Muzychenko makes tattoos. In the bag

A new establishment with a summer terrace was built in the village of Syargi, on the territory of a ski resort. The menu is based on meat and fish cooked on an open fire and in a smokehouse, as well as all sorts of salads and homemade pickles. Guests will be able to enjoy not only food at the table, but also go fishing on their own (as is done in the Russian Fishing restaurant on Krestovsky Island). The institution is equipped on the shore of an artificial pond with a water surface of over 1500 sq.m and with a small cascade of waterfalls. The reservoir was created by the developer during a large-scale reconstruction of the resort in 2015. On the shore there are several pontoons for angling, as well as a ferry platform for artists. A park with paths has been landscaped around the establishment, and landscape sculptures have been placed.

According to restaurant manager Yulia Eliseeva, "Cha-Scha" is designed for 100 seats, the average check is 1,500 rubles. It was planned to open the institution on June 29, but the date has not yet been approved.

Cha-Scha is the third project of Italy Group restaurateurs Mikhail Sokolov and Timur Dmitriev. At the end of last year, the team set about creating a new concept restaurant projects on the territory of the resort "Okhta-Park". First, entrepreneurs launched the Apres Ski restaurant and cafe, and now they are opening Cha-Shu.

The resort is being developed by Okhta-Park Development. In addition to the ski slopes, there is a cottage settlement, a hotel, a rope park, swimming pools, restaurants, etc. In early June, a new fun attraction appeared in Okhta-Park - the Summer Cheesecakes attraction. For descent on universal sled-cheesecakes, two canvases two meters wide and 70 meters long with a special coating were built. For the attraction, a belt lift is used.

Yuri Muzychenko lives liberated and cheerful. Bold and unlike anyone, he makes the same music - fresh, soulful, with a spark. Yuri is an actor by profession and is a member of the troupe of the St. Petersburg theater "Litsedei".

Yuri Muzychenko

Ever since his musical project gained popularity, Muzychenko has to combine performances, tours and work on new songs and videos. Not to mention running a tattoo parlor, vlogging, and being an exemplary father and husband.

Childhood and youth

Yura was born in 1987 in Gatchina, a suburb of St. Petersburg. The singer admits that since childhood he was uncontrollable and spoiled. He studied poorly at school, but he attended a "musician" in the violin class. At the age of 13, the guy came up with the idea to organize a musical group "Phobos", in which he invited friends. The first experiments were crazy and inept, but they were taken seriously by children.

Parents were afraid that with poor grades, the son would not make it to the 11th grade, so after the 9th grade the boy decided to enter School of Music. But the academic atmosphere of the institution seemed too boring to Yura, and he changed his mind. As a result, having graduated in 2004 from the Gatchina high school No. 9, Muzychenko decided to go to acting.

“Well, they wouldn’t take me anywhere else,” the artist jokes in an interview where he shares the details of his biography.

The guy easily entered the St. Petersburg Academy theatrical art. By the time of the third round entrance examinations When it was necessary to decide which teacher to go to, it turned out that Yuri went to everyone. The musician says that he chose the one who seemed to him just a cool man, arrogant and cool. So blindly he got into the workshop, where the main genre was clowning.

Music and creativity

In 2009, Muzychenko graduated from the university and got a job in the Litsedeev team. Yuri notes the family atmosphere of the theater, in which one wants to live and work. He considers his senior comrades from the troupe to be his main mentors. The role of the actor is a dramatic clown.

Playing in performances, the guy did not leave music lessons. Since 2011, he founded the BKMSB team. It is useless to decipher the abbreviation, because the guys did not put any meaning into the name: only freedom without borders and creative chaos. They worked in the alternative rock space, striving to look fresh and high quality, and paid a lot of attention to the purity of the sound and mixing.

The group joined the St. Petersburg creative crowd, participated in festivals, winning at Snickers Urbania in the Urban sound nomination.

