Herringbone contour drawing. How to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil: easy and beautiful

New Year cannot do without a Christmas tree - this is a fact. The fluffy beauty is traditionally placed in the most prominent place in the room so that children can look for gifts from Santa Claus under it. However, is it really necessary to limit yourself to only one Christmas tree? It is quite possible to put it in every room.

And it can be not only real, fragrant or expensive artificial, because you can make a Christmas tree yourself. Small and charming. For example from feathers. It will turn out weightless and snow-white, as if powdered with snow.

Feathers for our future Christmas tree won’t fit anyway, so don’t try to gut an old pillow, it’s better to look at a needlework and decor store. There feathers are sold in small bags. Their sizes are more or less the same, and it will be easier for you to sort them. This will be your first task.

After sorting the feathers, fluff them a little, in the bag they probably lost their shape a little, and the artificial tree should be no less fluffy than its real equivalent.

Before we form a Christmas tree from individual feathers, we need to decorate it in advance. Heavy and large jewelry will not suit us, so we return to the needlework store and buy small plastic beads there. Choose the colors of your choice, although silver beads would look good on a white Christmas tree. After choosing the decorative elements, carefully glue them to the tips of the feathers.

While everything dries, we will make the base. We need cardboard. If you chose white feathers for the Christmas tree, then the base should also be of the appropriate color. From white cardboard, make a cone, cutting off the excess, and glue the edges.

It is on this cone that we will glue the feathers. You need to start from the bottom. Gluing the feathers close to each other so that there is no gap between them, slightly bend their tips, imitating the branches of real fir trees. Layer by layer, following up, we get a sprawling winter tree. For a greater resemblance to the original, our craft can be sprinkled with artificial snow.

We can put our creation on the shelf just like that. However, it can be completed. We need all the same cardboard. Cut out a circle from cardboard of a suitable color, with a diameter of the lower edge of the cosine plus a millimeter, and glue it from below, after cutting out another small circle in the middle of this circle. We will insert a cardboard tube into it Brown color- this will be the trunk of our Christmas tree. It shouldn't be very long. For greater stability, you can use not cardboard, but a cork from champagne or wine, you just need to paint it in desired color, and stick to the cardboard bottom of our craft - you're done. You can enjoy the results of your work.

1. If you did not find the feathers you need, bright colors, then it is quite possible to dye the white feathers. For this, spray paint is suitable.

2. When gluing the beads, make sure that the glue does not spill over the entire feather, this will leave ugly stains on it, and glue the feathers together. For these reasons, it is undesirable to use the super moment.

3. Beads with their weight should not burden the feathers, whose tips we slightly bend. If the beads still pull the feather to the ground, then replace them with large beads.

A little less than a month is left before the New Year, we are preparing gifts and drawing postcards. And you? If yes, then two Christmas trees are waiting for you in this lesson. Fans of needlework before the holidays feel special inspiration, because their creative impulses can be directed to making gifts and postcards. Handmade postcards, even the simplest ones, evoke very warm feelings in loved ones. And how grandmothers admire the creations of their grandchildren!

I will not tell you how to make a postcard itself, but I will show you how to draw a Christmas tree for a postcard. More precisely, even 2 Christmas trees. Both of them are quite simple, they can be drawn by both adults and children.

In the first case, the design of the Christmas tree is simpler and more understandable for children, and decorations can be complicated. You can decorate Christmas trees in the newfangled doodling style, as I did, or somehow in your own way.

Herringbone silver

It is silver because I drew on the postcard with silver markers and outline. But more on that later.

I didn't use a pencil to draw. Look at the diagram to understand how to draw a Christmas tree step by step. Before you draw on the card, you can practice drawing with a pencil or marker. In my case, the blue training tree is made with an ordinary thin marker.

In the diagram, each new step is marked in red.

For four tiers, it is necessary to outline 5 points - separators vertically in the middle of the future Christmas tree. Don't forget to leave space at the top and bottom. If you plan to draw a high tip on the crown, then leave more space.

Imagine how the lines expand downward from the top point, forming a triangle. By the way, if it is more convenient for you to make a preliminary border of the Christmas tree, then mark the triangle with a pencil. We draw the upper tier, but not with a triangle, but like a bell, slightly bending the corners of the base up and lowering the lower border in the center with an arc.

