Rules of conduct in the theater around the world 2. Summary of classes on extracurricular activities on the topic: “Rules of conduct in the theater

Targets and goals

- develop Creative skills children;

- repeat the rules of conduct in the theater;

- develop the ability to work in a team.

preliminary work

All children, except for the "artists", are involved in the preparation of the lesson - the production of visual material.

The first team - these are the artists - is preparing a mini-performance "On a Polite Clearing".

The second team - decorators - makes the scenery.

The third team is the maintenance staff. They all have signs with the name of their position in the theater:

- cashier

- ticket clerk

- cloakroom attendant

- barmaid

- Software vendor.

The fourth team is the audience. They go to the box office and buy tickets. Then they slowly hand over their clothes to the cloakroom and approach the usher, who tears off the ticket and invites them into the auditorium. Children take their places and get acquainted with the program of the play.

Class hour progress

Applause sounds. The curtain opens and the play begins. The Good Fairy appears.

Fairy. Hello girls and boys! Are you polite guys? (Answers of children.) And now we will check it!

Listen to a story about a boy. If you think his act is polite, then raise your hands up, and if you think that he is impolite, even rude, then clap your hands loudly.

Two artists take the stage. One portrays the main character, and the other reads a poem about him.


This boy is so fearless

It flies forward.

On the way, a pencil

Will take from someone.

The girl is quiet, weak

Feel free to grab the badge.

Is it a crime

Shoulder push the girl?

In between times

He will give someone a crack.

This boy is the bravest.

Maybe he is familiar to you?

Fairy. Do you have such boys? (Children's answers.)

Two girls come out and stage a poem by L. Barto "Lyubochka".

Fairy. How would a well-bred girl behave in Lyubochka's place? (Answers from the audience.)

Girls come out and sing ditties.


Aunt Vera asked

Climb Yura to the attic.

“Sorry, aunt Vera,

I'm not your farmhand at all."

Kolya quarrels with friends,

He throws his fists into action.

At the bully under the eyes

The bruises don't go away.

The train includes three juniors:

- Wow, how many people are here!

Take your seats guys

And then the grandmothers will take it!

The lazy mother says:

- Make your bed!

- I would, mom, removed,

Only I'm still small!

Fairy. For all viewers, the task is to compose and record a ditty about ignoramuses and rude people. Best Authors will receive prizes.

A group of "artists" comes out and reads a poem by S. Marshak "If you are polite."

1st child.

If you are polite

And not deaf to conscience

You are the place without protest

Give in to the old woman.

2nd child.

If you are polite

That, sitting in the classroom,

You won't be with a friend

To crackle like two magpies.

3rd child.

And if you are polite

then you are in the library

Nekrasov and Gogol

Take not forever.

4th child.

And if you are polite

Will you return the book?

In neat, unstained

And the whole binding.

5th child.

May all boys and girls

All the naughty kids

Today they will say loudly:

"Be polite always!"

"Artists" take a bow. All children stand up, shout "Bravo!", "Bis!" and applaud. Then one at a time they solemnly go out, heading to the dressing room, sit down in their seats and analyze their work.


Teacher. What did you understand for yourself when you found yourself in the role of an artist, decorator, theater employees? What are the rules of conduct in the theatre?

There is a discussion of the topic, the results are summed up.

Theater is wonderful world. I think that today you have a little better understanding of the people who work in the theater, and when you come into this world, you will definitely follow the rules. Then the performance will bring you a lot of new and joyful things.

Lisa Lerner

9 min.

In order for your men to behave like true gentlemen in the theater, show them these simple rules etiquette that will make all your subsequent visits to the theater unforgettable!

Theater begins with a hanger

1. Upon entering the theater, show your lady to the wardrobe

After you have opened the solid door of a solid theater and let the lady go ahead, do not be nervous. You won't have to look for a wardrobe for a long time. As a rule, it is located immediately after the lobby.

A girl is always pleased when a man helps her with a coat. Women usually don't get used to this. It is especially pleasant when a man quickly takes the initiative in helping with outerwear, avoiding an awkward pause when the girl is still waiting for this, but he completely forgot. After all, it is so pleasant for a girl every time (!) To make a surprised face and whisper a little audibly: “Oh, thank you!”

3. Hand over the lady's things to the cloakroom attendant

Don't make a girl hold her coat while you undress!

4. Undress yourself and check in your belongings

There is no need to explain anything here. And if necessary, it is too early for you to read this article.


Common mistake:

Darling, will you put it in your purse?

No, they won't. This is against etiquette.

2. A man keeps his license plates in his pocket.

Twisting a number on your finger is like putting your little finger away when you bite off a sandwich or hold on to a glass. Or do you want to surprise someone with the fact that you have it?

Feel at ease

In order to feel right in the theater, first of all, you need to think in advance about your appearance. Remember once and for all. YES, your jeans are very fashionable, but you will still have plenty of opportunities to show them off at a party, in a restaurant and on a walk. Imagine for a second that your grandfather would take your grandmother to the theater in jeans. Nonsense! Theatrical clothes are special clothes, they should hang in the wardrobe and wait in the wings. For men, this is a white freshly ironed (!) shirt, tie and suit, in the case of a gala evening or premiere - a tuxedo.

The only allowable exception is tourists. They ran to the theater after a day of excursions. For them, by the way, you are an example of how a Russian theater should look like. And we, for our part, should only rejoice at their desire to be here and not condemn them.

Even if you came to the theater by car, it is difficult to get to the theater in Moscow weather without getting your shoes dirty. In order for your shoes to be clean during the next 2.5 hours that you will spend in the theater, and you do not have to make excuses to others and the girl, as in the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", purchase a compact sponge in advance, which you can easily wipe off the fresh dirt in the toilet. Today, by the way, special boots with galoshes are on sale! They will protect your shoes from dirt. For galoshes, you can prepare a separate bag in advance and put them together with outerwear in the wardrobe.

The man has already brought the lady to the theatre. This means she has already accepted his invitation. So enjoy now! Walk around the foyer, see the internal exhibition (The theater always has an internal museum, a gallery of portraits of theater workers, sometimes there is an exhibition of theatrical costumes). Stay straight, let the lady lean on your arm, smile. Remember, the performance has already begun, just before the third bell, its actors are you.

How to enter the auditorium

The fact is that it is he who leads the woman to the theater, and not she him. An alternative option, when a man runs ahead in order to enter the hall as soon as possible, and his lady, stumbling on the carpet, nervously tries to keep up with him in her heels, is wrong. Everything must be in harmony.

2. A man presents tickets to the ticket inspector

Tickets are stored all this time with him.

