An interesting game on the history of elementary school. Presentation on the topic "didactic games in history lessons"

Also in Soviet time The methodologists recommended, in order to enhance the cognitive activity of students, to introduce elements of the game into the content of the lesson, for example, helping to draw up a portrait description of an outstanding historical figure. Suchhistory game lessonand will be the subject of this article.

A portrait description can be combined with a task that involves a selection from a list of certain qualities of a particular person (education, cruelty, ambition, complacency, kindness, honesty, vanity, cunning, deceit, hypocrisy).

1 option

Work on the study of the personality of a historical figure.

Pupils write down in a notebook information about the life of a historical figure, his actions, habits, contradictory features of character, judgments of his contemporaries and descendants about him, and the image of a historical figure is formed in the process of studying his actions and accomplishments.

Option 2

The teacher gives biographical facts from the life of a historical figure, without naming him, time and place of action, dates of events, and students must independently indicate all the missing data.

Now let's take a closer look at what is didactic games and how they should be applied in the history lesson. A didactic game is a pedagogically directed creative activity closely related to other species academic work, where learning actions direct the activity of students in determining the direction of the educational process, and game techniques and situations act as a means of stimulating students in their educational work.

Games may include thematic planning history lessons, and the content should be specially thought out, first of all, for the formation of cognitive skills and basic knowledge. The students are not assigned educational tasks. They acquire new knowledge and work out skills indirectly, involuntarily, during the game itself. It is impossible to identify a role-playing game with a performance on historical theme. The game is always improvisation. The game provides an optimal level of activity for the participants. At the same time, the student is able to perform such a volume of educational work that is not available to him under normal conditions. The game is especially useful when interest in the subject is not formed. Before the game, the teacher introduces the students to the rules, regulations, work order. To make them more focused and active, you should limit the time to complete the task. And, finally, the results of the game should be predicted and its results analyzed.

Lesson - a game on the history of "Who is this?".

Depending on the preparedness of the students, the game task is complicated or simplified. According to the portrait (little known), the dates of life and activity (you can not give), the names of contemporaries, as well as the textual characteristics, students need to establish the name of a historical figure. For example, to complete a task, a student receives a card with the following content:

1. A little-known portrait of Peter I


3.Alexander Menshikov, Ivan Pososhkov, Charles XII, Nikita Demidov, Kondraty Bulavin.

4. Possessed rare physical strength, easily unbent horseshoes with his hands; was distinguished by great curiosity; I was not ashamed to study all my life. After his transformations, Russia became a strong European state.

Similarly to the proposed scheme, other game cards are formed.

Game on the story "Whose words?"

The teacher gives students cards with statements of famous historical figures, thinkers. Statements can be taken from a school textbook. The students have to find out. By whom, when and under what circumstances were these words spoken. For example, the card may contain the words of the commander of the Varyag cruiser V.F. Rudnev from an appeal to the sailors before the battle with the Japanese squadron: “We are going to break through and will join the battle as a squadron, no matter how strong it is ... We will not surrender either the ships or ourselves and we will fight ... to the last drop of blood."

The game "Know the historical figure."

Students receive cards containing information about famous people. statesmen. The student must name the name, the chronological framework of life and work, facts from the biography. Such, for example, a text about P.P. Milyukov: “A prominent political figure in pre-revolutionary Russia, the leader of the party. A student of the famous Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky. He was persecuted by the authorities for his views. Having gone through prisons, exile and deportation abroad. Knew 12 languages. Member of the Provisional Government since 1920 in exile.

There are other types of history games, as well as games in other lessons. We will cover them in future articles.

An important task of the teacher is to develop the skills of self-assessment and selection of the information received. A didactic game will help develop such skills, which serves as a kind of practice for using the acquired knowledge. The game allows you to expand the boundaries of the child's own life, shyness disappears, the child carries out an independent search for knowledge, the emotionality of the game action activates all the psychological processes and functions of the child.

What games are rational to use in history lessons, and can be adapted for other lessons?

Games while learning new material.

The game "Three Suggestions" It is based on a logical operation to select the main one. The conditional component that makes the game entertaining is achieved through the rule - state this "main" in three simple sentences. Without it there is no game - there is the usual study task. One option is to work with printed text. It can be a paragraph from a paragraph or a document. The winner is the one whose story is shorter, while the content is accurately conveyed. This game allows you to develop a very important skill - to highlight the main thing.

