Soap bubble consistency. How to make soap bubbles at home.

Many parents are puzzled by the question of what kind of entertainment to come up with for a birthday or other holiday for their child. The answer is simple - please your child by holding soap bubbles show. From him, unambiguously, all the guests will be delighted, and it doesn’t matter if they are children or adults. It is not always affordable to order professional “bubble blowers” ​​at home, so our magazine will share secrets and teach you how to make a beautiful and spectacular soap bubble show yourself at home.

The main thing in the article

What do you need for a bubble show?

The very first thing is the desire to learn how to make beautiful bubble. A little diligence and you will be able to hold a soap bubble show no worse than a professional, and to implement the performance you will need the following materials and tools:
  • Lots of regular water.
  • Empty containers (basin, inflatable pool).
  • Soap mixture. Below you will find recipes for various options.
  • Devices for inflating soap balls (sticks, tubes, rackets, rings, etc.).

Having all this, it remains only to come up with an interesting program for the celebration.

How to make soap bubbles at home?

So, it was decided: to be a holiday with soap balls. What needs to be prepared? The first step is to make a soap composition and tools for blowing balloons. In addition, in order to make spectacular bubbles at home, you need to follow the recommendations.

  1. For greater durability of soap balls, glycerin must be present in the composition of the liquid. But you should not add a lot of it, since an excess of glycerin can interfere with blowing bubbles. Without this ingredient, the bubbles puff up perfectly, but there will be no stamina in them.
  2. Before working with the prepared soap solution, it is recommended to insist it for about a day.
  3. You can inflate really beautiful and large balloons with a solid film on the blowing tool, if there are small bubbles on the surface at the edges, then the bubble may not work.
  4. Before starting the show, you need to remove the foam from the soap solution. To do this, the liquid must be infused after cooking and be cold.
  5. If the air humidity is high, you will get the perfect show, and if the weather is windy and dust is raised by the wind, then it is better to move the performance indoors.

Types of soap bubbles at home

The show suggests different types soap balls. At home, in your kitchen, you can do the following:

  • Non-bursting. Figures are made from such bubbles. Their density is provided by the sugar syrup added to the soap medium.
  • Gel. They are characterized by a longer stay in the air. By creating them, a substance is added to the solution that looks like a gel.
  • Giant. Children are placed in them, which gives them a lot of pleasure.
  • Colored. Soap balls come in different sizes, and ordinary cooking dye will help to color them.

Do-it-yourself solution for soap bubbles: recipes from specialists

Do not require huge costs compositions prepared at home and here are a few recipes.

The simplest soap solution.
In order to prepare a soapy liquid, you will need:

  • One liter of distilled water.
  • Soap component - 200 ml, you can take hair shampoo, dishwashing detergent or liquid soap.
  • Glycerin - 25 ml, it is freely available in pharmacies.

Water must be heated, and only then the remaining components should be introduced. Stir thoroughly to get a homogeneous liquid composition.

Do not use hard water for blisters. If there is no distilled water, then you can notice chilled boiled water.

Bubbles that do not burst when touched.

For hand soap balls you need to stock up:

  • 400 ml - distilled water.
  • 100 ml - dish detergent.
  • 50 ml - transparent lubricant. It can be purchased at pharmacies.
  • 50 ml - pharmacy glycerin.

In boiling water, stirring constantly, add all the ingredients. Don't stir vigorously as there will be a lot of foam which is not needed as this soapy solution can be used immediately. Such bubbles can be touched, as with a light touch they remain unharmed.

Recipe for non-popping balloons.

It takes three days to prepare such a solution. Keep this in mind when planning your holiday.

In order to prepare "long-playing" bubbles, prepare:

  • 300 ml - distilled water.
  • 150 ml - pharmacy glycerin.
  • 10 drops of ammonia.
  • 25 g - powder (namely loose) for hand washing.
  1. Boil water, add glycerin to boiling water and drip ammonia.
  2. Lastly add the powder.
  3. Mix until everything is dissolved.
  4. After - cover and put to infuse for 3 days. After the allotted time, strain the soapy liquid, use a sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. Put the liquid for another 12 hours in the refrigerator.
  6. Only then apply "as directed". Soap balls from such a composition are not only “long-lasting”, but also shimmer in the sun in different colors.

