The most unusual exhibitions in the world. The strangest and most unusual museums in the world

At the end of 2017, there are about 400 museums in the capital. Consider the most interesting places. We have prepared a selection for all age categories and different taste preferences. All places are suitable for families with children.

Tasty museums


All the sweet tooth just need to get to this place. The whole history of chocolate and cocoa is before your eyes: the Mayans prepare an ancient drink, Cortes brings it to Spain, and chocolate begins a victorious journey around the world.

2. Museum of the history of Russian chocolate ("WORLD of chocolate")

Here you will find out who was the first chocolatier in the history of Russia. What types of chocolate were produced, where did it start its journey, why did the Russian delicacy become popular in many countries and what is the history of modern Russian chocolate.


The Museum of Bread in the Izmailovsky Kremlin presents the centuries-old history of the bread industry in Russia: items of the peasantry of the 19th century, handmade wooden utensils, loaves, different types of bread and more. You can find out which of you is a baker, or you can just try local products.

Scientific and educational museums of Moscow

4. State Darwin Museum

Darwin Museum founded in 1907. There are thousands of exhibits representing different types of life on planet Earth. It will be interesting for both children and adults. You will meet many species of animals that you have not even heard of.


Dozens of paintings painted by professional artists greet every visitor. Many come here for "avatars" on their page in social network, others - to get a lot of positive emotions for the whole family. Don't forget to bring a camera with a large battery. This is one of the most popular museums in Moscow. Read more about them


The Museum of Entertaining Sciences will make you feel like a research scientist. All exhibits simply need to be touched! In a playful manner, complex physical and chemical reactions are described. Even adults will learn a lot from the master classes.


solar system, a hydrogen rocket, a space bicycle - all expositions are open to access. The Lunarium interactive museum is located on the territory of the Moscow Planetarium and will tell anyone who wants the secrets of our galaxy.

8. Interactorium Mars-Tefo at VDNKh

The entire space of the site is completely devoted to the distant and little-known planet Mars. Mars is distinguished by its unfriendly disposition, but is it really so? At your disposal are models of rovers, compartments of the Mars-Tefo space station and views of the red planet from the windows.


The Children's Center for Scientific Discoveries on Teatralnyy Proyezd is somewhat reminiscent of the Experimentanium, but still differs from it. Here, in an accessible form, they talk about the action of physical laws, prepare their own toothpaste, experiment with different types of paints and soap bubbles. Great place for families with children.


Few people have not been to the Museum of Cosmonautics. Here we get acquainted with spaceships, astronauts, launch vehicles and many other things that marked the era of space exploration. In addition to studying the exhibits, there is an opportunity to watch an educational film about space. The Museum of Cosmonautics is included in our TOP 4 best Moscow.


Polytechnic University is in the top of the largest science and technology museums peace. Despite the reconstruction of the building where the Polytechnic University is located (in Kitai-Gorod) until 2018, it continues to work, but at different addresses: VDNKh, Cultural Center ZIL and Technopolis Moscow.

The entire history of the automotive industry is concentrated in one place. Vintage cars of actors and actresses, leaders and members of the Politburo, famous foreign figures and other eminent car owners are hidden in the pavilions of the Museum of Vintage Cars.


The Center for Popularization of Natural Science Knowledge The Moscow Planetarium talks about the sky, space and stars. To make a trip to the stars, it is not necessary to undergo cosmonaut training and wait for the construction of a spaceship, but it is enough to come to the Big Planetarium of Moscow.



The first oceanarium in Moscow and the second largest after the Moskvarium, will allow you to get acquainted with various representatives of the marine and freshwater fauna: animals, reefs, fish, reptiles, birds and others.


Museum of Technology of Vadim Zadorozhny - the largest in Russia private museum ancient technology. The collection includes vintage cars, military equipment, aircraft, motorcycles and weapons. In total, there are more than 1,000 exhibits - an incredible amount of equipment for one person.

17. Interactive beekeeping museum at VDNKh

For all honey lovers and not only! Here you will learn the history of beekeeping, what bees are, how they are born, work and produce natural nectar - honey. In addition, anyone will be able to observe the life of bees throughout the year, as a real, live hive is located in the pavilion.

Historical museums of Moscow


When it comes to historical museums, the first thing that comes to mind is. In the entire history of the Kremlin, no one has been able to take it by storm, not even once. 20 towers of a monumental structure represent a single powerful defensive line. Each tower hides its own story-mystery.


The Historical Museum of Moscow is the largest national museum in Russia. Millions of objects of antiquity and modernity have been collected for almost 150 years (founded in 1872), 11 halls in a unique architectural monument will tell and show the centuries-old history of our country.


The museum was founded in 1912 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the victory over the French. Thousands of exhibits belonging to the era of the 19th century appear before visitors in their original form. Here you will meet the heroes of bygone days, whose memory will be kept forever.


The museum opened in Moscow in 1962. It is dedicated to one of the largest and bloodiest one-day battles in the history of mankind. According to some reports, about 6,000 people died every hour. It was the Battle of Borodino that became the beginning of the end of Napoleon I and the turning point in the First World War.

22. Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The memorial complex in which the museum was opened is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Here you will learn about all aspects and events of the Second World War. How the USSR prepared for the war, how the battles took place, what equipment and equipment they used, and more. The museum is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.


65 meters underground - this is the depth of this museum. Previously, it was a bomb shelter for the first persons of the USSR. The structure was erected in 1956 by order of Stalin and it was assumed that it was from here that the command of the USSR would lead the troops in the event of a nuclear war, but with the development of weapons, the requirements for such objects also changed.

Now everyone has the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the realities of past years, but also to hold a birthday or an entertainment event at a depth of 65 meters underground. Please note that you can see more of these places and excursions in our article about excursions in Moscow.


The Museum of the History of the Telephone is an example of how a hobby grows into something more. Here is the widest collection of all telephones from Europe, America and Russia. In total, there are about 2,000 exhibits of rare telephones of the 19th and 20th centuries. Some devices were at antique auctions, while others were provided from personal collections.