The game "Tree of Wisdom". Students learn to ask questions about the material being studied. At the lesson, the children are given the task: in the course of explaining or working with the text, write down on three pieces of paper three questions of different difficulty levels. After studying the material, questions are submitted. The most interesting ones are evaluated, arranged in the form of "apples" or "leaves" and attached to the "Tree of Wisdom". (red - by 5, yellow - by 4, green - by 3). In the next lessons, the students “pluck” the fruit or leaf and answer.

The game "Interpreter". The difficulty in mastering the various definitions is the complexity of the scientific language. In this game, children are invited to express any historical phrase in other words, to translate from "scientific" language into "accessible". For example: "Raznochintsy - an inter-class category of the population, mainly engaged in mental work" = "people of various ranks and ranks who received higher education" = "people from different classes who joined the ranks of the Russian intelligentsia."

Games for consolidation and generalization of historical material.

The game "Auction". This game is played after learning one of the historical periods, for example, on the topic "The era of Ivan the Terrible." At the generalization lesson, the children are offered a game: "A grade is for sale" 5 ". Each student can "buy" it. To do this, you need to name a historical person who lived during the reign of Ivan IV. Any other "bidder" can name a higher "price" by naming another contemporary of Ivan the Terrible. In this case, the names should not be repeated. Each name is written on the board and in a notebook. It is advisable to say a few words about each. If after the next named name there is a pause, the teacher slowly strikes three times with a hammer. The last person to name a name wins. After the third strike, no one is to name names. The winner gets "5". You can hold an auction of dates, concepts, etc.

The game "Restoration". For the game, a text is selected (easy to understand) on the topic under study, each sentence is written from a new line, it carries an independent semantic load. Then the text is cut into strips so that one sentence is placed on each. The strips are mixed and placed in an envelope. The student must restore the text. For the convenience of verification, sentences are numbered in random order, or you can write a certain letter in the corner of each strip so that when correct execution the word would add up (well done, right, etc.)

The game "Historical Fifteen" On the gloss is a square with 9 cells in which the dates are inscribed. The task is given: to restore dates in ascending chronological order or "tarnish" dates relating to a certain period, or associated with a certain historical figure, showing the date in a square, you must name the event about which in question. The winner is the one who more accurately indicates all the dates in less time. Sometimes the date is underlined, which means that this event needs to be told in more detail.

The game "Word Vertical" can be constructed on any topic, for example, on the topic "Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia)". This game will require knowledge of cities. Unusual words are written on the left - these are the names of the cities of Mesopotamia, in which the order of the letters is violated, in addition, each word has an extra letter. It is necessary to restore the order of letters and write the resulting name next to unusual word, and write the extra letter between two asterisks. If the task is completed correctly, then from the extra letters vertically it will be possible to read the name of another city in this country.

QUVUR __________________ * * Answer: Uruk B

ASHAGAL ________________* * Lagash A

REWOODEE _________________ * * Erudu V

IRIAM _________________* * Marie I

SHRUSHAL _______________* * Ashur L

INEYAWINO ______* * Nineveh O

NUR ___________________* * Ur N

This game in a fun way will allow you to consolidate difficult words to remember.

Role-playing games

A role-playing game requires serious preparation, a deep study of the documentary sources of the era.

Games - improvisations. For example, when studying the topic “Liberal Reforms of the 1860s-1870s.” you can play the game "Improvisation on the theme ...". The class is divided into several groups, each must prepare a short sketch on a particular topic. Game tasks are written on a card, the pages of the textbook are also indicated there, where you can find information, you can give children additional material. Time for work is limited to 15 minutes, then the groups perform dramatizations.

1. Military reform.

Plot: The peasants heard that in the neighboring village they came to take the peasants to the army. Previously, they also took away, but not all of them. And now, they say, in Ivanovskaya and in Semenovka all the young people have been taken away, now they are coming to us. The men ran to the headman, asking how to be ... "

Roles: village headman, peasants

2. Judicial reform.

Plot: The session of the district court in the case of V.I. Zasulich. The accused shot at the mayor of St. Petersburg Trepov and seriously wounded him. The detainee explained her action as a protest against the arbitrariness of Trepov, who ordered that a political prisoner be subjected to corporal punishment.

Roles: judge, prosecutor, attorney at law (defender), jurors accused, witnesses.

So you can play games on all the reforms, which allows you to delve deeper into the content of the material being studied, develops historical imagination. You can use such role-playing games as: "Secular salon of the XIX century", "Interview with historical heroes", "Lesson - court", "Museum", etc.

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The game is an active type of activity aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which the student's self-management of personal-evaluative behavior is formed and improved.

