Why is life experience needed? Life experience for professional and personal growth

Every person has experience in one way or another. Life experience is usually understood as a set of ideas about the world that allow you to make an individual opinion about a particular object, person or phenomenon. Life experience, no doubt, makes us wise and strong.

The problem of life experience

The problem of life experience lies in the fact that this knowledge about the environment is really acquired by each person independently. Someone else's life experience does not play any role in the formation of another person. As they say, everyone must fill their bumps, make mistakes that will help to draw the right conclusions, lead to the final goal. Some people are in no hurry to accept someone else's life experience, to take someone's beliefs on faith. This happens because it is difficult for us to imagine someone else being right, and neglecting our own opinion. In addition, someone else's life experience often becomes the opposite of our own. The problem with life experience is that not all people are ready to acknowledge its existence. Some willingly continue to deny the acquired knowledge in order to try to forget the past and the problems associated with it as soon as possible.

Features of life experience

What gives the life experience of the individual? First of all, the opportunity to always have a choice. Having a certain life experience, a person has an enviable freedom: he decides when and how to act. This is a wonderful advantage, because only a free person can be called fully accomplished and mature. In the absence of life experience, a person will be lost, seek support from others. But the older we get, the easier it is to make decisions. Gradually, a person gets used to taking responsibility for himself, to think about the consequences of his steps. What is included in the life experience? Let's consider in more detail.

Individual experience

The life experience of one person is his immutable truth. It does not always correspond to the ideas and worldview of other people. If for one the greatest value is the family and children, then for another, a career and career growth are extremely important. It would be wrong to blame your opponent for not meeting your expectations. The problem of understanding between people lies in the fact that they do not want to give in to each other, to accept a point of view that is different from their own.

Life experience is the greatest good, spiritual wealth, which must be treated with extreme care. This treasure requires close attention and respect. Only a small percentage of people know how to appreciate what they really have, and these are truly happy individuals. Life experience always contributes to the formation of a certain view of the world. This opinion is made up of those events that evoke a specific emotional response in the soul. The individualization of life experience emphasizes the basic values ​​​​of a person, how he makes decisions, what kind of environment is next to him. From the same events, individual people will make different impressions, form an individual life experience.

Dependence on vivid impressions

In the process of knowing the world, we accumulate various impressions, which subsequently teach us to recognize information, to divide it into components. This is facilitated just by the presence of life experience. The habit of evaluating current events is due to certain life experiences. If from childhood a person is accustomed to accepting kindness, warmth from loved ones, was surrounded by attention and affection, he will form a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality. Otherwise, he will be forced to fight all his life with imaginary "monsters" that exist only in his head.

Life experience forms dependence on impressions. Positive images affect the personality in a positive way: she learns to trust close people and the world as a whole. Life experience is necessary for the formation of priorities. Attitude to surrounding people and events also depends entirely on life experience. The most important thing is to be able to accumulate in the heart a sufficient amount of bright and pleasant emotions. The more intense and positive they are, the more interesting the life experience itself will turn out.

Ability to act quickly

The life experience of each of us is the greatest blessing. Decision-making depends entirely on how accurately a person is able to formulate a goal, set realistic goals for himself. The ability to act quickly, without hesitation, is an invaluable quality. Of course, fears and doubts cannot be completely eliminated from life, but they can be made an integral part of a rich life experience.

Life experience will always tell you how to do the right thing. You will not have to suffer for a long time and doubt the correctness of your next decision. That is why a person performs some actions quite simply, as if on an automatic machine - experience helps him. In its absence, doubts, panicky self-doubt and fears begin to overcome. They cannot be avoided, it is important to gain the necessary life experience before moving forward.

Know how to trust your life experience, then you will be able to get out of the most difficult situations with honor. We need it to act actively, relying on our own intuition and worldview.

Thus, life experience is an integral part of self-knowledge, perhaps its main component. It helps us maintain peace of mind in moments of difficult trials, encourages us in failures, makes us believe in ourselves again after a crushing fall.

This is the unity of skills and knowledge, which is acquired by all people in the course of their life, from childhood, from the very moment when the future member of society begins to receive impressions, experience, observe and carry out practical actions. In addition, experience is one of the basic concepts of the theory of knowledge. However, it is worth considering it in the traditional sense.