One of the largest natural history museums in the world is located in Moscow. Six halls dedicated to different periods life on planet earth. The whole area is about 5,000 m 2 . In each hall you will get acquainted with animals and mammals of ancient times. Dinosaurs are of particular interest to most visitors. Their size excites the mind. 225 million years separate us from these huge animals!

Art museums in Moscow


The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow was founded in 1911. It is included in the top 3 largest museums in the country in terms of collections of foreign art. More than 670,000 paintings and sculptures have been collected here. All these treasures are located in an architectural monument in the center of Moscow.

27. Bulgakov House

"Bad" apartment at the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya, 10, apt. 50 became the Bulgakov Museum. We all know where the "Bad Apartment" came from, of course, from his legendary novel - "The Master and Margarita". A novel that immortalized the writer and the apartment in which he lived until 1924.

28. Mosfilm

Mosfilm is the largest film studio and the only one in Europe that meets all the requirements of the international association. The territory of the film studio is 35 hectares. You will have a short excursion, lasting 1.5 hours, where they will tell you how the magic of cinema is created.

When did the first museum appear in Moscow

The first museum in Moscow was created in 1859 by Alexander II in the Chambers of the Romanov Boyars in Zaryadye, where one of them will open in 2017. By the way, the Chamber is the only surviving building from the entire Romanov estate. Certain restrictions were imposed on visiting the museum - no more than 8 people could be inside at a time, and it was possible to visit it 2 times a week. The entrance was free.

The first museum in Russia

Peter I not only opened a window to Europe, but also founded the first museum in Russia - the Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg. The Kunstkamera is a place where rare anatomical anomalies and unique antiquities from different nations are collected. Now the Kunstkamera has been renamed the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great.

The probable reason for the creation of the Kunstkamera was the similar places seen during a trip to Europe. Upon returning to his homeland, Peter I ordered the transfer of the capital of the state from Moscow to St. Petersburg and began to collect rare exhibits for the first Russian museum. The name of the museum was given in the Western manner - Kunstkamera (from German means "cabinet of rarities"). The date of foundation is considered to be 1714.

The history of the creation of the first museum in the world

The world's first museum (derived from the Greek word "Museion") was established in Greece, Alexandria in the 3rd century BC. The exposition of the world's first museum consisted of a botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory, and a library. Over time, the museum's collection was replenished with statues, busts, medical and astronomical instruments. The museum existed solely thanks to state funding. The founder of the first museum in the world was the then ruler of Greece, Ptolemy I.

Two centuries later, the museum had more than 750 thousand manuscripts, which were kept in the Library of Alexandria. The museum was led by the chief priest, who was appointed by the king of Egypt. It was the largest library and museum in the world at the time. According to some data, most of the exhibits and manuscripts were burned during a fire in 270 AD.

This incredible underwater museum, with dozens of life-sized sculptures, is used as artificial coral reefs for local flora and fauna.

2. Hermann Boerhaave Museum. City of Leiden, Netherlands

Before becoming a museum dedicated to human mutations, before mutation became a great discovery in medicine, botany and physiology, this building was a simple hospital. Now in it you can see the collection of Sebald Justinus Brugmans, which includes jars, test tubes and various kinds of mutations in them.

3. Museum of instant noodles Momofuku Ando. Osaka city, Japan

5. Divorce Museum. City of Zagreb, Croatia

Each item in this collection - be it Wedding Dress or even an ax - has its own history in the final stage of a failed relationship.

6. Museum of bad art. City of Beston, Massachusetts

This museum displays works famous artists, where everything went awry, as well as strange copies of paintings by other artists.

7. Sewer Museum of Paris. City of Paris, France

Believe it or not. But this museum dedicated to the sewers of Paris was founded in the Paris sewers in 1800, and it is still active today. It presents many historical exhibits and not necessarily on the theme of its name.

8. Mutter Museum. City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This museum boasts hundreds of specimens of skulls and skeletons showing numerous pathologies in the human structure.

9. Museum of dog collars. City of Kent, England

This museum contains accessories for best friend man for five centuries.

10. Museum of death. City of Los Angeles, California City of New Orleans, Louisiana

According to its creators, the museum was founded in 1995 "so that visitors can find out the whole truth hidden from them in the media regarding some events related to the death or murder of people." The museum does not conduct tours. Each visitor can independently examine everything, which will take about an hour.

The museum itself, in addition to numerous autopsy documents, videos and photographs from crime scenes, also contains the head of Bluebeard, a French serial killer.

11. Vent-Heyvan Museum. City of Fort Havan, Kentucky

This museum has amassed an incredible collection of posters and photographs that describe the history of the talking dolls. It is worth a visit if you are not confused by the sight of hundreds of dolls watching you from the very beginning to the end of your visit to the museum.

12. Museum of paintings "Cat's House". City of Amsterdam, Netherlands

This museum has collected an incredible collection of sculptures, paintings and other utensils about cats. All of them indicate that these hairballs are an integral part of human life.

13. Museum of Bread Culture. City of Ulm, Germany

Despite the fact that this museum has collected 16,000 relics related to baking, there are almost no examples of baking or recipes for it in this museum.

14. House of Winchesters. City of San Jose, California

In 1884, the house was purchased by Sarah Winchester, widow of William Winchester, son of Oliver Winchester, inventor of the famous rifle.

After her husband's death, Sarah had an audience with a medium in Boston who "communicated with the spirit of her late husband." The spirit of the deceased allegedly reported that Sarah's misadventures (the death of her only daughter shortly after birth, the relatively early death of William) are due to the fact that the family is cursed with those killed by a rifle created by his father. In order to avoid further problems, the woman must build a special house in which the spirits cannot harm her. The widow bought the house and spent almost all of her millions on rebuilding it.

15. Museum of British lawn mowers. City of Southport, England

Not only does this museum have 200-year-old lawn mowers, but visitors are also allowed to try out the lawn mowers used by Princess Diana and Prince Charles.