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The game is a natural form of learning, so the teacher, organizing the game, proceeds from the natural needs of children. During the game, a balance is achieved between the child and the adult. In the game, children create their own reality, create their own world.

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Game activity functions

Entertaining Communicative Self-realization Game-therapeutic Diagnostic Correction Interethnic communications Socialization

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A pedagogical game should have the most important feature - a clearly defined goal of communication and a pedagogical result corresponding to it.

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The didactic game fulfills the following target orientations:

1) Didactic. Expands horizons, activates cognitive activity, forms necessary skills and skills, contributes to the assimilation educational material, allows you to quickly check the result. 2) Developing. Promotes the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, find analogues, make the best decision. The development of motivational orientation is activated learning activities, creativity, fantasy, imagination. 3) Educational. Moral, aesthetic positions, worldview attitudes are formed. A sense of collectivism is fostered. Develop communication skills and tolerance.

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Classification by essential game basis:

Games with rules (for example, the game "Who wants to be a millionaire"; Role-playing games (for example, a court game); Complex game systems (for example, KVN)

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Classification by structural elements of the lesson

Games for learning new material; games for fixing; games to test knowledge; educational games; relaxation games-pauses.

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The use of didactic games helps to solve the following tasks:

Development of cognitive interest in history; Deep assimilation of the material even by weak students; Activation of cognitive activity; Creation of conditions for self-expression of the individual; Increasing the creative potential of students; Variety of learning activities; Development of communication skills, a sense of collectivism, goodwill relations.

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Games when learning new material

The game "Three sentences". it simple game with some rules. It is based on a logical operation to derive the main one. The conditional component that makes the game entertaining is achieved through the rule - state this "main" in three simple sentences. One of the game options is working with printed text. It can be a paragraph from a textbook paragraph or a document. After reading the text, students convey its content in three simple sentences. The winner is the one whose story is shorter, while the content is accurately conveyed.

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Game "Tree of Wisdom"

Students learn to ask questions about the historical material being studied. At the lesson, when new material is being studied, the children are given the task: in the course of explaining or working with the text, write down on three sheets of paper three questions of different difficulty levels and tasks for it. After studying the material, the leaflets are handed over. The most interesting ones are evaluated, drawn up in the form of "apples" or "leaves" and attached to the "Tree of Wisdom" (red tasks - for "5", yellow - for "4", green - for "3"); in the next lessons, when testing knowledge, the called students “pluck” the fruit or leaf, read the question and answer it.

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Game "Clean Board"

To organize it, before explaining the new material, questions are written at different ends of the board, which can be expressed both in the usual form and in a diagram, date, map, picture. They must be built on the material new topic. The teacher reports that in the course of explaining the material, students will participate in the game: “Look at the blackboard, it is filled with various questions. The answers to them are contained in my story. I will ask from time to time if you are ready to answer any question. If you give an answer to it, then this question is erased. The goal in this game is to keep the board clean by the end of the lesson.”

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Didactic games for consolidation, repetition and generalization of historical material

The game "Restoration". For the game, a text is selected (easy to understand) on the topic being studied. Each sentence (word) is written on a new line. It carries an independent semantic load. Then the text is cut into strips so that one sentence (word) is placed on each. The strips are mixed and placed in an envelope. This is a blank for the game, which is used as an individual task. The student must restore the text (sentence). You can write a certain letter in the corner of each strip so that, if done correctly, the word would be added (“well done”, “correctly”, etc.)

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Game "Anagrams"

It can be designed on any topic, for example, on the topic "Culture Ancient Greece". The game will require knowledge of ancient Greek playwrights. These are the names of playwrights in which the order of the letters is broken. It is necessary to restore the order of letters and write the resulting name. For example: LISHHE, DIPIEVR, NAFASTIRO, LOFOX (Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Sophocles.) complex The game allows you to fix words in a fun way to memorize.

The game stimulates the development of the mental abilities of students, as it includes: both the unobtrusive presentation of monotonous information, and the opportunity to creatively express themselves, get the desired result while gaining both knowledge and skills.

The game dilutes and unobtrusively includes students in the process of obtaining sometimes difficult theoretical knowledge, making it possible to bypass the idea of ​​not being able to assimilate seemingly complex information.

The game contributes to the cognitive activity of the student, makes it possible not only to get a result in the form of a mark, but also to feel like a winner, which is important for the formation of normal self-esteem. During the game, it is important to make it clear to children that if they lose, they still acquire something new for themselves: for example, skills in working with text, information. Opportunity thanks to acquired new knowledge and skills next time. It is extremely important that the games are periodically repeated, alternating and diluted with new games. Not all games used for the first time pass the "examination" of schoolchildren, but those that are still interested remain in the teacher's practice for a long time.

