Maria Katsuba poetess biography. Marina Katsuba's favorite books

[Verse 1, Matty]:
Another old movie. Silent scene.
Hands run to you under the dress, but it's not my fault.
I guess I'm weak; I'm probably weird
But you're with me for the third night in a row.

[Chorus, Matty]:

You are silent, and I draw on the wallpaper.
I smoke. There are two of us and outside the window is Paris!
Faience service and clocks opposite,
Just remember - luck loves jazz.

[Verse 2, Marina Katsuba]:
Just don't be like those who fall in love and run
Without you in the morning the bed is like poetry without letters.
Without you, I will crumble over the sheet - dust, glass.
Like an abandoned island, empty poems without words.

Do not blush - evening, quietly sounds fly to the west.
I have already seen these drawings in a dream, your eyes.
I'm with you all little rum, time, cigarettes.
We are the heroes of Remarque, the room has no doors.

Sighs, speeches, holes - I'm afraid to sleep and sleep.
This evening is such that every second has its own fate.
How much life - and the body trembles, and light.
Just don't be a stranger

I haven't been mine for a hundred years.
Garson sleeps in the lobby.
I have not been one of my own for a hundred years;

[Chorus, Matty]:
My hotel, we brightly plunge into love.
The bed breathes in the spring, breathes in the spring, breathes in the spring.
My hotel, we brightly plunge into love.
The bed breathes in the spring, breathes in the spring, breathes in the spring.

About song Mate - Hotel (ft. Marina Katsuba)

  • 2017 has been a very creative year for Matty. Perhaps none of the Russian-speaking Artists of our time could beat this record. So, the third release called "The Great Russian Nobody" comes out on the first of November. And it is completely different from the two previous releases of this year in that the tape contains not only Divine lyrics, but also tracks, for example, "White Gardens" with a fairly high BPM. We've been waiting for this for a long time, and now it's here! St. Petersburg poetess Marina Katsuba on the only joint track "Hotel" with a guest verse. Production to the delight of everyone was done by Dark Faders, art records from Denis Luperkal. Lyrics for Mate - Hotel (ft. Marina Katsuba) are in the set and will be available for reading soon.

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song Mate - Hotel (ft. Marina Katsuba).
Lyricist: Mikhail Tyutkin (Meichi) and Marina Katsuba.
Album "Great Russian Nobody".
Music: Dark Faders.
Cover: Lupercal.
Official release date: November, 01, 2017.

She began writing poetry at the age of three. At five, she was already writing quatrains about summer and her homeland with a pen in a notebook. “The rhymes were nothing, already with glimmers of hope for literature,” says St. Petersburg poetess Marina Katsuba (30), the only girl who participated and won in the “Battle of the Poets” program on 100TV and the country’s main independent rap slaughterhouse, Versus Battle.

Bomber, skirt, belt, ARUT MSCW

She was born into a classical St. Petersburg family. Dad is an officer, he served on a submarine. Mom is a teacher, older sister is a doctor. “My parents were strict about my poetic searches, they did not have high hopes.”

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Her father told her: “Out of several thousand engineers, 80% can provide for themselves, and out of several thousand humanitarians, only a third are capable of this.” And Marina entered the University of Plant Polymers at the Faculty of Physics, where she completed her studies only until the third year. Then there was a quarrel with dad and admission to the director's at the Academy of Culture. Katsuba spent three days there, and after the phrase: “You need to write, not shoot,” she transferred - surprisingly - to higher school privatization. “I moved there because I was extremely disappointed in the education system, and even more so creative, humanitarian. I didn't care. Just to get a diploma so that parents fall behind.

In 2007, she was taken to the staff of the magazine, where she was the editor of the Portraits and Show sections for a year and at the same time organized filming. “And in 2012, my stylist friend Gosha Kartsev and I launched the School GOSH educational fashion project. It, like many later educational projects in the industry, was aimed at creating a new fashionable environment. Then there were no analogues. There was nothing in this industry in St. Petersburg. True, with such stories I always have one scenario - I'm only interested in a startup, then it gets boring. I - recognized master short form. A few days, well, a maximum of weeks, you will jerk around, and completed it. Closed. And he went on."

She never tried to cash in on her poetry. Marina's main activity is producing fashion shoots. “I sell my poems only “for love”. For example, for my close friend and singer Shura Kuznetsova (29), I am writing lyrics for the second album. But in fact, I can’t monetize my creativity in such a way that I can live at the very least without spraying myself into other activities. I hope I can do it in my lifetime."