16. Jurassic Technology Museum. City of Los Angeles, California

The name of the museum has nothing to do with dinosaurs. Here is a whole collection of scientific and artistic rarities.

According to the head of the Smithsonian Institution, "Museums like this one, unlike most others, are very important because they show the history of the development of scientific technology, thereby igniting people's interest in science."

Despite the fact that some of the exhibits, such as the decaying bones of the Russian dogs Belka and Strelka, are fake, the guides still show them as genuine. Visitors have something to discuss among themselves.

17. Barney Smith Art Museum. City of San Antonio, Texas

At the word museum, the names immediately pop up in our memory - the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Louvre ... However, there are a lot of strange museums, which are very different from those familiar to a simple layman. Here are just a few of them.

Sewer Museum in Paris, France

The Sewer Museum of Paris, located on the Quai d'Orsay near the Pont de Alma, traces the history of the city's sewerage from the first Aubrio tunnels under Charles V to the Belgrand sewer network currently in use. It is quite logical that this museum is located in an underground tunnel, descending into which visitors will be able to get acquainted with the history of city drains and the development of the sewerage network, as well as take a walk through both the wide main tunnels and the narrow secondary ones.

Museum of Ventriloquists at Fort Mitchell, USA

At the ventriloquist museum in Kentucky, dummies tell funny stories, roll their eyes at retorts, and have their own opinions on everything. The uniqueness of the museum at Fort Mitchell lies in the fact that it is the only one of its kind in the world. It seems that endless rows of wooden dolls are lined up within its walls. With their "eyes" they follow all the movements of visitors, as if trying to hypnotize them and subjugate them to their own will. In this creepy place, many have to really restrain themselves in order not to scream in fear.

Cesare Lombroso Museum of Criminal Anthropology in Turin, Italy

The famous Museum of Criminal Anthropology in Turin was founded in 1898 by the criminal physiognomist Cesare Lombroso. This museum houses a collection of about four hundred skulls of various people. All this is a consequence of the museum founder's obsession with the idea that criminal inclinations and various deviations in behavior are determined by the shape and size of the human skull. It is for this reason that the doctor collected the skulls of lunatics, criminals, soldiers and ordinary citizens. His collection includes full-length skeletons, human brains, and images of dissected bodies. The main "chip" of the museum is the head of Lombroso himself, which is perfectly preserved and is kept in a glass chamber.

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum in Los Angeles, USA

The scary museum, called Psychiatry: An Industry of Death, was founded in 2005 by Scientologists who criticize established treatments for psychiatric illness and mental disorders. The exposition of this museum consists of materials telling how a worldwide conspiracy of doctors and pharmacists contributed to the destruction of American Indians and Australian Bushmen, which was a consequence of the beginning of apartheid and the Holocaust. The building in Los Angeles also serves as the administrative center for the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.

Barbed Wire Museum in La Crosse, USA

The original barbed wire museum opened in 1971 in the US state of Kansas. He tells all visitors about the history and evolution of barbed wire, which is popularly called the "Devil's Rope". To date, the museum's exposition consists of more than 2 thousand types of barbed wire, the most valuable exhibits date back to the 19th century. Sightseeing tour includes a visit to the Barbed Wire Hall of Fame and the Science Library. Most visitors also visit the cinema hall, which shows an educational film about the history of this unusual but highly lucrative industry.

Mutter Museum of Medical History in Philadelphia, USA

The Mütter Museum of Medical History is a museum of human disease and pathology, antique medical equipment and biological exhibits, located in an ancient US medical complex. Most of all, this museum is "famous" for its unimaginable collection of skulls, but that's not all - all kinds of unique exhibits are collected within the walls of this creepy institution, for example, the corpse of a woman turned into soap in the ground where she was buried, Siamese twins with one liver, the skeleton of a newborn baby with two heads, and much more. Entrance to this nightmarish museum is forbidden to all the faint of heart and impressionable natures, as well as pregnant women and children.

Rabbit Museum in Pasadena, USA

An American couple managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to rabbits - Candice Frazee and Steve Lubansky converted their house into a real museum of cute rodents. Their mansion in Pasadena has a collection of 28.5 thousand different items, one way or another connected with rabbits and hares. And it all started with an innocent gift, when a couple in love on Valentine's Day exchanged toy animals. After that, they began to constantly give each other rabbits and everything connected with them - postcards, clay figurines, toys, dishes, lamps, furniture, bathroom accessories, and, in the end, decided to have live rabbits. All this led to the museum, which opened in 1999.

Roswell UFO Museum and Research Center, USA

The New Mexico UFO Museum and Research Center is one of the five most visited museums in the United States. This fact is quite logical, because people have always wanted to touch the mystery of the supernatural, flying saucers and aliens. Most of the exhibits presented in the museum are ordinary images on a screen or on pieces of paper, but there are exceptions among them, such as the lid of a sarcophagus from Mexico or a container of dirt collected after a UFO accident that occurred in one of the local deserts in 1947. It is obvious that it was this incident that became the starting point for the creation in the southwest of America thematic museum.

Museum of hearses in Barcelona, ​​Spain

It is noteworthy that the gloomy museum of hearses is located in the building of the main funeral home of Catalonia. Anyone can get into the dark basement of this institution and absolutely free of charge, although, as a rule, there are very few people who want to. In several halls of the museum you can find ancient funeral carriages upholstered in black velvet, mourning carts, carriages and modern hearses, which saw off the last journey of Barcelona residents from the 18th century to the present day. The Barcelona Museum also has the world's first mourning cars. well-known brand"Studebaker" and more modern vehicles designed for these mournful purposes.

