive a modern black car, we live in a cozy apartment. I work as a presenter on Rostov television, and Katya is a lawyer in the company of her parents.

Ekaterina Tokareva

Although the story of our love with Yura began on the Dom-2 project, we do not remember it too reverently. There the situation was tense, everyone provoked each other to sort things out, and now we have nothing to find fault with each other. Almost a year and a half ago, Yura was the first to leave the project and went home to Kyiv. At that time I was taking a session in Rostov, so we did not see each other for two weeks. During this time, so many rumors appeared on the Internet and the media! That I came to Yura in his apartment in Odessa, and he slammed the door in front of me, or that his wife and child met me.

Yuri Slobodyan

In general, it would be great to have an apartment in Odessa! But this is not true.

Ekaterina Tokareva

Nobody wanted to explain anything why we had no joint photos for two weeks. I just came to Yura in Kyiv, because he invited me to his place. I felt like a queen there! Everything was so romantic! Every day we walked in the parks, went to restaurants. In the morning we woke up, had breakfast, then drank a cup of coffee, walked, took pictures, then came home to rest, and in the evening we went out somewhere again. This life was so measured, especially after "House-2"! Yura did not allow me to spend money on anything, he paid for everything himself. Slowly began to discuss further life together. We had three options: Moscow, Kyiv and my native Rostov. I opted, of course, for Rostov. Living in Ukraine for me is almost the same as flying into space: there is a completely different mentality. Yura had several job offers in Kyiv, and I thought: what am I going to do here, what if I get lost, what if we quarrel, suddenly kick me out, where will I go ...

Yuri Slobodyan

You see, meanwhile, she did not think about me - how I will be in Rostov.(Laughs.)

Ekaterina Tokareva

But you are a man! And I'm a weak defenseless girl. Kyiv impressed me with its beauty, Yura with courtship. As if there were no those eight months on the project. As if we had just met, and Yura wants to win me over. And we moved to Rostov.

Yuri Slobodyan

And three days later I found a job! I suddenly realized that everything could work out for the project, I believed in my strength. Live in Rostov? Why not?

Ekaterina Tokareva

By the way, we had a little experience of living together before that. When Yura was first kicked out of the project for bad behavior, I was at the session and invited him to my place. We lived for two weeks at my dacha, we even managed to go to the sea in Abrau-Dyurso. Then Yura was invited back to the project.

Yuri Slobodyan

As a rule, people want to watch the series to the end. The same goes for the stories of the project participants - up to the final moment - weddings, the birth of a child, etc. The hosts called me with a proposal: “You come back, wait for Katya, equip the apartment.” And when I arrived, they announced to me at the frontal: “Live in a clearing.” How so? After all, in three days my woman will arrive, I need to put the apartment in order! By the way, there was already * s, one dirt. I reminded right at the frontal place that we agreed on one thing, and now it turns out completely different. And they told me: "No, we agreed that you would come, and we'll see if you stay or not." BUT! Are you still looking? I got angry and left. Well, then it started

Ekaterina Tokareva

Yura is an emotional guy, he doesn't like to be pushed around. I used to adapt to the rules of the project, to the words of the hosts. I remember once in two months I moved seven times from the glade to the city and back. I cried on the frontal - well, how much can you already? But I knew that this was not my home. It is beyond the perimeter that I can command myself, so I obeyed. Yura is more emotional, the more he felt freedom while we lived in Rostov. That's why he didn't want to stay.

Yuri Slobodyan

You know, the fact that I used to work in the police also played. I don't like it when conditions are imposed on me. And here you are sitting within four walls, and they still manage you - like in a prison. And I am a freedom-loving person, I know how to work, I know how to earn. I wasn't afraid to leave.

Ekaterina Tokareva

Well, yes, when you go to a project, at first you think that it will be one thing, but it turns out completely different. And you tell yourself that things will get better. And, when you are already under the cameras, you want to prove yourself from the best side. I left with a free heart. I used to think I would cry. Each vote was a panic for me, but in the end I left without hesitation. I was at the session when they called me and said that Yura left the project. For three days I managed to cry, and be glad, and cry again, so I arrived at the clearing with a cold mind. The spectator did not see my experiences. Although I had a thought: maybe stay? Maybe they'll bring him back in two months...

Yuri Slobodyan

Yes, they would!

