aesthetic pictures. Aesthetic perception of the picture

wood carving

modern carving

It does not have a strict classification, since different types of thread can be combined in the same product.

It is conditionally possible to distinguish the types of thread:

  1. through thread (this includes saw and slotted thread)
  2. blind thread (all subspecies of embossed and flat notched thread)
  3. sculptural carving
  4. house carving (it is a separate direction, since it can combine all three of the above types).
  5. Chainsaw carving (Performing mostly sculptural carving with only a chainsaw.)

The conditional classification of thread types is as follows:

Through thread


through thread is divided into proper end-to-end and consignment note, has two subspecies:

  • slotted carving - (through sections are cut with chisels and chisels)
  • Propilnaya carving (actually the same, but such sections are cut with a saw or jigsaw).

A slotted or sawn thread with a relief ornament is called openwork.

Flat serrated thread

A flat carving is characterized by the fact that its basis is a flat background, and the carving elements go deep into it, that is, the lower level of the carved elements lies below the background level. There are several subspecies of such a thread:

  • contour thread- the simplest, its only element is a groove. Such grooves-grooves create a pattern on a flat background. Depending on the chosen chisel, the groove can be semicircular or triangular. The semicircular one is cut with a semicircular chisel, and the triangular one is cut with a corner cutter, an angular chisel or an ordinary knife in two steps.
  • bracketed (nail-like) carving- the main element is a bracket (outwardly it looks like a trace left by a nail when pressed on any soft material, hence the name nail-shaped) - a semicircular notch on a flat background. Such a notch is made with a semicircular chisel in two steps: first, the chisel is deepened into the tree perpendicular to the surface, and then at an angle at some distance from the first notch. The result is the so-called bracket. A set of such brackets of different sizes and directions creates a picture or its individual elements.
  • geometric (trihedral, trihedral) carving- has two main elements: a peg and a pyramid (a three-sided pyramid buried inside). Carving is carried out in two stages: tattooing and trimming. First, they prick (mark) the sectors that need to be cut with a cutter, and then cut them. Perform all the elements with a knife-jamb. Repeated use of pyramids and a peg at different distances and at different angles gives a great variety of geometric shapes, among which there are: rhombuses, viteiki, honeycombs, chains, lights, etc.
  • black-gloss carving- the background is a flat surface covered with black varnish or paint. How grooves are cut in the contour carving on the background, from which the drawing is built. different groove depths and their different profiles give interesting game chiaroscuro and contrast of the black background and light cut grooves.

relief carving

Relief carving is characterized by the fact that the carving elements are above the background or on the same level with it. As a rule, all carved panels are made in this technique. There are several subspecies of such a thread:

  • relief carving with a pillow background - can be compared with contour carving, but all the edges of the grooves oval, and sometimes with varying degrees of steepness (more sharply from the side of the picture, gradually, gently sloping from the side of the background). Due to such oval contours, the background seems to be made of pillows, hence the name. The background is on the same level as the drawing.
  • relief carving with a selected background - the same carving, but only the background is selected with chisels one level lower. The contours of the picture are also oval.
  • Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya carving (Kudrinskaya)- originated in the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow, in the village of Kudrino. Vasily Vornoskov is considered the author. The carving is distinguished by a characteristic "curly" ornament - curly garlands of petals and flowers. Often used are the same characteristic images birds and animals. As well as flat-relief, it happens with a pillow and a selected background.
  • carving "Tatyanka"- this type of carving appeared in the 90s of the XX century. The author (Shamil Sasykov) named this emerging style after his wife and patented it. As a rule, such a carving contains a floral ornament. characteristic feature is the absence of a background as such - one carved element gradually passes into another or is superimposed on it, thus filling the entire space.

sculptural carving

USSR stamp, 1979, Bogorodsk carving

A distinctive feature is the presence of sculpture - images of individual figures (or groups of figures) of people, animals, birds or other objects. In fact, it is the most complex view carving, because it requires the carver to have a three-dimensional vision of the figure, a sense of perspective, and maintain proportions.