Museum of Fried Wieners with Currywurst Sauce in Berlin, Germany

In the capital of Germany in 2009, the grand opening of a thematic museum dedicated to fried sausages with curry powder and a special sauce based on ketchup took place. The reason for the appearance of such an unusual object is the sixtieth anniversary of the dish adored by the Germans. Acquaintance with the German delicacy takes place as part of an interactive exhibition, which includes a story about the history of the origin and role of Currywurst sausages in the culture of the country, as well as acquaintance with the most delicious and unusual recipes for this dish. We have to admit that in terms of popularity, the museum itself is significantly inferior to the cafe operating under it, where you can try the legendary dish in combination with a variety of sauces.



Another confirmation of the uniqueness of the Russian capital was a huge number of museums covering various aspects of history, science and art. Special attention deserves the largest cultural institutions, which are the custodians of exceptional extensive collections and deservedly considered the national treasure of the country. Our guide contains 20 major Moscow museums, a visit to which will allow you to touch the richest intellectual, spiritual and material heritage of the Past.

Most famous museum of national art in Russia and one of the best art museums in the world - the Tretyakov Gallery - dates back to the 50s of the XIX century. It was then that the hereditary merchant, entrepreneur and philanthropist P.M. Tretyakov begins to collect works by Russian artists, intending to create the first public museum in the near future fine arts in the country. For this purpose, Pavel Mikhailovich rebuilds and expands his own house in Lavrushinsky Lane, which in 1892, together with the collections in it, transferred to the city. Today it is the main building of the Tretyakov Gallery, where ancient Russian icon painting, Russian painting, graphics, sculpture and art products of the 18th - early 20th centuries are presented.

The exposition of the museum consists of several thematic sections dedicated to certain periods in the history of the development of domestic fine arts. The legendary creations of Andrei Rublev and Theophan the Greek, famous paintings by great masters - I.E. Repin, V.I. Surikova, I.I. Shishkina, V.M. Vasnetsova, I.I. Levitan ... No less interesting is the bright and diverse collection of works by outstanding Russian painters of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

except historical building in Lavrushinsky Lane museum association The "State Tretyakov Gallery" includes: the Museum-Temple of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, the House-Museum of V.M. Vasnetsov, A.M. Vasnetsov, Museum-workshop of A.S. Golubkina, House-Museum of P.D. Korin, as well as the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.

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Museum, Landmark, Galleries & Exhibitions

The museum building with huge exhibition halls was built on Krymsky Val in 1983 and, according to the original plan, which arose back in the 60s of the last century, was intended for the State Art Gallery of the USSR. And already in 1986, the institution, which concentrated within its walls the works of Russian artists of the 20th century, became part of the All-Union (and later All-Russian) association "The State Tretyakov Gallery".

Today, apart from permanent exhibition“The Art of the 20th Century”, which represents the entire wide range of artistic movements of a bygone era, the Gallery offers changing exhibitions that most fully cover the work of a particular author, or are dedicated to a specific theme or trend in the visual arts of a given historical period. In addition, large exhibition projects are carried out here at the intersection of philosophy, art and science, which do not have a rigid chronological and geographical framework; master classes are held with outstanding figures of our time. Since 2002, the Creative Workshop has been operating in the building of the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val, implementing educational programs for both children and adults.

Admission fee: adult ticket - 400 rubles, there are benefits

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The most complete visual representation of the centuries-old history of the Russian State is given by a large-scale exposition of the Historical Museum. The beginning of the formation of a unique collection was the decree of Emperor Alexander II of 1872 on the creation of a museum, especially for which a new red-brick building in the pseudo-Russian style was built on Red Square. The project was carried out by the outstanding Russian architect V.O. Sherwood, in collaboration with engineer A.A. Semyonov. In 1883 the Imperial Russian Historical Museum opened its doors.

Since then, the institution has repeatedly changed its name and internal content in accordance with the historical and political events taking place in the country. The global restoration of the museum was completed by the beginning of the 2000s, as a result of which the building was returned to its original appearance, historical interiors were restored. To date, the museum collection includes more than 5 million items illustrating the politics, economy, culture of Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century. In the Grand Hall of the museum on the ceiling, visitors will be able to see the "Family tree of the Russian sovereigns", made by a famous master mid-nineteenth century F.G. Toropov. The exposition, which occupies two floors, is distributed according to the chronological principle: each room is dedicated to a certain era. Among the historical relics are tools and household items, ancient manuscripts and early printed books, visual materials and written sources, clothes and weapons, ancient seals, coins and much more. The past of the country appears here in all its diversity and grandeur.

Price entrance ticket for adult visitors - 350 rubles, there are benefits

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The custodian of the largest collection of foreign fine arts is the State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin, which opened in 1912 as the Museum of Fine Arts. Emperor Alexander III. Its founder was a philologist and art critic, professor of Moscow University I.V. Tsvetaev, who led the institution in the first years of its existence. The current name of the museum was acquired in the 30s of the last century.

The modern museum complex of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin is formed by several branches occupying different buildings: the Gallery of European and American Art of the 19th–20th centuries, the Museum of Private Collections, the Memorial Apartment of Svyatoslav Richter, the Educational Art Museum them. I.V. Tsvetaeva. We will dwell in more detail on the main exposition located in the main building of the museum.

The neo-Greek building itself, built according to the project of the famous architect R.I. Klein, is an architectural monument of the early XX century. The two-story building has 30 halls, whose exhibits will acquaint visitors with art ancient world, art of the Western European Middle Ages and Renaissance, painting by artists of European countries of the 17th - early 19th centuries. One of the beautiful halls of the museum was the Greek courtyard, where casts from the surviving antique statues and reliefs. No less interesting is the Italian Courtyard, whose architecture reproduces the courtyard of the Palazzo Bargello in Florence: here you will see masterpieces of European sculpture of the 13th-16th centuries. Separate halls are dedicated to the greatest creators - Michelangelo and Rembrandt.

In addition to tours of the permanent exhibition, the museum hosts rotating thematic exhibitions, lectures, concerts and other cultural events.

The cost of an entrance ticket for adults is from 300 to 600 rubles, there are benefits

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Landmark, Museum, Religion, Monument

One of the main symbols of the capital - the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat, also known as St. Basil's Cathedral - is not only a famous architectural monument of the 16th century and a functioning Orthodox church, but also one of the largest museums in the country.

