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Alexei Batalov is a talented Soviet and Russian actor, screenwriter, director and teacher. He became famous for his brilliant roles in the films The Cranes Are Flying and Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears. His movie heroes have become the pride of the national cinema.

After completing his acting career, he began teaching at VGIK, passing on all his knowledge to the new generation.

The childhood of Alexei Batalov

Alexey Batalov was born in Vladimir, in a creative family. His parents - Vladimir Batalov and Nina Olshevskaya - worked at the Moscow Art Theater. All childhood memories of the future actor were associated primarily with the theater.

In the 30s, Alexei's parents divorced. The second time his mother married the writer Viktor Ardov. Already an adult, Batalov always speaks of his stepfather with warmth and respect, because Ardov took care of his stepson as if he were his own son, trying to raise a highly moral person out of him. By the way, the famous comedian Anna Ardova is his niece.

It was not easy for the newly-made family at first, since they lived next to Victor's first wife. But after a few years they bought new apartment and settled in the house of writers. Stars of Soviet cinema and great creators often visited the Ardovs: Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Osip Mandelstam. Undoubtedly, they influenced the formation of the personality of the future actor.

In 1941, Alexei's childhood ended abruptly - the war came ... Mother and son were evacuated to Bugulma (Tataria). And even there, the woman did not change her profession, organizing a small theater on her own. 14-year-old Alexey helped his mother, and gradually took on small small roles.

Education of Alexei Batalov

Alexei Batalov grew up in such an elevated artistic environment that he simply could not have any doubts about future profession. The only thing he was not sure about was his abilities, because, he believed, there was nothing to do on the stage of the theater without real talent.

With the end of the war, the family returned to Moscow, where Alexei graduated from high school and entered the Moscow Art Theater. After graduating in 1950, he worked for the next three years in the theater of the Soviet Army.

Professional development of Alexei Batalov

For the first time, Alexei Batalov appeared on the movie screen back in school years. In 1944, he played in a film about the Soviet partisan Kosmodemyanskaya (Zoya, directed by Leo Arnshtam). The next work in the cinema followed only 10 years later, after leaving the army theater. She turned out to be the role of a worker from the film "Big Family" by Joseph Kheifits. Looking ahead, we note that the cooperation between the actor and the director turned out to be very fruitful: in 1955, Batalov played in the film “The Rumyantsev Case”, in 1960 - in the film “The Lady with the Dog”, and in 1964 the picture “Day of Happiness” was released. Heifitz directed all of these works.

In 1957 Alexei Batalov and T atiana Samoilova appeared in the lead roles in the military melodrama The Cranes Are Flying. The amazingly emotional film made a splash even at the Cannes Film Festival, winning the main award - the Palme d'Or.

In the future, Batalov played a variety of roles - ordinary students, workers, soldiers. However, all of his heroes possessed common feature- intelligence and fortitude. Separately worth only the main role in the film "Lady with a Dog", based on the story of the same name Anton Chekhov. The picture deservedly won many awards, but it was not easy for the actor to cope with the image of Gurov.

The versatility of the talents of Alexei Batalov: career development

Alexey Batalov did not limit himself to only one area of ​​​​activity. Since the early 60s, the actor began to get involved in directing. In total, he made three films: The Overcoat (1959), Three Fat Men (1966) and The Gambler (1972). Many critics recognize the film “Three Fat Men” as the most successful, where Alexei also acted as an actor and director. Screen adaptation classical work distinguished by a reverent attitude to the author's text, as well as the presence of numerous tricks without insurance. Batalov himself played the role of a tightrope walker and independently performed an extremely dangerous trick.

Alexey Batalov about the film "Three Fat Men"

An important place in the life of Batalov was occupied by radio shows. Thanks to the new hobby of the actor, well-known radio performances appeared: “A Hero of Our Time” by Mikhail Lermontov, “Cossacks” by Leo Tolstoy, “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare and many others.

Since 1974, the actor has been voicing cartoons. The audience could hear his voice in the most famous Soviet cartoons: "Hedgehog in the Fog", "Traveling Frog", "Keys to Time". Since 1975, Batalov taught at VGIK, and in 1980 he received a professorship and headed one of the departments.