We draw the rest of the tiers like skirts, also raising the corners and lowering the lower border with an arc. It remains to draw the tip and leg (optional).

So our form is ready, which can now be filled with different patterns. If desired, the Christmas tree can be continued to “lengthen” down in tiers.

My Christmas trees are filled with different doodles - circles, curls, flowers, in free form, asymmetrically. And around I drew curls and snowballs for more elegance.

How to draw a Christmas tree in a simple version, you now know.

Children also draw such a Christmas tree with pleasure. They can be invited to draw a Christmas tree with colored felt-tip pens or pencils. Of course, in this case, you need to draw all the "skirts" with a simple pencil, and only then proceed to coloring. In the section there are ready-made Christmas tree coloring pages for children different ages, as well as Christmas tree coloring templates in the style of doodling.

Postcard with a silver Christmas tree in the style of dudlart

Now let's talk about the postcard. I took dark thick paper with a beautiful texture from the album. I marked the size of the card and cut it out. Dark paper is a little moody. Therefore, before drawing, I washed and dried my hands so as not to leave prints from my hands, put a sheet under my arm. I marked the points with a pencil, and then with a white marker. I did not draw the borders of the Christmas tree, because from erasing the pencil with an eraser, there are marks on the paper that spoil the whole look.

Next, with a white marker (here, by ZIG), I drew twigs. I filled them with silver patterns made with a gel pen. And I added a few more special effects, which, unfortunately, are not very visible in the photo: I decorated some details with finely dispersed holographic sparkles, and also added dots and snowflakes with silver volume contour.

The card is stylish and elegant. Inside, I decorated the corner with a pattern in the same style, with a silver gel pen. I pasted a square of thick light paper - this is the place to write congratulations.

And now the promised second lesson - how to draw a Christmas tree in stages, but in a different version.

Herringbone green

This Christmas tree may seem a little more complicated, so I also advise you to start by sketching a pencil sketch several times in a reduced version, so that you can easily draw it on a postcard later. After all, as you understand, it is better to make as few wipes and markings as possible on a postcard, then the paper does not deteriorate, and the drawing looks neater. But in this version, it is more difficult to do without a pencil. On the pencil markup, I put the outlines with a marker, and before coloring the Christmas tree, I erased the visible parts of the pencil sketch.

Draw a cone with a pencil. Love to use the ruler? Please use a ruler.

Draw stripes with a pencil.
Before drawing the Christmas tree itself, you can already draw a tip with a marker, it will close the very top of the head.

Now we make the contours of the tiers of the Christmas tree with a marker, and erase the pencil sketch, where it is visible.

If you are drawing with a gel pen, let it dry before erasing the pencil.

We draw the lowest tier of branches to give the Christmas tree fluffiness

Draw outlines Christmas decorations such as colored markers or pencils.

Filling the space between toys in green, also felt-tip pens, markers or pencils.

We do not paint the ribbons, this is a decorative effect. How to draw a Christmas tree so that it is festive, elegant?

Add shine! Paint highlights on the balls. This is how our Christmas tree turned out.

We took a yellow one-sided cardboard, on which we drew Christmas trees, circled some of the contours in silver and gold. gel pens, so the decorations play beautifully in the light. Especially beautiful flickering under artificial lighting. You can also use glitter gels for children's creativity.

Later, we cut out a rectangle with a Christmas tree and pasted it onto a postcard from decorative paper. By the way, a Christmas tree can be drawn on self-adhesive paper, so that later it can also be glued onto a blank for a postcard.

Christmas tree templates

Do you want to make a postcard with your own hands for the New Year, but you can’t think of anything at all? Do not despair. Keep multiple templates Christmas tree.

Christmas tree pictures are big, just open them in a new tab

They can be used as in the example above - draw on dark paper with an acrylic marker or transfer to film and circle stained glass paint. In any case, it will turn out beautiful and stylish.

    What could be easier than drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, probably only a snowman or an icicle :)

    Here is a simple step-by-step diagram for drawing a smart Christmas tree for the new year.

    This video master class shows in detail how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, even if this tree is not quite real, but also very beautiful :)

    Christmas tree with gifts

    Another video tutorial on drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages, as well as an idea on how to color a Christmas tree with colored pencils:

    In the image below, a diagram of how to draw a Christmas tree for younger and middle children school age. The drawing looks simple, but requires accuracy, the smoother the needles are, the more beautiful the drawing will turn out.