Intercession Cathedral was built in 1555-1561 by order of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of Kazan. Many legends are associated with the history of its creation, and the exact authorship of the unique project architectural ensemble has not yet been established. The cathedral, whose height reaches 65 meters, has a complex and at the same time clearly thought-out structure. Initially, eight churches were erected on a single high foundation, ending with colored patterned onion domes and grouped around the towering temple of the Intercession of the Virgin, crowned with an octagonal tent. In 1588, the tenth low church in honor of St. Basil the Blessed was added to the building, which gave the second name to the cathedral. All churches are united by two galleries - internal and external bypass. Due to the scale and complexity of the configuration of the “museum building”, visiting the cathedral is recommended accompanied by a guide, with the help of which you will not only not get lost, but also learn interesting details about the creation of the ancient temple, get a better idea of ​​the numerous relics stored in it.

The cost of an entrance ticket for adults is 350 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Monument of architecture, Historical monument

Museum activities on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin began with the opening in 1806 of the museum-treasury - the Armory. Already after the revolution, the list of museums in the country was replenished with the Kremlin cathedrals - the Assumption, Arkhangelsk, Annunciation, as well as the Patriarchal Chambers, the Ensemble of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower, the Church of the Deposition of the Robe.

The buildings housing the museum exhibits are significant monuments history and architecture, the oldest of which date back to the end of the 15th century. In many religious and secular buildings, the interior decoration of the 16th - mid-19th centuries has been preserved. The collection of the Kremlin museums includes works representing a variety of genres of art and one way or another telling about the ceremonial ceremony of Russian autocrats, as well as monuments of icon painting, old manuscripts, early printed books, and rare photographs. Among the most valuable collections are a collection of Russian and foreign artistic metal, a collection of state regalia, a collection of historical horse equipment, a collection of old carriages of Russian rulers.

The Moscow Kremlin Museum-Reserve is also a major cultural, scientific and educational center. All-Russian and international conferences and seminars are held here, lecture and educational programs are being implemented, creative contests, concerts and music festivals.

The cost of visiting for adults is from 250 to 700 rubles

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Museum, Landmark

The building of the Armory houses the richest museum in the country - the Diamond Fund of Russia. His collection includes items from the Gokhran fund, the federal body that manages state treasures. The modern institution (Gokhran) was founded in 1920, but the formation of a valuable collection began at the beginning of the 18th century under Peter I, who issued a decree on the storage of "things belonging to the state." Throughout the subsequent reign of the Romanov dynasty, the Russian treasury was replenished with a variety of items that today represent not only material and artistic value, but also historical significance.

Museum guests have a unique opportunity to see the regalia of supreme power (the imperial crown, scepter, orb, orders and signs) and real masterpieces of jewelry art, amazing with their splendor, admire the natural beauty of precious metal nuggets and rare samples of precious stones.

The cost of an entrance ticket for adults is 500 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Monument of architecture

Russian literature, as the greatest phenomenon of national culture, has become the main object of the State literary museum founded in 1934. Currently, the institution is one of the largest museums of its kind in the world. Its activities are aimed at a comprehensive and deep presentation of Russian literature, its history, from the moment of its inception and formation to the present day. The successful achievement of the task is facilitated by an extensive collection, including original author's manuscripts and archives of writers, the rarest examples of books, works of fine art, personal belongings of prominent writers, documents, photographs, sound recordings and much more. On the basis of the GLM museum collection, 11 memorial departments were created, located in separate buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region, and one branch in Kislovodsk.

The work of the museum is not limited to exposition and exhibition projects. Its departments often become the venue for creative meetings, literary evenings, concerts and performances.

The cost of visiting for adults is 250 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark

In the second half of the 19th century, however, as today, one of the most urgent social needs of Russia was the dissemination of natural science and technical knowledge, which was the aim of the All-Russian industrial exhibitions. The exhibits of the departments of the Polytechnic Exhibition of 1872 formed the basis of the collection of the Museum of Applied Knowledge, which was later transformed into the Polytechnic Museum.

Every year the institution expanded the scope of its interests, ceasing to be only a collector and custodian of numerous instruments and devices illustrating the evolution of technical thought, and becoming a popularizer of science in the most different areas. Soon the museum is ready to appear before the visitors in an updated form. Three thematic galleries will open in the main building: "Energy", "Information", "Matter". Not only the historical building was reconstructed, but also the very concept of the institution, open to experimentation and striving to combine the technical achievements of the past, modern research and scientific perspectives.

During the reconstruction of the main building, a temporary exposition of the museum is open on the territory of VDNKh.

The cost of visiting for adults is 300 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Monument of architecture

The traditional concepts of "West" and "East" include not only geographical affiliation, but entire worlds, with their own special perception of the surrounding reality, with their own unique culture. We will leave the solution of the age-old problem of Russia's attitude to this or that world to historians and philosophers, but for ourselves we note that, unlike the extroverted West, the closed East has always attracted us with its mystery, wisdom and sophistication. One of the best ways to learn the secrets of Eastern civilizations is art, to which this Moscow museum is dedicated.

The State Museum of the East (originally Ars Asiatica) appeared in 1918. For his almost century life path the largest collection of archaeological exhibits, works of various types of fine arts and arts and crafts from more than 100 countries was collected. Here is the art of the Far and Near East, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan, Southeast Asia, Buryatia, Chukotka, etc. Ancient scrolls, ancient jewelry, household items and tools from different eras, medieval sculpture, traditional and modern painting - this is not a complete list of items stored in the museum. A special place in the exposition is occupied by the legacy of Nicholas and Svyatoslav Roerich - outstanding Russian artists and public figures who made a great contribution to the large-scale study and creative development of the culture of the East.