Thus, we can safely say that Alexei Batalov has long been one of perhaps the most striking figure in Russian cinema. So it may seem strange to someone that in 1979 a brilliant actor decided to play in a seemingly quite ordinary melodrama Vladimir Menshov. Nevertheless, the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" was eventually disassembled into quotes and became an adornment of Russian cinema.

The director carefully selected the actor for the role of Gosha, but only Alexey turned out to be convincing. And who could play the role of a simple locksmith more naturally, easily getting acquainted with public transport with a woman who strictly educates the younger generation, sometimes drinking, but at the same time able to fall in love with women all over the country? Another actor, a different manner or even a look could turn this sincere character into an ordinary boor. Admirable and charming Vera Alentova, the wife of Menshov, who played the main female role- "Iron Lady" Ekaterina Tikhomirova.

In 1981, Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears was awarded the American Film Academy Award. "Oscar" in the nomination "Best Foreign Film" was a confirmation of the genius of the tape. On this film, Batalov practically ended his acting career, devoting time to teaching and voice acting for animated films. Among his recent acting works: "Speed", "Bridal Umbrella", "Dossier of a Man in a Mercedes", "Poltergeist-90". Alexey Batalov also appeared with a cameo in the remake of the film Eldara Ryazanova"Carnival Night: 50 Years Later".

Personal life of Alexei Batalov

The first time Alexei Batalov married very early - he was barely 16 years old. Perhaps that is why the marriage was not strong. His chosen one was the girl Irina Rotova, daughter of the artist Konstantin Rotov, familiar to the actor since childhood. Soon the young family had a daughter, Nadia. Her birth coincided with the career rise of Alexei: he constantly worked, and there was no time left for his wife and child. Family ties could not stand such tests, and when the daughter was three years old, the couple broke up. Unfortunately, Batalov's relationship with his eldest daughter did not work out, and subsequently they practically did not communicate.

The second chosen one of Batalov was the circus artist Gitana Leontenko. She worked in the circus from the age of 4 and masterfully performed deadly numbers. The actor saw her during circus performance and fell in love with no memory. For many years they met sporadically, without mutual obligations, until in 1963 they were married.

This union turned out to be lasting, happiness was overshadowed only by the illness of her daughter Masha (born in 1968), who suffered from cerebral palsy. As the parents believed, the girl received a terrible illness due to a medical error during childbirth. Gitana was forced to leave her job and devote herself to the child. And the actor himself gradually fenced himself off from other people and even close relatives. He dedicated his entire life to caring for his wife and daughter. His efforts have borne worthy fruit. Maria Alekseevna has many achievements - she does charity work, is a member of the Writers' Union, writes scripts; one of them was filmed ("The House on the Promenade des Anglais").

Alexey Batalov. I don't bargain with fate"

Death of Alexei Batalov

Even in old age, Alexei Batalov was engaged in teaching activities. He was always very demanding in his work and was firmly convinced that an actor should play heroes who are able to teach and improve society.

In the press, reports sometimes appeared about Batalov's rather limited material possibilities. The actor worked all his life not so much for the sake of money, but for the love of art, and therefore he did not amass huge capital. But he did not worry about himself and did not complain, because he lived a bright, interesting and worthy life.

He spent the last six months of his life in a hospital bed in a Moscow clinic, recovering from surgery (in January 2017, he was diagnosed with a hip fracture). The death of the actor became known on the morning of June 15, 2017. At 6:00 Moscow time, his heart stopped. According to relatives, Alexei Batalov died in his sleep: he fell asleep in the evening and never woke up again. He was 88 years old.

In Moscow on Thursday, June 15, at the age of 88, People's Artist of the USSR Alexei Batalov died. The actor died in a Moscow hospital.

About this paper reported close friend artist Vladimir Ivanov.

Information about the death of the actorBatalov's relatives confirmed.

"Yes, we confirm that Alexei Vladimirovich died tonight," the actor's family said. Recently, Alexei Batalov was seriously ill. Earlier, the wife of the artist Gitan Leontenko said that he was in the hospital for two months after a double leg fracture. Later, Batalov was transferred to a rehabilitation center.

