Miguel conflict. Miguel: Defeat two at once - it will be cool! "Dance school is not a business"

Eurovision 13 May 2017. Perhaps, recently the Eurovision Song Contest is considered one of the most famous international song contests. But at the same time, it is also the most controversial. A lot of rumors, disputes and scandals grow around him from year to year. However, few people know exactly how this song contest appeared.

The history of Eurovision begins in 1955. It was then that at the General Assembly, which was held in Rome, it was decided to organize this type of competition, designed to unite disparate countries in the cultural aspect. The sample was taken already known at that time music Festival called San Remo, which is held in Italy every year. Initially, only seven countries took part in Eurovision and performances were held in Switzerland. True, then, unlike the present, each participant represented 2 songs. But over time, the number of states that wanted to show their musical talents increased, and they began to sing only one piece. So in the end it was decided to divide the competition into several stages: two semi-finals, from which only the best went further, and the final. Thus, the Eurovision took its present form only in 2008.

So, international competition The song consists of two semi-finals and one final. As a rule, only ten participants from each semi-final have the opportunity to perform again on stage. But the exceptions are the countries of the "Big Five", which includes the UK, Germany, Italy, France and Spain, and the country - the winner of last year. In the final, the points received from the jury and from the audience are summed up, thereby choosing the country that will become the host of Eurovision in the coming year.

Eurovision 2017 who will go from Russia

In 2017, the international competition will be held in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, thanks to the victory of Jamala. A lot of controversy and difficult moments arose around the upcoming competition. So, for example, the biggest scandal is related to the fact that the government of the host country did not allow the representative of Russia, Yulia Samoilova, to participate. She explained this by the fact that the girl performed in Crimea back in 2015 and now she cannot cross the state border of Ukraine. The European Broadcasting Union tried to resolve this controversial issue, but Russia refused to participate in any way this year. However, next time, regardless of the venue, Yulia will represent the Russian Federation.

eurovision 2017 when will it be

So, in 2017, the semi-finals will be held on May 9 and 11, and the final is scheduled for May 13. A total of 42 countries will take part.

Interesting Facts:

  • The competition is always live, so everything that the audience sees cannot be changed or recorded in advance.
  • Ireland has won the most times - as many as 7 times, of which 3 times in a row. Sweden is next with 6 victories, the last of which was 2015 in Vienna. And here are three more countries, France, Luxembourg and Great Britain, hosted the competition five times.
  • Russia once became the winner: in 2008, Dima Bilan won first place with the song "Believe".
Year: 2017
The country: Ukraine

The fourth season of the popular TV project "Dancing" has recently begun. Main characters almost remained unchanged: presenter Laysan Utyasheva, jury member Sergei Svetlakov, mentor Miguel. However, the second mentor, choreographer Yegor Druzhinin, was replaced by Tatyana Denisova, who had already appeared on the show.


Laysan Utyasheva spoke about the appearance of Denisova on the TV project. " classical dance in the interpretation of Yegor Druzhinin, we will now see the style and class that he dictated in the female variation. I will miss Yegor, but I think that Tanya will be interesting to the audience both as a mentor and as a woman. I know that Tanya has a lot of experience in such a show. We haven't interacted much yet, but recently, when she saw me, Tanya said: "Well, you're just a cat!" So far, - said Laysan.

The TV presenter expressed the opinion that the rivalry between Miguel and Tatyana Denisova would be of a different nature than that between Miguel and Yegor Druzhinin. “It will not be so obvious, because female wisdom and cunning will appear. I think Tanya will charm everyone first, and then, when Miguel relaxes, she will hit as much as possible. passion, rather than some kind of rivalry. I would look at their confrontation more from this angle, "quotes Laysan Utyasheva" TV program ".

A month ago, Yegor Druzhinin suddenly decided to change his job. He exchanged his mentor's chair in the "Dancing" project on the TNT channel for membership in the jury in the new show of the "Russia 1" channel "Everybody Dance!". Naturally, fans of the show were worried about why this happened. The programs are similar in format, so why, as they say, change the awl for soap?

Then, in a conversation with Woman’s Day, the choreographer explained his decision by saying that “Dances” take too much time from him ...

“Basically, this is, of course, fatigue from the project, moral deterioration. First of all, it is connected with the fact that you get used to the participants very much, it is very difficult to make a decision on their fate, - Druzhinin admitted. - Plus quite a lot of employment. Since the project is serious, we shoot 24 hours a day. Plus, there are separate castings, that is, one way or another, I dedicate 5 months of my life a year to “Dances”. We parted very well, we still have absolutely normal business relations, ”Egor assured.