The cost of an entrance ticket for citizens of the Russian Federation is 250 rubles, for foreign citizens- 300 rubles; there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark

The achievements of the Soviet Union in the exploration of outer space were immortalized shortly after the first manned flight into space: in 1964, a monument to the Conquerors of Space was erected near the main entrance of VDNKh. And in 1981, on the 20th anniversary of this significant event, the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics was opened at the base of the monument. Its funds comprised samples of space technology, documents, photo and film materials, memorabilia of designers and cosmonauts, numismatic and philatelic collections, works of fine art corresponding to the direction of the institution.

In 2009, a large-scale reconstruction of the museum space was completed, which increased its area and radically transformed its appearance with the help of modern museum technologies. Among the latest innovations are interactive exhibits: a spacecraft simulator, a full-size mock-up of a fragment of the space station, the Buran-2 interactive cockpit, as well as a miniature Mission Control Center, from where you can observe the movements of the ISS. In addition, those who wish can take part in the virtual excursion-quiz "Kosmotrek".

Entrance ticket - 200 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Monument of architecture

The first museum in Russia fully focused on contemporary art appeared in Moscow in 1999. Its creator was a famous sculptor and painter, President Russian Academy works of Zurab Tsereteli, whose personal collection served as the basis of the museum collection, which is actively replenished in the future.

Today, a very representative collection of the museum covers the period in the development of domestic and foreign art, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The permanent exhibition is located in the main building of the museum on Petrovka - in the former manor house late XVIII century, built according to the project of the famous architect Matvey Kazakov. The institution has four more open exhibition sites (branches): in Ermolaevsky Lane, on Tverskoy Boulevard, on Gogolevsky Boulevard and on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street.

The historical part of the collection is made up of works by the classics of the Russian avant-garde - K. Malevich, M. Chagall, V. Kandinsky, D. Burliuk and many others. One of the sections of the exhibition reflects further development"advanced" trend, namely the work of non-conformist artists of the 60-80s of the XX century. Along with paintings by domestic authors, the museum displays works by foreign masters - P. Picasso, F. Leger, H. Miro, S. Dali and others. Much attention is paid to representatives of "actual art" - innovative contemporary art. In addition to traditional genres - painting, graphics, sculpture, the museum contains installations, art objects and photographs.

The cost of an entrance ticket, depending on the exhibition site: from 150 to 500 rubles, there are benefits

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Park, Landmark, Palace and park ensemble, Architectural monument, Historical monument

The first mention of the settlement dates back to the second quarter of the 14th century. In the 16th century, Vasily III, and then Ivan IV, built churches here that have survived to this day. The heyday of Kolomenskoye falls on the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676). Then palaces, chambers appeared here, gardens were laid out. Later, young Peter I lived in a country residence, arranging the famous “fun fights” nearby. Further rulers made their own changes to the appearance of the palace and park ensemble, many of whose buildings were not lost. In 1923, a museum was founded on the territory of the estate, which marked the beginning of the study and restoration of ancient monuments.

The former royal residence and a village near Moscow, and now - the historical, architectural and natural landscape museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye" invariably attracts tourists from all over the world. The museum impresses with its scale, a large number of unique monuments of history and architecture, the richest multidisciplinary collection of artifacts, and the beauty of the surrounding nature. In recent years, an ethnographic complex has been formed in Kolomenskoye, including a stable and a smithy, the estates of a Kolomna peasant and a beekeeper with an apiary, and a water mill. The leading direction of the modern institution is the creation of interactive forms that contribute to the immersion of visitors in the historical atmosphere.

Entrance to the territory of the museum-reserve is free. The cost of visiting a separate exhibition is 100 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark, Monument of architecture

This is the first museum in Europe specializing in architectural heritage. The institution was founded in 1934 by the Honored Architect of the USSR, Academician of Architecture A.V. Shchusev, who at that time was one of the most sought-after architects in Moscow. Since 1945, the museum has been located in the former estate of Talyzin. The building itself, recorded in the “Architectural Albums” by M.F. Kazakov, is an outstanding monument of Russian classicism.

The main object of research, collection and exhibition of the museum was thousand years of history domestic architecture. His collection includes numerous drawings and models, engravings and lithographs, works of fine and decorative art, interior items, samples of building materials, small architectural forms, fragments of lost monuments and much more. Of particular value are the author's models of architectural structures, unique negatives and positives of urban planning monuments, a collection of furniture from the middle of the 19th century.

Guided tours are conducted both on expositions and museum complex and along the streets of the capital. The museum has a lecture hall offering various options for studying or getting acquainted with the history and theory of world architecture. It regularly hosts meetings with outstanding architects of our time, demonstrating their creative concepts.

Entrance ticket - 250 rubles, there are benefits

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history, archeology, cultural traditions the Russian capital is dedicated not to one museum, but to a whole association, which includes five different departments. Since 2009, the main site of one of the oldest cultural institutions in Moscow has become the Provision Warehouses complex, an architectural monument of the first half of XIX centuries.

The exposition of the museum allows you to look at the legendary city from various angles, to trace its rapid evolution from ancient times to the present day. Here are archaeological finds, household items and clothing of Muscovites in different historical eras, works of art, archives of prominent historians of the city, the rarest books, photographs and documents. Along with exposition and exhibition activities, the institution organizes lectures, cognitive creative activities for children.

The courtyard of the complex hosts festivals, concerts and festive events. The Museum has a Center for Documentary Films, where documentaries, educational and popular science films are shown, and performances are broadcast.

The cost of the entrance ticket is from 200 to 400 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Landmark

On the day of the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a museum was opened in the Victory Memorial Complex on Poklonnaya Hill, praising the Feat of the Great People. The central place in the museum is occupied by monumental halls where the names of war heroes are immortalized: the Hall of Glory, the Hall of Memory and Sorrow, the Hall of Generals.