Ekaterina Tokareva

But I was afraid that he would leave for Kyiv, and we would lose each other.
November 10 will be 2 years since we've been together. October 12th was the year we got married. We have been thinking about marriage for a long time. Yura talked about this at the project, but I refused, and he was offended. Then I regarded everything as a show, I didn’t take it seriously. And behind the project everything turned out spontaneously. Nobody got down on one knee. The conversations began during our trip to Kyiv. We sunbathed on the beach, chatted, dreamed. About how we will live together, what kind of wedding we want, how many children. Tastes and dreams matched. And then, already in Rostov, they were driving in a car, and Yura said: “Do you want to get married tomorrow?” On September 5, we submitted an application to the registry office. And on September 10, my beloved grandfather died. For us it was a shock. But the application was not taken. On October 12, at 10 am, they came together, signed and that's it. I even have wedding dress no, I chose red. I didn’t want to celebrate, because I already had two marriages. Yura supported me. In the summer of 2014, they planned to get married, but then terrible events began in Ukraine, because of which Yurina's parents could not and cannot come to us. So the wedding has been postponed.

Yuri Slobodyan

But in February we went on a honeymoon trip to Vietnam. So well rested!

Ekaterina Tokareva

Our family life is calm. We get along well at home. I cook very well, please my beloved, and he helps me clean. If he has time, he will not be too lazy to unpack things, wash, carry heavy bags. My husband loves my food, especially borscht, hodgepodge. Now we have stuffed peppers in our refrigerator. We don't have huge problems in everyday life. They recognize us on the street: “Ahh, Dom-2!” Yura doesn't like it, but I don't care. Before going out, I disguise myself, and Yura combs her bangs up, dresses like for a holiday. The husband loves to be brand new - it doesn’t matter if he goes to the store or to a celebration. He cooks himself, even irons his shirts.

Yuri Slobodyan

Katya cooks absolutely everything! Whatever it takes, everything turns out great. Recently I made pilaf for the first time, I was just stunned!

Ekaterina Tokareva

I like doing housework, feeding my man. A man should feel comfortable next to a woman. Yura, in turn, spoils me ... For example, he can go to the store in the morning, while I'm still sleeping, and buy breakfast: a bun, yogurt, apple, cottage cheese. True, I can do harm - and this is my mistake: “Why cottage cheese with raisins, I love without!” I twist my nose, and his mood drops. I know I need to change this trait in myself.

Yuri Slobodyan

We want to build a house. The only thing is that the cost of land is now very high, so we are still considering options. Of course, we are planning to have children. I want a boy! I will go fishing with him, teach him karate, go karting.

Ekaterina Tokareva

What a kart! It's dangerous!

Yuri Slobodyan

Well, that's how it always is, they haven't given birth yet, we're already arguing! (Laughs.) I believe that the child should be loaded to the maximum so that he does not have time for bad thoughts. But it's all ahead. Now I would like fate to give me an opportunity for development. So far in our city there is no job offer that I would dream of. I know that I can do more. And we will definitely have everything!

A brown-eyed fragile girl from Rostov-on-Don wanted to find her love on the Dom-2 TV project, but instead she was married to one of the strangest participants. In the life of Ekaterina Tokareva, this period cannot be called simple and cloudless. How did her relationship develop at the television construction site, and what is she doing now former star longest running reality show in the world?

Biography of Ekaterina Tokareva

Fans of the program "Dom-2" immediately noticed that there were some oddities in the behavior of the girl. Only after learning the details of her life, you can understand what's going on. On February 28, 1989, Ekaterina Tokareva was born. Mom died during childbirth, so for the girl this day cannot be called a holiday. All her life she blamed her father for the death of her mother and tried to do everything contrary to his opinion. Katya's father got married pretty quickly, and she was raised by her stepmother. The girl had an excellent relationship with her, and the woman even came to the TV set to support her daughter in difficult times.

A place where lonely hearts seek each other

In 2011, there was a turning point in Katya's life. A student of the Faculty of Law began to actively communicate with one of the participants in "House-2" Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky. It is not clear what could attract a young beauty in this strange and eccentric young man, but she truly loved him. As a sign of her sympathy, she even made a large poster, pasted over the guy's photographs and met him at a casting in Rostov. Wentz could not dismiss such a sincere fan and invited her to Moscow. The girl transferred to the correspondence department and went to meet her own happiness.

