Husband's ex-wife interpretation of the dream book. Why is the ex-wife dreaming

The appearance of a former spouse in a dream can say a lot. So, for example, if you dream that a husband is arguing with his wife, then in reality he may develop illnesses. If the spouse brings water or another drink to a man, a small profit awaits him in life. You can find out more about what the ex-wife is dreaming of from the review below.

Why is the ex-wife of her husband dreaming?

Many women are interested in what the ex-wife of her husband is dreaming of? This may mean the following:

  1. Dreams are being prepared for the appearance of radical changes in a woman's life, where her husband marries his former wife. Perhaps global changes will affect one of her loved ones.
  2. In some dream books (Miller, Tsvetkov, etc.), such night dreams are interpreted as fears and worries associated with the possible departure of a spouse.
  3. Also, such dreams speak of imminent meetings that can change fate forever. And such a turn will be for the better.
  4. Night dreams warn of unpleasant consequences in the life of the dreamer, where she quarrels with her husband's former wife. Perhaps their collision will happen in reality. If in a dream the ex-wife leaves, then the meeting will end in peace.

Also similar dreams indicate the appearance of an envious woman surrounded by women. You should carefully look at your girlfriends and work colleagues. Perhaps someone is plotting you behind your back.

What is the dream of a pregnant ex-wife?

If the former wife appeared to the dreamer in a pregnant dream, then this may indicate that in reality he is tormented by conscience. Perhaps a man once offended his wife or cheated on her. If this was not the case, then according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, such night dreams promise some kind of omission with relatives. The compiler of the famous interpreter of dreams, Gustav Miller, believed that the ex-wife was seen for profit. At the same time, he said that the larger the belly of a woman, the greater the monetary reward awaits the dreamer.

What is the dream of a pregnant ex-wife with a huge belly? Such dreams portend the appearance of possible problems in life. It can be both minor troubles and big quarrels with superiors or loved ones. At the same time, there is no need to be upset, soon all failures will go away, and success awaits the dreamer.

What do dreams promise, where the former wife is expecting a baby from the dreamer, and he knows for sure that he is the father of the child? In this case, all work-related matters will be clearly resolved and will not bring any problems. If in a dream a man doubts whether he is the father of the crumbs, then in reality he will be tormented by doubts. He may be worried about breaking up with his ex-wife, for misconduct, or for work. Loffe's dream book recommends not making hasty decisions, because soon all problems will be solved.

Why dream of having sex with an ex-wife?

If in a dream a man makes love with his former wife, then in reality new victories await him on the personal front. Moreover, all his meetings will be fleeting and end in parting. In life, he will not meet his only one for a long time.

If lovemaking was full of sincerity, then some of the new novels may end in a relationship. If such actions were passionate, then in reality the man will have a lot of intrigues that will lead to nothing.

Also, such dreams can promise a quick cash reward. It can be either a bonus at work or an unexpected cash gift. Why dream of having sex with an ex-wife according to the dream book of Nostradamus? Night dreams with a similar plot speak of possible problems health related. The dreamer should pay attention to the liver and spleen.

What is the dream of an ex-wife with a child?

Most often, the appearance of an ex-wife with a baby can talk about imminent unexpected news. Perhaps they will appear from the ex-wife. What is the dream of an ex-wife with a child for a real wife? Most often, this indicates the dreamer's possible fears that the man may return to his former family. The dream book of the three wise men says that such fears are in vain.

If a child is dreaming with his wife, but he never happened in reality, then this indicates the woman’s groundless fears. However, they do not necessarily relate to relations with her husband. Perhaps the current spouse is afraid of losing her job. In addition, a meeting with the ex-wife of her husband, who is accompanied by a child, may be a sign of a hidden illness. Do not worry, because the disease will end as quickly as it begins.

Why dream of cheating on your ex-wife?

What is the dream of betrayal of the ex-wife and how will this affect the life of a man? According to Loffe's dream book, he will soon have to make a choice. It is best to make a strong-willed decision and start rebuilding your life. Such a dream suggests that you need to get rid of unpleasant thoughts and stop communicating with people who the dreamer does not like.

Also, such night dreams indicate a possible illness that will not last long. In addition, the appearance in a dream of an ex-wife with another man is a sign of deception on the part of someone you know. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings in order to calculate the traitor.

Why does the ex-wife dream of a mistress?

Many women are interested in what the ex-wife dreams about and what to expect from such dreams in ordinary life? There may be several explanations for this:

  1. The emergence of conflict situations. In the future, this can lead to severe disappointment in life. If the ex-spouse leaves or suddenly disappears in a dream, then everything in life will return to normal.
  2. Disclosure of some shameful secret or humiliation in reality. This transcript concerns dreams where the mistress sees her beloved with his ex-wife. If he made a gift to his former wife, then this suggests that his feelings for her have not yet cooled down. It can also promise a short loneliness to the dreamer.
  3. Wealth or luck in a relationship or family life. Such an outcome of events can be expected if a man runs away in a dream from his ex-wife.

If he runs towards her, the dreamer does not need to expect anything good from this man. Maybe his feelings are deceitful.

What is the dream of the ex-wife's wedding?

If in a dream a man remarries his ex-wife, then in reality he cannot calm down. It is likely that the dreamer is worried about a break with his ex-wife. What is the dream of the wedding of the ex-wife, who in a dream was with her relatives? In this case, you should be prepared for the appearance of conflicts, quarrels and other troubles. At the same time, such disagreements can be very long.

If in a dream the ex-wife was with her sister or brother, then one should expect an early betrayal. Such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. For example, a traitor may not be a woman, but a friend whom the dreamer trusted very much. The best thing to do is take a look at your surroundings.

If you dreamed of a cheerful and noisy wedding with an ex-wife and good treats, then soon you should expect guests to appear. Perhaps they are distant relatives. Moreover, they will linger in the dreamer's house for a long time. But the appearance of loved ones does not bode well, meeting with them will be fun and enjoyable.

Why dream that the ex-wife has returned?

If the ex-wife returned to her husband in night dreams, this may indicate that she still remembers him. Whether she thinks well or badly about her former spouse will depend on the details of the dream. So, for example, the appearance of a wife on the threshold, which is accompanied by a scandal, indicates that the woman does not want to have any relationship with her ex-husband.

Why dream that the ex-wife returned from Grishina's dream book? According to this interpreter of night dreams, such a dream promises quick success with the opposite sex. At the same time, in reality, the dreamer will not have a meeting with his former wife. Another woman will appear in his life, with whom, perhaps, he will build a long and strong marriage.

What is the dream of the ex-wife and how can this affect the life of a man? If in a dream she is very affectionate (especially if she cooks food), then this may be a sign that she wants to renew a relationship in reality. Perhaps she is waiting for a meeting with her former spouse.

Man is a social being with a wild imagination and generous emotions. When family ups and downs occur in our lives: quarrels, betrayals, parting with a person close to our hearts, experiences about this are reflected in our dreams. What the ex-wife is dreaming of will be prompted by dream books.

There are no accidental episodes in life. The ex-wife dreams of those whose consciousness is filled with the thought of her and the memory does not let go of the moments of a joint happy and not very happy life. Sometimes resentment, understatement, or just a desire to see each other and find out everything to the end deprives us of mood, performance, appetite and sleep.

This is how interpreters explain one of the main reasons for seeing an ex-wife in a dream.

Keep your wife in affection, and there will be no quarrel

Seeing a quarrel speaks of your real conflicts. You have many unresolved problems due to the upbringing of children, and perhaps disputes based on the division of property. The main thing is to find a compromise so as not to aggravate the situation.

A frequent dream where you scandal with the former speaks of her strong resentment. The real action is to frankly ask for forgiveness for her tears, to apologize for the pain caused.

Raising your hand to your once beloved is a bad sign. You are barely able to control yourself. Perhaps because of the betrayal, you are very angry with her and if you do not try to control yourself, something irreparable may happen.

A different interpretation of the quarrel with the ex-wife portends an early reduction and conflicts with the employer.

Do not praise your wife with your body, but praise your deed

An intimate relationship with a woman from a past life is a sign of your real desire for intimacy with her. You do not let go of the thought to return and forget the past misunderstanding. Perhaps the divorce was a hasty decision, and you still have the strength to start over. If at the same time you are no longer free and bound by the bonds of a new marriage, do not try to destroy everything again. This is the road to nowhere.

Other dream books say that such a dream is for new love adventures. Scenes of passion, satisfaction and a lot of pleasant pleasures are guaranteed to you in the near future.

A pregnant wife dreamed - a sign warning of danger. The accumulated problems and difficulties dull your sense of self-preservation, you become less attentive while driving, loyal to strange acquaintances. Wake up and be vigilant.