Dress, Galina Podzolko; belt, pumps, TOPSHOP

Dress, Galina Podzolko; Trench coat, Viva Vox

And she has two divorces behind her back. “We lived with my first husband Nikita for a year, I was 17, and I wrote reprises and scripts for KVN and Comedy Club with him. We would not have married this year - my parents insisted very much. With the second, Artyom, we lived together for four years, doing literature and the BOLT poetic movement, organizing battles of poets together with the STO TV channel, and helping young authors. They did charity events for children in orphanages and hospitals, developing games in rhymes and riddles. And together with designer Artyom Gavrilyuk, they created the Greatcriss clothing brand. Artyom is still doing it.

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I have a good relationship from ex-husbands and their families. They come to my performances, they both helped once with a very difficult shoot. I just outgrew them in terms of ambitions and demands on myself and everyone around me - this is normal. It's better than staying and, being unhappy, drowning a person in your discontent.

For the past six months, Katsuba has been dating rapper Misha Meity. “Misha and I are similar in character - both Scorpions and impulsive, artistic, finely organized. To say that we are always easy together, I can not. But this big love, I didn’t have this before meeting him, ”Marina admits.

October 16, 2014, 18:00 The authors: Boris Sheik. Photographer: Alexander Nechaev, Vladimir Yarotsky

"Mom didn't cry when she saw Versus"

Interview with Marina Katsuba, focused on literature and rap

A month ago, the rap party didn’t know about the poetess Marina Katsuba, but the battle with Drago pumped over and the guest verse from Noize MC on the album radically changed everything: personal messages on VK began to burst from angry (and not only) messages, offers more and more came to read, and all kinds of rap portals continually strove to interview - we, in fact, are no exception. In life, Marina, as well as on Versus, turned out to be pleasant to talk to, and therefore shared her thoughts with us about the future of education, Russian music, poetry and much more. By the way, she also has a mini-album scheduled for release in mid-November - it will consist of three tracks, each of which in one way or another relates to rap.

“I came to that“ Versus ”to cheer for Marina. And did not regret! In my opinion, it was a very cool battle, both in terms of text and in terms of dramaturgy: after the first round, I was almost sure that Drago would win, but then everything fell into place. Respect!” Ivan “Noize MC” Alekseev says about the poetess.

Dovlatov he once said that prose writers surprisingly produce good poetry, while poets do not write prose. What do you think about this?

I haven't grown up to serious prose yet. I have extensive experience in St. Petersburg journalism: I worked as an editor of the magazine for quite a long time. First of all, as an interviewer, she led the "Portraits" section. She also worked in student newspapers, she was engaged in copywriting for many years quite successfully. Even political when I needed money for food and shoes. But this is journalism, and it is simpler - it's a question of format, understanding of some things, basics. I don't have prose. And I, really, do not yet find the time and do not yet feel such resources in myself to take a swing at her. But, of course, I want to have children and write a book.

"Fame will never come to a man who writes bad poetry," Riukhin of The Master and Margarita said. In general, what is bad poetry in your understanding? Russian rap - bad poetry?

For a very long time, since the time of the “Battle of the Poets”, young authors very often write to me with a request to comment on their work. I try not to do it at all. We are all subjective in perception. I make exceptions for those people in whose words I see some hope for a genius, and then I try to help them. I don’t even analyze creativity, but I provide moral support and, if possible, even financial support - such situations also developed. I have indeed helped a lot of young poets and perhaps this is a much greater achievement than anything I have written and will write.

And rap is not poetry. Rap is rap, the language form of the hip-hop subculture. Poetry is a genre, poetry is a form of existence of speech, a much more global concept. Of course, rap can be attributed to the form of the existence of speech, but we cannot put these concepts on a par, compare and put the question like this. I try not to mix everything into one pot, although I think that Russian rap has the right to exist as a form of speech, and it is interesting to me in a certain sense.

What is it like to create in such a narrow circle of listeners? Isn't it easier to write poetry to music, for example, by Igor Krutoy? So after all more people will hear. Or is that not the goal?

For me, it has never been an end in itself. People who know me know that this is so. I have been writing for twenty-four years, I am a good producer in the fashion and video industry, I shoot a bunch of videos, I do a lot of fashion shoots, I run glossy magazines. If I wanted to sell myself, I would have done it before Versus, successfully and without so much crap. I would have found ways to monetize this type of my activity, since I didn’t do it, it means I didn’t want to. That is to say, I know how to earn a living in other ways and do not try to sell poetry. It disgusted me very much about ten years ago: youthful maximalism hinted at the fact that to get pissed off, count on wide audience- very embarrassing. Naturally, life has loosened me up over time; but, anyway, it is not an end in itself.