Photo channel TNT

And now it turns out that Yegor was cunning. And that he was tired of the project, and that he remained friends with everyone. In a recent interview, the choreographer decided to reveal real reasons his departure. It turns out that his colleague Miguel is to blame.

“My departure from Dances is a set of circumstances. You can't work with a colleague you don't respect. Miguel, although he leads the opposing team, nevertheless remains my “equal” colleague. I put this word in quotation marks, since there is no need to dream of any equality in the project, - Druzhinin frankly admitted in an interview with TV Program. - Miguel is in charge of the concert tours of the members and runs the school organized by the creators of "Dance". I don't like competition in general.

Still, the conflict between Miguel and Yegor in the “Battle of the Seasons” did not go unnoticed.

Recall that last year Druzhinin left the project with a scandal after the audience considered it necessary to remove his favorite Dima Maslennikov from the show. Egor did not agree with this decision and demanded to change the voting rules. Miguel, instead of supporting his colleague in this situation, realizing how hard it is to part with his favorite dancers, condemned him and spoke rather harshly on social networks about his behavior. The creators of the project then managed to settle the conflict, but the sediment, as they say, remained. Yegor spent another season in the project, but there was no longer peace between the mentors: they constantly teased each other, found fault with the numbers of non-participants, and often spoke to each other without due respect. Which ultimately led to the fact that Druzhinin decided to leave the project.

“There was a time when Miguel and I were friends. Today Seryozha is trying to remind him at every corner that now he is an adult, that I have not been an authority for him for a long time. And I don't claim. He, like anyone else who passes the test of attention, has big ambitions. I have principles, - Yegor said in the same interview. - Now I'm more than comfortable among the members of the jury "Everybody Dance!". I am among well-mannered and benevolent people - all recognized professionals.

Organized by TNT channel. In the meantime, we are reading an exclusive interview with Yegor Druzhinin, who unexpectedly returned to DANCES. But that's what we wanted, right?

Did you decide to come back or were you persuaded by the producer?
I was not persuaded, but the producers offered to return. To be honest, I didn’t even have such a thought in my head. Moreover, I had no idea that the producers could offer me to return.

I decided to return to the project because I had a rest and because the offer to return was
very well formulated.

Why did you decide to accept the offer?
I decided to return to the project because I had a rest and because the proposal to return was very well formulated. What we did in the project, especially in the first season, was good, solid work. The performances, stage and video solutions, television receptions, and the program itself, as a format, were not the fruit of some momentary imagination of a single person - the project was created meaningfully and gradually. To discount all this work, just brush it off as if it meant nothing to you, represented nothing to you, would be stupid. Because it's not.

You highlight the first season, because then the show was just in its infancy and was done
large-scale work, and in subsequent seasons the project went on knurled?
I don’t measure my work by scale, I always remember it by the number of hours spent and emotions, by the people I met. And, of course, the show "DANCING" will always be a milestone in my life, in my work as a choreographer.

You explained your departure from the project by disagreeing with the audience voting and
emotional exhaustion...
No, I didn't do it, I never explained my departure by disagreeing with the audience vote. These are the rules of the game - it is impossible to agree or disagree with the audience vote. You have to understand very simple thing– our project exists only thanks to the viewer who watches it, and it is impossible to disagree with it. This project lives both by the efforts of those people who create it, and those who watch it. If there is no spectator, there will be no project. Therefore, I never motivated my departure from the project by disagreeing with the audience vote. But I will continue to protest internally, seeing the obvious talents of my participants and the disagreement of the viewer so that they continue to participate in the project. But you will never know from me.

Those. now you won't say that you don't understand why the viewer votes like that?
You now recall a specific episode that took place not in the usual season of the show "DANCES" on TNT, but in the "Battle of the Seasons". And there the viewer decided everything. With this, of course, I cannot agree. I regret that I had to take such drastic measures, but if they were not there, then the producers, in turn, would not see a way out. If we had not returned participation in the decision-making of the jury members, it is not known how that season would have ended.

Looking forward to the new season interesting participants and numbers. Every new person- this new universe. You see behind him not only talent, not only his outstanding physical abilities, but also

What do you expect from this season, from the project as a whole, from your return? Maybe,Did you miss dialogues with Miguel?
No, I didn't miss it at all. From the new season I expect interesting participants and performances. DANCES is a unique opportunity to work with the best of the best. And I'm talking not only about the participants, but also about the invited choreographers. Each new person is a new universe. You see behind him not only talent, not only his outstanding physical abilities, but also his worldview. For my part, I expect the same from them. I would like the dancers to come not only with the desire to win and take the main prize, but to see something more in our project. They have a unique opportunity to declare themselves to the whole country - I want them to take advantage of it. I noticed that the real winners of this project are not those who get first places, but those who continued to communicate with each other, began to grow in the dance and choreographic sense, used the TNT project as a spring in their professional growth. They now have productions, performances, teaching work - everything that many other talented guys are deprived of. And I hope that the new bunch of people that will come to our project will correctly interpret this opportunity and take advantage of it correctly.

