How to make milk color. How to mix paints to get the right color? eggshell color

The selection of colors is a rather responsible task. The combination of colors in design has always been one of the main tasks. Be sure to attach importance to color combinations, this is important! The color scheme should not strain or unnerve you in any way.

Still, there are colors that are the most advantageous for you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. Dressing in monochrome, when all the details of your toilet are the same color, has long been a sign of bad fashion.

In the movie Knockout, a young and trained special agent, Mallory Kane, becomes the target of an assassination attempt by her partner in operations and superiors, becoming a pawn in someone's cruel and cunning game. After escaping, she decides not to go to the bottom, but finds out..

Required color

Mixing instructions


White + some red


Red + black or brown

royal red

Red+ blue

orange red

Red+ yellow


Yellow+ red


Yellow+ a drop of red


Yellow + white for lightening red or brown for a darker shade

pale green

Yellow+ blue

grassy green

Yellow+ blue and green


Zgreen + yellow

light green

Green+ yellow

Turquoise green

Green+ blue

bottle green

Yellow+ blue


Green + yellow and black

Turquoise blue

Blue+ some green


White + blue

Wedgwood blue

White + blue and a drop of black

royal blue

Blue+ black and a dash of green

Dark blue

Blue+ black and a dash of green


White + some black

Pearl gray

White + black, some blue

FROM red brown

Yellow+ red and blue, white for lightening black for dark.


Red& yellow + blue and white for lightening

golden brown

Yellow+ red, blue, white. More yellow for contrast


Yellow+ red, black and some green


take brownand gradually add white until a beige color is obtained. Add yellow for brightness.


White + brown or black

Rose gray

White + a drop of red or black


White + light gray plus a dash of blue

Green gray

White + light gray plus a dash of green

gray coal

White + black

lemon yellow

Yellow + white, some green

Light brown

Yellow + white, black, brown

Fern green color

White + green, black and white

forest green color

Green + black

emerald green

Yellow + green and white

light green

Yellow + white and green


White + green and black


Yellow + brown and black

royal purple

Red+ blue and yellow

dark purple

Red + blue and black

tomato red

Red + yellow and brown

Mandarin, orange

Yellow + red and brown

Reddish chestnut

Red + brown and black


White + orange and brown

red burgundy color

Red + brown, black and yellow


Blue+ red


Red + white, blue and black


honey color

White yellow and dark brown

Dark brown

Yellow + red, black and white

copper gray

Black + white and red

eggshell color

White + yellow, a little brown

Color tone defines the name of the color: green, red, yellow, blue, etc.

Lightness characterizes how much one or another chromatic color is lighter or darker than another color, or how close this color is to white.

Saturation color characterizes the degree of difference between a chromatic color and an achromatic color equal to it in lightness. The qualitative characteristic of an achromatic color is only its lightness.


Colorists-artists involved in airbrushing and professional painting by color paints divided into "Spectral", which make up the solar color, and "Simple" (we will do without quotes).

Simple called such colors that cannot be made from other colors, but from a mixture of simple colors you can make all the rest.

Three simple colors:

yellow - lemon yellow;

red - pink-red hue;

blue - blue azure.

In nature, there are two types of color mixing:subjunctive (additive) mixing and subtractive (subtractive) mixing.

First ( subjunctive ) mixing is the summation of light rays in one way or another.

The four types are described below. additive mixing :

  • spatial mixing- characterized by the simultaneous combination of multi-colored light fluxes in space;

  • Red and green combined give a dark brown color. But its shade and intensity depends on the chosen proportions. the main role in this combination belongs to the green color. The darker it is and used in greater proportion, the more intense the brown color, up to black.

    If you mix blue and green, what color will you get?

    Blue and green - we get the color of turquoise or sea ​​wave. The more intense the blue tone, the more it will dominate in the shade, approaching turquoise. The predominance of green makes the shade of the sea wave greenish. With an equal proportion of colors, a rich blue tint is obtained.

    If you mix yellow and green, what color will you get?

    Combining yellow and green - we get a light green or light green tone. In order for it to turn out, the proportions of colors should be the same. By adding green to yellow, we get an olive tint, if there is very little yellow, we get a deep green with a blue tint, that is, it all depends on the proportion.

    In addition, primary colors can produce many other shades. For example, when you combine red with blue, you get purple. Which, depending on the proportion we use, can range from a light, almost transparent lavender shade to a deep purple. Yellow and red give a bright orange hue.

    Advice! If you try to mix all three basic shades at the same time, you get an indefinite dirty brown with a blue tint, it is called complex.

