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We have all heard breathtaking and sometimes chilling stories about encounters with ghosts, amazing fateful coincidences, birth curses, clairvoyance and signs of fate, which, on the one hand, seem distant and unreal, and on the other hand, find unexpected confirmation in everyday life. .

Children sometimes give out such things ... After the stories that are given below, it's hard not to believe that these silly kids are really able to remember episodes from their past lives.

Various events constantly happen in the world, some of them we call mysterious. Time passes and the most incredible cases find their explanation. But it is not these five mysterious incidents that have yet to be solved.

The bizarre stories below were shared on social media by parents puzzled by the strange sayings their children sometimes utter.

In the newspaper "Krasnaya Zvezda" (Priozersk, Leningrad Region), the memoirs of the honored firefighter E. Kiselev, who probably saved more than a dozen lives from fire, are printed from issue to issue. However, what he said in the January 10, 2002 issue should be of interest not only to his colleagues at work, but also to our readers:

Our group interviewed patients immediately after coming out of a coma, when the impressions were fresh. Of the 344 interviewed, only 62 patients, that is, 18 percent, spoke about what they saw and experienced. The remaining 82 percent do not remember anything. If, as skeptics believe, the cause of near-death visions was a lack of oxygen supply to the brain, all 100% of those surveyed would talk about these visions, well, with the exception of those who have memory problems.

Four of our tunnellers one day, out of curiosity, decided to take a lunch break, sitting close to a strange system of cylinders, and ... disappeared. Fortunately, not forever. On the third day of the search, they returned on their own and told that a bright light flashed, which was replaced by a gray dreary fog, in which they wandered for a short time until they came to us. They swore that we did not see them, did not hear their voices, that they, seeing and hearing us, freely passed through any material barriers, through us too. They panicked.

For several centuries now there have been heated and unceasing disputes about what Atlantis, Hyperborea, Arctida, Lemuria, Rutas, Mu, Pacifis and other mythical continents are. Gone under the water as a result of some monstrous catastrophes (here too) huge arrays of continental land; relatively small areas of sunken oceanic uplifts; or else they are all the product of the imagination of people and never existed in reality.

The Bermuda Triangle is a well-known anomalous zone. It is located in the borders between Bermuda, Miami in Florida and Puerto Rico. The area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is over one million square kilometers.

If life is movement, then life after death definitely exists. Too many facts have accumulated of the incomprehensible movements of those who were never to rise again. At the same time, the dead do not even bother to get out of the coffin, but prefer to travel right along with it.

Those whom earthlings take for aliens, in fact, are nothing more than the real devilry! This was stated at a recent ufological seminar organized by the Latvian Center for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena, the priest of the Riga Holy Trinity Cathedral, Boris Bakumenko.

Clairvoyant from Canberra (Australia, New South Wales) Joe Teleman has a rare gift. Makes predictions on demand. And only for law enforcement officers who unravel the tangles of sophisticated crimes.

Why have nearly twice as many people gone missing in Alaska as live there? Local search and rescue teams conduct hundreds of operations every year, but rarely find signs of people - alive or dead. It was as if these people, almost literally, had vanished into thin air.

Studies such as those described in Dr. Moody's book give us the opportunity to learn a lot and confirm what we have been taught for two millennia - that there is life after death. Despite the fact that the author himself does not claim to study death itself, it is clear from his materials that dying patients continue to be clearly aware of what is happening around them even after they are considered clinically dead.

In the summer of 1996, another terrible accident with a fatal outcome on the road between international airport and the capital of Namibia again raised the issue of increasing security measures on this high-speed mountain road with the authorities of Windhoek. The frequent accidents are caused here, according to local residents, tricks evil spirit the old sorcerer Zeu Hameva.

... "A fanged clawed creature with huge evil eyes escaped from a borehole in a cloud of gas and squealed like a wild animal before disappearing..." This is how a Finnish newspaper described a mysterious incident at an ultra-deep well in Western Siberia.

Recently I received from one of the members of our Society (Meaning the Theosophical Society, founded in 1875 by H. P. Blavatsky. Headquarters is in Adyar, India) an account so unusual that it seems to me worth bringing here.

In legends and everyday tales, ghosts are endowed with sinister properties: remember - "do not go to the cemetery at night - a dead man will rise and drag you to the grave" ... shaking the dilapidated galleries and corridors with a sepulchral howl.

Among the stumbling blocks presented by the practice of spiritualism, it is necessary to put in the foreground obsession, that is, the power that other spirits can take over some persons. It can only be lower spirits trying to dominate. Good spirits never make you endure violence.

On the night of Agathon the goblin, according to popular legend, his master, the goblin, comes out of the forest. He sometimes runs around the villages and villages, scatters sheaves on the threshing floor and fools people in every way. The peasants consider it their duty to go out to guard the threshing floor, for which they put on the sheepskin coat inside out, and take the poker in their hand. It is on this night that they talk about the numerous tricks of the goblin.

Whomever our land was inhabited in ancient times! What extraordinary secrets were revealed to our distant ancestors! One of them is associated with the heroines of numerous legends and scary stories- mermaids. The week from Monday of the trinity week to Monday of the next week, Spiritual Day, has long been called the "mermaid" among the people.