When you are pregnant with your ex-wife, you doubt your paternity - the dream speaks of vagueness in real life. A partner with a questionable deal, unscrupulous competitors, risky business investments - all this leads you to prostration. You are not ready to make a decision.

The former lover gave birth - this is a good sign. Changes in your life will begin with pleasant acquaintances and new relationships.

Zhenya's caress gives strength to her husband

Kissing a woman from the past is a reluctance to let her go in reality. Kiss, but at the same time you see a different face on her - expect soon the problem of choice, which will be extremely difficult to make. Your psycho-emotional state has changed your values ​​and outlook on life. Try to understand what you really want now.

A casual fleeting meeting with the former - to new unexpected acquaintances. If after that you marry her, your meeting will be a sign of fate. There is a high probability of a long and strong relationship.

You see how a handsome man marries an ex-wife and she is happy - a good omen. You are completely freed from the shackles of memories and suffering, ready for a new relationship.

Laughing at you in a dream is a reason to worry about loved ones. Your relatives may suddenly be overtaken by illness or financial difficulties.

I dreamed of a girl of the past crying loudly - an excellent reason for calm. The series of troubles that haunted you is over. In the near future, everything will start to improve.

Talking sweetly with your ex-wife - expect a fun trip or a meeting. Wants to return back - there is a high probability of an early meeting with her. He wants to strangle you - beware of deceit and betrayal from a woman.

We saw a wife with a child - be prepared for unexpected news. The sister of the former dreamed - to treason loved one. To see other relatives of the spouse - impending quarrels and conflicts that threaten to become protracted.

The murder of an ex-lover means a lot of accumulated questions and experiences. It's time to deal with them immediately. Death can mean the end of a stage and entering a new life streak.

Do not wish for wealth, but wish for permanence. Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

In a dream, you experience pleasant sensations during marital intimacy with your ex-wife - a strong subconscious connection with her destroys your real world. All the time comparing and looking for similarities with the beloved of bygone years, you put up a barrier and do not let the person destined by fate pass.

Gustov Miller

Similar in opinion with other interpreters, foreshadowing such a dream for those who are emotionally dependent and attached to former family does not let go of the past, creating problems for the development of the future.

But if the ex-beloved passes by him in dreams, this is a good reason to update your wardrobe and go on vacation. You are on the right track.


People from the past come because they have questions for you, or maybe debts that you must definitely solve, return, work off. The wife of the past is a reminder that you need to meet and calmly discuss disagreements, apologize and thank you for everything. Only in this way will you bring peace and grace into your consciousness.


A woman from the past is a symbol of unfulfilled hopes and plans, makes you think about the future life path. Remembering mistakes, remembering achievements, gaining experience, you need to build the right vector for the future path.

To fill a heart new love, to let female affection and tenderness into your soul, it is necessary to free up space from previous experiences and feelings. Let go in peace of a person who has already become indifferent. You can continue on your way.

Husband? Some dream books claim that this is a reflection of the dreamer's experiences and fears in real life. Others insist that such a dream predicts certain events that will happen soon. To understand this riddle will help the details of the picture seen, which are important to remember.

husband's wife: Miller's dream book

What answer to this question does the dream book compiled by Miller give? Why is the ex-wife of her husband dreaming? The German psychologist Gustav suggests that the dream portends a fateful meeting that will soon happen in reality. A conversation with an ex-spouse can predict an encounter with this woman, which can backfire.

What does it mean if in her dreams the dreamer swears at her ex-husband? Such a plot should be taken as a warning. A person who is trusted by the mistress of sleep can betray her by stabbing her in the back. The wedding of a spouse and his ex is dreaming when radical changes should occur in the life of a lady. Perhaps they will be related to her family.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Why is the ex-wife of her husband dreaming if in a dream he shows affectionate feelings for her? It is possible that the spouse is threatened by the unpleasant consequences of his break with the former. Kisses of the second half with to inflate the old conflict, a dream of sexual contact has a similar meaning.

A quarrel, a fight between a partner and his ex-wife - such a plot hints that the second half has possessive habits that are already disturbing or will soon begin to disturb the dreamer. Oddly enough, the birth of a child dreams of the death of a woman to whom her husband was once married.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Why is the ex-wife of her husband dreaming? The Bulgarian seer considers such a dream a reflection of the woman's inner fears. It is possible that she cannot part with her past life in any way, although the memories of her are painful for her. Dreams of a bright future will not come true until the owner of the dream says goodbye to her past.

The fortuneteller Wang considers a good dream to be the one in which the lady to whom her husband was once married dies. A frightening dream indicates that the past has ceased to cause concern to the dreamer, she is ready for a confident step into a brighter future.

Freud's dream book

Why does the ex-wife of her husband dream of her current wife, if you rely on Freud's interpretation? The famous psychologist believes that this dream indicates that the dreamer suspects the other half of infidelity. Unfortunately, her suspicions may be justified. It is highly likely that the husband will soon flare up or have already flared up an affair with someone from his inner circle.

Also, a similar plot may hint that the spouse has a desire to return relations with the former, that he is making attempts to achieve this. It is possible that he will succeed. In addition, a dream can predict the appearance of problems in relationships with a partner, in intimate life. Interestingly, the root of the problem, according to Sigmund Freud, lies in the past.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

If you focus on what is the ex-wife of her husband dreaming of? To see this woman in a dream means you will soon run into trouble in reality. Most likely, the sleeping woman is threatened with problems in her personal life.

However, such a dream can also predict future troubles in the business sphere. Especially this dream should be paid attention to those women who are engaged in business. In the coming days, you should be careful about making new deals, not trusting offers from unverified people. Juno's dream book also connects such dreams with blackmail, the victim of which may be the mistress of sleep or one of her household members.

With baby

What is the dream of the ex-wife of her husband with a child? The interpretation of sleep depends on whether the second half really has children from a previous marriage. If so, then such a plot may hint that his relationship with the mother of his child needs to be resolved. It can also warn that there are unresolved issues in the past that should be addressed.

What is the dream of the ex-wife of her husband with a child for a real wife, if in reality this child does not exist? The woman fears that her husband may return to his former family. The future will show whether these fears are justified.

Emotions matter

It will be easier for a woman to understand the meaning of sleep if she remembers the emotions experienced during it. If the mood was neutral or good, do not rush to declare these dreams prophetic. It is possible that the dream only reflects the inner experiences of the sleeping woman. Including those that have nothing to do with the former wife of the second half. It is time to put an end to unfinished business and allow yourself to enjoy a quiet life.

What if, while watching a dream, his mistress experienced anxiety, fear, what could this mean? In this case, in real life, a woman may encounter problems in the family. The atmosphere in the house will worsen for some time, family members will be mired in conflicts. It is advisable to try to prevent this, otherwise relations between households will deteriorate for a long time. Interestingly, the ex-husband's ex-wife who dreamed may have absolutely nothing to do with these problems.

What is the dream of the husband's ex-wife in a dream from a dream book?

The former is dreaming - a dream marks uncertainty in the present. You doubt the feelings you have for him. If you dreamed of an ex-wife, expect her to appear in real life. with her husband's ex-wife in a dream does not bode well, unforeseen situations are possible.


Video: What is the dream of the husband's ex-wife

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The ex-wife of her husband dreamed, but there is no necessary interpretation of the dream in the dream book?

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    For the third time, the ex-wife of her husband is dreaming. And in all my dreams I communicate with her, as if we were friends with her. I remember well one dream - once I dreamed that she came to our house, smiled sweetly and went with my husband to the balcony to smoke. they talked very sweetly, and then she put out her cigarette on his shoulder and quietly left. What does this mean?

    I dreamed that she came with their common child to visit us, I seem to understand that my husband does not make contact with her, but we don’t kick her out, but on the contrary, I communicate with her kindly and she, too, I tell her if you want as much as you need, stay the dialogue took place on the kitchen where we did something together, I see that they, that is, my husband, she and their child stayed in the same room, I go in and see that everything !! he lies on the couch, she lies opposite to his legs on his stomach, like he watches TV and he strokes her leg and doesn’t react to me, I cried and I understand that he broke up and I don’t understand what to do, then I remember we had a conversation with him when she and the child went for a walk and I tell him that she’s already married, she has a ring on her hand, and she herself told me, after which he, in a rage, began to call her and say with anger that this is all I remember vividly!