It is considered a separate subspecies. Bogorodsk carving. The art of carving with a chainsaw, which is becoming increasingly popular among both carvers and connoisseurs of beauty, can also be considered a kind of sculptural carving. The popularity is easy to explain. Carving with a chainsaw is, first of all, an action, a performance, a show. Increasingly, festivals, competitions, demonstration performances by chainsaw carving masters at public events, presentations, and exhibitions began to be held. Unlike other genres of wood carving, the viewer not only sees final result painstaking and long work master, but also visually participates in the process of creating a sculpture.

see also



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Depending on which master, what technique he has, what plan the carving can be done in different types. It can be both simple and complex. Exists different kinds woodcarving: embossed carving, flat-relief, three-dimensional, as well as flat-cut and slotted carving. Now we will characterize these types of threads separately.

flat washing divided into two types, the first type - geometric ornament, second view - planimetric contour, which is sometimes also called floral ornament. By the name of this type, you can guess in what technique the work will be performed. This carving will consist of notches, which together will make up the contour lines, cut to a certain depth.

geometric carving or geometric ornament, it is so called because it is made of circles, triangles, almond-shaped recesses, rosettes, stars, the so-called geometric elements. Depending on how many excavation elements you take, this will be the ornament.

There is another ornament - contour. I also call it in our literature as vegetable. But, in my opinion, it is necessary to delve into this concept, since contour drawing often performed in the technique of contour carving. This carving technique is a bit similar to metal engraving, the difference is that the notches made, which make up the contour lines on the wood, have a greater width and depth, and the tools have a different sharpening. The contour carving in execution is very simple. This carving can be done on any wood and on plywood with a semicircular chisel or an ordinary joint knife.

relief carving

One of the most distinguishing features of this type is that we select the background around the ornament to the same depth. The edges of this ornament can be rolled up. There is also another type in which the ornament can be deepened into the wood, and the background on the surface will remain intact. It is not difficult to perform this type of carving, but you are tormented by cleaning and choosing a plane or background of an in-depth ornament on your own. This process can be facilitated with a manual milling machine. The background of your ornament can be minted. With the help of embossing, you can smooth out the bumps that form during manual processing, and improve the visual effect of your creation. You can also apply various deepenings to the background: cells, grooves, grooves, using small incisors.

slotted thread

This wood carving has no background. If we remove the background in a flat-relief ornament, then we get a slotted carving. In products like a box, for expressiveness and delicacy, they are placed from below colored paper or fabric.

relief carving

main goal our study guide- this will share experience with the masters, and help novice carvers to master this carving. Without taking into account other types of thread, we will dwell on relief carving, as it is complicated in execution and development. If we make ornamental products using the technique of relief carving, then they will be very decorative and expressive.

Relief woodcarving has long been used by the Russian people in Orthodox churches. And in our time, some monuments of Russian architecture and art have been preserved, for example: the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. relief carving with painting and gilding is unusually and solemnly beautiful.

Now let's decipher the relief. Relief is a bulge or convex ornament on a plane, or a combination of various irregularities on the surface of our earth's crust.

bas-relief(low relief) - a sculptural ornament or image, convex above a flat surface of wood less than one second of its thickness.

High relief this is a sculptural ornament or image that can protrude above some plane by at least half the thickness of the entire sculpture. These definitions clearly show that relief carving is divided into two types: 1) high relief - with high relief, 2) bas-relief - with low relief.

Volumetric thread, it is also called sculptural. Unlike the previous types, voluminous objects are trimmed with this carving from several sides or even from all. In architecture, these are columns of balconies, wooden columns, carved balusters, etc. Furniture legs are often trimmed with volumetric carvings. These details may well be considered sculptural images.

History of woodcarving is many thousands of years old. Since the appearance of wooden architecture, which is one of the oldest methods of housing construction, it has been counting and history of carving on wood. The eternal human desire for beauty and decoration of their homes and household items has resulted in an amazing ability to make any piece of wood a unique work of art. Wood carvings were used to decorate door and window architraves, wooden spoons and other utensils, musical instruments and many more items. Using the wood carving method, craftsmen could make a fairly reliable and very ingenious wooden lock. Some of these crafts have survived to this day, they can be seen in local history and historical museums.

The history of the development of woodcarving is inextricably linked with the history of the development of culture and the worldview of society, which is why in each country woodcarving is completely different, there are different techniques and styles. The most ancient type of carving - geometric carving - has been used since time immemorial, not only for decoration household utensils, but also for compiling magical amulets and protective spells, since each element of the carving symbolized phenomena, objects or elements from which a person wanted to protect himself or which, on the contrary, resorted to for help. Amulets were carved from wood - protective symbols that were supposed to bring good luck and protect from troubles. Such amulets were covered with special carvings and on long years became guardians of the house.