Yuri Muzychenko and the group "BKMSB"

Trying to reach out for more wide audience, Muzychenko and his friend at BKMSB, Alexander Anisimov, launch the Zabitye Internet project. Initially, it was planned to shoot diaries about the life of the team, but gradually they were transformed into a series dedicated to tattoos.

In 2015, during a conflict in the troupe, Yuri left the theater for a while. Just then, the moment fell to seriously take up music. The artist decides to collect new group. All participants in the fresh team crept up from the "Lyceums". They went to their first performance in hats, so the name The Hatters was born (“hatters” in Russian).

Muzychenko himself defines the style of the ensemble as follows:

“We have our own direction, one might say, a newborn - Russian-Gypsy street alcohol-hardcore on soulful instruments.”

Yuri sings and plays the violin, Pavel Lichadeev - accordion, Alexander Anisimov - bass guitar, Vadim Rulev - trombone, Dmitry Vecherinin - drums. The wives of Yuri and Pavel perform backing vocals.

Since 2016, The Hatters "blew up" the Internet with the first clip, and after that they broke through on the radio stations. They began to be invited to the main festivals of the country, including "Invasion" and "Wild Mint". The pleasure of being like no one else and doing what you love and know how to do - Yuri and his associates have succeeded in this. They are full of energy and generously share it with the public, turning performances into bright performances.

The team manages to combine recklessness and high professionalism, their music is both dashing and sincere. It is not easy for the Western audience to determine the nationality of the musicians, as they play melodies with a pronounced Balkan flavor and often sing on English language. In 2017, the group was invited to perform on Channel One in the show “ Evening Urgant”.

The song "Winter" by The Hatters

For a couple of years of existence, The Hatters released 5 albums and dozens of videos. The official video for the track “Winter” has over 3 million views on YouTube, and “Out from within” is approaching 1.5 million.

In January 2018, Yuri Muzychenko becomes the hero of a special edition of the show "vdud". It is called " New Russia” and is dedicated to individuals who, from the point of view of a popular interviewer, create today cultural history countries.

Yuri tries himself as a blogger on YouTube. He often appears in “Zashkvarny Stories” on the humorous entertainment channel “Klikklak”, where he works with (aka Ilyich) from and.

Personal life

Yuri and his family live in St. Petersburg. An outstanding personality manifests itself in a bright image: the musician is constantly experimenting with hair and tattoos. The height of a man is 181 cm, and his weight is 60 kg.

With Anya, his future wife, the guy met in student years. The guys studied at the same university. Anna Muzychenko (Nikitina) was born on March 15, 1987 in the northern city of Tynda. She came to St. Petersburg to become an actress. In 2009 she graduated from the acting and directing department of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts.

Their union is not only family, but also creative. The couple does a lot together: plays in the theater "Litsedei", runs the tattoo studio Backstage, sings in The Hatters. And both consider themselves clowns and informals. Yura calls his wife in a special way - Anna Sergovna.

On November 26, 2010, the couple had a daughter, Lisa, who, according to her parents, will already give them a head start in artistry and charisma.

Yuri Muzychenko now

The Hatters are at the peak of their popularity right now. Yuri and musicians give concerts throughout Russia, and they turn into holidays of unrestrained fun.

A major performance took place on December 15, 2018 in St. Petersburg, at the Yubileiny sports complex. After that, the band took a break from touring to focus on recording a new album.

The Hatters fulfilled their old dream: in January 2019, they left St. Petersburg and went with the whole company to a house standing in the middle winter forest. There, in the circle of family and friends, music is being written for the future record, which promises to be sincere.

The musicians are simultaneously filming Documentary film about the creative process, and fans can follow the birth of fresh songs on Muzychenko's YouTube channel and on the #thehattersdom hashtag.

They write about the guys as Russian, street, gypsy alco-hardcore on soulful instruments. This is probably the most complete characteristic their music and atmosphere at concerts: when you want to break two button accordions for fun, sing for the whole neighborhood and dance to your worn heels. On March 28, the guys will pour music into our ears on the planet stage, we can't wait anymore.