3. The man goes to the seats first

The lady follows him. If the seats are in the middle, then walk with your back to the stage and facing the audience.

4. A man helps a lady sit down

To do this, he lowers the seat of the chair down. Show gallantry once again. In the feminist 21st century, every opportunity to be a gentleman should be seized!

What to do if you are late

1. Don't be nervous

We live in a metropolis and this happens. Do not wind yourself up before the performance. After all, you're going to have fun. If it so happens that you are late, then accept it with courage.

2. Turn off your mobile phone

And a second spare cell phone. And if there's a third one that no one usually ever calls, that one too. Rest assured, today, according to the law of meanness, they will definitely call. As Ingeborga Dapkunaite once said when she hosted a concert as part of the Cherry Forest: If you have already turned off your mobile phone, please turn it off again!

If you have already turned off your mobile phone, please turn it off again!

Why is it important to remember this when you are late? Because if you had not been late, you would have been reminded of this by a voice after the third call. And so this article reminds you.

3. Apologize to the controller

If your tickets are for the parterre, then after the third bell you will not be allowed into the parterre, but the controller will definitely find a place for you in the box.

4. Do not grunt or fuss

Believe me, it's better to be late and go with dignity to the seats on the side than to make your way through the entire hall with a grunt - this will cause a lot of indignation.

5. Walk towards the stage

If the controller found it possible to let you into the stalls, mezzanine or amphitheater after the lights went out, walk with your back to the audience and facing the actors. Do not forget to apologize to those sitting.

How to sit in a chair

1. Sit up straight

Do not fall apart and at the same time do not sit on the edge - you are not at home on the couch and not at a lesson in a music school.

2. Keep your legs parallel

This may seem archaic, but in the theater it is indecent to cross your legs, and even more so to sit with your legs wide apart.

3. Don't look at people through binoculars

You took it in order to better see the scene and the emotions of the actors. As a last resort, in order to go after the performance to the wardrobe without a queue. You are probably in a hurry.

4. Get up to let people into their seats

Don't get angry about it.

5. Do not applaud before the performance

People who do not know etiquette applaud. It is appropriate to applaud at a concert in order to hurry the artist out. In the theater, the performance begins after 15 "theatrical minutes"; after its intended start.

How to behave during a performance

Even if it's candy with a picture of the theater or this chewing gum that sponsors the performance. It is only permissible to take a small bottle of water with you to the hall and drink it.

2. Try not to speak even in a whisper

If you try hard, you will succeed.

3. If you see someone misbehaving

Don't remark to anyone. Leave it to the grandmothers, who want to communicate in this way. Do not spoil the mood for yourself or others. If an unbearable child sits in front of you by the will of fate, then you are simply out of luck.

4. Your armrest is right

The left armrest is the sacred property of the neighbor on the left. If you want to sit "in seats with increased comfort", then choose the side seats on the left - there are guaranteed both armrests are yours.

How to behave during intermission

1. Don't reach for your phone

There can be no greater indecency than urgently starting to check your WhatsApp during intermission. Are you saying everyone does this? Do you want to be like everyone else? The authors best books According to etiquette, they emphasize that the only reason to grab the phone is if your wife's water broke. AT this case your wife is sitting next to you and, as a rule, she is not in danger of anything like that.

Ask her what she would like. Perhaps she needs to be escorted to the bathroom, to the buffet, or she will be pleased if you walk around the lobby with her again. It is not forbidden to stay in the hall.

How to behave after the performance

1. Do not run to the wardrobe during the final bow

This always causes a negative attitude of the public towards you and misunderstanding of the artists. What did they do wrong? Killed the main character during the performance? Well, that's how the director intended it to be! Try not to pre-arrange for the evening after the theater of urgent matters so that you are not tempted to run away while others applaud.

2. Take a lady to a restaurant

Going to the theater is a holiday that needs to be completed correctly! In the restaurant, be sure to discuss the production. And it doesn't matter if it's the first date or going to the theater after 10 years. life together! Going to a restaurant after the theater is a reason for a lady to feel the second portion of enthusiastic looks (after all, she came to the theater beautiful), and for you to be proud of your companion once again.

Georgian actress Veriko Anjaparidze once said:

The theater can create a miracle with a person. He suddenly begins to understand things that he did not understand before. The art of theater changes character.

And it is possible that a man will like to behave in the theater according to the requirements of etiquette, that he will understand that this greatly facilitates his being there and makes the evening special. And it will taste. And he will begin to apply these rules in life, at receptions, celebrations, and even in the office and at home.

And even if you forget something from this list, the main thing to remember is that the role of the spectator in the theater is almost the most important. And if you suddenly did not like the performance, think about it, maybe it was you who did something wrong?

Famous Russian theater director Konstantin Stanislavsky said: "Children need to play the same way as adults, only even better."

Indeed, a child is the most attentive and trusting spectator, he subtly feels the atmosphere that the actors create, and will certainly recognize falsehood if it appears. After all, the theater for him is a whole world full of mysteries and novelty. But there are special rules of behavior in the theater for children that must be followed.

Rules of conduct in the theater for kids

Some children's performances are intended for very young spectators, they can be visited by children from the age of two. Toddlers at two years old are actively studying the world, and the performance with bright costumes and cheerful songs captivates them.

The rules of behavior in the theater for kids concern more their parents. Moms and dads walking on children's performance with your baby, you should familiarize yourself with a list of simple rules.

  • It is necessary prepare the child for the upcoming cultural event. Tell him about the theater, explain where and why you will go. Although the baby does not yet have a clue about what theater is, in his little head some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe exciting theatrical world will already take shape.
  • Try before you buy a ticket take into account the daily routine of the baby. After all, the performance will not bring joy if it coincides in time with the period when the child should sleep. In this case, the baby will be capricious and whiny. It is better to take tickets for the morning or for the afternoon, when the child has a good night's sleep, is full and satisfied.
  • Entering the theater it is better to hand over jackets and raincoats in the wardrobe. But do not forget that during the performance, small things such as wet wipes or a bottle of water may be needed.
  • There is a lot of controversy on the subject is it worth taking food to the theater for kids. Adults enjoy delicious food auditorium, of course, is forbidden, however, small children can be distracted by a small cookie if the performance turned out to be boring or long for them. This is done so that the child does not interfere with others watching the performance. Of course, you don’t need to rustle candy wrappers all over the hall or open soda water loudly, but it’s worth having a couple of cookies in your bag just in case.
  • Young children are unpredictable, and you cannot predict how your child will react when he sees this or that. fairy tale character. You have to be prepared for what the child may be frightened and cry. In this case, you should not calm the child for a long time, interfering with the actors and other spectators. It is better to immediately leave the performance and wait with trips to the theater until the time when the baby grows up.

