General producer of house 2. “Gone to build love”: general producer of “Dom-2” Mikhailovsky abandoned the project for the sake of his beloved

Added: 2-12-2017, 16:25

The fate of Natasha Varvina, who celebrated her 35th birthday last week, will be the envy of many members of House 2. She not only became famous thanks to the show on TNT, but also married its general producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. Judging by Instagram, her life was a success: traveling around the world, secular parties, favorite work - all in the same project she leads dance school. What is really behind beautiful picture? The couple gave the first joint interview, in which they talked about the breakup, mortgage, Mikhailovsky's first marriage and intrigues on a reality show.

Natalya Varvina: - On the date itself, we dined in a restaurant with my husband and his mother. My mother-in-law is wonderful. Met up with friends over the weekend.

Do you always celebrate like this?

Natalya Varvina: - No, for example, five years ago we flew with Lesha to Paris - there he proposed to me. Oh, let me tell you the backstory. Shortly before that, we were vacationing in New York. Lesha chose a good hotel with a famous revolving restaurant overlooking Manhattan. Before leaving, I called up my dad, who said: “He will make an offer. You'll see! Otherwise, why such a luxurious hotel? In America, we walked a lot, and I kept wondering when he would offer to become his wife. After dinner, I ordered dessert, even when I didn’t want to eat. What if the ring is hidden there? But alas ... And some time later, the two of us went to Paris. I wasn’t even alert when Lesha asked me to wait outside and went into the Tiffany jewelry store. I thought that I was buying a gift - earrings or a bracelet.

Alexey Mikhailovsky: - And I came out with a small box in my hands, did not invent anything and simply said: "Natalya Alexandrovna, be my wife."

Natalya Varvina: - From surprise, I burst into tears and said "yes." In the same place, in France, I bought Wedding Dress. True, she put it on not at the wedding ceremony, but at the wedding.

Alexey Mikhailovsky: - We signed modestly on February 7, 2013 at the registry office on Tverskaya. The main celebration took place in the summer. We made the decision to get married together, we felt that we want this. The ceremony took place in the church at the Nikitsky Gate. At the beginning of the sacrament, a thunderstorm thundered, it began to rain, and when they left the temple, the sky was illuminated by the sun. There was a feeling of a miracle, as if we had left everything bad in the past. Then they celebrated in the restaurant, where they invited relatives and some former members: Olya Solntse, Roma Tretyakov, Lena Bushina.

You never told how your romance began...

Natalya Varvina: - We hid the relationship for a long time. Sympathy appeared in the summer of 2010, after the broadcast, they sat on the set with Alexei on a swing. I cried a lot because of the betrayal of a friend on the perimeter. Lesha, who often helps the participants with advice behind the scenes, reassured them.

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - As a result, he comforted me for so many years ... Producer, participant - what's the difference? These are all conventions. There are only men and women in the world who are connected metaphysically, spiritually or sexually. There was a spark between us that night.

And how did they act? If I'm not mistaken, you were married at that time ...

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - Actually, yes, but the marriage was coming to an end - we ex-wife have already dotted the i's. I listened to my heart and fell in love with Natasha. It's not a crime! If you don’t live with feelings, then with what else? .. Only with your head - it’s boring. Although someone will say: “Man, you were over 40 then.” I don't see a problem, at least 60! I know I did the right thing. We've been together for over seven years.

Is the fact that Natalia left the project in 2011 somehow connected with the novel?

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - I will say more: when she said goodbye to House 2, our relationship was suspended for a number of reasons. They even stopped talking.

Natalya Varvina: - I didn't want him to keep looking at me. After four years of living on the show, I decided: that's enough, I stayed too long. For a while she went to her relatives in Volzhsky. She suffered there, realized that she had only changed the walls - her soul ached, as before.

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - The pause was short. We weighed the pros and cons and realized that we cannot live without each other. In May, she left the project, and in October communication resumed. We moved in right away.

How are responsibilities distributed in your family? Who is in charge?

Natalya Varvina: - Of course, my husband. Lesha works 24 hours, seven days a week. Therefore, life is on me. True, we do some things together, for example, sort out cabinets. In general, we do not have clear boundaries. I love to cook, in my family all the women are cooks - both my mother and my aunt. Certain traditions have developed. On the New Year there is always a herring under a fur coat on the table, aspic. Now I pamper Lesha too. But we also enjoy going to restaurants.