In a later period, the decoration of the house and household items with wood carvings lost its mystical meaning and became purely decorative. In the 16th-18th centuries, woodcarving became a nationwide industry, large carving workshops and artels were created, many woodcarving masters adorned the palace ensembles of St. Petersburg and Moscow with their art. However, already in the 19th century, carving craftsmanship was thoroughly forgotten, since the development of carving craft was no longer supported by the state.

But the history of woodcarving did not end there - in our time, ancient craftsmanship is being revived, whole schools and groups of arts and crafts appear. Wood carving is becoming a popular form of folk art and gaining an increasing number of admirers.

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The need to decorate household items has appeared in people for a long time.

It so happened that Russia is a country of forests. And such a fertile material as wood was always at hand.

With the help of an ax, a knife and some other auxiliary tools, a person provided himself with everything necessary for: life: he built dwellings and outbuildings, bridges and windmills, fortress walls and towers, churches, made machine tools and tools, ships and boats, sledges and carts , furniture, dishes, children's toys and much more.

On holidays and leisure hours, the dashing tunes on wooden musical instruments: balalaikas "pipes, violin, beeps.

Even ingenious and reliable locks for doors were made of wood. One of these locks is kept in the State historical museum in Moscow. It was made by a master woodworker back in the 18th century, lovingly decorating it with a trihedral-notched carving! (This is one of the names for geometric carving,)

The master tried to add a particle of beauty to each product. First of all, great attention was paid to the form and proportions. For each product, wood was selected taking into account its physical and mechanical properties. If the beautiful texture (drawing) of the tree could decorate the products in itself, then they tried to reveal and emphasize it.

Wood products with a weak texture were most often painted or decorated with carvings.

Geometric carving is the oldest way to decorate wood products. Carvings were used to decorate wooden ships, huts, furniture, crockery, looms and spinning wheels.

It is made in the form of notches: two-, three- and four-sided, the combination of which gives a fancy pattern on the surface of the wood.

Ornament (artistic decoration, pattern, consisting of a number of rhythmically ordered elements) with an image geometric bodies archaeologists find on pottery dating back to the Minoan era (3-2 thousand BC). These are all kinds of combinations of triangles, rhombus, twisted lines, dots, curls, etc.

Each geometric figure folk art has its own meaning, its own symbolism:

- a socket with rays or just a circle - a symbol of the sun, life;

Spiral - whirlwind, anxiety, storm;

A drop is water, grain, a symbol of life;

A cell is a field, some kind of space;

Rhombus - power, strength, luck;

Cross - man, soul;

The point is the fundamental principle of everything;

Vertical line - hill;

Horizontal line - peace, tranquility;

- wavy line- traffic;

- broken line - confrontation.

It is appropriate to say that in our folk culture these symbols have their roots in the pre-Christian period, when pagan gods were still revered in Russia.

With the help of geometric carvings, magic spells were compiled that protected our ancestors from various misfortunes.

For example, it was believed that the image of a bird on any household utensils brings happiness.

If they cut out a horse, then they also waited in the house of God's grace. Such a horse with magical signs was called a talisman. Such objects protected a person, a home from all sorts of troubles.

In the old days, they thought that every living being has a spirit that controls them, this creature. There were house spirits, forest spirits, horse spirits.

In order to appease such a spirit and to protect the horse during the year, it was necessary to make an idol (horse figurine). But it was necessary to do it only for 365 touches of a knife to a tree (how many days in a year), while uttering spells. If you make an idol in 360 touches, then the owner's horse will remain defenseless for five days a year. If at least one extra time to touch the idol with a knife, then the spells generally lost their power. It was considered a great sin to reveal the secret of a conspiracy, magic words, or to initiate a minor into the mysteries.

And such an idol depicted in the figure guarded the village. They performed it with fifty-two touches of the instrument (according to the number of weeks in a year) and placed it on a high pole (4-5 meters) at the entrance to the village in order to protect its inhabitants from natural disasters, diseases, robbers.

Pagan faith (belief in the existence of a variety of gods and spirits) was also reflected in the construction of the dwelling. So, the gable roof of a Slavic house symbolized the daily movement of the sun across the sky. With the help of geometric carvings, a celestial body was depicted, passing its way from sunrise to sunset. The average position of the sun - noon - was presented in a larger and more multifaceted way. A horizontal board with hanging drops meant the abyss of heaven.

Later, the decorations of the house lose their mythological background. The carved details of the house begin to be only decorative.