Natalya says: “When my daughter and I went to the first in her life New Year's performance in the theater, she was only two years old. Then my husband and I were worried about whether the fidget would withstand the hour-long performance, would she be interested, would she be capricious? All fears disappeared with the first notes of the melody "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The daughter, who usually could not sit in one place even for five minutes, looked at the stage with all her eyes in surprise. During the performance, I told her in her ear where Santa Claus was and where the Snow Maiden was. She calmly sat through until the end of the performance and shared her impressions with us for a long time. The daughter, as best she could, still rather incoherently talked about the New Year tree and showed her size with gestures. My husband and I decided that we would definitely take our baby to the next children's performance.

Rules of conduct in the theater for preschoolers and schoolchildren

children preschool age who already understand a lot, the more it is necessary to instill the rules of etiquette and talk about how to behave in the theater. Children aged 3–6 do not yet go to performances unaccompanied by their parents, so there are always adults nearby who can make a remark or correct the child. But in school age children can visit the theater in a group: with their school teacher or just with friends. In any case, whether a child goes to the theater with peers or with adults, he must behave decently.

  • For cultural events you have to dress properly. It is better to choose a classic style of clothing, things should be clean and ironed. It is not customary to go to the performance in sportswear or shoes.
  • To the theatre need to arrive early. It is better to leave the house with a margin of time of half an hour, so as not to be late for the performance due to unforeseen circumstances that happened along the way.
  • After you entered the theater building, you need to leave your outerwear in the cloakroom. Politely address the cloakroom attendant and thank you for the number she gave you.
  • If you need to leave before the show starts or, conversely, go to your seat, and people are already sitting, politely ask to let you through. They will get up and raise the seats, after which you need to carefully walk past them, making sure to turn your back on the stage and face the people.

This memo will allow you to remember the rules of etiquette and always remain polite.

When you go to the theatre, you enter the world of art and culture. Therefore, it is necessary to teach your children the rules of etiquette and polite communication from an early age. By attending theatrical performances with children, you develop an aesthetic taste in them. Be polite and attentive in dealing with others, and your child will certainly follow your example!

Video: Theater etiquette

Etiquette training game for elementary school

Targets and goals

To develop the creative abilities of children;

Repeat the rules of conduct in the theater;

Develop the ability to work in a team.

preliminary work

All children, except for the "artists", are involved in the preparation of the lesson - the production of visual material.

The first team - these are the artists - is preparing a mini-performance "On a Polite Clearing".

The second team - decorators - makes scenery.

The third team is the attendants. They all have signs with the name of their position in the theater:

The fourth team is the audience. They go to the box office and buy tickets. Then they slowly hand over their clothes to the cloakroom and approach the usher, who tears off the ticket and invites them into the auditorium. Children take their places and get acquainted with the program of the play.

Class hour progress

Applause sounds. The curtain opens and the play begins. The Good Fairy appears.

Fairy. Hello girls and boys! Are you polite guys? (Answers of children.) And now we will check it!

Listen to a story about a boy. If you think his act is polite, then raise your hands up, and if you think that he is impolite, even rude, then clap your hands loudly.

Two artists take the stage. One portrays the main character, and the other reads a poem about him.


This boy is so fearless -

It flies forward.

On the way, a pencil

Will take from someone.

The girl is quiet, weak

Feel free to grab the badge.

Is it a crime

Shoulder push the girl?

In between times

He will give someone a crack.

This boy is the bravest.

Maybe he is familiar to you?

Fairy. Do you have such boys? (Children's answers.)

Two girls come out and stage a poem by L. Barto "Lyubochka".

Fairy. How would a well-bred girl behave in Lyubochka's place? (Answers from the audience.)

Girls come out and sing ditties.

Aunt Vera asked

Climb Yura to the attic.

“Sorry, aunt Vera,

I'm not your farmhand at all."

Kolya quarrels with friends,

He throws his fists into action.

At the bully under the eyes

The bruises don't go away.

The train includes three juniors:

Wow, how many people are here!

Take your seats guys

And then the grandmothers will take it!

The lazy mother says:

Make your bed!

I, mother, would remove

Only I'm still small!

Fairy. For all viewers, the task is to compose and record a ditty about ignoramuses and rude people. The best authors will receive prizes.

A group of "artists" comes out and reads a poem by S. Marshak "If you are polite."

1st child.

If you are polite

And not deaf to conscience

You are the place without protest

2nd child.

If you are polite

That, sitting in the classroom,

You won't be with a friend

To crackle like two magpies.

3rd child.

And if you are polite

then you are in the library

Nekrasov and Gogol

Take not forever.

4th child.

And if you are polite

Will you return the book?

In neat, unstained

And the whole binding.

5th child.

May all boys and girls

All the naughty kids

Today they will say loudly:

"Be polite always!"

"Artists" take a bow. All children stand up, shout "Bravo!", "Bis!" and applaud. Then one at a time they solemnly go out, heading to the dressing room, sit down in their seats and analyze their work.


Teacher. What did you understand for yourself when you found yourself in the role of an artist, decorator, theater employees? What are the rules of conduct in the theatre?

There is a discussion of the topic, the results are summed up.

Theater is an amazing world. I think that today you have a little better understanding of the people who work in the theater, and when you come into this world, you will definitely follow the rules. Then the performance will bring you a lot of new and joyful things.

Class hour "Rules of conduct in the theater", Grade 2

Lesson-conversation for students of grade 2


Learn the rules of conduct in the theater.


Consider wrong behavior in the theater, discuss mistakes, define rules of conduct.

After the conversation, you need to make a group trip to the theater.

Event progress

Teacher. You have been in public places more than once, but did you know that there are certain rules that must be followed? Did you follow them? Today we will look at the most common mistakes in the behavior of people who are in public places, and study the corresponding rules of conduct.

Teacher. Before learning any specific rules, you need to cultivate an attentive attitude towards people. Without this, no rules will help to become a well-mannered person. If you think only about how to behave without dropping your dignity, then this will not guarantee that you will not embarrass others. Good communication is possible only if people respect each other. This is rule number one. Treat people the way you would like them to treat you. This is an old rule, but only if it is observed can one say that a person really shows respect.

In order to feel confident and free in public places, you need to be developed person. Many people feel very uncomfortable when they are in an unfamiliar place - they simply do not know how it is customary to behave here. Therefore, try to read as much as possible, communicate, attend various events - this will help you feel more confident people.

Remember the main thing - good behavior is not just a pretty wrapper. Cultural behavior is inherent only to educated people who respect themselves and others.