Is a rapper generally closer to a literary poet or a songwriter?

To the songwriter. Of course, in rap one of the main qualities is work with music, with rhythm, speed of reading, and so on. These are things that are less related to literature - more to music, require other skills, basics. There are people who do not create insanely cool texts, but they read very cool in terms of technology and have vocal abilities. And if we are talking about a rapper, then we must take into account all the components, if we are talking about a poet - specifically the text.

That is, even despite the fact that there are rappers who also emphasize the text? Well, take the same Alexei Kosov - to what category can he be attributed? To poets or rappers?

It can be attributed to the dreams of girls. Into the dreams of a million girls. Alyosha is very imaginative, he managed to create his own world. It seems to me that all artists, creators, representatives of any genre who have managed to create their own handwriting, the world, deserve respect, regardless of everything else: what they are, what kind of people they are, how they treat us and their lives. There is nothing in common between creativity and the person who makes it, or at least they are not the same thing. Such things must be understood, but the listener and the reader do not always succeed. He idealizes his idol, if such a pathetic word can be used.

Rap music uses guest verses all the time. The artists collaborate with each other and take part in recording the compositions of their comrades. Do poets practice something similar? If yes, how does it happen?

I think it's one of the coolest things about rap. I signed up with Vanya, Noize MC, and with various St. Petersburg rappers I conducted the same experiments - not in the form of a reading, but in the form of excerpts in meaning in interludes, for example. interactive genre. In poetry, this happens much less frequently. Perhaps because poets hold on too tightly to their word. There is open mics, joint collections, battles - a lot of things, but the successful collaboration of poets in our century is too rare.

In the sixties there was Brodsky, Dovlatov. And who is now the cultural reflection of the literary St. Petersburg?

A very difficult question, I'm subjective. I have my own interests, my own view of everything. I never impose my point of view on anyone. There are many decent authors who make sense to follow in one form or another. There are plenty of them. Andrei Gogolev - I always cite him as an example. When he started, he was sixteen, he sent some quatrains. Now this dude has outgrown me by three heads, and I'm just happy that I had something to do with his formation.

In your opinion, will modern St. Petersburg literature be taught in schools in the future?

Undoubtedly. To my regret, Alexey Nikonov can enter the textbooks. It is very simple and easy for this to happen.

Up to me, to all of us, unfortunately.

Why unfortunately?

It is very difficult for us to evaluate the current process. After a while it becomes easier to analyze something. In the process, this cannot be done, it turns out too subjectively. Now there is no one history of St. Petersburg, as before: Anna Akhmatova, "Stray Dog" and so on. And then, we are reading this now, because some contemporaries, great-grandmothers conveyed information to us in this way. Perhaps they perceived everything in their own way because of their sympathy for Yesenin, Severyanin. The same will happen to today's generation. It's just that things are happening more fragmented: a network has appeared, some authors are popular exclusively on the Internet, someone makes podcasts, someone - clips. In one form or another, it will go down in history.

Tell me, in connection with so much information, is there time to read books? How much do you read, say, per month?

It's terrible with this right now. Very bad music. Until the age of twenty-two, I had time and allowed myself to read seven or eight books in parallel. I did this in order not to “fall through” into one writer. If you are an impressionable, creative, vulnerable character, then you fall into his style of the author you read, and start using his turns and other things. And now I read very little: estimates and letters for work, mostly. Little time for reading, listening to music. Sad, but, unfortunately, I am one of those people who would rather be fed and help their parents than go ragged and scream about their genius.

Is the problem that people read rap and not books so acute? In what it can result in the most terrible scenario?

organic process. It makes no sense to scold him - it's like scolding social media. What is the point of standing under an avalanche, shrugging and yelling at her? You either run, or lie down, or connect. It is necessary to position oneself somehow expediently in this or that situation. Nothing can be done about it. It happens the way it happens. But there are now rappers who are trying to work more on the lyrics. "I loved you, and you left" - this is fed up. And this is also an organic process. It will spill into something. It depends on what will happen in our country as a whole, on a bunch of economic and social factors. For example, if there is some kind of terrible economic problem now, then everything will become completely different. Words, poems and so on will be completely different in price. I do not presume to judge, the question is too global for me.

« Versus”must be touched upon, of course. For a girl, especially without a Zhiguli in her hands, this is generally an atypical thing. There they copulate with mothers and so on. What was the purpose? Just diversify the action?