    I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife with whom he lived for 6 years in civil marriage, they didn’t have children, but they still call up, like they remained friends, but it’s hard to believe, I dreamed that my husband and child and I were relaxing at sea on a yacht and suddenly his ex-common-law wife called and made an appointment for him, I snatched the phone from my husband, told her not to call again, there was nothing to break up the family, she hung up, then the husband disappeared somewhere from the yacht with the child and I never found them and woke up in a sweat. What does this mean? Thanks in advance!

    The husband's ex-wife came to our house and said that she had reconciled with her husband and would live with him again. Then she began to lay out her things and start cleaning the house, dusting near the mirror. dressed mostly in bright orange clothes

    I dreamed that my husband's ex-wife called, but I picked up the phone, she wanted to pretend that she had the wrong number, but I called her name and asked why she was calling, I told her that we had put new phone with a determinant, she told me for some reason, well, now pay for it yourself!

    Mne prisnilsy son v kotorom bivshaja shena moego musha priehala k nam, so svoimi detmi i lishala na krovate i ridala, nu tipa priehala sa nim, oshen hotela ego vernut. ja paprasila musha ego vikinut, on eta sdelal i poshol na lesnizu ee uspakaivat, prishol sheres dolgoe vremja dal mne v ruki diadem i skasal shto menja ne kogda ne ljubil i uhodit k nej. u nih svadba budet. ja ne plakala tolko silno pereshivala.

    The dream is like this: it’s as if I see my ex-wife and she is picking up land, in a cemetery in a graveyard, and I kind of saw it and I think why she is doing this, probably against me and I want to come up and ask; and her face is closed like that of Muslims, only they have black, and this one is blue like damage and only her face is closed. I go up to her and gently knock on her hand so that she tells me why she needs the land, and she opens her face and there the face of the old woman I was already stunned in a dream. And she was with her child, which she has a girl in her life. This is such a terrible dream

    had a dream as if I ex-husband at home. I go to wash, cook and my mother-in-law walks nearby. we ate and went to bed, for some reason we were all together in one bed (me, husband, and husband’s wife), they are together on one side of the bed, at the head, and on the other end of the bed I fell asleep, suddenly I wake up from pain. my husband’s wife is strangling me ..I got scared and screamed ..the husband and mother-in-law woke up and ran out. The husband’s wife saw that they woke up and began to beat me in the chest with the words: “Die, die,” the mother-in-law heard these words .. she says to her husband: “You see, she wants to kill me so much, it beats in my heart.” The husband pushed his wife away and asks her to leave the house. Then he asks me for forgiveness ... I forgive him and we begin to live as if nothing had happened ... I am happy and he too ... We are hugging, kissing. He goes somewhere. I go out into the street there is a crowd of people, they celebrate some kind of holiday, I see guys I know: they want to communicate with me, but I run away. thinking that the husband will see the hour and be jealous. Then I saw my husband walking towards me in the hands of something .. and we go home together.

    I met my husband's ex-wife on the way. She was with their joint children in her arms, we walked along the roads and she constantly told me something, complained about real life. In reality, we don’t know her, I know her by sight, but she doesn’t.

    I dreamed of the wife of a pregnant ex-husband, who came to me with the fact that, as if my husband had left her pregnant. I let her into the house, gave her tea, then she tried to kill me with a knife. I parried the blow and kicked her out with her lover.

    There are three of us on the bus: me and my husband and his ex-wife. I am sitting in the middle. She starts to say something to my husband and leans very close to his face, trying to seduce. I grab her by the hair and start to hold her with anger, I want to smash her head. Her husband began to stand up for her.

    in a dream we sit at the table drinking tea, next to the husband and mother-in-law, then the husband’s daughter sits and the husband’s ex-wife comes to us and sits on the sofa, and the husband gently massages the ex-wife’s limbs and talks about something and they perceive it all normally ...

    i dreamed that the ex-wife of my beloved home is with us and invites me as a friend to visit and tries to be friends with me;

    I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife in a bright yellow beautiful dress! she came to my house, I don’t remember why, but she was cheerful and happy, and I sat and couldn’t speak; it was very bad for me, as if falling asleep! I was dizzy and I was wrapped in one towel, I still remember that she was talking to my friend, they laughed and I could not do anything! Maybe your friend is involved too?

    My husband’s daughter dreamed, we were in the school building (according to my perception), since the ceilings in the dream on the staircase were high and whitewashed, and when I turned back I saw a large window on the floor from which light came), left the room and went to her mother, I gave Nastenka something (I don’t remember exactly), they didn’t find the house right away, they walked between wooden 2 or 3-story houses in several entrances. I called my husband to clarify where to bring Nastya, I brought it. I ended up in a room where there was no bright colors, all in dull colors. His ex-wife answered something to my request or question, and I left the room, and Nastya, according to my feelings, did not want to say goodbye to me. I walked along the long and narrow corridor to the exit where there was light in the opening, thinking like my daughter in the hostel. I got out and walked down the street, but in the end I was unpleasant because my husband's ex-wife sent me to the wrong place or after talking with her. A residue of ridicule at me. I called and met with my husband and expressed my displeasure to him. Then something else dreamed, something tormented me in a dream, and I woke up with anxiety in my soul.

    earlier she dreamed that black spiders ran out of her finger, everyone came out, she was glad, today, from Wednesday to Thursday, her husband’s ex-wife was with her, she saw how she was beating her child (their common daughter and her husband), then she left and called the girl and talked about me.

    I dreamed that supposedly the husband left and did not spend the night at home, then he came to find out that he was with his ex-wife because their joint child died, although they had no children in their lives. And at that moment I find out that my sister is dying in an accident. Thank you in advance.

    I dreamed that my ex-wife came into the bedroom at night, I was already sleeping, she got into bed and hugged me. In general, it was very scary, I knew that I was alone at home, but I knew for sure that my wife had come in.

    Hello! I dreamed that my ex-wife came to visit my parents. There were other people beside her. At first she sat silent and angry. And the flood suddenly became very friendly (she began to communicate with me and her parents, mostly with her father), but at the same time the skin on her face became very old. The husband was not present at the same time, in a dream he left somewhere, I don’t remember for what reason.

    I’m standing near my entrance, I’m cooking something on my stove, and either someone is telling me, or I feel that my husband’s ex-wife is coming out of the door from behind. I don't turn around. I know that I can’t be seen from above and she doesn’t notice me. She starts to descend

    i dreamed that the ex-wife of her husband, with whom he was in a bad relationship, talked with him and he didn’t leave her very well with her! the next day I dreamed that he was allegedly in a sexual relationship with a girl from work, he said without denying that this was normal, he was not going to live with her

    Hello! I dreamed of my ex-wife and ex-mother-in-law of my husband! In a dream, I talked with them, cursed with them. Then some gypsy came to them, I had 10. and this gypsy took them away from me to supposedly change, in the end she snatched this money out of my hands and said that it was to my death! why, I don’t understand! And my parents were also present in this dream, who communicated with my husband’s ex-mother-in-law! said that this damage was brought on me by my husband's ex-wife, along with her mother!

    I dreamed of my boyfriend's ex-wife. It all happened in my apartment, at first she tried to kick me out, but then she reconciled. And we sat and drank wine. She constantly said that I took him away, and he only took her away. At the end of the dream, I remember that the floor of the apartment was flooded, but do not stand on the side where the bathroom is, but on the side of the bedroom. What does this mean?

    she called me and said to go to the market, trade speaks well, I said why you don’t work yourself? I don’t remember the rest. I also dreamed many times before. ... in short, how does she dream about her husband seems strange to me or he also dreamed. After dreams, she calls me in reality. What area do we live there and she moves close to what I don’t understand? Can you help please!

    Hello Tanya. Such is the story: we lived for 17 years in a civil marriage. We broke up 7 months ago, left on our own, she cheated on me. The guilt of both is 50 to 50. In a dream, the actions take place in her apartment (I have my own) Some obsessive dreams , she dreams almost every night, usually somewhere in the morning. We don’t swear, we just talk about something. Sometimes we dream that we are in bed, but there is no sex, I just hug or kiss her myself. In general, in a dream we have a normal relationship, no aggression. And I read that this is bad. After these dreams, I feel very sad and sad, because I still love her and I would like to return everything back. I know it's nothing serious, but I'm very worried and jealous. Probably it's time for me to see a psychologist :-). That's all in a nutshell. Thank you.