So, for example, successful games "Guess the person" or "cipher". Games occupying whole lesson require careful preparation and may not always meet all the objectives of the lesson, so their use is more relevant for extracurricular activities than during a regular lesson. It is advisable to use games in the lesson for no more than seven minutes and are different at different stages of the same lesson.

During the game, it is important to follow the rules. The rules of the game should correspond to the purpose of the lesson and the individual abilities of the students. Game actions are regulated by the rules of the game and contribute to the cognitive activity of students, help to reveal their abilities, apply the acquired knowledge and skills. The rules should be the same for everyone. The meaning and form of the game are understandable and feasible for students. If they are not thought out, this complicates the understanding of the meaning of the game and causes indifference, gives a completely opposite result. The rules determine the way of action and sequence, impose requirements on the behavior and interaction of children during the game.

The teacher during the game must control the actions of students, compliance with the rules, guide, encourage, prevent the possibility of conflict situations. Violations of the rules are controlled and a remark is made, however, the remark should not take much time to take away from the game process. So, you can give memos to the participants on the casts, or pronounce the rules, supplement them with new ones together with the children. Summing up the game, conduct it in the form of a reasoned self-assessment or mutual assessment.

Summing up the reflections, we can say that no most best method or the methodology will not lead to success if they are not passed through the prism of the teacher's consciousness and do not acquire something new, that feature of character, temperament, habitual rhythm that is characteristic of each teacher's personality. Any game should be organically implemented and accepted by the participants of the educational process directly, while maintaining the same favorable climate in the classroom as usual.

Purpose of the game: to develop interest in native history, in the past of Russia.

The game is played by two teams:

1st team - "Archaeologists";

2nd team - "Restorers".

Epigraph for the game:

History does not tolerate vanity,

Difficult is this folk path,

Its pages are covered in blood

You can't love with a thoughtless love

And it is impossible not to love without memory.

Yaroslav Smelyakov

Game progress

I. opening speech teachers.

Dear Guys! Today we will go to wonderful world stories. You have already got acquainted with the "time tape", with the history of the emergence of the calendar, writing, and various things that we still use now. Today we are going to play Lucky case". The theme of the game is history.

Your task is to remember everything studied and read earlier and protect the honor of your team.

I present the commands:

1st team - "Archaeologists".

2nd team - "Restorers".

Who are archaeologists? Restorers?

The epigraph of the game will be these wonderful words of Yaroslav Smelyakov. (The teacher reads the epigraph written on the blackboard or poster.)

Questions for the first team.

1. Time span of 100 years. (Century)

2. 1564 - the beginning of book printing in Russia. What century is this? (16th century)

3. What was the name of the first house of man? (Cave.)

4. What century do you live in? (21 century.)

5. What were the rulers of Egypt called? (Pharaoh.)

6. What is a zipun? (Clothing.)

7. The front side of the coin. (Obverse.)

8. What are hieroglyphs? (Egyptian characters for writing.)

9. In 988 Prince Vladimir the Red Sun baptized Russia. What century was it? (10th century)

10. Material for writing from reed sheets. (Papyrus.)

Questions for the second team.

1. Time span of 12 months (Year)

2. 1380 - this year the Battle of Kulikovo took place. What century is this? (14th century)

3. Palace and fortress of very rich people of the Middle Ages. (Lock.)

4. What century were your parents born in? (20th century.)

5. Who ruled in Russia? (Tsar.)

6. What is a wardrobe? (A piece of furniture.)

7. Reverse side of the coin. (Reverse)

8. What are the signs for writing in Russia called? (Letters.)

9. Moscow was founded in 1147. (First mention in chronicle). What century was it? (12th century)

10. Processed calf skins that were used for writing (Parchment.)

III. The second game "You - to me, I - to you."

Teams ask each other questions that they have prepared in advance.

IV. The third game "Troubles from the barrel."

There are kegs from the logo with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 in the box. Children take out a number, the teacher reads the task. 1 minute is given for discussion.

1. What is the subject?

The shape of the square of this object was established by the French king Louis XVI, who issued a decree on September 23, 1784. According to the order, "the length of this object must be equal to its width," since the former oval shape was very uneconomical. And the very first information about this subject dates back to the III century BC. Even then, the Greek and Roman patricians used them quite widely. In the 13th and 14th centuries, this thing was in great demand among Parisian fashionistas, turning into a kind of fan. And very often this object was impregnated with spirits. (Handkerchief.)