Teacher. About what theater is, many people know firsthand. Although today young people pay more attention to cinemas, no one has yet forgotten what theater is. Not a single television program can compare with the live performance of actors and recreate one or another historical setting. The world of theater is beautiful and unique. If you have ever been to the theater, you will not be able to compare the emotions received there with anything. Plunging into the atmosphere of a theatrical performance, you forget about everything. Scenery, director's work and acting - such a magical combination helps to forget about everything. The theater can take us back hundreds and thousands of years into the past, or it can take you to the distant future. And we believe what we see, and are not surprised that animals and even inanimate objects speak on the stage.

Teacher. Theaters are different, and each type is interesting in its own way. One of the most interesting theaters is the Puppet Theatre, which has a long history. Previously, people depicted various magical creatures and sacred animals in the form of clay dolls, around which they performed various rituals, sang and danced. Hundreds of years later, it turned into a real theatrical spectacle. Today there are three types of puppet theater. One type of theater uses puppets controlled by a puppeteer. In the second form, dolls are used that are put on the hand. The third type is puppets on sticks, with which the actors play from behind a screen. If you think that puppet theater exists only for children, then you are greatly mistaken. There are special performances in puppet theater especially for the adult audience.

Another type of theater is shadow theater. Such a representation is very interesting, because it is created using cardboard pictures, which, with the help of special lighting, cast a shadow. The actors use special threads to make the shadows move. Usually such a performance is accompanied by a story and musical accompaniment.


Teacher. These two types of theater are very interesting, since the main action of the play is conveyed either through singing or through dancing. Music plays a significant role in these performances. Much of what is not said can be felt through the music. Some guys don't get excited about being invited to the opera and ballet theatre. They can even be understood, because not everyone can understand the performance they come to. We are used to seeing the action of the plot in the performance of an actor, and in these theaters it is much more difficult to perceive. But even without music education, you can tell that the opera part was difficult. It is the same in ballet: the way the dancers move at first glance suggests that they are real professionals. It is believed that before such performances you need to go through a certain base of theatrical performances.


Teacher. Most likely, your first trip to the theater was just a trip to the theater young viewer. These are performances to which we are accustomed. Usually productions in such a theater are either fairy tales or classical works by Russian or foreign authors. Thanks to visiting such performances, a true knowledge of beauty and a sense of beauty is formed in a person.

There are a lot of musicals being staged today, even classical works. In such performances, the actors sing, dance, and just play. For many, these performances are the most interesting. This is understandable, because when watching them, a person is completely immersed in the action of the performance, because it is very easily perceived. The theater of the young spectator has its own task - to expand the theatrical horizons of schoolchildren. That is why there are productions for different ages, since it will be very difficult for first-graders to understand the production for children from senior classes. In order not to get lost in a huge number of productions, you can ask the ticket attendants for advice, they will tell you which performance is right for you.


Teacher. In the last lesson, we talked about the fact that in public places you need to follow some rules of conduct. The theater is one of those places where these rules of conduct are clearly marked. Unlike the cinema, where you can put outerwear on your knees, in the theater you must leave your jackets in the cloakroom, you can’t enter the hall after the third bell. In addition, there are many more nuances that are directly related to watching a performance, so today we will devote our lesson to behavior in the theater.


Teacher. First, let's listen to one little story. I hope none of you recognize yourself in it. But if someone seemed very familiar to you, then try to look at him from the outside, perhaps some actions will seem funny to you, and some very deplorable.

One of the students is reading.

Imagine this situation: three guys were going to go to theatrical performance. Which one - it does not matter to them at all, because it was their parents who forced them to go. They bought the first ticket they saw. The performance starts in the evening, so in order not to be late, they will have to go to the theater right after school without going home. Since their last lesson is physical education, they decided that time should not be wasted, so they went to the theater right in tracksuits. At the entrance to the theater, the guys handed their tickets to the ticket inspector and quickly went to the cloakroom to undress. Pushing other people aside, they handed over their belongings and went to the auditorium.

So they enter the hall, begin to look for their seats. The second bell rang, but the guys still hadn't sat down. Then the hall attendant comes up to them and tells them where their seats are located. After they finally sat down, the guys saw their acquaintances at the other end of the hall. They start calling frantically and waving their arms, hoping that their friends will notice them, but all efforts are in vain. When it got dark in the hall and the curtain opened, the guys start to get sandwiches out of their big backpacks. Loudly champing and discussing the costumes of the characters, they continue to watch the performance as if nothing had happened. In order not to eat dry food, the guys decided to open a bottle of sparkling water, which shook a little on the way to the theater. They splashed themselves and sprayed their neighbors. After the guys have quenched their thirst, they continue to discuss the action of the play, loudly commenting on each phrase that they liked. They continued to do this until the curtain closed and an intermission was announced. During the break, the guys went to the buffet. Pushing everyone aside, they managed to get ahead. Only at the checkout, the guys began to think what they want to buy. When the choice was made and they paid, they sat down at a table. The table was designed for five people, and there were only three of them, the other two chairs were occupied by their large backpacks. Other spectators constantly passed by them, who could not find a place to sit down, but the guys continued to sit as if nothing had happened. Already rang last call and the guys still haven't finished their tea in the buffet. When they finished and approached the auditorium, the attendants did not let them through, since the action had already begun. And besides, their behavior was ugly during the performance. But the guys, not a bit upset, ran to the wardrobe to pick up their things. Satisfied that they fulfilled the desire of their parents and went to the theater, they fled to their homes. And the question is: why did they come?

Teacher. Now it seems to you that this is an absurd situation, that this does not happen in life. This is where you are wrong. Nothing is perfect, but we all make mistakes. Surely you yourself at least once were late for a performance, or rustled with some kind of bag, came dressed not in the most solemn way. If you have not done such things, then you can praise yourself. But those guys about whom we just listened to the story should not be praised. Let's discuss what they did wrong?


Teacher. And now let's analyze the trip to the theater in more detail. People go to theatrical premieres to enhance your internal culture. People should have a need and interest to go to a performance, and being forced to go is a disastrous thing, as we have now seen. Let's try to consider in detail each stage: from buying a ticket to the theater to behavior during the performance. Why do you think it is so important to consider behavior in the theater at every stage?

Teacher. If you buy a ticket for a performance without knowing anything about it, then it is quite possible that you will not like it from the very beginning, so it will be difficult for you to watch it to the end. And because you can't focus on the performance, you'll start doing other things, distracting others, and getting in the way of the artists themselves. That is why you need to be careful from the very beginning.


