Is it possible to carry a baby in your arms. How to transport a newborn in a car: simple rules and useful tips.

With the advent of a baby in the family, many familiar things have to be done differently. Traveling in a car will be complicated by the presence of a small passenger. Parents try to carry babies less, but sometimes there is a need for this, for example, when a newborn leaves the hospital for the first time. It is necessary to know the rules of transportation, to understand the car accessories, which are now on sale.

Increased danger

Driving a car presents a certain risk for everyone, but for young children, the degree of danger increases dramatically. In infancy (from 1 month to 1 year), children still have fragile joints, weak muscles. The bones of the babies are not quite strong, they are still unable to protect the delicate body of the child. That is why transportation requires special preparation, increased attention.

Any stressful situation can negatively affect children's health and behavior in the future. The baby may be frightened by a sharp push or braking. And fear often leads to diseases or physical disabilities. Even if you wrap the baby in thick blankets, hold it tightly with your hands, it will be vulnerable. Special rules for transportation, car adaptations will be able to ensure a safe trip for infants.

car cradle

For the transportation of newborn children in the car, a special cradle is used. It is designed for weight up to 10 kg. Such a device is ideal for a trip from the maternity hospital. The place for the baby is comfortable, it is possible to fasten an additional seat belt. The cradle is almost completely closed, which means that there is no risk of foreign objects accidentally falling on the child.

According to the rules, such a device must be placed in the back seat, secured with seat belts. Inside the cradle, the baby is also fastened with special belts. The cradle must be installed perpendicular to the movement of the car. This device has convenient carrying handles, arcs for hanging toys. Expensive models are even equipped with wheels, and can turn into a stroller. At home, you can make a hanging rocking chair from such a cradle.

But such a convenient automotive device will not last very long. In it, the child can only be located in a horizontal position, at six months it will already be possible to plant him, which means that you will have to buy a car seat. The baby himself will no longer be interested, not comfortable in the prone position. Another "minus" car cradle will be her big sizes, in the car it will take up a lot of space.

stroller box

Sometimes, instead of a special car cradle, a stroller carrier is used. It must be understood that it is hardly possible to guarantee the safety of a baby in such a device, because it is not intended for this. Carriers are not a reliable device, they can be used in extreme situations. The device should be fixed in the back seat, sideways to the direction of travel. It is advisable that an adult be nearby to look after the baby and the carrier.

Travel armchair

A special chair for infants is designed taking into account their anatomical features. For additional fixation of the head, you can purchase holding rollers that fit on the sides of the head. It would be wrong to put a folded cloth or towels on it, because the head will fall forward. The location of the baby in such a chair will allow him to sit comfortably, relieve the load from the muscles.

The device is fixed with conventional seat belts or special brackets that are sold with such a device. It is best to have a child car seat in the back seat, the safest place is behind the driver, but if you need to look after the baby, then you need to put him in the center of the back seat. You can transport babies in the front seat, but then you need to turn off the airbag so that it does not injure the baby when triggered.

The dependence of the type of chair on the height and weight of the child

When choosing a child car seat, you need to focus on the weight of the baby. This device is expensive, but it does not make sense to buy it for growth. It is precisely the exact calculation of the weight that can guarantee the safety of the baby in the car. To save money, you can exchange chairs or buy used ones, it will be more expedient from the point of view of protecting children.

car seat group Passenger weight (kg) Age Device Features
0 0 — 10 From birth to six months To hold the child in a lying position, a special wide belt is used, which passes through the baby's stomach. When the chair is used in the folded state, the baby is held by the chair's three-point harness. The device must be positioned sideways to the movement of the machine.
0+ 0 — 13 0 – 1 years The passenger is fixed in a semi-lying position with internal five-point belts. The device is allowed to be installed facing against the movement of the car, which will protect the baby's neck during sudden braking.
1 9 — 18 From 9 months to 4 years Designed for children who fit well. Installation in the cabin is made by facing in the direction of travel. Safety is provided by five-point internal belts, the holding table. The chair can be tilted for sleeping.
2 15 — 25 From 3 years to 7 The devices have a height adjustable backrest. Fixation of a small passenger occurs with car seat belts. It is fixed by the face in the direction of the traffic flow.
3 22 — 36 From 6 years to 12 These seats have a limiter for the upper strap of the seat belt. If the child has grown, then you can unfasten the back. The chair is installed facing in the direction of travel.