After marriage, many probably began to envy ... Did you have fewer friends?

Natalya Varvina: - Friends were not aware of the affair with Lesha. And when the truth was revealed, they were offended that they had not shared it earlier. But in this case I chose privacy. Over time, the girls thawed out, and we communicate again.

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - Yes, and why envy? I am not an oligarch. We started from scratch. For many years they lived in a rented apartment on Tverskaya Street. It was handed over to us by Ksyusha Borodina - she herself suggested this option. Later they decided that they needed to build their own nest. We took out a mortgage that we paid off a couple of years ago.

Natasha, don’t worry, what if some girl starts flirting with her husband at the casting?

Natalya Varvina: - I know my husband and I'm not worried. And there were always a lot of rumors. I used to believe in lies myself.

Aleksey Mikhailovsky: - No one got into House 2 for flirting. Otherwise, the meaning of the project is lost. Usually I conduct casting in such a way that it is impossible to flirt with me. And gossip comes from I know where. If a participant starts to grow inside the show or outside of it, then people just don't believe. Various speculations arise: she is definitely sleeping with someone, she has a connection, and so on.

Are you hinting at Buzova?

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - Including. We have a close relationship with Olga, as well as with Ksyusha Borodina. The decision to make Olya the leader was not taken from the ceiling. She has a wonderful quality to attract everyone's attention.

Heard that they wanted to remove her because of the large number of third-party projects?

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - Nonsense! We only benefit from Olga's career. Where Buzova, Borodina and even Sobchak will always talk about House 2.

By the way, why didn't Natalya become the main host?

Natalya Varvina: - In fact, at first everyone was waiting for this, because I am the wife of the general producer.

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - Did they really think that I was such an idiot? Maybe Natasha had ambitions about the role of the host, but the family is more expensive. She would have to be at work for days. And why should I? I want to see my wife. There is nothing worse than such a career for a married woman. Moreover, such an appointment would break the existing relations in the team with the same Buzova and Borodina. Everyone laughs at the producers who put their women at the very top. Natasha runs a dance school on a TV project and does it professionally. She has a good level of choreographic training. Plus, she knows how to work as a producer - she comes up with and puts numbers for participants in a reality show. They perform at competitions and festivals.

It was rumored that Katya and Yulia Kolisnichenko left the perimeter because they made fun of your relationship ...

Natalya Varvina: - Nonsense. Pregnant Julia left with Tigran Salibekov. And Katya had an affair with Oleg Miami for a long time.

Recently I read the news that you, Alexey, set a condition before the wedding - no children. This secret was allegedly given away by Elena Bushina ...

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - There can be nothing more stupid than such conditions. We just take this issue seriously and prepare. The decision should be justified not only by desire, but also by possibilities.

Natalya Varvina: - Lenka and I are friends. She sent a scan of the article with the words: “Sorry, passed.” They screwed up and forgot.

Follow the fate of former members?

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - You need to look after those who are nearby.

Natalya Varvina: - I am subscribed only to Vika Romanets. And if I'm interested in something specific, I can call and ask directly. As a rule, such a desire does not arise.

Have you built your love?

Alexei Mikhailovsky: - We are in the process, and it should not end.

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“I left to build love”: the general producer of “Dom-2” Mikhailovsky abandoned the project for the sake of his beloved

In recent months, rumors about the departure of Alexei Mikhailovsky, the general producer of the longest-running television reality show in Russia, Dom-2, have been constantly circulating. The reasons were called very different, but Mikhailovsky himself continued to work. 360 figured out why Godfather» popular show decided to retire.

On December 25, Olga Buzova, host of the project, in her Instagram published a photo of the producer with his wife, noting that she wants to dispel all speculation and, finally, talk about true reasons Mikhailovsky's departure.

My dears, there have been various rumors about the departure of our general producer Alexei Mikhailovsky for a long time. I want to dispel all speculation. Lesha was and will remain a mentor and friend for all of us. For me, he was 13 years old as a second dad. But, he decided to go further and do everything to arrange his happiness. They have big personal plans with Natasha Varvina

Olga Buzova.

