Open mic show winner. "Open Mic" - a new show on TNT! — TNT-Saratov

Host of the Open Microphone show, winner of the Comedy Battle show, resident comedy club, a debutant as a presenter.

How did it happen that you became the host of the Open Microphone project on TNT?

They just called me and asked: “Do you want to host a show?” I said, "Yes, with pleasure." At first, of course, I was scared, because before that I had never led anything. I thought that the lead was not mine. And now I tried it and realized that this is a new interesting experience.

Did you enjoy being the leader? Are you used to performing...

Yes, but it's a completely different world. I used to be a little dismissive about dribble, I thought it was very easy. In fact, everything is not at all like that, because you have to lead people, set the tone for a concert, party, event. To set a good standard for quality, you must be cheerful, feel the crowd, people, their mood. If it doesn't exist, you must create it. And it's very difficult. When you perform in the stand-up genre, you know where it will be funny, you go from joke to joke - here you know that it will not be funny. As a leader, you most often announce the rules, then explain them for a long time. At first, it was very difficult and unusual for me not to hear laughter. But then you gradually pour in, you understand how it works.

Were there any difficulties with creating this mood, atmosphere on the show? Let's say you're having a bad day yourself.

Yes, definitely. Sometimes you have to push yourself. This is the moment of professionalism of any artist, it does not matter - a stand-up artist, a singer, a magician. You should go on stage and people shouldn't know about your problems. This is work that needs to be done.

Do you prefer to watch performances by experienced comedians or beginners who are clearly talented?

I like the performances of all participants. I don't know why, but I'm starting to worry about them. Probably because he was often in their shoes. I myself am still not a seasoned comedian, I know what an experience, excitement is ... when, because of one joke that has not gone down, the whole performance is pouring. Therefore, when they succeed, I am only glad, whoever they are.

Do you interact with them backstage? Do you give advice?

Yes, we communicate very well. All the same people. Sometimes they consult, but there is no such thing that I am their mentor, teacher, patron and deity. It happens, and I ask them something - we all work in different styles, each is good in a certain area. There is no such thing that someone is a guru, and the other is nobody, we all share our experience.

Do you make up your own jokes on this show? Or use the help of scriptwriters?

We have a group of writers, but since I have a disgusting memory, more often than not something gets out of my head during the shooting and an absolute bacchanalia begins. As a result, we either rewrite or leave my impromptu. So this is our joint work.

Would you like to take the place of one of the jury members?

No, absolutely. As a presenter, I can say what I want, we can tease each other with the members of the jury - I like it. I wouldn't want to take the responsibility of teaching someone. This is a huge excitement. Everyone thinks it's easy to be a mentor - so you sit in a chair and you absolutely do not care what happens. No, they care about the participants. I wouldn’t be able to watch the one with whom I wrote at all - I would sob and tear my eyebrows from excitement.

You obviously prefer ironic jokes. Why?

They are sharp, very well remembered. They have a certain amount of negativity, but it is very small. Apparently, because of my upbringing and medical education. I just see how people are hooked by more ironic jokes - they not only laugh, but also think: “Yes, indeed, I also behaved incorrectly then.” It gives more response, you are more memorable.

Do comedians always rely on personal experience in their performances?

Most often noticeable when from life, and when invented. Personal experience important anyway. If you just sat in the office for 3 weeks and wrote some fictitious thoughts, most likely it will not arouse interest. I had such a problem - I somehow sat down in an apartment for several weeks and wrote out nothing. And then I went, for example, to the cinema, and I had a monologue even at the moment when I threw out the remnants of popcorn. You need to experience strong emotions, live different situations and have your own view on them. But stand-up is, after all, an embellishment of reality, and not an accurate retelling, not a presentation. When you convey your emotions, impressions, views, which are certainly interesting to the viewer, then you get a fascinating, funny story.

What do you expect from the Open Microphone project? What will he give the guys who decided to take part in it?

Many Open Mic participants mistakenly believe that the winner takes all and the rest take nothing. In no case do I want people who participated and did not win to get upset and quit stand-up. I am sure that this will not happen, because they are all great professionals and adequate people. You can't measure everything by one performance - you're cool, you're not cool. Every comedian, and every person, understands that there are always more bad performances than good ones. You can't be funny every time. I was at the performances of very seasoned, eminent comedians, when for 30-40 minutes it was frankly not funny. It happens. This is fine. This is human factor. Our guys are now starting a big stand-up life thanks to the Open Microphone project.

Did you have any favorites among the participants?

Yes, but I wouldn't like to say who. Because I know that they will read this interview. Unless, of course, you are deceiving me by deciding to just chat with me and publish it.