The day before, we talked with the leader of the "Hatters" Yuri Muzychenko. He is not only a musician, but also an actor of the Litsedei theater, director of the BACKSTAGE TATTOO tattoo studio in St. Petersburg, and a member of the Click Clack youtube group. The conversation was recorded on March 22, the day after the band's concert in Irkutsk.

We have half the editors watching Video on "Click Clack"(this is trash and waste - ed. note), you give the impression of a brave person. What do you still lack the courage to do?

Courage at a certain moment borders on stupidity. And then the question is what is meant by a bold act. It's one thing to throw yourself into an embrasure, and another, for example, to jump with a parachute. But since I have duties, responsibility to a huge number of people (this is a group, and a theater, and a tattoo studio, and the same Click Clack, and a family), therefore, all courageous actions are limited to a deliberate weighing of the situation.

Are there things that you are afraid of?

Of course, I am afraid of many things. Based on this, you have to constantly come up with something to prevent this from happening, you have to work.

Let's talk about idols, do you even have them?

There are no idols, of course. But there are so many personalities who admire in different areas: from music to cinema. This is a very broad question. What area do you want to talk about?

Let's start with music.

There is also a very large spread. There is, for example, Metallica - this is for centuries. And there is Pantera, which burned brightly, but only once.

And in the cinema?

I really love the work of Yevgeny Evstigneev, he is a great actor.

BUT latest premieres seen in the cinema?

No, we're on tour right now. The last time I went to the cinema was during the January holidays. Watched a movie where a guy suddenly woke up on spaceship. Yes, Passengers. Then the guys and I came up with an alternative ending. The main character had to wake the girl up, and then freeze them again, and wake them up every 10 years. Then he would grow old, and the girl would remain the same. And so the film is nothing, only a one-time.

Do you consider yourself a role model?

Recently, I have been feeling more and more the burden of responsibility for those around me. Therefore, of course, you have to think more about your actions and words, to become better.

Would you like your daughter to lead the same lifestyle as you?

She already almost lives like us, my wife and I try to take her everywhere with us. But she hasn’t gone on tour with us yet, she’s small.

Do you mind if she wants to get as many tattoos as you?

When she first talks about it, I, of course, will begin to dissuade. Because, as practice shows, people think about the first tattoo too early. This is a rash choice, often regretted later.

How old were you when you got your first tattoo?

19, I started not early.

Which of the greats would you like to meet in the ring, fight?

With Kurt Cobain, probably. Why did he leave so early? And left such a good, beautiful wife alone?

Would you be friends with your doppelgänger?

Of course he would be a nice guy. We would have had a great time together, sang, drank and danced.

Do you have moments when you lose faith in yourself?

Yes, there are, of course. At such moments, you need to turn to your comrades for help, so that they tell you all sorts of amenities, all sorts of banal words. And after that, you, so clenching your teeth, say: “Ay, *****, they didn’t even help.” And you have to do everything yourself again.

And how do you relax, how do you spend free time?

Today is my first day off after the tour, they flew in from Irkutsk in the morning, took my daughter from the kindergarten and thought we would go for a walk somewhere, but no. I am lying on the couch now, watching the 24_DOC channel. And tomorrow we will go with her to the water park, because we promised a long time ago.

Last blitz:

A book that everyone should be familiar with?

  • Books by Chekhov and Dovlatov.

If you could own one thing that you don't currently own, what would it be?

  • New Balance sneakers.

What's the funniest compliment you've ever received in your life?

  • My friend is dragging on you.

What were you called as a child?

  • Music, pokemon.

Do you often cheat?

When was the last time?

  • Now, when he was talking about New Balance.

Do you have a pet?

  • No, and I don't think I will. I had a dog that I loved very much, and now I do not accept others.

Are there things you will never try?