Teacher. So you're about to go theatrical production. Before going to a play, try to learn more about the play itself. If possible, then buy a program - it contains all the information on the production: from the author of the play to the actors who play the roles. By the way, many plays are staged based on the works of the classics, so try to read the work before you go to the performance. You will develop your own vision of the work. When you read a work, you imagine only images, but on the stage you will see images in the interpretation of the director. It is possible that they will be different from yours.

Before you buy a ticket for a performance, be sure to familiarize yourself with the floor plan, which usually hangs near the box office window. It is best to choose seats that are in the middle of the hall. Why do you think the "golden mean" - the best option for the viewer?

Teacher. Usually, during rehearsals, the director of the play chooses a place in the middle of the back, since all the nuances are visible from there: from the location of the scenery to the actors. When looking at the stage from the side, some large objects can obscure what is happening. If you did not manage to take the nearest places, then you should not be upset. You can take theatrical binoculars, which will help you see even the smallest details.


Teacher. It is customary to dress formally in the theater. Today, this rule is no longer so relevant, and it is quite acceptable to come to a performance in jeans. However, choosing this democratic option, you need to be completely sure that you should look perfect in this. If you look at history, you will find out that the theater existed for a long time as the main place where people gathered literally in order to “show themselves”. And the tradition to go out in the perfect outfit has remained to this day. And besides, you don’t visit the theater every day and, you see, not even every month, so it’s better if you look more solemn than usual.

Girls need to pay special attention to their hair. Very close row spacing theater hall- This is an important reason to think about how your hair will be styled. It must be remembered that it should be comfortable not only for you, but also for those people who will sit next to you: your hair should not climb into their faces! It is better for girls not to make themselves high hairstyles, you can let your hair down or tie a braid. In some theaters, the stalls are on the same level, so your high hair will block the view of the stage to all the people who sit behind you.

The culture of behavior in the theater provides for complete silence during the performance. When all viewers adhere to this rule, a “dead silence” is formed in which one can hear the rumbling of the stomach of a hungry person. Therefore, it is worth taking care of this in advance and not leaving the house with a feeling of hunger. But you should also not overeat, because the processes of digestion will be heard by all spectators in the theater. Before going to the theater, eat something light but satisfying, such as one second course. This will be quite enough so that you do not experience hunger until the end of the performance.

Teacher. Present your ticket to the ticket inspector at the entrance to the theatre. You need to come to the theater in advance so that you can take off your outer clothing without haste, fix your hair, and take your place in the hall. Passing to your place, you need to turn around to face those sitting. If the passage is too narrow, then the person sitting should stand up. If your place is taken, be sure to contact the hall attendant (they usually stand at the entrance): you need to sort out this confusion. It is not very pleasant to notice another person in your place, so never take other people's places yourself. Even if the bell rang and there are empty seats ahead, then do not make your way to them, because the real owners of these places may be late and you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation. After you have taken your seat, you do not need to look around and look for familiar faces, and you should not do it while looking through binoculars - they are designed to follow the action on the stage, and not in the auditorium.

During the performance, you can’t talk to your neighbor, laugh (unless it’s a comedy play), fidget in your chair, rustle with anything. All these prohibitions exist for one single purpose: not to disturb the atmosphere of the performance. The main thing for all viewers is to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the action, and any sounds from the "real" world return them to the real reality.

If you came to the opera, then there, unlike the usual performance, it is customary to applaud after successful solo parts.


Teacher. The performance usually consists of several acts, which are separated by a short break - intermission. During the break, you can leave the hall, or you can stay there. If you suddenly notice your friends nearby, you can approach them. No need to shout from your seat something like: “And you are here, come here!” If you just want to greet them, then do it with a nod of your head or just smile if you meet eyes. Never yell or draw undue attention to yourself. If you still decide to greet them personally and take an interest in their opinion about the performance, then approach them yourself. You can’t just sit on empty seats next to them, otherwise you can get into an unpleasant situation. Why do you think it can't be done?

Teacher. If you came to a performance at the Opera and Ballet Theatre, you can see how the orchestra pit is arranged. For those who have never seen the musicians sitting and wondered where the music comes from, this will be very interesting.


Teacher. Many guys like to visit the buffet during the intermission. Usually there are a lot of people who want to go to this place, so the queue there is appropriate. To avoid unnecessary fuss, you just need to calmly get in line, and not try to get ahead. The same applies to the tables: ate - make room. The rules of conduct in the theater buffet are somewhat similar to the rules of conduct in the school cafeteria. There is no need to sit at the table longer than necessary, because you do not come to the theater to eat, but to improve your cultural level. That is why, as soon as you have finished eating, clean up after yourself and go to the auditorium. You need to return there before the third bell rings, so that you can slowly make your way to your place.


Teacher. It happens that the performance did not live up to your expectations, so you don’t have to stay for the second act. But, if you came not alone, but with a group, then you need to watch it. Just do not show with your appearance that you did not like the performance, you can simply not applaud at the end of the play. A well-mannered person will never leave the hall before the actors leave the stage and the curtain falls, and will not comment on the fact that the performance was not worth your coming. This is simply unreasonable, since one can only judge the quality of a performance and the performance of actors with great theatrical experience. And you, unfortunately, can not yet boast of such. But what can really happen is that you just can't understand the setting. This often happens to adults too, so there is nothing surprising in this. It is possible that the performance you have chosen is very complicated and so far you are not aware of the problems that the director sets. To do this, visit this production in a few years, if there is such an opportunity. It is possible that you will judge him very differently.


Teacher. Usually there is a huge queue in the cloakroom after the performance. Never climb ahead of others, do not push with your elbows. Polite people always keep calm. In order not to suffer in a crush, it is better to wait until the queue subsides. You can wait in the lobby and discuss the performance with friends. After all, there really is something to discuss. This will kill two birds with one stone: share your impressions and pass the time, waiting for the crowd to disperse.

Teacher. Now you know that going to the theater is accompanied by a huge set of rules that must be followed. But all these rules are so simple that it will not be difficult to remember them. Today we have discussed with you the various situations that you can get into when visiting the theater. We listened to a story about guys who didn't behave very nicely in the theater, only because they simply didn't know elementary rules behavior. If you recognized yourself in one of them, it was only because you were also not familiar with these rules. But now that we have discussed everything, you must behave in the theater as prescribed by the rules of etiquette. How attentive you were, I will judge by our trip to the theater.

Presentation on the topic "Rules of conduct in the theater"

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Annotation to the presentation

The presentation "Rules of conduct in the theater" consists of 3 parts: the first contains the basic concepts related to the theater (actor, applause, stalls, scenery, etc.), the second contains the basic rules of behavior in the theater and the final part contains a test Are you ready to go to the theatre?