Some manufacturers produce car seats that combine the functions of different groups. This is convenient when the child grows from one category to another. Such universal devices will be cheaper than chairs of different groups separately.

Choosing a chair

When choosing such a device, you need to consider how much time the baby will spend on trips. If he has already traveled, then the parents have an idea about the behavior of the baby during the trip. Some of the children quickly fall asleep, sleep for a long time. Someone, on the contrary, turns around, behaves excitedly all the time of the trip.

For short trips, group 0+ models are well suited because they are physiologically more comfortable. It is necessary, as long as possible, to carry the baby facing against the movement, this will help to avoid injury to the cervical vertebrae in a collision or sudden braking.

Tips for choosing a car seat:

  • You need to choose models with deep seats. Then in winter, in a thick overalls, the baby will not be cramped;
  • Well, if the device has armrests, an orthopedic back;
  • It will be convenient for the baby to have a footrest, a protective table;
  • It is practical to have removable covers, they will be convenient to clean or wash;
  • For new products, it is necessary to check whether the material is shedding. Also, a specific chemical smell should not come from the chair.

Word of the law on the transportation of children

Legislation imposes on the driver the responsibility to ensure the safety of small passengers. The car must also be specially prepared for such purposes. rules traffic determine how to transport an infant in transport. This can only be done in the passenger compartment of a car or the cabin of a freight vehicle. In the back of a truck, trailer, on the seat of a motorcycle, babies are not allowed to be transported.

You can not hold the baby in your arms during the trip. In a collision, the weight of the baby increases many times, it will not be possible to hold him, this creates a serious danger to the life and health of the baby. Children of this age can be transported in a car seat or car seat. Since 2016, the fine for improper transportation of babies has been 3,000 rubles (clause 3, article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Lack of fasteners will not be an excuse for this case. It is important to take into account that the absence of a child device is considered incorrect transportation, but also its incorrect location in the car.

Journey for toddlers

Going on long trips with a child is problematic, but I want to take the baby to nature or to relatives. If you organize such a trip correctly, then it will go well and safely.

Regulations for the carriage of infants:

  • Do not use fragrances in the car, they can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Do not make drafts, if necessary, only slightly open the windows of the front doors;
  • Do not use air conditioning on a trip to avoid a baby's cold;
  • If the trip is planned for a long time, it is worth considering the baby’s nutrition, his entertainment;
  • If there are smokers among the passengers in the car, they must refrain from smoking in the presence of a child. If there is a tobacco smell in the car interior, it is necessary to ventilate before the child boards;
  • Loud conversations, music should be avoided when there is a baby in the cabin;
  • It is not recommended to transport pets with small children. If this cannot be avoided, then the animals must be placed in carriages or restrained so that they cannot reach the baby;
  • In the cold season, before planting the baby, the interior of the car must be warmed up to 20 degrees.

The driver must control the speed limit, do not make sharp turns, be careful on the roadway. It is recommended to have a special sticker on the car that warns that there are children in the cabin.

A baby in a car needs extra attention. It is not very comfortable in holding devices, often children get tired of sitting or lying like that. So that they do not act up, they need to be distracted. If the child is very small, you need to talk to him, changing intonation, voice pitch, volume. You can distract children's attention by showing different bright toys, moving them, or hiding them.

If the baby is already sitting, it will be easier, as you can look at the situation outside the window. To make the baby calmer, you need to give him his favorite toy in his hands. But it should be small, soft, so as not to injure the child during sudden braking or an emergency. If the baby has already traveled several times, then he will get used to it, over time he will behave calmer. On a long trip with a baby, you need to stop more often, give the child a break from shaking.

Little Conclusion

Modern young parents are becoming more mobile. They do not refuse trips and travel, even if there is breast baby. There are many convenient devices on sale to comfortably move around in transport. Traveling with babies is possible, as it is quite safe to transport babies correctly. Subject to the recommendations, attentiveness of the driver, children and adults in the car will be calm, comfortable and safe.