  • Heroin

Who performs "Russian-gypsy alkohardcore on soulful instruments." They travel to festivals and release clips with Little Big Production. Shlyapnikov frontman Yuri Muzychenko (Thomas) has prepared a list of valuable tips on how to promote a band in just a year.

Be outgoing

I've always wanted to be seen. Become the funniest in the class, the funniest in the yard. At the age of twelve I already played in the coolest rock band in Gatchina, in the ninth grade I worked part-time at the local theater as a stage technician. I am a guy who is always ready to fit into an adventure, and still do not feel like an adult who has a job. All the projects in which I participated - the Internet show "ClickKlak", the theater "Litsedei", the tattoo studio Backstage tattoo - have one and the same thing in common: the possibility of communication. So, having traveled around the world, I realized that in a foreign country you can not know the language, but if you approach any person with tattoos, you will already have a topic for conversation. I want people around me to be able to get to know each other. Notice all songs Hatters is about love and alcohol, that is, also about communication.

Gather a gang

We all love to drink and chat, and we didn't have a business plan. While working at the Litsedei Theatre, I met Pavel Lichadeev. He played the accordion, I played the violin, and in November 2015 we performed at the Post Office bar for free drinks. Several more musicians joined us, we gave a concert in my tattoo studio, and with the money we earned we recorded a song and on February 23, 2016 posted it on the Internet. For fun, they invited another bass balalaika and decided to aim it in Russian Style - that's what they called the first composition. There are seven of us in the group: me and my wife Anna Sergovna, Pavel Lichadeev, Alexander Anisimov (Kikir), Dmitry Vecherinin, Vadim Rulev and Anna Smirnova. We all play instruments and sing. More recently, we have found five more musicians for large solo concerts - we have added a horn, trumpet, double bass, violin, viola. And now we are a real camp. But we don't have a guitar.

We all love to drink and chat, and we didn't have a business plan.

Start a blog

We spent the whole of March on a tour of Russia. A couple of weeks before the start of the tour, I started a video blog "Musichen & Co" to show what was happening behind the scenes. Due to this, the audience, coming to the concert, are already carriers of jokes-between fights. You know, when in the company of friends someone with a mysterious look says: “Well, you remember ... the window sill!” And everyone is like, “Yes, window sill!” And then we go on stage in an unfamiliar city, and the whole audience already knows about the window sill. Even before we started performing, we have already won the audience - now we don't need the first five songs to rock the audience.

Run a family business

Over the centuries, it has been proven that the family contract is the most working structure. My wife Anya, whom I met at the age of sixteen, participates in the group. We do everything together, pulling several straps at once: she is engaged in the Tatu Port studio and the Litsedei theater, and I am in a group and Internet projects. When we move from one place of work to another, we have a quick briefing in the car on what needs to be done and where. Our daughter Lisa disconnects us from work concerns. pure water mafia. The Hatters is also part of the Little Big Family. We are friends with Alina Pyazok, their producer, and Little Big frontman Ilya Prusikin. Ilyich and Alina, as more experienced guys, tell us what to do and what not to do. We do not agree on everything, but we listen to each other.


Last summer we had a jump in popularity, offers began to pour in: concerts, contracts, producers. And we are mangy dogs, everything is interesting to us. Here the Little Big Family team took us under their wing and protects us from unnecessary offers. At first we thought maybe they are jealous - why are they depriving us of opportunities? But each time they laid out on the shelves what was what. We used to throw ourselves at different sides, and now the path of the "Hatters" is becoming clearer: I see where I'm going.

Make it a life's work

If you listen to me, you get the impression that we did not put any effort into today's result. In fact, each of us has been involved in music, theater all his life - this is the result.