    A guy with his ex-wife somewhere at events, then I came to him, he went out onto the porch of the restaurant with 2 kids, we stood and talked, he kissed me several times, then she came out again in the position of the third baby, and for a long time , she screamed with a hysterical cry at the top of her voice, and I left, he just stood watching them, then from around the corner I watched them, he tried to calm her down, hugged her, lifted her and spun her in the air, then I went into some kind of building and started crying, then she bursts in and abruptly grabs me by both hands, but I don’t do anything and didn’t resist, because she was pregnant so as not to harm her, she screams at me at the top of her voice, she is already sweating, then she undresses and goes to the shower, while she orders me to prepare other dry clothes for her, she goes into the shower, and then I go to another room and find myself in some other reality, as if under water two men are filming marine life, and one of them disappears somewhere, and the second remains and shows me small crabs under the sand, we laugh at these crabs, then I leave again somewhere and all the dream ends

    my common-law husband dreams that I am leaving him surrounded by strange men and pushing him away from me. he is very worried, this is not the first time he has had such a dream. he loves me very much and is afraid of losing me, but these terrible dreams even scare me. Tell me what this can mean?

    Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife, she talked to him very lively and cheerfully, she constantly recalled the past and called him with her, and I, aside from them, nursed one year old baby bathed, seated on a pot (in a dream it was their child, but her child is completely from a different person, in fact). I was very afraid that he would leave me. But he himself called them a taxi - as it turned out - her dead mother was also there. As a result, I woke up from horror, without having watched the dream to the end.

    i dreamed of my husband’s ex-wife. I’m sleeping and she came to us and bent over me and quietly whispers you need to treat your nerves)))) I hear all this but I don’t open my eyes, and when she opened it she left the room already. and there is an ironed T-shirt for men, but not for my husband.

    Today I saw my husband’s ex-wife in a dream, she came up to me, stirred in my face, and left laughing. Before that, I dreamed of many kittens that I threw out through the window. Why this dream?

    my husband dreamed of an ex-wife who had rotted him all his life and had been trying to destroy our relationship for more than a year, we are married. in a dream, she came to our rented apartment, did not scandal, but smiled and talked about something with me, his wife now. what the husband does not remember

    Hello, Tatyana. I am very worried about this dream, so I ask for help in interpreting !!!
    I come home and see my husband's ex-wife, his children, son and daughter in our room. I say hello to her and she, bye. I ask her what are you doing here, why are you laying things out, why did you come, and she, on the contrary, what am I doing here, why did she push me, then she hit me by the hair and we started a fight. She began to accuse me that my father abandoned the children because of me, I answer her that he didn’t leave anyone, he left you and not the children. We both burst into tears and she tells me, look so that this does not happen to you, and I, I know what it is, have been in this skin. Again there was a fight. Then I see she began to clean, dust in our room. I went up to her son and said that you don’t pick up the phone when I call, but he, I have an old phone, and I gave him my phone, he was very happy, but the former was not very happy. Then I began to write SMS to my husband, where he is, when he arrives, that the former gets here, yells, climbs, and he only replied that I would be there soon (I don’t remember exactly). Then my husband sent me an SMS that let me be 7/7. That is, she has 7 days and 7 days with us. I was very angry at this, I said no! especially with fillings! It seems that my husband never arrived ... I don’t remember exactly.

    Hello! Help interpret this strange dream. I dreamed in the morning of my husband's ex-wife, who died a long time ago. It was as if she came after some kind of treatment (sanatorium, hospital) and came to us (well, that is, to herself, as it were, to the apartment where they used to live together (by the way, the apartment was sold a long time ago, but I managed to she “live” for almost 2 years)), it means that she walks around the apartment as if nothing had happened, and she says to me: “You wouldn’t twist my curlers on your head.” Her old curlers really are somewhere in our house (everything that was transported during the move), but I don’t use them, and I don’t use curlers at all. She died (liver failed, drank) in 2006, and in 2007 I met Yura and we began to live together. She also said that she would like their joint adult son and his family to live next to us (for example, in a neighboring apartment). Sleep bothers me because yesterday it turned out that I have serious health problems.

    ex-wife and my boyfriend congratulated me on my wedding. I married someone I didn’t see the face, but I looked at the groom and I was shocked because it wasn’t my boyfriend, but who else was standing with me. and my boyfriend and his ex congratulated me and wished me happiness and gave me a gold chain. since his wife put on a chain for me, she began to thank me for the fact that I returned my husband to her and said thank you and let's continue to communicate. and I stood so unhappy crying that I returned to my wife and it hurt me. and they were happy together holding hands with their daughter

    My husband was going to a wedding with his ex-wife to an employee. She was wearing a long blue dress. Very beautiful. She was welcoming. I was rsstroina and my husband convinced me that it was necessary.

    I dreamed of my man's ex-wife. We've never met her and I don't know what she looks like. But according to my description from the dream, the man confirmed that this is exactly what she looks like. In a dream, I tried to get to know / introduce myself to her, but she was not interested. I mean, she showed no interest in me at all. Trying to leave the room in my dream, I couldn't find my shoes and woke up. Tell me how to interpret the dream? (colored dream. I rarely dream, almost never). Thank you in advance

    I dreamed of my husband’s ex-wife .. as if I were present at the preparations for her wedding. And my husband flirted with her. I was outraged and went aside and then I hear a conversation between his ex and her girlfriend: you don’t see him and don’t notice him and go cold. Did I tell you that he would come running himself? ”... I woke up .. in shock

    I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife, who looked very bad and was pregnant, with a very large belly. In this dream, I also saw my husband's son. He is 24 years old. He lived with us for eleven years. Seven months ago he returned to his mother and sister. I never dreamed of them at all. And in this dream there was a lot of aggression. But she looked very bad. But the strangest thing is that at the end of the dream we supposedly reconciled and I woke up.

    Hello! My name is Lyudmila, I dreamed of my boyfriend's ex-wife, we fought with her at first, and then we talked normally, she dissuaded me from my boyfriend, that is, why did I choose him, that I don't need him, and so on. And then my the guy started yelling at her so that she would no longer follow me.

    To dream that my husband left for Moscow and met his ex and child there. Then they came to our house. I took this child in my arms, the ex told me that she had a temperature (child), I told her to go to the doctor to examine the child. in a dream, I gave the child sweets. And the dream ended.

    Sleep from Thursday to Friday. After that, a heavy feeling. It was a dream that the husband said that he would return to his ex-wife, since they have a daughter and it’s so convenient for him, he wants it so much, etc., but he speaks calmly, firmly. And last week I dreamed about knives - like weapons. I took them in my hands and told my husband that the steel was good, but they did not cut me. It was also hard on my mind. If you can explain the meaning and what to fear, I will be very grateful. Thank you in advance.

    In a dream, the husband said that he was leaving for his ex-wife (she was sitting next to him), since they have a daughter, he decided so and it was convenient for him. He spoke casually, but calmly. Knives last week. I showed my husband that these were weapons and took them in my hands, but they did not cut me, even when I pinched my palms.

    Tonight I had a dream that my husband's ex-wife was sleeping in our kitchen at home, and talking to me in a dream, asking me to close the window, because she was blowing from the window.

    Hello! I dream of my husband's ex-wife. In a dream, she says that all my tears are because of her. (my husband and I have been arguing a lot lately, even for no reason). My husband has a son from her, now he lives with us. Everything that happens in the family tells his mother, he is 11 years old. How to get rid of these dreams?

    I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife.
    As if she wants to return him, she called to her and he went to her as if bewitched, fell on his knees in front of her. He grabbed her by the legs. And his eyes were somehow blurred unnatural.

    Hello, I dreamed about the ex-wife of my boyfriend who left her because of me. In the dream, she said that she was worried about him, because. he has not been in contact for two days and does not even call the “child” (he has an adult daughter).
    On the same day, my brother had a dream in which my naked boyfriend successfully “glues” a blonde in a bathhouse.
    Tell me what these two parallel dreams about the same person can mean. The dream had a dream from Saturday to Sunday. Thank you!

    Last night I had a dream about my current boyfriend's ex-wife. Somehow, I ended up walking with her with her child, at first she snorted at me, but I tried to convince her that I didn’t want to conflict with her, and as a result, we became friends and had fun talking about something.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was sitting at the table and drinking tea with my man on the one hand and his ex-wife opposite him. They communicate in a friendly way, and it seems like she even treats me approvingly. in a dream, she was not beautiful and with a man's beard. Please explain why this is, is there any reason for concern? Especially since she tried to get in touch with him.