  • Theatrical Dictionary;
  • Theatrical etiquette;
  • Are you ready to go to the theatre?

For the teacher to teach

Rules of conduct in the theater

The theater is already full; lodges shine;
Parterre and chairs - everything is in full swing!
In heaven they splash impatiently,
And, having risen, the curtain rustles.

  • Theatrical vocabulary
  • theater etiquette
  • Are you ready to go to the theatre?

Theatrical vocabulary

  • An actor is a theater artist, a performer of a role.
  • Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to the artists. You liked the acting - applaud. If you want to hear the song that has just been played again, call the singer with applause. Don't forget to thank the artist for the beautiful scenery, the orchestra and conductor for the music.
  • Theater binoculars. It is brought from home or taken from theater workers for a special fee. Even with the greatest inquisitiveness of the mind, it is not worth unscrewing it, taking it apart piece by piece. Binoculars are not used during intermission. This is understandable, because he is not in order to look at those who came to the theater.
  • The curtain not only separates the stage from the auditorium. It separates the fuss, conversations, trifles of everyday worries from what we came to the theater with. ". And, having risen, the curtain makes a noise! Quiet! The art begins!
  • Scenery - the decoration of the stage for the play.
  • The seat where you should sit is indicated on the ticket. Parterre - first, lower rows, amphitheater - upper, rear. They should be occupied before the lights go out. There are occasional errors: there are two tickets for one seat. The dispute can only be settled by the usher or the administrator.
  • Flowers. Giving flowers to artists is one of the oldest and most beautiful theatrical customs. Flowers can be presented to the artist by going up to the stage or transferred with a theater worker.

theater etiquette

  • A visit to the theater is a celebration of the soul. In order not to overshadow it either to yourself or to others, you should follow some rules. They are based on respect for the audience who came to see the performance, and attention to the actors.
  • The feeling of a holiday is created by elegant clothes. Of course, the audience, especially students, in our spectacular places is dressed quite democratically, however, according to the rules of good manners, it is not recommended to wear sports or work clothes when visiting the theater, or use harsh perfumes. By the way, a woman in the theater should take off her headdress.
  • You should come to the performance 15-20 minutes in advance to undress, purchase a program that will acquaint you with the lineup of performers, and sit down in your seat.
  • When walking between the rows, always walk with your back to the stage. In order to take the seats indicated on the ticket, you often have to disturb people who are already seated.
  • It is better to share your impressions during the intermission. It may happen that the performance will not be to your liking. Try to restrain your feelings, calmly wait for the next intermission and leave the theater.
  • The main rule strictly observed by an educated person in the theater is the maintenance of deep silence. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off before the show. It is extremely impolite during a performance to ask neighbors questions, comment on what is happening on stage, rustle a program, rustle wrappers, eat ice cream, drink soft drinks.
  • At the end of the performance, do not rush to the wardrobe without waiting for the artists to leave the stage.
  • If you want to present flowers to an actor you especially like, do not go up on stage. The stage in the theater is a holy place where outsiders are not allowed to set foot. Wait for the final bows, when all the participants of the performance line up on the proscenium, and hand over the flowers, standing in the aisle between the stage and the first row of the stalls.

Test "Are you ready to go to the theater"?

  • Is it necessary to take off your hat in the theater?
    1. necessarily
    2. at the discretion of the boy and girl;
    3. boys - sure, a girl - if she has a tall and big hat.
  • How do they walk along the row in front of those sitting in the theater, going to the middle of the row?
    1. back to those seated, leaning forward so as not to block the stage.
    2. facing the seated
    3. sideways to those sitting, leaning forward
  • Should you apologize to those sitting in the theater as you walk to the middle of the row?
    1. should
    2. it does not follow
    3. desirable
  • Should you thank those who stood up to let you in to your seat?
    1. Necessarily
    2. Desirable
    3. it does not follow
  • Is it possible to occupy both armrests of a chair in a theater?
    1. Yes, if you can do it first
    2. Desirable
    3. undesirable
  • Is it possible to applaud when the curtain is not raised?
    1. Can
    2. It is forbidden
    3. Undesirable
  • Can I comment on the play?
    1. You can, if your neighbors are interested
    2. Undesirable if you are not sure about the reaction of your neighbors
    3. you can't - you have to wait for intermission
  • Is it possible to sing along with artists in the theater?
    1. You can if you good voice
    2. Preferably to cheer the artists
    3. It is forbidden
  • Can you eat in the lobby?
    1. Can
    2. Undesirable
    3. It is forbidden
  • How to express your delight from the concert?
    1. Loud whistling and stamping of feet
    2. Loud "Bravo" and getting up
    3. loud, rhythmic applause

Rules of conduct in the theater

Rules of conduct in society. Theater etiquette

Etiquette for schoolchildren. Etiquette for girls

At various discos and all sorts of parties you spend enough time. But besides them, perhaps you will have the desire and opportunity to go to the theater.

As in any crowded place, certain norms of behavior should be observed here, which we talked about earlier.

When visiting the theater, you need to take into account some of the nuances that you should have at least a general idea about.

The first thing you will face is the problem of choosing an outfit, however, this is not new. Of course you realized that

sporty and avant-garde styles are best left for another time.

Choose something classic: a dress or a suit that you feel comfortable in. Do not think that going to the theater is an ordeal.

On the contrary, let it turn into a real holiday for you, so create an appropriate mood for yourself in advance.

Think about how you can and should behave in the theater?

1. Crunch cookies to the beat of the music.

2. Spin around during the performance.

3. Loudly discuss all the details of the actors' performance, especially their mistakes.

4. Applaud loudly.

5. Do not applaud at all, since the money has already been paid anyway.

6. Take a queue at the buffet without waiting for the intermission.

8. Loudly sneeze, cough, blow your nose.

9. Give flowers to actors.

10. Blow up firecrackers.

Correct answers: you can give flowers to the actors and loudly applaud (when appropriate, you can just repeat after the elders so as not to make a mistake).

Otherwise, the girl should behave modestly and quietly in the theater, because this etiquette of going out into the world came to us from those times when female modesty was most valued.

"The theater begins with a hanger." You have heard this phrase more than once. Do you think these are just words?

No, because from the very beginning a person receives a certain mental attitude.

Therefore, be sure to put your outerwear in the wardrobe so as not to get confused later in a coat or raincoat.

You can, if there is time before the start of the performance, fix your hair and make-up at the mirror, but you should not make this an object of general contemplation: people come to the theater to watch a play, and not to contemplate your make-up delights.

In the auditorium, do not try to push everyone with your elbows and knees, just ask to be let through to your seat and do not forget to apologize for causing people anxiety.