We did everything ourselves, just good guys helped

Drink with the promoters

On the eve of the summer, we made a press release that there are such fools with balalaikas, and sent it to the organizers of the festivals to go somewhere. The director of the folk festival "Wild Mint" listened to the recording of the group, came to our first concert in Moscow, we started talking, ended up at his house and woke up only in the morning. In general, we just swelled together, and so our first major performance grew together. And then there were trips to "Invasion", Stereoleto, "Dobrofest". We played in St. Petersburg at the festival “Oh, yes! Food!”, where music is not a priority. But we are theatrical people - if you went on stage, look at us all. It was so lit that the general producer Artem Balaev liked it. He stopped by in the evening to get a tattoo in my salon, and we parted again only in the morning. He showed our music to his friends from the NCA company, and they offered to play as an opening act for Emir Kusturica. They say that the talented should be helped, mediocrity and so will break through. But if you are nothing of yourself, then powerful corporations will not help. We did everything ourselves, just good guys helped.

Avoid platitudes

We have a "chip": when we compose a melody, we first imagine it on the guitar - as if this part were played by a groove-metal band, and then we shift it to our instruments. We do it in such a way as to avoid trivial musical moves. Because of this, the music turns out to be punkish, and the combination of violin, accordion and trombone gives it a Balkan sound. But we do not copy someone's music, but take it as a reference. We have already tried ourselves in the style of Metallica, Pantera, Nirvana. In new songs that have not yet been released, we try to convey the structure of electronic tracks. And keep in mind that we are not professional musicians. Yes, once we finished music schools, we still have skills, and we continue to play. But first and foremost, we are artists. And we perceive not the song structures themselves, but their internal image - in the theater this is called "grain".

TText: Natalya Nagovitsyna

Style: Anvar Zoirov

Make-up: Natalia Voskoboynik, Evgenia Somova

Hairstyles: Ivan Ivanov, Sergey Rodionov (PARK by OSIPCHuK)

We thank the Russian national library for help with filming

Morning in the family of clowns begins with perky children's laughter. Small Lisa wakes up first and wakes up mom and dad. In acting, the girl can compete with her parents - she loves to grimace, dance and somersault to the music. To the question of who the parents work, he smartly answers: “Dad is a clown, mom is a fox,” and adds, after thinking a little, “and I’m a squirrel!” Lisa remembered this image from a children's party in which Anya, her mother, played a fox. The girl does not want to have breakfast, instead she goes to the mirror. She likes to make up like her parents. Anya gives her a brush without make-up and lip balm. Lisa, with a very serious look, puffs and brushes her face with a brush.

When the makeup is over, you can have breakfast. At the table, the whole family loves to look at old photo albums. Lisa knows all her relatives by name. The girl learned the whole book of poems and while viewing the photo she tells them to her parents. It's time for Anya and Yura to go to the theatre. Today they have a performance, and before it they need to rehearse some moments and have time to put on makeup. They leave the girl with her grandmother - Anya's mother - and leave the house.

"Daughter loves makeup"

Anna Nikitina came to St. Petersburg several years ago from the northern city of Tynda. The girl entered theater university where she met her future husband, Yuri. Young people dared to choose the profession of a clown. “Not everyone can make another person laugh,” Yuri admits, “but when the whole audience laughs, we are inspired and start trying even harder.” The newlyweds began to live with Yura's parents in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. They had a daughter, Lisa. This winter, the family moved into their own apartment. In the next 14 years they will have to pay off the mortgage, but this does not upset young people. The main thing is that now they have their own nest almost in the very center of the city.

Yura and Anya always play in the same play. Sometimes they take their daughter with them to the theater. “Lisa loves to go to the theater,” Anya smiles, “everything is interesting to her here! She loves to walk around and look at costumes and props. Lisa recognizes us in makeup and loves to do makeup herself. We sometimes paint her cheeks and nose. Lisa sometimes suits us with such performances that we are still far from her! Anya sewed a small school uniform for her daughter, and made a backpack out of an old bag. Lisa likes to pretend to be a schoolgirl, but the fluffy white bows still don't stick on the girl's head. Anya found a way out: she attached them to the rim.