I work as a producer. The organizers called me and asked me to help with variety at the Off-Season. It wasn't just about my performance. I wanted to invite beautiful girls, because even the organizers at some point got sick of the flow of dirt, shit, stupidity that the project is growing around. And, in fact, our battle with Drago about what can be done in a completely different way. Okay, this show, I don’t argue, but it’s beautiful and interesting. My mom didn't cry when she saw it. For me, this is a higher rating than the opinion of fucking nine-year-old nerds from Petrozavodsk or other people whose opinion I am not interested in. We helped distribute tickets, and ended up going back to funny topic that I can read. There was absolutely no time to prepare. I don’t justify my short texts, because they would still be short: the format of endlessly throwing mud at another person is strange to me, I can’t get into it. But I really didn’t have time to prepare, and everything was discussed with Drago in advance, so I can’t call our confrontation a full-fledged battle. This is to the fact that it can be like this. A girl can come in a dress, with even legs, and not a “gopotura” with beer. Every day people write me some good things, besides “Die, bitch” or “Where are your boobs?” Positive feedback comes in, where it says: "It's great that we managed to raise the issue of literature and rap in such a broad format." And this, from the point of view of literary strategy, for which I care, is much more interesting to me than the fact that someone noticed that I have no chest and beautiful features.

In your opinion, if you remove all this immediacy from "VersusWill it benefit the project?

I think yes. But there is a limit to everything, there is a target audience: you can clean up something, improve it, change the format a little, but it’s wrong to take and turn everything into something that would be interesting for me and fifteen other art stinkers to watch.

What is there to hide: our readers liked you not only for a sharp word, but also for your appearance. And the fact that the cutest girl strangles a two-meter Drago. In general, appearance gives some advantage in performances, does it become part of the poems?

I started acknowledging this at the age of twenty-four. Before, I was critically infuriated that people were considering my appearance. I wanted everyone to see my mind, admire my knowledge of Brodsky and Brautigan. Then I realized: this is quite stupid, and you need to be aware of everything that you have; enjoy it. There is nothing good or bad in this, just a fact. Bukowski has a story about a girl who stuck knitting needles in her face in order to fight her beauty. I do not want knitting needles in the face - I want to get married for the last time more successfully than the first two.

And finally, what is the easiest thing to write about? Do you often feel the desire to write about something like that, to escape from reality?

I am a woman to the core. I already said that I listen to Assai and the Krec group in premenstrual syndrome. 80% of my poetry is about love. And my muse is premenstrual syndrome. I can’t help but write: all this pours out by itself, within the framework of oneself it is impossible to fight against such. I am a mature enough aunt who can already come to terms with her appearance, and with the fact that she is cynical, and with the fact that she is an endless shitty lyricist, writing and writing about her unhappy loves.

What can you wish for aspiring rappers?

Don't be afraid of anything new. Stop holding on to your wide pants - hold on to your head, it's more useful. Look not down, but up and forward. It will be more interesting.

"Good circus is better than bad hip-hop." St. Petersburg poetess Marina Katsuba spoke under this motto yesterday at Versus. She performed - and won: not only according to the results of the vote, but also because in 20 minutes of the battle she managed to charm many viewers.

The Flow promptly contacted Marina and asked her a few questions.

How did it happen that the poet girl ended up on a rap battle?

I've been friends with Oxxxymiron and Porchy for a long time, and we joked several times that it would be funny to send me to Versus. Well, here we are, joking. The organizers of the battle are super adequate guys, I helped them during the "Off-season" with my friends from PUBLICA with some administrative and PR issues. And my participation is so, an additional bonus for everyone. A good and, for me, quite a funny joke. Vanya Noyz supported me very much in this idea and many other musician friends - I decided.

Noize MC told us in a recent interview that you've started "recording hip-hop". He did not only mean Versus, did I understand correctly?

Well, so far, apart from a joint track with Vanya and a track based on my performance at the battle, which I will post one of these days, I have not recorded anything in this “non-female” genre. There are a lot of proposals - it’s even scary, while I’m thinking what to do with it. I have more than two thousand texts for 24 years of creativity - enough for 10 albums. There is no time - with the move to Moscow, I work like a damned one.

Was it not scary to fight with a huge, swinging man?

Well, right, how scary - it was funny. Only the judges let us down, upset. It is hard to expect any adequate level of perception from the audience, if the judges at the event in cabbage soup are cleaned with alcohol. The guys should be more careful in choosing the jury members in the future, because the status of the battle is primarily determined by the composition of the judges.