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How to transport a baby in a car

Transportation of an infant in a car must be carried out in compliance with all mandatory precautions. Everyone who is going to have such an operation should familiarize themselves with the rules for transporting children in a car. The rules recommend the following:

it is forbidden to transport an infant in a car without the use of special devices. Even if the child is wrapped in a fluff blanket during transportation, this will not be able to protect him from a possible fall. With a sharp braking in a child, the head may involuntarily throw back due to the underdevelopment of the muscular and skeletal systems. The result can be trauma to the child. To exclude the development of such a situation, the child must be placed in a special device in advance. Only in some cases infant can be transported in the car in the arms of the mother. Perhaps this is when:

  • speed of movement within 40 km per hour;
  • occupation by the driver of the extreme left position on the road and movement with the low beam and alarms on;
  • mother and child should be located in the back seat of the car;
  • seat belts must be used;
  • the child should not be on the road for a long time. When traveling for more than half an hour, he gets very tired. Yes, and the mother becomes uncomfortable to hold him.

How can you transport a baby in a car

Infants are very vulnerable when they are transported in a car. It is best to do this as little as possible. In a child, the basis of his skeleton falls on cartilaginous tissue, which is quite fragile. In addition, a newborn baby has a thin neck and very weak muscles. It’s not even safe to hold a child in your arms, let alone carry it in a car. If this is required to be done without fail, it is recommended to purchase a special device for transporting a child.

Current legislation prohibits the transportation of a child without a special device up to a year. At the same time, car accessories for transportation should be adjusted to the height and age of the baby.

Car seats for babies

A special car seat for transporting an infant is calculated for a weight of up to 10 kilograms, so it should be borne in mind that it will not last long. In addition, when a child reaches the age of eight months, it will already be inconvenient for him to be located in it. He will not be able to lie in it, and a cradle is not provided for his vertical position. However, she is the best option in the event that it is required to transport the child from the maternity hospital to the parental home. The child in the car seat is fastened with special seat belts and takes the most comfortable position for him. The car seat itself can be attached to the seat different ways. Most often these are staples and belts.

The car seat is equipped with handles that allow you to carry it with your child. Additional protection for the baby is provided by the full closure of the cradle. Thus, the likelihood that the child will be injured by a foreign object is reduced.

Car seats for infants

According to the majority of children's doctors, car seats have an incorrect design, which makes it difficult to transport children in them. The child should not be carried fully upright or half upright. However, now such a problem no longer exists, since special car seats have been developed that allow transporting children, including newborns.

Car seats have their drawbacks, among which stand out:

  • lowering the back of the chair only up to 45 °;
  • low level of comfort for the child;
  • there is no protective frame.

Car seats for children are versatile. Unlike a carrycot, which can be used until the baby is nine months old, a car seat can be used until the baby is one year old.

The car seat has a compact design that allows you to attach it to the back of the front seat. It is attached in such a way that the baby's head is directed in the direction opposite to the movement. When braking hard, the child's chest will not be affected by the seat belts. They are only needed to fix the child in a horizontal position.
The release of car seats for infants is carried out by various manufacturers. The quality of the construction is often significantly different. When choosing a chair, you should always pay attention to its price. It does not have to rely on high quality cheap chair. Parents should not save on the life and health of their child.

Today, almost every family has a car. A young mother is not just a housewife, but an active member of society. Many mothers work on maternity leave, they constantly drive. Of course, the baby often has to be taken with you. How to transport a newborn in a car correctly? Which mode of transportation is the safest?

Things to take care of before the baby is born

The first trip of the crumbs in the car will happen a few days after birth, namely immediately after discharge from the hospital. At this point, the car should already be equipped with a special device for transporting infants - a child car seat or cradle. When buying any restraint, you must first try it on in the car. It happens that the mounts may not fit and an expensive purchase will be useless.

In addition, you need to take care of special "curtains" on the glass of the car, next to which a child car seat is installed. This is necessary so that in summer sunny weather the rays of the sun do not disturb or irritate the child.

Today there are wonderful curtains on the suction cup. There are even options with fun children's drawings and toys that the baby will be interested in looking at.

Well, if the car is equipped with air conditioning and a properly working stove, if not, then you need to try to resolve this issue. Comfort temperature in the car while traveling with a baby is very important!

Which is better: bassinet or chair?

When it comes to transporting a baby in a car, many parents wonder what is better to buy: a car seat or a carrycot. According to the rules of the road, you can use both, but which will be safer for the baby?

baby carrier

Advantages of the car seat:

  • The child is in a horizontal position, which contributes to normal free breathing.
  • You don’t have to buy a separate seat, as the carrycot often has a special adapter that allows you to install it in the car.
  • The cradle is easy to carry.
  • Due to the fact that the chassis of the stroller is compactly folded into the trunk, upon arrival at the place you can install the cradle on the chassis and a full-fledged stroller will always be at hand.