Life experience

It needs to be talked about first. What is life experience? So it is customary to call a set of events occurring within the framework of the biography of one and the same person. This, one might say, is his individual history or even a social biography.

It is believed that the number of situations experienced and their depth are the determining factors in the vitality of each individual, as well as his spiritual world. After all, experience grows out of experiences, suffering, the victory of will over desires and achievements. All this leads to wisdom.

It is generally accepted that life is given to a person just so that he gains this experience. This is the purpose of earthly existence. To gain experience, a person is completely immersed in life, passing through obstacles, experiencing storms that cause a lot of trouble. But it is in their decision that he often manages to find answers to many exciting questions.

Existence in society

It contributes to the accumulation of social experience, which is a set of skills necessary for participation in society.

What is experience in this context? This is practical knowledge about the joint life of people, which was recorded in the norms and principles of behavior, as well as in traditions, moral prescriptions, rituals and customs. It also includes feelings, reflexes, emotions, landmarks, attitudes, points of view, languages ​​and systems of worldviews.

Knowledge about all of the above is passed from one generation to another. Without this, society is impossible. If at one moment the entire population, except for children under 3-4 years old, disappeared, then civilization would die out. After all, kids would not have been able to master all the skills of mankind. This is impossible without the transfer of social experience from adults who own it.

About individuality

It is important to pay attention to the topic of what is the experience of independence. It is most commonly experienced by children and adolescents. Slightly less often - adults. It manifests itself in those moments when a person begins to do something on his own, without guidance, advice or guardianship from outside.

This experience is especially important for children. If they do not get such an opportunity, then they will have nothing to comprehend. At the same time, it is necessary that the child has a person with whom he could consult (parent, teacher, guardian, one of the relatives). Otherwise, his own experience of independence will be empty or imperfect. It is not right. Experience must be "processed". Here is an example - a child can pick up the simplest melody on the piano by ear. But to play it correctly, with the “necessary” fingers, taking into account all the signs and pauses, he will succeed only after working together on a work with an adult. And there are thousands of similar examples.

Professional aspect

In addition to all of the above, children are taught about what relevant work experience is during their schooling. This is important for their future professional orientation.

Relevant is the work experience that a person has acquired in a certain profile. If a candidate comes for an interview at a private clinic where he wants to work as a surgeon, then the owner of the institution, first of all, is interested in how many years the potential employee has worked in this specialty.

Why is knowledge on this topic important? Because children must early years learn that professional self-determination is important. Of course, tens of thousands of people who graduated from a university in one specialty end up working in other areas of activity. But this is exactly what the school is trying to convey to children - they should not waste 4 years in vain. It is important for them to responsibly approach the issue of choosing a profession in order to receive a relevant education.


In Russia, service is obligatory - such is the law. This awareness should also be instilled in boys during their schooling. And besides this, teachers should explain to the future defenders of the Fatherland what combat experience is.

The army is the real school of life. All guys, while in military service, undergo physical and drill training, go to shooting ranges, and also receive a certain specialty (which one depends on the type of troops). The army teaches to endure unfavourable conditions and hunger, to be responsible for what is said and done, to choose people, to respect elders. Service tempers in all plans. After the army, the guys become able to endure and do something, even if you want to quit everything. The service helps to feel the true value of freedom, life, health, and, of course, loved ones.

Many believe that without the army all this can be obtained. But only people who have not been there think so. A whole year spent in harsh, constantly aggravating conditions is a combat experience that is never forgotten.


Talking about what experience is, one cannot fail to note one more nuance. It concerns practice - human goal-setting activity that accompanies each of us from birth.

If you watch a baby, you can notice something interesting, but at the same time simple. This refers to the process of acquiring skills. One day he can barely hold a toy in his hands. And a week later, he consciously takes the spoon by the handle. Subsequently, he learns to walk. First falls, hits. But after a while, he manages to firmly stand on his feet.

That's what practical experience is. We acquire it throughout our lives, right up to old age. And there is! After all, many people, having reached retirement, decide to learn something. Some get on a bike, others go to a driving school, someone enrolls in study courses. foreign language. And in the course of training, they gain new experience. By the way, some may wonder - why do many people want to do something, to accumulate knowledge? Everything is simple. This is an innate instinct of curiosity, which often develops into curiosity.