The Abyssinians have a saying: When a woman sleeps alone, the devil thinks about her. What exactly he thinks - the proverb is silent about that. Although you don't need to be seven spans in your forehead to guess ... It is much more curious that the devil sometimes not only thinks, but also acts. And quite successfully.

House and yard ancient Slav and the Russian medieval man represented a complex, well-thought-out and centuries-old system of magical spell symbols and protective measures. With their help, the family of every Slav sought to ensure satiety, warmth and safety.

The glass exploded deafeningly, something slammed into the wall, the plaster plate hanging on it shattered - and ricocheted on an unopened bottle of champagne - wet splinters hissed over the crouching guests ... In the middle of the table, a cobblestone resembling a potato lay peacefully. And THAT started.

Physicists often say that at the present stage of the development of science, only the most "crazy" ideas can have a chance of success. The hypothesis of the candidate of technical sciences Valentin Fomenko about the origin of the poltergeist fully complies with this criterion.

Everyone has heard of the poltergeist. Judging by the publications in newspapers and magazines, this "noisy spirit", appearing in apartments, is engaged in quite peaceful pranks: hiding things, swinging chandeliers, knocking with the owners. Sometimes, however, he starts to misbehave, throws vegetables, pours water on the bed or swears in a hoarse voice on the phone.

What is a poltergeist, today, probably, everyone knows. Quite a lot has been written about the tricks of the "noisy spirit" (as this word is translated from German). There is no shortage of hypotheses that one way or another explain the nature of this phenomenon, and yet, it seems to us, the explanation proposed by the inhabitant Nizhny Novgorod A.B. Arefiev, deserves a separate description.


In order to more clearly reveal the topic of the relationship between mysticism, esotericism and non-duality, today, as an exception, I will describe one of my practical experiences, which was lived seven years ago, as a result of practice. Mysticism and esotericism in this article are placed on one "pole", which I designate with these two words, and on the other "pole" - non-duality.

Many begin the path under the influence of mysticism. This is a kind of romance, with which life seems more interesting. And if a person develops in this direction, he begins to be imbued with various esoteric ideas, reads Castaneda, Gurdjieff, Osho, and decorates his own with entertaining "magic" concepts about subtle matters.

Then, if "lucky", a person encounters the concepts of non-duality and. And at first, these concepts harmoniously complement the mystical ideas about the path. Here I will not talk about how "not coincidental" and "timely" all this is. The stages are different. And if a person truly stands on the path, he begins to understand what he really wants, whether he really needs the truth, or whether he simply craves impressions.

mystical experience

The body, as always, was motionless. Again came the blissful feeling that the arms, legs, head and everything is connected to one point somewhere in the forehead. This experience happens when energy flows through the central energy channel. Bliss began to grow stronger than it used to be during such experiences. If earlier the bliss lasted for about ten minutes, and smoothly turned into a rollback (psychological), this time the experience did not stop.

There was a feeling that I was beginning to smoothly, as if in a spiral, gradually turn over in space. At the peak, there was an experience that I was hanging upside down somewhere far above the body. There was peace inside. Thoughts as many different evidences of what was happening came, but felt like something implicit and distant. A sense of wonder emerged and began to grow. The word "miracle" can be replaced by "surprise". However, this surprise was accompanied by many other experiences that can be described as mystical. These are amazingly beautiful and deep experiences, hinting at some incredible secret. It seemed that all the best that could and could be at the level of feelings began to manifest itself.

I hung in the rainbow space of blissful eternity. She was not empty. It cannot be described in words. The intensity of the experiences grew, and reached such a degree that seemed something impossible. Some part of my mind was screaming that it couldn't be, it couldn't be, it was too amazing, unbelievable. It seemed that something impossible was happening, and for the first time in my life I felt that I was going crazy ...

I don't remember how I opened my eyes. For some time I still sat, and the experience grew, and I looked at eternity in ordinary objects. Then I got up and began to somehow move around the apartment. Everywhere was eternity and continuity. I remember being sure that all of this was already in the "past matrix load", the last time the universe re-emerged. These are all images, of course. It felt like I had seen it all a long time ago. The perception of time was different. I did not notice how I was moving - I had just been in the kitchen, and now, already in the room. When I looked at objects, it seemed that I was looking at them for an eternity. Eternity, which is present in the present.

When I remember that state, the mind throws up different images. Among them is a man who found himself in the center of the sun, whose fire is mystical amazement and bliss. The mind also throws up such nouns as: billion, impossibility, total God, etc. The mind is able to survive in any conditions. Then I saw it. If the psyche is weak, of course, the mind can be depressed and broken. But in general, the mind is able to work at almost all frequencies. Fighting him is really completely useless.