Battle for love

While Ekaterina Tokareva was finishing her business in her hometown, her lover found himself a new passion - Kristina Belova. The project participants successfully declared themselves a couple and began to build relationships. But the girl did not quite understand how to deal with such a "celebrity", and the romance of two young people could not be called cloudless. And then Katya arrived, who actively began to look after Wenceslas. Christina realized that she was losing to a thin Rostov woman with a gorgeous figure on all fronts. Wentz noticed this too. After several fights between rivals, Christina left the project, and Katya took a place next to a potential groom.

Bitter disappointment

Vengrzhanovsky quickly realized what treasure fell into his hands. He began to go crazy with jealousy, to check Katya on a lie detector in order to convict her of infidelity. Over time, he finally calmed down and invited her to become a legal wife. But by that time, Katya had already examined the gentleman properly and was not eager to connect her life with him. During their scandals and fights, Wentz spat in the girl's face and insulted her with his last words. Katya could not get used to the stinginess of the groom - he did not even buy her flowers on significant dates and holidays. Although all participants said that he has very large amounts in a bank account.

Marriage and divorce

After some hesitation, the girl agreed to become the wife of Wenceslas, and the couple played a luxurious wedding. But Katya knew that this marriage would not last long, and managed to squeeze the maximum out of her husband - the purchase of a new car. After several months of incessant conflicts and fights, the couple divorced. The girl remained on the project in spite of her ex-husband.

Attempt #2

Some time later, a charming young man came to the TV set - Yuri Slobodyan. He immediately expressed sympathy for Katya and offered to become her protector and friend. Wentz visibly tensed up and began to interfere in every possible way with the development of relations. But it was too late - after several attempts to return ex-wife he gave up. Photos of Ekaterina Tokareva and her new young man delighted all the fans of the show - this couple looked very harmonious together.

The life of lovers under the round-the-clock camera sight was not the easiest - they were constantly provoked and brought to emotions by other participants. In order to maintain relations and not lose mutual sympathy, young people left the perimeter. Nobody thought that this novel would have a continuation, but soon Yuri and Katya got married. 5 years have passed since then, and joint photos confirm the fact that real harmony reigns in the lives of the guys! The couple recently bought new apartment and did the repairs.

Ex-participants of "House-2" Katya Tokareva and Yura Slobodyan will celebrate two years since the wedding in October. However, the couple decided not to stop at registering the marriage at the registry office and got married. The sacrament took place last Sunday in one of the Rostov churches. On Instagram, Katya posted several pictures from this important event.

For the wedding, 26-year-old Tokareva chose a modest White dress no frills, the only decoration of which was a gold belt. In the temple, the bride covered her head with an openwork stole that fell over her shoulders. Yuri put on a suit and a white shirt for this occasion, but refused a tie.

Judging by the pictures, the bride and groom did not invite many people to the ceremony. They probably only invited relatives and close friends. Fans of the couple congratulated Katya and Yura on this important event. Some asked the newlywed if she was pregnant. However, there was no answer to this question.

// Photo: Instagram by Katya Tokareva

For Katya Tokareva, this marriage was the third. The first time she got married before participating in "House-2". Having come to the project in February 2011, she directly declared her sympathy for Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky. Already on December 24 of the same year, Katya and Wentz exchanged rings at the Gagarin registry office in Moscow. The couple, who became famous for their outrageous behavior, arrived at the registration in golden outfits, and the bride's head was crowned with a crown. However, the happiness of the young was short - in July 2012 they divorced.

Katya did not remain without attention for a long time. Already in the fall, Yuri Slobodyan came to the project and immediately won the girl's heart. It was he who left the project first, and soon Katya followed him. First, the lovers settled in Kyiv, and then moved to Rostov. There, the couple registered a relationship.

// Photo: Instagram by Katya Tokareva

Katya and Yura decided not to arrange a magnificent ceremony and not to advertise the marriage. Slobodyan later admitted that it was his idea. “No matter how strange it may sound, but I believe in the evil eye and damage. Most public people, which we are partly, are not married for long, and I was very afraid of losing Katya, ”he explained his decision. In addition, grief happened in Katya's family - both of her grandfathers died one after another. Instead of celebrating, which would have been inappropriate, the newlyweds went on their honeymoon to Vietnam.

Former participants of the TV show do not regret that they visited the project. After all, they met each other there. True, Katya and Yura do not have a reverent attitude towards Dom-2 - because of the tense situation, they often had to sort things out, but after leaving, the lovers found harmony and live happily.