    Hello! My husband's ex-wife dreams very often! Like she lives with us! With me, either in an apartment or in a house, but my husband is in a dream! And the dreams are always different, but the plot is the same, she moves to us

    Hello!!! i dreamed of my husband’s dead wife .... she appeared in the house where we live ... I saw her and left ... .. the next day I went from work .. to another home. my husband ran after me .... he said .. that he loves .. wants to be with me .. but he can’t get rid of her ... .. he stayed with me in another place and was going to go again to where his wife was left ... .. but he didn’t leave ... .but stop the apartment went out where he was with me ...... and I woke up ... .. why is everything .... it happens to me that my husband’s dead wife is dreaming ... she comes to the apartment where she lived with her husband .... now I live with him in that apartment …..

    my husband and your daughter came to his ex-wife in the village, my husband immediately went to bed in the house, said that he was very tired, and I went with her to watch how they live. Her husband was not at home, walking around the yard I saw a lot of chickens, one laid an egg, and the second one pecked at it, I ran to save it, took the egg and it turned out to be very large and there were about 14 yolks in it, I felt out of my depth during the whole dream, there were a lot of her relatives and children in the house, it all annoyed me , I was looking for more minuses of her life. Thanks!

    my husband's ex-wife came from Germany to my parents' house, as if I'm telling my parents to let them talk in the room, they kind of have something to talk about. After the ex-wife came out and asked me for a frying pan for cooking scrambled eggs for my husband, I was indignant, she would still make scrambled eggs for him in our house, he couldn’t tell me what I would have done for him. then as if I saw that he was wearing a shirt that she kind of brought him from there, at the end I ask him to take her to the hotel and he seems to be leaving with her.

    the ex-wife was in our pastel on one side, on the other, we slept and she buried herself in my husband, I got up, went to the window and watched with concern as she lay on my husband’s hand and he hugged her and there was a feeling that this was not necessary for long …

    Estimate I have a dream from Sat to Sun in which: we really need money, we don’t know where to get it and Denis says well, I have one house, you can sell it .. but they live in it .. and he lives in it ex girlfriend with whom he lived for 3 years before me. I’m in shock, they say fucked up, kick her out the fuck ... he calls in front of me and so gently they say you could move out .. I can’t stand it and start to kick her out .. I kicked her out all night. I woke up and the dream continued as I fell asleep .. in the end I tell her you come on take everything from you for a few days .. these days have passed I come to this house she is there .. I tell her collect the last belongings and get the fuck out of here .. everything what you forget, I'll throw it out .. there will be no more way for you here .. you won't come back here, I'll throw out everything that you forget today ... ..

    i dreamed of a friend, a former classmate and an ex-wife, we talked peacefully. She treated me with understanding and created the feeling that she still loves me. we broke up with her 12 years ago and we have a son growing up with her. Then I had a lot of dollars in my bag

    I dreamed of my young husband's ex-wife, allegedly on their wedding day.
    A long time ago, in reality, she talked about her wedding hairstyle ...
    And in a dream, I understand that this is the hairstyle that she once told me about ...
    She is cheerful and happy, but for some reason she is wearing a red dress ...
    I'm not sure, but I think I also saw my husband as a young man at this wedding
    Please tell me what my dream means
    Thanks in advance!

    The ex-wife of her husband dreamed, she called him and asked for a day off to come and he said yes with great desire. He divorced her 2 years ago, they have a son, he does not forget about him, and helps him to kindergarten in any way he can. She doesn't love me to say the least.

    I was on vacation in a sanatorium, I accidentally met my ex-wife there, went to her room and immediately for some reason to me. Then I went out into the corridor for a minute and when I went in, I saw her with a broom and she was sweeping the room, but I took her broom and led out of the room. More or less like this!

    I constantly dream of my husband's ex-wife and their joint daughter. Either I walk past the former apartment, then I'm in her apartment. That his daughter says that she hates me. I'm tired of these dreams. Explain why they dream of me.

    she strokes my head, talks merrily, smiles, shows the yard, and some kind of white strong thick net is stretched there and she is supposedly going to show me how to climb and move on the net, and I asked her if it was possible to move the neighbors furniture through her yard, she agreed and again speaks sweetly sweetly and strokes my head

    Hello. I had a dream in which there was a husband's ex-wife, a husband and me. We all lay in the same bed (former, husband and I in the middle). My husband and ex made fun of me. The former hugged him and said: if you don’t need it, then I’ll take him as a plush toy. My husband was not opposed, but I wondered if I needed him, since he was ready to leave for the former. The hair of the former was blond, in reality it was bright red (dyed).
    Thank you. I will wait for an answer.

    i dreamed that in a dream my ex-wife was calling and asking me to meet a priest who would come to the apartment in which I now live, but through the window I saw something approaching a strange black creature, like a man in black, it wanted to enter the window and into fear tried to drive him away, saying get out of here

    Late evening. I'm going to a disco with my childhood friend (now a relative). I'm taking a big sandwich with me to my real husband. In a dream, I am his mistress, he lives with his ex-wife in the same house. I am surprised at the words of the ex-wife that she said to someone. But I don’t see my husband and ex-wife in a dream. I leave their house and go to a cool car to drive. There is another woman sitting in the front seat (I don't know her in real life). And I say to throw her out, I'll go ahead. It seems that my friend pulls her out by force, I sit down. My father is driving. I furtively took out a large silver ring with a white stone and put it on my finger. (in life, my husband gave me a ring when we met, only gold and not so big) We are going, a woman from my real job calls me, I hang up the call. She calls her father and complains that I do not answer and she hangs up. Father looks at me, I ask that she is drunk again? I am getting up

    Dreaming for several days in a row. In a dream, I am jealous of my late husband, who went to live with his first wife and she wants to give birth to 3 sons. He loves her and they are fine. In life, it was the other way around. He does not pay attention to me, he does not care about our daughter, I ask you to help us. He doesn't react.

    I dreamed that my boyfriend and I went either to football to his son or to another place, as if we had received a closed hall, a lot of people, the guy was standing further from me and then his ex with a man of some kind (she is not married) enters, pass through the hall and stop not far from me, I seem to freeze and feel her eyes on my back, I stood like that for a long time and after a while my boyfriend came up to me, asked if I saw that she was here, put his hand on my shoulder and said this in my ear and i woke up

    I dreamed that I was invited to the wedding of my man’s ex-wife, and we all gathered before the celebration and she came up to me, was kind to me and asked what I didn’t like about my ex-husband, I answered her that he was a traitor . then she asked what she didn't like about the cola? (this is her ex-husband, with whom I live right now) I answered nothing, he has everything I need

    I dreamed about the late wife of my husband, she died 3 years ago after a serious illness. Before her death, she wanted to marry him, he is married. As if she came to us naked, with short haircut and played with him. I sleep in a room in a dream, she laughs at the chest of drawers, my common-law husband stands behind and persuades her to have sex, and she breaks down. But they go to the balcony. I peek at the balcony, she also laughs, stands with her back to him, and he kisses her on the neck, etc., and I understand that now they will have sex ... She has never dreamed, but here it is. The day before, we had a fight. We are not scheduled. What is it for?

    I have a dream that I am my man (he is married to this moment) together at some corporate party on the street and there is his ex-wife and she tells me that don’t worry, I don’t mind that you are together, since we have not had any relationship for a long time. I am very interested in what this is for?

    Today I dreamed that my husband's ex-wife came to visit us. Together with their daughter and even with gifts. A flower in a pot and soft toy... I lay down on the sofa, my husband laid his head on her hip. I got terribly jealous and started telling him this. They're gone. but I remember her feeling of superiority, so, they say, he still loves me. And I think at the same time: we should throw away her gifts. I don’t remember how the dream ended, but the sediment left an unpleasant one.

    Hello! My name is Anna. I dreamed about the ex-wife of my common-law husband, whom I had never seen in real life. The dream is this: the action of the dream takes place (it is not clear why) in my parents' house. Some kind of holiday, my parents, my husband's mother, my husband and I are together. An unfortunate woman comes in, crying, not well-groomed. I understand in a dream, this is the ex-wife of her husband. She comes in with suitcases, hugs her husband's mother. They communicate very well. A feeling of jealousy and anger begins to cover me in a dream. Then I don’t control myself: I scream at her, verbally drive her away. My husband is on my side in a dream!!! I don’t know how the dream ended ...

    In a dream I saw my husband's ex-wife, we were talking in the room, watching TV, she was lying on the sofa under a blanket, and I was sitting on an armchair. She got up and went, and I lay down in her place. We talked peacefully. After I went out into the corridor, I see that she is sitting in a wheelchair, and my husband is taking her along the corridor, I seem to have begun to go to them, but they disappeared, I began to look for them, but alas, I woke up.

    Good morning! You know, my husband went to his ex but soon returned, but she still doesn’t leave us alone, on this basis they had a fight with m. and he left. And today I had a dream that I was fighting with her and clearly saw how I beat her in the face. Please tell me why this is, I hope this does not happen in reality ???