Decorating the house outside craftsmen they did not forget about household items that they used daily: a table, a bench, a shelf, a cutting board, a spoon, a salt shaker. And here geometric carving had an advantage over other types of carving.

Spoons were distinguished by a great variety of decorative finishes, and this is no wonder. After all, a spoon is the main "tool" on the table. And we need it every day.

Even when spoons began to be made of metal, the wooden spoon was not forgotten, as it had considerable advantages over its metal "sister". And above all, it did not burn the mouth of its owner. Each member of the family owned only their own spoon, so it had its own distinctive design. And this was done for reasons of hygiene - “so that the jams do not fall” (zaeds were called sores in the corners of the mouth, which appeared as a result of the indiscriminate use of one spoon by many family members),

In this regard, you will probably be interested to know that Peter I, going on a trip to Europe, always took personal cutlery with him (spoon, fork, knife). The hosts who received the guest of honor were offended by this, but the king put his health in the first place and did not want to risk it in vain.

Initially, each peasant, in addition to his main work - work in the field - was engaged in the construction of a house, home improvement, and the manufacture of household items. But gradually there was a division of labor. And those craftsmen who, better than others, could build a house, carve a spoon, make wooden utensils, left work in the field and began to earn their living by carpentry and carpentry, and carvers who united in artels stood out from this environment.

It is known that as far back as the 10th century there were carving workshops in Kyiv that were engaged in decorative trim housing and household items.

And at the beginning of the 16th century, special palace workshops were organized in the Kremlin, which marked the beginning of the creation of the armory,

In the 18th century, a large number of master carvers took part in the construction of St. Petersburg, decorating palace ensembles.

It should be noted that the development of carving art was not always supported by the state. In the 19th century, when Russia embarked on the path of capitalist development, rich people, patrons of the arts, allocated significant sums to support folk talents. It is appropriate to name the manager of the Yaroslavl railway, a brilliant businessman, millionaire Savva Ivanovich Mamontov. Savva Ivanovich was a comprehensively gifted person; he sang beautifully, played the piano, was a sculptor and playwright, and directed. And to all this he had a magnificent gift to recognize talents. Dozens of names can be named, representing the pride of our culture XIX century, which Mamontov helped financially during the formation of their skills and who were under his tutelage. Polenov, Repin, Vasnetsov, Serov, Vrubel, Chaliapin, Levitan, Rachmaninov - many more famous names could be remembered, but these are quite enough to be filled with deepest gratitude to Savva Ivanovich Mamontov.

At his expense, the "Mammoth Circle" was also created, whose members built a carpentry workshop and decided to introduce the children of the villages nearby the Mamontov estate to folk crafts. The guys were trained in the workshop for free and after three years, having received a workbench and a set of tools as a gift, they began to work independently. The brothers Vasya and Misha Vornoskov studied among them.

Subsequently, Vasily Petrovich Vornoskov becomes the most famous carver. AT Soviet period he arranges several solo exhibitions in our country and abroad, creates the Vozrozhdeniye carving artel, which has now been transformed into the Abramtsevo Art and Industrial School, where masters of folk art crafts are trained. In addition, the name of Vornoskov is associated with the creation of the so-called Kudrin carving, which is a type of relief carving.

At present, the art of wood carving has become widespread not only in rural areas, but also in cities. So, in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are children's and adult groups of arts and crafts, nurturing new generations of carving masters. This fact indicates that the folk art will never die. Well, you, dear reader, can make your contribution to the development of this art form by mastering the lessons of geometric carving.

Types of woodcarving are very diverse and multifaceted. The craftsmanship and traditions of carving live for many centuries and continue to develop and improve. Among the numerous types, several main ones can be distinguished:
a) flat notched or in another way - in-depth;
b) slotted (openwork);
c) relief;
d) sculptural, otherwise - voluminous.

Recessed carving - types of artistic woodcarving, in which the low points of the relief are located below the level of the surface to be treated, and the upper points of the relief are at the level of the surface.

For in-depth carving, the most characteristic is not too deep cutting of the surface, mainly of a geometric or vegetative nature. Varieties of deep thread:
- zavalnaya with the selected background;

- overwhelmed;

- contour;

- geometric.