The cradles of many models of strollers are adapted for transporting children in a car.

  • Not made of impact-resistant and energy-absorbing materials.
  • It does not have a 45° backrest angle, which is recommended by pediatricians for the safe presence of crumbs in the car.
  • Takes up a lot of space in the car.
  • Cradles do not pass crash tests, which means that there is no information about their safety for the child.
  • Cradle adapters do not always hold the structure firmly enough in place.
  • The cradle will only last a few months, and then you still have to buy a chair.

Baby car seat for newborns (0+)

  • It has an optimal tilt angle of 45°, which provides the safest and most physiological posture for the baby during the trip. If the angle of inclination is less, then it will be difficult for the baby to breathe, and if more, then upon impact or sudden braking, the head of the crumbs will sharply bend forward and the child will be seriously injured.
  • The model of the chair for newborns is equipped with a special insert that protects and supports the back and head of the crumbs.
  • Comfortable and lightweight design. The chair is easy to install and easy to carry even with the baby.
  • All models before being put into production undergo special strength tests.
  • Children's car seats are made of high-quality impact-resistant materials.
  • The child seat bases are firmly and securely attached to the standard seats in the car. You can be sure that when driving, the car seat will remain in place.

For the smallest passengers, the car seat must be marked with a mark (0+), which means: for children from birth

  • Quality models are quite expensive.
  • It is necessary to change the car seat depending on the change in the weight of the child. The chair (0+) is enough until the baby weighs no more than 12-13 kg (up to about a year).

Based on the pros and cons, we can conclude that it is more correct and safe to transport a newborn in a car using a child car seat.

Important: If you need to transport the baby in a cradle, for example, for medical reasons, then it is better to purchase specialized models designed for a car, and not use standard cradles from strollers, even if equipped with adapters.

How to transport newborns

There are certain rules that must be observed if a baby is driving in a car:

  • The baby should be located with his back to the direction of movement. That is, the chair must be installed in such a way that the baby's legs rest against the back of the car seats. This is done based on the anatomical features of children up to a year. They have a fairly large head in relation to the body - the weight of the head is 25% of the mass of the child. Due to this ratio, when braking or hitting, the head leans forward sharply, as a result of which the muscles and ligaments can be damaged very much. And when you position your back to the movement, the risks are greatly reduced.
  • If you plan to carry the baby in a car seat, then it should be installed perpendicular to the direction of travel in the back seat.
  • You can't hold a baby. In the event of a collision or sudden braking, the body of an adult will inertially move forward and you can simply crush the baby in your arms or cause serious injury to him. In addition, there is always a chance to drop a child.
  • The child seat must strictly correspond to the age and weight of the baby. Do not use an unsuitable product - it could be dangerous.
  • The child must be in a specialized car seat and be fastened with seat belts. You can not start moving until the baby is properly fixed.
  • You can not use car seats that do not have quality certificates and do not comply with state standards. It is also better not to use a chair that has been in an accident. With external serviceability, the product may have hidden defects and will not be so reliable.
  • If the child car seat is not equipped with a special insert for newborns, or for some reason it is missing, then it can be replaced with rugs or towels. This is necessary for additional fixation of the baby.

The baby must be fixed with special straps that are attached to the bottom of the cradle. The cradle itself is fixed with regular car belts.

Use regular belts for fixation baby wrong and unsafe!

Rollers fit on the sides, but not under the head! Roller or pillows under the head make it difficult for the child to breathe and the head falls forward when braking, which is fraught with serious injuries

There is a common myth that car seats are harmful to newborn babies due to the fact that they are in it in a half-sitting position. These are completely unfounded fears! When the child is reclining, the load on the spine is distributed evenly, which does not threaten with curvature or damage.

It is harmful to the spine only if the baby is sitting upright, but modern high-quality child car seats completely exclude such a situation.

It must be remembered that carrying a child in a car is a big responsibility! Any, even the most high-quality and expensive restraint device will not provide the baby with complete safety if an inadequate and inaccurate driver is behind the wheel. Caution and observance of traffic rules is the key to a comfortable ride and the safety of the driver and passengers!