    By experimenting with primary colors, taking into account the basic rules of color, you can achieve any desired shade.

    How to mix colors - video

    Aspiring painters and designers are often interested in how to mix paints to get desired color. There are basic shades, when combined, a new original version can come out. In some situations, such a challenge arises when one paint runs out and can be replaced by mixing several options. Two or more can be used for this purpose.

    How to mix paints to get different shades?

    I would like to note that such a task is difficult, since some paints, after combining with each other, provoke reactions, which ultimately negatively affects the result, for example, the color may become dark or even lose its tone and become gray.

    Understanding what paints can be mixed, it is worth saying that yellow, red and Blue colour it is impossible to obtain by combining other paints, but they are actively used in various combinations.

    Learn how to mix paints to get some colors:

    1. Pink. To get this color, you need to mix red and White color. By varying the proportion of white paint, you can get shades of different saturation.
    2. Green. To get this color, mix blue, cyan and yellow in equal proportions. If you want to create an olive shade, then combine green, yellow and add a small amount of brown. A light shade is obtained by mixing yellow, green and white.
    3. Orange. This beautiful color is obtained by combining red and yellow. The more red in the end, the brighter the final shade will turn out.
    4. Violet. In this case, you need to mix the following paint colors: and blue, and in equal proportions. If you change the proportions and add white, you can get different shades.
    5. Grey. There are a huge number of options, so to get different shades, you should mix black and white in different proportions.
    6. Beige. This color is often used, for example, when painting portraits. To obtain it, you must brown add white and then use some yellow to improve brightness.

    It should be noted that the closer the colors are to each other in terms of color wheel, the similar their tone, which means that the result will be cleaner and more saturated.

    Thanks to modern technologies, interior designers become real wizards. In the blink of an eye, they will make any room stylish and original. Recently, more and more attention is paid to color design. The most popular are non-standard shades that can be obtained by mixing colors.

    Process Basics

    Manufacturers of paints and varnishes presented a fairly wide range on the market. But it is not always possible to choose what is ideal for the interior. Combining multiple shades will save time and money.

    In many specialized stores, you can use the services of a specialist who will help you make the right color. But if you know the basic rules of how to mix dyes, you can do it at home with your own hands.

    One thing to keep in mind when mixing important rule: do not combine liquid products with a dry mixture. They have different indices, so the coloring composition may eventually curl up.

    The most interesting part of the process is creating the desired shade. There are four primary colors:

    • white;
    • blue;
    • red;
    • green.

    By mixing them, you can get any others. Here are illustrative examples:

    1. Brown is obtained by combining red and green. For a lighter shade, you can add some white.
    2. Orange is the result of mixing yellow and red.
    3. If you need green, you need to combine yellow and blue paints.
    4. To get purple, you need to mix blue and red.
    5. Red and white will result in pink.

    So you can mix ad infinitum.

    Mixing acrylic materials

    Designers love acrylic paints the most. They are very easy to work with, the finished coating has excellent water-repellent properties. Their use has several nuances:

    1. The work surface must be perfectly flat and smooth. To do this, it needs to be sanded.
    2. It is important that the paint does not dry out.
    3. To get an opaque color use undiluted paint. Conversely, for transparency, you can add a little water.
    4. To be able to slowly choose the right color, it is recommended to use. Thanks to him, the tool will not dry so quickly.
    5. To distribute the paint, use the edge of the brush.
    6. Mixing is better clean tool. In this case, the colors should be directed towards each other.
    7. To do light tone, you need to add a white dye to the solution, and to get a dark one - black. It is worth remembering that the palette of dark colors is much wider than light ones.

    Here are some examples of mixing acrylic-based colorants:

    1. Apricot color is obtained by mixing red, yellow, brown and white.
    2. The recipe for making beige paint involves combining brown and white. If you need a bright beige, you can add a little yellow. For a light beige shade, you need more white.
    3. Gold is the result of mixing yellow and red.
    4. Ocher is yellow with brown. By the way, it is considered popular in the current season.
    5. Khaki can be made by mixing green dye with brown.
    6. Magenta requires three different colors: red, yellow, and blue.

    Mixing oil paints

    Oil-based paints are more fluid, which necessitates more thorough mixing of the compositions if mixing tones is performed. The specificity and properties of oil colors give the following advantages:

    • the tone will be the most uniform, so the paint is perfect for decorating any surface;
    • if desired, you can leave streaks in the paint, which will allow you to create unusual effects on canvas or wall.