In January, the actor broke his femoral neck, in February he underwent surgery. The artist was diagnosed with complications after joint prosthetics. Doctors assessed his condition as "moderately severe". He has been in rehab since May. The day before, a priest came to Batalov's ward and gave him communion.

As Vladimir Ivanov told KP, Alexei Batalov died quietly in his sleep - he went to bed in the evening and did not wake up in the morning. Ivanov also said that Batalov died "today in the morning, in a dream." At the request of the artist's family, he did not disclose details.

Farewell to Alexei Batalov will take place at the Moscow Cinema House, Klim Lavrentyev, deputy chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, told TASS. "We have not yet determined the date. The funeral service is in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God on Ordynka, the funeral is at the Transfiguration Cemetery," he said.

Earlier that Batalov, most likely, will be buried at the Preobrazhensky cemetery of the capital, said Vladimir Ivanov. "Aleksey Vladimirovich died today between one in the morning and six in the morning in one of the boarding houses where he was recently," Ivanov said, noting that relatives asked not to indicate the name of the institution. "Yesterday Alexei Vladimirovich took communion. He passed away peacefully, in his sleep," Ivanov said. According to him, the death of the legendary actor has already been reported to the head of the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation, Nikita Mikhalkov, who will help organize the farewell and funeral of Batalov. "Alexey Vladimirovich himself asked to be buried at the Preobrazhensky cemetery next to his mother," Ivanov said.

Alexei Batalov was born on November 20, 1928 in the city of Vladimir in the family of actors Vladimir Batalov and Nina Olshevskaya. His stepfather was the satirist, playwright and screenwriter Viktor Ardov. The family home was often famous people, including the well-known poetess Anna Akhmatova.

Batalov first appeared on the stage at the age of 14 in Bugulma, where his mother created her own theater in the evacuation. A year later, he made his film debut, starring in a cameo role in Leo Arnstam's film Zoya.

Alexey Batalov played in more than 40 films, including five films by Joseph Kheifits: "Big Family", "The Rumyantsev Case", "My Dear Man", "Lady with a Dog", "Day of Happiness" - as well as in films "The Cranes Are Flying", "Nine Days of One Year", "Running", "Star of Captivating Happiness", "Purely English Murder", "Bridal Umbrella".

One of the most famous tapes with his participation is "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" by Vladimir Menshov, where he played the role of a locksmith Gosha. In 1981, the picture was awarded the "Oscar" in the nomination " Best movie on the foreign language and the State Prize of the USSR.

As a director, Alexei Batalov made three films - "The Overcoat" by Nikolai Gogol, "Three Fat Men" by Yuri Olesha together with Shapiro, "The Gambler" by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

In 1950-1953, the actor worked at the Central Theater Russian army, in 1953-1957 - at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky (now the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov).

Batalov worked a lot on the radio. Among his radio shows: "Cossacks" by Leo Tolstoy, "White Nights" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, "Duel" by Alexander Kuprin, "A Hero of Our Time" by Mikhail Lermontov, "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare.

In 1975, Alexei Batalov became a teacher at the All-Russian State Institute cinematography (VGIK). Since 1980 - professor at VGIK. In 1963 for Feature Film"9 days of one year" Batalov was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR. The Lenin Komsomol Prize for creating images of a young man in the films "My Dear Man", "9 Days of One Year", "The Cranes Are Flying" and others was awarded to the actor in 1967. Prize of the Vasiliev brothers - in 1968.

In 1976, Alexei Batalov was awarded the honorary title People's Artist USSR.

In 1979, Batalov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. The actor was awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Slavic Order of Culture "Cyril and Methodius". Laureate of the Juno Prize for 1997, the Kinotavr Prize in the nomination "Awards for creative career"for 1997.

In 2002, Batalov was awarded the country's main film award "Nika" in the "Honor and Dignity" nomination. In 2008, he became the first winner of the "Generation Recognition" prize, awarded to him at the VGIK Film Festival.