How to make props for a soap bubble show with your own hands?

Fantasy will help you create exclusive props for the soap bubble show. As devices for inflating in the view, you can use:

  • pipes, they should be of different sizes and diameters. Cocktail tubes, large pasta and other long hollow objects will do;
  • framework, you can use photo frames, homemade wire, cookie cutters, etc .;
  • normal bubbles are suitable for inflating large bubbles plastic bottles, which are cut off from below;
  • giant orbs can be obtained using large frame(sticks and string) or sports hoop.

Sticks for blowing soap bubbles at home

To make props, you need two sticks about 30-40 cm in size and a woolen thread. Tie the thread to the edges of the sticks so that you get a large loop (up to half a meter in diameter). The device works like this:

  • the thread is dipped into the soapy composition so that it is completely saturated;
  • moving sticks (pushing / moving), make bubbles of any size.

Do-it-yourself bubble rackets

To make a bubble thrower you need:

DIY bubble rings

Soap ball rings are made according to the racket principle described above, only the circle bends much more. It can also be made in the form of a star, butterfly, heart. Nobody has yet canceled the use of improvised means, so look around, you may find:

  • openwork beater;
  • net for catching fish or butterflies;
  • colander;
  • watering can;
  • grid with large cells.

Foam tube for snow bubble show

Making a snow show snorkel is pretty easy. The base is a plastic bottle.

What else can be created from such a plastic material, read the article: "". A tube for foam can be prepared in the following two ways:

DIY giant soap bubbles

Who said you can't make giant soap balls at home? You can, and we'll teach you how.

  • Firstly, giant bubbles- this is the most interesting part of the show, without which it would be incomplete.
  • Secondly, all children simply dream of being inside a huge soapy space, and you can give such fabulous moments to kids.

Initially, you need to prepare liquid for giant soap balls. It is made from:

  • 1.5 l - water.
  • 400 ml - dish detergent.
  • 200 ml - pharmacy glycerin.
  • 100 g - gelatin.
  • 100 g - granulated sugar.

Initially, you need to soak the gelatin for swelling. When it swells, add granulated sugar and dissolve the composition in a water bath. Add water, soap component, glycerin to the resulting mass. Mix everything.

Carrying out fun using giant soap bubbles is as follows:

  • Pour the prepared liquid (soap composition) into the pool for children.
  • Place a small stool inside. In order not to stain the kids, lay on it, for example, a towel.
  • Lower the sports hoop into the pool with a soapy composition, it must enter the pool completely.
  • After the delighted baby appears on the stool, raise the hoop. You will get a giant bubble with a baby inside.

If you are doing a show outside, use sticks to blow huge bubbles. The wind will help to make beautiful giant balls.

Do-it-yourself soap bubble making workshops

To get a soap composition, you need to pour 1 tsp of granulated sugar into a glass (we have a disposable one, with a capacity of 200 ml).

Pour 1 tbsp of glycerin purchased at a pharmacy.

Add 2 tbsp thick dish soap. Prepare 3/4 cold water.

Pour in water.

Mix gently so that there is no foam on top of the liquid.

Now we are experimenting.

Soap bubble show training: video

Home Bubble Show Plan

If you want the holiday to be a success, think over all the soap bubble shows. Choose an image for yourself and choose a costume in which you will perform, since this is a show for children, it is better to wear a bright, colorful costume. The duration of the performance should be about 15 minutes, so as not to tire the little spectators.

First, show the children the tricks:

  • Blow a lot of balloons, let the children catch them, burst and rejoice.
  • Invite the children to make their own bubbles. To do this, you can prepare small jars with a solution and hand over homemade rackets to everyone.

Create spectacular giant balls. This is easy to do with chopsticks. The video tutorial shows you how to use them. Start by blowing lots of small bubbles and end up with huge wind blown bubbles.

4. And for the final show, put the kids in the soap ball. How to do this is already described in the paragraph on giant soap bubbles.

So that the children do not get bored and take an active part in the show, accompany all actions with jokes, questions “which balloon”, “when will it burst”, “how many balloons flew out”, etc.

Soap bubble show from Viktor Artamonov: video

We hope that our tips and master classes will help you to spend a truly unforgettable holiday for your child.