    My husband and his ex-wife are in the apartment, I came there. He sits silently, and she talks to me, but as if she doesn’t recognize me yet. I’m going to leave, I go down the stairs, and she stares after me, as if trying to remember me

    hello, my husband has an ex-wife and two children from a previous marriage. He initially denied paternity of his second daughter. so recently I found a photo of his ex-wife on his phone, but I did not find any correspondence between them. removed. and now I dream that we are lying at home on the bed and suddenly she enters the room, with such an impudent face. I asked her why she sends her photos to my husband, to which she replied that she was asking if she was sexy. then I got up and tried to scratch her face, I don’t remember the ending well, but I think I knocked her to the ground and beat her with my fists.

    I dreamed of the following, I am waiting for my man with my friend. After a while, the ex-wife of my man appears and I understand that she wants to talk to me, but she is lost and does not know how to start a conversation. I understand that she is pregnant and wants to talk to me about it. My man appears, in trousers and a shirt, walks towards me, notices her and changes in his face. He says he'll be right back and walks away. The ex-wife follows him and while they are gone, I look around and see the forest and a rather steep descent, look there, walk beside him and return to the bench to my friend. I see that they are returning together, and he hides his eyes. She announces that they will have a child, I smile and we all leave. He brings us to the park, drives off to steam and she sits down on a bench, I stand in front of her, and she gets up and wants to hug me, but she seems to be afraid. I ask her about it, I say that I understand everything and that there is nothing to be afraid of. She hugs me and cries on my shoulder.

    hello! i dreamed that my boyfriend’s deceased wife was standing opposite me, next to my wife my best friend was holding the baby in her arms and the deceased wife was stroking her hair, I drove her away!

    i dreamed that my boyfriend went to his ex-wife, moreover, I understood that it was all on purpose, they both used me, and I understood that this was a conspiracy, it was a holiday, New Year, and there were a lot of people, everyone is little known to me, and we sat at the same table with my boyfriend's ex-wife, I was very hurt and not pleased, then a guy, a photographer, came up to me and said that he would not let me be offended

    Hello, my husband’s ex-wife dreamed, I remember that she was wearing something blue, we talked calmly, and then the guests came and we sat down to play poker ... and my husband wasn’t in a dream, but I talked to him on the phone.

    Hello. I dreamed that my civil husband left me for his ex-wife! I talked to my ex-wife in a dream and asked if he had returned to you, she answers so happy and joyful, I don’t know, he just called and asked to go to the toilet.)))

    i dreamed that my husband’s ex-cohabitant came to my house and began to pour something secretly from me, I realized that she was doing damage, after which, having beaten her, I kicked her out of the house and when I returned, I saw that my son had a sharp rise in temperature

    My grandmother had this dream, it contained my father’s ex-wife and the child (boy) with whom he now lives ... the child is not a blood child ... The ex-wife was at our house and cooked .. She was dressed in a dress with blue tint... The boy was at home (the color of the pants is blue) This is all that my grandmother remembers ... Thank you, I really want to know if he is good or not .... Please tell me ....

    I have such a situation in my life. I got married a second time. My husband had a car accident, his first wife died a year later, he married me ... we already live with a little girl. She is three months old. His wife began to dream about how we became together ... but I knew her in life, we knew each other in her. I dreamed today that I was in a store and I was leaving her and her mother on the path. Then I have some money in my pocket and I buy cigarettes. In general, in a dream I leave her, I go into some house, I look, and she is already in the house with her mother, she sits on a chair, looks in the mirror, I see her both in the mirror and she says something, remember only one thing, she told me that I would remain his wife forever. ..and that moment when she was at the mirror was off-color…

    Good afternoon! A dream that the ex-wife and Her relatives came to us and settled with us for one day, without asking me for permission as a hostess in her house. But in a dream, I treat her well, just wondering why they came to us, why they stayed with us for the night. I explain to them that they don’t do this, first they need to warn about the arrival, and then if they received consent to come. To which the answer is: you are sorry if we stop. Here is such a dream

    I dreamed that my ex-wife and I were in a rest home, she was lying in the room all the time, I went for a walk and was going to swim in the clear sea or pond, then I met a friend, came to my wife’s room to call for breakfast, she asked for something warm and cursed that I didn't understand her. Didn't have time to swim. The towel was missing, I was looking for it. I found it, but the cleaning lady gave me another one,

    saw in a dream the first wife of her husband. He introduced me to her as a friend. it was in the dining room. we greeted and talked. And my husband had long hair and his face is painted on Brown color. her 6 year old daughter was also there. ran hither and thither. I hugged her.


    I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife, she died 3 months ago, we have Her child in our upbringing.
    I dreamed that she was at my parents' house, we are now on vacation here. And my brother treats her with dumplings. I was not very happy to see her, she sits and looks askance at me, chatting with everyone.

    I dreamed of my husband’s late wife, she wanted to live with us, he asked me to give her money for perfume, I slapped him and left there, on the way when I got dressed I met him again, I was delighted, I thought he wanted to make peace. but he said that now I realized how much he cherishes him, he was happy that she loved him and told me to leave, it hurt me incredibly, but I left

    My husband’s ex-wife had a dream, she walked in front with a group of people, and my husband and I walked behind. Then my husband approached her and they talked about something pretty, I didn’t like it and the dream was interrupted.

    I dreamed that the three of us were sitting at his ex-Zhenya’s house and my husband was hugging his ex-wife, I didn’t delay and left the house and left, he ran after me to explain something to me, and I say how can you kiss your ex-wife with one wife and like all!

    It’s as if I’m a husband and children living with my parents, despite the fact that the house is still an old planner, and then out of nowhere the former now deceased wife of my husband appeared. The husband is lying on the devan and I was passed on suddenly she enters the room and brazenly lie down to him, I tell her they say you don’t confuse anything and in general you died like a year ago and she tells me that this was all done on purpose. moreover, she continues to lie nearby, and her husband doesn’t even push her away. her neck bled. Then I turn to my husband, choose either me or her. "His words still make me shudder," I love you, but I choose her, when asked why he said that he felt sorry for her.

    Hello! A husband and ex-wife can’t share a house in any way. I dreamed that the whole family came to this house in order to sign papers for the redemption of this house. His ex-wife was there. They locked themselves in the room and talked for a long time. Then she came out and said that my husband was staying with her. I started to beat her and, grabbing her by the hair, beat her muzzle against the refrigerator. Seeing a bruise on her nose, she applied something cold and let her go. I went to look for my husband in the room, but there were 3 grandmothers on the bed and watching TV. The husband was repairing the stove, he was all dirty. I told him to go home, to which he replied that he would stay with her, that they say it happened. I also started punching him in the face. In reality, his ex-wife haunts us. And he told him that he would not let us live.

    I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife. At first he began to hug her, I yelled at him, he told me "what's wrong with that." then I freaked out, went to the kitchen, smoked and returned. then I saw how they were kissing, I ran up and wanted to hit, but my hands seemed to be numb and lifting the blanket I saw that he was naked. I started screaming, but I can’t scream, the words are all distorted. I started to say what are you doing, he told me “that he loves her” I tell him you told me that you love me, he said “that he didn’t tell me this”, and I tell him this morning and yesterday. he said he never loved me. I started to collect my things, he said, well, okay, you can leave. but when I packed my bag and went. he said that he was leaving with me, I told him that it was not necessary, that I would not forgive him for this, that I had hatred for him. but he went anyway. in the hallway, I met his mother and told her that he cheated on me with his ex. she shouted that he was a moron, again for the old. he ended up calling a taxi to go home. I tell him you won't go with me, I don't want to live with you, don't follow me, come back to her. but he still stumbled. in the end, I ran away, while I was going up to the bridge, I saw his wife with their child, she shouted to him that he was walking here with me and was an eyesore to her. in the end, I was waiting for the bus and he was sitting a little further away from me

    Hello, today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that my husband took my daughter and went to his daughter from his first marriage, and in the end he takes me without children and brings me to his fishing place, and there I see him ex-wife, me in shock, and he explains this by saying that she herself asked for it when he was picking up his daughter, and he immediately followed me! I took my daughter and left, that was the end of the dream! Help me explain this dream, think about it all day! In general, I dream very very rarely, but I noticed a long time ago that all my dreams come true after some time.

    I dreamed of my man's brother. He said that my beloved would leave me. He got into the car with his wife and left. Then the wife of my beloved appeared. We walked with her and talked peacefully. My beloved man (currently we are in a litter) followed behind us.

    Good afternoon! My husband has an ex-wife. Today I had a dream that she and her son were visiting us. We were very nice and friendly with her, joked. My husband was also there, laughing with us. The dream didn’t scare me a lot. In life, I don’t have contact with his ex, she didn’t see me and I only see her from the photo. But she constantly climbs into our life. She confesses her love.