In the long list of a galaxy of talented Russian actors Alexey Batalov occupies a special place. He was original, intelligent and talented. His gosh from cult film“Moscow does not believe in tears” by Vladimir Menshov has become for many women the embodiment of all male virtues. But the actor loved a single woman all his life. Alexey Batalov died at the age of 88 on June 15, 2017.

Environment that shaped the talent

Alexey Batalov was born in the city of Vladimir, Moscow Region on November 20, 1928. When the boy was 5 years old, his parents divorced. Mother Nina Olshevskaya eventually married the satirist Viktor Ardov and moved with her son to him in Moscow. At first it was not easy - I lived in an apartment nearby ex-wife Ardova. Over time, they bought their own apartment and moved to the house of writers, where they often met with Boris Pasternak and Anna Akhmatova.

With the outbreak of the war, Lesha and his mother were evacuated to Tatarstan. There, Nina organized a small theater, and 14-year-old Alexei helped her in everything. He played his first small roles there. When the war ended, they returned to Moscow, where Batalov finished his studies at school and entered the Moscow Art Theater - creative environment family decided this choice. In 1950, studies were over and the young actor entered the Theater Soviet army and worked there for three years. In 1954 he made his film debut - the film "Zoya". The next role had to wait until Iosif Kheifits invited him to star in his film "Big Family". Later they still met on the set of the films “The Rumyantsev Case”, “Day of Happiness”, Lady with a Dog”. For the last role of Gurov, Batalov was awarded many Russian and foreign awards.

Gosh, he's Goga, he's Zhora

But real success and fame came after the film "The Cranes Are Flying". The film "Nine Days of One Year" in 1966 was the reason to receive the State Prize of the RSFSR. After that, Alexei Vladimirovich began to devote more time to dubbing and directing. In the 70s, he returned to the screens. The pictures “Running”, the Star of Captivating Happiness” allowed the audience to meet again on the screen with their favorite actor. And in 1980, the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, a landmark for him, was released, which won an Oscar in the nomination “Best Foreign Language Film”. Then there was the State Prize of the USSR. But this was not the climax - such grandiose works awaited ahead, like the films "Stalin's Funeral", "Speed", a remix for "Carnival Night", where Batalov played himself.

Batalov's personal life: two wives, two daughters

In the life of Alexei Vladimirovich there were two marriages. The first is fleeting - he was only 16 when the decision came to marry his childhood friend Irina. She was the daughter of K. Rotov, famous painter. They had a daughter, Nadia. But this period coincided with the beginning of active acting career. The young husband could not be torn and devote time to the theater, cinema and his wife and daughter. Batalov himself admitted that he was a useless father for Nadenka. The marriage predictably ended after 3 years. And the relationship no longer developed - Batalov did not communicate with his wife and daughter. They met at most once a year.

Maybe as a punishment or for the opportunity to correct this mistake, Batalov had a second daughter - Mashenka. She was born in marriage to a circus rider Gitana Leontenko. They married in 1963 and the couple had a daughter diagnosed with cerebral palsy. They say it's the result of a medical error. The girl demanded increased attention and Gitana soon retired from her career, devoting herself entirely to raising her daughter. Father also tried to devote as much time as possible to Masha. And it has borne fruit. Despite such a terrible diagnosis, she was able to become a full-fledged member of society, graduate from VGIK, become a writer and screenwriter. She was accepted into the Writers' Union of Russia.

Why did Batalov die?

Alexei Batalov died at the age of 88 in his sleep. And although the age was solid, no one expected this. 5 months before that, Aleksey Vladimirovich had undergone a joint prosthesis operation after a leg injury, was undergoing rehabilitation at the central clinical rehabilitation hospital of the Goluboye sanatorium and was on the mend.

On the night of June 15, 2017, Batalov died peacefully in his sleep. The reason is sudden death. Friends said that the day before the priest came to him. They talked for a long time, the actor was communed after confession. And he fell asleep and did not wake up - death in a dream is considered easy and a gift for a worthily lived life. Farewell to the popular favorite took place on June 19 with the participation and assistance of Nikita Mikhalkov. They buried Alexei Vladimirovich next to his mother at the Preobrazhensky cemetery.