What qualities, in your opinion, should a participant in the Open Microphone show dream of winning?

He must understand that in case of victory, one should not rejoice too much. When I won the Comedy Battle, I was very upset, because I understood that in a week I had to write a new monologue, instead of going with everyone to celebrate, play tricks, go crazy, indulge in bacchanalia and the apotheosis of moral horror, decompose and have fun. I had a huge job ahead of me. But I think they are all great fellows, and each of them will be ready for this. They will be delighted, but this will not blind them - they will continue to plow. And they will all succeed.

Why should TNT viewers watch Open Mic? How is it different from the StandUp show?

There is a major difference that we all really dislike. I don't like it when humor is made into a competition. Naturally, this is a plus, because the level in the face of strong competition increases greatly. You put more golden bolts into the performance, you want to make you laugh more often than to immerse yourself in your atmosphere and just please the audience. You start to worry more, and people who sit in the hall and watch the competition also begin to appreciate the humor, although this should not be. But within the framework of the show, apparently, it is necessary. But after winning this show, it lets you go. You go to the open hall of the Stand Up show on TNT, where no one evaluates you, but people just want to have fun.

Sasha Grishaev from Kazan reached the semi-finals of the Open Microphone show.

New project TNT is not just a talent show, but a way to find new heroes in humor. Season winner becomes permanent member show stand up. Stand-up comedian monologues in Open Mic are almost always based on real life and experiences. There are no taboo topics in this show - only truth, only humor, only stand-up.

A Kazan participant in the new season of the Open Microphone show admitted that he started doing stand-up about four years ago:

It was somehow boring, and I decided to add a little comedy to my own life. In principle, I was little familiar with KVN. Most of what I saw was kept by friends on computers in the “jokes” folder. I didn’t watch TV, I always preferred movies.

Do you set goals for yourself as a stand-up comedian? For example, to give a concert in three years?

I love to talk. And comedy. I want to become better. And to pay more. Everyone wants to give a concert. Not even because it is a holiday of selfishness, but because if you were able to listen and laugh for an hour, you are not so bad.

Do you communicate with the guys from the team outside the set? How is the relationship with the mentor?

On the set - yes, not with everyone in life, but I think if I write “hello” to someone, they will answer me. I know that I can write to Ruslan at any time, but I don’t really use it. I still like to write myself. Once I asked his opinion, we discussed it, in the end everything remained as it was. Think we got more feedback from each other when they went to smoke, but it was not work with a mentor. These were conversations in a smoking-room.

How do you feel when a joke doesn't work?

Nothing. I just think it needs more work. My very first performance was a success. I was relieved, because until the last moment I did not know what to talk about and how it generally looks.

What was your first monologue about?

I tried to find a topic for a long time, like I even found something. But the next day I went to work, went to a tobacco shop, and there was no product there. I thought they were closing, but they just hid the cigarettes, thus protecting children from smoking. That's what it was about in the end.

When you are on stage, is it fun, work or a test?

Depends on the scene. When the big hall, then pleasure. Open mics work. Sometimes you want to go, sometimes you don’t, but you need to make jokes funny so that you can later convey to great hall. But weddings and corporate parties are tests. I think that people who come up with the idea that inviting a stand-up comedian to a wedding, especially one like me, is an amazing idea, should undergo a mental examination. They have something wrong with the perception of reality.

The finale of the second season of the show, in which there are no forbidden topics and censorship, only truth, only humor, only stand-up.

"Open Mic" is not just a talent show, but a way to find new heroes in humor. And then they were found, since there is a lot of experience: the judges - Ruslan Bely, Yulia Akhmedova, Timur Karginov and Slava Komissarenko– more than once instructed and chose the best. So, in the first season of "Open Mic" , which is now known not only as a theater and film actress, but also as a talented stand-up comedian. By the way, she played the mother Andryukha in the series "Olga" on the TNT.

In today's episode of Open Microphone, viewers will find out who became the winner of the season and the new permanent participant of the Stand Up show on TNT. Meanwhile, the producers of a successful project are preparing the third season of the program, as discussed on . The creators emphasize: However, you can always point in the right direction.

This season's finale will start surprising from the very beginning. The Open Mic mentors will leave their comfortable judges' chairs and go to their teams in the waiting room. Throughout the concert they will support the finalists. The time for criticism and lectures has passed - there is no doubt about the abilities of the remaining participants. It remains only to understand who will bring something new, unique and, of course, the funniest to the Stand Up show.

