Floral ornament. Floral ornament Ornament type - mesh

"Forms of ornament" - Image of jagged stripes. Mesh ornaments. Image of the simplest cells. Decoration. Sky image. Mesh ornament. The ornament used 1 color. The image of a strict alternation of rhythmic elements. Ornament properties. Schemes for constructing ornaments in a circle. Type of ornament, depending on the structure.

"Embroidery ornament" - Floral ornament occupies a prominent place in the ornament. Ornamental embroidery of the Valuysky region. The floral ornament is made in red and black tones. Types and symbolism of the ornament. Oak leaves with acorns represented wisdom, male power. Stylized images of animals. Towels were made in late XIX century.

"Beautiful ornaments" - Types of ornament. Ornaments in dishes. Mongolia Kazakhstan. Sun symbol in different countries. Egypt. China. Natural ornament. Arabs. Ornaments adorn the houses. Ornaments in household items. Symmetrical ornament. Application of the ornament. Borders. Alternation. The source of the creation of the ornament was nature.

"Ornament composition" - Structural elements ornament. Rapport form. The ability of the artist to abstract thinking. asymmetrical arrangement. Rhythmic construction of an ornamental composition. Ornamental composition. Axial symmetry. Chess rhythmic system. Types of symmetry. Composition. Rules for constructing an ornamental composition.

"Ornaments of the peoples" - Images of dragons. Khokhloma. Floral ornament. Principles of drawing an ornament. Ornament. Greek ornaments. Small border patterns. ornaments ancient egypt. Pavlovo shawls. The location of the elements of the ornament on the fabric. Variety of forms. Ornaments of the East. Matryoshka. ancient art rangoli.

"Classification of ornaments" - Floral ornament. Fantastic ornament. The content of the subject ornament. Epigraphic (calligraphic) ornament. Classification of ornaments. Landscape ornament. Origin. Animal ornament. Motives. Types of ornament. Symbolic ornament. Geometric ornament.

There are 12 presentations in total in the topic

"Beautiful ornaments" - Principles of drawing an ornament. Alternation. What are the ornaments. China. Mongolia Kazakhstan. Patterns and ornaments. Different countries give ornaments their own meaning. Ornaments of the peoples of the world. Egypt. Symmetrical ornament. Ornaments in household items. Ornament. Ornaments in architecture. Natural ornament.

"Ornament "Turkish cucumber"" - Oriental motifs in the Russian national pattern. Painting sequence. Indian cucumber. "Turkish cucumber" has gained popularity in Russia. Persian cypress. Motifs of "Turkish Cucumber" in Russia. A circle. Execution sequence creative work. India. Turkish cucumber motif in design.

"Ornaments and Patterns" - Zoomorphic ornament. XVII-XVIII centuries (Europe). Heraldic ornament. Oriental ornaments. Kasli iron casting. Vologda lace. Russian folk costume. The nature of the composition on the decorated surface. main motives. Ancient world. Scarves from Pavlovsky Posad. Middle Ages. Renaissance. Ornament in Russian folk crafts.

"Embroidery ornament" - Bird - one of the favorite and most common images. Floral ornament. Stylized images of animals. Towels were made at the end of the 19th century. The ornament is taken from the scheme from the free application. Types and symbolism of the ornament. A wrapper of cheap Brokar's soap. Ornamental embroidery in household items and clothes of the Belgorod region.

"Ornaments of the peoples" - Images of dragons. Ornaments of Ancient Egypt. Animal ornament. Maths. Russian ornament. Kazakh ornament. The ancient art of rangoli. Natural ornament. Matryoshka. Ornament as an imprint of the soul of the people. Geometric shapes. Alternation. Khokhloma. Abstract ornament. Indian ornament. Ornament.

"Ornament composition" - Chess rhythmic system. asymmetrical arrangement. Symmetry types. Structural elements of the ornament. Rules for constructing an ornamental composition. Rhythmic construction of an ornamental composition. Axial symmetry. The ability of the artist to abstract thinking. Composition. Ornamental composition.