They shimmer in the sun and play with all the colors of the rainbow, rise up and burst there, dousing the cheerful children with a mass of spray. Soap bubbles are probably the brightest fun for every child. Bubbles are blown by our children, we used to blow bubbles in our childhood, our parents when we were little, their parents... Even during the excavations of Pompeii, archaeologists found frescoes depicting children blowing soap bubbles. And even now, in our modern world, in the age of high technology, it is worth giving a child a straw and a solution for soap bubbles - and you have half an hour of free time.

Thus, in every house a sea of ​​empty jars of soap bubbles accumulates. Of course, you can buy new ones every time, since they cost a penny. But it’s much easier, more economical, and, most importantly, safer to make a solution for soap bubbles and fill empty containers with it. To do this, you just need to figure out how to make soap bubbles.

In childhood, each of us, secretly from our parents, transferred more than one bottle of shampoo in the hope of blowing soap bubbles to our heart's content. But, unfortunately, they either did not inflate at all, or immediately burst, like the patience of our mothers and fathers. So few of us managed to make soap bubbles at home. Today we will open the veil of this terrible secret and look at several ways to make soap bubbles at home.

How to make strong soap bubbles?

Most easy way to get strong soap bubbles is to prepare such a solution: we take 200 grams of any dishwashing detergent, only the one intended for dishwashers is not suitable. 600 ml of water and 100 ml of glycerin, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Then we stir everything well and the solution is ready.

As you can see, the secret of durable soap bubbles is simple: it is glycerin that can make the shell of a soap bubble stronger, and, therefore, the bubble itself is more durable.

Too easy?! How about this way?

There is another way to make soap bubble liquid, but it is more laborious and takes more time. We take 600 ml of hot water, add 300 ml of glycerin to it, 50 grams of powdered detergent and 20 drops of ammonia are added there. We mix everything thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved, after which we leave the solution to settle for several days. Then it should be filtered and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. You can start blowing rainbow joy.

And what else can you make a solution for soap bubbles from?

This method looks very doubtful. But you can try. So, you need to take a piece of laundry soap and grate it on a coarse grater, then dissolve 4 tablespoons of this shavings in 400 ml of very hot water. We leave for a week. Then add 2 teaspoons of sugar to it. We leave until the sugar is completely dissolved, mixes and that's it!

Blowing soap bubbles is always fun. You can just sit on a bench outside, or on a couch in the house and blow bubbles. This activity in itself will bring a lot of pleasure to your child. And if you approach him with fiction, then you are guaranteed to receive a lot of positive emotions.

For example, a bubble show can be arranged in the bathroom. To create a unique atmosphere, fill the bathroom with water and put lit floating candles into it. Now just turn off the light and start blowing bubbles. A very mesmerizing sight.

Do you want to learn how to blow giant soap bubbles?

In fact, it is not so difficult to do this. You will need:

  1. Bubble liquid
  2. Special device for blowing bubbles

We have already figured out how to make liquid for soap bubbles, let's move on to the device. These are two sticks, between which a loop in the form of a triangle of rope is tied.

And that's it, the device for giant soap bubbles is ready to use.

It is better to use it in calm, calm weather. Lower the device into the solution, then raise it with outstretched arms and step back. The flow of air, which is formed in this case, will inflate a giant soap bubble.

Soap bubbles are a simple, fun and exciting entertainment that is loved not only by children, but also by adults. Therefore, many are interested in how to make soap bubbles at home. You can make blister fluid at no major cost and in almost any quantity. There are many ways to prepare the composition with your own hands. Consider some of them, and you will choose your favorite recipe.

Classic recipe


  • 500 ml of water;
  • 50 g of laundry or glycerin soap without fragrances and dyes;
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

If you do not have the last component at home, then a jar of glycerin can be bought at almost any pharmacy. First grind the soap by grating or finely chopping. fill it up hot water and stir until completely dissolved. If the soap does not dissolve well, you can slightly warm the water, stirring it constantly. But do not bring the solution to a boil! If necessary, strain the composition through cheesecloth. After that, it remains to add glycerin to the soap solution.

This is a fairly simple and affordable recipe. You will most likely find all the components in your kitchen. Plus, you don't have to wait for the soap to dissolve.