“As a child, I dreamed of becoming Uncle Styopa”

The dressing room is hung with outfits, like a movie studio. What is not here: from military uniform to a giant slingshot. Basically, all the costumes for performances are sewn by the artists themselves. Of her outfits, Anya is especially proud of her pink gypsy dress. At the end of the dressing room is a table with a sewing machine. At this table, clowns make props and clothes. Above the table hangs a necklace of multicolored foam noses. Anya is finishing work on a bucket of popcorn: she cuts out the letter "n" from paper. The girl dreamed of being an actress since childhood. “I have an uncle, he is very tall,” Anya says, “I called him Uncle Styopa. I loved him very much, and when they asked me what I want to be when I grow up, I answered: “Uncle Styopa!”

When looking at Yura in casual clothes and without makeup, it is impossible to guess that he is a clown. Shaved on the sides of the head, tattoos and skinny jeans - distinctive features more of a punk band lead singer than a clown. However, in his free time from rehearsals and performances, Yura plays musical group and shoots entertaining videos for the Internet with friends. Anya teaches children acting skills. “The fact that both artists, clowns, brings us closer,” the girl believes, “we are together both at work and at home, but we don’t get tired of each other at all. It just happens that we sit at home, drink tea, and one of us suddenly starts talking about how best to do something in the performance, what kind of props to come up with. Our profession does not allow us to forget about it even at home. We are proud that we are a clowness and work in such a theater.”

Clowns love hard rock

Rehearsals begin three hours before the performance. The actors do not play the whole performance, but only some moments. Yura plays the violin, and Anya, along with her clown colleague, walks around the fruit stand - they just can't get in time with the music. Finally, everything worked out. Now the clowns have free time before the performance to have a snack and make up. Yura and Anya have a dressing room in common, one for two. In addition to powder, blush and brushes, the dressing room has a lot of different curious gizmos and knick-knacks. On the shelves are photos from the portfolio of artists and children's photos, coasters, figurines. “I even have a rare real order here with the inscription “Janitor 31,” Anya boasts, “but I don’t remember where I got it from. There are so many things here - shackles, a broken roly-poly, lizine toys: we try not to litter our house like that. A picture depicting a monkey playing with a top was hung up by Anya and Yura for practical reasons. Their dressing room neighbor was redecorating and drilled a through hole in the wall. To make amends, he gave the guys a picture.

Artists begin to make up. Clowns create their own image. “Today I will perform in the image of Anna Sergovna,” Anya explains, “I came up with the image of a correct Soviet female teacher for my performances. As part of this image, I can not change the makeup. For another character, I will make up in a new way. ” Yura turns on the music and sits down on a chair in front of the mirror. Hard rock comes from the speakers. Young man with stern face starts putting on makeup. “For some reason, many people think that clowns in life should always be silly, walk and laugh,” says Yura, “many, when they find out that I am a clown, they ask me to portray or tell something funny. In life, clowns are the same ordinary people. It would be strange if we walked through the streets skipping and with our mouths to our ears.

Can lid - on a suit

Artists whiten their faces, line their eyes and paint their lips. Yura puts her hair in a “cut” and puts on a clown nose, and Anya makes artificial gray hair. After that, the clowns dress up in their outfits. “Often, ordinary clothes and improvised materials are suitable for costumes,” Anya shares, “for example, I took an old woolen suit, put on old badges and a can lid baby food"Smeshariki". The image of the Soviet teacher is ready.” Yura puts on a green suit and turns around in front of the mirror. In the play, he will play the unlucky schoolboy.

The first bell rings: the performance will begin in a few minutes. AT auditorium with multi-colored chairs, the audience is pulling up. Artists, including Yura and Anya, take the stage. In two eccentric clowns, it is impossible to recognize the married couple who rehearsed on the same stage a few hours ago. Not only the make-up face of the artists has changed, but also facial expressions, gestures, and voice. After the performance, a real full house begins on the hay: clowns sign autographs and take pictures with the audience, and children ride down the hill - stage props. Only closer to midnight, Yura and Anya will meet with their main audience - their daughter Liza.