Passing by already busy people row, turn your face to them, and your back, respectively, to the stage. If you have already taken your seat, and someone else is trying to pass you, you better get up and raise the seat of your chair to let this person through.

By the way, earlier people went to the theater only to the action or scene they liked, but now, as you may have guessed, this is impossible.

Therefore, it is better to come early, otherwise you will simply not be allowed into the hall.

What will you do if you are already sitting quietly with a ticket in the auditorium, and suddenly there is another applicant for your place?

1. Find out the situation with the controller.

2. Immediately give up your seat.

3. Raise a loud cry.

4. First of all, look at your ticket.

5. Send it. far, far away.

6. Calm down that this is not the biggest failure in your life.

7. After a huge scandal, you will offer to sit in a chair in turn.

8. You will calmly move to another place, regardless of who is wrong.

9. Give up your seat, but leave gum on the seat.

10. You wave your hand and go home.

In this situation, first of all, make sure that you are really sitting in your seat, i.e., in the seat indicated on your ticket.

If this is the case and you have two tickets for one seat, then you need to contact the controller, and he will settle everything (this is his job).

It would be useful to remind you that all this must be done politely, and not shout or grumble that you ruined the evening.

Although such problems are extremely rare. Most often, such coincidences occur due to inattention, so the problem will be solved after comparing the tickets.

If the applicant for your place turned out to be wrong, accept his apologies with a smile, you don’t need to show with your whole appearance what great inconvenience he caused you.

If you made a mistake, by all means apologize for the trouble and go to your rightful place.

If you are a little late and the action has already begun, it is quite acceptable to sit in any (free!) seat so that you do not interfere with other spectators with your searches and wandering around the hall. After intermission, you can go to your seat.

You probably won't go to the theater alone. The temptation to immediately discuss your impressions with your friends is, of course, very great, but an educated girl will never do this.

Even your very quiet whisper can interfere with others.

Even worse, if during the performance you, noticing your girlfriend or someone you know in the next row, start talking to her. In this case, you just need to say hello, nodding your head, and you still have time to talk.

Also, do not turn the auditorium into a dining room. It is possible to go to the cinema with popcorn, but it is impolite to eat in the theater.

Imagine: such a tragedy is played out on the stage, the audience froze in anticipation, and then a crunch and champ is heard throughout the hall!

So if you're hungry, wait until intermission and go to the buffet.

There are times when it is better to refuse to go to the theater or to a concert altogether.

For example, if you are sick. We do not think that you and your neighbors will be able to enjoy the performance if you cough and blow your nose during it.

Behavior of a true lady in the theater

1. You are polite and modest, so you behave with dignity.

2. You do not eat during the performance, waiting for the intermission.

3. You respect both the actors and the audience, so you don't make noise or talk to your girlfriend.

4. You make sure to turn off your mobile phone immediately after you sit down in your seat.

We hope that our advice will help you. And do not forget that going to the theater or to a concert should bring, first of all, pleasure and a lot of pleasant impressions, and all these rules were invented only so that, while having fun, not to spoil the mood of others.

Rules of conduct in the theater Rules of conduct in the theater - presentation

Presentation on the topic: "Rules of conduct in the theater Rules of conduct in the theater." - Transcript:

1 Rules of conduct in the theater Rules of conduct in the theater

2 The theater is full; boxes shine; Parterre and chairs - everything is in full swing! There is impatient splashing in the paradise, And the curtain, rising up, rustles.

3 Test. Are you ready to go to the theatre? Theater etiquette Theater etiquette Theater vocabulary

4 Actor - theater artist, performer of the role. Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to the artists. You liked the acting, applaud. If you want to hear the song that has just been played again, call the singer with applause. Don't forget to thank the artist for the beautiful scenery, the orchestra and conductor for the music.

5 Theatrical binoculars. It is brought from home or taken from theater workers for a special fee. Even with the greatest inquisitiveness of the mind, it is not worth unscrewing it, taking it apart piece by piece. Binoculars are not used during intermission. This is understandable, because he is not in order to look at those who came to the theater. The curtain not only separates the stage from the auditorium. It separates the fuss, conversations, trifles of everyday worries from what we came to the theater with. ". And, having risen, the curtain makes a noise! Quiet! The art begins! Scenery - the decoration of the stage for the play.

6 The seat where you should sit is indicated on the ticket. Parterre first, lower rows, amphitheater upper, rear. They should be occupied before the lights go out. There are occasional errors: there are two tickets for one seat. The dispute can only be settled by the usher or the administrator. Flowers. Giving flowers to artists is one of the oldest and most beautiful theatrical customs. Flowers can be presented to the artist by going up to the stage or transferred with a theater worker. To main

7 Theater etiquette Going to the theater is a celebration of the soul. In order not to overshadow it either to yourself or to others, you should follow some rules. They are based on respect for the audience who came to see the performance, and attention to the actors. The feeling of a holiday is created by elegant clothes. Of course, the audience, especially students, in our spectacular places is dressed quite democratically, however, according to the rules of good manners, it is not recommended to wear sports or work clothes when visiting the theater, or use harsh perfumes. By the way, a woman in the theater should take off her headdress.

8 You should arrive at the performance fifteen to twenty minutes in advance to undress, purchase a program that will acquaint you with the lineup of performers, and sit down in your seat. When walking between the rows, always walk with your back to the stage. In order to take the seats indicated on the ticket, you often have to disturb people who are already seated.

9 It is better to share your impressions during the intermission. It may happen that the performance will not be to your liking. Try to restrain your feelings, calmly wait for the next intermission and leave the theater. The main rule strictly observed by an educated person in the theater is the maintenance of deep silence. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off before the show. It is extremely impolite during a performance to ask neighbors questions, comment on what is happening on stage, rustle a program, rustle wrappers, eat ice cream, drink soft drinks.