Required Ingredients:

  • 400 ml of water;
  • 100 ml dish detergent;
  • 2 teaspoons of regular white sugar.

It is better to take ordinary dishwashing liquid without dyes and flavors. Dishwasher detergent is not suitable. So, to prepare a solution for soap bubbles, add dish detergent and sugar to warm water. After that, mix the ingredients well. Everything, the solution is ready!

Washing powder solution

It will take you several days to prepare a solution with the addition of washing powder. Therefore, if you want to please yourself and your child right now, this recipe will not work for you.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 ml of water;
  • 100 ml of glycerin;
  • 8-10 drops of ammonia;
  • 20-25 g of washing powder.

Add laundry detergent to hot water and stir until completely dissolved. Then add the rest of the ingredients. The resulting soap solution should stand for about 2 days. After waiting a couple of days, strain the solution and refrigerate for several hours (or overnight). After that, the composition will be ready for use.

Bubble recipe for toddlers

It happens that while playing with a child, drops from bursting bubbles get into the eyes. And then entertainment does not bring any joy. Liquid with the addition of mild baby shampoo, getting on the mucous membranes, does not cause pain and burning in the baby. How to make soap bubbles at home for the little ones?

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 ml of water;
  • 200-250 ml of baby shampoo;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Dissolve the shampoo in warm water. The prepared liquid should brew a little. Leave the solution overnight, or better - for a day. Then add sugar to the mixture and mix everything well. The bubble solution is ready.

Recipe for Extra Strong Bubbles

If you want to get non-popping bubbles, you will need the following components:

  • 800 ml of water;
  • 350-400 ml of glycerin;
  • 200 g of laundry soap;
  • 80 g sugar.

Rub the soap and pour the resulting shavings with hot water. Stir the liquid until the soap is completely dissolved. After that, add sugar and glycerin to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again. From the resulting solution, you can make not only strong bubbles, but also various soap figures, for example, by blowing balls onto a smooth table.

Original recipe: solution with syrup

Corn syrup can replace sugar or glycerin. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 600 ml of water;
  • 200 ml of shampoo or dish liquid;
  • 70-80 ml corn syrup.

The recipe for this composition is very simple: you just need to add syrup and dishwashing detergent to water, and then mix everything well.

Checking the quality of soapy liquid is easy: inflate the bubble, dip your finger into the foam and gently touch the bubble with it. If the ball burst, then it is worth adding a small amount of glycerin or sugar. If the bubbles are difficult to inflate and are too heavy, add a little water to the solution. If the bubbles inflate well and do not burst, then the solution is prepared correctly, nothing else needs to be added to it.

Recipe for the preparation of the composition for large bubbles

Various soap bubble shows are now very popular, which can be seen at weddings, birthdays and other festive events. You can also arrange such a show for children or friends.

To prepare the composition with your own hands, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 ml of water;
  • 200 ml of dishwashing detergent;
  • 150 ml of glycerin;
  • 50 g of granulated sugar;
  • a bag of gelatin (30-40 g).

Before making soap bubbles, it will be necessary to prepare the gelatin. Soak it in a small amount of water (read the recipe on the bag) and leave to swell, then strain. Mix gelatin with sugar and melt the mixture without boiling it. This can be done in a water bath or in a microwave oven. In 800 ml of warm water, add the resulting mixture of gelatin and sugar, and then the rest of the ingredients. After that, it remains to mix everything thoroughly.

The solution can be prepared in a wide basin. And they form giant bubbles using a hoop or a large frame made of flexible material. True, you do not have to blow the balls. Just dip the frame into the liquid and gently pull out the big bubbles.

If you want good bubbles that won't pop while blowing, consider the following guidelines.

  1. To prepare the solution with your own hands, it is recommended to use not tap, but boiled or bottled water.
  2. When choosing soap, dishwashing detergent or powder, pay attention to the composition. The less dyes and perfume additives will be in the product, the better the bubbles will turn out.
  3. Glycerin, like sugar, affects the density of the solution and the strength of the blown balls. But do not abuse the glycerin, otherwise the solution will be too dense and the bubbles will be difficult to inflate.
  4. Bubbles obtained from a less dense solution are not as strong, i.e., they burst faster. But they are much easier to blow out. Therefore, this composition is more suitable for kids.
  5. If possible, keep the prepared solution in the refrigerator for 1-2 days before use.
  6. Before inflating, it is necessary to wait until there is a solid film on the surface of the solution without foam and bubbles. The foam can be removed or wait until it disappears on its own. Cooling the liquid is the easiest way to get rid of unnecessary foam.
  7. Blow the balloon slowly and evenly, otherwise the soap film will quickly tear and the bubble will burst.