Of the eighty participants in the preselection, only eight of the best stand-up artists remained

“I can't bet on anyone. Anyone can win,” admitted Ruslan Bely. However, the chairs of mentors will not remain empty, they will be occupied by popular stand-up comedians: Victor Komarov, Ivan Abramov, Nurlan Saburov and Alexey Shcherbakov. They will not only speak out on each performance, but will also determine the winner of the second season of the show together with the mentors of the project. And, as Ruslan Bely said, anyone can become one: Nadia Kosykh (Chelyabinsk), Chermen Kachmazov (Vladikavkaz), Chess Mpandamabula (Lipetsk), Vera Kotelnikova (Moscow), Artem Vinokur (St. Petersburg), Ilya Ozolin (Moscow), Sasha Grishaev (Kazan) or Denis Che (Chelyabinsk).

The quality of humor and its density in the final will reach its climax. Comedians will affect the most different topics, familiar to all of us, and will do it subtly, accurately and hysterically funny. At the end of the Open Microphone, viewers will find out what kind of sweetness was invented specifically for men, why fat women are kind and thin women are hypocritical, how to make a saleswoman smile at a grocery store, why you should never let go of your girlfriend’s hand, and also how girls with big breasts feel, what a disappointment tastes like and more.

The Open Mic show continues to find talented stand-up comedians in our country and abroad. All project participants are already winners. They are the future of stand-up. And TNT viewers got a unique chance to see how this future becomes the present.

Watch the finale of the Open Microphone stand-up project today, December 22, at 21:30 on TNT

The winner became known because the finale of the second season of the show took place. I expected another comedian to win, because there were brighter stand-up comedians in the final. But Artem Vinokur was liked by all the members of the jury, who sat at the final and replaced the mentors in it. These were four members of the stand-up team on TNT, they are known to all viewers.

Artem Vinokur became the winner in this season of the show, there was a very cheerful final concert and excellent performances. There were eight finalists in total, and they started with 80 competitors.

The season is over and now viewers will soon see the winner on the stand-up stage on TNT under the direction of Ruslan Bely.

Artem Vinokur was chosen as the winner.

My personal opinion is that there were stronger participants and they deserve to win, but this is the decision of the jury.

Artyom's speech was crumpled, he constantly jumped from one topic to another, and I could not quickly change from one thought to another.

Serving is good, but the material is porridge.

As a comedian, he is very good and interesting, but there were others who were stronger.

Maybe the second cousin put in a good word for his grandson, or maybe Artyom's charisma helped.

A well-deserved victory for Artem or not is not so important.

It is important that now we will see Artem Vinokur on TV more often, and this pleases.

Open mic 2. Artem Vinokur won: why? Is this a well deserved win?

Today the final stage of the struggle between comedians took place, there were eight of them in the final. And each performance was very funny and bright. The audience probably expected to see a different name of the winner, but the members of the Standup team, who sat on the jury today, felt that it was Artem Vinokur who could bring something new to their team and voted for him.

As a result of the final, four stand-up performers were noted as the best Denis Che, who talks about alcoholics, as well as Ches from Lipetsk, Artem and Ilya Azorin, who talks so seriously that the audience just rolls with laughter. Now Artem will be added to the Standup team on the TNT channel and will delight viewers with his jokes.

Who won Open Mic Season 2 on TNT? See photo of the winner

On December 22 at 9:30 pm on TNT, the final of the second season of the Open Microphone show took place. Eight best stand-up artists competed for the main prize of the project - a place as a permanent comedian in the legendary Stand Up show on TNT. All the guys captivated with their brilliance of humor, but Artem Vinokur (St. Petersburg) won and became a new hero in humor.

On December 23, 2017, the final of the second season of the TV project on TNT called Stand Up took place and it was Arem Vinokur, who was the simplest and most original comedian and joked about his life, girls, living conditions, he probably bribed the viewer with the fact that, just like everyone doesn't have much leisure and talked about regular topics familiar to everyone. It felt like Artem Vmnokur put everything on the line and gave it his all, put his whole self into the project.

Artem Vinokur became the winner. He turned out to be the best comedian.

Artem from St. Petersburg will now be a full member of Standup.

The final of the show has already taken place and the name of the winner is known to all admirers of humor and those who have watched the competition of comedians for four months. At first there were eighty people, and in the final there were eight. Artem Vinokur became the winner of this season, for many it came as a surprise.

He had stronger opponents, but it was the stand-up team from the TNT channel, led by Bely, who chose this comedian to join their ranks.

Artem after the final will also become a member of this team. After the final, three comedians were noted, but Artem was chosen by voting. For the stand-up team, he seemed the best, they consider him an extraordinary participant.