Regarding the geometric carving - it is made in the form of two-, three- and four-sided recesses, which form a spectacular pattern of geometric shapes- circles, ovals, triangles, squares, stripes and the like. From these not very complex cuts, bright patterns and rhythms are created, which are widely used to decorate many household items. Geometric ornament is a whole layer of folk ornamentation, richly and diversely developing in many regions. different countries. Each of the schools of geometric ornament introduced its original and unique features into it: special form rosettes, a kind of dashed cutting of the surface, unique articulation of the shape of the product with special geometric friezes-belts, but this is not surprising, because each master brings a creative moment to his art. At the same time, this type of carving cannot be called very difficult to perform; geometric carving does not require, for example, relief carving, special knowledge in the theory of drawing and a complex set of special tools. The advantages of geometric carving can also be attributed to the small depth of the carved pattern, which does not violate the special artistic composition products.

Contour carving is made in the form of thin dihedral grooves that run along the entire contour of the pattern. Contour carving, unlike geometric carving, is mainly used to convey pictorial motifs of flora and fauna: animals, birds, leaves, flowers, and the like. The drawing obtained as a result of applying the contour carving technique looks like an engraved drawing: its lines, as a rule, are sharp, clear and concise, with a slight play of chiaroscuro.

Often, contour carving is successfully used in combination with other types of carving, such as geometric, blocky, blocky with a selected background, and often with painting. A variety of contour carving is the so-called nail carving - in the form of recessed holes.

In ancient times, nail-like carving was quite widely used in decorating products, especially by Gorodets craftsmen, where it organically complemented their inlay with bog oak. Currently, contour carving is also used, but more often, to make decorative panels.

Bulging or ovalized carving is performed using dihedral recesses, which cut a little deeper, and their edges are necessarily rounded, otherwise it is called shirring. But under all conditions, the relief of the image is in the same plane of the surface of the product. Usually, regarding the forms of the ornament, the recesses collapse (roll over) and are cut steeper, sharper, and from the side of the background, the recesses are made more gently. Sometimes the background is folded in such a way that it does not have flat surfaces at all. In this case, such a background is called a pillow, and the type of carving itself is called a heap with a pillow background. In fact, according to the parameters of the technique of execution, as well as the general appearance this subspecies of the thread differs little from the purely helical thread. Products made in the technique of heaving carving give chiaroscuro. They are very decorative and showy when polished. This type of carving is most widely used in the manufacture of small items: caskets, frames, bowls, ladles, and the like. Backfill carving with a certain background is performed in the same technique as the standard backfill. The forms of the ornament themselves are left flat, and the edges are sharply oval. The background for this carving technique is selected to a large or shallow depth, and the ornament itself remains on a flat plane. Often the background itself is subjected to additional processing - chasing.

In the case of a helix carving with a selected background, the play of chiaroscuro is much richer than with a conventional helix carving. This type of carving is most often used to decorate small objects and is finished with polishing.

Relief carving is performed by trimming a flat ornament, which is specially left on a deep background, as well as various recesses on the planes of this very ornament, and their careful study. As a result, there is practically no flat surface in relief carving. The forms of the intended image are revealed by the relief of different heights. Relief carving is divided into two types:

a) bas-relief carving - the carved ornament has an insignificant height, i.e. low relief;

B) high-relief carving - the carved ornament has a greater (than bas-relief) height, i.e., a higher relief.

The high-relief carving is more pronounced, has a richer play of chiaroscuro. Due to its expressiveness and decorativeness, relief carving was widely used in decorating furniture, door panels, panels, etc.

AT modern world embossed carving is used to decorate furniture, mainly in the form of overhead complementary decorative elements, interior decoration public buildings. Many elements are made by multi-spindle milling and copying machines.

Slotted thread - a thread in which the background is special - removed. This type of carving is performed both in the technique of flat carving (that is, with a flat ornament) and in the technique of relief carving. The background is removed with a saw, a chisel. In the first case, the thread is called sawn. A slotted carving with a relief ornament is called openwork. Often, an ornament with a slotted thread is glued onto the base (laid on or glued thread). Slotted carving was quite widely used for decorating both the interior and furniture.

Sculptural (volumetric) carving - the object is depicted comprehensively, and not one-sidedly, which we observe in flat-relief or relief carving. This type of thread is widely used in wooden architecture, in furniture and interiors. A type of carving is a wooden sculpture. Many famous sculptors left their knowledge of wood, for example, S. T. Konenkov, S. D. Erzya, V. I. Mukhina, and others.

Nowadays, in the technique of sculptural carving, wooden carved toys, all kinds of souvenirs, and household utensils are made.