She also noted that she wishes the couple love and happiness, and advised reality TV fans not to believe the rumors.

Alexei Mikhailovsky is the general producer of the scandalous Russian reality show Dom 2, in whose structure he worked from 2004 to 2017.

Alexey was born in 1969 in Moscow. Alexei spent his childhood and youth in the capital. In the early 90s, Mikhailovsky got on television. At first, the young man was engaged in the promotion of political figures, as well as the preparation of information programs. In the 21st century, Alexey moved away from politics.

So far, in alliance with Natalia Varvina, Alexei has no children. The girl's fans explain this by the fact that Natalya is passionate about her career on television. A four-legged friend lives in the house of Mikhailovsky and Varvina - a labrador named Ronald.

For Alexei, this marriage was the second. Back in the 90s, the young man married for the first time. The first wife subsequently became a co-producer of the show "House 2". In 2000, the son Maxim was born in the family. The ex-wife remained in office even after her husband left for another, but in 2014 she decided to leave the scandalous television project. After Vasilina left the project, the reality show ratings began to slide down.

Alexey Mikhailovsky now

In 2016, Alexei Mikhailovsky allowed himself too much on the set of the Man of the Year issue. The producer, being in drunk, constantly disrupted the work of the film crew. This act of the spouse was justified by Natalya Varvina. The girl sided with her husband at the moment when everyone turned against the producer.

In 2017, after a systematic drop in the ratings of the program in "House 2", the question arose of dismissing the producer. In December, Alexei Mikhailovsky was replaced by an ex-husband, the owner of ZAO Leman Pipe, which supplies large-diameter pipes for Gazprom. But this development of events did not break Alexei. Mikhailovsky began to participate in the creation of scenes at the "School of Acting", which is now led by Natalya Varvina.

Aleksey Mikhailovsky himself claims that he was fired of his own free will, as he was already tired of the exhausting work. Vasilina Mikhailovskaya commented on the situation as deplorable for the project. The ex-producer believes that the cold commercial approach of people who did not create and did not "sick" the program will finally kill the reality show.

Some fans of "House 2" believe that Alexei Mikhailovsky is getting what he deserves, because in 2014, secretly from the first creator of the show, Valery Komissarov, the TNT TV channel had built working areas, where the film crew moved after the expiration of a ten-year contract with the first producer.

Alexei Mikhailovsky is not going to give up. Rumor has it that together with the producer plans to start a new project.

Only as much is known about this man as he considers it necessary to tell about himself. Alexei Mikhailovsky is the producer of the most controversial show "Dom-2", which went down in history as the longest and most successful, because its format was sold to the American corporation SPTI for the first time in the existence of Russian television. For 12 years now, he has remained behind the scenes of the daily broadcast, most recently starting to comment on the events of the TV show and making his voice recognizable. Who is he and why is he considered the "brain" of the project?

Way to show

Forty-seven-year-old producer Alexei Mikhailovsky, whose biography is closely connected with television, began his professional career more than 22 years ago. In the sphere of his interests were information programs, as well as political PR. True, he ceased to engage in elections since 1999. Collaborated on the First with Alexander Lyubimov in the programs "Time" and "Here and Now", then moved to NTV at the invitation of the main producer of the channel. His career ended with his departure. For a whole year he sat at home, finding no use for himself.

The proposal received from the director of the Dom-2 project to create a certain system for the show was accepted with joy. On twenty sheets he described his concept, supported by the organizers, after which he set to work. From the first day, his wife Vasilina became a co-producer on the project, with whom they raised their son Maxim. I had to start everything from scratch: look for land, create a perimeter, come up with rules for its operation. The project was launched on the night of May 5, although it appeared on the air on the eleventh. Creative team considers the first date of his birth. Fifteen participants, each of which will become mega-popular in the country, will step over the perimeter gate.

long twelve years

Today, Alexei Mikhailovsky, for whom Dom-2 is part of life, often answers sharp questions about the reasons for the popularity of the show. Three points stand out in his response:

  • The project is constantly changing, there are no strict rules governing its functioning. It allows participants not only to build relationships, but also to find ways of creative self-expression. There was a period when the participants actively toured. The first concert on December 6, 2005 at the Olimpiyskiy turned out to be successful. Since 2009, the Youth Train has been operating, calling the younger generation for social activity. The guys donated blood, fought with bad habits. Since 2006, various competitions have been used to create an atmosphere of competition.
  • The project can be viewed as a school of life, according to which everyone can compare their own decisions. Thanks to the openness of the participants, who allow themselves to show feelings and emotions on the air, people are able to revise their relationships, understanding what is right and wrong in them.
  • The project reveals the dynamics of the development of the participants themselves, so the former are increasingly returning to the frontal, appearing in a new quality. People who express dissatisfaction with this or that hero, in fact, do not agree with his actions and words, and, therefore, reflect and draw conclusions.

Alexey Mikhailovsky cannot answer only one question - about when the television show will close. He does not understand why to do this if he is watched by 35 million viewers. A new site has been built, and a second site is operating in parallel - in the Seychelles, which allows you to check the relationship of established couples. In the asset of the project for 12 years, 7 born children, 16 weddings. The seventeenth can be considered the painting of Mikhailovsky himself.

Personal life

For four years on the project she was born in 1982, from the city of Volzhsky, and did not build relationships. Already in the perimeter, she graduated from high school in her native Volgograd. She couldn’t build relationships, but the charming blonde acquired real friends. Together with Alexandra Kharitonova, she sang in the Instra Witches trio, she felt too confident on the project, and in May 2011 she voluntarily left it. As it turned out, she didn't go anywhere. First, she appeared at the birthday party of Olga Buzova, accompanied by Alexei Mikhailovsky, and on June 2, 2013, she invited friends to a wedding with her already real spouse. Alexei Mikhailovsky and Natalya Varvina registered a relationship, as it turned out, a year ago, without advertising it in any way.

After the divorce, she continued to work on the project until 2014, without commenting on the situation. Varvina, who was appointed concert director, also got a job there. For the decade of the show ex-wife nevertheless, she left the TV set, explaining this fact with moral fatigue.

Participants' opinions about Mikhailovsky

The statements of the former participants about the producer are diametrically opposed. openly accused him of addiction to drugs, to which Alexei Mikhailovsky persuaded the participants. openly declared about directing the plot, according to which everything was done to quarrel him with his future wife Svetlana Davydova. Tigran Salibekov left a caustic comment on the message about Mikhailovsky's marriage to Natalya Varvina.

But they all agree on one thing - the project owes its success to two people: editor-in-chief Alexander Rastorguev and producer Mikhailovsky, who are available 24 hours a day for participants via mobile communications take an active part in their lives, providing real help and support. And the fact that the project is changing, again and again raising the ratings, is a great merit of the producer, who has become a real “think tank” for him.

Media personalities attract a lot of attention, especially when it comes to family information. The life of the popular TV project, broadcast on the TNT channel for 12 years, is watched by a multi-million audience. Naturally, fans of the show are interested in the personal life of the creators of the brainchild and its presenters. Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, a photo whose biography will be provided to your attention later in the article, left the post of producer of "House-2" just a few years ago, but has already managed to radically change her life.

Biography of Vasilina Mikhailovskaya: the beginning

The personal life of the former director of the show has long remained a secret, but there is a lot of information about her on the Web. It is known that Vasilina Mikhailovskaya was born on May 28, 1970 in Yekaterinburg. Graduated from St. Petersburg Academy theatrical art. In addition, it is worth noting that at 46 she looks great and is an example for many.


Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, whose biography is replete with participation in various projects as a director and producer, appeared in popular talk shows. Among them: "5 minutes before the divorce" (broadcast on the REN-TV channel), "Dom-2" (TNT), "Star Factory" (Channel One), "Team" (Russia 1), "Thieves in Law" ( "Pepper").

After graduating from St. Petersburg, Vasilina worked for 7 years in her native Yekaterinburg on television. She moved to Moscow when she managed to earn enough money and was confident in her own experience. And she got to the project "Star Factory" by invitation as a co-producer.

Together with Alexei Nikishin, she organized an exhibition of nude photos of the participants in "House-2".

How she managed to launch the grandiose project "Dom-2"

Initially, the reality show was conceived as a seasonal project "House", in which real couples built a chic mansion, which is played out between the participants in the final. The decision was made by audience voting.