    I dreamed that I could take care of the sidewalk with my husband and suddenly he says: “Oh Luda (his first deceased wife), I’ll go to her house, and you go home, I’ll catch up.” He approached Lyudmila, she took his arm and they disappeared into the smoke. And I stand and think, well, and ... went to hell after saying goodbye (he never cheated) well, wait, you'll come home. And I woke up

    Dream: I’m standing washing myself scrubbing for some reason in the lobby of my boyfriend’s house and then his ex-wife comes and hands him a wad of money so that he takes it and looks after the children whom she brought to him, including their common son (who are waiting on the street)

    My husband is in prison, I youngest child came to him, then suddenly they went for a walk and the ex-wife goes with her current one, she smiles, looks around and asks how to get to my neighbor they are in military uniform. Then I find myself next to my husband, I tell him it’s like a peacock spreads its tail and starts walking in front of her, I made a remark to him, and he freaked out and left me, I hear my child crying, but I went to smoke looking back, I saw a lot of kids and it was snowing

    I had a dream, my ex-husband spent the night with his first wife, and he runs away from me, I tell him, let's come home, we will live in a place, he does not agree, and we are at home with his first wife, we get the attitude, but he runs away from me

    In a dream I saw the wife of my ex-husband hanged. The ex-husband cursed with me and cried. In a dream I wanted him to understand how hard it was for me. I told him that he did not help in the maintenance of our daughter with him

    So, well, at first my husband and I were driving somewhere in a car, my husband saw his ex-wife and stopped to find out if she needed a ride, to which she agreed, we were driving in a car and they talked so sweetly and warmly without noticing me, later we went somewhere arrived, I don’t remember how it was, but I remember that she was on wheelchair sitting, we are standing next to her, later we went around the corner to buy meat, returned, the car was not in place, my husband and I ran to look for a car, and she continued to sit in this chair, in the end I don’t know where my husband ran, but I ran to the covered parking lot, which will be converted into some kind of supermarket, I asked around to the people who were there, they said they didn’t see anything like that ... after my husband found a car near the curb, and called me, asked where I was and ran after me, after that I woke up!

    The ex-wife of her husband dreamed. She was sitting in my kitchen with my sister next to me, then my mother came in and started talking to her, quite sincerely, not suspecting that she was my husband's ex-wife

    Hello, my name is Vlad. i had a dream with my ex-wife, how we talked, me, my wife and her friend, and then somehow my wife tells me something that I didn’t even know that my godfather’s husband showed sympathy for her (maybe there was sex) but she’s in my she admitted this, and said that she didn’t want to talk about it before me and here I freaked out, called her and left, then some man came up and we started fighting, I would have been because of my wife, for calling her, I defeated him in a fight, after the victory I returned to where I left, I stood there a company that didn’t exist when we talked with my wife and her friend, there was also a friend of my wife, for some reason she saw me and began to hide behind others, I asked her where is my wife, she said that she left with my friend, I began to look for her, I see the house it’s worth going there and seeing my wife’s sex with my friend, why did I dream about it

    Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed that it was the birthday of our common son. Everyone was walking and having fun. Then, somehow, our husband's ex-wife turned up at our holiday. She changed her hair color. I started asking my husband what she was doing here. He says I don't know. Everyone started dancing. Then I go up to her and start to sort things out, grabbed her by the hair and tell her what you need here. You have no conscience at all. She laughs and says that she came here to congratulate. I tell her once again I will see blame myself. You already had money from him. You barely got kicked out of the house. We talked. I don't remember further. Then I say that the holiday is over. I tell my mother-in-law my husband is already drunk and needs to go home. We all start going home. I put gifts in bags. And I grab someone's tablet, put it in my bag, turn around, I see that the surveillance camera is looking at me and then my husband's ex-wife enters. And I woke up.

    Today I had a dream about my boyfriend's ex-wife. They do not have children (just in case) and they have not communicated in real life for a long time. But at the beginning of our relationship, he cheated on me with her, they live in different cities, he came to her (he told me that on business), I found out about this much later, and now we live in the guy’s apartment, in my repair, there all the furniture is dismantled and things are in bags (I tell you, suddenly this will affect the interpretation).
    So. In a dream, we drove into this apartment of mine, I open the door - and there his ex, it turns out, came for the weekend and he sort of hid her there, didn’t want me to know at all that she was coming to him. And she immediately began to pack, took her things and left. I was very indignant in a dream, but I didn’t swear, I just asked why he called her. He replied that they still needed to decide something, to talk, as if they still had some questions in the relationship. In a dream, of course, I was shocked after that - what questions could there be if we have been living together for almost 2 years and she has had another for a long time.
    Even in a dream after she left, I noticed that she left her tablet, there were her photos on it.

    Today I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife naked. And it’s as if we’re on some kind of birthday party for our mutual friend who doesn’t really exist. Then ostensibly we lie in bed with her and kiss. She is naked throughout the dream. She gave me money

    Hello, tonight (from Monday to Tuesday) I dreamed of my husband's ex-wife, she was very aggressive, rushed to fight. She looked very bad, disheveled, with gray hair (she is 28 years old). She screamed that I had stolen her life and now she would take mine. By the way, we met my husband when they just got divorced, she soon left for another city and died 2 years ago. Can this be considered a bad omen and how can this be interpreted? I had a dream from December 11 to December 12, 2017, she died on November 13, 2015, they didn’t remember her at all and didn’t talk about her. Thanks in advance

    Today I dreamed that my husband and I were lying in bed, he hugs me and presses me to him, but his ex-wife comes up to us and silently lies down in bed next to me. He seems to push me away from her, but for some reason he does not kick her out. I feel uncomfortable and want to get out of bed and leave. In the end, I still got up and sat down on the bed and looked at them. He lies and pulls his hands towards me, and she lies far from him and smiles, and I sit between them)) Then she went to glue some kind of wallpaper and did it so horribly, but some people told her that she glued it well and only My husband and I didn't like it. Something like this. Weird

    Hello! Today I had a dream, as if my ex-wife had arrived for her current boyfriend, he remained standing in the corridor, and she allowed him to discuss about the children, I said that I would also go to the presence of the conversation, but I don’t remember the conversation, I remember, I only remember that they are already alone in another room, and in the mirror I see a reflection of how they hug. The evening before the night, as I had a dream, we quarreled with him about his wife. What did it come up with?

    Hello. I had a dream on Wednesday night to Thursday. I saw color photo ex-wife of my man (we have been together for one year) In the photo she was wearing a white blouse and she had a lot of different jewelry on her arms and neck. On my hand, I also saw a bracelet that I gave to my man a year ago. I also clearly remembered that my man made a gift to his ex-wife, it was a gold chain with a cross .. The cross was decorated with white pebbles similar to pheonites ... In a dream there was a photo near this decoration that I saw clearly ... After I saw in a dream These photos made me very upset. In the room where all this happened was my beloved man. I started asking him why the bracelet that I gave him ended up on his ex-wife and why he gave her such a piece of jewelry and not me. He didn't answer me. And I woke up. In real life, I do not know his ex-wife, I only saw her in the photo and I know her name. I would like to know why such a dream, although I very rarely have dreams. Thank you.

    I dreamed of my husband’s ex-wife, I didn’t dream about her for a long time, in a dream they drank allegedly somewhere they had a meeting and went to visit her mother, I call him and understand where he is, I’m furious there, they sit on the couch and she cooing nicely with him, nothing else, I woke up, in life they have common child, rarely communicates with a child through her mother, communicates with her very rarely .... I had a dream from Sunday to Monday at 06:15 ... By the way, in real life, she herself left him, married another, gave birth to a boy, the marriage was not long, now she will marry another in the near future, there will be a third marriage .... We have been living in civilian life for more than 5 years, no children.

    hello, my husband’s ex-wife had a dream, and she wants to settle in our house, she started cleaning, cooking for him, and he doesn’t mind all this, he eats what she gave, and he’s glad to see her in a dream, she also told me that my mother-in-law told me to left the house. Help explain.

    I dreamed about my husband's ex-wife today. I don't know her personally, and I've never seen her in person. I dreamed that she was sitting with her back to me in a clothing store, talking with her apparently acquaintances while sitting on chairs. I approached her to ask something, touched her shoulder to ask her something about her clothes in which she was wearing, she turned slightly without turning to me completely and without looking at me answered something. And that's it, the dream ended, I woke up. Why just do the ex-wife of her husband dream ?!