Optimal conditions

If you are blowing soap bubbles outdoors, get ready for the fact that the result will largely depend on the weather. Strong wind and dust are the real enemies of bubbles. Also, they should not be allowed on a dry and hot day when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees. But high humidity, on the contrary, will be an excellent assistant in the "soap" business. It is believed that the best results are obtained in the morning or evening after rain or watering the lawn.

If you are blowing bubbles at home, then avoid strong drafts. Also, the room should not be too hot, dry and dusty. It is important to consider: in some cases, bubbles, bursting, can leave marks on parquet, linoleum or furniture.

In many ways, the size and quality of bubbles depend on the tools that are used for blowing. Today it is easy to find many ready-made tools of different shapes and sizes in the store. But you can make them yourself. For example, a wire twisted with a loop is perfect for these purposes. Some use a plastic bottle with a cut off bottom or shaped dough molds. You can also use a straw for cocktails. And to make the balls larger, several longitudinal cuts can be made at the end of the tube.

Safety regulations

  • When working with the solution, be careful: it should not get into the eyes, nose and mouth.
  • If you made bubbles for a baby, make sure that he does not taste the solution.
  • Blow soap bubbles in a direction where there are no people or animals.
  • If splashes from the bubble do get into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with clean, running water.
  • After preparing the composition and experimenting with soap bubbles, do not forget to wash your hands under running water.

If you want to give a holiday to your child or just to cheer up your loved ones, use one of the recipes presented. As you can see, you can make beautiful bubbles with your own hands without much effort and serious costs.

Helpful Hints

Despite the fact that soap bubbles were popular many years ago, in our age of high technology, they still delight children and adults.

Before we wrote how to make ordinary soap bubbles at home, and now let's talk about how easy it is to make large soap bubbles.

How to make a nice big bubble

In fact, this method is quite simple. You just need two things: soap bubble liquid And bubble blower.

You can also make a device for inflating balloons with your own hands. For this you need two sticks And rope. Use the rope to tie a loop in the shape of a triangle between the sticks. Done? If yes, then you should get the right machine for the production of large soap bubbles.

windless weather perfect for blowing giant soap bubbles. Just dip your special device into the soapy solution, and then lift it up and start moving back slowly, thereby creating a stream of air that will inflate the bubble.

How to make a solution for strong and huge soap bubbles?

The easiest option for making a solution for large soap bubbles is as follows:

200 gr. any dishwashing detergent

* NOT suitable for dishwashers.

* glycerin can be purchased at a pharmacy

Stir the solution.

Video how to make a big soap bubble

Soap bubbles will turn out strong precisely thanks to glycerin, which makes the shell of the soap bubble stronger.

Another way to make liquid for large soap bubbles

600 ml. Hot water

300 ml. glycerine

20 drops of ammonia

50 gr. any POWDER detergent.

Mix everything and leave for 2-3 days

Filter the solution and refrigerate for 12 hours.

This mixture will allow you to create soap bubbles large sizes and various forms.

Use the wire to bend it into any shape. Then attach it to the stick with electrical tape and dip it in the soap solution. So you can make soap bubbles of different shapes. You can make several of these "net nets" and start up several large bubbles of different shapes at once.

Even during the excavations of the notorious Pompeii, archaeologists discovered frescoes depicting children blowing soap bubbles. And today fun with soap bubbles is held in high esteem by children, and even by many adults.

The easiest way is to go to the store and buy a bottle of one or the other, but it is better to make them yourself, especially since there are a lot of recipes from which everyone will choose the best option for themselves.

Before proceeding with the preparation of the fun solution, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of quality rainbow balls.