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, together with her husband, chose the right tactics, so the first season was a phenomenal success. It ended with the onset of cold weather, and the built house really went to a married couple. Therefore, the next year was launched new season project "Dom-2", which began by analogy with the first. But the participants were no longer recruited by families, but by individual young people.

At first, they built a house, love and went to the construction site in overalls. And seeing the ratings of the show, Vasilina Mikhailovskaya decided to extend the shooting indefinitely. For 12 years, the project has been flourishing and finding new fans. "Dom-2" helps people not only build relationships, but also realize themselves in professions. Many of the participants become presenters and bloggers. Vasilina herself modestly says that the project will exist as long as it is of interest to someone. This is the most significant work of the director and producer Mikhailovskaya.

A family

Until 2011, Vasilina Mikhailovskaya (we bring her photo to your attention in the article) lived in a happy marriage with the co-producer of "House-2" Alexei Mikhailovsky in a legal marriage. The couple has common child Maxim, who is 16 years old. But the family idyll was broken by Natalya Varvina. She was a member of the TV project for a long time and failed to build a full-fledged relationship that could develop into something serious. At that time, the top participant and favorite of the reality show fans had no idea that her happiness was so close.

Participant of "House-2" Natalia Varvina took her husband away from Vasilina Mikhailovskaya

Desperate to build relationships within the perimeter of the project, Natalya Varvina decided to lay eyes on the producer. Of course, it was a worthy party for the girl, despite the difference in age. Attempts to start an affair were successful, and already in 2013, Natalya and Alexei got married, and later even got married.

Rumors about the woman's pregnancy were not confirmed, all guesses remained unconfirmed. The couple has no joint children.

Initially, they carefully concealed all the details. life together. But today Alexei Mikhailovsky is actively promoting his wife on the Dom-2 television project. According to the new concept of the show, now all participants are trained acting skills and dance art. To replace the former dance teacher Natalya, Bichan Mikhailovsky recommended his beloved wife.

Reasons for leaving the post of director of "House-2"

Vasilina Mikhailovskaya, photo, biography, whose personal life is presented to your attention, has long established herself as a creative "ideological brain". Therefore, for many, her decision to vacate her position for 10 years was a big surprise. Nothing is known about the real reasons. Vasilina herself says that she has grown out of this format and wants to develop further. There is an opinion that from her familiar place she simply survived new wife Mikhailovsky.

After leaving Doma-2, Mikhailovskaya traveled a lot and came up with new programs for future implementation. Vasilina's latest project is to find an assistant to the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. She is the creative producer of the program.

Wedding of Vasilina Mikhailovskaya and Dmitry Novokshonov

The new chosen one of the heroine was the documentary director of the TV company "Pride" Dmitry Novokshonov. Photos from the celebration appeared on the Web thanks to active friends, they show the happy bride Vasilina Mikhailovskaya. The wedding (her photo can be seen in the article) took place in Moscow in the fall of 2016, and the lover made an offer on July 8 of the same year at summer holiday. The woman agreed and began to select the date of the celebration.

Dress with 2,000 Swarovski crystals

A chic wedding dress for the ceremony was bought at the Firdaws store, the founder of which is Medni (wife of Ramzan Kadyrov). The designer was Aishat (the eldest daughter of Kadyrov). The choice of this particular brand is not accidental, because Mikhailovskaya closely cooperates with the head of the Chechen Republic, thanks to the joint work on the Rossiya channel.

Vasilina did not choose a dress for long. You can’t deceive the first impression, namely, the sparkling model attracted the star at first sight. After trying on, there was no longer any doubt, and the future bride decided that she would marry only in the dress of this model.

New marriage will bring happiness

Vasilina's fans experienced with trepidation the turns in the personal life of their favorite. However, all fears were in vain. According to most family friends and just fans, Dmitry is the most suitable match for Mikhailovskaya. He is a respectable person with a good education and work, suitable for Vasilina in terms of age and type. Many consider her first husband to be frivolous and rejoice that a worthy woman has finally found family happiness. The photographs are another confirmation of a successful marriage, because in all the pictures the newly-made wife looks great, enjoying her new social status.