The birth of a baby is a wonderful event. From the first days there is a lot of worries and troubles around the crumbs. And, of course, the question arises of how to transport it safely. What are the offers on the car seat market? What does he say the legislative framework? According to the traffic rules, transportation of children in a car under 12 years old is carried out only with the use of child restraints or other means.

Restraints most often mean special child car seats or cradles that are installed in the vehicle interior in the back seat or front passenger seat. Despite the fact that there are rules for transporting children in a car, many parents do not fully understand why this is necessary?

Mandatory conditions of carriage and responsibility of parents

Let us quote verbatim clause 22.9 of the SDA, effective from January 1, 2015.

“The transportation of children is allowed provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle. Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat passenger car - only with the use of special child restraints. It is forbidden to transport children under 12 years of age in the back seat of a motorcycle.

We also note important trends and figures in the field of security.

  • Passive and active vehicle safety is on the rise. A lot of crash tests and calculations are carried out to improve protective properties car body.
  • The result is a reduction in mortality and injury in accidents. But all this applies only to those who were wearing a seat belt. And a person whose height is more than 150 cm can use it, otherwise the belt will pass too high - in the neck, and not through the collarbone, which is fraught with suffocation. Thus, the baby cannot use the car's security system.
  • You should not hope that the baby can be held in your arms. With sharp braking “to the floor”, the body weight will increase many times, and upon impact - dozens of times. It is impossible to hold such a load with your hands, and even more so the baby will not hold on himself.
  • Statistical data. A 2013 World Health Organization (WHO) study shows: “When properly installed and used, child restraints reduce infant mortality by approximately 70% and among children early age by 54-80%. And here are the data for 2014 on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: “The number of accidents involving child passengers in Russia is still high: since the beginning of the year, there have been 8.5 thousand such accidents. More than 500 children died in them, and almost 9.5 thousand more were injured. Most of the dead were transported without the use of a child car seat.”
  • The level of parental awareness. Abroad, the installation of a child car seat is not discussed. Not only because the law says so. Parents of small foreigners believe that the refusal of a chair is an irresponsible attitude towards the health and life of a child. Unfortunately, the fine did not affect the consciousness of Russian parents. About 15% of Russians do not install a car seat, believing that they can do without it for short trips. Most of the equipment does not meet certification standards, is incorrectly installed. In order to "eliminate illiteracy" of parents for several years in many regions of Russia, a social action "Car Seat for Children!" has been carried out.

There is only one way out: in order to safely transport children in a car, it is necessary to equip a place for a small passenger as for an adult. Moreover, for violation of the transportation rules, a fine of 3,000 rubles threatens (according to clause 12.23, part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation of 2015)

Infant carrier (group of car seats "0"), located in the rear seat of the car.

Classification of child car seats

According to the rules for transporting children under 12 in a car, it is necessary to prepare a child seat in accordance with the weight (age) of the child. According to this parameter, child restraints are divided into groups. The greater the age and weight, the larger the car seat will be.

The new rules for transporting children prescribe the use of only certified products. It must comply with European standards and Russian GOST. This condition is especially important when traveling to Europe. Also, you can not use a car seat that has been in an accident - it could receive hidden damage and lose its protective properties.

On the left is a Graco booster, on the right is a Concord transforming chair.

Other equipment options

In addition to the main groups of seats, there are additional restraint systems.

  • Use of a chair-transformer. This equipment allows you to transport children of a wide age range, they combine several groups at once and are indicated by a fraction: 0+/1, 1/2/3, 2/3. Given that these models are adjustable over a wide range, be sure to follow the instructions for installing and adjusting the chair. Pay Special attention for the correct position of the belts. Remember that it is advisable not to use universal chairs for the smallest, who are under 12 months old.
  • Booster. The final option is a seat-stand, which raises the fastened person to a sufficient height for the correct passage of the belt.

Child seat belt adapter. Left - without adapter, right - with adapter.

  • There are times when the budget is in trouble, and the children need to be transported. There is an exit. There are other devices that are quite different from car seats. These are devices (adapters) that are put on the seat belt and adapt to the small passenger. Now the belt will not put pressure on the neck and stomach, and the baby will not dive under the bottom strap when hit. Such a device is also suitable for those who only occasionally have to transport children. You can always have it at hand, it does not take up much space.