    Oil stirring

    Before work, it is important to evaluate whether it is possible to combine individual tones with each other, what will be the result. If you introduce a little glossy paint into a matte one, the result will be inexpressive. Adding a matte paint to a shiny one helps to make the latter a little more subdued.

    It is possible by such methods:

    1. Mechanical. In one dish, on the palette, different colors are combined by mechanical mixing. The saturation of the finished mass is adjusted by adding brighter or lighter shades.
    2. Optic. This method is practiced only by professionals. Paints combine to obtain a new color when they are applied to the canvas, wall.
    3. Color overlay. By layering strokes, a new tone is created.

    Features of mixing paints

    The mechanical method is the simplest, therefore it is recommended for beginners. When using color overlay, the result may differ from what was intended, which must be taken into account in advance. You can apply the glazing method - first apply a darker color, then lighten it with strokes of light paint. Better practice in connection oil paints on their small portions, learn how to create original effects, and then proceed to create paintings or decorate the interior.

    The working process

    By mixing several different colors, you can get a large number of a wide variety of shades. What?

    shades of gray

    Quite often used in interior design. Help to create a shadow or unobtrusive color, as well as:

    1. You can create regular gray by mixing black with white.
    2. To create cold shades, you need to add a little green to gray, and for warm ones - ocher.
    3. Grey-green is gray with white and green.
    4. Gray-blue - gray, white and a little blue.
    5. Dark gray is the result of mixing gray and black.

    brown tones

    To dye, you need to mix:

    • green with red;
    • red with blue and yellow;
    • red with white, black and yellow.

    How to create other original tones:

    1. Mustard will turn out if you add red, green and black dyes to yellow paint.
    2. Tobacco shade is red, green, yellow and white.
    3. Golden brown is the result of combining yellow, red, green, white and blue. In this case, there should be more yellow pigment.

    Red tones

    1. The basis for the pink shade is considered to be white. Red is added to it. The brighter the desired shade, the more red should be added.
    2. To get a rich chestnut, you need to mix red and black.
    3. Bright red-orange color - red and a little yellow. The more of the latter, the paler the result will be.
    4. You can give the dye a purple tint by mixing a few drops of bright blue and yellow flowers and red pigment.
    5. To create crimson, according to the recipe, you need to mix bright red + white + brown + blue. The more white, the pinker the shade.

    Deep green color formed by combining yellow and blue tones. The saturation of the finished dye depends on the amount of each of them. To create shades, you need to add other colors to green:

    1. For mint you need white.
    2. To get an olive color, you need green and a few drops of yellow.
    3. A shade of grass can be obtained by mixing green with blue. Yellow paint will help even out the color.
    4. The color of the needles is the result of mixing green with black and yellow.
    5. Gradually mixing green with white and yellow, you can make an emerald tone.

    purple tones

    Purple is made by mixing blue and red. You can also use blue and pink paints - the final color will be light, pastel. To darken the finished tone, artists use black paint, which is added in very small portions. Here are the nuances for creating shades of purple:

    • for light purple, you can dilute the finished color with white in the right ratio;
    • for magenta, you need to enter more red paint than blue.

    Orange color

    When creating a classic orange, they combine one part of yellow and red paint. But for many types of paint, you have to take more yellow, otherwise the color will turn out to be too dark. Here are the main shades of orange and how to get them:

    • for light orange, take pink and yellow, you can also add a little white paint;
    • coral requires dark orange, pink, white in equal proportions;
    • peach needs colors such as orange, yellow, pink, white;
    • for red, you need to take dark orange and a little brown.

    Important Rule

    Many people ask the question: is it possible to mix paints and varnishes from different manufacturers? It is desirable that the dyes to be mixed be made by the same company. It's even better if they are from the same batch. Mixing dyes from different companies is not recommended. Often they have different properties, such as density, brightness, etc. Because of this, the finished coating may curl.

    If there is a desire to take a chance, you can combine a little bit of one and the other paint and apply the resulting solution to the surface. If it thickens or clumps, the experiment is not a success.

    Computer help

    You can mix several colors correctly using special computer programs. They help you see final result and determine in percentage terms how much of one or another tone needs to be added. Such programs will help you figure out what shade can be obtained from the funds that are available. They consist of several elements:

    1. A button that removes tones from a set.
    2. Color names.
    3. Lines of input or output to or from a calculation.
    4. samples.
    5. A button that introduces colors into the set.
    6. Result windows.
    7. New selection window and list.
    8. The composition of the finished dye as a percentage.

    Mixing several various colors- a fairly common technique among designers. Unusual shades will help to advantageously decorate the interior, make it original or even unique. You can mix dyes even at home. There are many recipes for creating a particular shade. For example, to get beige, you need to combine white and brown, and for pink, white and red.