10 At the end of the performance, do not rush to the wardrobe without waiting for the artists to leave the stage. If you want to present flowers to an actor you especially like, do not go up on stage. The stage in the theater is a holy place where outsiders are not allowed to set foot. Wait for the final bows, when all the participants of the performance line up on the proscenium, and hand over the flowers, standing in the aisle between the stage and the first row of the stalls. To main

Quiz 11 Are you ready to go to the theatre? 1. Is it necessary to take off your hat in the theater? A) necessarily B) at the discretion of the boy and girl; C) boys - sure, a girl - if she has a tall and big hat. 2. How do they walk along the row in front of those sitting in the theater, going to the middle of the row? A) back to those sitting, leaning forward so as not to block the stage. B) facing the seated C) sideways to the seated, leaning forward 3. Should I apologize to the seated in the theater, passing to the middle of the row? A) should B) should not C) desirable

12 4. Should you thank those who stood up to let you go to your seat? A) Mandatory B) Desirable D) Should not 5. Is it possible to occupy both armrests of a chair in a theatre? A) You can, if you have time to do it first B) It is desirable C) it is not desirable 6. Is it possible to applaud when the curtain is not raised? A) It is possible B) It is impossible C) It is undesirable 7. Is it possible to comment on the performance aloud? A) You can, if your neighbors are interested B) Not desirable, if you are not sure about the reaction of your neighbors C) You can’t - you need to wait for the intermission

13 8. Is it possible to sing along with artists in the theater? A) You can, if you have a good voice B) Preferably to cheer up the artists C) Not allowed 9. Can I eat in the lobby? A) It is possible B) It is not desirable C) It is impossible 10. How to express your delight from the concert? A) Loud whistling and stamping of feet B) Loud "Bravo" and standing up C) Loud, rhythmic applause

14 Enjoy your visit to the theater Enjoy your visit to the theater

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  • It so happened that theatrical etiquette largely repeats the etiquette of official celebrations and receptions, so it has many conventions and restrictions. recalls the basic principles of behavior in the theatre. Some rules may seem obvious, but still you should not neglect them.

    1. It is recommended to come to the theater dressed more festively than usual. Men can wear a dark suit, light-colored shirt and tie, and women can transform their outfit by accessorizing it. Ladies should remember that refresh perfume right before the performance bad manners. Eau de toilette, even the most expensive, should be used in moderation. Dozens of aromas will mix in the hall, which can cause dizziness or even an allergic reaction in some viewers.

    2. The rules of good manners allow a woman to invite a companion to the theater, but in any case tickets must be presented to the controller by a man. He is at the entrance to the theater opens the door for a woman. According to the rules of etiquette for the performance you need to arrive early. Twenty minutes will be enough to unhurriedly hand over outerwear to the wardrobe and purchase a program that will acquaint you with the line-up of performers.

    3. In wardrobe a man should help a companion take off your coat and only then undress yourself. Having handed over outerwear, the man keeps the numbers with him, and he does not wear them on his finger, like a ring, but immediately puts them in his pocket. Look at yourself in mirrors, walking along the foyer of the theater during the intermission and before the performance, - tactless. If you need to fix something, put yourself in order in the toilet room.

    4. The man enters the auditorium first, he also shows the lady the way to the place, if this is not done by an employee of the theater. You should go to your place facing those sitting and apologize for the disturbance in a quiet voice or a nod of the head (if the aisle between the rows is wide enough, then the person sitting does not have to get up; if the aisle is narrow, then you need to get up and let the passer-by pass).
    The man always walks first between the rows followed by his companion. Having reached his chairs, the man stops near them and waits for the lady to sit down, and then he sits down himself.

    5. Take your seats in the hall not later than the third call. If they are in the middle of the row, then you should sit on them. in advance so as not to disturb those already sitting at the edges of you. If your seats are not located in the middle of the row, then you can afford to linger a little, so that later you do not get up many times, skipping the spectators sitting in the middle.

    6. If you find that your seats are taken- present your tickets to those sitting on them and politely ask them to release them. If an error occurred and several tickets were issued for one seat at once, then contact the theater employees, they are obliged to solve the problem.
    remember, that occupy other people's places indecently. Firstly, you are causing anxiety to those people who will have to prove that this is their place. And, secondly, it will be embarrassing for you yourself when you will be “driven away” in front of the whole hall.

    7. Being late for the theater is indecent(You can only enter the box after the lights have been turned off in the hall). In other cases, theater employees have the right not to let you into the hall until intermission. But if you are allowed to enter, then do it as quietly as possible and sit in the first free seat. It is unacceptable to sneak into your seats in the middle of the action - during the intermission you will be able to take those indicated on the ticket.

    8. Having taken seats in the auditorium, one should not put your hands on both armrests- it may cause inconvenience to your neighbor. You should not sit very close, clinging to each other, as those sitting in the back may not see the stage behind you.
    Crossing your legs, spreading your legs wide, sitting on the edge of a chair, leaning on the back of the front seat and resting your feet on it is also indecent.

    9. Even if it seems to you that it has become stuffy in the auditorium, do not use the program as a fan. And remember that you can not look at the theater binoculars people in the hall. It is intended solely for watching the action on stage.

    10. The main rule in the theater is complete silence. Turn off before the performance. Cell phones, they interfere not only with the audience, but also with the artists. Do not discuss the performance of the actors during the action, as well as the inappropriate behavior of other spectators. It is acceptable to make a quiet remark to the audience who violate the order, but remember that this is the duty of the theater employees.
    If you have a cold, then you better miss the spectacle: nothing disturbs the audience and artists more than coughing and sneezing in the hall. And, of course, during the performance it is unacceptable to eat, rustle with bags, packages, tap your feet.

    11. During the intermission you can stay seated in the hall, visit the buffet or take a walk in the lobby. The same rules of behavior are observed here as on the street. Having met acquaintances, you can exchange impressions, but quietly. If a woman wants to stay in place during the intermission, the companion stays with her. And if he needs to go out, he apologizes and leaves her for a while.

    12. Leaving the hall during action- a clear indicator of the low culture of the viewer. Even if you are disappointed with the performance, wait for the intermission and only then leave the theater. Undoubtedly, falling asleep during the performance is unacceptable, even if you had a hard day and the production turned out to be boring. Show excessive enjoyment on stage during an action is also considered bad manners.
    Applause should be organic: separate claps sounded in complete silence can bring down the actors. But after the end of the performance, you can not hide your positive emotions. Applause is an expression of gratitude from the audience, but whistling, screaming, stamping your feet in the theater are unacceptable.

    13. If you want to send flowers especially to the actor you like, then do it at the very end of the performance, while not going up to the stage. Wait for the final bows, when all the participants of the performance line up on the proscenium, and hand over the flowers, standing in the aisle between the stage and the first row of the stalls. You can also transfer the bouquet to the artist through an employee of the theater.

    14. At the end of the performance, do not immediately run to the wardrobe to get your clothes. Artists often take their bows more than once, so wait until the curtain closes. Only then can you slowly leave the auditorium.
    If, due to some circumstances, the viewer needs to leave the theater earlier, then according to the unspoken rules, he watches the last act on the balcony, then, without disturbing anyone, leaves.

    15. In order not to waste time standing in the wardrobe queue, you can wait it out by walking in the lobby and discussing the performance you have seen.
    In the wardrobe, a man must first put on a coat or cloak himself, and then give outerwear to his companion.