Interestingly, battles are not new to you. On your Vkontakte page it is indicated that you are the first girl to win the Battle of the Poets. What is the Battle of the Poets?

Google to the rescue. There was such a program on the 100TV channel. 7 seasons of selected St. Petersburg versification. And, yes, in the last 7 season I won. This was in 2009. The series with my participation received TEFI as the best entertainment program. We have a beautiful country, we have the Battle of the Poets - an entertainment program, guys. What can I say about rap battles!

On the same day that you performed at the battle, there were two fights. Did you feel comfortable being in that environment?

No. And I have already informed all the participants in the fights to which I am directly related. Fights are sadness, especially in a place where people, in theory, should be measured by words.

I can understand why rappers come here, but why do you? I can hardly imagine people in baseball caps at your creative evenings.

On mine creative evenings you can meet people in baseball caps. What are you talking about? Even my dad wears a baseball cap! Why do I need it? Well, such an experiment on yourself, on the format. True, I am afraid of the superficiality and monotony of most of the Russian-language rap. And I really came to tell about it on Versus. Well, Drago had to listen for everyone. In my subjective opinion, if he had been a little less vulgar and rummaged a little more in my literature, and not in the pictures on the Internet, he would definitely have taken me out. I don't write long punches and don't feel very comfortable with that format in general.

For those who have just found out about Marina Katsuba: three of your texts that you like more than others?

No, please. I have too many texts. Most last years I put it on the blog. And, really, I think that everyone is free to decide for himself what to read, what not to read, whom to listen to, who not to listen to, and what he likes best. I have one surprisingly pleasant Petersburg trait - I do not impose my opinion, my society, or my creativity on anyone.

How do you feel about Russian rap? What do you like about it, what not so much? Do you single out someone from others?

I'm like all chicks. I can listen to Assai in a premenstrual rush excitedly, honestly. Well. if no jokes, then this is a very voluminous question, claiming to be a monologue for many hours.

There is a thesis that rap is the new poetry. Can this be taken seriously?

Rap is one of the main elements of hip-hop culture. Poetry is a way of organizing speech, a genre, if you will. Let's not throw everything into one pan and mix. You can take anything seriously, but not stupid questions!

Poetry nights for rappers are in full swing in the States - people like Mos Def participate in them. Can we imagine this?

It is possible, I think, but I'm afraid it will still turn out ... very Russian, to the extent of the specifics of our mentality.

Is Russian poetry alive in 2014? Can you name five top names that make sense to follow?

Follow Andrei Gogolev. For Vanya Pinzhenin. For Tanya Repina. For Dima Adamovich. For Ars Pegasus. For Es Soya. I know about fifty decent, talented poets. It’s just that they don’t throw mud at each other and don’t plan to fuck anyone’s mom - therefore, for their dreary creative destiny schoolchildren are not ready to watch online.

The most important question: why are all the new stars of poetry - entirely women? Polozkova, Astakhova, are you? Where are the men who write poetry?

This is a superficial statement, I do not agree with it. There is a moment with the level of fame of the authors, yes. But this is a slightly different question - about women's activity in our society as a whole, including within the framework of creative professions.

For people who are far from the world of poetry: tell us how the evenings (concerts?) of poets go? Just a man comes out - and reads poetry? How does the public react to this?

There are many different formats. There is an open battle SLAM, when everyone has 1 minute on stage, and the audience chooses the best. I performed well in SLAMAH in my youth, I won - there was time and a desire to prove my verbal worth. There are author's evenings, festivals, performances, media poetry. It's just that the poetic world is a small subculture. Elite, not interesting to the masses, Maybe, thank God that it is.
Marina Katsuba's next performance in Moscow will take place tomorrow, October 7, at the "Artefaq" club.

Marina Katsuba was born in St. Petersburg. She began writing poetry at the age of five. Studied environmentalist, director and entrepreneur, was engaged in journalism

In parallel with poetry, in which she has achieved some success, Marina is producing fashion shoots" target="_blank">rapper Oksimiron's collaborations with Reebok


The Noize MC Hard Reboot album has the track "M" with a guest verse from the poetess, and recently the musician recited her poems

Battle of the Poets" on the 100TV channel, which was awarded the "Tefi" award

just for fun" battle on "Versus". Since then, the issue has already gained more than three million views

write" after he defeated Oksimiron on "Versus"" target="_blank">promised to marry

I invited him to take part in the shooting for a sports brand. Slava named too high an amount - 500 thousand rubles.

never worked with Marina Katsuba and never instructed her to look for ... performers for shooting"