Carrying children in the front seat is a separate issue. Traffic rules prescribe to transport children under 12 years old in the front seat exclusively in child car seats, which were mentioned above. Teenage children can be transported as adults while wearing the vehicle's seat belt.

No matter how you feel about the requirements of traffic rules, remember that the safety of your child is in your hands. It is a fact that all restraint systems increase the level of protection in emergency situations by an order of magnitude.


The appearance of a small child in the family is always associated with great troubles, because you need to purchase a crib, stroller, diapers and much more. The list is actually quite large. But no matter how strange it may sound, the list does not include a car restraint for transporting children. In fact, this is enough, which is needed almost from the first days of a child's life.

A newborn makes his first trip in a car already in the first days of his life, when his mother leaves the hospital with him. And this is not the last time the baby will travel by car. That is why the main task for newly-made parents is to ensure complete safety during the trip to their child. In the presence of personal transport, all parents, without exception, have a question: “How to transport a newborn?”. For the transportation of children, there have long been special restraints.

Rules for transporting a newborn in a car

How to transport a newborn in a car so as not to harm his health? Many young parents think that a newborn can be transported in their arms and nothing bad will happen, but this is just a delusion.

It is strictly forbidden to carry babies in your arms, and this is very weighty argument. The head of young children takes up almost ¼ of their entire weight, and it is quite difficult for the neck muscles to cope with such a mass. During the movement, there are often some jerks that can be very deplorable to say on the baby if he is transported in his arms. On strong jerks, a serious violation of the cervical region can occur. If this happens, then it will be too late, and that is why it is better to prepare for the trip in advance, following the rules and recommendations for the transportation of newborns.

  1. The child in the restraint must lie / sit with his back to the direction of movement. This arrangement of the baby saves him from spinal injuries in case of a sudden.
  2. In no case should you start driving until the child is fastened with seat belts.
  3. You can transport a child in a vehicle only in a special restraint.
  4. You cannot carry a child in your arms. Hands cannot always be in tension, which is why, by loosening your hands a little, you can drop the baby or change his position to an uncomfortable one.

What to choose for transportation - a chair or a cradle?

There are two types of restraints for transporting children in the car: a car seat and a carrycot. So what can you transport a newborn in so that he is completely safe while driving? Undoubtedly, each device designed to transport children has its pros and cons, which must be taken into account when buying.

car seat

The car seat is intended for children from infancy and older. The car seat must be installed in such a way that the newborn has his back turned in the direction of movement, i.e. back forward. The car seat for babies is also fastened with special brackets, which are located on the back seat of the car.

The car seat provides complete safety in case of an accident due to the fact that the child is reclining in it, at an angle of 45 0 . Even if the car gets into a small accident, the child will not suffer, because. the car seat clearly captures all parts of the baby's body. And with the help of special belts, which are equipped with a child seat, you can fix the baby. If the car seat belts do not seem enough, you can put the child on the sides with special rollers or ordinary pillows.


The cradle is ideal for newborns, because only in it the baby feels comfortable enough, because. it provides the position that is most considered correct. In the cradle, the newborn is in a supine position.

The car cradle is installed on the back seat of the car. It has special fasteners that allow you to fix this device well and firmly. Fasteners are also available inside the cradle, which allows you to fasten the baby in order to ensure complete safety.

How to choose the right car seat for your baby

Before you purchase , you need to pay attention to some enough important points, for example, how to transport a newborn in a car seat. And this is not the only thing you need to know before buying a chair.

You should not buy universal chairs that grow with the child. Although this is considered very beneficial, it is still not safe.

The car seat must be fully adapted to the weight of the newborn. If the child has a small weight - up to 3.5 kg, you need to purchase a chair that is small in size. If the child is larger, then it is recommended to buy a wide and deep car seat. It is best to buy a chair, "trying on" it on a child.

Another important characteristic when choosing a chair is the quality of the material from which it is made. Parts made of plastic and plastic should not have a sharp unpleasant odor, they should be strong and durable. Fasteners and fasteners must be made of metal. It is better to choose models that have a removable cover, so you can easily and simply wash it when necessary.

Before purchasing a car seat. you need to try it on in your car. It often happens that the mounts on the chair and the car do not fit together and therefore the installation process increases several times.