2. This is one of the most ancient drinks: it was first mentioned in a manuscript dating back to 2700 BC. He came to Russia from Mongolia in 1638, when Atlyn Khan sent 4 pounds of “this” as a gift to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich?

The drink is prepared from the leaves of a shrub plant, but wild varieties are trees up to 15 m high. In China and Japan, “it” is also used as a seasoning for dishes, and in Burma for making salad. The fruits of "this" are rich in oil, which may well replace olive oil. (Tea.)

Eastern wisdom: “Fresh tea is like a balm, left overnight is like a poisonous snake!”

3. Scene (children act out).

It is only surprising to Prince Yuri Vladimirovich why Kuchko, the local prince, does not meet him, does not honor him. He sent a warrior for Kuchk. (Kuchko, a soldier, enters.)

Dolgoruky. Why don't you meet, don't show honor? Are you inviting me, the Grand Duke, to the mansion?

Kuchko. I didn't know, sir, that you were coming, so I didn't meet you. I don’t call to the mansions, because the old mansions were swept away, new ones were not built, we ourselves live in a barn.

Dolgoruky. You have good villages, rich ones.

Kuchko. Rich.

Dolgoruky. Know that the fields will give birth to bury.

Kuchko. Good.

Dolgoruky. Is the river fishy?

Kuchko. And the river is full of fish.

Dolgoruky. And what is the name of the river?

Kuchko. Moscow.

Dolgoruky. What does this name mean?

Kuchko. Named not by us, but by those who lived before us. We ourselves do not understand what it means.

As you know, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky founded our current capital - Moscow. We watched the Grand Duke's meeting with Kuchko, the owner of the land where the prince later built Moscow.

Question: What happened to Kuchko? What is his fate?

(The boyar Stepan Ivanovich Kuchko was killed on the orders of Dolgorukov as not submitting, and the son of Yuri Andrei took the beautiful daughter of Kuchko as his wife.)

4. Ivan I Danilovich, Prince of Moscow was a smart and very cunning person. He was known as frugal, even stingy. He accumulated a lot of wealth. In his will, he pursued a policy - not to split up the land of Moscow. Let the younger ones bow their heads before one, the eldest prince in their family. In his wills, Ivan Danilovich listed in detail all sorts of little things - silk and other junk (fabrics, clothes), every single precious stone. Before leaving, he explained to his sons and wife in which casket what is stored, and where the caskets are, and what seals they are sealed with, and where the keys to them are, and so on and so forth ... Here is a list of only gold items that are mentioned in the last testament Ivan Danilovich:

gold chains - 12,

valuable belts - 9,

golden bowls - 6,

golden charms - 2,

golden dish, with pearls and stones - 1,

golden vessels - 4,

golden box - 1,

golden hat - 1.

And he called the people of Prince Ivan Danilovich Kalita.

Question. What does the word "caliga" mean? (A bag or a stone on a strap.)

V. The fourth game "Dark Horse".

Questions are asked by another teacher or parents. Questions for both teams.

1 Crossword guessing. Students guess the crossword themselves, in case of difficulty, you can turn to the audience, but for this the team is reduced by 1 point.

(For this competition maximum amount points - 7.)

1) The name of Prince Dolgorukov, who founded Moscow. (Yuri.)

2) How many years is one century? (One hundred.)

3) Recording events by years. (Chronicle.)

4) The capital of Russia. (Moscow.)

5) The distinctive sign of the state, city, class, depicted on coins, seals. (Coat of arms.)

6) What did the Egyptians write on? (Papyrus.)

7) The hereditary name of the family, which is added to the personal name. (Surname.)

Keyword: story.

2. Determine where the ancient Greek vase, Russian ladle, royal goblet.

3. Help these people sit in their chair. Connect the image of a person with a chair.

VI. Fifth game "Five questions".

One team leaves our class, questions are asked to the one in the class, then to the second team.

1. What is the name of the Greek large vessel for wine?

Three possible answers (on cards):

2) crater;

3) amphora.

Answer: amphora.

2. What was the name of the city of Volgograd before?

Answer: Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad.

3. What is the name of the inscription on the coins?

Three possible answers (on cards):

2) Legend.

3) Coin.

Answer: legend.

4 Why are the Slavic brothers Cyril and Methodius famous?

Answer: They created the Slavic alphabet, that is, the alphabet, in the 9th century.

5. In what year was the city of Tsaritsyn founded? Three response options:

Answer: 1589.

VII. Final word teachers, rewarding winners.

All participants are awarded with prizes and certificates.