The military-historical exposition, which is located on a territory with a total area of ​​​​more than 3 thousand square meters, consists of nine thematic sections, revealing in detail the main stages of the path to Victory. Among the exhibits are weapons and military equipment, military equipment, awards and letters from the front, historical documents and photographs. The art gallery of the museum contains paintings, sculptural and graphic works. Of particular interest are the dioramas dedicated to the main strategic operations of the Second World War and recreating the atmosphere of wartime. The exposition below open sky in Victory Park, also consists of several sections: "Engineering facilities", "Military highway", "Artillery", "Armored vehicles", "Aircraft", "Navy". Here, visitors will see over 300 samples of heavy equipment and weapons of the USSR and its allies, captured equipment of enemy countries.

In 1984, the Museum of Decorative and Applied Art of the Peoples of the USSR appeared here. However, the failed imperial residence was truly reborn in the 2000s. In the course of a large-scale restoration, not only the historical facades of architectural structures were restored, but they were also re-made interior decoration in the style of the XVIII century, the Orangery complex was recreated. Today, in addition to the collection of decorative and applied art, the institution has a rich collection of works of Russian and Western European artistic heritage of the 18th - early 20th centuries. The museum-reserve includes the following objects: the Big Tsaritsyno Palace, the Small Tsaritsyno Palace, the Opera House, the Bread House (Kitchen Building), Cavalier Buildings, Greenhouses, gates and bridges. The museum buildings regularly host changing thematic exhibitions, concerts and music festivals.

The cost of a complex ticket for all expositions is 650 rubles, there are benefits

Currently, work is underway to update the permanent exhibition, which by 2016 will be supplemented by another section "Russia in the 21st century: challenges of the time and development prospects." A large-scale event is being prepared for the 100th anniversary exhibition project aimed at comprehending the revolutionary events of the last century.

In addition to the main building, the museum association includes four branches in Moscow - the Presnya museum and the Underground Printing House of 1905–1906, memorial apartment G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, the museum-gallery of E. Yevtushenko, as well as two memorial complexes in the Smolensk and Tver regions.

Admission fee: 250 rubles, there are benefits

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Museum, Theater

Complete our "journey" through the main metropolitan museums we want a story about such a unique phenomenon of Russian culture as the State Central Theater Museum named after A.A. Bakhrushin. It is the oldest and largest organization in the country that specializes in the history of the development of the performing arts and attracts theatergoers from all over the world.

The museum was founded in 1894. The basis of the collection was the personal collection of the entrepreneur and philanthropist A.A. Bakhrushin striving with the help of relics theater life present the history of the national theater since its inception. The modern funds of the museum store over 1.5 million items illustrating the main stages in the history of the theater development. What can be seen here? Sketches of costumes and theatrical outfits from different eras, sketches and models of scenery by famous masters of scenography, portraits and photographs of legendary performers, programs and posters of performances, rare editions and handwritten materials on theatrical art, theater items and much more.

In addition to excursions to the permanent exhibition, the museum offers its guests to visit numerous exhibitions, fascinating lectures on the history of the theater, concerts, creative evenings and meetings with famous artists.

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The beginning of the collection of the merchant Pavel Tretyakov was laid in 1856. In the space of 62 halls, the best examples of Russian art of the 10th-20th centuries are collected - icons, paintings, arts and crafts. In the "fabulous" building in Lavrushinsky Lane, built at the beginning of the last century according to the drawings of Vasnetsov, a collection of graphic works and sculptures of the 18th-20th centuries is exhibited.

per. Lavrushinsky, 10

Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val 0+

The building on Krymsky Val contains the creative heritage of Russian masters who worked from 1920 to 1960. The complex hosts exhibitions of works by contemporary artists, master classes, lectures and meetings with cultural workers. Chagall, Kandinsky, Williams, Gerasimov - the art of the 20th century lives here.

st. Krymsky Val, 10

Multimedia Art Museum 0+

Photo exhibitions of Russian and foreign photographers, meetings with artists, performances, film screenings and installations are held one after another on seven floors of the art and educational complex. On the territory of the museum there is the famous school of multimedia and photography. Rodchenko. The museum has long become a large-scale art and educational complex, where the masters of world photography prefer to exhibit.

st. Ostozhenka, 16

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 0+

Impressionist paintings and works by contemporary American and European artists, Schliemann's gold and artifacts from archaeological sites of ancient civilizations, world-class art from Holland, Germany, Italy and Greece - only 1.5% of the 670 thousand copies of rarities stored in museum.

st. Volkhonka, 12

Museum of Moscow 0+

The history of the capital of the Russian state is presented in the main museum building and its seven branches. at the Museum of Archaeology, estate culture, the history of Lefortovo, the English Compound, the Russian harmonica, the estate "Vlakhernskoe-Kuzminki" and "House on the Embankment" collected more than one million exhibits, the scientific library has a fund of more than 60 thousand volumes and 50 thousand subscription periodicals.

Zubovsky Blvd., 2

M.O.S.T. Iconic Car Museum 0+

Guests of the M.O.S.T. Museum of Iconic Cars they will be able to see thematic exhibitions, get acquainted with the technical structure of custom cars, attend lectures and film screenings on automotive topics and admire the iconic De Lorean dmc-12, designed in the Back to the Future style.

st. Krymsky Val, 10, entrance opposite Gorky Park and Central House of Artists

Museum of Modern Fortification "Bunker 703" 6+

Located underground at a depth of 43 meters, Bunker 703 used to serve as a protected special archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Open here today unique museum dedicated to the history of modern fortification.

per. 2nd Novokuznetsky, 14, building 1

House of Burganov 0+

The museum space is filled with author's works, works of ancient classics, African and Western European masters, Russian medieval sculpture and folk art, unique books and engravings - everything that made up unusual worlds Russian artist. "New Romanticism" - this is how Alexander Nikolaevich designated the direction in which he worked; "Surrealism" - we say, considering many of his works.

per. Bolshoi Afanasievsky, 15, building 9

Moscow Museum of Modern Art 6+

The first state museum in Russia, which specializes exclusively in the art of the late XX - early XXI centuries.

st. Petrovka, 25, per. Ermolaevsky, 17, b-r Tverskoy, 9, b-r Gogolevsky, 10, st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 15

Museum of the Cold War "Bunker-42 on Taganka" 16+

You are not afraid of enemy nuclear strikes and aviation bombing - if you are at the "Bunker-42 on Taganka" facility. The building was built for in 1956, but it was never used for its intended purpose. Now it is a popular tourist place where excursions are held around the clock - many tickle your nerves, descending at night to a depth of 65 meters.