    I dreamed about my ex. To my wife, did we live a sheet this year in May for almost 20 years, we have a son, and she dreamed she was standing in front of me face to face and was silent, I just ask for forgiveness and return home to her that I want to glue the family cup! Beautifully dressed in my dream, the colors were warm, only she was silent and there was no answer ... ..

    The house where my now deceased grandmother lived was run by my husband's ex-wife. She tried to lure my husband back. She said bad things about him, even he was afraid of her children (her husband has 2 children with her), and our husband and I. Despite her, I cleaned the house, but she interfered, laughed, my husband did not pay attention to her, helped me, sweep the house, wash the windows. And the children sat like mice. What does that mean?

    I dreamed that my husband's ex-wife came to visit us in the house. But the house, which in a dream I took for ours, was not familiar to me. The three of us sat at the table and drank tea, the former spoke very nicely, smiled, flirted with my husband, kissed him on the cheek, which shocked me completely ... After drinking tea, I asked my husband to take me to the car, I had to go somewhere, at first my husband said: come on your own, but then he still went with me. The former was also about to leave. She went to the toilet. I offered her a clean towel, but she refused. My husband and I left the house together. Where she was, I don't know. We live in a private house, but in a dream we seemed to live in an apartment. And when we were drinking tea in the apartment, there were still 2 men there, they were workers, they were repairing something in our apartment.

    I dreamed that my girlfriend and I somehow find ourselves at the neighbors through the wall with the former Tolya’s birthday Tolya’s holiday which ex appears here calls for a conversation, I get out here her current boyfriend is standing well, he seems to have tried to provoke me into a fight, I pushed him away from here some types with birch sticks appear outside the gate, I immediately tell them that they wanted problems, but they, in a drunken frenzy, put sticks near the gate, well, there was no fight, I still didn’t understand what was happening or they went to help the ex-boyfriend later they called a taxi and everything seemed to dissolve, we stayed with the neighbors

    I dreamed that my husband’s late wife came to our house and say that she will live here now they have two children and the husband was silent and goes to another room, I understand everything in a dream because they are a family and they have children and I think what will happen to me now

    I dreamed of my wife, my daughter and her new husband what is it for? My wife dreamed on a program at home, my daughter was standing next to her for 18 years. Then we talked about something, it seems like I came to her to pick up my thing, most likely a divorce certificate. Then I went somewhere and met her new future husband face to face. I met like in a cafe where their wedding was supposed to take place, everything happened calmly without swearing. Just came to her to pick up a divorce certificate.

In a dream, we can see ourselves in love, joyful, or upset and disappointed. We can see ourselves next to many people. But why is the ex-wife dreaming? What does such a dream mean?

Why does the ex-wife dream - the main interpretation

If a man dreamed of his ex-wife, should he think about whether his feelings for her have cooled down? Perhaps he needs her help and support. For a full interpretation of a dream, all its details must be taken into account:

Under what circumstances did you meet your ex-wife;

Who else appeared in your dream;

· Did you communicate with your ex-wife;

Has she given you anything?

· What emotions visited you at that moment.

If in a dream you see your ex-wife preparing food for you, you should be wary. Do you have any unresolved issues with her? Have you discussed everything with her? Was your breakup easy? The dream book often indicates that if a person is dreaming, he may be thinking about you at that moment, or often remembered you in the middle of the day.

If you dream that you are meeting your ex-wife in the middle of the street - such a dream can really predict a long-awaited meeting for you. Why long awaited? Most likely, you also have something to say to her.

It happens that people disperse, but friendly feelings between them remain. Especially if the couple was connected by children. If you dream that you are having dinner with your ex-partner, and this dinner is romantic, such a dream portends pleasant moments in your life.

You can actually meet someone from old acquaintances, you can meet ex-lover or someone important to you. The main thing is not to refuse the proposed meetings in reality. Now is the time when such meetings are useful in the first place for you.

The dream in which you meet your ex-wife at the station indicates that the trip you planned will not be successful. You will rather spend a lot of nerves and not get the desired result. If you see in a dream how your ex-wife accompanies you on the road, such a dream is even more alarming.

If you still have unresolved issues with this woman in reality, you better think about whether it is worth devoting strangers to your plans. Such a dream may also indicate that you are talking to too many people that you are going to go somewhere.

A dream in which your ex-wife swears at you indicates empty squabbles and scandals in reality. If you didn’t have scandals and squabbles in your life with your wife, such a dream suggests that you will lose your reputation in the person of a very important person for you.

If you have a dream in which you are trying to catch up with your ex-wife, he advises you not to dive into the past and not analyze it. Too often, instead of living in the present and building the future, you plunge into memories. You can even analyze some events based on the experience of the past. The dream interpretation warns you against the same actions.

If you dream that you are hugging your ex-wife, such a dream may mean that she will need help soon. Soon you will have to either agree to help her or refuse her. But the dream book advises to lend a helping hand. Otherwise, you will regret for a long time that you did not help.

Why is the ex-wife dreaming? What can mean a dream in which you are walking with your ex-wife? Such a dream may mean that you will soon have some work to do. You don't give them first of great importance but in the end, you will get yourself in trouble. Dream Interpretation advise you to be more attentive to everything that will happen in your life. Do not miss the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

Why is the ex-wife dreaming if she makes your bed? Such a dream may mean that you are in trouble in your personal life. If you dream that your ex-woman is embroidering, such a dream means that someone will gossip about you. This gossip will affect your relationship. The dream book advises not to worry about this, but to clearly decide for yourself whether you need this relationship.

If a relationship is needed, you should not pay attention to words. Better take care of yourself, your current soulmate, try to organize a holiday for each other. Try to become closer, to be useful to each other.

The dream in which your ex-wife gives birth to your child speaks of your health problems. Chronic diseases will get worse. It's time for you to think about whether you lead the right way of life, otherwise illnesses will overcome you one after another.

Why dream of the grave of an ex-wife - such a dream means that you just can’t come to terms with a break in relations. You may no longer have feelings for the former woman, but you still experience some dissatisfaction, limitation in your current life because of these unsaid.

What is the dream of the ex-wife according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a man can dream of an ex-wife as a symbol of unrealized sexual fantasies. Such a dream can also indicate the presence of resentment and painful waking memories. A man, most likely, cannot say goodbye to the image of his ex-wife. He transfers it to his new women.

This means that he compares his new women with his ex-wife. If the ex-wife in your dream is beautiful and friendly, even flirts with you - such a dream can mean a romantic date, a fleeting romance. The new woman will also become close to you, but this romance will not last long.

The dream in which you hold your ex-wife's hand speaks of the need for care and affection. You lack support in life, lack mutual understanding and intimacy. No need to look back and look for them in the past. It is better to build new strong healthy relationships based on mutual love and devotion.

What is the dream of an ex-wife who is sick? Such a dream means that financial troubles await you. You will not even be able to understand why they started and when they will end. The dream book advises you to stick to the golden mean in making important decisions. You should not promise anything to anyone if you are not sure of yourself. Otherwise, you will have even greater financial problems.

If a woman dreams of her husband's ex-wife, such a dream means that a crisis will come in relations with a man. The woman was not open and caring enough. She wasn't loving enough. She tried to live only for herself and now problems may begin in her relationship.

What is the dream of the ex-wife according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that meeting in a dream with an ex-wife does not bode well. Most likely, this woman holds a grudge against you and wishes you harm, as you feel it - she appears to you in a dream.

If in a dream your ex-wife yells at you, remember the reason why this is happening. Perhaps this happened in a dream due to your inattention to her? Then it is important to pay attention in reality new woman so as not to lose it. If the ex-wife quarrels with you because of financial issues, such a dream should be interpreted in two ways.

If she demands money from you in a dream, you did not help her in difficult times and now someone will turn away from you in reality. In the same way, they will not lend you a helping hand. If your ex-wife scolds you because of a misconduct, you should be very demanding on your words and actions. You can undeservedly offend someone, even offend. Try to contain your emotions.

If in a dream you hit your ex-wife, expect trouble at work. Life will also hit you hard and you will lose your previous financial positions. You should not relax if in a dream you are hugging with your ex-wife - such a dream promises you communication with two personal people.

Why does the ex-wife dream about other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that the ex-wife dreams of trouble and anxiety. This person could remember you with malice, and you felt it. If you see how she shakes your child in her arms, you should seriously take care of your health. The dream in which she strokes your head says that one of your friends is spreading rumors about you.

Aesop's dream book says that the ex-wife in a dream is a messenger of negative changes and experiences. You feel some kind of connection with her, constantly returning to the past and trying to scroll through the events of the past. Understand whether you did the right thing, and whether it is worth doing so further. Leave the past behind and boldly move on. Try not to look back, do not analyze yourself, live easier.