    It is recommended to always have a thinner on hand to prevent the paint from drying too quickly. Do not mix products from different manufacturers, because the result will be a poor-quality coating. To find out the final result of mixing, you can use a special computer program.

    Painting any surface, whether it is painting tiles or a carefully puttied wall panel, requires certain shades of the color palette that are needed to implement a decorative idea, but were not at hand or in a building supermarket. Creating color is possible by mixing different colors, but for this you need to have some special knowledge. Optional to receive art education to know what happens when you mix blue and red, blue and yellow, or yellow and red.

    Blue and red are among the three primary colors in the visible spectrum that cannot be obtained by mixing any other hue. A notable feature of these three color bases is their ability, when mixed in equal proportions, to give a thick and even, so-called radical black color.

    Three colors - yellow, magenta (red) and cyan (blue) cannot be obtained by merging other tones.

    Shades of each color can be obtained without adding black paint. Auxiliary (subtractive) orange, blue and green are synthesized by mixing the main three spectral tones. Achromatic colors do not contain color pigment and are white, black, and all shades of gray.

    Paradoxical as it may sound, but the mixing of the three dominants perceived in the chromatic spectrum (red, blue and yellow) gives achromatic black, and the ability, with its help, to create a second tone without color - gray and any of its shades, using the second achromatin - white.

    In the video: how to create the desired color using the color wheel.

    The artist who begins the creative process with early childhood, intuitively determines the probability of obtaining various options, but most of the visual experience comes with age and practice, starting with trying to stack colors side by side on simple drawing and ending with more complex experiments with watercolor on water and alcohol gouache.

    The answer to the question, if you mix red and blue, what color you get depends not only on the purity of the experiment, but also on what colors are used, and which red and blue are taken in the source.

    What affects the final color?

    According to the color chart, mixing red and blue produces purple. In fact, this will happen only if the full purity of empirical experience is observed. By mixing in an ideal space two reference colors, defined as red (simple red, without any tint options), and the same perfect blue, you can get the ideal and reference purple.

    Violet - this is the red-blue color, obtained in the vacuum of space from some ideal raw material resource.

    It remains to decide on red and blue, as ideal shades that will not cause individual discrepancies in anyone. But each person has his own, subjective perception of the concept of color, and someone will consider red, scarlet, burgundy or bright red to be red.

    Blue can have intensity or fading, for which the names indigo, ultramarine, sky blue or dark blue were coined.

    If these are art paints, then mixing will be affected by whether they are prepared in water, alcohol or oil. Acrylic ones look completely different, more intense, brighter, unbearable. It is also important on which surface to apply them - on canvas, paper, cardboard, or a plastered wall.

    Merging blue and red in the construction industry will not give very similar results with the required shades, if you mix red prepared in powder with liquid blue, or factory blue in emulsion or aqueous solution. Powder plus a color solution in oil can give a beautiful shade, but far from what is expected.

    The axiom of the color table, which states that by mixing two specific colors, we will certainly get a third one, when considering certain conditions, it turns into a subjective-substrative value that depends on certain components. Even the ambient temperature can affect the result, if the paint is classified as unstable.

    Getting a result

    Sometimes, in order to select the required shade of the final decorative coating, a person bypasses a dozen hardware stores, but the search for the desired result is unsuccessful and the expected results are not obtained.

    If you blindly follow the color mixing table, then it is enough to buy two or three colors, primary, substrative or with no chromatic component, so that the necessary options are obtained when mixed. Indeed, according to this table, it is so easy to find the desired shade:

    • mix with white - reduce the intensity of the tone;
    • to get pink - take white and red;
    • make red - mixing red and yellow;
    • stir up purple - mixing blue and red;
    • mixing yellow and blue - see the coveted green.

    If the desired colors were obtained with such enviable ease, as in children's coloring with watercolors and brushes, there would be no problems finding the right shade. But the result of mixing depends on which red (red, burgundy, scarlet, dark red) and which blue (indigo, azure, dark blue, ultramarine). It depends on what kind of paint is taken and even a mixture of different bases - everything can lead to obtaining the wrong shade that is required.

    The resulting desired tone may change from exposure to air, sunlight and the surface on which it is applied. Also, subjectivity plays a role. human factor, visual defects and refraction of light in certain time days. And so, of course, yes, blue and red, when mixed, give a simple purple color (velvet purple, dark purple, lilac, purple, etc.).

    Harmonious combination of colors (1 video)