There are 12 presentations in total in the topic

An ornament is a pattern constructed by alternating some patterns or lines. Ornament (from lat. Ornamentum decoration) a pattern composed of rhythmically alternating elements of flora and fauna, as well as geometric shapes. Main Feature ornament is that it is associated with specific subject(building, vessel, carpet, etc.) in scale, rhythm, color, proportions, and others expressive means harmonization.

The main source of ornamentation was nature. Man has long peeped at nature "patterns" of the ornament. She “painted” with beautiful patterns the wings of butterflies, the backs of caterpillars and snakes, and if we talk about the leaves and flowers of many different plants, then the path to the wondrous realm of beauty, perfection and completeness of forms and lines begins here. Yes and myself ancient man, making primitive vessels from clay, I saw that the products needed some kind of additions to ennoble them appearance. And on the neck or body of the vessel, he lightly pressed with his finger concentric circles, rhombuses, zigzag lines.

The use of ornament as a decorative design of products that people need in everyday life and practical activities forms the basis of decorative and applied arts. Without the use of ornament, it is impossible to imagine products of art crafts, ceramics, textiles. The ornament is distinguished by extremely diverse motifs, the nature of which depends both on natural conditions and on national images, ideas, customs, etc.

The following types of ornament are considered to be the main ones: Ribbon mesh compositionally closed Ribbon ornament has the form of a ribbon or strip and resembles "open two-way traffic". Such an ornament consists of repeating elements and is limited at the top and bottom. This ornament is subdivided into frieze, border and border. A frieze is an ornamented composition designed to decorate the upper part of a wall inside or outside a building. A border is a strip that emphasizes the edges of a plane or three-dimensional shape. A border is a patterned strip framing a plane (tablecloths, carpets, dishes, etc.).

What are the ornaments? A natural ornament can be made up of images of plant branches, leaves, flowers, shells, butterflies, birds and animals. A decorative ornament consists of the same natural forms, only modified, adapted to the shape and purpose of the object that it decorates. Geometric ornament consists of various geometric shapes, most often - a circle, a square, a triangle. An abstract ornament is a combination of abstract forms and color spots that do not look like any specific objects.

2. Alternation - a set of rhythms in the ornament. The alternation gives the ornament variety, enlivens it. You can change not only the shape of the ornamental elements, but also other features. Contrasting alternation. Change position Change color. Change of size. Overlay elements.

In different countries, ornaments are given their own meaning and they see the same object in different ways. For example, the Egyptian sun is a point in a circle. And in Russia, the sun is an octagonal rosette or just a flower. In order for the fields to be generous in harvest, a person asked Heaven, the Sun and the Earth for good luck, cast spells. To do this, he repeated patterns. wavy lines symbolized water; horizontal - the ground; oblique - rain crossing the path to the sun; the points between them are grains thrown into the ground; the circle represented the sun sign; the cross was often a talisman against the forces of evil.

"Ornament" Prepared by: Teacher primary school Aristova A. A. Yekaterinburg 2016

What item of clothing is missing?

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna


Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna


it is a pattern based on the repetition and alternation of its constituent elements; designed to decorate various items

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna

What unites these patterns?

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna

How are these ornaments similar?

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna

What elements are these patterns made of?

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna

Types of ornament


  • They consist of points, lines (straight lines, broken lines, etc.), and shapes (circles, rhombuses, polyhedrons, stars, etc.).

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna

Types of ornament


A kind of ornament, the main elements of which are decoratively processed flowers, leaves, branches of any plants. Its forms can be very different from natural forms.

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna

Types of ornament

Animal ornament.

A kind of ornament that stylizes figures or parts of figures of real or fantastic animals.

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna

Types of ornament Tape

This is an ornament with a linear vertical or horizontal alternation of the motif.

Primary school teacher Aristova Anzhelika Andreevna