5th Kotelnichesky lane, 11

Historical Museum 0+

Five million exhibits, over fifteen million historical documents - the museum, founded by decree of Alexander II, houses the richest collection of national rarities. Pokrovsky Cathedral, the Museum of the War of 1812, the chambers of the Romanovs - such is the geography of the museum space. Each museum exhibition is an event in the cultural life of the country, which causes increased public interest.

Red Square, 1

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art 0+

The activities of this museum of contemporary art are developing in three directions - exhibition, educational and research. Today, Garage is a respected international expert in the field of contemporary art.

st. Krymsky Val, 9, building 32

Polytechnic Museum at VDNKh 0+

The history of the famous Polytechnic University began in 1863, when the first public museum in Moscow, which promoted the dissemination of technical and natural science knowledge, opened its doors to the residents of the capital. At the beginning of 2015, the Polytechnic Museum is one of the most major museums country. More than 190 thousand exhibits have been collected in its funds, more than 150 collections have been formed in various fields of science and technology, technical library The museum has over three million volumes.

Prospect Mira, 119, pavilion No. 26 VDNKh, 42 Volgogradsky Ave., building 5

Space Museum 0+

The pearl of the museum is the layout of the base compartment of the Mir space station, the original of which was sunk in the Pacific Ocean. Of the rare exhibits that attract the attention of guests - the first spacesuit of a cosmonaut - E. Leonov went into outer space in it, stuffed Belka and Strelka, the museum MCC - on its screen you can watch the life and work of astronauts in orbit on-line, an interactive monitor with information about distant galaxies and planets.

Mira Ave., 111

Russian Submarine Museum

The location of Moscow at a distance of a thousand kilometers from the sea did not prevent the opening of the Museum of the Navy in the capital. It is placed on board the Novosibirsk Komsomolets diesel submarine - the ship went on trips on two oceans, and then ended up on the pier of the Khimki reservoir. Among the exhibits are military relics, equipment, documents, uniforms, military equipment, etc.

st. Freedom, Vlad. 50-56, park " Northern Tushino»

Museum of Creativity and Life in the Gulag 16+

The history of our country has many pages, unfortunately, not all of them are bright. As a reminder to the living - so that this does not happen again - this museum was created. People, even in the most inhuman conditions, strove for beauty, evidence of this are numerous examples of camp creativity. In the museum exposition - works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

per. Maly Karetny, 12

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center 0+

One of the most high-tech museums in Europe opened in 2012. $50 million was spent on its creation - donations came from all over the world. The exposition is built in such a way that it shows the entire history of the country through the prism of one nationality. The museum houses the Center for Tolerance and Avant-Garde, a children's center and the Schneerson Library.

st. Obraztsova, 11, building 1a

Museum "Underground Printing House of 1905-1906"

What tricks do people go to in order to convey their thoughts to others. A classic example is the arrangement of an underground printing house in a fruit shop, directly opposite the gendarme department. The events took place in 1905. The guys entered the history of Moscow. Glory to adventurers and daredevils. If only they knew how it would all end...

st. Lesnaya, 55

Museum of the history of vodka

It will be about the national product - vodka. It is strongly associated with foreigners with Russia. Inside the country, there are many tales and stories about her. Museum staff will tell new facts about the strong drink, remember the history of its creation and dispel the most common misconceptions. After the tour, guests will have a tasting of the product in one of the halls of the museum. A traditional Russian appetizer is offered for an aperitif.

Izmailovskoye highway, Vlad. 73 w

If you want to know how your parents had fun forty years ago, you are welcome to this museum. If you are tortured by nostalgia for childhood - you are here. Sea battle and "Safari", "Magistral" and "Basketball" - all exhibits are in working order. Do you want vodka? Soviet soda machines pour water at 1 kopeck per glass (without syrup).

Prospect Mira, 119, building 57, first floor

Museum of Russian Costume and Life

Clothing is the first thing that says about our belonging to a particular nationality. It tells about the history of the people, their traditions, indicates the place of their residence, reflects the character of its creators. The unique collection inspires guests to create their own original wardrobe sets, and designers around the world have long used folklore elements of costumes in the formation of annual collections.

Altufevskoe sh., 2, cor. one

State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev

In the museum exhibition of one of oldest museums Moscow reflects various natural science objects, sections of the main disciplines of biological sciences and various types of functioning environment and a person. Herbariums and minerals, skeletons of invertebrates and artistic and graphic images of the living world, animalistic sculptures and collections of stuffed animals, anthropological reconstructions and the results of organ transplants in animals and birds - the museum funds contain more than 81,000 items that belong to 23 storage groups.

st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15

Darwin Museum 0+

The museum, promoting the foundations of the evolutionary doctrine, appeared in the capital thanks to the brilliant idea and enthusiasm of its founder, Alexander Fedorovich Kots. Until the end of his life, he collected his collection, an experienced patriarch lit up with boyish fervor when he saw a new successful acquisition. Today the Darwin Museum is one of the best scientific and educational institutions in Moscow. According to independent experts, the museum is in first place in terms of popularity among family vacation destinations.

st. Vavilova, d. 57

Bakhrushin Theater Museum

Craving for the theater was the meaning of life of the famous Moscow philanthropist and industrialist Alexei Alexandrovich Bakhrushin. With his savings, he founded and for many years supported the museum, which became the world's first full-fledged repository of the history of the theater. Its walls contain unique props, costumes famous actors, scenery of great theatrical artists, publications on theatrical art, programs and posters. At the beginning of 2015, the museum has ten Moscow branches and one regional one - Sochi.