  • Tap water is not the best component for preparing a solution; use boiled, or even better, distilled water.
  • The solution will turn out better if there are less perfume additives in the soap (another soap product).
  • The approximate ratio of soap and water is 1/10 - this is not strict, but it is better not to step aside so that the quality of the bubbles does not suffer.
  • Do not overdo it with glycerin (sugar), otherwise you will have difficulty blowing bubbles.
  • For kids, a less dense solution is suitable - the bubbles are easily blown out, though they are not very stable, but it is better if they are not stable than the child will not be able to blow the ball.
  • Experts in homemade soap bubbles recommend keeping the solution for at least 12 hours before use (preferably in the refrigerator).
  • There should be no foam in the solution, you can’t get good balls with it, for its absence, you need to insist and cool the solution.
  • At high humidity, bubbles are better.
  • Dust in the air and strong winds are not good for soap bubbles.

So, soap bubble recipes for all occasions:

Option number 1:
Laundry soap - 1 part (in no case should you use toilet soap - a solution with it will not work!)
Cold water– 10 parts
Glycerin 1 / 3-1 / 5 parts of the volume of the soap mixture (or 1 / 4 of the soluble sugar with gelatin).
Finely chop the laundry soap (you can grate it), then mix it with water, wait until the soap is completely dissolved in water, pass through cheesecloth. Then add glycerin or a sugar solution with a small amount of gelatin. Now it remains only for the solution to infuse.

Option #2:
Any of the simplest dishwashing detergent - 100 gr.
Water (boiled / distilled) - 300 ml.
Glycerin - 50 ml.

Almost the same, but with sugar.
Dishwashing liquid - 1/2 tbsp.
Water - 2 tbsp.
Sugar - 2 tsp

And in the first and second options, just mix all the ingredients and insist - the solution is ready!

Option number 3:
Hot water- 300 ml.
Powder detergent- 25 gr.
Glycerin - 150 ml.
Ammonia - 10 drops
Mix everything and leave the mixture for 2-3 days, then filter through cheesecloth and insist in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Option number 4:
Water - 300 ml.
Shampoo - 100 ml.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Glycerin - 2 tbsp. l.
Add sugar and glycerin to the mixture of water and shampoo, mix everything well and leave for 12 hours. Large balls are obtained from such a solution, slowly falling to the surface.

Option number 5:
Water - 60 ml.
Transparent shower gel - 50 ml.
Sugar - 0.5 tsp.
Mix everything thoroughly, insist the prescribed hour and you can create rainbow miracles!

Option number 6:
Water - 300 ml.
Glycerin - 100 ml.
Ammonia - 10 drops.
Laundry soap - 50 g.
In one bowl, mix water, glycerin and ammonia. In another container, boil grated laundry soap over a fire until completely dissolved, then add it to the main solution. Mix everything, let it brew for 2-3 days, filter through cheesecloth and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Option number 7:
Baby shampoo - 200 ml.
Water - 400 ml.
Glycerin - 3 tbsp. l. or 6 tsp. Sahara.
Mix shampoo with water and insist for a day, then add glycerin (sugar) and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Option number 8:
Dishwashing liquid - 2 tbsp.
Water - 2 tbsp.
Corn syrup - 3/4 tbsp.
You just need to take everything and mix it (do not forget to keep it in the cold before use).

Option number 9:
Water - 8 parts.
Glycerin - 4 parts.
Hozmylo grated - 2 parts.
Sugar syrup (water / sugar in a ratio of 1/5) - 1 part.
Get a homogeneous mixture from these ingredients, filter, insist in the cold. Strong balls are obtained from such a solution, from which you can build a variety of shapes (should be blown on smooth surface e.g. on a table).

Option number 10:
Water - 300 ml.
Dishwashing liquid - 100 ml.
Glycerin - 50 ml.
Sugar - 4 tsp
This solution is best made in a large bowl, as it is great for making giant balls. A gymnastic hoop is lowered into the basin and a huge strong bubble is slowly drawn out.

By the way, you can get multi-colored bubbles - you need to add 2-3 tsp to the solution. food coloring.