They are never superfluous, especially when it comes to a small child. After all, with young children, you need to think through all the actions a few steps ahead. That is why, before you go on a journey, you need to provide your baby with a comfortable and safe place.

Video: how to choose a car seat

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According to the results of a study conducted by the Avtostat analytical agency, as of January 1, 2016, cars of foreign brands account for 57.5% of the total number of registered cars. In total, 23.5 million foreign cars are registered in the country. The leadership among foreign brands is retained by the Japanese manufacturer Toyota (3.5 million units), which accounts for...

Secret traffic police cars: the authorities spoke about the results

Such a patrol is a traffic police official car, but without a special color scheme and a special signal. During covert patrols, traffic police inspectors pay attention to the most flagrant violations committed by drivers, and then pass the information on to the nearest traffic police crew, which detains the violator. Is this method effective? As it turned out, very much so. ...

In Sweden, unmanned Volvo crossovers were distributed to families

Modern Volvos have a second-generation Pilot Assist semi-autonomous driving system, which is installed on the XC90, S90 and V90 models. Pilot Assist includes a gentle steer function, aligning the car in the lane, and the system does not require the vehicle in front to operate. But the cars of the Drive Me project generally allow drivers ...

Mitsubishi Pajero Sport has an off-road version

Mitsubishi Pajero Outdoor (in the Brazilian market, the model is presented as Pajero, without the Sport prefix) differs from the standard SUV with wheel arch extensions, door handles, mirrors, moldings and roof rails made of black matte plastic. It is impossible not to notice that such tuning usually has "cross-versions" of passenger hatchbacks and station wagons. In particular, the characteristic body kits ...

The driver challenged the traffic police fine using the laws of physics

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yuri Goryunov was fined for speeding. The camera recorded that in a section with a limit of 70 km/h, the car was moving at a speed of 92 km/h. The driver received a fine of 500 rubles from the traffic police, but, as reported by " Russian newspaper", was able to get it cancelled. As Goryunov said, with a sane ...

Traffic jams again paralyze the M7 highway this year

Last year, a large-scale reconstruction of the section of the M7 Volga highway, which was carried out on the segment from 145 to 156 kilometers (within the city of Lakinsk, Vladimir Region), actually paralyzed traffic along the M7 highway. So, motorists spent at least two hours on overcoming 11 kilometers under repair, and in case of an unfortunate set of circumstances - more than four. ...

According to the authors of the study, cars costing from 300 to 500 thousand rubles are in the greatest demand among Russians. In this price range, the largest number of models is offered by the Lada brand (Granta, Kalina, Priora), however, many motorists prefer a used foreign car to a new domestic car. According to experts, having...

WHAT you need to know to take a car on credit?, how long to take a car on credit.

What you need to know to take a car loan? Buying a car, and especially at the expense of credit funds, is far from the cheapest pleasure. In addition to the principal amount of the loan, which reaches several hundred thousand rubles, you also have to pay interest to the bank, and considerable ones. In the list...

HOW to order a car from Japan, a car from Japan in Samara.

How to order a car from Japan Japanese cars are leaders in sales all over the world. These machines are valued for their reliability, quality, maneuverability and trouble-free repair. Today, car owners want to be sure that the car came directly from Japan, and ...

Rating TOP-5: the most expensive car in the world

You can treat them as you like - admire, hate, admire, feel disgust, but they will not leave anyone indifferent. Some of them are just a monument to human mediocrity, made of life-size gold and rubies, some are so exclusive that when...

What people can think of to experience an unforgettable moment of excitement from driving their car. Today we will introduce you to a test drive of pickups in a simple way, but by connecting it with aeronautics. Our goal was to examine the characteristics of models such as the Ford Ranger, ...

HOW to choose a used car, which used car to choose.

How to choose a used car There are a lot of people who want to buy a car, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy a brand new car in the showroom, which is why you should pay attention to used cars. Their choice is not an easy task, and sometimes, in order to...

The device and design of the car rack

No matter how expensive and modern car the convenience and comfort of movement primarily depend on the operation of the suspension on it. This is especially acute on domestic roads. It's no secret that the most important part of a suspension is the shock absorber. ...

Reliability of cars by rating

What are reliability ratings for? Let's be honest with each other, almost every car enthusiast often thinks: the most reliable car is mine, and it doesn't give me much trouble with various breakdowns. However, this is just a subjective opinion of each car owner. When buying a car, we...