Didn't any of the winners use the project as a springboard?
I don't follow all the winners closely, but watching some I understand that it's hard for them. Winning is a burden, not just a prize, and everyone handles it to the best of their ability. Those with a weaker rod may break. And who firmly understands what he wants, of course, will achieve everything. You ask Dima Twitter if he built a house for his mother with the money he won, as he announced.

In what relationship did you break up with Miguel after the third season?
In those in which I met now - although we are rivals, at the same time colleagues. I treat him like a person with whom I have to work. Therefore, I set aside all personal reflections on his account.

But outside of the project, did you communicate with him?
No, we don't communicate. We used to be friends, as you know, were friends, helped each other, sometimes worked together. But now, and as a result of the project as well, our paths have diverged. And it seems to me that he is not very worried about this, but I certainly am.

What can you say about the work of Tatyana Denisova as a team mentor and choreographer
It's very difficult to judge this, because it's one thing to see the work from the inside, another - from the outside of the project. So far, I can say one thing - Tanya held up very well last season, we must pay tribute to her. But it was easier for her to hold on than, say, me or Miguel, because she is a girl. This is a lot of excuse. Of course, some of her decisions seemed paradoxical to me and I agreed with all of them, but she probably had some motives of her own. Miguel's decisions also seemed paradoxical to me, but I already know the nature of his paradoxes. It was a pity to watch how he sometimes sacrificed very worthy guys in favor of those whom he left. But such a burning "Why ?!" I experienced literally 1-2 times. Last season, both Tanya and Miguel had very strong guys in the teams.

I left the project because it emotionally disheveled me so much, made me hot, that I was not able to survive this kind of season again.

What is your goal for this season?
The first goal is to survive. Let me remind you that I left the project because it emotionally disheveled me so much, made me hot, that I was not able to survive this kind of season again. For this, it was necessary to have very strong armor. Now it seems to me that this armor has appeared: I take many things easier, I have a lot of other projects and obligations that go in parallel. Perhaps this lightness will allow me to work more calmly in the new season. This does not mean that I am going to treat the project carelessly, I try to do my best in all my professional work. I just hope that some detachment will allow me to focus on the most important thing - the dance. My task in this project is to focus on the dancing abilities of the guys, on what can be done with them, how they can be helped. Their test, in fact, begins not with rivalry with other teams, but with rivalry within their own. In fact, the competition should begin with the mentor, because I am the person who invites them to dance this or that, overcome this or that material. Over the past seasons, the dancers have formed the opinion that the mentor should lead them to victory. This is complete nonsense. The mentor is the first one who should check them: are they worthy to take part in this season, are they worthy to reach the second gear, third, to the final. But what if they can't cope with these tasks? They can be angry with me for a long time, but you have to understand that I cannot lead all the members of my team to victory. So the strongest will win.

How do you look at new stage selection, which was introduced in the new season, when the participants have not yet
formed teams has been working with choreographers and mentors for a week?
This is not a new stage, I have already participated in it. As a choreographer, I don’t really like this stage, because I start to invest in those people in whom it is sometimes not interesting to invest. Sometimes I don't even agree with the participation of one of the guys in this stage. But there is a plus - I have the opportunity to take a closer look, to understand who is worth fighting for. And then we start breaking spears with other mentors about the same people. At this moment, the participants begin to figure out which of the mentors like them more, who like them less, who to go to, to whom not to go. It turns out a kind of circus. I want to reset this whole story for myself, I want to work with those guys who will dance well, who I like as dancers. They have to match my idea of ​​what dance is. And believe me, I have them.

Starting now new season with the new rules of the game, and how everything will turn out - we will find out only in the course of the project.

So, it will not matter to you who they originally came to the team?
It practically doesn't matter. I will be infinitely pleased if one of them wants to get to me, but I am aware that the guys who especially want to win sometimes turn on practical calculation. They may think that with Miguel's team, this success will be easier to achieve. Because on this moment he is a leader - his participants came to victory many more times than anyone else. But it is not important. Now the new season starts with new rules of the game, and how everything will turn out - we will find out only in the course of the project.


Come August 25 from 13:00 to 21:00 to Pobedy Park and prove that Stavropol is the most dancing city in Russia!