Any product must be of high quality, so you should check the resulting solution for quality, namely:
  • Take a straw, dip into the solution. A liquid film should form at the end of the straw - carefully blow into the other end. If the bubbles are watery, not long-lived (the “life” of a bubble with a diameter of 3 cm is at least 1/2 minute) or quickly burst from a light touch of a finger, then a little glycerin and soap (dishwashing liquid) should be added to the solution.
  • The “correct” bubble will remain intact if it is pierced with a finger dipped in soapy water.
Now it remains to choose a tool for blowing rainbow bellies, it can be:

- an ordinary straw, a tube for cocktails (the tip of such a tube can be cut into petals that should be bent), hollow pasta, a tube can be made independently from thick cardboard.

Various molds for cutting dough are also suitable;

Wire Variations. The wire can simply be twisted into a loop (by the way, the part you need to hold on to can be decorated with various beads - you get an original wand-frame for blowing soap bubbles). An interesting option you get balls from the following tool - the wire is twisted in a spiral so that one end of the wire passes through it with an axis (like a popsicle stick).

A simple version of plastic bottle, you just need to cut the bottom - the device for blowing large bubbles is ready!

For giant bubbles (option number 10), a gymnastic hoop is great.

Another device for creating large bubbles is to tie elastic bands or silk threads to the ends of two knitting needles (you can take cocktail tubes), you should get a frame that you carefully dip into the solution, pull out and put under the wind - the result should please.

You can adapt the funnel (glass, plastic).

If you are thoroughly stocked with a solution, then you can lower a tennis racket into it, all that remains is to swing the racket and admire the extravaganza of soap bubbles.

The least expensive way is to do it yourself. The “okay” gesture is known to everyone. In this way, you need to fold your fingers - dip into the solution - blow into the resulting "window".

And finally, several variations of entertainment with soap bubbles:

Soap "matryoshka". On a saucer with a small amount of solution, using a tube (dip it first into the solution), a soap bubble is inflated in the form of a hemisphere, then the tube is carefully inserted inside the bubble and another smaller bubble is inflated, then again the tube is inserted into the newly obtained bubble and a new one is inflated, etc. d.

Rainbow fairy tale in the bathroom. Take a full bath of water, lower the floating lighted candles into the water, turn off the light and enjoy the view of the most beautiful sight - the iridescent overflow of soap bubbles and the glare of water under the light of candles!

- "soap puzzles". A great opportunity for joint useful entertainment. Adults blow bubbles and give the task to children: “Hit him with your shoulder”, “pop the balloon with your nose”, “catch him in your palms”, etc.

Freezing soap bubbles. First, the solution must be cooled (somewhere to 0 degrees). If you then go out into severe frost and blow out a bubble, then thin needles form on it, connecting into funny snow figures. If it’s not very cold outside, you can still get an ice ball - you just need to gently blow it onto the snow, after a while a ball of snowflakes will come out (some, in order not to blow in the cold, do this operation in the freezer of the refrigerator).

Soap competition. To do this, you need a woolen blanket or carpet (with pile). On such a surface, the balls do not burst for a long time and if you blow on them, they roll. Whoever rolls the ball to the opposite side of the carpet faster in this way is the winner. You can also wrap a tennis racket (other suitable item) with a woolen scarf. Adults gently blow the ball onto the racket. And children can carefully toss the ball - it bounces interestingly. IN this case the winner is the one whose ball lasts longer.

Drawing. A small amount of gouache is added to the soap solution (it is more interesting if the solutions are of different colors - prepare several cups). Can be spread or hung (on reverse side paper, glue a loop of thread, for which you hang a sheet) a sheet of paper. Then blow balls from various cups in the direction of the sheet - upon contact, the ball will burst, leaving a colored trace. Or you can just blow a bubble, "catch" it with a sheet of paper (holding it in your hand).

Soap bubbles show. You can arrange it yourself by learning some tricks or invite experts. Any celebration will adorn such a "soap-bubble" performance.

Night story. Of course, you can re-read Cinderella or another fairy tale for the 100th time. But it is better to write your own story together with the child. So, “Once upon a time Soap Bubble lived, he was kind, kind and loved to fly. One day he flew high to the very fluffy clouds and flew through the fields and meadows. I decided to look into the dense forest. He flies and sees sitting on a stump ... "Let the child figure out who the bubble saw on the stump, and then again the line for the" adult storyteller "and so alternately get a new interesting story.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to prepare a solution for safe soap bubbles and organize "rainbow-air" leisure. Have a good mood and strong, beautiful soap bubbles!

Irina Nagibina