At some point, I took a supine position and everything began to change. Most likely, the very position of the body plays a secondary role here. It seems that at that moment I was greedy and thought that lying down, I would “enter God” again and go even deeper, despite the fear of insanity. However, this time it was hell. There has never been anything more painful before this experience in my life in my memory. And the worst thing was that hell was in habitual thinking. All those ordinary thoughts that are usually thought during the day, with a high intensity of perception, were felt as total suffering. Passing through each thought was experienced as another step with a new shade of the ocean of pain. Consciousness shrank into a ball. I remember that at that time I had only one desire: "I want to disappear." I don't remember how long it took. I was throwing up all over, it was like a little death. The body was sick. Then everything passed.

Returning to the familiar world was a huge relief. I walked barefoot on my own vomit and enjoyed life. I was no longer interested in mysticism. No, enlightenment has not come. But after that day, life is perceived as a continuous miracle. Even the mundane and boring feel like some kind of anomaly against the backdrop of eternity. All these multi-colored forms are a miracle. As if all this is the rainbow body of God. There is always the realization that everything that happens could be anything. In reality, everything can be anything. Our bodies, our way of communicating is ridiculous! We are used to it. Life itself against the background of eternity is a paradox. Our world is peace and quiet, in comparison with how it can be and how it is. Do not jump into eternity with your head. Everything should happen gradually as soon as it is ready.

In everyday life, a person experiences many good states. It can be joy, interest, various shades moods that are felt as a kind of atmosphere of space. It may seem that there are few good experiences. They can be counted on the fingers of one hand. However, in some strange way, we forget about our moods. If you do not divide the mood into good or bad, but look into it, you can begin to notice shades that are no less than in culinary dishes. Perhaps the whole point is that the mood is a refined experience, therefore it is not felt as clearly as ordinary feelings. And if we pass a little more current through the conductors of our own psyche, our moods will manifest themselves as the brightest, unimaginable experiences. And if the power of the "current" is too high, a person will begin to distinguish not only the shades of experiences, but also the channels through which they move, and perhaps something beyond the structure of consciousness. Unfortunately, when you run ahead of the train, you can easily lose clarity and get absorbed in experiences.

When he is born, he sees a new huge and complex world which he does not yet understand. In fact, even adults do not have understanding, but we have the illusion of everyday life and something like a feeling of relative certainty that the next moments of life are predictable and under control.

There is a huge potential in the energy channels of our body. All the variety of life that we see is just information from the energy channels of our subtle body. The world around us is our own reflection. When the energy channels are energized, we can experience incredible spiritual power and beauty. And vice versa, if a person grew above himself, became stronger, but at some point, perhaps due to illness, he felt a decline in strength, there may be a feeling that he has degraded and returned to the immature personality that he left behind many years ago. With recovery, the current level of consciousness returns.

Back to experience. Why did I choose to describe it? Because this experience is in many ways indicative. Before him and after him there were many similar and other experiences. But some part of me knew exactly what I really wanted. Before this experience, I was sure that I wanted enlightenment. In fact, I, as a person, or as an ego, just wanted experiences. And the more pleasant, bigger and stronger, the better. On that day, I got exactly what I wanted, without thinking about the “price”, which manifested itself in the severity of the barriers of consciousness. The sleeping mind does not notice how, as Sri Aurobindo said, "it is terrible and wonderful to be a man."

After some time, I lost all desire to share my experiences with others, and to speak on a spiritual topic in general. And not at all because my mind allegedly calmed down, and I became this type of self-sufficient. The mind is still working and I love to talk. The thing is that I experienced great disappointment in the words with which I tried in vain to convey my “discoveries”. All this was lived like a real “hacking the matrix”. But these are experiences. And people are able to evaluate only events. Even the concept of enlightenment is only a "significant event" for most. Words do not reflect experience, and direct experience cannot be expressed in words. We can only try to guide the other person, let him live personal experience on your own path.


Two years later, I had the first experience, which my mind stamped with real non-duality. There is full confidence in this, and there is no need for opinions and confirmations. This experience dispelled all doubts and gave an understanding of the essence. Being simply is. All phenomena, including the body and personality, occur completely spontaneously against the backdrop of the freedom of presence. This “sense of being” is the immortal soul of every person. And there is no mysticism in this, no over-intensity. There is only freedom and spontaneity of phenomena. This freedom does not know extremes, complex rites and rituals, does not know teachers and students. She doesn't need them. It's just life itself. And you can meet her in any attire.

Here I repeat again, I am not enlightened. The mind returns, and with it the illusion that I am doing something, just like everyone else is doing it. I can flare up, take my own projections seriously, remain indifferent, show subjectivity, show warmth. I'm doing something. But I remember that this is an illusion. Everything just happens. The doer is the essence of the illusion human life. At least that's how it opened up on my way.

Mystical experiences can be amazingly beautiful, insanely profound, but they are worth nothing. If there is affection, and bad information in the channels, the pendulum will swing in reverse side And the light will start to burn out the pain. Yes, you can do a lot in a short amount of time. But where are we in a hurry in this eternity? If there is no attachment, neither pain nor bliss touches. Pain and bliss are just a way to teach us to distinguish one from the other. Many diverse phenomena - creativity, the play of reality.

What is really important for us in these bodies is the harmony and balance that we are able to acquire at every new moment in any conditions of life, the warmth that we give to others, and which balances any contact with living reality. We are all just students in the school of life.

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