    From the vertical main line, which depicts a tree pole, draw slightly curved lines.

    At the top we draw small ones, towards the middle we draw more authentic and the lowest ones are long.

    On each branch we draw small needles. On the branches, you can draw balls, stars, the bottom plan can be decorated with beads.

    The video is another option on how to draw a Christmas tree.

    There are many options for how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil in stages. You can start with skeletonquot ;, skeleton Christmas trees, and then draw branches that become wider and more magnificent towards the base.

    You can start the way the tree looks like - a triangle, gradually adding branches, making the tree more and more magnificent, and then New Year's garlands, toys, gifts under the tree, as it seems.

    First way. Starting from the skeleton and then finishing the Christmas tree:

    The second way.

    First, imagine a triangle that will become a Christmas tree.

    Then we draw cloves on the sides and bottom of the tree.

    Let's outline more clearly with a pencil (marker, pen).

    Then decorations appear on the tree. At first we draw only contours. We also draw gifts under the tree arbitrarily as much as you like, as you like, of any shape and quantity, as you like.

    We outline the contours of jewelry and gifts with a pencil (marker, pen).

    We color the Christmas tree in green, drawing needles in one direction. Let there be a small unpainted space under the toys on the Christmas tree, we also depict the backlight.

    Adding a little to the whole Christmas tree dark green. This helps to achieve volume. Under the toys on the Christmas tree, let the white space be clearer. The toys on the Christmas tree are decorated with different colors.

    Gifts in different colors.

    The fluffy forest guest, who pleases us with her appearance every year in our homes, seems to be easy to draw if there are detailed step-by-step sketches. First, we determine the size of the Christmas tree on a piece of paper. Then how lush it will be, how many levels, for this we draw parallel lines along the trunk on both sides. To make it easier, you can imagine the Christmas tree in the form of a triangle, but do not take into account the very top of the tree, leave it for the star:

    I think that it will be quite easy to draw a New Year's bow, following the step-by-step scheme below, on your own or with a child.

    So let's get started:

    Step 1:

    Step 2:

    Step 3:

    Step 4:

    The result is such a New Year's loch. Now you can color it, for example like this:

    New Year is the most favorite holiday of the majority. And what a holiday without Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and, of course, the Christmas tree.

    Draw required attribute new year holiday- Christmas tree is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the prompts in the pictures below.

    For example, as an option

    Well, the third version of the Christmas tree.

    Well, a more difficult option:

    Drawing a Christmas tree is not difficult. AT fine arts many objects are depicted by the initial schematic drawing. For a Christmas tree, a simple one is suitable geometric figure triangle. As you know, the branches of the Christmas tree look down, they are shorter at the top, much longer at the base, which gives the tree a triangular shape.

    Taking this as a basis, we draw our Christmas tree:

    It remains to add decorations (balls, cones, lanterns, bows, etc.) and our Christmas tree is ready. even a child can cope with such a pattern:

    you can try to draw a Christmas tree in a different way. Namely, depict the trunk and diverging in different sides tree branches:

    If you add to such a Christmas tree christmas toys, then you get a real festive beauty.

    The most requested pattern in winter time year is Christmas tree. Drawing her is a pleasure, because during the drawing process, as soon as the imagination does not play. The Christmas tree can be drawn with paints, as well as with a pencil. The most important thing is to find a drawing for inspiration.

    The smallest can use this scheme:

    More experienced ones can try to draw these options for Christmas trees with a pencil. Here the main thing is to draw the frame of the Christmas tree, the base (trunk and branches), and then draw the needles, Christmas decorations, gifts under the Christmas tree.

    draw new year's bow step by step It will not be difficult if you follow the instructions below. First we draw a large triangle, this will be the basis of the tree itself and the square is the lower part of the trunk of the log. Next, draw three levels of branches, an asterisk at the very top of the bow, and gradually begin to draw toys. After that, we decorate the loch and the drawing is ready.

    Here on this site you can not only look at the pictures on how to draw a Christmas tree in stages, but even watch a few videos where everything is explained in a very accessible form, after which even a child can draw a festive tree on his own.

    And here is also a completely simple image of a Christmas tree, which we will draw in stages.