Other types of knowledge

So, the above was accessible about what experience is. The definition is clear, but in the end I would like to note a few more existing species knowledge.

In addition to the above, there is a physical experience, the elements of which are sensations. Emotional experience involves feelings and experiences. But this is a rather complex holistic formation that integrates the most diverse types of mental structures.

There is also a mental experience, which includes aspects of consciousness and intellect. And then there is the religious, otherwise called spiritual and mystical. Its specificity lies in the maximum subjectivity of experience. The same feature makes it impossible to transfer this experience unchanged to another person. Because everyone experiences their own experiences.

Life experience. What is it and do we need it?
. A fool learns from his own mistakes, but a smart one learns from others. It turns out that the smart learn from the fools.
. Experience is the kind of thing that comes right after you need it.
. Life experience is a mass of valuable knowledge about how not to behave in situations that will never happen again.
. The wisdom of men is not proportional to their experience, but to their ability to acquire it. (Henry Shaw)
. Experience is the comb that gives us life when we have already lost our hair. (Judith Stern)
. Success depends on the right decision, right decision is a consequence of experience, and experience, in turn, is a consequence of a wrong decision.

How often, in the process of arguing with people, I came across an explanation of their own rightness by the presence of rich life experience behind them. For a long time, this very life experience was perceived by me as something obligatory, which is also vital for me for a successful existence in everyday reality. It got to the point that I confused the knowledge of the world with the accumulation of life experience!

But really, why do we need life experience? Is it necessary in Everyday life? At first glance, the question is very stupid, but the further, the more I am convinced that there is also a catch here. We all know the saying that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. And that means bad luck! Although the latter is not desirable, but for some reason it is impossible to avoid it.

In from we say: we live, we get experience. And what is the experience worth, in which no conclusions are drawn? The experience is not transformed into a situation that would bring joy and happiness. Experience is different experience. Let's take some laboratory research. If they conduct one single experiment, they will not draw conclusions, they will not repeat the experiment with certain changes. So what is this experience? It turns out unfinished research work, probably ... Or how? What is the point of doing half the experience? Just a mistake? Uncorrected, abandoned, abandoned halfway?

Suppose a person has been married for some time and divorced in the middle of life. Can this be considered experience?

To some extent, of course, the experience is like living together with a person of the opposite sex. The experience of conducting a joint economy - no doubt. Experience in resolving conflicts, finding common ground. The experience of having children, perhaps even the experience of raising them together. But is it possible to say that a person has gained experience in preserving a family? The experience of the divorce process, he acquired. What about family savings?

Or the upbringing of children. If you have given birth to a child, then you have gained the experience of giving birth to children. And when the child grew up, did you gain experience in raising a child? After all, someone really gets it, and someone does not. And by what result can we conclude that a person has gained experience in raising children? After all, it happens that he tried to educate, but the result does not please ... And neither the parent nor the child. We will not take into account the cases when the child went his own way, and the parent arrives with unjustified expectations ... Or does it just seem to a person that he tried, fought, brought up? Or does it have nothing to do with upbringing? And from the examples that parents set for their children, too?

Why do we feel in our gut what kind of people with what experience can be trusted, and who will never and under no circumstances become an authority for us?
And some people really want to be. That is, authority. And if they are not recognized as an expert in any field, why are they trying in every possible way to impose their opinion, their point of view, their “correctness” and their “experience”?
In order not to admit to oneself that it was not an experience, that an unfinished experiment came out instead of an experience? Or just do not distinguish one from the other?

So then it turns out that “all men are goats”, “all women are mercantile” and other “everything” ... And what is the reason for “everyone”, or in a would-be experimenter? Who does not know: what questions to put before him, how to bring everything to mind, so as not to quit halfway, not to run away from the laboratory in impotence .... After all, the results and conclusions will depend on this.

The statement of some enlightened personalities that it is necessary to live here and now, in the current moment - I do not quite understand how such a life is possible. Here, pay attention to your mind. How is it arranged? The lion's share of free time our brain is occupied with memories of the past, the rest is occupied with dreams. The past has already passed, there is no need to remember it, regret again, mourn. It is our past that is considered to be life experience. But why is such a life experience necessary?

The more years we live, the more different situations we live. Once again, getting into this or that situation, we react based on past experience, sometimes without even thinking - almost automatically and ... we miss our chance!

Thus, people who have lived to old age do not exist in the present at all! All their thoughts are directed only to the past - to memories. But every moment of life is this fork with many lapels. Every second we are waiting for a lot of unrealized opportunities, a lot of options. But we do not see all this, because our life experience (and sometimes not only ours, but also successfully imposed by someone else, in the process of our upbringing) makes us react based on past situations.

But that experience was in the past! Responding to it in this way means going around in circles, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. From the world of the non-existent past. However, we all live in this world, again and again experiencing the events that once took place. It is not surprising that our life is gray and monotonous. And you try to drive the film on the cassette many times, it will all wear out over time and will begin to resemble life with the dullness of its frames ...

The same is true of the decisions we have made in the past. Once we make a choice in favor of one option or another, we regret for the rest of our lives and torment ourselves with thoughts about what would have happened if we had chosen another option. Such an experience confuses us during the next such situation. As a result, we simply play for time until there is no choice left. But it's just terrible! The thing is that no matter what path we choose, it will be right for us ...

The only life experience that we should learn is to live to the maximum in every moment of our lives. “Squeeze” everything out of this moment. And in no case do not judge him based on past experience. 'Cause every moment is a chance, a chance to taste real life, a life without a past and a future, a life without time...

I have heard many times how people tell their acquaintances about how some strange story happened to them, an incident, an accident, a shameful situation or misfortune, due to the fact that they do not have life experience.

All this happened because they did not know how to act in it, what measures to take, how to quickly and correctly make the right decision in order to avoid the problem and get out of an awkward situation not with lowered eyes, but with a proudly raised head!

What is Life Experience

As is customary with us, after a story, listeners always give advice: It was necessary to do this, it was necessary to say differently, it was necessary to call, etc. This led me to the idea that we need a blog site in which people could tell their story ( do I have a lot of them?), while others, after reading, could draw a conclusion, analyze, learn something, could learn and get some other people's experience from life and could protect themselves from such situations in the future. After all, knowledge is strong weapon! Or maybe someone is now in exactly that situation and cannot find the answer? What if you know him? So why not write an answer in the comments under the article so that the author of a particular problem can use your life experience and solve this problem? As they say: why learn from your mistakes when you can learn from others. Life is too short to waste it on your mistakes.

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Who needs life experience, welcome to the headings of articles!

The main advantage of a person is his life experience. Experience and knowledge in various areas of life. A person with rich life experience is ready for success. His failures were a necessary preparation, a time of apprenticeship. He has already made his main mistakes, and one should not expect obvious nonsense from him. He is hardened by difficulties and hardships, he knows how to take a hit - unlike those who cannot boast of great life experience.

« Life experience is information that has become the property of the individual, deposited in the reserves of long-term memory, which is in a state of constant readiness for actualization in adequate situations. This information is an alloy of thoughts, feelings, actions lived by a person, representing a self-sufficient value for him, associated with the help of the mind, memory of feelings, memory of behavior.". Belkin A.S.

Own life experience trustworthy, it is a suitable tool for finding the most appropriate behavior in each immediate situation.

Lack of life experience gives people a feeling of fear. And often it is the fear of failure. Remember that failures are always temporary, and our life experience acquired through trial and error will always be with us and will serve to achieve success.

To gain experience, you need to overcome fear, say to yourself: "Let's try." Many undertakings are accompanied by the word "it turns out." That's what we say: "I haven't tried it, I don't know if it will work." When there is experience, our speech sounds different: “I want, I know how, and I will do it” - this is how a person usually expresses his confidence based on experience. The presence of experience facilitates the efforts of any kind of activity, a person sometimes effortlessly performs the most complex operations, achieving the highest results with the least effort.

At one time, the founder of the original Russian pedagogy, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, speaking about professional experience, noticed that experience cannot be adopted, but it is possible to borrow only an idea from it. It is difficult to disagree. After all life experience is the matter is purely individual and the behavior of one, even in a similar situation, cannot lead to the same result as the behavior of another. Someone else's experience, someone else's opinion, someone else's mistakes and findings are a very valuable acquisition, but only as information, source material for the formation of one's own life experience. When you try on someone else's experience, this source material, you must understand that it will undergo a very significant change. Here, the statements of Andrei Arsenyevich Tarkovsky, an outstanding Soviet film director and screenwriter, are interesting, which I bring to your attention.